Fazlikhani 2012

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Hamed Fazli Khani  Geological Institute,

Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule
Temporal and lateral variation (RWTH) Aachen University, 52062 Aachen,
Germany; fazlikhani@geol.rwth-aachen.de
in the development of growth Hamed Fazli Khani is a Ph.D. student at the Geo-
logical Institute (GIA), Rheinisch-Westfaelische
faults and growth strata in Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen University.
He received his B.Sc. degree in geology from the
Azad University of Tehran and graduated from
western Niger Delta, Nigeria the University of Montpellier II with an M.Sc.
degree in geological reservoirs. Hamed’s research
concentrates on the structural and stratigraphic
Hamed Fazli Khani and Stefan Back development of deltas.
Stefan Back  Geological Institute, Rheinisch-
Westfaelische Technische Hochschule (RWTH)
ABSTRACT Aachen University, 52062 Aachen, Germany;
This study examines eight syndepositional faults and syntec- Stefan Back is a reader in geology at the Geo-
tonic sediments in five major fault blocks in western Niger logical Institute (GIA), Rheinisch-Westfaelische
Delta, offshore Nigeria, on three-dimensional seismic data. The Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen Univer-
initiation, lateral growth and retreat, periods of activity and sity. He holds a diploma in geology from the
University of Kiel and a doctoral degree in geol-
quiescence, and decay of faulting around these blocks can be ogy from the University of Potsdam. Before his
ascertained by analyzing a series of time-structure and iso- current assignment, Stefan worked as a lecturer
pach maps. The study area can be subdivided into three struc- in the Department of Petroleum Geoscience,
University Brunei Darussalam. His research
tural zones. The first structural zone is a northwestern zone
focuses on the interaction of tectonics and sedi-
characterized by a major counterregional growth fault in the mentation along continental margins, in rift
deep subsurface. This deep-seated structure is superposed by an basins, and in fold-thrust provinces.
array of younger regional growth faults displacing a kilometer-
thick sedimentary overburden that accumulated on the former
footwall. The second structural zone is a central to eastern zone
We thank the Shell Petroleum Development
that seems mostly unaffected by young deltaic faulting. This
Company of Nigeria for providing the seismic
zone is characterized by the thinnest sedimentary record of the data presented in this study. Seismic Micro-
study area. The third structural zone is a southeastern zone Technology is gratefully acknowledged for pro-
that is dominated by a large, listric, backstepping master fault viding KingdomSuite+ under an educational user
license agreement, and Schlumberger is grate-
zone associated with a kilometer-scale rollover system. Regional fully acknowledged for providing Petrel under
structural and stratigraphic analyses document an apparently an academic user license agreement. We thank
strong relationship between syntectonic sedimentation and syn- C. Höcker, P. Kukla, and J. Urai for supporting this
depositional fault activity in that phases of significant fault ac- study logistically. Comments and suggestions by
Joseph A. Cartwright, Jim C. Pickens, Angela
tivity, lateral fault growth, and fault migration concur with McDonnell, Gretchen M. Gillis, and Stephen E.
major depositional phases; in turn, areas and intervals char- Laubach significantly improved earlier versions
acterized by the least sediment accumulation also record the of the manuscript; their contribution to the
final article is highly appreciated. This study is
lowest fault activity. However, one particularity of the studied
a contribution to projects Ba2136/3-1 and Ba
system is that it underwent at least one period of seaward fault 2136/4-1, which are funded by the Deutsche
The AAPG Editor thanks the following reviewers
for their work on this paper: Gretchen M. Gillis and
Copyright ©2012. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.
Angela McDonnell.
Manuscript received February 16, 2011; provisional acceptance June 16, 2011; revised manuscript
received July 22, 2011; final acceptance August 29, 2011.

