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ELT Catalog

Dear Teacher,
Macmillan Education has been advancing learning for over
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We are passionate about providing students and their teachers
with everything they need to succeed in education, in the
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In this Catalog you will be provided with information that will
allow you to make the best choice according to your needs and
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aimed at:
• listening carefully to the needs of teachers and learners,
translating this knowledge into insights that shape the future
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 eveloping highly relevant content and resources that make
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Macmillan Education
Advancing Learning
2 ELT Catalog 2020 Secondary 3

PAGE   3-5 PAGE   7-10

6 Move Beyond
16 Optimise

7 Insights
18 Go Beyond

  5-7   10+

10 19

2nd Edition
2 ELT Catalog 2020 Secondary 3

PAGE   3-5 PAGE   7-10

6 Move Beyond
16 Optimise

7 Insights
18 Go Beyond

  5-7   10+

10 19

2nd Edition
4 ELT Catalog 2020 Secondary 5

Scope & Sequence

Intro Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

• Numbers 1 - 100 • Verb: to be • Wh– questions • Present perfect • Present perfect • Articles
• Adverbs • The future progressive and other
• Introductions • Plurals
• Past perfect determiners
• Colors • Prepositions of • Expressions of frequency • Verbs followed by
gerunds or infinitives progressive • Used to and
Scope & Sequence - Nivel 3 • Pronouns place • A / an, the and zero article would
• Verb: to have • Comparison of • Sense verbs + –ing
• Possessive adjectives • Present progressive and or base verbs • Comparisons
Starter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 adverbs
• Days of the week and • Prepositions of time simple present
• First conditional with • Make, let and allow • Modals of
• Countries and • Free-time activities • IT Activities • Life-changing events • Review: Simple Past and months • Adverbs of manner • Present progressive for obligation,
nationalities Past Progressive future arrangements if / unless • Restrictive and
• Character adjectives • Jobs • Verb + preposition • Plural nouns • Possessive whose nonrestrictive prohibition and
• Family • Past Perfect • Past progressive and • Second conditional advice
• Rooms and furniture • Prepositions • Travel • A / an, the • Future relative clauses
• Parts of the body • The Passive (Simple arrangements: simple past • Passive in all tenses • Modals of
• Gadgets • –ed / –ing adjectives • Extreme adjectives • This / that, these / • –ing forms in
Present,Simple Past, will present progressive • Expressions of quantity • (In order) to... gerunds and speculation
• Adjectives of physical • Transportation • Clothes and accessories • Saving environmental those
and going to) participle clauses and
description resources • A lot of, much, • Indefinite pronouns • So (that)…
• Travel • Weather and seasons • Verb: to be expectation
• Passive Questions many, some and • Tag questions
• Food • Prefixes • Adjectives with • Possibility and
• Verbs of discovery • Jobs (Simple Present, Simple • Verb: to have any • Passive forms
• Free time activities prepositions + –ing form impossibility • Should, must, have
• Making friends Past, will and going to) • Possessives’ and • Intensifiers
• Natural disasters • Health problems • Like + –ing • Zero conditional • Indirect questions to, ought to, had
• Places in town • Future Progressive possessive pronouns
• Character adjectives • Life events • Verb and noun collocations A1+   B1 • Ability: can / can’t • Should • Habits and situations
better • –ing and –ed
• Landscape features • Style adjectives • Future Perfect • Imperatives clauses
• Movement verbs • Musical instruments • Have to and don’t in the past • Couldn’t have,
• Daily routines • O bject pronouns • First conditional could / may / might • Inversion
• Phrasal verbs: clothes • Present Perfect have to
• Money • Movies • Must and mustn’t, have to • Past perfect
• School subjects Progressive • There is / there are have, must have
• The world of work • Ago and don’t have to • Reported speech and
• Computer technology • Suffixes –ion and –ment • Past Perfect Progressive • T hird conditional
• Sports • Work verbs • Can / can’t • Prepositions of reported questions
• Places to visit • Materials and containers • Present perfect • Wishes and regrets
• Adjectives of opinion • Phrasal Verbs • Simple present movement
• Crime verbs • Present perfect with • Reported requests
• Formation of adverbs • Endangered animals • Wishes / If only … • Passive modals
• Movie types • Adverbs of frequency • Superlative ever / never, already, yet and commands
• Playing games • Fundraising ideas • Crimes and criminals
adjectives • Have / get
A1   B2 • TV shows • The written word, adjectives
• Third Conditional • Comparative and just • Reflexive pronouns
• Places to visit • Make and do adjectives • Be going to something done
• Survival skills with –able and –ible • Mixed Conditionals • Relative clauses • Each other
• Review: Simple present • Review: Simple past, past • Present progressive • Will for predictions • Future tenses
• Feelings • Review: Simple past and • Reported Speech • Comparisons • So and such… that
and present progressive, progressive, simple past
adverbs of frequency, time and past progressive; used to, present perfect and • Reported Questions • Simple past • Simple present passive • Ability in all tenses
• Simple Present:
expressions when and while simple past, quantity and (Information Questions,
subject pronouns and • Simple past passive
uncountable nouns yes / no Questions)
possessive adjectives • Gerunds • Present and past tenses
• Review: Present perfect + • Review: The Passive
• Question words • Simple past • Be going to for, since, how long, still, yet, (Simple Present, Simple
• Singular and plural • There was / there were • Must / must not already, just Past) Level A1+ Level A2 Level B1 Level B1+ Level B2 Level B2+ Level C1
• Past progressive • Should • Subject and object pronouns • Active and Passive;
• Imperatives Tense Review (Present • Verb: to be • Adverbs of • Articles • State and action • Present • Modal verbs • Modifying
• Simple past and past • Will / won’t • Obligation, no obligation,
• There is / there are Perfect, Past Perfect, manner • Some, any, verbs simple, present of obligation comparative
progressive prohibition, advice • Have got
• First conditional Future Progressive, • Have to / don’t much, many, a • Past simple, past continuous and • Verbs + and superlative
• Prepositions of place • Comparatives • Second conditional • Possessive adjectives present habits forms
• Future tense: will, be Future Perfect) have to, must / lot (of), a few, continuous and object + –ing
• A, an and pronouns
• A / an, some, any, much, going to • Relative pronouns mustn’t a little past perfect • Past habits forms and • Synonyms:
• Adverbs of frequency, many, a lot • Regular and irregular infinitive achievement
• Review: Present • Some, any, no compounds A1+   B1 • Past simple of • Relative • Used to • Future forms
word order, questions plural nouns and difficulty
• Superlatives progressive for future • First and second conditionals can pronouns • Would • Comparative • Advanced
• Can arrangements • Question words future forms • Phrasal verbs
• Too, enough, and not • Gerunds and infinitives • Past continuous • Present perfect • Present perfect and superlative
• Adverbs of manner enough • Present perfect • This, that, these, with for and adjectives and • Reporting • Narrative tenses
• Modals of deduction and those • A lot of / much continuous
/ many since adverbs structures • Order of
• Present progressive • Review: Simple present • Ever, never, yet, already, possibility • Will, be going
and present progressive, just, for and since • Articles • Present perfect • Other ways • Passives with adjectives
• Spelling: verb + –ing • Review: Must / must not • Will / won’t to, present
simple past and past • Present simple and past simple continuous and of making verbs with • Academic
progressive • Review: Simple present, past, • Present comparisons two objects
• Yes / no questions continuous for • Less … than, present simple for collocations
future, and question forms (not) as … as future • So, such, too, • Causatives
and short answers future • Advanced future
• Too and (not) • Future continuous enough • Determiners forms
• Wh– questions • Present perfect
with just, enough and future perfect • Modal verbs and • Collocations
• Adverbs of frequency of obligation, quantifiers
Level A2 Level B1 Level B1+ Level B2 A1+   C1 already and yet • Be going to • Modal verbs • Advanced
• There is / there are and will of obligation, prohibition and • Participle
• The passive advice in past, conditional
• Present simple • Quantifiers • –ing and infinitives • Countable and uncountable nouns, • Prepositions of place prohibition, advice clauses
• The passive • Will, may, might present and forms
• Adverbs of frequency • Past simple and past • Would, used to, be articles and time and permission
with by • Second future • Making and • Past regrets
• Imperatives continuous / used to and used to • Quantifiers • Countable and • Defining and non- modifying
• Zero conditional conditional • Unless, as long • Passives and
would • Modals: deductions about • Present / past simple, used to, uncountable nouns defining relative comparisons
• Possessive (‘s) • Used to clauses as, provided / causatives
• Present perfect simple and the present would, be / get used to • Some, any, a / an • First conditional providing (that), • Prepositions
• Prepositions of time and place continuous • Gerunds and • Reported speech in relative • Adding
• Will, be going to, present • Present perfect simple / past perfect • Present continuous in case
• Present simple and present continuous infinitives commands clauses emphasis
• Countable and simple and continuous simple • The passive
• Present simple and • Reported • Expressions and
• Present continuous for future use uncountable nouns • Connectors of contrast • Continuous tenses • Modal verbs of with say, know,
present continuous speech phrases with self
• Will and be going to speculation and believe, etc.
• Past simple: regular verbs • The passive • The future • Past simple statements and deduction • Inversion
• Wh- words • Present simple and questions • Relative clauses
• Reported speech • Ability, permission, advice / criticism, • There was / there • Third conditional
present continuous for • Different uses of
• Past simple: irregular verbs obligation, degrees of certainty were • The passive • Future activities
future • Indirect questions • Indeterminate can, could, may
in the past
• Past continuous, linking words • Result clauses: so, such, • Verb patterns: verb + infinitive / –ing • Comparative and pronouns: and might
• Relative clauses • Mixed
too, enough • Verb patterns: infinitives of purpose superlative adjectives some–, any–, • Ellipsis and
• Past simple and past continuous conditionals
• Articles no–, every–
• The causative • Pronouns • Present perfect with substitution
• Quantifiers with countable and uncountable • Indirect
• Past perfect simple and ever and never • So and such
nouns • The future: continuous, • Result clauses, connectors of • Prepositional
continuous questions
A2   B2 • Comparatives and superlatives perfect simple and contrast • Be going to • I wish and If only phrases
• The passive • Question tags
continuous • Unreal past and past wishes • Should / shouldn’t
• Present perfect simple with ever and never
• Question tags • Past tense for the • The passive • Must, have to
 oing to / will and going to present / future
• Conditionals: third
• Modals: ability, necessity, obligation, conditional • The causative, direct and indirect
possibility, advice permission, prohibition objects
• The causative
• Zero conditional, first, and second • Relative clauses
• Reported speech
conditional • Participle clauses
• Reported questions
• Present perfect simple: for, since, already, • Reported speech
just, yet • Future perfect / modal
perfect • Indirect questions
• Indefinite pronouns / relative clauses
• Inversions
• Present simple passive / past simple passive
• Cleft sentences
4 ELT Catalog 2020 Secondary 5

