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CAMBRIDGE LOUGHS#@NE SUSAN RIVERS GEORGIANA FARNOAGA * | | a i ee | oF a) a5 “lla Ht ne ay Lae “TU | a Lo = = WORKBOOK ‘A. Complete the chart with the words inthe box cash moves ‘ony ohid TV callege major _Yeighbortood parents BB Answer the questions with your wn information Use short answers. 1. Areyouanoniyehiat ves.taun GQ) Ne. tenner, 2 Isyour neighborhood quiet. |. Doypouive with your parents 44 Doyouhaveabig TV? ‘5 Doyouand your fiends go tw college? 6. Areyou French major? 1 Does your bes find like action movi 1. Is your English ass un? bel Where youtom, Koi? ‘om apan. How about you? Isabel Mexico, rom Monterey ‘jt Ob, my fends Manuel ad Ross from Meteo to. Ieabet Rea. yourfriends herenow! Koji No, they not. Uh gues they tate. Isabel he eacher here? Koji Yes. over thers, Isabel She loks ice, Terns? ot Uehiak tt aig ds 3, Dots trends sudyin the evening? 4 Ise froma large amily? "Unscramble the questions. Then answer the questions with your own information. mame / What's frst yours slkaw's yee Frstnewnet full-time a Do /have you sob? live bestfriend / Does / your nearby? 4, weekends / What / on you! do? 5, Where / you for fun go do 6 teacher your /lke/ What's? 2 Things in common 1 What doesn’t belong? = _ fi Circe the word that doesn't belong in each group. ee eS ee ee 2. CD jacket jeans sweater 5. cat dog ah pet 4. Back color green red 6. desert juice milk water Respond tothe statements with tooo thor, 3. Teansngharaoke all night, 4. Pmnotagood cook. | 5. don ike shopping. 6. Hove to swim in cold wate. Complete the conversations wit the expressions inthe box, {f)Use each expression only once. [Aamioo. —Tdotoo.—Ieanton. We wo, oti Inti. eat we, Me ete Feay? David You know, Im always nervous on dates, Lesley Lew tee, ‘David So, te me about youself, Lesley. What da you like odo Lesley Wel 1 oto rock concerts. David hma big fan of 2 Lesley — They e my favorite group, mesa, Lean listen to their musi for ous. David Do you have al thelr CDst ‘ese No.1 dont don't have Al That You Cant Leave Being. David Burt wantto buy it Later esley What do you onthe weekends? "imean, do you eat outa ott Darla No.1 doit usually got restaurants Uesley tke eatarnome. David Ob, are yous good cook? Lesley Um, not really. David “ue ike to cook Lesley Do you ever ook taian food? avid Sure. But tm allergic to choce, 30 cat a pizza, Lesley —__mallergie to chee, oo! ‘Davia Tha'samazing! We havea loin common. Du youltke sporst Lesley Ub, no, nota David —____Tmabig sports fan. watch ports ll wekend ya ean oper SS espond to these statements so they are true for you. 1. A Lalways eat chocolate for dinner 4.4 Ldon'thavea pt, BD LdetenG neten G Rend? idew, 2. A Tmnota baseball fan. 5A Timallergeto bananas. BUTE Ti SERRE 5 S.A Leantedeve. 6.4 Lean cook talon food B a 's tis your first Engish lass bere? Hey, dant know you. Do you ve around here? |s tte, ris itknd of os in hare? ‘You Tok realy riee today. Thats a beatae. Boy, the fod is rat. And ts cal ie rely wonder, 700 i's cal, Can cose the window? 1 Sorry, Lust opened i Ymalinlewaem, ctl, aA 2 Thankyou. I'smy grandmothers veipe. 2A 2 Thanks. Actually its rom Chin. 2 Yes itis: What about yout 18 Unvno, Laon" Fm aruaiy visting trom Guadalajara. 7 ling tente __2.Um, actually,... ‘agigs} Circle the best response foreach conversation starter “ramps | 1 Ledontknowanyone here, Boyou? 5, This TVshow sell interesting DU, actully, now everybody. a. tsamovlo, serualy '. tually donitknow het, Acti was my grandes 2. Sovareyou Brith 6, Do you workaround heret 4 Actually, where ae you from «No Thave a ob, actually btm Australian, actualy. ‘Actually ma altime ten 4. Boy, ts he tay. 7, isa beautiful dy. ove warm weather, Actually thinks OK You do, actual 1b. Wel actualy, Actually kindof ike cold weather 4 Tike your jack. Is iene? | Thesis ell te today 2 Actually like ther, 00 sate every dy, etal b.No, is mysiters _3 First day of class Laine ts he frt day of English class. Respond vo each conversation starter, + Geman) rs) —, << os) a ——) sual. Actually, tis ate ea) __1 Getting together —_____ fA Look tthe eof the article. Check () the activities yu think are inthe article, Making conversation ¥ Jour good days and our bad days. They are Interested in us and our problems, But how ‘do you make new friends? Here are some suggestions. When you meet new people, find out what ‘you have in common Ask questions like, ‘do you like todo on the weekends?” f you have things in common, you can do those _ctvties together. ls fun to share your favorite activities with someone. If you both Or simply plan to get together one evening and talk ~ you dont have to spend money. 0 go out to expensive places. ust spend time together Read the article again, Match the two parts 1 2 Friends are importent because _2_ Askqestons about general things —— 1s good.ofind out Wsnotimporantt Join clubs or ake classes {steno the omer perso, —— Peoplelove to hear do aabies te shoping rere atthe gym jpn a cub Cgettogtier and tak iste to musi Friends are important to all of us. They share What do you doin your free time?” of "What Clay nis ake a dance class Swatch a movie Bead the article. How many of your guesses n part A are correct? ‘ut how can you meet new people? Think about your interests and the things you lke t0 do, Do you have «hobby? Wel jin 8 club. Da you want to learn to dance? Then signup fora dance class. Start a conversation vith people you meet at these places ~ you lady have something in common. fies pol war conestrs eth role i and be fend. Make eye contac and dnt forget to ge complinnt. oople tov to hearth te look ne or ht You Ike hk tings, 0 be pete Always ten folowup questions 5) en you make ne tens don frat 6 eed Hen heres eRe ee {your old ends, to. Aer al te moe, the meme sof each sentence. a. when you meet new people. 1. spend money just spend time roether, «and encourage him or het talk 4. ice things about themselves. what activites you both ke, {.tomeet people and make new lens they are interested nus nd ou problems. [A Read this e-mall to Marey the editor of Friends magazine, and her reply. Correct the punctuation. 