41.1.49 AOAC of Fi Cial Method 871.01 Oil (Pea Nut) in Oils and Fats

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49 H2O), break up by running off almost all H2O layer, adding little
AOAC Official Method 871.01 HCl, and shaking; then continue washing with H2O as before.
Oil (Peanut) in Oils and Fats Distil ether from solution of insoluble fatty acids and dry latter in
Modified Renard Test flask by adding little absolute alcohol and evaporating on steam
First Action 1871 bath. Dissolve dry fatty acids by warming with 100 mL 90% alcohol
Final Action by volume. Cool slowly to 15°C, shaking to aid crystallization. Let
Weigh 20 g oil into Erlenmeyer. Saponify with alcoholic KOH stand 30 min at 15°C.
solution, 920.160A (see 41.1.18); neutralize exactly with CH3COOH In presence of peanut oil, crystals of arachidic acid separate
(1 + 3), using phenolphthalein; and wash into 800–1000 mL flask from solution. Filter, wash precipitate twice with 10 mL alcohol,
containing boiling mixture of 100 mL H2O and 120 mL 20% 90% by volume, and then with alcohol, 70% by volume, taking
(CH3COO)2Pb solution. Boil 1 min and then cool precipitated soap by care to keep arachidic acid and wash solu tions at defi nite
immersing flask in H2O, swirling occasionally to cause soap to stick to temperature in order to apply solubility corrections given below.
sides. After cooling, decant H2O and excess (CH3COO)2Pb solution, Dissolve arachidic acid on filter with boil ing absolute al cohol,
and wash Pb soap with cold water and alcohol, 90% by volume. Add evaporate to dry ness in weighed dish, dry, and weigh. To this
200 mL ether, cork, and let stand until soap disintegrates; heat on water weight add 0.0025 g/10 mL of 90% alcohol used in crystallization
bath, using reflux condenser, and boil ca 5 min. With oils, most of soap and washing, if con ducted at 15°C; if conducted at 20°C, add
will be dissolved; with lards, which contain much stearin, part of soap 0.0045 g/10 mL.
will be left undissolved. Cool ether solution of soap to 15°–17°C and let
Mp of arachidic acid thus obtained is 71°–72°C. Weight arachidic
stand until all insoluble soaps separate (ca 12 h).
acid ´ 20 = approximate weight peanut oil present. Arachidic acid
Filter on Büchner and thoroughly wash insoluble Pb soaps with
has char ac ter istic ap pear ance and may be iden ti fied un der
ether. Wash ether-insoluble Pb soaps into separator with jet of ether,
microscope. As little as 5–10% peanut oil can be detected by this
alternating with HCl (1 + 3) at end of operation if little of soap sticks
to paper. Add enough HCl (1 + 3) so that total volume of acid is ca
200 mL and enough ether to make its total volume 150–200 mL, and References: Compt. rend. 73, 1330(1871).
shake vigorously several minutes Let layers separate, drain off acid Lewkowitsch (1922) Chemical Technology and
layer, and wash ether once with 100 mL HCl (1 + 3) and then with Analysis of Oils, Fats and Waxes, 6th Ed., Vol. 2, p.
several portions of H2O until H2O washings are no longer acid to 316.
methyl orange. If few undecomposed lumps of Pb soap remain
(indicated by solid particles remaining after third washing with CAS-8002-03-7 (peanut oil)


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