AAPG Bulletin, v. 96, no. 4 (April 2012), pp. 595–614 595

progression that coincided with a backstepping of once active, deltaic faulting can influence deposi-
faulting on the landward side. Although the forward tional system development by fault-controlled sub-
stepping of faulting near the delta front can be inter- sidence providing accommodation (Thorsen, 1963;
preted as the consequence of the progressive loading Bruce, 1983; McCulloh, 1988; Cartwright et al.,
during delta progradation, the contemporaneous 1998; Imber et al., 2003; Back et al., 2006; Jackson
backstepping of faulting further inboard likely re- and Larsen, 2009). Consequently, deltaic faulting
flects the sustained lateral growth of mature deltaic and sedimentation can form a series of internal
faults into previously undeformed proximal parts of tectonic-sedimentary feedback processes that con-
the depocenter. The results of this study, thus, doc- siderably contribute to the self-organized develop-
ument that although an apparent correlation with ment of delta systems.
the superimposed depositional system exists on a To delineate the key controls for deltaic fault-
regional scale, inboard deltaic faults may persist to ing and sedimentation and discuss their potential
grow irrespective of sedimentary loading. The rec- feedback mechanisms, this study presents a detailed
ognition of such fault trends is particularly impor- three-dimensional (3-D) seismic and well-based
tant for estimating the influence of late-stage fault analysis of the tectonic and sedimentary develop-
movement on hydrocarbon migration or the discov- ment of a 400-km2 (154-mi2) study area in the
ery of subtle fault-controlled hanging-wall reservoirs. western Niger Delta. This part of the Niger Delta is
unusual in that it records the contemporaneous sea-
ward progression and landward backstepping of
INTRODUCTION deltaic faults bounding one deltaic depocenter, a
fault migration pattern that has been separately doc-
Large deltas are commonly characterized by high umented in many previous studies (e.g., Evamy
sedimentation rates and gravity-driven syndeposi- et al., 1978; Rider, 1978; Bruce, 1983; Worrall and
tional deformation. Synsedimentary faults in del- Snelson, 1989; Vendeville, 1991; Sandal, 1996; Van
taic strata are particularly well documented in the Rensbergen and Morley, 2000; Imber et al., 2003;
U.S. Gulf of Mexico (e.g., Thorsen, 1963; Bruce, McClay et al., 2003) but, to our knowledge, not yet
1983; Lowrie, 1986; McCulloh, 1988; Lopez, 1990; simultaneously. Interpretation of this temporal co-
Edwards, 1995; Cartwright et al., 1998; Brown et al., existence of fault progression and backstepping re-
2004), the Nile Delta (e.g., Sestini, 1989; Beach and quires detailed information on both fault activity
Trayner, 1991), the Brunei part of the northwestern and sedimentary history over time—data that are
Borneo shelf (e.g., Sandal, 1996; Van Rensbergen provided in a series of time-structure, sediment-
and Morley, 2000; Hodgetts et al., 2001; Hiscott, isopach, and fault-history analyses. The data and
2003; Morley et al., 2003; Saller and Blake, 2003; interpretation results of this study ultimately offer
Back et al., 2005; Hesse et al., 2009), and the Niger detailed insights into the vertical and lateral evolu-
Delta (e.g., Doust and Omatsola, 1989; Ajakaiye tion of deltaic faults and stratigraphy through time,
and Bally, 2002; Hooper et al., 2002; Pochat et al., highlighting the commonly complex interaction
2004; Back et al., 2006; Magbagbeola and Willis, between fault growth and the development of syn-
2007). In these settings, the close interrelation be- tectonic delta stratigraphy. An increased under-
tween tectonics and sedimentation commonly standing of the rules and exceptions of this dynamic
makes it difficult to determine to which extent relationship provides perspectives that can improve
sedimentary loading influenced faulting or, in turn, hydrocarbon prediction in comparable settings.
fault movement influenced depositional processes.
For example, rapid accumulation of syntectonic
delta sediment can contribute to the activation or SEISMIC DATA AND SUBSURFACE GEOLOGY
reactivation of deltaic faults by differential loading
above a weak substratum (e.g., Lundin, 1992; The 3-D seismic data presented in this study are
Damuth, 1994; Corredor et al., 2005), whereas from the uppermost 3 km (2 mi) of a 400-km2

596 Geologic Note

Figure 1. Location of the study area in
the shallow offshore of the western Niger

(154-mi2) survey area in the offshore swamp belt within the respective fault blocks 1 to 4, most
of the western Niger Delta (Figure 1). The seismic growth successions thicken landward (Figure 3). In
data have been processed using pre-stack time mi- contrast, the central and southeastern parts of the
gration. Coherency volumes were derived from the study area are characterized by a large-scale deltaic
reflectivity data using a semblance algorithm that rollover system in fault block 5 (Figure 2) that is
highlights lateral amplitude variations between ad- bound on its landward side by a series of subpar-
jacent seismic traces. Panels A and B of Figure 2 allel, seaward-dipping, highly listric growth faults
show the coherency signature extracted from two (Figures 4–6). On its seaward side, the rollover is
selected horizons (coherency horizon slices of ho- bound by a slightly listric seaward-dipping fault sys-
rizons C and D), emphasizing contrasting structural tem (southeastern segment of fault F1, Figure 2C).
conditions in the northwestern and southeastern In its center, fault block 5 exhibits a northwest-
parts of the study area. southeast–trending zone of crestal collapse more
The northwestern part of the study area is than 5 km (>3 mi) wide (Figures 2A, B; 4–6).
characterized by several medium- to large-scale,
arcuate-shaped, seaward-dipping normal faults that
extend laterally over several kilometers, dividing the INTERPRETATION METHODOLOGY
area into four main fault blocks (Figure 2C, blocks
1–4). The vertical reflectivity section of Figure 3 The following analysis of the activity of the studied
(location on Figure 2C) shows the relation between deltaic faults through time is fundamentally based
fault development and stratigraphy; all large-scale on the comparative interpretation of their footwall
faults in the northwestern part of the study area show and hanging-wall sedimentary record on seismic
a synsedimentary growth pattern, that is, thickened data. The uncertainty of seismic-stratigraphic cor-
intervals or additional sedimentary units on their relation across these faults was minimized by the
downthrown sides. Across the slightly listric deltaic consequent interpretation of semblance facies on a
faults, syntectonic strata thicken seaward by several series of successive reflectivity and coherency ho-
tens of milliseconds two-way traveltime (ms TWT); rizon slices (sensu Back et al., 2006), tied at well

Fazli Khani and Back 597

Figure 2. Coherency signature of horizon C (A) and horizon D (B), documenting contrasting structural conditions in the northwestern
and southeastern sides of the study area (white = coherency; black = incoherency; horizons shown in Figure 3). The northwestern side is
characterized by the medium- to large-scale seaward-dipping (regional) normal faults F1, F2, F3, and F4; the southeastern side is
dominated by two major subparallel faults (F6, F7) in the east and numerous small-scale faults bound to the collapsed crest of a
kilometer-scale rollover anticline in the center of the study area. (C) The principal fault blocks of the study area and the distribution of the
main bounding faults F1 to F7 (as in horizon D). Fault F1 consists of two segments, a northwestern segment (F1NW) and a southeastern
segment (F1SE).

