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Plurals of nouns Plurals of nouns

1 All the ... have fallen from the trees. 1 Come here, ... , dinner is ready.

A leaf B leafs C leafs D leaves A child B l children C) childs D childes

2 We brush our ... every morning. 2 The wild ... travel in autumn.

A teeth B teeths C tooth D toothes A gooses B goose C) geeses D geese

37. There are so many in the street. 3 There aren’t any ... in the frige.

A buses B busses C buss D bus A tomatoes B tomatos C tomato D tomatoss

4 An estate agent sells ... and ... . 4 Father bought a lot of ... in the shop.

A houses and flats B house and flats A fishess B fish C) fishes D fishs
C house and flat D houses and flates
5 Cats eat ... . 5 The ... were very brave.

A mice B mouse C mouses D) mousses A firemen B firemens C) fireman D firemans

6 There are a lot of ... in the forest. 6 There are two new born ... in their family.

A deers B dears C) dear D deer A babys B babiess C) babies D ) babyes

7 The names of ... of the war are well – known. 7 Would you like some more ... ?

A heroe B heroes C) heross D heros A cheese B chesses C) cheeses D chesse

8 Boys and girls wear ... in summer. 8 Her ... were in the table.

A short B shortes C) shorts D shots A scissos B scissors C) scissores D sissors

9 There is much snow on the ... of the houses. 9. Do you like ... ?

A roofs B roofes C rooves D roovs A avocadoes B avocados C) avocado D avocadoss

10 Our toys are in three ... 10 It is forbidden to hunt the __ in spring.

A boxesess B boxes C boxess D boxis A deer B dears C) dear D deers

11 The beggar’s ... are torn and dirty. 11 A man can’t have two ... at a time.

A clothe B clothess C clothes D clothesess A wife B wifs C wifes D wives

12 Mother put ... in the soup. 12 His ... of Physics is sound.

A potatoes B potatos C potato D potatoss A knowledge B knowledges

C knowledgessees D knowledgesess
13 These ... are my aunts. 13 His father doesn’t like to listen to the ... .

A woman B womans C women D womens A radio B radios C radioes D radios

14 There are a lot of ... in the field. 14 The ... were locked.

A sheep B sheeps C sheepes D ships A safes B saves C safess D savess

15The ... were crying. 15 Those ... are my uncles.

A babys B babiess C) babies D ) babyes A man B mans C men D mens

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