Scope & Sequence

Intro Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

• Numbers 1 - 100 • Verb: to be • Wh– questions • Present perfect • Present perfect • Articles
• Adverbs • The future progressive and other
• Introductions • Plurals
• Past perfect determiners
• Colors • Prepositions of • Expressions of frequency • Verbs followed by
gerunds or infinitives progressive • Used to and
Scope & Sequence - Nivel 3 • Pronouns place • A / an, the and zero article would
• Verb: to have • Comparison of • Sense verbs + –ing
• Possessive adjectives • Present progressive and or base verbs • Comparisons
Starter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 adverbs
• Days of the week and • Prepositions of time simple present
• First conditional with • Make, let and allow • Modals of
• Countries and • Free-time activities • IT Activities • Life-changing events • Review: Simple Past and months • Adverbs of manner • Present progressive for obligation,
nationalities Past Progressive future arrangements if / unless • Restrictive and
• Character adjectives • Jobs • Verb + preposition • Plural nouns • Possessive whose nonrestrictive prohibition and
• Family • Past Perfect • Past progressive and • Second conditional advice
• Rooms and furniture • Prepositions • Travel • A / an, the • Future relative clauses
• Parts of the body • The Passive (Simple arrangements: simple past • Passive in all tenses • Modals of
• Gadgets • –ed / –ing adjectives • Extreme adjectives • This / that, these / • –ing forms in
Present,Simple Past, will present progressive • Expressions of quantity • (In order) to... gerunds and speculation
• Adjectives of physical • Transportation • Clothes and accessories • Saving environmental those
and going to) participle clauses and
description resources • A lot of, much, • Indefinite pronouns • So (that)…
• Travel • Weather and seasons • Verb: to be expectation
• Passive Questions many, some and • Tag questions
• Food • Prefixes • Adjectives with • Possibility and
• Verbs of discovery • Jobs (Simple Present, Simple • Verb: to have any • Passive forms
• Free time activities prepositions + –ing form impossibility • Should, must, have
• Making friends Past, will and going to) • Possessives’ and • Intensifiers
• Natural disasters • Health problems • Like + –ing • Zero conditional • Indirect questions to, ought to, had
• Places in town • Future Progressive possessive pronouns
• Character adjectives • Life events • Verb and noun collocations A1+   B1 • Ability: can / can’t • Should • Habits and situations
better • –ing and –ed
• Landscape features • Style adjectives • Future Perfect • Imperatives clauses
• Movement verbs • Musical instruments • Have to and don’t in the past • Couldn’t have,
• Daily routines • O bject pronouns • First conditional could / may / might • Inversion
• Phrasal verbs: clothes • Present Perfect have to
• Money • Movies • Must and mustn’t, have to • Past perfect
• School subjects Progressive • There is / there are have, must have
• The world of work • Ago and don’t have to • Reported speech and
• Computer technology • Suffixes –ion and –ment • Past Perfect Progressive • T hird conditional
• Sports • Work verbs • Can / can’t • Prepositions of reported questions
• Places to visit • Materials and containers • Present perfect • Wishes and regrets
• Adjectives of opinion • Phrasal Verbs • Simple present movement
• Crime verbs • Present perfect with • Reported requests
• Formation of adverbs • Endangered animals • Wishes / If only … • Passive modals
• Movie types • Adverbs of frequency • Superlative ever / never, already, yet and commands
• Playing games • Fundraising ideas • Crimes and criminals
adjectives • Have / get
A1   B2 • TV shows • The written word, adjectives
• Third Conditional • Comparative and just • Reflexive pronouns
• Places to visit • Make and do adjectives • Be going to something done
• Survival skills with –able and –ible • Mixed Conditionals • Relative clauses • Each other
• Review: Simple present • Review: Simple past, past • Present progressive • Will for predictions • Future tenses
• Feelings • Review: Simple past and • Reported Speech • Comparisons • So and such… that
and present progressive, progressive, simple past
adverbs of frequency, time and past progressive; used to, present perfect and • Reported Questions • Simple past • Simple present passive • Ability in all tenses
• Simple Present:
expressions when and while simple past, quantity and (Information Questions,
subject pronouns and • Simple past passive
uncountable nouns yes / no Questions)
possessive adjectives • Gerunds • Present and past tenses
• Review: Present perfect + • Review: The Passive
• Question words • Simple past • Be going to for, since, how long, still, yet, (Simple Present, Simple
• Singular and plural • There was / there were • Must / must not already, just Past) Level A1+ Level A2 Level B1 Level B1+ Level B2 Level B2+ Level C1
• Past progressive • Should • Subject and object pronouns • Active and Passive;
• Imperatives Tense Review (Present • Verb: to be • Adverbs of • Articles • State and action • Present • Modal verbs • Modifying
• Simple past and past • Will / won’t • Obligation, no obligation,
• There is / there are Perfect, Past Perfect, manner • Some, any, verbs simple, present of obligation comparative
progressive prohibition, advice • Have got
• First conditional Future Progressive, • Have to / don’t much, many, a • Past simple, past continuous and • Verbs + and superlative
• Prepositions of place • Comparatives • Second conditional • Possessive adjectives present habits forms
• Future tense: will, be Future Perfect) have to, must / lot (of), a few, continuous and object + –ing
• A, an and pronouns
• A / an, some, any, much, going to • Relative pronouns mustn’t a little past perfect • Past habits forms and • Synonyms:
• Adverbs of frequency, many, a lot • Regular and irregular infinitive achievement
• Review: Present • Some, any, no compounds A1+   B1 • Past simple of • Relative • Used to • Future forms
word order, questions plural nouns and difficulty
• Superlatives progressive for future • First and second conditionals can pronouns • Would • Comparative • Advanced
• Can arrangements • Question words future forms • Phrasal verbs
• Too, enough, and not • Gerunds and infinitives • Past continuous • Present perfect • Present perfect and superlative
• Adverbs of manner enough • Present perfect • This, that, these, with for and adjectives and • Reporting • Narrative tenses
• Modals of deduction and those • A lot of / much continuous
/ many since adverbs structures • Order of
• Present progressive • Review: Simple present • Ever, never, yet, already, possibility • Will, be going
and present progressive, just, for and since • Articles • Present perfect • Other ways • Passives with adjectives
• Spelling: verb + –ing • Review: Must / must not • Will / won’t to, present
simple past and past • Present simple and past simple continuous and of making verbs with • Academic
progressive • Review: Simple present, past, • Present comparisons two objects
• Yes / no questions continuous for • Less … than, present simple for collocations
future, and question forms (not) as … as future • So, such, too, • Causatives
and short answers future • Advanced future
• Too and (not) • Future continuous enough • Determiners forms
• Wh– questions • Present perfect
with just, enough and future perfect • Modal verbs and • Collocations
• Adverbs of frequency of obligation, quantifiers
Level A2 Level B1 Level B1+ Level B2 A1+   C1 already and yet • Be going to • Modal verbs • Advanced
• There is / there are and will of obligation, prohibition and • Participle
• The passive advice in past, conditional
• Present simple • Quantifiers • –ing and infinitives • Countable and uncountable nouns, • Prepositions of place prohibition, advice clauses
• The passive • Will, may, might present and forms
• Adverbs of frequency • Past simple and past • Would, used to, be articles and time and permission
with by • Second future • Making and • Past regrets
• Imperatives continuous / used to and used to • Quantifiers • Countable and • Defining and non- modifying
• Zero conditional conditional • Unless, as long • Passives and
would • Modals: deductions about • Present / past simple, used to, uncountable nouns defining relative comparisons
• Possessive (‘s) • Used to clauses as, provided / causatives
• Present perfect simple and the present would, be / get used to • Some, any, a / an • First conditional providing (that), • Prepositions
• Prepositions of time and place continuous • Gerunds and • Reported speech in relative • Adding
• Will, be going to, present • Present perfect simple / past perfect • Present continuous in case
• Present simple and present continuous infinitives commands clauses emphasis
• Countable and simple and continuous simple • The passive
• Present simple and • Reported • Expressions and
• Present continuous for future use uncountable nouns • Connectors of contrast • Continuous tenses • Modal verbs of with say, know,
present continuous speech phrases with self
• Will and be going to speculation and believe, etc.
• Past simple: regular verbs • The passive • The future • Past simple statements and deduction • Inversion
• Wh- words • Present simple and questions • Relative clauses
• Reported speech • Ability, permission, advice / criticism, • There was / there • Third conditional
present continuous for • Different uses of
• Past simple: irregular verbs obligation, degrees of certainty were • The passive • Future activities
future • Indirect questions • Indeterminate can, could, may
in the past
• Past continuous, linking words • Result clauses: so, such, • Verb patterns: verb + infinitive / –ing • Comparative and pronouns: and might
• Relative clauses • Mixed
too, enough • Verb patterns: infinitives of purpose superlative adjectives some–, any–, • Ellipsis and
• Past simple and past continuous conditionals
• Articles no–, every–
• The causative • Pronouns • Present perfect with substitution
• Quantifiers with countable and uncountable • Indirect
• Past perfect simple and ever and never • So and such
nouns • The future: continuous, • Result clauses, connectors of • Prepositional
continuous questions
A2   B2 • Comparatives and superlatives perfect simple and contrast • Be going to • I wish and If only phrases
• The passive • Question tags
continuous • Unreal past and past wishes • Should / shouldn’t
• Present perfect simple with ever and never
• Question tags • Past tense for the • The passive • Must, have to
 oing to / will and going to present / future
• Conditionals: third
• Modals: ability, necessity, obligation, conditional • The causative, direct and indirect
possibility, advice permission, prohibition objects
• The causative
• Zero conditional, first, and second • Relative clauses
• Reported speech
conditional • Participle clauses
• Reported questions
• Present perfect simple: for, since, already, • Reported speech
just, yet • Future perfect / modal
perfect • Indirect questions
• Indefinite pronouns / relative clauses
• Inversions
• Present simple passive / past simple passive
• Cleft sentences
6 ELT Catalog 2020 Secondary 7