300 a aes) ‘eat an i goo and on ings ‘ut do ow how to met new peopl my frend ain yen he ig bt 0 > ben dear ben what your bobbie ake wp a ew sport or hobby stat commertions with pape tak aot rl pies . B Read these questions. Write three suggestions fr each question. 1. Dave Ylike to make fiends, but dont know how. Do you have an suggestions? 2 Niki fel shy around new people. How can I improve my conversation silk? | Unit 1 Progress chart iar te baw iow bree yorpeoess SSC | ( = 1 know bow to (2) = | need to review how to. {to these pages in és besos bon [BRS Si er wiht pe pentand wn pasta | 23.4 5 Ske wee se nape ee bat te oat ate aoe tas SS rane vr ce eye hame nti aa vok | 23 | one ‘Come | (start conversations when meeting someane forthe fst ie ‘ban? Case acta ge nce maton r CERT Case comectpunenwion i ‘Complete the sentences. Use the corzect forms ofthe verbs in the box. ‘ice pay Vad woot 1. Pamand Vitorarentinterestedin_veading 2, tan would like ‘books. They both prefer —teveed — magazines They ell enjoy —veaing 6. Erle can the gular very wll She enjoys the guitar, bt shes not wary god o me Complete the conversation. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. tow gy fearcse play swim _wateh “Linda You ad {watch oo much TV. We need some exercise, James Ueno, but dont ally enjoy excising Linda Buyout, ens igh? James Yea these day prefer. tennis nT. Linda How about bowing! We can both. James Yad, bat i’ always prety nia, Linda {guess you're eight ‘snes ve youre goa fama. “Linde Batis always eroded. James Ob, Leno We both ke Linda Actual can't stand the cold and snow. James Really Wel, are you interested in something new? Linda Sure Uke tothe new Thai restaurant in ourneghborioed amex Gret ide, Linda, Le talk about exercise tomorow, ana pool “Answer the questions. Add more information. 1A Whatare you good at 1 sll. getty geod a leewing languages. can sree Portuguese and Exauch, 2 A Would you et play a musa instrument? a 5. What movie do you wantto see 44 ts here anything you relly hate dong? 5. A What activities do you enjoy doing onthe weekends? 2 " Music 1 All kinds of music. — if} Lok atthe pletures, Write the type of music 2 What's new? ‘i} Complete Kevin's e-mail with the correct pronouns. [(ereron a Hisam, ‘Giesswhat! My new jb is at a mse sore You know _ wie (t/me)—1 Hove listening to music. areata and really ike ———— (hin Ji So, what’ coo ght ow? Wiel the ne Green Day CD is amazing! Theyre my favorite band Do youll her them? My fends ike Usher Actual almost (everybody / oboe Tow ian Usher an. But don ely cee for you Fin). Grete Wikon Cool Do youinow (her You ike country aie, gt? You knw, actualy Kin of he {them pow (0, ltl you Im in band with my ens tm the muse sore Theyre realy reat. want you tomeet Thm / them) We pay hip-hop. Bul my family ever comes to lien 0 them / 5 because everyone noone) fam as hip-hop! But thats OK What's ew wth you! Write soon Kevin 2 (Complete the questions with object pronouns. Then answer the questions. 1. A Gun Stefania great singer. She's prety to. Doyoultke her? 2B Yet Lae she’ amesing 2. You know Justin Timberlake, ight? Thinks great What do you think ot 7 A Youknovs Ym nota fan of rp. How about you? Doyoueverlistento__ 4.4 Hey, the band Outkast performed on TV st night ‘Theyre eallyeo0l Do you know —__¢ {54 Mymomand dad love Sarah Chang, She's their {wort violinist Do your parents ike _? a 6.4 Doyoutike Latin muse Jet and have tickets forthe Shakira concert Do you want to go witht a 7. A 1don’t usualy ike country musi but ove the sie (Chicks Do you know ——_7 1. Doyoulike Alicia Keys? Yes. ee hev 7 2. What do you think ofthe Fling Stonest 1 Doyo lhe Masih Carey? 4. Doyou listen to pop muse very aftent 5. What do you think of folk masict 6, Do you and your fiend ever got concer? 7, What do you thnk of Mare Anthony? 4. Doyou know the band Destiny's Chi? 2 mrss 8 | really like making things. ——1 Sayiogno___ | Complete the conversations with the sentences in the box. ‘imo, HE ay and st watches TW a day. 7 Weal, My rar td Tor me RS yea, Actual, no. My sister got itt the bakery. No, but ie has big cap colectin | Wel no. prefer to make peanut butter cookies. No. nt really good wth ny hands. Un, no, he just lays computer games! Nt realy He des crossword puza 1. Jenny I really ke your sweater. Ise new? ‘Keiko Nok relly, by mot Latte it fer me last yea, Jenny Can you knit rerochet? tag ORES SE Jeany Oh, did you make this cake? though Jenny Metoo. Do you ever make chocolate chip cookies? Keiko My mew boyfriend loves them! 2. Mike 1wantto buys Yankees baseball ap for my brother. (Greg Why? Isithisbirthday? Mike Does your brother collect anything? Greg My brother? — ‘Mike Really# Does he have any hobbies? = ike Oh, yooh My broer son the computer all the time, Greg Oh, does do computer graphiest Mike _2.No, not really. _ { Ginaiid? Complete the responses to make them more friendly, i) compete he respons ly. 1. 4 Areyou nto the fntemett 5.4 Lreally enjoy my piano lessons, Would 1 Notrally. Lae have a computer, youlhe lear the piano? 8 Umno, 2, A Whatagroat photo! Areyou interested 4, A Look at these flowers, Theyre 90 In photogeaphy? beautiful Do you enjoy gardening? Bo Wl not “ 2 ret —3 Yes and no ___ : Answer the questions in a fienly way. Use really n ach answer 1. Are you good at fiaing tings? '54 Ave you into winter sports tke sing? 2B No, nck weal anak good ity hems. 8 No, C Yes. tareally goad at fxng cars, Yes, 2.4 Doyoumake your awn dothest 6. 4 Do you and your frend enjoy cooking? 3 No, Se ea c 0 Tog Ys 3.4 Does yourbest friend collect anything? 7 A Areyourclassmates into computer games? BG URS oy Tg, C fap, SERS REE RNS cs, 4. A Does your teacher speak Russian? 