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Development of Adaptations Introduction

David F. Bjorklund Central to Darwin’s idea of evolution by natural

Department of Psychology, Florida Atlantic selection is the concept of adaptation, traits that
University, Boca Raton, FL, USA promote survival and reproductive success. Need-
less to say, the concept of adaptation is also central
to evolutionary psychology. Following Buss and
Definition his colleagues (1998), “An adaptation may be
defined as an inherited and reliably developing
The concept of adaptation is central to evolution- characteristic that came into existence as a feature
ary psychology. Three types of developmental of a species through natural selection because it
adaptations are described: ontogenetic adapta- helped to directly or indirectly facilitate reproduc-
tions, deferred adaptations, and conditional tion during the period of its evolution” (Buss
adaptations. Adaptations develop and are based et al. 1998, p. 535). Although mainstream evolu-
on the highly plastic nature of infants’ and chil- tionary psychologists quite understandably focus
dren’s behavior/cognition/brains. The concept of on adaptations during adulthood – this is where
evolved probabilistic cognitive mechanisms is the mating, competition for social dominance, and
introduced, defined as information-processing child-rearing take place, after all – adaptations
mechanisms evolved to solve recurrent problems also characterize childhood. In fact, until rela-
faced by ancestral populations that are expressed tively recent times, childhood mortality was
in a probabilistic fashion in each individual in a about 50%, making childhood the “crucible for
generation, based on the continuous and bidirec- natural selection” and thus likely the source of
tional interaction over time at all levels of organi- many adaptations.
zation, from the genetic through the cultural. In addition to describing different types of
Early perceptual/cognitive/affective biases result developmental adaptations in this entry, the devel-
in behavior that, when occurring in a species- opmental origins of adaptations will also be exam-
typical environment, produce adaptive changes ined. Adaptations may be inherited, as claimed by
in behavior and cognition, yielding stable and Buss and his colleagues in the aforementioned
adaptive outcomes. Examples from three quote, but they do not arise fully formed. Rather,
domains, the development of face processing in from a developmental perspective, adaptations
infancy, prepared fears, and tool use, are provided develop in a species-typical way when the organ-
illustrating the development of adaptations via ism experiences a species-typical environment
evolved probabilistic cognitive mechanisms. (Bjorklund 2015). Infants and young children
# Springer International Publishing AG 2016
T.K. Shackelford, V.A. Weekes-Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_2385-1
2 Development of Adaptations

are biased by natural selection to process some Ontogenetic adaptations are not limited to
information differently from other information, infancy but can be seen in older children as well.
and such biases contribute to the development of For example, preschool-age children consistently
adaptive species-typical behavior when children overestimate their physical, social, and cognitive
grow up in species-typical environments. Also to abilities, thinking that they are smarter, stronger,
be discussed is how the plasticity of children’s and more popular than they really are, and such
brains and cognition permits a range of potentially overestimation has some positive consequences.
adaptive outcomes, dependent on the specific For example, in one study, preschool children
environments that children experience. who overestimated their imitative abilities had
higher verbal IQ scores than more accurate chil-
dren (Bjorklund et al. 1993), and preschool and
Adaptations of Infancy and Childhood early school-age children who overestimated how
many items they had remembered on early mem-
Not all adaptations are created equal. Evolution- ory trials had higher levels of memory and strat-
ary developmental psychologists have identified egy performance on later trials than more accurate
three types of adaptations associated with infancy, children (Shin et al. 2007). Children’s overly opti-
childhood, and adolescence: ontogenetic, mistic opinions of their own abilities presumably
deferred, and conditional. enhance their self-efficacy, causing them to persist
on tasks and in situations where a child with a
Ontogenetic Adaptations more accurate assessment of his or her less-than-
Ontogenetic adaptations serve an adaptive func- stellar functioning might quit. (See the entry on
tion at a specific time in development and disap- “▶ Ontogenetic Adaptations,” in this volume.)
pear when they are no longer functional
(Bjorklund 1997). They function essentially to Deferred Adaptations
keep the organism alive or to help it adjust to its In contrast to ontogenetic adaptations are deferred
current environment rather than preparing it for adaptations, which serve to prepare infants and
life in a future environment. Many aspects of children for life as an adult or for the acquisition
prenatal functioning are good examples of onto- of important skills that will be useful throughout
genetic adaptations. For instance, the yolk sac of life (Hernández Blasi and Bjorklund 2003). Sex
birds and the placenta and umbilical cord of mam- differences are clear candidates for deferred adap-
mals serve obvious adaptive functions when the tations, with boys and girls having different biases
animal is in the egg or the uterus but are discarded that direct them to different activities that will
after birth, being replaced by other adaptive phys- prepare them for life as an adult (or would have
iological functions for respiration and nutrition. prepared them for adult life in the environment of
Newborns’ tendency to copy facial expressions of evolutionary adaptedness). For example, in tradi-
adults (neonatal imitation, Meltzoff and Moore tional environments, children learn much about
1977) has been interpreted by some, not as a how to function as an adult through play with
“true” form of social learning, but as reflexive- age-mates. Play itself can be viewed as a deferred
like behavior that serves to promote social inter- adaptation, for both boys and girls. However,
action between an infant and its mother during a although there are many similarities between the
time when the infant cannot control its own social play of boys and girls, there are also differences.
behavior. Support for this position comes from For example, boys engage in more vigorous
evidence that copying a models’ facial expres- rough-and-tumble play than girls, which some
sions decreases to chance levels by about 2 months scholars have proposed prepared ancestral boys
of age and that infants who displayed higher levels for adult fighting. Both boys and girls engage in
neonatal imitation show better social interactions fantasy play during childhood. Such play involves
with their mothers 3 months later (see Bjorklund counterfactual thinking, and Nielsen (2012) pro-
1997). posed that fantasy play, along with imitation, was
Development of Adaptations 3