Move Beyond Insights

3-5 3-5

Move Beyond is an eight-level course Insights is a flexible, six-level course, giving

for teenage students. The course is teenagers reflective insights into language,
• Rebecca Benne • Robert Campbell based on a detailed mapping against the • Judy Garton- • Phillip Prowse the world, and their own lives. It contains
• Rob Metcalf Sprenger • Marcelo Baccarin
CEFR and international exams. It offers a cross-curricular and intercultural content,
comprehensive syllabus for the four skills and vocabulary relevant to the students’
A1+ B1 through systematic development of subskills A1+ B1
own lives.
and linguistic strategies. The age-appropriate
life skills strand adds a new dimension
American Teacher’s Student’s to language teaching in the secondary American Audio
Key features
English Resource Center Resource English Component
Center classroom. • Insights offers two levels of entry, at both level 1 and
level 5. Insights 5-6 can be used as an independent
intermediate-level course.
Video Audio
Component Key features • Five units at each level, allowing a slower progression
• Move Beyond’s unique combination of language skills, at the beginning of each year.
life skills, and motivating material prepares students for • Consolidation and extension activities in every
success in the 21st century classroom and beyond. Insights Extra! section in both the Student’s Book and
• Creative and dynamic approach to topics motivates Workbook units.
students to engage with the material, making language • Clear grammar-reference and extra practice material at
learning more meaningful and successful. the end of each unit (Levels 1-4) and at the end of the
• Units provide constant opportunities for students to Student’s Book (Levels 5-6)
express themselves, while the pages are brought to life • The Student’s Book and Workbook sections are
through a series of specially-produced videos. combined in one convenient book, and include a
• Throughout the course, language is recycled and webcode to access Insights Practice Online, providing
reviewed, allowing students to assess and consolidate extra digital practice activities.
their progress. • The Teacher’s Book offers detailed support material,
• The Teacher’s Resource Center contains a wealth of optional extra activities, and answer keys for both the
extra material including a downloadable Presentation Kit, Student’s Book and Workbook sections. The pack
course audios and videos, Worksheets, Tests and access includes the Teacher’s book and the Test CD.
to resources too.

ISBN chart
ISBN chart 1 2 3

Intro A Intro B 1 2 Student’s Book Pack 9780230455948 9780230455955 9780230455962

Student’s Book Pack 9781380007575 9781380007612 9781380007544 9781380007582 Teacher’s Book Pack 9780230434042 9780230434103 9780230434165

Teacher’s Edition Class Audio CD 9780230434059 9780230434110 9780230434172

9781380007650 9781380007698 9781380007629 9781380007667
4 5 6
3 4 5 6
Student’s Book Pack 9780230455979 9780230455986 9780230455993
Student’s Book Pack 9781380007551 9781380007599 9781380007568 9781380007605
Teacher’s Book Pack 9780230434226 9780230434288 9780230434349
Teacher’s Edition
9781380007636 9781380007674 9781380007643 9781380007681
Pack Class Audio CD 9780230434233 9780230434295 9780230434356

The Student’s Book Pack includes the Student’s Book with integrated Workbook and the DVD-ROM. The Teacher’s Edition Pack The Student’s Book Pack contains the Student’s Book with integrated Workbook, and the Insights Practice Online access code.
includes the Teacher’s Edition and access to the Teacher’s Resource Center. The Teacher’s Book Pack contains the Teacher’s Book and the Test CD.
6 ELT Catalog 2020 Secondary 7

Move Beyond Insights

3-5 3-5

Move Beyond is an eight-level course Insights is a flexible, six-level course, giving

for teenage students. The course is teenagers reflective insights into language,
• Rebecca Benne • Robert Campbell based on a detailed mapping against the • Judy Garton- • Phillip Prowse the world, and their own lives. It contains
• Rob Metcalf Sprenger • Marcelo Baccarin
CEFR and international exams. It offers a cross-curricular and intercultural content,
comprehensive syllabus for the four skills and vocabulary relevant to the students’
A1+ B1 through systematic development of subskills A1+ B1
own lives.
and linguistic strategies. The age-appropriate
life skills strand adds a new dimension
American Teacher’s Student’s to language teaching in the secondary American Audio
Key features
English Resource Center Resource English Component
Center classroom. • Insights offers two levels of entry, at both level 1 and
level 5. Insights 5-6 can be used as an independent
intermediate-level course.
Video Audio
Component Key features • Five units at each level, allowing a slower progression
• Move Beyond’s unique combination of language skills, at the beginning of each year.
life skills, and motivating material prepares students for • Consolidation and extension activities in every
success in the 21st century classroom and beyond. Insights Extra! section in both the Student’s Book and
• Creative and dynamic approach to topics motivates Workbook units.
students to engage with the material, making language • Clear grammar-reference and extra practice material at
learning more meaningful and successful. the end of each unit (Levels 1-4) and at the end of the
• Units provide constant opportunities for students to Student’s Book (Levels 5-6)
express themselves, while the pages are brought to life • The Student’s Book and Workbook sections are
through a series of specially-produced videos. combined in one convenient book, and include a
• Throughout the course, language is recycled and webcode to access Insights Practice Online, providing
reviewed, allowing students to assess and consolidate extra digital practice activities.
their progress. • The Teacher’s Book offers detailed support material,
• The Teacher’s Resource Center contains a wealth of optional extra activities, and answer keys for both the
extra material including a downloadable Presentation Kit, Student’s Book and Workbook sections. The pack
course audios and videos, Worksheets, Tests and access includes the Teacher’s book and the Test CD.
to resources too.

ISBN chart
ISBN chart 1 2 3

Intro A Intro B 1 2 Student’s Book Pack 9780230455948 9780230455955 9780230455962

Student’s Book Pack 9781380007575 9781380007612 9781380007544 9781380007582 Teacher’s Book Pack 9780230434042 9780230434103 9780230434165

Teacher’s Edition Class Audio CD 9780230434059 9780230434110 9780230434172

9781380007650 9781380007698 9781380007629 9781380007667
4 5 6
3 4 5 6
Student’s Book Pack 9780230455979 9780230455986 9780230455993
Student’s Book Pack 9781380007551 9781380007599 9781380007568 9781380007605
Teacher’s Book Pack 9780230434226 9780230434288 9780230434349
Teacher’s Edition
9781380007636 9781380007674 9781380007643 9781380007681
Pack Class Audio CD 9780230434233 9780230434295 9780230434356

The Student’s Book Pack includes the Student’s Book with integrated Workbook and the DVD-ROM. The Teacher’s Edition Pack The Student’s Book Pack contains the Student’s Book with integrated Workbook, and the Insights Practice Online access code.
includes the Teacher’s Edition and access to the Teacher’s Resource Center. The Teacher’s Book Pack contains the Teacher’s Book and the Test CD.

#Balanced Scope and Sequence

Clearly structured units, carefully graded grammar
and vocabulary and all four skills equally covered
making this an excellently balanced course for teachers
and students.

#Exciting Visual Content

Unit openings, vocabulary sections, and review
games supported by abundant visual resources
that provide memorable learning.

#Interactive Digital Content

Eight interactive activities in every unit for students
to do and for teachers to keep track of their performance.

Section in every unit highlighting an aspect of life in
an English-speakingcountry, inviting students to learn
about the world around them with authentic
cultural references.

#CLIL and Life Skills

CLIL sections with reading and listening activities
that help students develop other areas of knowledge
and interest; topical, teen-relevant life skills projects
providing students with transferable 21st century skills.


#Balanced Scope and Sequence

Clearly structured units, carefully graded grammar
and vocabulary and all four skills equally covered
making this an excellently balanced course for teachers
and students.

#Exciting Visual Content

Unit openings, vocabulary sections, and review
games supported by abundant visual resources
that provide memorable learning.

#Interactive Digital Content

Eight interactive activities in every unit for students
to do and for teachers to keep track of their performance.

Section in every unit highlighting an aspect of life in
an English-speakingcountry, inviting students to learn
about the world around them with authentic
cultural references.

#CLIL and Life Skills

CLIL sections with reading and listening activities
that help students develop other areas of knowledge
and interest; topical, teen-relevant life skills projects
providing students with transferable 21st century skills.

10 ELT Catalog 2020 Secondary 11
Student’s Book

Colorful, Vibrant, Attractive visual resources
1 7



Teenagers crave novelty and instigating visual

content to feed their curious minds when 1
readiNg 1

22 Skim the texts and listen. Match pictures 1-5 with descriptions A-E.

• Emma Heyderman • Patricia Reilly studying a second language. #InstaEnglish is 6

• Fiona Mauchline • Olivia Johnst The star-nosed mole is a small,

the best way to stretch beyond the classroom

North American mole. It’s black and
it has an unusual, pink nose. It also
• Patrick Howarth 3
has big feet and a long tail.

environment and reach students’ minds and B

The aye-aye is from Madagascar,
in the Indian Ocean. It has huge

A1 B2 hearts, thanks to all its original and updated 1

ears, yellow eyes and a long
middle finger. Interesting
4 C topics for
Alpacas are from South America. They’re
white and they’re similar to sheep but they
have a long neck. Alpacas are short and their
ears are tiny.
Carefully VOCaBuLarY 1
graded 2 5 Tarsiers live on islands in The chameleon is from Africa,
Parts of the Body South-East Asia and their Asia and also Spain and Portugal.
Key features
2 What text genre is illustrated in activity 1? family is 45 million years old. It has strange feet, like a parrot.
1 Match the parts of the body presented in pictures 1-9 with the words in the box. Mark an X They have enormous eyes, long This chameleon is green. It has
American Digital Student’s Presentation on the ones that aren’t numbered in the pictures. a encyclopedia entry feet, very long fingers and a
face similar to ET!
an incredibly long, purple tongue
but it doesn’t have ears.
b personal profile
English Book Kit 2 21 Listen and repeat.
arm leg 3 Scan the text and answer the questions.
3 Copy and complete the table with the a Is the star-nosed mole from North America? 4 Match adjectives a-c from the text with
• Balanced Scope and Sequence: clearly structured units, ear
words in activity 1.
b Where is the aye-aye from?
their synonyms.
a unusual huge
head body

carefully graded grammar and vocabulary and all four face
c Are alpacas and sheep different?
b very big
c small
Component skills equally covered. foot thumb d How old is the tarsier’s family?
Scope & Sequence - Starter hair
e Does the chameleon have ears?
Learn and use some synonyms
to improve your reading comprehension.