8, 4 Areyouinterested in photography? Crm rte, 4 About you Aner Be qusions wth your om formato, Ue rely youranawer (cme “Yes Lnenlly ike seccev ana vlleyoall, @ a not cally, Lenser =} [Ae youartsicr) ( 7 "202 Hobby groups 1 Two popular hobbies —__ - Young People’s Hobbies A. Ga) GES. Thereare many hobbies and hobby skes on And what about ches? soa nw but in thelntemet Comping and chess ter are two thepast nat mary young peopl played the ‘ofthem Athough tes wo hobbies re ery gpa Alot of young people go nersted Seen hey have on thingin common: both in learing chess when the sam ln the st every papal ith young people Why? Har terme ad many obi ny Planing chess Sone Moby, a Sting ae Conereasoncamping isso populars because good at lying the game Young people often Ischeap Therese campsrounds around the fallow what series do even fs chest ‘wo and theyre a ferent some haveindoor Siming poo esaurants,and game rooms. Moveand more scholchden are esning ‘thers dont even have wate Bt the areas near the game. Nay schools have ches cubs. ond Cempground ore simos always beautful hefearenaional competion every yet. ‘and people can play chest on computes 0, Camping reiasing Campers can gt up eay in. Thatmeans person can compete agensta ‘hemorsing end cook beakast with tar tenes computer or on eve ply against ane” ary They ean spana the day summing. person onthe ntet somewhere len the fishing Going kinginthe mountains, king at wor You can ly ehes anywhere = even tilde rus tng nthe von Teres usualy when youte camping! ‘anode no wae and noses Campers usally Soares BB Read the article again. Then write 7 (true) or false foreach sentence, ‘Corsect the false sentences. 2. Campingand chesshave nathngin common, —E_ They have ue thing in commaon, 2. Camping is popular because i's cheap and stress-free —— 28, Campershardly ever sleep well at night, —— 4. Many young people played chessinthe past, _ 5. Theis Horry Potter movie helped make camping popu. —_ 7.You can gocamping onthe Internet. 6 __2.My favorite hobby = {Witg] A Read abou this hobby. Complete the sentences with and, bu, oF alo eee. Rock climbing ‘One of my hobbies is rock climbing go once _er_ te a mont swith my fens. We prefer to climb he mountains neat my House ‘they ar realy beautiful We usually go to Bear Mountain @ Kennedy Park. | prefer Kennedy Park. t's nearer, Kennedy Park has a great campground. Ws great 0 be outdoors, the weather iit avays very ‘900d. if raling Snowing, clmbing can be very dangerous ‘the rocks get wet and slippery. ‘ean go rock cmbing indoors, eopelaly dary the wie, Sometimes my fends ge climbing atthe mall Ie’ not the same jst go once a month, usually ona Saturday Sunday B Write about one of your hobbies. Cone of wy hobbies | — Unit 2 Progress « chart [ari brs eto aa your progress. "piso mk % = 1 know how to. = need to review bow to ‘Wiheenpages | tao CIBER! Cate statements wit iret verb fons Vand 13 restore eo ome rea) Steed pers ss he pena enentey ad neboay 18 i Temata Sram ati 6 abe 12.1,16.0017 ‘Sane ati@ds of mase ian (BRS Ss capt a en ay ‘bani? urea adam tenets ego ctee | 17 COTE san ao, bec ones @ (SL) Healthy living ____1 Staying in shape ‘Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs. 1. Sandra You lock ook) great, Ashley. How de you shay (tay) in shapet Ashley Wel, (not eat any junkfood these days. And usualy (evertee tree or four tnx week, Sandra That's great. What kindof exercise you usually (dof mean, you cake) an arabes asst Ashley No, but Last started a Latin dance class at Dance World really Move) it Actually. ‘val there now. (ano ocomet Sandra Ub, thanks, but Fin ind of bus Ahiay Realy? Where you Sandra 1 (go) t9 The Good Lie sy favorite pce to et Ashley Oh, s that a health-food restaurant Sendra Actually. no. Ita ee-cream store. 2. Doctor Youve not in very god shape, Ken Are you eting ight? Kon Wel, 1 (ant) to give up red meat and 1 9) tet a balanced diet, But shard Doctor you. (eat alo of vegetables ‘these dayst ‘ken Ob, yes. 1 Doctor Oh these days? en To be bones. no realy in ely busy. 1 (take) cass three days a weak, 1 ‘earn) to bake cakes. Doctor Bat what about exercise? any exercise these days? on Well (val tthe video store every other day And (play) pool twice a week. (cap vegetables every day. (ove) French ries. you. {get enough exercise you. (ao) ‘Look t the pieture. Then answer the questons with the correct form ~ ofthe verbs inthe box. wlaae eatin [aaa gee evok water excise aes ase weigh Mi = oq Se) 1. WhatisSusendongnow ostayheathy? 2, What se does she dot stuyhealhy? a. she’s drsing wate, fs ® zu = About yon _ sss ) Geaemnmeees) = Ways to relax ____1 The practice of yoga __ j] A Read the article. Find the answers to these questions. 1, Where does yogu come rom? _ 2. Isyogn good for ses relxalon,setcing, breathing a vegetaran (Set. potve thinking an meetin. ‘ors ongnted in na, but tday itis becamig more and more popularin the United Sates, Why do “Amerans do yoga? One suney of ‘yous enthurste und out ‘A majoty (55) ofthe people in the survey practice yoga because they want to res, Some people do yost © stay in shape And ether people do yor when they fea Aopressec have headaches, fr have alot of stress Yous is ao heifer people who ive trouble seeoing, ‘What do people do hen the practice yes Most ofthe 5. Cam you practice yor alone? 44 Do eileen do yoga too? ae peopl inthe survey (90%) practice poses ae ‘were do Arenas do yoga? Many people ithe survey (48%) take dasses at oc yoga sus, Others (39%) co athome, ether Alone ce with fends. few people (9) have 2 private teacher ‘And how long do people do yoy? Most people inthe survey (57) dit haf an hou oF fvhowr ata tie. Some (4%) 40 yous fran hourand a al They al st doesrt matter how offen you do iti’ ust pera to do it And it seers everone is dong ithese das, Its even popula wth eneren ‘ora keeps people heathy because sakes them strong and helps ter rel ‘Seep and cope with stress So what bout yout Would you the 1017 ,oR! 1B Read the article again, Then answer the questions. What kindof diet do yous teachers recommend? 