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A b o o k fo r b e g i n n e rs i n t h e S p a n i s h
l a n g u a ge
Welcome to Gramática Básica !
Grammar in Spanish can be a headache for almost any
speaker of the language, therefor, this eBook is structured in 5
units, through wich I present an easy and simple overview of
the most basic of Spanish grammar, creating a masterful
combination of theory, examples, and review exercises in
each lesson.

The full eBook contains more than 400 images and examples
that will help you understand the grammar lessons studied, it
also has more than 20 review exercises for you to practice
and understand the grammatical forms, and more than 20
infographics that will be very useful as a complement for you
to master the language.
Keep in mind that although the eBook is designed in bilingual
learning-mode, it's necessary to have a Spanish dictionary on
hand so you can clear any doubts.
Let's start !
5 Alphabet and vowels 52 Adjectives in Spanish
8 The nouns in Spanish 55 Noun-Adjective Agreement

13 The plural in Spanish 58 Possessive Pronouns

17 The gender of nouns in Spanish 61 Possessive Adjectives

64 Demostrative Adjectives and Pronouns

22 The Articles 69 Stem-changing verbs

28 Personal Pronouns 73 Spelling changing verbs

31 Regular verbs 76 Special orthographic-changes

34 Irregular verbs 78 Using "ESTAR" and "SER"

84 The Present Progressive

39 The verb "SER"

41 The verb "ESTAR"

44 Making basic sentences

47 Subject and Predicate

According to the official grammar of the Spanish language, the current Spanish
alphabet is made up of 27 letters (22 consonants and 5 vowels).

Capital Lower
Pronunciation Example Translation
Letter Case

A a a Avión Airplane
B b be Banco Bank
C c ce Cultura Culture
CH ch che Chocolate Chocolate
D d de Doctor Doctor
E e e Escuela School
F f efe Familia Family
G g ge Gato Cat
H h hache Hogar Home
I i i Inteligente Smart
J j jota Joya Jewel
K k ka Kiwi Kiwi
L l ele Lápiz Pencil
LL ll elle Llaves Keys
M m eme Madre Mother
N n ene Negocio Deal
Ñ ñ eñe Ñandú Nandu
O o oh Oso Bear
P p pe Pera Pear
Q q cu Queso Cheese
R r ere Rana Frog
S s ese Sal Salt
T t te Turista Tourist
U u uh Universo Universe
V v uve Vaca Cow
W w doble u Waffle Waffle
X x equis Xilófono Xylophone
Y y i griega Yema Bud
Z z zeta Zapato Shoe
T h e v ow e l s a re t h e l e t t e r s t h a t s o u n d l i ke
themselves without the need to include
another vocal sound such as consonants, for
t h i s re a s o n , i n t h e w o rd s t h ey f o r m t h e n u c l e u s
o f t h e s y l l a b l e s , f a c i l i t a t i n g p ro n u n c i a t i o n .

Capital Lower
Pronunciation Example Translation
Letter Case

A a ah Auto Car
E e eh Elefante Elephant
I i i Imaginar Imagine
O o o Ostra Oyster
U u u Uva Grape

Capital letters are used in a text in order temphasize their
demarcation function. They are much less used than lower case letters
and have a spelling regulation that must be respected in their use:
-The initial of every proper name
-The first letter of every written, paragraph, as well as the letter that
follows a (.)
Instructions: Deciphers the words according to the
pronunciation of the letters that form it
Example: ele -- i -- be -- erre -- o Answer: l -- i -- b -- r -- o

1. efe -- ele -- o -- erre :

2. e -- ele -- e -- efe -- a --ene -- te -- e :

3. e -- ese -- ce -- u -- e -- ele -- a :

4. e -- ese -- te -- u -- de -- i -- a -- ene -- te -- e :

5. ce -- hache -- o -- ce -- o -- ele -- a -- te -- e :

6. a -- eme -- o -- erre:

Now let's go a little harder

7. a -- eme -- be -- u -- ele -- a -- ene -- ce -- i -- a :

8. e -- de -- i -- efe -- i -- ce -- i -- o :

9. ce -- o -- eme -- pe -- u -- te -- a -- de -- o -- erre -- a :

10. ce -- u -- a -- de -- e -- erre -- ene -- o :

11. a -- erre -- eme -- a -- erre -- i -- o :

12. erre -- e -- ese -- pe -- u -- e --ese -- te -- a :

The Royal Spanish Academy defines nouns in this way:

Word with inherent gender that designates people,

animals or things and is capable of functioning as the
nucleus of the subject. Equivalent to name.

Nouns are words used to refer to people, places, things or actions.

We can also refer to nouns as "Names". There are several
categories of nouns in Spanish.
All nouns have gender (masculine or feminine)

Carro ends in "o" Casa ends in "a"

so it's masculine so it's femenine

and number (plural or singular).