• Instigating Visual Content: unit openings, vocabulary 26 twenty-six twenty-seven 27

Scope & Sequence - Nivel 1 sections and review games supported by abundant visual
resources that provide memorable learning. UNIT 2

• Interactive Digital Content: eight interactive activities CuLTure

in every unit for students to do and for teacher to keep Animal Guessing
Game America’s Favorite Pet
track of their performance. 24 Listen and complete
Learning about
the dialogue.
Dogs are definitely America’s number one
pet. And the number of registered dogs in the world
the US is ever increasing!

• Culture section in every unit highlighting an aspect of life Speaking Task

In 2002, Americans owned 65 million dogs.
The number for 2017 is 89,7 million, which
Hey, let’s play the

in an English-speaking country, inviting students to learn

represents an increase of almost 40%!
Scaffolded Animal Guessing
Game! Play the Animal Guessing Game with a But why are dogs (and not cats, for

practice classmate. example) Americans’ favorite pet?

about the world around them with authentic cultural Right, I’m up for it! Step 1
First, choose an animal from the chart.
1 labrador
retriever This is probably due to the fact that dogs
are loyal guardians, they’re great with kids 3 golden retri

and that they can be trained to obey their

references. Ok, I can start then.

So... this animal doesn’t
have a .
legs teeth arms owner’s commands. Besides, most humans
who own dogs consider them a life-long
✗ 3,000 ✗
These are the current five favorite dog

• CLIL and Life Skills sections with reading and listening

Hmmm... Does it
have legs? shark breeds in the U.S.:

activities that help students develop other areas of

No, it doesn’t. 2 32 2

Is it a b ?

knowledge and interest; topical, teen-relevant life

4 beagle
Scope & Sequence - Nivel 2 ✗ 100 ✗
2 German shep

skills projects providing students with transferable 21st

Sorry, it isn’t. Try again! 5 bulldog
8 ✗ ✗
jumping spider

century skills.
How many c
Scope & Sequence - Nivel 3 does it have?
2 ✗ 2
1 25 Read and listen to the article about America’s favorite pet. Check off
It has 100! green sea turtle
(✓) the information provided.
Step 2
a Cats are very popular in the U.S.

For Students: For Teachers:

All right, it’s a Think about what you say.
python then! Let’s play the Animal Guessing Game! b Dogs are good guardians and are usually great with kids.
Ok, I can start. This animal has... c The labrador retriever is the most popular breed in the U.S. today.
That’s right! / No, it isn’t.
Right, that’s it! d Dogs like to watch TV.
Teacher’s Book Think about what your classmate says.
Cathy Myers and Fiona Mauchline
• Student’s Book with • Teacher’s Book with I’m up for it!
Does it have...? / Is it a...?
Over 80 million dogs are registered in the U.S. now.
Dogs don’t like to be trained.

4 Funtional Step 3
Workbook Audio CD
2 Are dogs popular pets in your country? Which breeds are the most popular?
Write your dialogue.
language giving Feedback
Sorry, it isn’t.
Step 4
Work in pairs. Take turns practicing your
feature Right. 3 CLaSS VOTe What is your favorite pet animal?

• Digital Student’s Book with • Teacher’s presentation That’s it! dialogue.

interactive activities Kit 30 thirty

thirty-one 31

Teen-relevant projects

Student’s Book & Workbook ISBN chart

#InstaEnglish @Patrick Howarth @Patricia Reilly Student’s Book with Workbook
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
@Ben Naismith @Elaine Hodgson @Olivia Johnston

FRONTS_INSTA.indd 26 29/08/19 09:43

Teacher’s Book with Audio CD 9786685737165 9786685737172 9786685737189 9786685737196 9786685736779
10 ELT Catalog 2020 Secondary 11
Student’s Book

Colorful, Vibrant, Attractive visual resources
1 7



Teenagers crave novelty and instigating visual

content to feed their curious minds when 1
readiNg 1

22 Skim the texts and listen. Match pictures 1-5 with descriptions A-E.

• Emma Heyderman • Patricia Reilly studying a second language. #InstaEnglish is 6

• Fiona Mauchline • Olivia Johnst The star-nosed mole is a small,

the best way to stretch beyond the classroom

North American mole. It’s black and
it has an unusual, pink nose. It also
• Patrick Howarth 3
has big feet and a long tail.

environment and reach students’ minds and B

The aye-aye is from Madagascar,
in the Indian Ocean. It has huge

A1 B2 hearts, thanks to all its original and updated 1

ears, yellow eyes and a long
middle finger. Interesting
4 C topics for
Alpacas are from South America. They’re
white and they’re similar to sheep but they
have a long neck. Alpacas are short and their
ears are tiny.
Carefully VOCaBuLarY 1
graded 2 5 Tarsiers live on islands in The chameleon is from Africa,
Parts of the Body South-East Asia and their Asia and also Spain and Portugal.
Key features
2 What text genre is illustrated in activity 1? family is 45 million years old. It has strange feet, like a parrot.
1 Match the parts of the body presented in pictures 1-9 with the words in the box. Mark an X They have enormous eyes, long This chameleon is green. It has
American Digital Student’s Presentation on the ones that aren’t numbered in the pictures. a encyclopedia entry feet, very long fingers and a
face similar to ET!
an incredibly long, purple tongue
but it doesn’t have ears.
b personal profile
English Book Kit 2 21 Listen and repeat.
arm leg 3 Scan the text and answer the questions.
3 Copy and complete the table with the a Is the star-nosed mole from North America? 4 Match adjectives a-c from the text with
• Balanced Scope and Sequence: clearly structured units, ear
words in activity 1.
b Where is the aye-aye from?
their synonyms.
a unusual huge
head body

carefully graded grammar and vocabulary and all four face
c Are alpacas and sheep different?
b very big
c small
Component skills equally covered. foot thumb d How old is the tarsier’s family?
Scope & Sequence - Starter hair
e Does the chameleon have ears?
Learn and use some synonyms
to improve your reading comprehension.

• Instigating Visual Content: unit openings, vocabulary 26 twenty-six twenty-seven 27

Scope & Sequence - Nivel 1 sections and review games supported by abundant visual
resources that provide memorable learning. UNIT 2

• Interactive Digital Content: eight interactive activities CuLTure

in every unit for students to do and for teacher to keep Animal Guessing
Game America’s Favorite Pet
track of their performance. 24 Listen and complete
Learning about
the dialogue.
Dogs are definitely America’s number one
pet. And the number of registered dogs in the world
the US is ever increasing!

• Culture section in every unit highlighting an aspect of life Speaking Task

In 2002, Americans owned 65 million dogs.
The number for 2017 is 89,7 million, which
Hey, let’s play the

in an English-speaking country, inviting students to learn

represents an increase of almost 40%!
Scaffolded Animal Guessing
Game! Play the Animal Guessing Game with a But why are dogs (and not cats, for

practice classmate. example) Americans’ favorite pet?

about the world around them with authentic cultural Right, I’m up for it! Step 1
First, choose an animal from the chart.
1 labrador
retriever This is probably due to the fact that dogs
are loyal guardians, they’re great with kids 3 golden retri

and that they can be trained to obey their

references. Ok, I can start then.

So... this animal doesn’t
have a .
legs teeth arms owner’s commands. Besides, most humans
who own dogs consider them a life-long
✗ 3,000 ✗
These are the current five favorite dog

• CLIL and Life Skills sections with reading and listening

Hmmm... Does it
have legs? shark breeds in the U.S.:

activities that help students develop other areas of

No, it doesn’t. 2 32 2

Is it a b ?

knowledge and interest; topical, teen-relevant life

4 beagle
Scope & Sequence - Nivel 2 ✗ 100 ✗
2 German shep

skills projects providing students with transferable 21st

Sorry, it isn’t. Try again! 5 bulldog
8 ✗ ✗
jumping spider

century skills.
How many c
Scope & Sequence - Nivel 3 does it have?
2 ✗ 2
1 25 Read and listen to the article about America’s favorite pet. Check off
It has 100! green sea turtle
(✓) the information provided.
Step 2
a Cats are very popular in the U.S.

For Students: For Teachers:

All right, it’s a Think about what you say.
python then! Let’s play the Animal Guessing Game! b Dogs are good guardians and are usually great with kids.
Ok, I can start. This animal has... c The labrador retriever is the most popular breed in the U.S. today.
That’s right! / No, it isn’t.
Right, that’s it! d Dogs like to watch TV.
Teacher’s Book Think about what your classmate says.
Cathy Myers and Fiona Mauchline
• Student’s Book with • Teacher’s Book with I’m up for it!
Does it have...? / Is it a...?
Over 80 million dogs are registered in the U.S. now.
Dogs don’t like to be trained.

4 Funtional Step 3
Workbook Audio CD
2 Are dogs popular pets in your country? Which breeds are the most popular?
Write your dialogue.
language giving Feedback
Sorry, it isn’t.
Step 4
Work in pairs. Take turns practicing your
feature Right. 3 CLaSS VOTe What is your favorite pet animal?