0 vegatevian dige Why do Americans do yoga Give thee teasons ‘What percentage of people in the survey practice poses and breathing? ‘Do most Americans in the survey do yor Accrding to the aril, how lang da mine ela de yest 6 Would you ket try yoga Why or why not. home? it 3 ate ‘A Read these suggestions fora healthy lifestyle, Putin commas where necessry. Healthy Habits hed Whey paceman tt ti Hyocart sep dk has of warm it ¥ ye SSngsthone rin watt ne tf ny Co \ Whenyouthen ous hose apy as Hyouhaveabeadache tik sin wih cop of Bo sing lve when you tne bf tes B Choose title and writea short article Give three suggestions. Sleep Foodand Diet eres ne Unit 3 Progress chart ‘Marthe bowes Below trate your progress. _——=—=~=*d Toe, go bck (= hoow how to... = eed review ow totes pagsin the Suto Book CORSE! Oo mate statements wine snp present ae rset contuous| ‘las questions wit he simple preset and past cortnoas (Cle and wen steers ae questa CHES] Tare tas 8 Rea his ine es 4 ey nas ‘Chae ate 6 eat probes ‘agai | keep acarvin oxing wih comment and fllw-p qustons : luge reso ke How ov go saw suse Tse cores inf and when clauses 1B Complete the sentences with the correct numbers. 1. Januaryisthe fist month ofthe year. 4, Julyisthe__ month ofthe yeas. 2, March isthe ‘monthoftheyear. 5. October isthe ‘month ofthe year 3. Iuneisthe month ofthe year. 6. December isthe month ofthe Wr Cotas ii] Complete the conversations with the correc form of going to 1. Sam What are you geing ba de (you J do) this weekend? |____" (seo) my grandmother. We haven (tbe) abigparyt — tnot do) much. t___ tbe) take) hera cake. Then ber rend (take) her dancing. She a tango teacher ‘Sam Your grandmother’sa tango teacher Cool 2 Yun That was lun onthe phone. He can't take usta Sarah's party ‘ara Ob, no. Why not? ‘Yum No cr. His parents are going to the mountains, and they ______(ae) thea ‘ara Wel, we cant rive. Who eke __ he) there? Yun! Dan, buthe (or go) unt after work. watt, wear comfortabe shoes! ies for Ne yous ma vom? avenged oe is math Sods gna Me et Special days 1 Good times __ j| Look atthe pictures. Write the special event. Then complete the descriptions with a ‘the expressions in the box. ‘iow outthe candle gooutfora romantic dinner shout "Happy Now Year" fmchange rings go triek-ar-reating sng “Happy Biray" eta dploma hav a rcoptin wear cap and gown Give her chocolates se freworks wear costumes "graduation aay 1. Anaad her cnsomats are sing 0 eee a cee and gov ae When they allhername, Ana's and bringErina cake, she Afterdinner, Allens goingto solng going to make wish and _ _——! 2. Allen and Carine ae going ta cl . = ee 4. Bruce and shellaaregoingto 5. Ahmadand Kelshaare going 6. John and Rudy are going ‘bigpary. They'e goingto togetmarried.Duringthe — _______ oftheir ‘onthe wedding, they'e going Tavorte comic-book daracters. beach. Then at midnight they’e ter When they're ready they'te soing ‘he wedding theyre goingto —goingto ee: inmeneignboroed. plerelerinis) 2 Write prediction about each pleture. Use going tor not going to. | Complete the conversations. Use and everything or and things like that) Leave two blanks empty in each conversation 1. Maya What are you doing on New Year'st ‘sie he Sys ies rece house You know abiginner with ‘ham and mashed potatoes ‘Maye Sounds great!Do you have pies? Britany Yeah, but 'm trying to lose weight. There'll his holday food ike cookies. I'seally ‘Maya Yeah, have the same problem. And {work a bakery So et enjoy the holidays and det next year, ‘Britany Grea idea! tm hungry, Let's go out and ext some cake ic ret 2 Carol Can we do something romantic for otranniuoesary thisyeur—_~7Canyou giveme chocolates send meflowers, ‘Bll Sue, Lean do that. carol Ane ike to go out fora nice diane. ill Well it depends. Where do you want go Carol Somewhere with violin music and candles ‘uO. Uh do you wants present, toot Carol Ofcourse! ike some jewelry, some clothes, il! Ob. When's our anniversary again? Carot On the twenty-fifth, ‘Bill Wel Inoed o get woskend Job to pay fr ll thi, Sonia Hey, the Rodeo Days festival starts tomorrow So, whatisitexactyt ete Well, every Februar, kids dtess up in cowboy costumes, They wear ts and ide horses, and ‘here’saparade__ reyou ging? Sonia Maybe. [don't know, Pm nt big on cowboys ote Wal really kind ofan. And people are gong to sell jewelry and F-hies| Sonia Lean go shopping there? Wow Im going to have loo fun at his festival 4 ceeatns Sii| Answer the questions with the responses in the box. Use each response + only once. Then add more information oa follow-up question. Tiepends, —_Waybe. 7 Téa know Tin not sare LA exam iy glen asualy sures me oxy Weta, . 2. (ive you gig asd your om sae ower on fr ith? + (Oo you warn go ee the trevor aight?) __2 Scrambled conversation ial} Number te lines of the conversation inthe correct order. ‘nee |_| aueyou ca alo shop fr col Chines gift and thing. 1 Would youth to gota Chines etl? | OK So, what do people do? | There ping ee oo? Ges, Tove | Wet donne mot gon dances nd sts that | Wall teat the foots res anism ‘Uns, bt don thave one fr hoping gh oe es for Chines New Yea. ‘Lots of things lik llon dances and everything! ‘mvmot sre, What kindof festival ist exactly? 1 Celebrating mothers “Wi; A. Road the article. Then ada the correct heading to each Traditions Mother’s Da iy pete cebdbvate Meters Dey te many countien threw pei ayo year Alongh nny countries cleat Mathes when cen ofl ages cece heir tere Daya lleren eso the year: the obidys Dmehisday” Mothers Dyce thelr” have ne purpose common to show love and ‘otherthat they lore them, and hank them for appreciation or mother. For example on Mothers {heirlovesnd care ‘ay mroing some crea big their mothers. tet in Be, Others give tee mothers its ‘hy made capil fr his holiday. And als ‘Mothe’s Day sot new celebration. Hisorins buy ther mothers fers send therm cad say that tare aa ring esti ance ‘Grose The modern fsa of Mea» Day [probably cone fom England in he 1, ven What re you ging odo next Mothers Day? Pople a day fom tie to vs their Mybe you can se some ofthese den to make Frother on ada they called "Mothering Sunde)” your mothe el sec “They ook small i snd spec eake called a i “diac! Inthe Uned Sate, Matera Dey.” male bay Jur mother beaut ecu ofc ny 14 nae ter eter eng hry you Sopra er pie are comes arte Maes do pri href er Bayon irs dan Sutra, Bea aly ce Tapani andthe Une sca tan * Mg ere iat mea {Weeccmd Sony n May wherein ance orate ale nS son thes Sandy May 19 her some lowers ‘rgtina Motrs Daycare onthe rhe cond tind Sunde Oe whereas a plo nd rtp ton Drembe spel Fomor she conti © Read the article again, Answer the questions. ‘hee did the dea of Mother’ Day come rom originals? \Which