responsible in part for the evolution of the modern sexual activity, greater investment in partners
human mind. However, there are sex differences and children) life history strategy. Although fol-
in the themes of play, with girls across cultures lowing a fast life history strategy may be seen as
engaging in more play-parenting and nurturing maladaptive from a societal or mental-health per-
roles, whereas boys’ play is usually centered on spective, it may be adaptive from a biological/
aggression and domination themes. Such play, in evolutionary perspective, or would have been for
addition to helping children navigate social hier- our ancestors. Children growing up in harsh and
archies and develop relationships (which serve unpredictable environments may be better served
both immediate and deferred functions), helps by reaching maturity early, not depending on
children learn the roles they will likely play as long-term support from mates, and having a
adults or would have played in ancient environ- greater number of children in whom they invest
ments. These adaptations should not be viewed as relatively little (i.e., a “quantity vs. quality”
being impervious to experience or as producing approach). The opposite pattern would likely be
inevitable outcomes. Rather, they are better adaptive for children growing up in supportive,
viewed as biases that can be modified by experi- predictable, and high-resource homes. More than
ence, reflecting the high degree of neural, cogni- two decades of research has generally confirmed
tive, and behavioral plasticity characteristic of this hypothesis (see Ellis et al. 2009, 2012),
childhood (see further discussion to follow). highlighting the importance of developmental
plasticity as a function of early rearing conditions.
Conditional Adaptations Such adaptive plasticity is even found before
Conditional adaptations can be thought of as a birth, with researchers reporting that prenatal
type of deferred adaptation, but ones that empha- experiences can influence postnatal taste prefer-
size the importance of children’s plasticity and ences, caloric metabolism, and attachment pat-
sensitivity to local environments and children’s terns (see Gluckman and Hanson 2005). As Del
ability to adjust their developmental trajectories Giudice (2012, p. 1615) suggests, “The develop-
in anticipation of future contexts. Boyce and Ellis ing fetus can use this information as a ‘forecast’ of
(2005) defined conditional adaptations as the environmental conditions it will eventually
“evolved mechanisms that detect and respond to face after birth, and start adjusting its physiolog-
specific features of childhood ical and behavioral profile to match the require-
environments – features that have proven reliable ments of the world it will probably encounter.”
over evolutionary time in predicting the nature of Although the concepts of ontogenetic,
the social and physical world into which children deferred, and conditional adaptations provide
will mature – and entrain developmental path- valuable ways for thinking about how natural
ways that reliably matched those features during selection may have operated over the life cycle
a species’ natural selective history” (p. 290). and how contemporary children are prepared by
Perhaps the most studied topic from this per- natural selection at different points in their devel-
spective is the effect of early rearing environment opment, the distinctions are not always clear-cut.
on the rate at which children (especially girls) Moreover, even if an adaptation does prepare a
attain puberty and subsequent mating and parent- child for adulthood, for example, it also likely
ing strategies. For example, Belsky et al. (1991) provides some immediate benefit. For instance,
proposed that economic and social-relational most forms of social play help children learn
(e.g., parental warmth, dependability) conditions how to navigate social hierarchies, settle disputes,
during the first 5–7 years of life are good pre- and solve problems, all great preparation for adult
dictors of subsequent environments and direct life. However, the same social play also helps
children to develop either a “fast” (early attain- children deal with their immediate environment,
ment of puberty, early sexual debut, relatively and similar arguments could be made for some
little investment in partners or children) or a ontogenetic and conditional adaptations. For
“slow” (later attainment of puberty, delayed example, although certain aspects of attachment
4 Development of Adaptations