• Digital Student’s Book with • Teacher’s presentation That’s it! dialogue.

interactive activities Kit 30 thirty

thirty-one 31

Teen-relevant projects

Student’s Book & Workbook ISBN chart

#InstaEnglish @Patrick Howarth @Patricia Reilly Student’s Book with Workbook
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
@Ben Naismith @Elaine Hodgson @Olivia Johnston

FRONTS_INSTA.indd 26 29/08/19 09:43

Teacher’s Book with Audio CD 9786685737165 9786685737172 9786685737189 9786685737196 9786685736779
Aligned toAligned
Mexicanto Mexican
official program program for
secondary to Mexican
schools schools
Aligned to Mexican official program for
official program for secondary schools
secondary schools

Come Together is a three-level intermediate

secondary series by best-selling authors Manuel
Luna and Adriana del Paso. This series offers
Come Together is aCome Together
three-level is a three-level
intermediate students
secondary different opportunities to participate
series by best-sellingseries by best-selling
authors Manuel Luna and Manuel and
authors Lunacollaborate
and in activities so that they:
Adriana del Paso. ThisAdriana
This series offers students different
opportunities • t
opportunities an active role
to participate in their
and own construction
collaborate of learning.COMPONENTS
• i
isntegrate collaborate
in activities
models secondary
and skills in oral exchanges, reading and writing.
series by so
so that they: that they:authors Manuel Luna and
• produce real exchanges and meaningful
• take anAdriana del•inPaso.
active role take
their This
an series
own role offers
construction students
their own different
Forwritten material.
Students: For Students:
• reflect on and practice values and social•skills. Book • Student’s Book
participate and collaborate in activities Student’s
of learning. COMPONENTS
• integrate •models
integrate language models and skills in oral • Reader • Reader
so language
that they: and skills in oral
and writing.reading and writing. COMPONENTS For Students:
exchanges, reading exchanges,
• take an active role in their own construction
• produce
• produce real exchanges real exchanges
and meaningful and meaningful
For Students: For Teachers:
of learning.
written material. written material. • Student’s
• integrate language models and skills inBook
oral • Teacher’s••Guide
Reader Guide Guide
• Teacher’s
• reflect
• reflect on and practice on and social
values practice
• Readervalues and social skills. • Class CD containing
skills. • C
 lass •
CD Class CD
audio audio audio and
exchanges, reading and writing.
• produce real exchanges and meaningful Forand
printable Teachers:
material printable material
printable material
written material. • Teacher’s Guide
• reflect on and practice values and social skills. • Class CD containing audio and

2 2 1
3 1
Student’s Student’s Student’s Student’s
Book printable
Book material Book Book

2 1
Student’s Student’s
Book Book


Manuel Manuel
LUNA LUNA Manuel Manuel r r
LUNA LUNAunde un
Adriana tly on
i ly n
nt sio
Manuel rr evPASO
r r re evi
LUNA Cu Cu r
Manuel r
Adriana t ly ion
re vi
Cur re
Aligned toAligned
Mexicanto Mexican
official program program for
secondary to Mexican
schools schools
Aligned to Mexican official program for
official program for secondary schools
secondary schools

Come Together is a three-level intermediate

secondary series by best-selling authors Manuel
Luna and Adriana del Paso. This series offers
Come Together is aCome Together
three-level is a three-level
intermediate students
secondary different opportunities to participate
series by best-sellingseries by best-selling
authors Manuel Luna and Manuel and
authors Lunacollaborate
and in activities so that they:
Adriana del Paso. ThisAdriana
This series offers students different
opportunities • t
opportunities an active role
to participate in their
and own construction
collaborate of learning.COMPONENTS
• i
isntegrate collaborate
in activities
models secondary
and skills in oral exchanges, reading and writing.
series by so
so that they: that they:authors Manuel Luna and
• produce real exchanges and meaningful
• take anAdriana del•inPaso.
active role take
their This
an series
own role offers
construction students
their own different
Forwritten material.
Students: For Students:
• reflect on and practice values and social•skills. Book • Student’s Book
participate and collaborate in activities Student’s
of learning. COMPONENTS
• integrate •models
integrate language models and skills in oral • Reader • Reader
so language
that they: and skills in oral
and writing.reading and writing. COMPONENTS For Students:
exchanges, reading exchanges,
• take an active role in their own construction
• produce
• produce real exchanges real exchanges
and meaningful and meaningful
For Students: For Teachers:
of learning.
written material. written material. • Student’s
• integrate language models and skills inBook
oral • Teacher’s••Guide
Reader Guide Guide
• Teacher’s
• reflect
• reflect on and practice on and social
values practice
• Readervalues and social skills. • Class CD containing
skills. • C
 lass •
CD Class CD
audio audio audio and
exchanges, reading and writing.
• produce real exchanges and meaningful Forand
printable Teachers:
material printable material
printable material
written material. • Teacher’s Guide
• reflect on and practice values and social skills. • Class CD containing audio and

2 2 1
3 1
Student’s Student’s Student’s Student’s
Book printable
Book material Book Book

2 1
Student’s Student’s
Book Book


Manuel Manuel
LUNA LUNA Manuel Manuel r r
LUNA LUNAunde un
Adriana tly on
i ly n
nt sio
Manuel rr evPASO
r r re evi
LUNA Cu Cu r
Manuel r
Adriana t ly ion
re vi
Cur re
16 ELT Catalog 2020 Secondary 17

Student’s Book Mastering

specific exam
READING 5 strategies


Technology talks
talks 3-option multiple choice (short texts)
● Read the short messages carefully and decide where they are taken
from and who they are for.
● Then decide what each message is doing, for example, is it giving
information, asking for help, inviting, telling someone what to do?

Optimise is the go-to exam preparation

Understanding the purpose of the text will help you to answer the exam

question What should (X) do?

real-life topics 5 2.01 For each question, choose the correct answer.

course for teenagers that provides engaging 1






• Malcolm Mann  • Steve Taylore- lessons that equip students with essential Call me tonight after 7 about football practice.
Don’t call my mobile – it’s broken. My home
number is 96507699.
Hi from Spain! I’m spending every day at the
beach. Here are a few photos I took.
See you next week!

skills and techniques to ensure their What should Jenny do?
A Not use her mobile to call Liam.
B Call Liam on the number he has given her.
C Contact Liam before football practice
A Sofia is inviting Luke to Spain.
B Sofia is telling Luke about the beach.
C Sofia will see Luke soon.

Cambridge English exam success. Now

at 7 o’clock. 5
Customers can now buy tickets online

A2 B2
2 Kids’ Store but must collect them at the cinema.

READING | 3-option multiple choice (short texts) | Notices and short messages New video games

activities Lots of books for kids

updated for 2020 exams.

Half-price computers for school A You should only buy your film tickets at the
1 In pairs or as a group, answer 2 Look at the texts (1–3) and match them to the text
the questions. types (a–c).
Shop here if you want to B You need to buy tickets online to be able to get
1 How do you communicate with your 1 2 3 A buy a board game. a discount.
friends and family? Photo Show: Hi Becky, B find a book for a young adult. C You can pay for tickets on the website before
2 Do you prefer to send a text message From: Jane Ages 12–15 I’m going shopping getting them at the cinema.
C pay less for something.
To: Lucy with Tanya tomorrow.
or call someone? Why? Print your photos.

Key features
We’re meeting at the
3 What signs and notices do you see Do you have my maths Write your name station at two. Do you 3 Hi Carly, 6 Hi Tony,
on your way to school? book? It isn’t in my bag and and age on the want to come? I’ve got some ideas for our history project. Let’s discuss

Specific exam
The new football stadium is open! Let’s go and watch them tonight. Do you have any free time for a video
I have to do my homework! back. Anna the match this Sunday. Let me know before Friday. chat?
a) a notice b) an email c) a text message
training Understanding text type 3 Read the texts (1–3) again and choose the sentence, What should Carly do?
A Tell Alan if she wants to see a match.
A Bella wants to talk with Tony online.
B The project needs to be done tonight.
❍ If you know what type of text you are a or b, that is correct.
British Video Digital Student’s B Decide what to do at the weekend. C Bella wants to do the project online.

• The dedicated Optimise Your Exams section in the

reading (a notice, a message, an email, 1 a) Jane gave Lucy her book.
etc.), it helps you to understand what C Go to the stadium before Friday.
b) Jane thinks she has lost her book.
the text says.
English Book ❍ Look at the design of the text. Does it
2 a) It says what to do to show your work.
b) It tells you how to take the photos. Write a highlighted word or phrase from

Student’s Book, written by a practicing Cambridge Optimizing

look like something on a noticeboard
the text to match each definition.
21st century
or something on a phone, etc.? 3 a) Anna is telling Becky to meet Tanya tomorrow.
b) Anna is inviting Becky to go shopping. 1 go to get something from somewhere
❍ Different types of texts have different
pronunciation 2 another word for ‘talk’ | RESEARCH | CULTURE | LEARN | ME
kinds of information. For example, a
examiner, explains what to expect in the exam, focusing
notice tells you what, where or when
something is happening; an email
Work in pairs. Say what the people in Exercise 2
should do.
3 a way to say ‘tell me’
4 the American word for a shop
Work in pairs or groups and answer the question.
• What are the good and bad things about owning
from a friend may ask you a question SAY IT R I GHT 5 doing something for a period of time
about something, etc. a mobile phone?
6 a number for a phone you can’t take with you

on skills needed for specific task types.

Resource centre: Unit 5
Missing vowel sounds in questions
Presentation Student’s Online 48 ▶ Workbook Unit 5: Reading, pages 36–37, exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 49
Kit Resource Workbook / Cross-reference
Centre Practice
• Talk2Me videos present key functional language in a to other
9781380031891_Optimise_A2_SB_book.indb 48 04/04/2019 16:11 9781380031891_Optimise_A2_SB_book.indb 49 04/04/2019 16:11

natural context and help students build the confidence Workbook components

to communicate fluently. 5
Technology talks
WRITING | Picture story
Generator Component Resource 5
Centre • The Speaking test videos, performed under true exam Student’s Book, pages 56–57
1 Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 2 Choose the correct words.
Unit’s progress
1 Choose the best answer (a, b or c). Look at the three pictures. 1 Todd left the room because he needed to a phone call. 1 How much / many texts do you
conditions, help students to understand the exam format Further 1 She chatted with her friend
last night.
she went to bed Write the story shown in the pictures.
Write 35 words or more.
a) make
2 Mario downloaded some new
b) give c) open
to edit photos.
receive every day?
2 Ned doesn’t usually send any / some
emails when he’s at school.

a) before b) next c) afterwards a) screens b) file c) software
3 This is bigger / the biggest screen in

so as to optimize their performance on the day of their

2 They saw the film and they talked about it. 3 Please the file on your desktop.
1 the shop.
a) finally b) afterwards c) next a) take b) start c) open

to revisit topics 3 My friend Sue called me at 8pm then

called me again!
, she 4 Please turn off your phones when you’re in the exam.
4 The new computer was a lot fast /
faster than the old one.

a) mobile b) tablet c) MP3 5 Olivia hasn’t got a few / much money
eBook Exam
a) before
4 We drove for hours and
b) next c) later
we arrived at
5 Can you my photo in front of the bridge? left after she bought her new phone.
a) make b) take c) do 6 These digital cameras are cheap /
Preparation a) first b) finally c) next
6 There are lots of good websites that let you
a) open b) blog c) stream
music. cheaper than they were two years ago.
7 It was the most / more expensive
5 I only met them once. , I never saw them printer in the shop.
Resources 2

• Teachers can provide support to their students preparing

again. 7 Turn on the player and we can watch the film.
8 There aren’t many / any students
a) After that b) Later c) Before a) MP3 b) DVD c) CD
without smartphones, but there are
8 Chris often conversations with people he meets in a few.
the street.
for A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools and
Put the events (A–D) in the correct order
a) sends b) opens c) starts
(1–4) and then answer the question.
9 The in the new driving game are very realistic.
A That’s why they decided to watch videos.
a) graphics b) screens c) files
B They found some really funny ones on YouTube.

