Week Twenty One

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Week Twenty-one – integers

This is one of our first weeks where are simply repeating work that we’ve done before. A lot of
the work will come from Greyson Wheatley’s Green Book.

Day one – Integer Squares and Integer two-ways

- Students practice working with integers
Subordinated Task
- Constructing and deconstructing numbers
- Random partners, questions are cut photocopied and cut into chunks of two, students will
work through at their own pace.
Day Two – Integers with decimals
- Combine decimals and integers
Subordinated task
- Return to visuals of decimals (and integers)
- Table groups for discussion
- Return to the zoomable number line and zoom in between 0 and 1
o Get a decimal definition from kids, remind them about the numbers that exist
between whole numbers.
o Are there any numbers between 0 and -1?
- Play with the number line (or push the site to kids on google class and have them play
with it…)
- On the board, project a decimal two way (from Greyson Wheatley).
o Ask students how the question would change if you put negative numbers in some
of the boxes?
- Today’s task – create a decimal, integer square for classmates to solve. Once everyone
has at least one, arrange students into two circles facing each other (have them bring their
decimal integer squares with them along with a marker and personal whiteboard.
o Kids will rotate like this, sharing questions with each other, and rotating around.
Day Three – Frisbee golf
- I think this game could be played in winter if the kids were told to bring snowpants and
- Play games that count with integers (pos and neg)
Subordinated tasks
- Adding and subtracting integers
- Groups of threes to play through the course – each group should have a score card with
par for each hole clearly numbered and spaces to do their math
- Set up a “golf course” using pylons (as your tee) and hula hoops (as the hole). Do as
many holes as you’d like, depending on how much outside-time your students are willing
to do
- Take kids outside, start each group at a different hole and play through the course. The
key is to count with integers.
Day four – integer basketball
- Play games that force students to count by integers
Subordinated task
- Construct and deconstruct numbers
- PE tie-in
- This is a basketball layup game where each ball is worth different integer amounts and
teams have to score the right ball to reach a certain score.
- Balls are laid against the wall under posters that each have different integers on them.
o Ex: 8 posters across the wall with
o -7 8 -3 5 -2 1 6 -4
o Teams are told they need to reach “-12”
o Kids run to get the balls they need (balls are replaced as kids use them)
 When kids score with that ball, their team gets that many points.
 If they need -5 points and there is no -5, they need to combine other balls
to make that amount.
 Once a team reaches the goal, you could shout out a new goal, and have
teams continue from the number they’re currently at.
- This could be played with beanbags and hula hoops, or with crumpled paper and garbage
cans if you’re in need of space.

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