seem clearly well suited to foster a child’s imme- probabilistic fashion in each individual in a gener-
diate survival, individual differences in ation, based on the continuous and bidirectional
interaction over time at all levels of organization,
attachment-related behaviors may help children from the genetic through the cultural. These mech-
anticipate future environments, as proposed by anisms are universal, in that they will develop in a
Belsky and his colleagues. species-typical manner when an individual experi-
ences a species-typical environment over the course
of ontogeny (p. 22).

What Are Psychological Adaptations Evolved probabilistic cognitive mechanisms

Made Of? share most features with evolved cognitive mech-
anisms as mainstream evolutionary psychologists
Unlike adaptations such as an umbilical cord or an define them; the major difference being that a
opposable thumb, there are no easily identifiable cognitive mechanism’s expression is explicitly
physical manifestations for psychological adapta- probabilistic, dependent upon bidirectional inter-
tions. Evolutionary psychologists have proposed actions between all levels of the organism-
that what underlie psychological adaptations are environment system. From this perspective, what
evolved cognitive mechanisms – information- are inherited are perceptual/cognitive/behavioral
processing mechanisms shaped by natural selec- biases or dispositions that interact with a child’s
tion over evolution to solve recurrent problems environment, producing a pattern of, usually
faced by our ancestors associated with reproduc- adaptive, thinking or behavior. Children are sen-
tion and survival. According to Tooby and sitive to specific types of information at particular
Cosmides (1992, p. 277), evolved cognitive times in development, resulting in a
mechanisms “in interaction with environmental choreographed dance between gene-influenced
input, generate manifest behavior. The causal neural maturation and species-typical experience.
link between evolution and behavior is made This is why most members of a species, be they
through psychological mechanisms.” Such mech- monkeys, geese, or humans, grow up to be much
anisms are described as being modular, consisting alike one another – they inherit both a species-
of domain-specific cognitive abilities that evolved typical genome and a species-typical environ-
in response to specific recurrent adaptive ment. However, because of the high level of neu-
problems. ral plasticity of infants and children,
One problem that some developmental psy- developmental outcomes are not predetermined
chologists have with the concept of evolved cog- but can vary, often in adaptive ways, as a result
nitive mechanisms is the implication of genetic of variations in early experiences. Such sensitivity
determinism – such mechanisms are perceived as to early experiences and the ability to modify
reflecting innate processes that are activated at one’s developmental trajectory are critical for a
appropriate times and in specific contexts to pro- species, such as humans, who live in a vast range
duce adaptive outcomes, leaving little room for of both physical and social environments. From
the role of experience in shaping adaptive pheno- this perspective, evolved probabilistic cognitive
types. Although mainstream evolutionary psy- mechanisms are not viewed as encapsulated mod-
chologists rightly chafe at the label “genetic ules, but rather as emerging from initial perceptual
determinist,” the standard notion of evolved cog- and information-processing biases in interaction
nitive mechanism fails to capture the substantial with species-typical environments. Thus, evolved
role of plasticity that is seen in the development of probabilistic cognitive mechanisms, and the adap-
adaptations. In response, Bjorklund et al. (2007) tations they underlie, develop, with the eventual
proposed the concept of evolved probabilistic form of an adaptation being dependent upon a
cognitive mechanism, defined as history of experience.
information-processing mechanisms that have
The following sections provide some examples
evolved to solve recurrent problems faced by ances- of how evolved probabilistic cognitive
tral populations; however, they are expressed in a
Development of Adaptations 5