598 Geologic Note

Figure 3. Vertical reflectivity
section across the northwestern
side of the study area. Horizon
and fault interpretation illus-
trates medium- to large-scale
regional synsedimentary faults
displacing the synkinematic
deltaic overburden above a large-
scale counterregional (landward
dipping) fault (CRF) in the deeper
subsurface. The location of the
cross section is shown in Figure 2.
TWT = two-way traveltime.

locations to wireline-facies interpretations. To de- nificant differences in the sedimentary thickness of

fine periods of activity and inactivity of the faults contemporaneous strata on the footwall and hang-
and document their spatial development through ing wall of the active fault and (2) the thickening of
time, seven seismically defined laterally continu- sediments on the hanging wall into the active fault
ous marker horizons (A–G from young to old) were plane. Another indicator of the activity of the stud-
mapped throughout the study area. These hori- ied faults was provided by analysis of the vertical and
zons were primarily used to provide thickness maps lateral growth of faults, with the lateral growth
(i.e., isopach maps in meters) and as reference component measured at each horizon level as the
levels for the measurement of the active length length of each active fault or fault segment. Be-
of faults. On the horizon-based isopach maps, the cause horizon-based thickness maps only indirectly
syndepositional activity of deltaic faults was ex- measure the activity or inactivity of synsedimen-
pressed in two ways: (1) the occurrence of sig- tary faults (i.e., the sedimentary consequences of

Fazli Khani and Back 599

Figure 4. Vertical reflectivity
section across the southeastern
side of the study area imaging
fault block 5 on the hanging
wall of major, listric, regional
growth faults (faults F6 and F7).
Note kilometer-scale rollover
anticline with collapsed crest in
the center of fault block 5 and
stratal thickness maxima asso-
ciated with the rollover flanks.
The location of the cross section
is shown in Figure 2. TWT =
two-way traveltime.

faulting) and fault-length analysis alone cannot il- area (Figure 3). The seven regional growth faults
lustrate the depositional response to faulting, we chosen for detailed analysis are not single, straight,
combined both approaches to differentiate between isolated features; instead, several of these faults are
periods of fault activity and quiescence as well as curved, consist of more than one segment (Figure 2),
between times of significant synkinematic deposi- and some of the individual fault segments exhibit
tion and intervals lacking syntectonic sedimentation. differential growth and displacement histories dur-
ing fault development. The following paragraphs
first provide a detailed description of the respec-
FAULT DESCRIPTION tive fault geometries (also see Table 1) before doc-
umenting the depositional characteristics of the
The seven major regional (seaward-dipping) syn- synkinematic sediments associated.
sedimentary faults within the study area are la- The CRF offsets the basal horizon G (Figure 3).
beled F1 to F7 from west to east (Figure 2C). At During the depositional interval between horizons F
the deepest stratigraphic level, an additional large- and E, the CRF becomes inactive. The deposi-
scale counterregional (landward-dipping) fault (CRF) tional units above remain unaffected by counter-
characterizes the northwestern part of the study regional faulting (e.g., Figure 3) but are offset by

600 Geologic Note

Figure 5. Seismic and wireline
section of the center of fault
block 5 along a vertical reflectiv-
ity section. Sonic (SON) and
caliper (CAL) log signatures in-
dicate the presence of an over-
pressured, undercompacted
sediment in the core of the roll-
over anticline, a zone that cor-
responds to a chaotic reflection
pattern on seismic data. Note
the subsurface presence of an
earlier rollover affecting hori-
zons F and G basinward of the
present-day anticline crest. The
location of the cross section is
shown in Figure 2. TWT = two-
way traveltime.

faults F2, F3, and F4 that displace the former foot- northwestern segment (F1NW) and a southeastern
wall block of the CRF (Figures 2C, 3). The hanging segment (F1SE). The separation point between these
wall of the CRF is composed of, in places, a small segments is the intersection of fault F1 with faults
rollover (Figure 3) that is only marginally developed F2 and F4 (Figure 2C).
in comparison with the major hanging-wall rollover Fault F2 dips in the western direction, displacing
anticline above faults F6 and F7 (Figures 4–6). the footwall strata of fault F1NW (Figure 2C). To the
The regional southwest-dipping fault F1 is the south, this fault is bounded by fault F1, whereas its
longest fault in the study area (Figure 2; Table 1). northern tip is outside the study area. The max-
The fault shape exhibits a series of connected arcs imum displacement of fault F2 is approximately
indicating that this fault formed from at least four 1200 ms TWT in the very northwest of the fault
fault segments that grew through time into a single (Table 1). The seaward-dipping fault F3 is located
fault system. For simplification, this fault is sub- in the footwall of fault F2, trending over signif-
divided in the following into two subsegments, a icant distances subparallel to fault F2 (Figure 2C).

Fazli Khani and Back 601

Figure 6. Vertical reflectivity
section across the very southeast
of the study area, illustrating
the presence of two rollover gen-
erations on the hanging wall
of faults F6 and F7: the older
southwestern rollover formed on
the hanging wall of fault F6
and the younger superposed
rollover formed in response to the
activity of fault F7. The gamma
ray (GR)–log signature at wells B
and C shows a coarsening-
upward trend within younger
rollover. The location of the cross
section is shown in Figure 2.
TWT = two-way traveltime.

