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Set a well-defined collection of distinct objects denoted by uppercase letters A, B, C. D. @ The set of students enrolled in the course GE MMW in USJ-R. @ The set of distinct letters in the word “Mathematics” eesti A universal set U in a particular case is a set of all objects in a particular context. Fr a eee Elements the objects that belong to the set denoted by lowercase letters a, b, c.d. Notation If A is a set, and a is an element of A then we write aca which is read as “a is an element of Set A”. On the other hand, agA reads “a is not an element of Set A” which means that a does not belong to set A. Given A = {m,o,n,d,a,y} then m€ A,o EA, bute ¢A Pg rr er ee Methods of Writing Sets Roster Method (Tabulation) -all elements of a set are listed -separated by commas -enclosed within braces -the order in which the objects/members are listed is immaterial Example: A=(1,2,3,4} B ={Saturday, Sunday} Pg er rr ee Methods of Writing Sets Rule Method (Description) the common characteristic of the members of a set is described and is enclosed within braces Example: A= {counting numbers less than 5} B = {days of the week that begin with letter S} Set-builder form of Rule Method (Description) take a variable, say x Example: A= {x|x is a counting number less than 5} B {x|x is a day of the week that begins with letter S} Pg er rr ee Some Special Sets the set of natural numbers or counting numbers ={1.2,3,...} V the set of whole numbers ={0,1,2,3,...} 7, the set of integers which are all signed whole numbers ={0, £1, £2,43,...} Q the set of rational numbers which are ratios of two integers p and q.q 40 (fractions 2) % the set of real numbers Pg er rr ee aI allies ei) REALNUMBERS Rational Numbers lerational Numbers Integers Whole . ™ gg % 08,3, <2), Subset is a set of elements that are also in another set, i.e., all elements in the set are also contained in another set Notation If a set A is a subset of a set B, then we write AC B which is read as “set A is a subset of set B”. On the other hand, A & B reads “set A is not a subset of set B" @ If A= {d,a.y}, and B= {m,o,n,d,a,y} then ACB. @ If A={m,o,n,d,a,y}, and B={m,a,d} then BCA @ If A={m.o,n.d,a,y}, and B= {y,a,r.d} then BZ A. Pg er rr ee Cardinality of a set the number of elements in a set. Example Given A= {m,o,n,d,a,y}. The cardinality of set A is given by |A| = 6 Given B = {Saturday, Sunday}. Then |B] = 2. yy BN omsoe eeeReleIElINg Null or empty set a set which has no elements denoted by { } or 0 Example: A={a 100—year old student in USJ-R}={} or 0 Singleton a set with only one element. Example: Z = {counting numbers between 4 and 6} = {5} Finite sets countable/ possible to write down complete list of all elements Example: {counting numbers less than 10} {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} Infinite sets not possible to write all the elements Example: all counting numbers pa rN TRE ES ore Powerset is a set which contains all the subsets of a set A denoted by P(A) read as powerset of A. Number of subsets The number of subsets in a given set is given by > where n refers to the number of elements in the given set, Theorem: A null set is a subset of every set If B= {a,b,c}, then 2"= 23 = Hence, B has 8 subsets P(B) = {0, {a}. {6}, {c}. {a, b}. {b,c}. {a,c}. {a, bch} Fr ear Tee Lar USO] 2-1 Ro ed Set C shows the four condiments that a hot dog stand offers on its hot dogs. C = {mustard, ketchup, onions, relish} List all the subsets of C. An organized list shows the following subsets. yy Pees A restaurant sells pizzas for which you can choose from seven toppings. How many different variations of pizzas can the restaurant serve? What is the minimum number of toppings the restaurant must provide if it wishes to advertise that it offers over 1000 variations of its pizzas? a. The restaurant can serve a pizza with no topping, one topping, two toppings, three toppings, and so forth, up to all seven toppings. Let T be the set consisting of the seven toppings. Thus the restaurant can serve different variations of its pizzas Pg er rr ee Lar UO A restaurant sells pizzas for which you can choose from seven toppings How many different variations of pizzas can the restaurant serve? What is the minimum number of toppings the restaurant must provide if it wishes to advertise that it offers over 1000 variations of its pizzas? b. Note that 2” > 1000. The restaurant must provide a minimum of 10 toppings if it wishes to offer over 1000 variations of its pizzas. ra RN RE SSS OTT eeeocy A restaurant provides a brunch where the omelets are individually prepared. Each guest is allowed to choose from 10 different ingredients added to the omelet. How many different types of omelets can the restaurant prepare? What is the minimum number of ingredients that must be available if the restaurant wants to advertise that it offers over 4000 different omelets? 