mechanisms may develop in the domains of infant specialized processing with experience. Similarly,
face perception, prepared fears, and tool use, lead- infants are better able to distinguish among the
ing to adaptive outcomes. For a more in-depth more-familiar females faces than the less-familiar
discussion, please see Bjorklund (2015). male faces, unless fathers are the primary care-
takers. According to Pascalis and his colleagues
(2002, p. 1321), “the ability to perceive faces
Infants’ Development of Face Processing narrows with development, due in large measure
to the cortical specialization that occurs with
For a social species such as ours, with infants who experience viewing faces. In this view, the sensi-
are highly dependent on adult care, few stimuli tivity of the face recognition system to differences
can be of more significance than the human face. in identity among the faces of one’s own species
Newborns begin life with perceptual biases that will increase with age and with experience in
attract them to faces, and they give special pro- processing those faces.”
cessing priority to faces. For example, shortly A similar pattern of development is found for
after birth, neonates (1) show a bias to look at infants’ ability to tell the difference between faces
face-like stimuli (e.g., schematic stimuli with of people of their own race versus those of another
two dots placed over a single dot within a headlike race (the other-race effect). For instance, in one
figure vs. when the dots in the figure are inverted); study (Kelly et al. 2007), 3-month-old Caucasian
(2) are especially attentive to faces with eyes open infants were able to discriminate adult faces from
and gazing at them; (3) look longer at right-side- among four ethnicities (African, Middle Eastern,
up versus inverted faces, but only when they can Chinese, Caucasian). By 6 months, infants were
see the eyes; (4) spend more time looking at their able to distinguish between Chinese and Cauca-
mothers’ faces than at faces of other women; and sian faces but not between African or Middle
(5) discriminate between human and nonhuman Eastern faces, and at 9 months, they performed
faces (see Bjorklund 2015). This pattern does not greater than chance only for the Caucasian faces.
necessarily mean that newborns understand the That experience with specific classes of faces was
conceptual meaning of faces. Rather, faces appear the primary reason for the development of the
to have certain perceptual features that attract other-race effect is demonstrated by research that
young infants’ attention, including movement exposed infants to photos of faces from other
and areas of high contrast, such as eyes. By 3 or races or other species and reported subsequent
4 months, infants show a bias to attend to curvi- abilities to discriminate “foreign” as well as
linear stimuli and vertically symmetrical stimuli same-race (or same species) faces (e.g., Anzures
(i.e., the right and left sides of a stimulus are et al. 2012). Thus, infants are initially able to
symmetrical) and have biases to attend to “top- make discriminations equally well for faces of
heavy” stimuli (i.e., up-down asymmetry), with different species, sexes, and ethnicities, but with
this bias being found even in newborns (see experience, their processing narrows, increasing
Bjorklund 2015). their ability to discern differences among faces
Infants’ abilities to discriminate among faces they see regularly, whereas they become relatively
improve over the first 5 or 6 months of life and less facile making discriminations among faces
become especially good for the types of faces they they see less frequently.
see on a regular basis. For example, at 6 months of Newborns seem to know nothing about faces,
age, infants are able to discriminate between per se, although they are attracted to and process
upright and upside-down faces of both humans more efficiently lower-level features that happen
and monkeys (Pascalis et al. 2002). By 9 months, to be associated with faces. With experience, they
infants are increasingly able to discriminate become increasingly able to discriminate faces,
between human faces but now process upright especially those from groups of individuals with
monkey faces no differently than inverted mon- which they regularly interact (humans, women,
key faces (Pascalis et al. 2002), reflecting more members of their own race), while at the same
6 Development of Adaptations

