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Polymer Corporation Limited, Research and Development Division, Xarnia, Ontario, Canada
Received F e b r u a r y 94, 1966

Some kinetic aspects of the emulsion polymerization of styrene were investigated to test the validity of the Smith-Ewart
theory for latices containing more than 1014 particles per ml. water. Polymerizations were carried out with a variety of
potassium fatty acids soaps and cumene hydroperoxide. The conversion-time curves consisted mainly of two essentially
straight lines. At about 55% conversion there was a transition to a lower rate of polymerization. Swelling ratios of the
latex particles, measured during polymerization, demonstrated that the disappearance of the monomer droplets coincided
with the change in reaction rate. From rate data and electron micrograph analyses it was deduced that the rate of poly-
merization per article, R,, and the particle concentration, N , in the range N = 5 X lo1* to 5 X 10'5/ml., are related by
R, = cN-0.83. %he constant c depends on the concentration and the nature of the soap. Molecular weight data were also
interpreted to indicate that the emulsifier plays a role in the polymerization process after the disappearance of micelles.
These results which cannot be explained by the Smith-Ewart theory were compared with data obtained in similar systems by
other authors.

Introduction It appears that the Smith-Ewart theory readily

The quantitative aspects of the rate of emulsion accounts for the results obtained a t particle concen-
polymerization and the number of particles in the trations lower than about 10'4 particles per ml.
resulting latex have been worked out theoretically aqueous phase. Near constancy of the polymeriza-
by Smith and Ewart' on the basis of a number of as- tion rate per particle was found by Smith2a t these
sumptions. These authors distinguish three cases concentrations. The similar results of Bartholomd,
in which the number of free radicals in a latex par- et u Z . , ~ were also obtained a t concentrations lower
ticle is, respectively, much less than unity, about than about 2 X l O I 4 particles per ml. water.
unity (case 2), and much more than unity. Subse- It was considered of interest to investigate the
quently Smith2 and several other authors reported kinetics of polymerization in a somewhat higher
results of experiments which supported the theory, particle concentration range. This study was also
especially for case 2. The agreement between the- motivated by practical considerations, since some
ory and experiments, however, was not very satis- commercial polymerizations yield high solids lat-
factory until recently when BartholomB, Gerrens, ices. Polymerization experiments were, therefore,
Herbeck and Weitz3 published the results of experi- carried out to obtain high particle concentrations,
ments designed t o test the Smith-Ewart theory. the results of which are reported here.
These workers conclusively proved the validity of Experimental
this theory for emulsion polymerization of styrene Procedure.-Emulsion polymerizations of styrene were
under the conditions of their experiments. carried out in a 400-ml. thin walled brass vessel. An aque-
There are, however, other reports of experimental ous solution of soap and electrolyte, a solution of initiator in
results which cannot be accommodated within the styrene, and a stirrer magnet enclosed in Teflon were trans-
ferred to the vessel and nitrogen was bubbled through the
framework of the Smith-Ewart theory. Morton, contents for 5 minutes. The vessel was closed and more
Salatiello and Landfield,4 for example, made an nitrogen was introduced to a pressure of about 5 p.s.i. to
attempt to calculate the rate constant for the propa- avoid formation of a partial vacuum on withdrawal of
gation step in the polymerization of butadiene samples. The total volume of a charge was usually 120 ml.
The filled vessel was immersed in a water-bath, which was
and found that, contrary to theory, the rate of poly- maintained a t 50 It 0.05', and the magnetic stirrer and
merization per particle was not constant. Kolthoff, stopwatch were started simultaneously. The vessel
Meehan and Carr5 reported that increasing the content8 rapidly reached equilibrium temperature; after 100
soap concentration during the copolymerization of seconds theFmperature of the charge was 45" and after 4
butadiene and styrene in such a way that no new
minutes, 49 .Through the wall of the vessel four copper
capillary tubes reached from near the bottom to above the
particles are formed, results in an increase in the surface of the water-bath. Samples of the reaction mixture
over-all rate of reaction and thus in the rate per were withdrawn with a syringe a t regular time intervals via
these tubes. The solids content of a latex was determined
particle. SmithZfound, in experiments with seed by precipitation of the polymer with 0.01% solution of
latex, that the polymerization rate per particle was quinone in acetone and evaporation of the volatile com-
essentially constant only below a certain particle ponents for 5 to 8 hours on a hotplate.
The polymerizations were carried to high conversions,
