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Strategies ARC Advisory Group

Drive maximum asset capability

with operational technologies
Owner-operators across the hydrocarbon processing indus- To determine where to best allocate the limited investment
try (HPI) strive to gain maximum business value from their capital available, operations management must also know what
process plant assets. Here, automation assets and other opera- solutions are available and the cost to achieve the desired per-
tional technology (OT) typically play a major role. formance using these solutions. Sometimes, the solution in-
While not always obvious, most process plants are designed volves mere changes in how OT is applied, rather than whole-
with hidden or contingent processing capabilities. Chances are sale changes to production assets.
that, from the moment the plant is commissioned, opportuni- Unfortunately, many HPI companies have not made an ad-
ties exist to improve on the way OT drives production. Equally equate assessment of the potential to uncover unrealized ROA.
likely is that corporate management has little visibility into ARC Advisory Group believes that such assessments are an es-
these potential performance improvements. If visibility exists, sential part of the ongoing governance process. Manufacturers
it is often expressed in terms of failure rates, off-spec production must understand what their OT assets are doing for them, and
or other non-financial measures. have plans for managing and improving these assets.
In today’s highly competitive global manufacturing envi-
ronment, it is essential that all opportunities to invest capital Timing for selecting new operational technology. Too of-
be considered on an equal basis. These opportunities must be ten, an impending crisis drives the need for a company to initi-
expressed in terms of business value, such as return on assets ate a technology selection process. Such a crisis may result from
(ROA), net present value (NPV) and other measures that align a supplier removing a product from the market, thereby forcing
with the corporate governance process, so that they can be eval- the end user to buy a different model, or even turn to a new sup-
uated equally with other opportunities for capital expenditures. plier. The crisis may also involve a sudden urgency to replace an
obsolete system—a decision that was postponed until no other
Achieving maximum business value from OT assets. option existed, except for an often-massive replacement project.
Plants may be operating well today, but hidden or contingent Due to the possible threat of an impending shutdown, these
processing capabilities often exist in production processes. decisions must often be made quickly, without adequate time
When these capabilities are unleashed, they can improve pro- to consider how well the replacement choice meets current
ductivity, product consistency and environmental performance, and projected future needs, and how to smoothly perform the
while lowering risk. changeover process to the new technology.
One of the best ways to improve business performance in ARC encourages its technology user clients to think in stra-
the face of continuously changing challenges and priorities is to tegic, rather than tactical, terms. With regard to replacing op-
achieve maximum asset capability throughout the asset lifecycle. erational technologies, it is best to have an ongoing, strategic
So, what does “maximum asset capability” mean? For a de- plan in place for a variety of scenarios. In this way, companies
fined process unit or a logical aggregation of units in a process can turn a potential crisis into a strategic business opportunity.
area, the maximum production output has been demonstrated A session at ARC’s upcoming Industry Forum in Orlando,
for a sustained period (typically 30 days). This is to be distin- Florida, February 6–9, 2017, will focus on these important
guished from “maximum design capability,” or the theoretical topics. ARC invites Hydrocarbon Processing readers to join us
production output, as calculated by engineering design princi- and learn what their peers are doing to drive maximum asset
ples. Output must be produced within the quality specification, capability.
under normal operating conditions, and in compliance with all
health, safety and environment (HSE) regulations. DICK HILL, vice president and general manager of
manufacturing advisory services at ARC Advisory
Maximum business value and corporate governance. Group, has 40 years of experience in manufacturing
Operations management is responsible for the performance and automation. As a process engineer, he gained
experience in oil refinery operations and applications
of a plant or plants. The goal of operations management is to of advanced process control. He has been with
maximize the ROA for all production assets. ARC since 1995. Mr. Hill is a graduate of Lowell
Allocating investment capital is part of the governance pro- Technological Institute in Lowell, Massachusetts,
and holds a BS degree in chemical engineering.
cess, which should include an analysis of the performance of He has completed post-graduate courses in network
production assets to use as a baseline for a gap analysis to expose technologies and relational database structures at
the potential additional ROA that a plant’s assets could provide. Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts.

Hydrocarbon Processing | DECEMBER 2016 23

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