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PAF – Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology

Course: Social Advocacy

Faculty: Maheen Amjad
Student Name: Muhammad Saqib Nasir SID: 64347
Class ID: 103487
Examination: MOC
Date: 21-APRIL-2020

1. In your class (group project) what did you learn via developing a strategic plan
and group structure, outsourcing assistance (if required) and to train your group
members and volunteers, and providing technical assistance?

I personally learnt a lot of things, working with people is never easy, some of us were really
a pain in the butt. When the project was announced one thing was relayed to our team
members and it was “regardless of what happens we will make a plan and stick to it”.
Nobody actually thought that it would be that important.

We had a very good vibe between the team and most importantly there was mutual respect,
some of the colleagues learnt it while they were there and it did not come easy for them. A
realization of being able to fail and yet succeed, these are the little things that you take out
from such projects. We were also exposed to new companies and people, more importantly
we were engaged to live audience who was actually participating in our activities and
surveys. Live audience handling is always 2 steps more difficult but by the grace of almighty
ALLAH everything went as planned.

The success of our project was not only the collection of waste or the promotion we made
or the influence we left behind. It was also in how we were able to commit together to
something and deliver it in good faith at the end.
2. How government of Pakistan gathers information about community needs and
resources, issues on the public agenda, and chooses relevant strategies. (Cite the
information shared).

Pakistan government uses various measures to collect information. Like other countries
Pakistan also considers taking regular inputs directly from the people who are facing the
issues at first hand. Information is considered as the new data as information allows you to
offer the other person something he is definitely in need of. Governments are able to use
this information to produce and provide a good environment to live in.

We mainly see council offices situated in every other town which is supposed to take any
such query and respond to it in due time. The council offices seemed to belong to a step dad
who is not taking care of it, well the system itself is very outdated and that is the main
reason for such a disaster in the council offices. These offices if maintained properly and are
given a little more advanced help they will be able to provide much more relative collective
informational data regarding the population of the area.

There are several other ways like surveys, website blogs, medical centers, banks and other
ways from where our government can find a relatively helpful data to ensure that the right
strategies are being taken.

3. How do we promote interest in an issue in Pakistan?

Pakistan is one of the world’s most growing populations. The country consists of people
with different cultural backgrounds. There are many areas which are still a hidden treasure.
In order to promote interest in any society we must be fully aware of the society and the
Pakistan being host to almost all major religions sometimes does face this difficulty of
promoting a particular interest or an issue. Since the government promises a freedom of
right to speak and challenge to all its minorities sometimes they do ensure that their
response is being recorded. Pakistan is one of the developing economies so the interest
creation platforms would slightly different than those off the developed economies.

Main stream media is one source of promotion where the advertisement creates an absolute
crazy money. People are so used to of those advertisements that they tend to ignore any
downside of the potential project.

Internet and social media platforms have taken over the market significantly, since the
online market is very saturated you are bound to have engagements. It is not a sure shot
thing to have a positive engagement but you will definitely be heard of, seen or read by one
of the visitors. The fastest way to penetrate any market with information these days is the

Questions Submission Dates

1-4 Submitted
5-7 Submitted
8-11 Submitted
12-14 Submitted
15-17 5th May

This is an individual task; you are solving this for your final examination. Make sure you are going
through this thoroughly.

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