On vertical seismic sections, this fault is only F3 terminates at the intersection with fault F5
slightly listric. Fault F3 is located immediately (Figure 2C).
above the basal CRF (Figure 3). The displacement Fault F4 is located in the center of the study
on fault F3 (Table 1) decreases toward the north- area between faults F1 landward and F5 seaward
west, contrasting the displacement pattern on the (Figure 2C). This fault terminates in the west against
neighboring fault F2. Toward the southeast, fault fault F1 and dies out toward the southeast in the

602 Geologic Note

Table 1. Studied Fault Characteristics within the Study Area*

Fault Name Fault Type Maximum Length Maximum Displacement

CRF Counterregional 10 km (6.2 mi) Not measured

F1NW/SE Regional 24 km (15 mi) F1NW = 1100 ms TWT (1.3 km [0.8 mi])
F1SE = 700 ms TWT (0.9 km [0.55 mi])
F2 Regional 9.5 km (5.9 mi) 1200 ms TWT (1.6 km [1 mi])
F3 Regional 8 km (4.9 mi) 200 ms TWT (0.25 km [0.12 mi])
F4 Regional 10 km (6.2 mi) 820 ms TWT (1.05 km [0.65 mi])
F5 Regional 11.5 km (7.1 mi) 900 ms TWT (1.15 km [0.71 mi])
F6 Regional 16 km (9.9 mi) 220 ms TWT (0.3 km [0.18 mi])
F7 Regional 17 km (10.5 mi) Not measured
*See Figure 2 for location. Maximum length (in kilometers) was measured on map data at the time of maximum lateral extent. Maximum displacement (ms two-way
traveltime [TWT]) was measured on vertical sections perpendicular to fault. Maximum displacement on the counterregional (landward-dipping) fault and fault F7 was
not measured because of insufficient footwall information.

major rollover seaward of fault F6. A maximum odology of Back et al. (2006), including cross
displacement of approximately 820 ms TWT is checks between coherency horizon-slice interpre-
observed on its western termination at the junc- tations and wireline-log data at numerous well
tion with fault F1. Fault F5 is almost east-west locations. Subsequently, isochron (ms TWT) and
oriented and located on the footwall of fault F4 isopach (meter) maps were generated between
(Figure 2C). The displacement on fault F5 (Table 1) successive horizon pairs by measuring true strati-
generally decreases toward the west. To the east, graphic thicknesses in time and depth, respec-
fault F5 is bounded by fault F7, and to the west, it tively. This way, six depositional units were de-
terminates against fault F4 (Figure 2C). fined, named GF and FE (Figure 7A), ED and DC
Fault F6 is a basinward-dipping listric fault, with (Figure 7B), and CB and BA (Figure 7C). These
its root located in chaotic seismic reflections that units were then analyzed on isochron and isopach
correspond, where drilled, to a zone of undercom- maps for thickness variations across the respec-
paction and, possibly, overpressure (see sonic and tive target faults, concentrating on thickness dif-
caliper data on Figure 5). Fault F6 bounds the ferences of more than 20 ms TWT (∼20–30 m
crestal collapse of fault block 5 on its northeastern [∼66–98 ft] on isopach data of panels A to C of
side and records in its central part maximum Figure 7 depending on depth level) to account for
stratal displacement (Table 1). Fault F7 parallels seismic data interpretation inaccuracy. Therefore,
fault F6 close to the edge of the study area. Be- all isochron- and isopach-based measurements of
cause of significant uncertainty for an across-fault the active fault length presented are conservative
horizon interpretation (Figures 4, 6), displacement (minimum) estimates for the length of syndepo-
of this fault was not measured (Table 1); however, sitionally active faults and fault segments carrying
the considerable length of the fault and its ap- a lateral measurement error of less than 200 m
parently long record of stratal displacement (e.g., (<656 ft), which is, in all cases, less than 3% of
Figure 4) suggest that this fault might comprise the total fault length measured. Panels A to C of
the largest displacement of all faults analyzed. Figure 7 are composed of, on their respective left
sides, time-structure maps of the marker horizons
interpreted in this study as overlain by a coherency
HORIZON INTERPRETATION AND attribute, in the center, series of isopach maps illus-
ISOPACH ANALYSIS trating the stratigraphic thickness of each horizon-
bound stratal unit and, on their right sides, a fault-
Across-fault interpretations of horizons A to G activity interpretation based on across-fault isopach
(Figures 3–7) were conducted following the meth- variations.

Fazli Khani and Back 603

Figure 7. Time-structure maps of interpreted horizons A to G overlain by a coherency attribute (left side of the image), isopach maps of
horizon-bound depositional units in true stratigraphic thickness (in meters; center of figure), and interpretation of syndepositionally
active faults and fault segments (right side of the image). (A) Time-structure, isopach, and fault-activity data between horizons G and E.
(B) Time-structure, isopach, and fault-activity data between horizons E and C. (C) Time-structure, isopach, and fault-activity data between
horizons C and A. CRF = counterregional (landward dipping) fault.

