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Present Perfect

Find the mistakes and correct them.

1. I’ve already putted my books into my bag.

I’ve already put my books into my bag.

(no change in the verb)

2. She been in California before. incorrect

She has been in California before.

3. Your brother ever climbed Mount Everest? incorrect

Your brother ever has climbed Mount Everest?

4. He’s just began a new book. incorrect (verb in simple past)

He’s just begun a new book.

5. I haven’t travel to Italy before. incorrect

I haven’t traveled to Italy before. (verb in past participle)

6. Your uncle have just eaten a Chinese dish. incorrect

Your uncle has just eaten a Chinese dish.

7. Jeremy has hitted my head. incorrect

Jeremy has hit my head.
(no change in the verb)

8. He gone to London. incorrect

He has gone to London.

9. You ever eaten any Indian dish? incorrect

Have you ever eaten any Indian dish?
10. George’s just drank his coffee. incorrect (verb in simple past)
George’s just drunk his coffee

11. He hasn’t walk in this park before. incorrect

He hasn’t walked in this park before

12. Your cousin have already finished his project. incorrect

Your cousin has already finished his project.

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