concentration. Bovey and Kolthoffs established usually > 0.9.
that the rate of reaction per particle in a particu- Chemicals .--Styrene was obtained by distillation under
lar set of seeded polymerizations was proportional vacuum of a technical product (99.8%). A middle fraction
to the -0.28 power of the number of particles. was collected and stored a t - 10" for periods not longer than
a month. No polystyrene was formed under these condi-
(1) W. V. Smith and R. H. Ewart, J . Chem. Phys., 16, 592 (1948). tions.
(2) W. V. Smith, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 70, 3695 (1948). The potassium salts of saturated and unsaturated fatty
(3) E. BartholomB, H. Gerrens, R. Herbeck and R. 11. Weits, paper acids were used as emulsifiers. The soaps were prepared
presented at t h e discussion meeting of t h e German Bunsen Society, from acids with melting points not more than 3 deg. below the
Hoechst, Gerniany, 2. Eleklrockem., 60, 334 (1950). melting points reported in the literature. The acids were
(4) RI. hIorton, P. P. Salatiello and H . Landfield, J . Polymer Sci., 8, allowed to react i n aqueous alcoholic solution with carbonate-
111 (1952). free analytical grade potassium hydroxide. A 3% excess of
(5) I. M. Koltlioff, E. J. Meehan a n d C. W. Carr, ibid., 7, 577 the alkali was used. The soaps were recrystallized 2 or 3
(1951). times from alcohol or appropriate alcohol-acetone mixtures.
( 6 ) F. A . Bovey and I. M. Kolthoff i n F. A. Bovey, I . M. Kolthoff, Potassium production soap is a technical grade potassium
A . J. Riedalia and E. J. Meehan, "Emulsion Polymerization,'' Inter- stearate. It was used as received.
science Publisliers, Inc., New York, N. Y . , 1955, p. 194. Cumene hydroperoxide was prepared from a commercial
68% solution according to a simplified version of the purifi-
cation described by Fordham and The resulting
product was analyzed by a procedure recorded in the same
ublication; the content of active material was 98% or
%igher No loss of activity was noted during storage for
several months at - 10".
Potassium chloride was a reagent ade product.
Nomenclature .-For the sake orbrevity each recipe is
indicated by a symbol. The following is the standard re- 1 I I
cipe: 4.00 g. of potassium stearate, 0.100 g. of potassium
chloride, 0.300 g. of cumene hydroperoxide, 200 g. of 0.001 N
potassium hydroxide in water, and 100 g. of styrene.
Other soaps were used in molecularly equivalent amounts.
Each recipe is designated by three numbers: the first is the
factor by which the standard amount of soap is multiplied,
the last is a similar factor for the initiator, and the middle
number indicates the number of carbon atoms in the soap
molecule. For example recipe 1/4--16-2 indicates that 0.913
o]-,' I
0 50 100 I50 200
g. of potassium palmitate and 0.600 g. of cumene hydro- Tima,ln min.
peroxide were used. Potassium oleate, elaidate and pro-
duction soap are designated by the letter 0, E and P, re- Fig. 1.-The degree of conversion as a function of the
spectively. reaction time. Polymerization according to recipe 1-12-1.
Particle Size Measurements.-Electron micrographs of
the particles were made for each latex. The negatives were referred to in Table I the transition from region I to
projected onto a transparent screen and the diameters of the region I1 occurred a t 52 to 58% conversion. On
images measured to the nearest half millimeter. On the the basis that the transition occurs a t the moment
screen 1 millimeter corresponded to 100 A. A polystyrene of disappearance of the monomer droplets it can be
latex (run 15 N-7, av. particle diam. 3330 A., standard calculated that the swelling ratio in the transition
deviation 70 A.), supplied by Dow Chemical Company region is 1.92 to 1.72. The first of these values is in
through the courtesy of Dr. E. B. Bradford, was used for
calibration. The number of particles measured was 150- good agreement with the measured value for the
300 depending on the width of the distribution of diameters. swelling ratio a t 52% conversion.
The coefficient of variation of this distribution ranged from
0.05 to 0.12. The number of particles was calculated from TABLE I
the average volume of the particles. THERELATION
Molecular Weight Deterdnation.-Latex was dissolved
in a mixture of 80 parts of toluene to 20 parts of isopropyl POLYMER
alcohol and further diluted with toluene. The flow times RECIPE1-14-1
of these solutions were measured as a function of concentra- Swelling ratio Swelling ratio
tion in a viscometer described by Craig and Henderson.* (9. monomer
g. polymer)/
+ (g. monomer
g . polymer)/
Viscosity numbers obtained from these data were used to Conversion g. polymer Conversion g. polymer
calculate the molecular weight according to a relation de-
veloped by Palit.g 0.100 2.64 0.325 2.15
Results ,136 2.45 .362 2.15
The progress of polymerization was followed by 175 I 2.37 ,400 2.04
taking samples a t regular time intervals. The re- ,212 2.13 ,436 2.12
sults of an experiment with charge 1-12-1, are de- ,250 2.22 ,474 2.05
picted in Fig. l. There is an induction period, at- ,288 2.14 ,510 (1.94)"
tributed to small amounts of oxygen present in the a This value is rather inaccurate due to the small amount