Computadora Lápices it's plural

it's singular that comes from
(no "s" at the end) the singular Lápiz

Some examples of Spanish nouns are proper names like "Carlos"

and "Marcos", or things like "Teléfono" and "Libro".

Are those that refer to people or things

in a general way

Are the ones we use to name things or

people, and they will always start with a
capital letter
Concrete nouns in Spanish are those that we can touch, see, smell,
hear; like classroom objects or parts of a house. Here are some
examples of sentences with concrete nouns:

Libro - Este libro es interesante Guitarra - Yo puedo tocar

(Book - This book is interesting) la guitarra
(Guitar - I can play guitar)

Casa - La casa es muy grande

(Casa - The house is very big)

Estados Unidos - EU es un país

de Norteamérica
(United States- United States is a
country in North America)
Niños - Los niños son amigos
(Children - Children are friends)

Juan - Juan es un estudiante

(Juan- Juan is a student)

Cien años de soledad - Cien

Carro - Compré un carro años de soledad es un libro
(Car - I bought a car) famoso
[don't specify which kind of car] (One hundred years of solitude- One
hundred years of solitude is a
famous book)
Abstract nouns in Spanish refer to objects that don't have a
material existence, such as feelings and emotions; or just
things we can't see or touch like ideas. Here are some
sentences using abstract nouns:

Amor - El amor es un Felicidad - El bebé trajo

sentimiento felicidad
(Love - Love is a feeling) (Happiness - The baby brought

Éxito - El proyecto es un éxito

(Success - The project is a success)

The four types of nouns in Spanish that we have studied so
far are the ones that I recommend you remember.
However, there are still more specific types of nouns in the
Spanish nouns have several uses and, depending on their
position in the sentence, they can have different roles. This is
called funciones del sustantivo. The nouns can act as:

The subject of the sentence, The direct object of a verb,

for example: for example:

Ana vive en Estados Unidos Carlos monta bicicleta

(Ana lives in United States) (Carlos ride a bicycle)
Where ANA is a proper name What is the object that Carlos is
(a proper noun). riding? A BICYCLE. This is a
common noun that functions as
the direct object of the verb
The indirect object of a verb, MONTAR.
for example:

The object of a preposition, for


El libro habla del amor

Estoy ayudándole a mamá
(The book speaks about love)
(I'm helping mom)
Where AMOR is an abstract
Where MAMÁ is a concrete and
noun and DEL is a preposition.
common noun. To know that it's
EL LIBRO is also a noun, but in
working as an indirect object, we
this sentence it functions as the
ask ourselves the question: Who
subject. (What is the book
am I helping? (Who am I
about? -> About love
helping? -> Mom).
Instructions: This little test was designed to help you practice
the types of nouns in Spanish. Each sentence has one or more
"noun". Find the words that work as nouns in sentences.

1. El amor es un sentimiento muy lindo (Love is a very nice feeling)

2. El libro se llama Orgullo y Prejuicio (The book is called Pride and
c)se llama
d)orgullo y prejuicio

3. Los niños juegan en el patio (Children play in the yard)

4. Matemáticas es mi clase favorita (Math is my favorite class)


5. Esta es una película de misterio (This is a mystery movie)

b)de minesterio
In this lesson, we will cover the basic rules for forming the
Spanish plural of nouns. We will see these rules in use in real
sentences so that you understand the difference between the
plural and the singular in Spanish

The plural of Spanish nouns refers to a basic

transformation of the words from singular to plural to
speak of several objects, instead of just one. In
grammatical terms, this property is called GRAMMATICAL
NUMBER. Spanish nouns generally have a singular form
and a plural form, which is easy to determine by following
some simple rules that I will teach you in this lesson.

Ends in a consonant
Ends in a vowel -z becomes -ces
or vowel accented

Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural

Gato Gatos Canción Canciones Luz Luces
Cat Cats Song Songs Light Lights
El gato es travieso Es una canción La luz está encendida
(The cat is naughty) (It's a song) (The light is on)
Los gatos son traviesos Escucho canciones Las luces están encendidas
(Cats are naughty) (I listen songs) (The lights are one)
Adding -S at the end of the noun
Add the letter -S at the end of a word when it ends with a
vowel without an accent, We also add the letter -S to words
ending in “É” as "BEBÉ", this being an exception to the rule.

Casa - Hay tres casas pequeñas (There are three small house)

Mesa - ¿Podrías limpiar las mesas? (Could you clean the tables)

Bebé - Esos son mis bebés (They are my babies)

Cama - Ellos venden camas (They sell beds)

Adding -ES at the end of the noun

Add the letters -ES when the word ends in a consonant. This rule
applies to nouns that end in a vowel with an accent (á, í, ó, ú), but
not "É" (as “BEBÉ”).