B2 First for Schools with the Practice Test and the Test
10 Can you me a text when you leave the party?
C It was a cold and rainy Saturday. 3
a) make b) give c) send

Guidance in a
D So they couldn’t go out.
1 2 3 4

Generator. result-driven
Which is the introductory sentence that sets
the scene?
Cumulative progress 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3 Read the text below and choose the correct word to fill each gap.
task 3 Now rewrite the story from Exercise 2.
Make sure you write 35 words or more.

• The components for the teacher are: Teacher’s Book,

Do the following to make the story longer:
• give names to the characters
5 Plan Plan your story. Use the table to
help you.
A truly connected world
Do your parents ever ask you where you are going when you go
• use linking words where possible Who Where What (1)  ? Do they sometimes ask you to go to the shops because
• add your own ideas to the story there isn’t (2) milk, bread or eggs? Are they ever angry because

Presentation Kit, Teacher’s Resource Centre, and Class

Picture 1
Picture 2 you forget to turn something off? Yes? Soon, all these problems will
4 Look at this exam task and pictures.
Make notes to answer questions 1–5.
Picture 3
be over when we start using the internet for these things.
These days, (3) of the things that we buy and use can be
Audio CD.
connected to the internet. First, there were smartphones and smart
1 Where does the story happen? 6 Write Write your story in an appropriate
style. Write 35 words or more.
TVs. Recently, the heating, the lights and windows in a home have
all been able to be connected to the internet. And now, you can buy a fridge that automatically (4) photos of
progress practice
everything inside it whenever you close it and sends this photo to your smartphone. But that’s not all.
2 How can you make the characters interesting?

7 Check Before you hand in your story, Every year, a million more things are becoming connected (5) the internet. Medicine boxes that tell you when to
3 Which tenses should you use? complete this checklist. take your medicine and (6) a message to your doctor when you don’t, and cars that tell our homes when we are

• The Student’s Resource Centre includes: speaking test

getting (7) home, so they can turn on the heating or prepare a hot bath for us.
I’ve followed my writing plan.
4 Which words or phrases from this unit could Now parents can connect their children to the internet. There are a number of different smart watches for children that
I’ve written an introductory sentence.
you use? can (8) their locations to their parents’ mobile phones. But how popular will this new technology be with children
I’ve written about the three pictures. and teenagers?

videos, grammar and vocabulary worksheets, Talk2Me 5 How many words do you need to write?
I’ve used the correct tenses.
I’ve used linking words.
I’ve used a good range of vocabulary.
1 A in
2 A many
B out
B some
C off
C any
5 A on
6 A give
B with
B send
C to
C start

videos and worksheets, Say it right pronunciation

I’ve written 35+ words.
3 A all B many C little 7 A back B in C to
I’ve checked my spelling, grammar and 4 A takes B makes C does 8 A take B screen C send
42 43

worksheets, Culture and CLIL worksheets, and class and 9781380031907_A2_WB_withKey_p001-136.indb 42 23/04/2019 12:42 9781380031907_A2_WB_withKey_p001-136.indb 43 23/04/2019 12:42

workbook audio.
• The Teacher’s Resource Centre includes: the digital
Student’s Book, online workbook, test generator, and
student’s ebook. ISBN chart
A2 B1 B1+ B2
Student’s Book Pack 9781380031877 9781380032072 9780230488625 9780230488793

Student’s Book Premium Pack 9781380031884 9781380032089 9780230488632 9780230488809

Workbook without answer key 9781380033727 9781380033772 9780230488656 9780230488946

Workbook with answer key 9781380031907 9781380032096 9780230488649 9780230488939

Teacher’s Book Premium Pack 9781380033710 9781380033765 9780230488670 9780230488823

Student’s Book Pack includes: Print Student’s Book with a code, Student’s Resource Centre, and ebook. Student’s Premium Pack includes: Print Student’s Book with a code, Student’s Resource Centre, Online Workbook,
and ebook. Teacher’s Book Premium Pack includes: Print Teacher’s Book with a code, Teacher’s Resource Centre, Presentation Kit, Test Generator, Digital Student’s Book, Online Workbook, and ebook.
16 ELT Catalog 2020 Secondary 17

Student’s Book Mastering

specific exam
READING 5 strategies


Technology talks
talks 3-option multiple choice (short texts)
● Read the short messages carefully and decide where they are taken
from and who they are for.
● Then decide what each message is doing, for example, is it giving
information, asking for help, inviting, telling someone what to do?

Optimise is the go-to exam preparation

Understanding the purpose of the text will help you to answer the exam

question What should (X) do?

real-life topics 5 2.01 For each question, choose the correct answer.

course for teenagers that provides engaging 1






• Malcolm Mann  • Steve Taylore- lessons that equip students with essential Call me tonight after 7 about football practice.
Don’t call my mobile – it’s broken. My home
number is 96507699.
Hi from Spain! I’m spending every day at the
beach. Here are a few photos I took.
See you next week!

skills and techniques to ensure their What should Jenny do?
A Not use her mobile to call Liam.
B Call Liam on the number he has given her.
C Contact Liam before football practice
A Sofia is inviting Luke to Spain.
B Sofia is telling Luke about the beach.
C Sofia will see Luke soon.

Cambridge English exam success. Now

at 7 o’clock. 5
Customers can now buy tickets online

A2 B2
2 Kids’ Store but must collect them at the cinema.

READING | 3-option multiple choice (short texts) | Notices and short messages New video games

activities Lots of books for kids

updated for 2020 exams.

Half-price computers for school A You should only buy your film tickets at the
1 In pairs or as a group, answer 2 Look at the texts (1–3) and match them to the text
the questions. types (a–c).
Shop here if you want to B You need to buy tickets online to be able to get
1 How do you communicate with your 1 2 3 A buy a board game. a discount.
friends and family? Photo Show: Hi Becky, B find a book for a young adult. C You can pay for tickets on the website before
2 Do you prefer to send a text message From: Jane Ages 12–15 I’m going shopping getting them at the cinema.
C pay less for something.
To: Lucy with Tanya tomorrow.
or call someone? Why? Print your photos.

Key features
We’re meeting at the
3 What signs and notices do you see Do you have my maths Write your name station at two. Do you 3 Hi Carly, 6 Hi Tony,
on your way to school? book? It isn’t in my bag and and age on the want to come? I’ve got some ideas for our history project. Let’s discuss

Specific exam
The new football stadium is open! Let’s go and watch them tonight. Do you have any free time for a video
I have to do my homework! back. Anna the match this Sunday. Let me know before Friday. chat?
a) a notice b) an email c) a text message
training Understanding text type 3 Read the texts (1–3) again and choose the sentence, What should Carly do?
A Tell Alan if she wants to see a match.
A Bella wants to talk with Tony online.
B The project needs to be done tonight.
❍ If you know what type of text you are a or b, that is correct.
British Video Digital Student’s B Decide what to do at the weekend. C Bella wants to do the project online.

• The dedicated Optimise Your Exams section in the

reading (a notice, a message, an email, 1 a) Jane gave Lucy her book.
etc.), it helps you to understand what C Go to the stadium before Friday.
b) Jane thinks she has lost her book.
the text says.
English Book ❍ Look at the design of the text. Does it
2 a) It says what to do to show your work.
b) It tells you how to take the photos. Write a highlighted word or phrase from

Student’s Book, written by a practicing Cambridge Optimizing

look like something on a noticeboard
the text to match each definition.
21st century
or something on a phone, etc.? 3 a) Anna is telling Becky to meet Tanya tomorrow.
b) Anna is inviting Becky to go shopping. 1 go to get something from somewhere
❍ Different types of texts have different
pronunciation 2 another word for ‘talk’ | RESEARCH | CULTURE | LEARN | ME
kinds of information. For example, a
examiner, explains what to expect in the exam, focusing
notice tells you what, where or when
something is happening; an email
Work in pairs. Say what the people in Exercise 2
should do.
3 a way to say ‘tell me’
4 the American word for a shop
Work in pairs or groups and answer the question.
• What are the good and bad things about owning
from a friend may ask you a question SAY IT R I GHT 5 doing something for a period of time
about something, etc. a mobile phone?
6 a number for a phone you can’t take with you

on skills needed for specific task types.

Resource centre: Unit 5
Missing vowel sounds in questions
Presentation Student’s Online 48 ▶ Workbook Unit 5: Reading, pages 36–37, exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 49
Kit Resource Workbook / Cross-reference
Centre Practice
• Talk2Me videos present key functional language in a to other
9781380031891_Optimise_A2_SB_book.indb 48 04/04/2019 16:11 9781380031891_Optimise_A2_SB_book.indb 49 04/04/2019 16:11

natural context and help students build the confidence Workbook components

to communicate fluently. 5
Technology talks
WRITING | Picture story
Generator Component Resource 5
Centre • The Speaking test videos, performed under true exam Student’s Book, pages 56–57
1 Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 2 Choose the correct words.
Unit’s progress
1 Choose the best answer (a, b or c). Look at the three pictures. 1 Todd left the room because he needed to a phone call. 1 How much / many texts do you
conditions, help students to understand the exam format Further 1 She chatted with her friend
last night.
she went to bed Write the story shown in the pictures.
Write 35 words or more.
a) make
2 Mario downloaded some new
b) give c) open
to edit photos.
receive every day?
2 Ned doesn’t usually send any / some
emails when he’s at school.

a) before b) next c) afterwards a) screens b) file c) software
3 This is bigger / the biggest screen in

so as to optimize their performance on the day of their

2 They saw the film and they talked about it. 3 Please the file on your desktop.
1 the shop.
a) finally b) afterwards c) next a) take b) start c) open

to revisit topics 3 My friend Sue called me at 8pm then

called me again!
, she 4 Please turn off your phones when you’re in the exam.
4 The new computer was a lot fast /
faster than the old one.

a) mobile b) tablet c) MP3 5 Olivia hasn’t got a few / much money
eBook Exam
a) before
4 We drove for hours and
b) next c) later
we arrived at
5 Can you my photo in front of the bridge? left after she bought her new phone.
a) make b) take c) do 6 These digital cameras are cheap /
Preparation a) first b) finally c) next
6 There are lots of good websites that let you
a) open b) blog c) stream
music. cheaper than they were two years ago.
7 It was the most / more expensive
5 I only met them once. , I never saw them printer in the shop.
Resources 2

• Teachers can provide support to their students preparing

again. 7 Turn on the player and we can watch the film.
8 There aren’t many / any students
a) After that b) Later c) Before a) MP3 b) DVD c) CD
without smartphones, but there are
8 Chris often conversations with people he meets in a few.
the street.
for A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools and
Put the events (A–D) in the correct order
a) sends b) opens c) starts
(1–4) and then answer the question.
9 The in the new driving game are very realistic.
A That’s why they decided to watch videos.
a) graphics b) screens c) files
B They found some really funny ones on YouTube.