Stratal Unit GF mented in the hanging walls of faults CRF and F6

(Figures 3–6).
Basal horizon G (Figure 7A) was mapped on a The overlying stratal unit GF (Figure 7A) shows
prominent reflectivity peak close to the lower tip prominent internal thickness differences across the
of most faults of the study area (Figures 3–6). In study area interpreted to record the activity at
depths below 3 s TWT, the reflection signature of faults F2 and CRF in the northwest, at fault F5 in
horizon G locally deteriorates or vanishes (Figure 3), the center, and at fault F6 in the southeast. In the
which is also the case at higher stratal levels in the northwestern side of the study area, fault F2 re-
footwall of faults F6 and F7 (Figures 4–6). At this cords at least 7 km (4 mi) of active length during
location, well data exhibit irregular wireline-log this interval, whereas the active length of the CRF
trends (see e.g., sonic and caliper data of well A; is probably more than 10 km (>6 mi). The active
Figure 5) most likely related to the presence of an lengths of faults F5 and F6 are 7.5 km (4.5 mi) and
overpressured, undercompacted footwall substra- 15 km (9 mi), respectively (Figure 7A, unit GF).
tum. However, other deep-seated parts of the study Stratal thickening both landward and basinward
area exhibit thick continuous seismic reflection in the hanging wall of fault F6 documents the
packages below horizon G, which is best docu- activity of a deep-seated rollover anticline on the

604 Geologic Note

Figure 7. Continued.

Fazli Khani and Back 605

southwestern side of fault block 5 (also see Figures 5, commodation development in the hanging walls
6). The lack of thickness variation at faults F1, F3, of faults F1, F2, F4, and F7. More subtle lateral
and F4 (Figure 7A) is interpreted to relate to the thickness variations are observed in the crestal-
initiation of these faults after deposition of unit GF. collapse zone of the rollover anticline in the center
of fault block 5. At fault F1, thickness differences
Stratal Unit FE between the hanging wall and footwall record the
initiation of fault movement on both northwestern
Horizon F follows a reflectivity peak (e.g., Figures 3, segment F1NW and southeastern segment F1SE, with
5) within subparallel to parallel reflections at the significant lateral fault growth toward the south-
base of stratal unit FE. This stratal unit (Figure 7A) east (Figure 7B). At fault F2, differential thicken-
shows considerable thickness variations across the ing on the hanging wall indicates ongoing fault ac-
study area, with the most prominent relative maxi- tivity, which is also suggested by the lateral growth
ma located on the hanging walls of faults F2, F4, of its southern fault tip toward the junction with
and F7. As fault F6 remains active during deposition faults F1 and F4 (Figure 7B). Fault F4 also remained
of stratal unit FE, fault F7 initiated in its footwall, active during deposition of unit ED, attaining its
providing additional accommodation in the eastern maximum length of approximately 10 km (∼6 mi).
side of the deep-seated rollover of basal unit GF Several small-scale synthetic normal faults offset
(Figures 4, 5). Furthermore, the thickness mini- the southern part of the hanging wall of fault F4
mum of unit FE in fault block 5 shifted at this (Figure 7B), distributing displacement in the most
interpretation level up to 3 km (1.8 mi) eastward western part of fault block 5 to a wider area. At
(Figure 7A, unit FE), indicating a considerable lat- fault F5, the hanging-wall thickness of unit ED in-
eral migration of the central rollover axis toward creases toward the east, gradually stepping over
fault F7, with respect to the underlying sedimen- into the hanging wall of faults F6 and F7. Both
tary unit (e.g., Figure 5). Toward the north, fault faults remain active, as indicated by upward growth
F5 continued its activity as indicated by differ- (Figure 5), with fault F7 exhibiting further lateral
ential thicknesses in its hanging wall and the lateral propagation of its northwestern fault tip (Figure 7B).
propagation of the fault tips (northwest tip toward The initiation of another younger boundary fault
the west; southeast tip toward the east). The con- (fault F7-1) in the footwall of fault F7 at the very
temporaneous propagation of faults F5 and F7 to- eastern edge of the study area (Figures 4–6) is re-
ward each other caused the connection of these corded by a local thickness maximum.
faults at the very top of depositional interval FE.
The accumulation of considerable unit thick- Stratal Unit DC
ness in the hanging wall of fault F4 (Figure 7A)
witnesses its initiation during interval FE. In map The isopach map of unit DC shows that fault F1
view, fault F4 is of arcuate shape, with its eastern now became active along its entire length, with
tip dying out in fault block 5. Its western tip is lo- maximum accommodation developing in the north-
cated close to the southern limit of fault F2, a fault west (Figure 7B). Lateral growth of the F1NW and
that remains active during depositional interval F1SE segments into each other and toward the
FE. In comparison with the underlying interval GF northwest and southeast resulted in the forma-
(Figure 7), the southern tip of fault F2 propagated tion of the longest fault zone in the study area
laterally in a southeastern direction. (Figure 7B). On the hanging wall of fault F2, unit
DC decreases in thickness from the northwest to
Stratal Unit ED the southeast. Toward the intersection of fault F4
and fault F1, large parts of the footwall and hanging
Horizons E and D form the base and top of depo- wall of fault F2 record the same unit thickness,
sitional interval ED (Figure 7B). Major thickness indicating fault inactivity in its southernmost part.
variations in unit ED are related to significant ac- At the same time, subtle thickness variations in the

606 Geologic Note

footwall of fault F2 document the initiation of
fault F3 (Figure 7B). Faults F4, F5, and F6 remain
active over their entire lengths, with fault F5 now
connected by lateral growth to fault F7. Despite
the linkage with fault F5, the southeastern part of
fault F7 remains active, with major fault-controlled
subsidence reflected by the wedge-shaped sediment
accumulation on its hanging wall (Figure 5).
Besides the large-scale faults of the study area,
horizons D and C and the isopach map of unit DC
(Figure 7B) also document the activity of numer-
ous small-scale syndepositional faults in the study
area, most of which are located in the central
crestal-collapse domain of fault block 5. However,
particularly at the edges of the rollover near the
southeastern termination of fault F4, several small-
scale faults trend obliquely to the main fault trend
in a west-to-east orientation (Figure 8). These
oblique faults seem to have initiated during depo-
sition of unit DC to accommodate differential
subsidence between the rising southwestern flank
of the central rollover anticline and the contem-
poraneously subsiding hanging wall of fault F4.