210 = 1024 Thus the restaurant can serve 1024 different types of omelets. 2! — 4096 The restaurant must have a minimum of 12 ingredients available if it wants to offer over 4000 different.omelets. Fr a eee Stoel Equivalent sets Set A is equivalent to set B, denoted by A~ B, if and only if A and B have the same number of elements Example: E ={2,4,6,8} F ={letters in the word 'spot’} \e|=4 F| =4 Pg er rr ee Stoel Equal sets Two sets are equal if both have the same elements. Example: E ={letters in the word stoop} F ={letters in the word spot} Note that in roster method, E ={s, t,o, p} F ={s,p,0, t} Pg er rr ee Disjoint sets Two sets A and B are said to be disjoint if they have no elements in common Example Given A= {m,0,n,d,a,y} and B = {Saturday, Sunday} A and B are disjoint. Pg er rr ee Olea oS Union The union of sets A and B is defined as the set of elements that belong to A or B denoted by AUB read as A union B. AU B= {x|x € Aor x € B} Example {1,2,3,4} {} {1,2,3,4,5,7} Pg er rr ee CO) Xela Mola OL COLA) Venn Diagram of union of two sets A and B yy Olea oS Intersection The intersection of two sets A and B is defined as the set of all elements that belong to both/all sets denoted by Af B read as A intersection B AN B= {x|x € Aand x € B} Example {1,2,3,4} {} {2,3} Pg er rr ee Operations on sets: Intersection Venn Diagram of intersection of two sets A and B yy Application Emo A movie company is making plans for future movies it wishes to produce. The company has done a random survey of 1000 people. The results of the survey are shown below 695 people like action adventures. 340 people like comedies. 180 people like both action adventures and comedies. Of the people surveyed, how many people a. like action adventures but not comedies? b. like comedies but not action adventures? c. do not like either of these types of movies? ay a a Application Action adventures Comedies The number of people in region ii, which is the set of people who like action adventures but do not like comedies, is 695 — 180 = 515. The number of people in region iii, which is the set of people who like comedies but do not like action adventures, is 340 — 180 = 160 Pag er err ee Application Action adventures Comedies c. The number of people who do not like either type of movie is 1000 — 855 = 145. Pg er rr ee Application Emo The athletic director of a school has surveyed 200 students. The survey results are shown below 40 students like volleyball 120 students like basketball 85 students like both volleyball and basketball Of the students surveyed, how many students a. like volleyball but not basketball? b. like basketball but not volleyball? c. do not like either of these sports? Fr a eee Application Because 140 students like volleyball and 85 like both sports, there must be 140 — 85 = 55 students who like only volleyball Because 120 students like basketball and 85 like both sports, there must be 120 — 85 = 35 students who like only basketball. a rrr rr ee Application Tike Tike volleyball basketbal The Venn diagram shows that the number of students who like only volleyball plus the number who like only basketball plus the number who like both sports is 55+ 35485 +175 Thus of the 200 students surveyed, only 200 — 175 = 25 do not like either of the sports TS SES SEES Aufmann, et al. Mathematical Excursions (pp. 51-91) Brooks/Cole, Ceng gage Learning. Benigno, G. D. (2006). Basic Mathematics for C Students (pp. 267-274). REX Book Store Dayap, J. A., Dionsay, J. S., Sollano, A. Q., & Villeta, R. B (2018). Exploring the Basics of Mathematics in the Mo World (pp. ). San Sebastian College-Recoletos de Cavite yy

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