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CODIGO : 2015153985
Unit 5, Lesson 1, Worksheet 1
Section 1
Answers :
1) e. cafe
2) f. library
3) b. stadium
4) g. theater
5) a. hotel
6) d. museum
Section 2
Answers :
1) in
2) at
3) to
4) to
5) at
6) in
7) at
8) in
9) in
Section 3
Answers :
1) money
2) gas station
3) library
4) going
5) with
6) left
7) works
8) home
Unit 5, Lesson 1, Worksheet 2
Section 1
Answers :
1) I’m
2) works
3) in
4) We’re
5) are you
6) i'm
7) they
8) where is
Section 2
Answers :
1) her
2) their
3) his
4) their
5) her
6) his
7) her
Section 3
Answers :
1) A. He’s going to the bank
2) F. She’s going to the bakery
3) B. They’re going to the toy store.
4) D. You’re going to the pharmacy.
5) C. We’re going to the library.
Unit 5, Lesson 1, Worksheet 3
Section 1. Read the sentence and draw a picture
1) The bicycle is in front of the house

2) The man is beside the chair.

3) The cat is behind the tree.

4) The flowers are in her left hand.

Section 2
Answers :
1) she works at the in the bank
2) they works at the in the restaurant
3) she is tidying at the bedroom
4) he is cooking at noon
5) the childrens is reading at in the school
Section 3
Answers :
1) I'm going to the airport
2) he goes shopping
3) we're going to the park
4) They're going to the town hall

Unit 5, Lesson 1, Worksheet 4

Section 1
Answers :
1) The woman is beside the horse.
2) The horse is beside the car
3) The man is behind the tree
4) He is behind the sheet
5) The girl is under the table
Section 2
Answers :
1) left
2) left
3) right
4) right
Unit 5, Lesson 1, Worksheet 5
Matching: Write the number of the picture next to the word or sentence that it matches.

Answers :
1) 7
2) 12
3) 2
4) 6
5) 11
6) 8
7) 1
8) 10
9) 4
10) 9
11) 3
12) 5

Unit 5, Lesson 1, Worksheet 6

Drawing: Draw each of the words or phrases you see
1) a post office

2) a library
3) a hotel

4) a theater

5) a bank

6) a stadium
7) a museum

8) a gas station

9) a cafe

10) at home
Unit 5, Lesson 1, Worksheet 7
Descriptions: Write as many words as you can about each picture .
Imagen 1
Descriptions :
two girls hiding behind a wall at Christmas time next to them there is a Christmas
tree, there are presents they are wearing red pajamas and one of them is holding a
stuffed toy in their hands
Imagen 2
Descriptions :
two boys are on their way to school both are wearing a green backpack and are
wearing a dark colored uniform
Imagen 3
Descriptions :
several students between boys and girls are raising their left hands inside the
classroom at the school to answer a question
Imagen 4
Descriptions :
a girl is opening a box on a table inside her house
Imagen 5
Descriptions :
a lady is taking a package to the mail service to send it she wears a green shirt and
dark pants

Unit 5, Lesson 1, Worksheet 8

Descriptions: Write as many words as you can about each picture.
Imagen 1
Descriptions :
a woman is delivering a package to postal service personnel to be sent
Imagen 2
Descriptions :
a man in a green shirt stands behind a tree
Imagen 3
Descriptions :
a boy stands in front of a tree in a lead-colored hoodie with his hands over his eyes
like binoculars
Imagen 4
Descriptions :
she is standing behind the sheet she has two braids in her hair on each side the
sheet is white
Imagen 5
Descriptions :
she is picking up the white sheet that she had lying on a hanger to be dried she is
wearing a blue sweater and a skirt

Unit 5, Lesson 1, Worksheet 9

Descriptions: Write as many words as you can about each picture.
Imagen 1
Descriptions :
he is opening the door of his car which is a maroon color he is wearing a lead color
t-shirt he has a mustard colored bag hanging on his back
Imagen 2
Descriptions :
she is walking next to the horse is wearing a white blouse the horse is brown
Imagen 3
Descriptions :
he is standing in front of the entrance to the studio paramount is standing on the
right side is wearing a light blue shirt with sleeves
Imagen 4
Descriptions :
He is standing outside the studio. Paramount is standing on the left side of the
entrance door. He is wearing a light blue shirt with sleeves.
Imagen 5
Descriptions :
he is under his car because he is repairing something under there he is talking to
his wife who wears pink sweater
Unit 5, Lesson 1, Quiz
Section 1
Answers :
1) We’re going to the cafe.
2) He’s at home.
3) I work at the bank
4) We want to go to the hospital.
5) I’m behind the house
6) It’s beside the bank
Section 2
Answers :
1) bank
2) toy story
3) library
4) gas station
5) pharmacy
6) cafe
Section 3
Answers :
1) at
2) to
3) in
4) of
5) in
6) at
7) at
8) to
9) at
10) on
Unit 5, Lesson 2, Worksheet 1
Section 1
Answers :
1) three
2) seven
3) one
4) zero
5) four
Section 2
Answers :
1) 4796
Section 3
Answers :
1) F. My coat is the third coat on the right.
2) G. It’s the second door on the left
3) A. I take the bus.
4) I. We want to go to the hotel.
5) H. Take the bus to the second stop.
6) B. She’s sitting in seat number four.
7) C. He’s going to the theater
8) D.Yes, thank you.
9) E. You’re sitting in the second seat.
Section 4
Answers :
1) off
2) at
3) on
4) to
5) in
6) at
7) in
8) on
9) of
10) of

Unit 5, Lesson 2, Worksheet 2

Section 1
Answers :
1) bus stop
2) hotel
3) one
4) for
5) bookstore
Section 2
Answers :
1) third,second,first
2) first,third,second
3) second,third,firts
Section 3
Answers :
1) take
2) on
3) getting
4) going
5) in
6) need

Unit 5, Lesson 2, Worksheet 3

Section 1
Answers :

1) Fourth
2) third
3) second
4) blue t-shirt
5) black glasses
6) lead hat
7) Red skirt
Section 2
Answers :
1) he is talking on the phone in the car
2) he is sitting on the bus wearing a costume
3) they are getting off the subway
4) he is getting on the bus
5) she is waiting at the bus station
Section 3
Answers :
1) G
2) A
3) D
4) C
5) E
6) B
7) F

Unit 5, Lesson 2, Worksheet 4

Section 1
Answers :
1) straight
2) straight,right
3) straigh,left,straight
Section 2
Answers :
1) i take to subway
2) here to the right
3) here to the left
4) where are you going?
Section 3
Answers :
1) B. She’s getting off the bus.
2) A. The gas station is far from the city
3) C. The taxi is turning left
4) A. The first person in line is tall
5) B. They’re at school.
6) A. We’re standing at the bus stop

Unit 5, Lesson 2, Worksheet 5

Section 1
Answers :
1) 7
2) 10
3) 2
4) 5
5) 12
6) 1
7) 8
8) 11
9) 4
10) 3
11) 6
12) 9
Unit 5, Lesson 2, Worksheet 6
Drawing: Draw each of the words or phrases you see.
1) in line

2) a subway

3) getting on

4) a bus
5) getting of

6) a taxi

7) number

8) bus stop
9) restroom

10) subway station

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