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Syadza Aliyah Putri


Kegiatan Belajar 1

1. Have you ever created an invitation card or an invitation letter? To whom you wrote and
what was the occasion?
Answer :
Yes, I have made invitation card to my friends. The invitation was about my birthday party.
2. What is the objectives of making an invitation letter or an invitation card?
Answer :
In order to invite people to attend the events that we have.
3. What should we considere in making or creating an invitation letter and an invitation card?
What are the differences between invitation letter and invitation card?
Answer :
An invitation letter is relatively longer and full of greetings and other unimportant stuff,
usually for formal purpose. While the invitation card is short and to the point. It was a kind
of informal, usually for friend and close related person.
4. What do you know about the type of invitation and the sign RSVP?
Answer :
Type of invitations :
- Business : Meeting, Conference, Seminar, Interview, etc.
- Personal : Wedding, Party, Anniversary, etc.

RSVP is a contact person or phone number that you can contact when you wanna come to
your friend’s party.

5. What do you know of accepting and declining invitation?

Answer :
When someone send us an invitation we can decide whether accept or decline it. When we
accept it, send the clarification to the contact person directly. If we decline it, show our
dissapointment that we can’t come.

Kegiatan Belajar 2

1. What is the letter about?

Answer :
It’s about Valdosta decided to move forward with a terget business and executing a contract
with Atlanta-based Market Street. During the process, Market Street will be conclusing
focus group interview with holders. And Mr. John invited to join group interview.
2. Who is Mr. Quartemen?
Answer :
Someone who invited to consider whether accept or decline the letter to join the focus
group interview.
3. What is the topic of second paragraph?
Answer :
Market Street representatives will be conducting focus group interview with a number of
4. What does paragraph 4 mean?
Answer :
Contact the number that has given to confirm whether you come or decline.
5. What sentences in the letter are called as formal sign-off?
Answer :
Thank you for considering this oppoturnity. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely.
6. What event will be attended by Mr. John Quarteman?
Answer :
Focus group interview.

Kegiatan Belajar 3

Cendrawasih Street
II / 43-45, Semarang
Dear Juju,

We’re opening a new Indonesian restaurant and we were wondering if you can come to our
restaurant to try some of the menus we have served. The event will take place on 24 th March at 7
p.m. at Pancawala Street III / 67-68, Semarang. Of course we really hope you can attend this opening
ceremony of our restaurant.

Love, your friend

Pancawala Street III
67-68, Semarang
Hello Caca,

Thank you very much for the invitation to attend the opening ceremony of your new restaurant. I
don’t think you would be as succesful as this. I wish I could be like you too.
I would love to attend your event. Because I’m very curious whether your restaurant is very extra
ordinary? Hahaha. It seems like I miss you too.

All the best,


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