time reducing their ability to process the types of 14- to 16-month-old toddlers viewed videos of
faces they encounter only occasionally. Yet, snakes and other animals (rhinoceroses, giraffes).
infants retain enough plasticity that developmen- Although the children initially displayed no fear
tal trajectories can be modified, permitting Cau- of the snakes (in fact, infants and young children
casian infants, for example, to maintain (or regain) without previous negative experience with spiders
their ability to differentiate between faces from a and snakes are often highly interested in these
different race or even a different species. animals, see LoBue 2013), when they saw short
video clips of snakes and other animals paired
with either a fearful or happy voice, they looked
Developing Prepared Fears longer at the snakes when listening to the fearful
voice than the happy voice. There was no differ-
There seem to be some things that infants fear, or ence in looking time to the two voices when they
show heighten levels of distress for, with little or watched videos of other animals. Similar patterns
no previous experience. These include loss of were reported for infants with respect to angry/
support and loud noises. Other fears seem to fearful faces: infants more readily identified
develop somewhat later but appear to be nearly images of angry faces than happy faces (LoBue
universal, including fear of snakes and spiders. and DeLoache 2010), and 11-month-old girls
But do people actually have an innate fear of more easily associated a spider or snake with an
snakes or, like the processing of faces, do initial image of a fearful face than an image of a happy
perceptual bias make acquiring such fears more face (Rakison 2009).
likely? It seems highly unlikely that infants enter
Much as rats seem prepared to associate nausea world fearing snakes, spiders, or angry/fearful
with previously eaten food, monkeys that initially faces. Rather, such fears are learned, as much as
show no fear of snakes are more likely to respond fear for other stimuli is learned. However, primate
fearfully after watching another monkey respond infants appear to possess perceptual biases
with fright to a snake than to a rabbit or a flower increasing the probability that fearful responses
(Cook and Mineka 1989). Research indicates that to these evolutionarily relevant stimuli will be
adults, children, and infants identify snakes (and learned.
spiders) more quickly from an array of flowers
than vice versa (see LoBue 2013). Such biases
seem to extend to sounds as well. For example, Children as Tool Users
in one study, 9-month-old infants were more
attentive to evolutionarily fear-relevant sounds All animals must learn to deal with objects in their
(e.g., crackling fire, hissing snake) than to modern physical world, but many, perhaps most, of the
fear-relevant (e.g., tires screeching, bomb explod- objects that humans encounter are cultural arti-
ing) or pleasant (e.g., Beethoven or rock-and-roll facts, things made by people for a specific pur-
music, horse neighing) sounds (Erlich et al. 2013). pose. One large category of cultural artifacts is
Other research shows that people more easily tools, devices used for “doing work” or solving
acquire fear responses for evolutionarily relevant specific problems. As soon as infants have suffi-
objects, such as snakes, than for objects that may cient motor dexterity, they begin to manually
be more dangerous in contemporary environ- explore objects (“What can the object do?”), dis-
ments, such as guns, knives, and automobiles. covering their affordances (i.e., functional rela-
Yet, rather than being innately fearful of snakes tionships between objects and the environment)
and other evolutionarily relevant stimuli, it seems along the way. This is followed beginning around
that humans (and monkeys) have a tendency to 9-months of age by manual play (“What can I do
learn to associate such stimuli with fearful with the object?”) (Belsky and Most 1981).
responses. For instance, in one study (DeLoache Although estimates vary, approximately
and LoBue 2009), 7- to 9-month-old infants and one-third of preschool-aged children’s activity
Development of Adaptations 7