Televisor - Compramos dos televisores (We bought two televisions)

Canción - El albúm tiene 12 canciones (The album has 12 songs)

Ratón - Hay ratones en la casa (There are mice in the house)

Rubí - Los rubíes son caros (Rubies are expensive)

Replacing -Z with -CES
When a word ends in the consonant -Z, we replace -Z with -CES.

Luz - Hay varias luces encendidas (There are several lights on)

Voz - Sus voces son hermosas (Their voices are beautiful)

Cruz - Hay varias cruces en la iglesia (There are several crosses in

the cruch)

Exceptions - Words that do not change in their plural form

There are some words that do not need to change from
singular to plural in Spanish. These words end with -S and -X.
Basically, those that end in -S originally are already plural.

Tórax - El tórax es una parte del cuerpo

(The thorax is a part of the body)

Nada - No hay nada aquí (There is nothing here)

Lunes - Los lunes son días ocupados (Monday is a busy day)

Instructions: Read the following sentences and find the
appropriate form for each Spanish noun.

1. Nuestro _____________ no funciona muy bien.


2. Los _____________ viven en manadas.


3. ¿Cuántas _____________ van a venir a la fiesta?


4. ¿Ya terminaste con tu _____________?

Nouns in Spanish normally have either a feminine or a masculine
form. This interesting feature makes them kind of different and
challenging at the same time when compared to the way nouns are
used in other languages.

As a general rule, we recognize the gender of Spanish nouns by

looking at the word ending.

Masculine nouns end in -N, -O, -R, -S, -PA

El amor El perro El mapa El bus

-A, -DAD, -ED, -CION,

Femenine nouns end in
-SION and others

La cama La felicidad La televisión La canción

These words end in the letters -N, -O, -R, -S, -R, –L, in addition,
some masculine nouns end in the syllables –MA, -PA and –TA.
(Know that there are also some feminine nouns in Spanish that may
end in -L and -MA such as: CÁRCEL (jail) and MAMÁ (mom)

Carro (ends in -o) - El carro

rojo es suyo Mapa (ends in -pa) - Un mapa
The red car is his antiguo
An old map

Corazón (end in -o + -n) - Mi

corazón está saludable Problema (ends in -ma) -
My heart is healthy Tenemos un gran problema
We have a big problem

Color (ends in -o + -r) - Mi

color favorito es el verde Planeta (ends in -ta) - Es un
Green is my favorite color planeta gigante
It's a giant planet

Planes (ends in -s) - Tengo

Arte (ends in -e) - Amo el arte
planes para hoy
I love art
I have plans for today
There are always exceptions to the rules for masculine and feminine
nouns in Spanish, so always pay attention to certain clues like
the definite article or indefinite article that precedes the
word, or even the subject pronoun that accompanies the noun.
Sustantivos femeninos or feminine nouns usually end in the
letters -A, -DAD, -TAD, -ED, -SION, -CIÓN, -DEZ, -TIS, -IZ and
some end in -E too. (These endings are not absolute so you may
find some Spanish masculine nouns ending in those letters as well)

Casa (ends in -a) - Su casa

es grande
Her house is very big
Canción (ends in -ción) -
¿Te gusta la canción?
Do you like the song?

Amistad (end in -tad) -

Nuestra amistad es
Honestidad (end in -dad) -
Our friendship is important
¿Qué es la honestidad?
What's honesty?

Pared (ends in ed) - La

pared de la cocina
Actriz (ends in -iz) - Ella es
The kitchen's wall
She's an actress

Misión (ends in -sión) - Esa

es la nueva misión
That's the new mission
Some nouns could be treated as masculine and feminine nouns. They
are usually called SUSTANTIVOS INVARIABLES. The article or
pronoun that is placed before them help us determine their gender
and meaning. (Some of them change their meaning depending on the
article they are used with)

Estudiante (ends in -e) - Ella es Estudiante (ends in -e) - Él es

estudiante estudiante
She's a student He's a student

Dentista (ends in -ta) - Ana es Dentista (ends in -ta) - Carlos es

dentista dentista
Ana is a dentist Carlos is a dentist

Instructions: Choose the right opcions

1. Wich of these sentences are using nouns with masculine gender?
a)El perro es grande c)Un mapa e)La flor es roja
b)El gato es bonito d)Una taza

2. Wich of these sentences are using nouns with femenine gender?

a)La casa es nueva c)Su corazón es generoso e)La canción se llama
b)Nuestra amistad durará d)El pincel es tuyo "Bella"

3. Please complete this short paragraph with the nouns: jardín, casa,
color, árboles, flores.
Yo tengo una ______, es grande, tiene dos __________ de manzana en el patio.
El ________ de mi casa tiene muchas _________ , son de ______ rojo.
Congratulations on completing the free unit of
Gramática Básica !

Learning a new language is not a easy task and you

should be proud of yoour self for completing this
milestone in your Spanish-learning journey.

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