Stratal Unit CB

In comparison with depositional interval DC, stra-

tal unit CB is interpreted to record an overall dim-
Figure 8. Zoomed three-dimensional view in a northern di-
inution of synsedimentary fault activity, as indicated rection onto the time-structure map of horizon D overlain by a
by a decrease of thickness variation across the study coherency attribute and fault interpretation. Note the presence
area (Figure 7C). Fault F1SE branches in its south- of small-scale oblique transfer faults (marked in black) interpreted
ern part into several subparallel segments, resulting to accommodate differential subsidence and stress between the
in a subtle distributed displacement pattern below landward-dipping fault blocks in the northwestern side of block 5
(Figure 2) and the generally seaward-dipping southern flank of
the resolution of the isopach data. However, smaller
the hanging-wall rollover in the southwestern side of fault block 5.
differences between the footwall and hanging-wall
sedimentary record still characterize its northern
part (Figure 7C). Contemporaneously, fault seg- tonic activity along faults F5 and F6 seems to de-
ment F1NW remains tectonically active, as docu- crease, as fault F5 is shortened by northeastward
mented by significant sediment accumulation on retreat of its western tip (Figure 7C, unit CB). Fault
its hanging wall. In contrast to the preceding in- F7 exhibits less thickness variations between its
terval, fault F2 is now active over its entire length, footwall and hanging wall but remains visibly ac-
growing laterally in a southern direction, joining tive in its central part and at its northwestern tip.
faults F1 and F4 in a triple junction. Further thick-
ness differences between the footwall and hanging- Stratal Unit BA
wall sedimentary record are observed at faults F3
and F4, suggesting a displacement pattern similar In the topmost depositional interval BA (Figure 7C),
to that of depositional interval DC. However, tec- thickness variation across the study area further

Fazli Khani and Back 607

608 Geologic Note
decreases. Fault F1NW still stores a significant amount level) and F1 (unit ED level); at the same time, the
of sediment in its hanging wall, whereas synde- southeastern part of the study area shows a general
positional movement along fault F1SE seems re- backstepping of faulting (and the associated roll-
stricted to its northernmost part. Subtle thickening over zone) by the initiation of fault F7 in the foot-
of depositional unit BA on the hanging wall of fault wall of fault F6 (unit FE level). This coexistence of
F2 documents ongoing fault activity in the very fault progression in one part of the study area and
north of the study area, which applies similarly to fault backstepping in another is maintained
fault F3. In the center of the study area, minor throughout horizon D into the early unit DC level
thickness variations between footwall and hanging- (Figure 9). The initiation and activity of some of
wall strata are observed at faults F4, F5, and F6. the oblique-trending small-scale faults in the cen-
Fault F7 shows a localized thickness maximum in tral part of the study area seem to be limited to
its central part. areas that experienced differential subsidence and
stresses between the neighboring northwestern,
progressing, and southeastern backstepping tectonic
STRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT domains. The development of fault F3 in the foot-
THROUGH TIME wall terrain of fault F2 in the northwestern part
of the study area (unit DC level) then leads to an
Figure 9 summarizes the observations derived from interval where fault zone F1NW/SE has developed
the vertical fault analysis and the lateral fault de- its maximum length and offset, coinciding with the
velopment provided by the isopach data. Tectonic onset of a decrease in synsedimentary fault activ-
elements that initiated, grew, and waned during ity at all other faults during the accumulation of
the depositional interval under study are (1) the stratal unit CB (Figure 9). At the unit BA level, fault
kilometer-scale growth faults bounding the main F1NW/SE has shortened and lost regional importance,
fault blocks, (2) two rollover systems in the sub- and fault-related stratal growth in the other parts of
surface of fault block 5, (3) numerous medium- the study area becomes subtle and restricted to the
and small-scale normal faults in the collapsed crests few fault segments remaining active (Figure 7C).
of the rollovers, and (4) a limited number of oblique-
trending small-scale faults dominantly located at the
edges of the large-scale structural elements. The DISCUSSION
oldest tectonic element in the study area is the CRF
that is already at a mature stage at horizon G level, The tectonic-stratigraphic analyses presented in
ceasing activity latest at the unit FE level (Figure 9). this Niger Delta case study document considerable
At its flanks, the CRF is superseded by regional lateral variability in structural and stratal style within
growth faults F2 and F5, whereas fault F6 far- (and around) one tightly defined deltaic depocenter.
ther south contemporaneously develops an early This variability reflects the coexistence of areas that
hanging-wall rollover at horizon G and F levels. In the remained relatively stable and unfaulted throughout
following, the northwestern part of the study area the studied time interval (block 1; Figures 2, 7A–C);
records a general basinward progression of faulting blocks with significant landward subsidence seg-
with the development of regional faults F4 (unit FE mented by a few medium- to large-scale, regional,

Figure 9. Overview of the lateral distribution and migration pattern of active faults and rollovers through time, documenting that
individual faults or fault segments initiated, grew, and ceased during the studied depositional interval. Red arrows indicate a diverse fault
migration pattern particularly affecting units FE and ED, with fault progression in the northwestern part of the study area coinciding with
a landward backstepping of faulting in the eastern part. The landward fault migration in the east can be explained by segment linkage
across a relay zone between faults F5 and F7; contemporaneous fault progression in the northwest is interpreted to reflect progressive
loading and delta-front failure. Note landward migration of rollover zone during intervals GF and FE, corresponding to the initiation and
activity of fault F7. CRF = counterregional (landward dipping) fault.