technical grade nitrogen used to rinse vessel and of styrene obtained.

ingredients, after which the rate of reaction in- From the swelling ratio of the particles, the mono-
creases to a value which is constant from about 0.2 mer concentration [MI in the particles can be
to 0.5-0.6 conversion (region I). The rate then calculated. For the example given above it is
decreases rather sharply to a constant value (re- found that [MI = 4.5 mol./l. As has already been
gion 11) between '/z and that of the previous indicated the monomer concentration can be calcu-
rate. A more gradual decrease in reaction rate lated from the conversion a t which the rate of poly-
(beginning of region 111) occurs a t a conversion of merization starts to diminish. This "break," un-
about 0.88. fortunately, cannot be determined with sufficient
The point on the conversion-time curve where accuracy to permit calculations of reliable mono-
the rate begins to deviate from the value of region 1 mer concentrations. However, almost all the ex-
corresponds to the conversion a t which the mono- periments reported here exhibit the break between
mer droplets disappear. This is demonstrated in 48 and 60% conversion, which corresponds to
Table I where the swelling ratio of the polymer par- monomer concentrations between 4.8 and 3.8 mole/l.
ticles is given as a function of conversion for a It was also established, with a series of electron
typical polymerization. It is to be noted that this micrographs of samples taken a t 5% conversion
ratio is almost constant after 20% conversion. intervals between 15 and 70% conversion, that for
These data were obtained from experiments in the systems described here, the number of particles
which about 10 ml. of latex was withdrawn from is constant after about 15y0conversion.
the polynierization vessel, quickly transferred to a The unusual form of the conversion-time curve
centrifuge tube and spun. For the polymerization is attributed to the type of initiator used. When
(7) J. W. L. Forclham and H. L. Williams, Can. J. Research, 2TB, 943 polymerization was initiated with potassium per-
(8) A . W. Craig and D. A. Henderson, J . Polymer Sci., 19, 215
sulfate in similar recipes the well known S-shaped
(1956). curves were obtained. It is envisioned that toward
(8) S. R.Palit, Indian J. P h y s . , 29, 65 (1955). the end of region I the oil-soluble cumene hydro-
1252 B. M. E. VAN DER HOFF Vol. 60
peroxide M u s e s with the styrene into the particles l/&h of, to 9 times, the standard amount. The
and that in region I1this initiator decomposes inside solid circles represent experiments with l/8th of the
the particles. This view is corroborated by the re- standard amount of potassium palmitate and with
sults of experiments in which additional cumene hy- initiator levels from the standard charge t o 9 times
droperoxide was introduced a t 35% conversion. The this amount. From the slope of the lines it is cal-
reaction rate in this case was constant from 20 to 84% culated that R, is proportional to N4Ja. It should
conversion. I n another experiment initiator was be mentioned that there is some irreproducibility in
added a t 65% conversion, Le., in region 11. There the values of RP and N obtained in identical experi-
the rate of polymerization was restored t o that of ments. Nevertheless the points representing each
region I. It was also found that when a relatively of these experiments all fall on the lines drawn in
large amount of initiator is originally dispersed in Fig. 2. This is interpreted to mean that the number
soap solution the difference in rate of polymeriza- of pa,rticlesinitiated is not fully controlled, but that
tion between region I and I1 is much less than when once a certain particle concentration is formed the
the initiator is originally dissolved in the styrene. reaction proceeds with a rate which, for a given
I n region I1 the initiator inside the particles gen- emulsifier system, is determined by N only.
CHs The interdependence of R, and N is not restricted
to styrene systems initiated by cumene hydroperox-
erates free radicals in pairs (c>-b-O- and .OH) ide. A. C. MacLeod of this Laboratory copoly-
I merized butadiene and styrene at particle concen-