county started he tation of giving presents on Mother's Day? What was Mothers Day ellen England? ‘When do Brasil and Japan celebrate Mothers Day? ‘wnat ae thre trl uu Motors Dat ‘ii “ic = ‘A Start and end these notes to different people. ‘pote to tient A message t your neighbor ‘eter to your acter © | wisteve, | fetes | fen Soucoyngt | | in having a party on ean come to olaes io |Evenpodjs gang te | Friday. Were going to tomorrow, Thave a fover ‘nd a headache, so my smother staking me 10 the dctoe be thers. Hope you con ke a 5 Wete to these people about a special celebration. have a band | hope IBS not too noisy Peat ‘owe wa eacher ‘A mossage to a end ‘Aetart your grandparents | c z « ¢ € e | _ Unit 4 Progress chart i "ark te bows blow toraleyour progress. =~ veiw gobuck_| (= hnow howto... (= need to review how a tamesesagesin | th Sons Book ie going tere 55,35, ad 7 me eet oes ana inat bet ones pier ue the paser coninous forsee Me pens a ‘Cane te arts the yar Prd ‘Same he day fhe anh on ruber 1-31) Shand 35 se "age eressons ke and evening an and hngs | and 39 se guesses he ye nt pers 2 lar and en ination a person oes i a ee a SaLE Childhood 1 Whatietho year? 1 2 3 twenty ten nineteen ob-four ‘oo thousand eight inetaenxmenty-, avery bigand valuable opal 5. Coober Pedy becamea modern mining «its underground homes, museums, town when stores and mines. 4 Atprosent, Goober Pedy isthe world's maln source, “white man in ¢ ole” 5. Ava tourist place, Coober Pedy fofamous for, immigrants came to workin the mus. The Moon Plain was —— fof high-qualcy opts | Unit 6 Progress chart | an the ores below orate your progres. To ein go bak (= tinow howto... 2) = nado review hw a totes pas in the Set a0 BARE) Suse sere? aa re there? to ok about places in town and 55 se acess a,b, eee, t,o este ean | 88. makers ar ost wth Can ard Coll S657 CRSA name atleast 15 paces in acy or own 54, 55, and 56 “apie | euchormaonyepeaing ey wors anus “hcking’ | SB and 58 fignssore lak et usins a check iomson % HBT Swit gui ging recto a ‘Start #1 This isthe Garden Distt Book Shop. Anne Rice famous author from New Orleans, calls this her favorite bookstore. ‘Now go to #2, Take PytaniaStreet_ewr_blocks to Phi Street, ‘Turn ____ on Philip Street. Take Philip Stroet one \o Galiseum Street righton Colisoum Stet They're on the These homes recalled the Seven Sisters. A man wanted hs seven daughters {olive close tom. He built these seven houses for them as wedding git ‘heen ofthe block lefton Fst Seret. Go forone block 1's rght there, on the —__.Thlsis the ‘revard-Maha- Ric Hout, where Anne Rice ives andl works 5B Thinkof two tours attractions in your town or city. Write Hehaets to wesc high hes broke 10. Throke my saa bree finger b.shoulder” toe nose Bip cee i Look atthe pictures and the answers. Write the questions. ha 2A 1B When she was makingtea,sheburned 8 When wewore running 1flland berhand, sprained my ankle wie 4A 18 Theyhurttheirbacks when theywere (BH was chopping vegetables for dinner ‘Biz} Complete the conversation. Write the questions using the past continuous. ‘Mom 15, honey, How was your dayt Alia Wel Ihuremyselt ball Kicked hit mein the head. ‘Mom Oh, no! wha weve you Asng? ‘Alicia Wel was playing soccer with some friends. was looking Inthe othe ditecton Ta Alicia Wel Iwas looking at guy. guess wasnt paying tention. ‘Alicia This elly cute guy named Jason. ii i ‘Alicia. No, he was playing with us. He was just standing ther. an we Alin front ofthe el. He was aking on the phone. Anyway, "kicked the ball che bal hic Jason and then i hit me. ‘Alicia teal Now Ihave a date him with on Saturday! == That's really funny! 1 het you felt bad! eee eee ee hee ear Moeae [Number the ines ofthe conversations in the correct order. 1, Atri a sous Uh fap, —A_ You won" believe what Idd ast week. was ding ry bike with fiend in Cty Pack, Yeah there's more. wasnt paying ttent ton and ran right into ]@ woman in front of me — Yeah, itis. Anyway my frend and Twere talking about going to Australi 6 (by that’s beautiful | 2, __ Yeah, So1 Jumped out of bed, got dressed, — You're kidding! That tater Tet no one even noticed. Yeas, twas. and when I got class saw that was wearing different sneakers! Guess what I woke up ate this morning, andi was after 1:30 The whole way? bet you were 3, know. The hors fel ght on top of father was nearby. — Yeah, twas. My dad took her the hospital and she's OK now. — Do you remember my cousin, Courtney? Wel one day last summer she was "ding her hose when the hore fl Thar was ueky! — tet you're happy abou tha nn 9 ings appr RA ne ihe a Rae es ee sy} Complete each conversation with en appropriate response using I Let. 1. A Las looking around inthe mall he other day, and walked right int. glass dood [asso embarrassed 5 ect ue ove even notice, 2. A My later wasn't paying attention when she was geting her newspaper this morning and se locked herself out ofher apartment. 2 A. Miylitie sister Borrowed any new laptop lst night and she dropped it Can you belive 1's broken. pee = {44 Twenttoa concert with some frends last weekend, but Twas so bored that allele! ‘5. Yestarday. was singing lol in dhe ar. forgot hat the back windows were open Everyone on the treet heerd me, a 6. 4 Guess whet? Just won a tip Hawall in aado cones what happened? ———————————— Finish these aneedotes. Then write an appropriate response. 