Fazli Khani and Back 609

Figure 10. Synoptic plot of the development of the length of active faults through time as measured from isopach data (see Figure 7A–C).
A maximum of change in the length of active faulting is observed during the early fault history, interpreted to mainly reflect the tectonic
response to sedimentary loading. Once initiated and active, most faults seem to maintain their active length with little temporal variation.
This trend can be interpreted to reflect lithology-driven compaction differences on either side of a fault maintained by well-balanced
sedimentary loading. However, the plot does not properly show the development of multisegment fault systems such as the linked
system F5 to F7 (that forms during the ED interval; see asterisk). The consideration of such multisegment faults is essential for the
identification of out-of-sequence faulting, a process that can significantly influence syntectonic deposition. CRF = counterregional
(landward dipping) fault.

mainly seaward-progressing normal faults (e.g., fault movement, once activated, remained relatively
blocks 2, 3; Figures 2, 7A–C); and terrain located constant.
in the hanging wall above a major backstepping However, one particularity of the studied sys-
listric bounding fault system (block 5). The latter tem is the occurrence of a contemporaneous land-
recorded strong subsidence on both landward and ward retrogression and seaward progression of fault-
seaward sides, which resulted in significant stratal ing during deposition of stratal units FE and ED at
bending, forming two successive kilometer-scale the respective southeastern and northwestern edges
rollover systems (Figures 2, 7A–C). The isopach of fault block 5 (Figure 9). Previous studies have
record of these areas shows the least sediment ac- documented either a general forward-stepping trend
cumulation on stable unfaulted terrain, more sedi- of consecutive deltaic growth structures (e.g., Evamy
ment deposited in the areas characterized by a few et al., 1978; Rider, 1978; Bruce, 1983; Worrall and
medium- to large-scale faults, and most sediment Snelson, 1989; Sandal, 1996; McClay et al., 2003)
accumulated on the landward and seaward sides of or the backstepping of bounding faults into pre-
the succession of rollover systems in the subsurface viously undeformed footwall terrain (e.g., Gibbs,
of fault block 5 (Figures 4–6). Besides this lateral 1984; Vendeville, 1991; Sandal, 1996; Bhattacharya
variability in structural and isopach style, the study and Davies, 2001; Imber et al., 2003). Yet, the tem-
area also shows a distinct temporal variation in fault poral coexistence of fault progression on one side
development (Figure 10). Analysis of fault growth and the backstepping of faults on the other side of
through time documents that individual faults or a depocenter is rather unusual. This triggers ques-
fault segments initiated, grew, and ceased during tions on the fundamental controls for growth fault-
the studied interval, with a local growth maximum ing in the study area and, in particular, whether one
characterizing their initiation and early growth phase or several factors influenced the initiation, activity,
(Figure 10). Once initiated and considerably ac- and migration of growth faults.
tive, most faults maintained their active length and The consecutive progression of deltaic growth
displacement pattern over at least two or three de- faults is commonly interpreted as the natural
positional intervals, indicating that synsedimentary consequence of progressive loading during delta

610 Geologic Note

progradation. Denser sandstone units prograde over block 5 in a landward direction (Figures 4–6), ex-
less dense prodelta mudstones (e.g., Evamy et al., posing near the roots of faults F7 and F7-1 rather
1978; Rider, 1978; Bruce, 1983), and growth faults stratified, than chaotic, seismic reflections. This ob-
are initiated by gravity, gliding above an under- servation suggests that although re-active mobile
compacted, overpressured shale substratum (sensu shale (sensu Van Rensbergen et al., 1999) probably
Mandl and Crans, 1981) or differential compac- migrated into the core of the deltaic rollover (re-
tion associated with fluid expulsion (sensu Van taining overpressures until today), not much evi-
Rensbergen and Morley, 2000). Once active, these dence for an active shale diapir that consecutively
faults commonly show a growth history linked to rose from the footwall of fault F6 into the neigh-
sediment loading (e.g., Lowrie, 1986), but fault boring footwalls of faults F7 and F7-1 exists. This
movement out of phase with depositional loading thus leaves the linkage of normal fault segments
has also been documented (Cartwright et al., 1998). across a relay zone as the most plausible explana-
Backstepping of faults into former footwall ter- tion for the backstepping of the boundary faults in
rain has been related in previous studies to (1) large- the southeastern side of the study area.
scale gravity-induced failure along prominent fault Figures 7, 9, and 10 document that lateral fault
scarps bounding underfilled basins (e.g., Gibbs, growth is clearly an important factor for the struc-
1984; Hesthammer and Fossen, 1999), (2) foot- tural development of the study area and that many
wall collapse above a rising diapir (e.g., Morley and originally isolated faults linked laterally over time
Guerin, 1996; Imber et al., 2003), and (3) segment into extensive multisegmented fault systems. Evi-
linkage across relay zones between en echelon nor- dence for the linkage of faults F5, F7, and finally
mal faults by footwall breaching (e.g., Peacock and F7-1 by footwall breaching across a relay zone is
Sanderson, 1991; Trudgill and Cartwright, 1994; provided by the documentation of an eastward
Childs et al., 1995; Imber et al., 2003). Gravity- growth of fault F5 toward fault F7 during deposi-
induced failure can likely be excluded as an expla- tional intervals FE and ED, a growth direction that
nation for the backstepping of faulting in the study deviates from the initial strike direction of fault F5
area because neither evidence for the existence of (Figures 7A, B; 9; 10). Another argument support-
a prominent fault-scarp paleotopography (by e.g., ing footwall breaching as a key mechanism is the
slump or slide deposits in the hanging-wall record) contemporaneous development of a localized fault-
nor evidence for a temporal underfill (by, e.g., bounded triangular zone in the relay between faults
unconformities or incised valleys) of the generally F5 and F7 (Figure 9), a feature that records a local
sediment-rich system exists. The interpretation of isochron high, thus increased fault activity, during
an active rise of a shale diapir in the footwall of a deposition of stratal unit ED (Figure 7B). Infer-
growth fault, in turn, highly depends on the correct ences about footwall breaching based on faults F7
identification of a formerly overpressured, under- and F7-1 are difficult to make because both faults
compacted mobile substratum on seismic-reflection have an incomplete footwall record because of their
data; this can be particularly ambiguous on the location at the very edge of the data set. Yet, if
footwall sides of low-angle faults because of a com- segment linkage across a relay zone indeed con-
monly low-quality noise-prone seismic response trolled the backstepping of bounding faults on the
caused by energy loss and signal scattering along the landward side of the study area, the interpreta-
overlying zone of deformation. Relatively shallow- tion of a contemporaneous progression of growth
seated zones of present-day overpressure have been faulting in a more basinward position, sensu Mandl
encountered by several wells in the study area, pri- and Crans (1981) or Van Rensbergen and Morley
marily in the core of the central rollover anticline (2000), remains possible. For example, a fault-prone
of fault block 5 (Figure 5), where they are asso- delta front could have migrated during depositional
ciated with a generally distorted seismic-reflection intervals FE and ED across the western study area,
signature. However, most distorted seismic facies initiating distal progressive faulting. This could have
seem to descend from the rollover core in fault coincided with delta-topset deposition in a more