CHa trations from 2 to 8 X 1014/ml. using potassium
and it is envisioned that polymerization proceeds by persulfate as initiator. Analysis of the results of
virtue of the difference in terminating and initiat- these experiments showed RP t o be proportional t o
ing activity of these two radicals. Thus a rate of N -0.77.
polymerization results lower than in region I, Other experiments were carried out in which
where the free radicals enter the particles one by standard amounts of the following emulsifiers were
one from the aqueous phase. As the polymeriza- used: potassium soaps of myristic, palmitic, mar-
tion proceeds in region I1 the monomer concentra- garic, stearic, oleic and elaidic acids. The results
tion inside the particles decreases and hence the are also shown in Fig. 2. It can be concluded that
rate of propagation diminishes but at the same time small changes in the chemical structure of the soap
the viscosity of the reaction medium increases caus- and/or the presence of small amounts of impurities
ing a decrease in the rate of mutual termination of in the emulsifier causes a difference in rate per par-
radicals. These two opposing effects apparently ticle at a given particle concentration. There is,
result in a zero order of reaction. however, no difference between the soaps contain-
For each experiment the over-all rate of polymeri- ing 12,14 and 16 carbon atoms.
zation in region I was measured and the number of The amount of emulsifier was varied in two other
particles per ml. aqueous phase ( N ) was obtained series of experiments in which standard amounts of
from electron micrographs. From these two quanti- initiator were charged. The results are plotted in
ties the rate of polymerization per particle (Rp, g./ Fig. 3, which shows that the amount of soap af-
sec.) was calculated. For about half the number of fects the rate per particle apart from influencing the
experiments the molecular weight of the polymer number of particles initiated: at a given particle
was determined. concentration the higher the soap level the higher
Some electrolyte is necessary to reduce the vis- is R,. The open circles represent a series of experi-
cosity of the latices that contain small particles to ments carried out with from l/d of, to twice the
permit adequate stirring a t high conversions. standard charge of potassium myristate. The ex-
Therefore, 0.1 g. of potassium chloride per 100 g. of periments depicted by solid circles were run with
styrene was included in the recipe. The addition of different levels of potassium production soap corre-
this small amount of electrolyte does not influence sponding to 1/&h of, to 4 times, the standard
appreciably the number of particles initiated nor amount of soap.
the rate of polymerization per particle (see Table
11). Discussion
The evidence reported above conflicts with the
TABLEI1 Smith-Ewart theory (case 2) which was conclu-
AND sively verified for the emulsion system used by
RATEPER PARTICLE (Recipe 1-14-1) Bartholomb, et aLa This theory is based on the
KCl, g./100 g. styrene 0 0.1 0 . 3 1.0 assumption that there is a polymer chain growing in
N x 10-'6 1.7 2.1 1.8 3.4 each particle half the time, the chain being initiated
R , X 1020 3.3 3.0 3.8 1.9 and terminated by successive free radicals entering
the particle. The rate per particle therefore de-
Two series of experiments were carried out in pends only on the temperature and the local mono-
which the amount of initiator was varied. With mer concentration.
increasing initiator charge, it was found that the I n Fig. 4 the data of different authors are assem-
number of particles increased and the rate of poly- bled in schematic form. Smith2 did not report the
merization per particle diminished and that these emulsifier used, and since his results show consider-
two factors are related as is depicted in Fig. able scatter they are indicated as a rather wide
2. The open circles refer to a series of polymeriza- band. BartholomB, et aZ.,a used the potassium salt
tions with the standard amount of potassium laur- of sulfated CI8olefins as emulsifier. They operated
ate as emulsifier and initiator charges varying from a t 45" and their data have been recalculated t o 50"