1. Twas walking to work ane morning, and thought {samy old frend from unlor hgh school cross the stret, Lau aber Lin ana called bis naw, faen Loot there. amd seve Bre sus Race. brew he wasn my Brena | Aine au His guy ak al, 1B _Ohanel pet you were ewhewrassed, 2.4 Lwastakinga taxi once and Iwas in hry, [wanted to pay the driver with some cash from my wallet but 2, A Lan yous Fg eves yume Ganges ny iad, Wel, we gat oun Tel ae cr and 4A My brother was driving my dad’ carina bad storm one night and Good things happen. [iil) A Rood the story. Then clrte the best te. ‘Af years ago, while | was driving across eastern Canada, somthing very unusual happened stil dan understand what happened i While | wes drvng a righ through thick heavy fog, | noticed flshes of gt inthe sky. They were moving from the sky onto the road infront of my truck I was driving Sony, ae | cout sve very wel, but those ights wars as bright as dayighe, and thy were ble was defintely noe ightang. [Now here's whore tho story gots weird. was gottng tred of ‘ving in the fog, so | pulled ofthe rd and stopped at tn alright restaurant for traveler, | waked in end sat dawn atthe counten When the serv came | er know what che meant, but my face suddenly ft realy hot. | went into the restroom and looked at myse nthe miear My face wes bnght real splashed cold water oni nd had 9 ‘wel to my skin. My hands ware aloo bres | wae very puseled and alle frightened. | want back to my ttle and ardered something to eat. | was feling weak and extremely red, and I wasrs hungry anymore After | forced myself 2 eet afew bites of fod, | checked inca @ nearby motel where | slept for ebout 24 ours, Aftr thet dt se any more ght flashes, and the “sunburn” on my face end hands dseppeered after 8 few days Even now, | wonder | stout those flashes of lah ~ I never fragt them! B Read the story again. Wiite T (rue) or fal ‘Then correct the fale sentences. 1, The unusual event happened a few eis ago. E_ for each sentence 2. The man saw the ashes oflight while he was driving one foggy night. 4 He noticed his sunburn before he went int the restaurant, —_ 4 The server wasfihtene bythe man’s appearance. 5. Themanateabigmeal atthe restaurant because he wasnt hungry. —_ 6, Afterthe man checked into. a motel be slept foralong ime, 7 The man did't see any more ight flashes after that night. {. Theburs dsappeared on his face after afew years. | A. Read about two unusual events, Complete the stories using when or while © Yeorsogy,ehenny fond and ivorein | @ hada srange eperience a couple of Yunlorhih choo we dca to wre cur names months ago, T happened one night ‘none-dollar bl for fun. Wespeneche mney | wasslceplng. It as probably about won forget shout it Then, one igh about 20 | the morning I woke up ola musi eolnter Tar wating ra bun Ear | looked eound, Ia tha the CD dolar bilon bestest U picked up, andy | ayer on mcomputer was runing esey ‘ame nar on Ievaethe mime bil we wtoteon! | Temember tring off Tent to bed think of now Fm amazed! pe ~ Kem Leonard, Los Angels 'B Write about an unusual even that happened to you orto someone you know. A reclly soasuel thing happened to Unit 9 Progress chart ‘ark Boras Below orate your progres. Aa ttorbowis... Te tne rvow how totes paps in the Suds 20k | Cima ast cortnous sateen a6and 7 5 skpost continous questions @ see pronouns @ ei are mas 12 prs ot boy ® ze at ist iis a8 ant 89 sages |lreacto and comment ona soy [some spd wa Gt [ot Ties wth when and whe is M3 Keeping in touch 1. Biggerand better | A. Complete the chart below with the comparative form ofthe adjectives in the box. ed eheap easy ard rosy quick oq comenient expensive important ot sow ‘boing cool ‘un interesing personal small busy feu good new popular eet digger 'B Complete the sentences withthe comparative form ofthe adjectives, expensive) than regular phone service. easy nan text messaging (convenient than regular cards. ‘5. To me regular photos are (nie) than digital photos. 6. 1think junkmallis even (bad than spam, 7.1's___tmportan tw have phone than to have a computer 8.Online newspapersare___ good) than regular newspapers © Complete the conversation. ‘Dong Un Tove my new laptop. I's s0 much_(good) than my old desktop. ‘Loni But aren’ reglaecomputers_______(cheap than laptopst Dong Un Yes, but they're___useull han laptops because you cant take them othe brary or on ap. ‘Loni Well, maybe laptops are___ (coal) than desktops, but my big ‘computers —_____ (quick than most laptops. Dong Un Yeah. butt sureisalot they __2 Desktops are less convenient... . i} Look athe pictures. Correct the sentences to match the pictures. 1 Jason thinks desktop computes aremare 2, Sandra thinks e-cards are more fun than convenient than laptops. postcards 3, Rober’ grandparents think instant 4. Jayend Sun Hee think video conferences are messaging is ester than phone eal ‘more bring than ong business mestngs 2.1 don’t think so! = Disagree with the statements 87 1. A think VCRs areharder to use than DVD players. 8 Really? | thik VCRS ave easier 2. A Tome regular cameras take better pictues than cell-phone camer 4. A Tehink adios are noise than GD players 2 4.4 Weeasierto understa ‘vole-mall message than awritten one 5. Its hard when your cell phone dosn't work, but i's worse when your computers broken, 6. 4 Inmy opinion, text messanes Fe popular than phoné calls to kaep in touch 6 On the phone __1 Phone situations _ A Choose the correct word to complete each phone expression, 1 havea bad > a.message b.eonnection _¢. number 2 callme—— f.mumber —breannection «ack 3 b.number © mistake 4. leavea aback bomessage call 5. hwethewsong—__a.number mistake connection 6 pleasehok aon bin call 7 gote aback bon cot 1B Use the phone expressions in part Ato complete the sentences, 1, Sheila calle me at work bur Twas an Important ‘meeting and coulda talk asked Shella to “eal wa bac late 2, Rickcan'thear Andre because there 100 much ‘ise onthe line. They ‘5. Wllam needs to tak to Jessica, but she's not home. He wants hor wo return seal, 0 he' have to 4. lim wanted o cal his brother, bute accidentally called. someone he dini¢know: He 5, have problems with my call phone. Every the ‘walkinto my bedroom, Theat atone and then | 6, Teall tke, bt ses Me was ups watching TV. She asked me 0 ‘while she called him tothe phone. 7, Jest works athome, and she gets alot of phone cll. ‘Everytime call er, Ihave to hold on because she i 10 Commaiaion Circe the best response foreach phone expression, 1. Leant hear you. We have a bad connection. ‘4. have another al, (eal back ona diteent phone, 2, Please leave a message 4 HL Frank This is Manny. Call me at home. . bs Frankisom the phone. ‘can you hod on, please? 1. Sue, no prob, i, Tot cut oft ‘0h, im sory think Ihave the wrong number 8, One moment, pease 1. Noproblem. 