Fazli Khani and Back 611

easterly landward position that maintained the ac- medium- to large-scale normal faults, and ter-
tivity and lateral growth of the preexisting inboard rain located above a major listric bounding fault
faults, ultimately leading to fault-segment linkage that experienced major subsidence on both land-
by footwall breaching. The local subsidence pulse ward and seaward sides of a kilometer-scale roll-
associated with such a process might have had im- over anticline. Isopach maps document that least
portant consequences for the depositional system: sediment accumulated on the stable unfaulted
it is, for example, possible that sediment input from terrain, more in the areas affected by medium-
the stable fault block 1 (Figure 2C) was constantly to large-scale faults, and most on both sides of
sufficient to outpace seaward tectonic subsidence, the major deltaic rollover.
thus, driving progradation and associated fault 2. The study area further exhibits a significant tem-
progression in the western part of the study area. poral variation in faulting during the studied in-
At the same time, fault-segment linkage farther terval that is expressed by the initiation, growth,
landward could have produced an areally restricted decline, and cessation of individual faults or fault
inboard subsidence exceeding sediment input, po- segments. Maximum changes in stratal displace-
tentially triggering a backstepping of deltaic de- ment and fault-length development are docu-
positional environments in the vicinity of the mented to occur primarily during the early growth
breaching location. If additional factors such as the phase of the studied faults. Once mature, most
autocyclic switching of delta lobes, the potential faults maintain their active length and displace-
abandonment of distributary channels in the feeder ment pattern, with little variation unless link-
part of the system, or the response of the delta ing with neighboring faults into extensive multi-
system to eustatic change are taken into account, segment fault systems.
it becomes clear that although documentable in 3. The studied part of the Niger Delta is unique
much detail on a local scale, it will remain chal- in that it exhibits, at times, a contemporaneous
lenging to determine the respective primary control progression and backstepping of growth faults
for delta development, whether tectonic or sedi- bounding one deltaic depocenter. This struc-
mentary, on a regional scale. Consequently, gross tural configuration is interpreted to reflect the
predictions of depositional change and syndeposi- sustained activity of mature faults feeding back
tional faulting in deltas will most likely under- into sedimentary processes in the form of a cause-
estimate the tectonic-stratigraphic variability within and-effect loop; this late-stage fault activity rec-
and between individual delta depocenters, which ords, on a local scale, a deviation of the gross
is yet crucial to document in detail, for example, correlation between sediment loading and fault
the analysis of the influence of fault movement on activity. Thus, it can be documented that al-
fluid migration or search for subtle unconventional though, on a large scale, an apparent correlation
tectonic-stratigraphic traps. with sediment loading exists, deltaic fault growth
remains a process that may act out of sequence,
irrespective of the regional sedimentary trend.
CONCLUSIONS The awareness of such a potentially complex his-
tory of deltaic faults is important, for example,
1. Detailed structural and stratigraphic analysis of for fluid-migration studies that rely on accurate
a 3-D seismic volume of shallow offshore Niger fault movement predictions and facies juxta-
Delta documents a considerable lateral variabil- position analyses.
ity in the style of synsedimentary normal faults 4. The development of local depositional sinks
and associated synkinematic strata within one caused by late-stage faulting can produce sedi-
tightly defined deltaic depocenter. This vari- mentary patterns within a delta that oppose re-
ability is caused by the coexistence of tectoni- gional trends. This observation indicates that
cally stable unfaulted areas, regions with signifi- sedimentary facies predictions based on system-
cant landward subsidence that are segmented by wide generalized depositional models are likely

612 Geologic Note

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