involves playing with objects, with similar values results in adaptive outcomes. By identifying what
being reported for children in hunter-gatherer a particular artifact is “for,” children (and adults)
societies (Bock 2005). can more efficiently use tools that were in fact
One purported purpose of object play is to designed for a specific purpose.
allow children to discover the affordances of Children’s biases to manipulate objects, to dis-
objects, which may facilitate subsequent tool cover their affordances, and their early design-
use. For example, researchers reported that 5- stance orientation are associated with social-
and 6-year-old children were more likely to appro- learning abilities in acquiring proper tool use.
priately modify a tool (bend a pipe cleaner so it From at least 3 years of age, children readily
can be used as a hook) when they were given the learn how to use novel tools from watching
chance to explore the properties of the object models (e.g., Flynn and Whiten 2008). In fact,
beforehand, in conjunction with observing a preschool children tend to copy all behaviors
model using the tool, than children not permitted associated with a model, whether relevant or not,
to manipulate the materials (Cutting et al. 2014). which has been referred to as overimitation. Chil-
In other research, Gredlein and Bjorklund (2005) dren assume that all of a model’s behavior are
measured the amount of object-oriented play in normative and assume (usually correctly) that
3-year-old children during a free-play session, and someone would not purposefully perform unnec-
then, in a separate session, assessed children’s essary actions.
ability to select and use a proper tool to retrieve Effective tool use in humans is nearly inevita-
an out-of-reach toy. They reported that boys ble, but it is not based on an innate “tool-use”
performed the tool-retrieval task better than girls adaptation unique to our species. Rather, infants
(although girls performed comparably after a sim- have biases to manipulate objects, with the pur-
ple hint) and that there was a positive correlation pose of both seeing what objects can do
(r = 0.59) between the amount of object-oriented (exploration) and what they can do with the
play during the previous free-play sessions and objects (play). In the process, they discover
performance on the tool-retrieval task for boys, affordances of the objects and develop action
but not for girls, causing Gredlein and Bjorklund plans for using these objects. As children become
(2005) to suggest that boys may be more sensitive able to mentally represent objects, their general
to such environmental experiences than girls. tendency to see purpose in the objects and events
Infants and young children are not only moti- in the world make it increasingly likely that they
vated to interact with objects, but early in devel- will learn to use objects as culturally prescribed.
opment, they learn that an artifact that is used to This is further facilitated by social-learning biases
solve a problem was in fact designed for a specific that result in children viewing the actions of others
function, referred to as the design stance. Children as normative and worthy of often precise
acquire the design stance for new tools relatively imitation.
early. For example, when shown a new object and
told of its function (e.g., a boxlike object used for
catching bugs), 3-year-old children are less likely Conclusion
to see an alternative use for the object (e.g.,
collecting raindrops), associating it with its origi- The concept of adaptation is central to evolution-
nally designed purpose. Their prior knowledge of ary psychology. However, due to the high levels
what spoons are “for” resulted in what is referred of children’s behavioral, cognitive, and neural
to as functional fixedness, a lack of flexibility plasticity, the final form (most) adaptations take
when it comes to using a familiar tool. Functional will depend on the early and continuous experi-
fixedness is generally thought of as a “mental ence of children on their way to adulthood. Infants
block” that hinders effective problem solving. and children with species-typical genomes pos-
However, the design stance, though sometimes sess low-level perceptual or cognitive biases or
resulting in overly rigid behavior, more typically abilities, which, in interaction with their
8 Development of Adaptations