5. Good morning, Cambridge University Press, 4. Would you ike to leave a message? bs. Could speak Sally Sith, pleaser 5. Didyouget my message? ‘a. Yea, think dl, | Complete the sentences with more less, or fewer 1. Noncy Wom Lok my sib. t's ful. get shone junk ml than you do. ‘Bll Yeah, but you only had two spam messages lst woek. had twenty 1 get_____spam than you do. 2 Jule Ob, no! Myell-phone bls eally high this mont I need wo talk_than 1 didast month ‘Paula Let me ce. Sat dollars! That's not bad. Mine was ninety-five dollar. Myce phone cass me____money than yourst 3. Daan only had ovo text messages lst month. 1 gt__ ext messages than phone call [ric 1 dont reall ke to we my el phone to much. Actually ke Instant messaging than text messaging 4 Maki Would you ten that computer off You spend ___time online than anyone Tknow! ‘Larry ell, 'm bored. You aways watching TV. You could watch __ TV, you know! 5. Bon Oh, no! The serveris down again! need ta change ny provider yours. You seem 10 haveaot problems with your Internet service provider than Td, ‘Paul 1don'cknow. iy provider breaks down than your provides, bu your seview has ef festures than mine has eid What were you saying? aaa te chart below with expressions from the phone conversation. | A Complete the chart below with express tne phos len Tommy Ws Ellen. You wort betieve i ‘Tommy Sorry Ellen. Can youhold on a minute? Ihave to ‘um the rao down... OK, what were you saying? -llen Remember that job interview Thad last week? ‘Tommy Sure, do. Ob, just second. My cel phone's ringing... So, where were we? _Elen My ob interview last week. They called this rmamingan ops Excure me just a minute opie my tea... Whet was saying? ‘Tommy They called about the job... Ellen. Yea, ight gt the job! start next month, ‘Tommy Nextmontht That's rea Oh, ust aminute. need tosswitch phones... OK, so you were saying? lle This is the exciting par! Can you waitjusta second? I neod to turn ofthe stove... Allright. Where wae? Tommy The exciting pat about your nes job Ellen Right They want me to work in their London office! ‘Tommy That's amazing! Congratulations, Ellen! 1. ok, what were you saying? 2 me i a 'B Complete the conversations with expressions from the chart in part A. 1, Nolan Hi Akemi have some good news ‘Atom Oh, Ym sneey, = thawe another eat Nolan Sure, don't mind 2. Abby Kyl i's Abby. 'm athe supermarket an ‘le Justa second. Ihave to tur ofthe TV. ‘Abby Ls saying, Tm at che supermarket Can you come pick me up? 0p! Holi on, I dropped 3. Muriel He, i’smo. im calling beease my briefcase. ett Youre calling because youre Muriel Ob, yes, 'm working le 1 be home around nine tonight John John You John Jol Jol You Jol You | Add justo the sentences to make them softer. "J: Ineedioaskyous few questions, —_Liust need teask youn Sew auestons, 2, Sure. Can you seit a mint? Se 13. Thave o answer the door EE ay 4. Could you hold an a second? Ee 5. I neod to tun off the faces, Sn ee eee 6 Twanttoanswer a callonanotherling, 7% Ymeallingtofind outaboutyourtest. 8. Thaveto tell you one thing. eae Hold ona second. | Imagine your friend John calls Follow the instructions and complete the ‘conversation. Use just where posible. Heller HL. fs ohn How are yn ding? fi dora second’ was just calling to ask bout your English lass. Hows it golngt A a tes ee ‘Taina oT ca inp ene Eo Ta RT RATS You ke you ‘of fun, and Tm reall learning aot. np is SW: Ta oT ‘My Spanish cass. Well anyway, do you have any plans for this weekend SS "ust wanted to see youl keto see a move or something Saturday night, pan, Ea a Waa OS aT SET Sure, no problem. Talk to you later. E-communication 1 What's a blog? ig A What do you think blog ist Check () your guess. Then read the article. ‘computor support Web ste a weather information Web site lan olin dary about a particular topic Do you havea Hog? Do yu know soncoe who does? Canes are you do, Bogan ison ofthe mst popular fas of made pbshig, Ate og ~ “bog” or shor = 9 nd of nn ary at eats one pet's dope. he ene updater an they can be om afew sere seve pagan og. Bogs are wally bouton main toi, sich as pals spars or enetarment. The ste fen has rks oer inestrg Web sts, as wal 52 placer eases ops ecw comets 2 feedback Thefist blogs te cetedin he 1980s othe resing sites peopl ound one rent and comment on then, There met many blogs because compute expert had ‘to cee tem, Howie, scared 199, whan fee Blog-tuldng sofware fist became atlale. Suse Tas easy to start st Betneen 2000 and 20, the umber of og increased mae than 600%. 2005, ie ‘ere moe than Songs, What nd fpeson has bag neti, mee wren than men ave active lgscn he Ire es han a of blag ae en nadine eager yours Mote than 90% otogges are unde 30 yes on fat ‘he average boger a teenage gel who ups her ste ert weeks st token touh with er Ferd about ferit. Prop write logs or oer reasons, 100. The Iam ‘mane att ifrmaten, and ean evry hap ote ‘oni ses hve rte nfrmatin ‘han ots. Many eggs arepeopi ‘ho wart 0 sare infermation. about set Web tes, Other bloggers are varies whe an people around the ‘wi read thee esoal des ad pins. People can publ ther wrtiag more sucky (oh 2 tog shan in 3 book or maga. Maem, they ae ther oun editor ~ they can push whatever and ‘ahenever they want egg i one ofthe farting fore of pubis, arabe very logge can hove rset read togig 'sprobaby heresy B Read the text agen, and answer the questions, 1. When and why did the fst bogs appeart The Sst weys agecavea inthe 1990s to shave information bout ineresting Wer sites 2. Why was there such abig increase in blog after 19857 8. Who isthe average blogger? What does this person writ about? 4. What retwo reasons tha people writ logs. —2.Pros and cons ‘hie ter hd Beng iota goad wat Bula atin | troduction tothe | Te mary rfens eBags on be nee A Bgper est ron | tepket Boring = rng dei psa cme opr sa pro of econ, ay ee wes ane rep en Te sags nara Ds an "nk a Begg ah cs pres atone nubs clrates Bogs ep to ret ars case ey lp en fe es at are beter thn thes. Boge a etl or rns aie peopl al ere orca dad cnmanto the wg B Write short article ona form of e-communicaton. Include an introduction, ‘the advantages, the disadvantages, anda conclusion giving your opinion. Is very tour Heese Aas. ae Unit 10 Progress chart ‘ark the bono Blow orate your progress. —=~S*~*~ Toit ack | = ttmow howe... = Taeedta review how o.., | these apes in the Sates Bao, | TD make comparisons win adecives [san o0 se mae es, nd fener wih nouns and verbs 101 ame atest 6s of deere commuricatin 7 na 98 use atleast erent phone expressions 100 ae 101 ES we wr cease ee eae ih Bone eenet is Wit; write an article including the advantages and cisadvantages 105 1a tai ant aconlsion why vis {ook atthe pletures. Corzect the three mistakes in each description. 