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Buenas noches queridos televidentes, estamos aqui en movie world award, donde

tu opinón importa, esta noche tenemos aqui a dos criticas muy conocidas el medio
de las peliculas, reciban con fuertes aplausos a Miriam y Liliana.
hola Miriam, cuentanos, como estas? Vimos que publicaste que estabas
Miriam: (........)
Me algra escuchar que estas mejor
y tu Liliana? cuentanos que tal?
Liliana: (........)
oh, deberias tomarte un descanso y relajarte.
Bueno, ya saben como funciona esto, Miriam, Liliana y quien les habla
propondremos peliculas, daremos nuestras opiniones y finalmente ustedes
escogeran el ganador, recuerden que pueden ir votando en la encuesta de nuestro
twteer, empezamos contigo Miriam
Seguimos contigo Liliana
bueno, en esta ocacion yo quiero nominar a:
Bueno, es hora de que los televidentes voten, anunciaremos la pelicula ganadora
en 3...2....1...
Vayaaaa, que sorpresa, ganó Ben Hur, parece que a pesar de ser antigua hay
mucha gente aquí que sigue apostando por ella, algo que agregar chicas?
Muchas gracias por acompañarnos esta noche y nos vemos en la próxima edicion
del programa, esto fue movie world award, un gusto y hasta la proxima.

Good evening dear viewers, we are here at the movie world award, where your
opinion matters, tonight we have here two famous critics, welcome with loud
applause Miriam and Liliana.
Hi Miriam, tell us, how are you? We saw that you published that you were sick ....
Miriam: (........)
I'm glad to hear that you're better
and you Liliana? tell us how are you?
Liliana: (........)
oh you should take a break and relax.
Well, you know how this works, Miriam, Liliana and whoever is talking to you, we
will propose movies, we will give our opinions and finally you will choose the
winner, remember that you can vote in our twteer's survey, we start with you
For me, miracle in cell seven, has nothing new to offer and also has a very marked
pattern, the protagonist is the typical character who is a light in the darkness and is
all laughter and tenderness, but bad things happen to him, that It is the problem, it
seems that the movie wants to be tragic by force, she offers you something nice
and beautiful, and then it introduces you tragedy, pain, loss and always in the
same way, for me it is like manipulation. Apart from this, the characters really don't
have much background, they are cliche, the soundtrack is repetitive and the
cinematography is bad, for this reasons I disagree with you, Miriam.

We continue with you Liliana

Ben hur is a classic of classics, it is a masterpiece, the film has a great historical-
religious background, and can be told in a subtle way, but at the same time it has
many energetic and unforgettable scenes. I totally agree so if you have the time,
see Ben hur, it is an incredible movie.
well, on this occasion I want to nominate: Midsommar

Midsommar is a film by the director Ari Aster, this movie is a horror film. The movie
is about an American couple who are not having their best time, they go with
friends to Midsommar, a summer festival held every 90 years in a remote Swedish
village. What starts out as a dream vacation in a place where the sun never sets,
gradually turns into a dark nightmare when the mysterious villagers invite them to
participate in their disturbing activities.
In my opinion, the director is very talented and risky, because he decided to breaks
many stereotypes with this movie, since it shows that you do not need dark scenes
and a dark atmosphere to generate the feeling of fear and anxiety in people, the
story is interesting and has a deep meaning, the characters are very developed
and it is easy to identify with them, finally, the photography is really beautiful and at
the same time disturbing, it is full of small details and references. This movie is

Well it's time for viewers to vote, we will announce the winning movie in 3 ... 2 ....
1 ...
Wow, what a surprise, Ben Hur won, it seems that despite being old there are
many people here who continue to support her, something to add girls? (...)

Thank you very much for joining us tonight and see you in the next edition of the
program, this was the movie world award, a pleasure and until next time.

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