\ 1.0
2 8
-2 +
+ 0.6 -3 0.5

-3 0.4
12 13 14 15 16
\o log N , no./ml.
Fig. 4.-The relation between polymerization rate per
O\ particle, Rp, and particle concentration, N: !///, ref. 2;
\ \ \ \ , ref. 3; - - -, ref. 6; -, this paper, Figs. 2 and 3.
the polymer particles a t the required rate.” This
-0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 0.8 is substantiated by the measurements of the swell-
log N - 15, no./ml. ing ratio in the growing particles reported here.
Fig. 2.-The relation between polymerization rate per That the monomer concentration found here (3.8-
particle, R,, and particle concentration, N. Variation of 4.8 mole/l.) is somewhat smaller than that reported
amount of initiator (lines) and nature of emulsifier (sym-
bols): 0, 1-12-m; 0 , */gl6-m; V, 1-20-1; A, 1-18-1; by Bartholom6, et al., (5.2-5.9 mole/l.) may be due
b, 1-16-1; 4, .l-14-1; ., 1-12-1; 0, 1-17-1; m, 1 - E l ; to a different interfacial tension between the mono-
*, 1-0-1. mer-polymer particle and the serum (cf. reference
using a value for the activation energy of 6.5 kcal. I t is seen in Fig. 4 that rates per particle have
Bovey and KolthoffBfound that RP depend,s on tHe been found which are of those measured by
-0.28 power of N , a t a particle concentration of Smith.12
about 10i4/ml.; they did not specify the soap used. The data obtained here were also examined in the
The latter data determine onlv the sloue of a line following way. Let us consider the quantity of A ,
in a log Rp w s u s log N plot (Fk.4). defined by
amount of initiator
A 3 X mol. wt.
no. of particles
1 .o For the usual range of initiator concentration the
fraction is proportional to the number of free radi-
cals entering a particle in unit time and the second
-2 0.8
factor is a measure of the time a single polymer
chain grows. Therefore, R, should be proportional to
0- A . For a number of experiments the ratio Rp/A =
+ a has been calculated in arbitrary units. Table 111
CG 0.6
1-12-m A N D 1/8-16-m