B2 First for Schools with the Practice Test and the Test
10 Can you me a text when you leave the party?
C It was a cold and rainy Saturday. 3
a) make b) give c) send

Guidance in a
D So they couldn’t go out.
1 2 3 4

Generator. result-driven
Which is the introductory sentence that sets
the scene?
Cumulative progress 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3 Read the text below and choose the correct word to fill each gap.
task 3 Now rewrite the story from Exercise 2.
Make sure you write 35 words or more.

• The components for the teacher are: Teacher’s Book,

Do the following to make the story longer:
• give names to the characters
5 Plan Plan your story. Use the table to
help you.
A truly connected world
Do your parents ever ask you where you are going when you go
• use linking words where possible Who Where What (1)  ? Do they sometimes ask you to go to the shops because
• add your own ideas to the story there isn’t (2) milk, bread or eggs? Are they ever angry because

Presentation Kit, Teacher’s Resource Centre, and Class

Picture 1
Picture 2 you forget to turn something off? Yes? Soon, all these problems will
4 Look at this exam task and pictures.
Make notes to answer questions 1–5.
Picture 3
be over when we start using the internet for these things.
These days, (3) of the things that we buy and use can be
Audio CD.
connected to the internet. First, there were smartphones and smart
1 Where does the story happen? 6 Write Write your story in an appropriate
style. Write 35 words or more.
TVs. Recently, the heating, the lights and windows in a home have
all been able to be connected to the internet. And now, you can buy a fridge that automatically (4) photos of
progress practice
everything inside it whenever you close it and sends this photo to your smartphone. But that’s not all.
2 How can you make the characters interesting?

7 Check Before you hand in your story, Every year, a million more things are becoming connected (5) the internet. Medicine boxes that tell you when to
3 Which tenses should you use? complete this checklist. take your medicine and (6) a message to your doctor when you don’t, and cars that tell our homes when we are

• The Student’s Resource Centre includes: speaking test

getting (7) home, so they can turn on the heating or prepare a hot bath for us.
I’ve followed my writing plan.
4 Which words or phrases from this unit could Now parents can connect their children to the internet. There are a number of different smart watches for children that
I’ve written an introductory sentence.
you use? can (8) their locations to their parents’ mobile phones. But how popular will this new technology be with children
I’ve written about the three pictures. and teenagers?

videos, grammar and vocabulary worksheets, Talk2Me 5 How many words do you need to write?
I’ve used the correct tenses.
I’ve used linking words.
I’ve used a good range of vocabulary.
1 A in
2 A many
B out
B some
C off
C any
5 A on
6 A give
B with
B send
C to
C start

videos and worksheets, Say it right pronunciation

I’ve written 35+ words.
3 A all B many C little 7 A back B in C to
I’ve checked my spelling, grammar and 4 A takes B makes C does 8 A take B screen C send
42 43

worksheets, Culture and CLIL worksheets, and class and 9781380031907_A2_WB_withKey_p001-136.indb 42 23/04/2019 12:42 9781380031907_A2_WB_withKey_p001-136.indb 43 23/04/2019 12:42

workbook audio.
• The Teacher’s Resource Centre includes: the digital
Student’s Book, online workbook, test generator, and
student’s ebook. ISBN chart
A2 B1 B1+ B2
Student’s Book Pack 9781380031877 9781380032072 9780230488625 9780230488793

Student’s Book Premium Pack 9781380031884 9781380032089 9780230488632 9780230488809

Workbook without answer key 9781380033727 9781380033772 9780230488656 9780230488946

Workbook with answer key 9781380031907 9781380032096 9780230488649 9780230488939

Teacher’s Book Premium Pack 9781380033710 9781380033765 9780230488670 9780230488823

Student’s Book Pack includes: Print Student’s Book with a code, Student’s Resource Centre, and ebook. Student’s Premium Pack includes: Print Student’s Book with a code, Student’s Resource Centre, Online Workbook,
and ebook. Teacher’s Book Premium Pack includes: Print Teacher’s Book with a code, Teacher’s Resource Centre, Presentation Kit, Test Generator, Digital Student’s Book, Online Workbook, and ebook.
1818 ELT
2020 19 ELT Catalog 2020 Secondary 19

Go Beyond 10+
2nd Edition
Go Beyond is an exciting six-level American Gateway is a seven-level course that leads
English course for teenagers learning English. teenage students to success in exams while
• Rebecca Benne • Robert Campbell This series comprehensively addresses all • David Spencer equipping them with strong English language
• Rob Metcalf
key language skills through a thorough skills and knowledge they will need for further
A1+ C1
A1+ B1 and detailed subskills syllabus. Go Beyond study and the world of work. This new
also has a strong life skills feature specially edition of the best-selling series by David
designed to support students with the Spencer, is ideal for high-level secondary
life skills they require, both during their British
schools with an extended English timetable
American Video Presentation
English Kit education and in their life beyond. Centre Centre
and a particular focus on external exams
Presentation Online Digital

Key features
Student’s Kit Workbook / Student’s
Teacher’s Online
Resource Practice Book

Key features
Workbook /
Center Practice Center

• A strong, systematic focus on the essential skills and

subskills that are required. Video Test Exam • The innovative Flipped Classroom videos provide
Generator Preparation
grammar presentations by the author, which students
• A topical, teen-relevant life skills syllabus provides can watch before class, giving teachers more time for
students with transferable 21st century skills. practice in class.
• The Moving Picture videos, which are videos specially • A strong focus on life skills, covering topics such as
produced for Go Beyond, bring the opening spread of personal and physical well-being, citizenship and social
every unit to life for students. skills, to help prepare teenagers for life outside the
• Thorough, contextualized grammar presentations are classroom.
backed up with plenty of practice opportunities and a • The Gateway to Exams section allows students to revise
detailed grammar database. the exam techniques they have learnt and practice
• Go Beyond also includes regular reviews and progress typical exam tasks.
checks that ensure that students are on the right track as • Dedicated speaking and writing sections that
they continue through the course. promote the development of accurate and effective
• Split version available. It includes the Student’s Book and communication skills.
the Workbook in one single book. • A comprehensive range of printable tests in the Test
Generator helps teachers assess students’ progress.

• It develops grammar, vocabulary and the

four skills in a balanced way so that students
ISBN chart can instantly use language in real-life
Intro 1 2 3 4 5
Student’s Book
9780230478138 9780230476820 9780230476417 9780230476493 9780230476608 9780230476714

Student’s Book
9780230478114 9780230476813 9780230476400 9780230476486 9780230476592 9780230476707
Premium Pack

Workbook 9780230478084 9780230476769 9780230472839 9780230472846 9780230476547 9780230476653

9780230478176 9780230476851 9780230476431 9780230476523 9780230476639 9780230476745

Teacher’s Edition
9780230478145 9781786322593 9781786322609 9781786322616 9781786322623 9780230476691
Premium Pack

The Student’s Premium Book Pack includes the Student’s Book the Online Workbook and the webcode for the Student’s Resource
Center. The Teacher’s Edition Premium Pack features the Teacher’s Guide, the Presentation Kit and the the webcode for the Teacher’s
Resource Center.
1818 ELT
2020 19 ELT Catalog 2020 Secondary 19

Go Beyond 10+
2nd Edition
Go Beyond is an exciting six-level American Gateway is a seven-level course that leads
English course for teenagers learning English. teenage students to success in exams while
• Rebecca Benne • Robert Campbell This series comprehensively addresses all • David Spencer equipping them with strong English language
• Rob Metcalf
key language skills through a thorough skills and knowledge they will need for further
A1+ C1
A1+ B1 and detailed subskills syllabus. Go Beyond study and the world of work. This new
also has a strong life skills feature specially edition of the best-selling series by David
designed to support students with the Spencer, is ideal for high-level secondary
life skills they require, both during their British
schools with an extended English timetable
American Video Presentation
English Kit education and in their life beyond. Centre Centre
and a particular focus on external exams
Presentation Online Digital

Key features
Student’s Kit Workbook / Student’s
Teacher’s Online
Resource Practice Book

Key features
Workbook /
Center Practice Center

• A strong, systematic focus on the essential skills and

subskills that are required. Video Test Exam • The innovative Flipped Classroom videos provide
Generator Preparation
grammar presentations by the author, which students
• A topical, teen-relevant life skills syllabus provides can watch before class, giving teachers more time for
students with transferable 21st century skills. practice in class.
• The Moving Picture videos, which are videos specially • A strong focus on life skills, covering topics such as
produced for Go Beyond, bring the opening spread of personal and physical well-being, citizenship and social
every unit to life for students. skills, to help prepare teenagers for life outside the
• Thorough, contextualized grammar presentations are classroom.
backed up with plenty of practice opportunities and a • The Gateway to Exams section allows students to revise
detailed grammar database. the exam techniques they have learnt and practice
• Go Beyond also includes regular reviews and progress typical exam tasks.
checks that ensure that students are on the right track as • Dedicated speaking and writing sections that
they continue through the course. promote the development of accurate and effective
• Split version available. It includes the Student’s Book and communication skills.
the Workbook in one single book. • A comprehensive range of printable tests in the Test
Generator helps teachers assess students’ progress.