environment, lead most children to process effec- ▶ Life History Theory

tively faces from their own species or ethnic ▶ Male and Female Development
group, to acquire fearful responses to specific ▶ Neonatal Imitation
evolutionarily relevant stimuli, or to develop a ▶ Ontogenetic Adaptations
facility with tools. ▶ Play
Although the examples provided here may ▶ Play and Tool Use
more easily fit the definition of evolved probabi- ▶ Play Fighting in Boys
listic cognitive mechanisms than others, the pro- ▶ Sex Difference in Play Styles
cess is a general one, reflecting how many ▶ Tool Play
adaptive behaviors and cognitions are acquired ▶ Universal Human Fears
and have been acquired over the course of
human evolution. For example, there are a number
of low-level perceptual and cognitive traits that
underlie social relations in infancy, in addition to
the face-processing mechanisms discussed earlier. Anzures, G., Wheeler, A., Quinn, P. C., Pascalis, O., Slater,
These include neonatal imitation, discussed pre- A., Heron-Delaney, M., Tanaka, J. W., & Lee,
viously as an ontogenetic adaptation, a bias to K. (2012). Brief daily exposure to Asian females
reverses perceptual narrowing for Asian faces in Cau-
attend to biological motion, and baby-like facial
casian infants. Journal of Experimental Child Psychol-
features that promote caregiving. Similarly, the ogy, 112, 484–495.
social-learning biases that foster rapid acquisition Belsky, J., & Most, R. K. (1981). From exploration to play:
of tool use via observation are preceded by more A cross-sectional study of infant free play behavior.
Developmental Psychology, 17, 630–639.
basic abilities such as infants viewing others as
Belsky, J., Steinberg, L., & Draper, P. (1991). Childhood
intentional agents – individuals whose actions are experience, interpersonal development, and reproduc-
performed to achieve some goal (Tomasello 2009) tive strategy: An evolutionary theory of socialization.
and are reflected by the development of perspec- Child Development, 62, 647–670.
Bjorklund, D. F. (1997). The role of immaturity in human
tive taking, social referencing, and shared
development. Psychological Bulletin, 122, 153–169.
attention. Bjorklund, D. F. (2015). Developing adaptations. Devel-
From the current perspective, evolutionary opmental Review, 38, 13–35.
adaptations are emergent properties, arising from Bjorklund, D. F., Gaultney, J. F., & Green, B. L. (1993). “I
watch therefore I can do:” The development of meta-
low-level perceptual and cognitive biases, with
imitation over the preschool years and the advantage of
children themselves playing an active role in optimism in one’s imitative skills. In R. Pasnak &
these adaptations’ development (and evolution), M. L. Howe (Eds.), Emerging themes in cognitive
through continuous interaction with their physical development, Vol. II: Competencies (pp. 79–102).
New York: Springer.
and social environments.
Bjorklund, D. F., Ellis, B. J., & Rosenberg, J. S. (2007).
Evolved probabilistic cognitive mechanisms: An evo-
lutionary approach to gene x environment x develop-
Cross-References ment interactions. In R. V. Kail (Ed.), Advances in child
development and behavior (Vol. 35, pp. 1–39). Oxford,
UK: Elsevier.
▶ Adaptation Bock, J. (2005). Farming, foraging, and children’s play in
▶ Adaptation and Natural Selection the Okavango Delta, Botswana. In A. D. Pellegrini &
▶ Adaptive Plasticity P. K. Smith (Eds.), The nature of play: Great apes and
humans (pp. 254–281). New York: Guilford Press.
▶ Deferred Adaptations
Boyce, W. T., & Ellis, B. J. (2005). Biological sensitivity to
▶ Development context: I. An evolutionary-developmental theory of
▶ Evolutionary Developmental Psychology the origins and functions of stress reactivity. Develop-
▶ Face and Object Recognition ment and Psychopathology, 17, 271–301.
Buss, D. M., Haselton, M. G., Shackelford, T. K., Bleske,
▶ Fast versus Slow Strategies
A. L., & Wakefield, J. C. (1998). Adaptations,
▶ Imitation exaptations, and spandrels. American Psychologist,
▶ Life History Strategies 53, 533–548.
Development of Adaptations 9

Cook, M., & Mineka, S. (1989). Observational condition- task: The role of object-oriented play. Human Nature,
ing of fear to fear-relevant versus fear-irrelevant stimuli 16, 211–232.
in rhesus monkeys. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Hernández Blasi, C., & Bjorklund, D. F. (2003). Evolu-
98, 448–459. tionary developmental psychology: A new tool for
Cutting, N., Apperly, I. A., Chappell, C., & Beck, S. R. better understanding human ontogeny. Human Devel-
(2014). The puzzling difficulty of tool innovation: Why opment, 46, 259–281.
can’t children piece their knowledge together? Journal Kelly, D. J., Quinn, P. C., Slater, A. M., Lee, K., Ge, L., &
of Experimental Child Psychology, 125, 110–117. Pascalis, O. (2007). The other-race effect develops
Del Giudice, M. (2012). Fetal programming by maternal during infancy. Psychological Science, 18, 1084–1089.
stress: Insights from a conflict perspective. LoBue, V. (2013). What are we so afraid of? How early
Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37, 1614–1629. attention shapes our most common fears. Child Devel-
DeLoache, J. S., & LoBue, V. (2009). The narrow fellow in opment Perspectives, 7, 38–42.
the grass: Human infants associate snakes and fear. LoBue, V., & DeLoache, J. S. (2010). Superior detection of
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