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Good morning miss and classmate today we are going to talk about

our intermediate project 4

the members are

Jaquelin leon

Stefani aucasi

Andrea sulca

Daniel vega

Jhon Vergara

we start at 3, 2, 1 . lest go

Daniel:Good morning everybody, today we have a special progam here in “Saturdays at Icpna”,
here we meet famous people and we discover theirs secrets. Today we have special guests,
two Icpna’s students and two bussinesmen, and we’re gonna ask question and know how they
became susesful.

So, do you remember “ DJSAJ company”? Espectadores: YESSS

Well today we have the creators of “ company”, claps Andrea and estefani, plissss,

Andrea:Hi, *crying*, we’re very happy to being here.

Estefani: Thanks for your invitation Daniel.

Daniel: Tenkiu for coming, well let’s start, first question, What was you inspiration to create
this company?

Andrea: When we were at school, we dreamed of having our own company, and my mom
always told me that if I studuied hard I would get my dreams.

Daniel: I wish I had my own company too.

Stefani: But, it wasn’t easy. At the beginning we were short on cash, for these we decided to
earn money with a part time job and then we make a Budget. Andrea studied business
administration and I studied Medicine, so we decided put together our knowledge, we wanted
helps others, and we thought that built one clinic… The DJSAJ clinic was built by us.

Daniel: And, When you were a child, Did you dream about of being rich?

Andrea: jaja, I wish I were rich, but actually we are not rich. But I think if we keep working
hard and learning more things over time, we could be in the future


Daniel: What would you like to do with your money?

Estefani: I would like to donate my money fot the charity, As we had the oportunity to study, I
wish the poor teenagers had the same oportunity. I considerate that they could be geniuses.
Daniel: Do you think millionaires should donate?

Andrea: Yes, I do. Because in my opinion if all the millionaires work together and donate
money ,they would create an NGO and in this way help poor people to study, get a job and be
able to eat well.

Well, we finished with this section, and now we are going to listen the public's questions.

So, first question, who wanna ask? Please rease your hand

Ok, let’s start with Jhon.

Jhon: thanks for the invitation, my name is john, I had a business but it didn't work
because I invested in a bad decision so now I'm too broke . ANDREA Could you tell
me some advices to start my own business correctly ? Tell me true please
Andrea: You always have to be an honest person, you have to believe in you. There are many
obstacles in our way, but if we work hard in the end we will achieve our goal!

Jhon: oh, your are an honest person, I wish I were like you. From now on I promise
to be honest always I'm going to keep my word And the next question is for estefany
,you can tell me How your company helps to improve the world?
Estefani: Our goal like a company is to give the best attention to our patients. Also, our service
is accesible to all the people, we reach to all districs quickly. we know that some places don’t
have hospitals near, so some groups of our clinic visit these places, like volunteers. Its
probably that if we had the opportunity to built other clinic, we would visit more places.
Because we have more workers.

Daniel, Ok another person, Who wants?


Daniel: Who’s me?

Jacky: me, Jacky

Daniel: Ok Jacky, sorry, my mistake, go ahead.

Jacky: Ok Daniel don’t worry, that’s happens, If you company wasn’t about health, could tell
me what would it be?

Andrea: If our company weren’t about health, It would be about something that could help
society in some way. The truth is that I have not thought about that before.

Daniel: What did you learn?

Jhon: Today I learned about how to start my small business correctly also I shouldn't
waste money very quickly first I should make a budget before invest and not
squander my money. In addition, I would set aside some other of the earning for
the future
Daniel: And what do you think about this women?

Jacky: They inspire me floroooooo

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