• It develops grammar, vocabulary and the

four skills in a balanced way so that students
ISBN chart can instantly use language in real-life
Intro 1 2 3 4 5
Student’s Book
9780230478138 9780230476820 9780230476417 9780230476493 9780230476608 9780230476714

Student’s Book
9780230478114 9780230476813 9780230476400 9780230476486 9780230476592 9780230476707
Premium Pack

Workbook 9780230478084 9780230476769 9780230472839 9780230472846 9780230476547 9780230476653

9780230478176 9780230476851 9780230476431 9780230476523 9780230476639 9780230476745

Teacher’s Edition
9780230478145 9781786322593 9781786322609 9781786322616 9781786322623 9780230476691
Premium Pack

The Student’s Premium Book Pack includes the Student’s Book the Online Workbook and the webcode for the Student’s Resource
Center. The Teacher’s Edition Premium Pack features the Teacher’s Guide, the Presentation Kit and the the webcode for the Teacher’s
Resource Center.
20 ELT Catalog 2020 Secondary 21

For Students Workbook

Student’s Book Premium Pack The Workbook mirrors the Student’s Book in its
organization, providing a wealth of extra grammar
The Student’s Book Pack contains the printed Student’s Book with a strong exam focus and exams
and vocabulary exercises and opportunities to
task familiarization throughout the Student’s Book. It also includes an access code to the Student’s
practice reading, listening, speaking and writing.
Resource Centre, which includes the Class Audio, Workbook Audio, Life Skills and Flipped Classroom
It also offers higher-level material in the form of
videos, Grammar videos with worksheets, supplementary self-study materials, additional grammar and
Grammar challenge and Vocabulary extension
skills worksheets, and a downloadable Macmillan Reader for every level.
exercises, particularly useful for mixed ability classes.

Online Workbook
The Online Workbook provides interactive versions of the activities in the Workbook, audio
and Flipped classroom videos. Students will find fully-interactive activities, instant feedback
and multiple attempt exercises as well as customizable profiles. The Online Workbook instantly
marks students’ work, sending feedback to them and reporting results to the teacher.

Digital Student’s Book

The Digital Student’s Book offers an interactive learning experience for your students with
interactive exercises, a Gradebook feature, a note-talking function, and embedded Flipped
Classroom videos, Life skills videos, and Class audio.

Student’s Resource Centre

The Student’s Resource Centre provides students with complementary
materials to consolidate learning and encourage independent study.

For Teachers
Teacher’s Book Premium Pack
Includes the printed Teacher’s Book, with access code to the Teacher’s Resource
Centre, which features Diagnostic Tests, mid-term and end-of-year progress tests;
literature, vocabulary and grammar worksheets; Class Audio, Workbook Audio,
Presentation Kit, Test Generator and all the digital student components.
20 ELT Catalog 2020 Secondary 21

For Students Workbook

Student’s Book Premium Pack The Workbook mirrors the Student’s Book in its
organization, providing a wealth of extra grammar
The Student’s Book Pack contains the printed Student’s Book with a strong exam focus and exams
and vocabulary exercises and opportunities to
task familiarization throughout the Student’s Book. It also includes an access code to the Student’s
practice reading, listening, speaking and writing.
Resource Centre, which includes the Class Audio, Workbook Audio, Life Skills and Flipped Classroom
It also offers higher-level material in the form of
videos, Grammar videos with worksheets, supplementary self-study materials, additional grammar and
Grammar challenge and Vocabulary extension
skills worksheets, and a downloadable Macmillan Reader for every level.
exercises, particularly useful for mixed ability classes.

Online Workbook
The Online Workbook provides interactive versions of the activities in the Workbook, audio
and Flipped classroom videos. Students will find fully-interactive activities, instant feedback
and multiple attempt exercises as well as customizable profiles. The Online Workbook instantly
marks students’ work, sending feedback to them and reporting results to the teacher.

Digital Student’s Book

The Digital Student’s Book offers an interactive learning experience for your students with
interactive exercises, a Gradebook feature, a note-talking function, and embedded Flipped
Classroom videos, Life skills videos, and Class audio.

Student’s Resource Centre

The Student’s Resource Centre provides students with complementary
materials to consolidate learning and encourage independent study.

For Teachers
Teacher’s Book Premium Pack
Includes the printed Teacher’s Book, with access code to the Teacher’s Resource
Centre, which features Diagnostic Tests, mid-term and end-of-year progress tests;
literature, vocabulary and grammar worksheets; Class Audio, Workbook Audio,
Presentation Kit, Test Generator and all the digital student components.
22 ELT Catalog 2020 /MacmillanMexico

Teacher’s Book
Includes teaching notes, teacher development
sections including advice on ideas for developing
learning strategies and exam preparation.

Teacher Resource Centre

Audio and video files and scripts, complete
answer keys, unit, mid- and end-of-course
tests, teacher tips and videos, extra grammar
worksheets and communication activities, flipped
classroom and Life skills worksheets, optional
CLIL and literature lessons, and teacher notes and
guides to accompany all material.

Presentation Kit
Is the Interactive White Board version of
the Student’s Book, which includes fully
interactive pages, embedded Flipped
Classroom videos, Life Skills videos and
Class audio, a range of teaching tools and
access to the Digital Student’s Book with
Score Report.

All audio and printable material is

available at:

ISBN chart
A1+ A2 B1 B1+ B2 B2+ C1
Student’s Book Premium Pack 9780230473072 9780230473102 9780230473119 9780230473157 9780230473171 9780230473201 9781786323125

Student’s Book Pack 9780230473058 9780230473096 9780230473126 9780230473140 9780230473188 9780230473218 9781786323156
Digital Student’s Book Premium
9780230498464 9780230498471 9780230498501 9780230498518 9780230498532 9780230498563 9781786323132
Digital Student’s Book Pack 9780230498457 9780230498488 9780230498495 9780230498525 9780230498549 9780230498556 9781786323149

Workbook 9780230470866 9780230470880 9780230470910 9780230470941 9780230470972 9780230471009 9781786323170

Online Workbook 9780230480742 9780230480766 9780230480780 9780230480803 9780230480827 9780230480841 9781786323255

Teacher’s Book Premium Pack 9780230473065 9780230473089 9780230473133 9780230473164 9780230473195 9780230473225 9781786323118

The Student’s Book Premium Pack contains a print Student’s Book with a code to the Student’s Resource Centre. The Student’s Book Premium Pack features a Print Student Book with a code to the Student’s Resource
Centre and Online Workbook. The Digital Student’s Book Pack includes the Digital Student’s Book with a code to the Student’s Resource Centre. The Digital Student’s Book Premium Pack contains the Digital Student Book
with a code to the Student’s Resource Centre and the Online Workbook. The Teacher’s Book Premium Pack features a Print Teacher’s Book with a code to the Teacher’s Resource Centre, the Presentation Kit, the Test
Generator, the Digital Student’s Book and the Online Workbook.
22 ELT Catalog 2020

Teacher’s Book
Includes teaching notes, teacher development
sections including advice on ideas for developing
learning strategies and exam preparation.

Teacher Resource Centre

Audio and video files and scripts, complete
answer keys, unit, mid- and end-of-course
tests, teacher tips and videos, extra grammar
worksheets and communication activities, flipped
classroom and Life skills worksheets, optional
CLIL and literature lessons, and teacher notes and
guides to accompany all material.

Presentation Kit
Is the Interactive White Board version of
the Student’s Book, which includes fully
interactive pages, embedded Flipped
Classroom videos, Life Skills videos and
Class audio, a range of teaching tools and
access to the Digital Student’s Book with
Score Report.

All audio and printable material is

available at:

ISBN chart
A1+ A2 B1 B1+ B2 B2+ C1
Student’s Book Premium Pack 9780230473072 9780230473102 9780230473119 9780230473157 9780230473171 9780230473201 9781786323125

Student’s Book Pack 9780230473058 9780230473096 9780230473126 9780230473140 9780230473188 9780230473218 9781786323156
Digital Student’s Book Premium
9780230498464 9780230498471 9780230498501 9780230498518 9780230498532 9780230498563 9781786323132
Digital Student’s Book Pack 9780230498457 9780230498488 9780230498495 9780230498525 9780230498549 9780230498556 9781786323149

Workbook 9780230470866 9780230470880 9780230470910 9780230470941 9780230470972 9780230471009 9781786323170

Online Workbook 9780230480742 9780230480766 9780230480780 9780230480803 9780230480827 9780230480841 9781786323255

Teacher’s Book Premium Pack 9780230473065 9780230473089 9780230473133 9780230473164 9780230473195 9780230473225 9781786323118

The Student’s Book Premium Pack contains a print Student’s Book with a code to the Student’s Resource Centre. The Student’s Book Premium Pack features a Print Student Book with a code to the Student’s Resource
Centre and Online Workbook. The Digital Student’s Book Pack includes the Digital Student’s Book with a code to the Student’s Resource Centre. The Digital Student’s Book Premium Pack contains the Digital Student Book
with a code to the Student’s Resource Centre and the Online Workbook. The Teacher’s Book Premium Pack features a Print Teacher’s Book with a code to the Teacher’s Resource Centre, the Presentation Kit, the Test
Generator, the Digital Student’s Book and the Online Workbook.
Integrated thesaurus with EXPERT ADVICE
synonym and topic search,
Helpful video series present
crowdsourced content from
vocabulary and grammar
our unique Open Dictionary,
as used today
and a range of teaching and
learning resources

Blog posts, BuzzWord articles, Infographics, language games,
social media posts discuss quizzes and tips on spelling,
language change and trends language use, and synonyms


UP-TO-DATE Word frequency information,
Frequent updates include easy-to-understand definitions
new words and English terms and examples, usage notes,
from around the world, as well sound pronunciations help learners
as images and sound effects master the core vocabulary of English

The best and most ambitious dictionary in its class.

In a world where language change seems to be accelerating, Macmillan Dictionary is always up-to-date
and on top of the latest language trends. Add to that a raft of innovative features – our blog and BuzzWord
column, our integrated thesaurus, language quizzes, and other learner-friendly resources – and it’s clear
we are redefining what a dictionary is and what it can do to advance learning.

Michael Rundell, Editor-in-Chief


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