Amt. of initiator Recipe 1-12-m Recipe I/&16-m

m X stnd. amt. No. of No. of
0.4 exp. a exp. a
9 1 (1 8) 1 (0.6)
1, 8-
6 1 3 8 1 0.8
-0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 3 1 3.1 1 1.1
log iV - 15, no./ml. 3/2 2 2.9
Fig. 3.-The relation between polymerization rate per 1 4 3.8 2 1.1
particle, R,, and particle concentration, N. Variation of
amount of emulsifier: 0 , n-P-1; 0, 11-14-1. 3 /4 1 2 6
1 /2 1 2 9
It seems, therefore, that above a minimum parti- 1 /4 1 3 5
cle concentration, the rate per particle depends 1 /8 2 4.0
on particle concentration, and also on the 1/15 2 (7 0 )
nature of the emulsifier. Smith2 has advanced the ( 1 1 ) J i . Morton, S. Kaizerman and If. W.Altier, J . Colloid Sci., 9,
idea that diffusion of monomer cannot keep pace 300 (1954).
with the polymerization resulting in a decrease in (12) I n other experiments rates per particle have been obtained up
rate. However, Floryioconcludes from theoretical to 4 timea the average value found by Smith, but these data have
not been included here since it has not yet been established that for
considerations that “mononier is easily supplied to these systems. too, the number of particlea is constant during the re-
(IO) P . J. F l o q , “Principles of Polymer Chemiatry,” Cornell Uni- action. Coalescence of particles in the later stages of the reaction w i l l
versity Press, Ithaca, N. Y., 1953,p. 210. a u n e calculated values of RP to be too high.
B. M. E. VAN DER HOFF Vol. 60

lists values of a for different values of initiator tems described. It is, however, concluded that
charge; the soap concentration was constant. the emulsifier takes part in the polymerization
The ratio a is substantially constant except for process. After the preparation of this paper had
the extreme initiator levels. been completed this author learned of the “competi-
I n Table IV values of a are given for polymers tive growth” experiments carried out by Brad-
formed a t different emulsifier concentrations. ford, Vanderhoff and Alfrey, l 3 who further poly-
merized a seed consisting of a mixture of two mono-
TABLE IV disperse latices with different average particle sizes.
VALUESOF CY FOR DIFFERENT SOAPCHARGES IN THE RECIPES With the help of electron micrographs it was then
n-14-1,n-16-1AND n-P-1 possible to determine the rate of growth of each
Amt. of aoap Recipe n-14-1 Recipe n-16-1 Recipe n-P-1 group of particles. They established that the rate
n X stnd. No. of No. of No. of
amt. Exp. a exp. a exp. a of polymerization per particle is proportional to the
4 1 (3.3) 0.83 power of the volume of the particle. This re-
2 1 4.5 1 5.4 lation was fgund in the particle size range from
1 3 4.2 3 3.4 2 3.8 2600-16000 A. and for a particle concentration of
1 /2 1 4.0 2 2.9 1 3.7 about 1013/ml., and preliminary results indicate it
1 /4 3 2.4 1 1.3 1 2.5 to be valid from 10” to 1014/ml.14 These results
1 /8 4 1.0 1 1.1 conflict with those obtained by BartholomB, et aLa
1/16 1 0.7 Since the stvrene to water ratio was constant in
It is Seen that a the our experimenis the average volume of the particles
is inversely proportional to the number of particles
tion decreases. ml. water Thus the results of our experiments
Table V lists the values of a obtained in recipes per with constant soap charge also yield propor-
with standard amounts of initiator and standard tionality between rate per particle and the o.83
amounts of different soaps. Although the spread power of the volumeof the particles.
about the listed CY values is A20% it can neverthe-
less be concluded that (Y varies with the nature of Achowledgments.-The author tharlks Polymer
the soap. Corporation Limited for permission to publish this
paper. The assistance of Messrs. R. J. Lane and
TABLE V L. Morris is acknowledged. Thanks are due to
VALUES O F CY FOR DIFFERENT SOAPSIN THE STANDARDMr. W. Rupar for providing us with the electron
RECIPE micrographs and to Mr. W. A. Congdon for the
Soap 12 14 I6 17 18 20 0 E P viscosity measurements. The helpful criticism
CY 3.5 4.2 3.4 5.0 1.9 0.7 5.3 5.7 3.8 of Dr. L. Breitman is gratefully appreciated.
Expt.4 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 (13) E. B. Bradford, J. W. Vanderhoff and T. Alfrey, Jr., J . Colloid
Sei., 11, 135 (1956), a n d J. W. Vanderhoff, J. F. Vitkuske, E. B.
The data presented here are not sufficient to Bradford a n d T. Alfrey, J r . , J . Polgmer Sei., 20, 225 (1956).
tablish the mechanism of polymerization in the sys- (14) J. w. Vanderhoff, private communication.

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