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Syllabus CS 2640 – Computer Organization and Assembly Programming

Summer 2020

Instruction Information
Lecture Time: MoWe 12:30PM - 4:45PM
Building/Room: Online
Instructor: Dr. Abdelfattah Amamra
Office: 8-11
Office Hours: M-W 5:15 –6:15pm, or by an appointment

Course Information
Course website: (only)
Course Description
Von Neumann machine, instruction set architecture, addressing modes, assembly programming,
arrays and records, subroutines and macros, I/O and interrupts, and interfacing and
communication. security.

CS 2400 with grades of C or better, or consent of instructor.

Course Materials
Recommended textbooks:
MIPS Assembly Language Programming, by Robert L. Britton, Prentice Hall, Inc., 2004
Course materials will be posted on the blackboard.

Grading percentage
 Quizzes 20%
 Exam 20%
 Final Project 30%
 Homework(s) 30%

Conversion to Letter Grades

 90 <= A <= 100
 87 <= A- < 90
 85 <= B+ < 87
 80 <= B < 85
 75 <= C+ < 80
 70 <= C < 75
 65 <= D+ < 70
 60 <= D < 65
 F < 60

Class Policies:
 Class attendance and participation is an integral component to complete this course
satisfactorily. If you miss a class, please contact a fellow classmate and get updated about
the materials covered in the class. Office hours cannot be devoted to cover missed class
 Late submission of assignments or make up for the exams is only accepted in case of
documented emergency.
 It is your responsibility to check your Cal Poly e-mail account and Blackboard regularly.
Otherwise you will miss out on important announcements.

Late submission penalty

 1 calendar day late 25% penalty - date based on submission
 2 calendar days late 50% penalty - date based on submission
 3 calendar days late 100% penalty - date based on submission
 In cases of emergencies, such as medical emergency, contact the instructor if you are
unable to make the deadline.

Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class are
encouraged to contact the Center for Students with Disabilities as soon as possible to better
ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.

Academic Honesty
Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. Students should refer to the
Student Code (
resources.shtml) for specific guidelines. Note: It is a student’s responsibility to protect their work
from being used by another student. Students who permit their work to be used by another
student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their own.

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