1, Tere sold, She' a lite heavy She's got long blond hai. Se looks tke Megan. She wearing black sweater. 2. Megan is young She's very thi ‘cui Sle ouks tot ke Teese She's ‘wearing white sweater ‘Complete the conversation withthe missing questions. ‘kari Did you meet my brother Bob at the party las night es home for spring break David De you lec alee? ‘Kart No, welook wally diferent. ‘Kari Actually he takes after my mom. {Took ike my dad, gues. David ‘Kari His sx four He's alot aller than me. Dah PEO TRI SP sy ‘Kari Noyhe does. Ws very curly Burts blond ike mine, David 1 ‘Karl Ves go green eyes ‘Kari Hels wenty-one. Hey, der’s Bob now! Lat’ go say [WR] A. Rea the clues and write the Features. 1, These can makea person'stethstralgn, —eraes 2 This grows on aman chin, 8. Theseare tiny braids close wo a persons hea. 4, People wear these to help them se better 5. These havetny holes for wearing jewelry. —__ 6. People who do weight taining usually get his way. 17. These rete brown spots ona person's face or body 8. This grows under a man’s nose 9. This is what we cll people with «shaved head. 10, Some women think hese make theirhands ook prety and they sometimes pint them red cout ofthe wa. 12, Young people sometimes ike this style whore the hairs shor and sands up. BB Answer the questions with your own ideas and information. 1. Doyou think men should hve pierced eas? Ma. Leon's Let Akin wen shel A were, @ _Lihink Ws wen wear sags amd beacélets 215 OF to wear caving, 25 2, Who did you know with freckles when you were young? 4, Did you ever wear braces on you teeth? 4. Which s beter, belng muscular or being thint Why? 5, What are your two favorite ways to wear long halt 6, Who do you know with shaved head? ‘hs| Look at the piture. Write a sentence about each student using the given word and one other descriptive phrase. 1. A Which one tsa (check 2. A Which one illo? tad) meee cna 3. A Which ones Melting? (listen) 4. 4 Whois ag write) 2 5. A What aboutivy, whieh oe isshet (si 2 6. Sowhich guys Kareem? (wear) B 17. A Which oneis Anna? (alk) A teKnm here Who ished ead) a 1 Lean’t remember. | igi? Complete the conversations with the questions inthe box. Wats is Renae? Wat do you calli them? Wat do you cal hat thing / hse tings? 1. Katherine Hey. 1 gottickets othe big soccer match on Sandy. Yong Joon Cool Who's plying? Katherine Wel isan all-star match, That realy famous Brailian saris init, lha’s hs mae? Yong oon Do you mean Konalot Katherine Maybe. What dos he look Uke? Yong/Joon He's got bald head... Well, not bald exactly. He cats all hishai oft auherine shaved head No thas not him. ng Joon Maybe youre thinking of Rival, Katherine Ym not sue. The payer Jong halt and he wears copie ea Yongoon Oh, Tknow who you mean Ronaldinho. ‘They're called dreadiocks. But he doesn't ook ike that anymore Katherine Ronaldo, Rival, Ronaldinho ~no wonder can neverremember his name! 2, Brittany Guess ho Lust sew at the airport That singe, he ne with the great vice Ashley Sorry, dat could be lot of people. Can you give me more information? Britany You know, she plays the plano and writes her own songs Ashley Norah Jonest Brittany No, not et. Tis singer sometimes wears her aie in those litle braids. Ashley Do you mean coarows? ‘Britany Yeah, right. And smetines she wearsanexering that Iooks lke a um. Ashley Udonitknov what you callit Anyway, yout ang bout Alicia Keys right? sik What's his name? | Who are they talking about? Respond using You mean... oF Do ou mean . SEH Then match the pictures, 1, A Who s that Mexican actress the one who played Frida Kahlo that move? Bc yaa mean Salvin Hayek, A 2, A Lreally ike those tennlsplayers..what are their ‘names? They'e sisters with the col tennis outfits 5. 4 Doyou want to go se that hip-hop band You knoe, the ‘one with the female lead singer? 44 My viend jostloves that Chinese basketball player. You now =the ell tll one Saima Hayek cravy about that ctor- what's his name? ~ che el sp0d-looking guy in Piraer ofthe Caribbean cg Yous ed Seana toms ibe it. eh. Laokat the picture, Complete the descrptlons without using the actual word(s) Then respond with You mean...or Dyer mean ..? 1A Mysterlvertowear tite des that sabe wanes sk ally tll B Devan mean Wah heel? 2. 4 Mybrother hs that hale 5.4 Lust bought some of those pants a How we looked image makeovers check your answers, Image overkaul again ancl again cys amorous movi sao onsrtne mother ow Mons mage scan more times than we can eoun Troughout her lng eae, ‘he has mana oy ahead of everyone ee ad et ews vende ery sop ofthe wa. ‘When she ist stand ou 63 lb singer, she was wear unk ace cress, black ruber acl, Sana te eclaces By 1985, she asso popula that ‘may your ls were copying er look he ews ‘ed began cal these pe Madonna Wannabes” (Swart ete Mar In 1967 the singer began er “Was Tat Gt” ‘wold The new abu and rs videos showed 2 ‘acl ransomaton fer te mer pry gt Sheet eto hai and dyed Bond, a she ook 093 me casi ook, "Mado crue o change her iage a she began appearin movies. Forte im Dick Taya 1980, she became gor ond movie a 1995, j] A Look tthe pictures. Match each pleture witha year. Then read the article, and Pah en cage ts oot er brow “Ales the ith fer st ch, Lourdes, 1996, ado had str ake ang th et ime of moe Then Macon mare Br ln (reco Guy Richi nd hat ers ei, Rc non Darn her “Dead Wort her hte race eld he andthe changes ‘Madonna’ ies, 5 wll ser prance became ‘arto everyone. She no ge went pars ale Ghusututene ney lek thes tt age {iis hercerGone wn he i go er tly eae She weno someone who placed my is She once “ones mont an ae, mony, and beng with atl peopl” ‘Aer moe than very ears of gig at cig, ‘Madonna sl one of he work's at popula star Her ans are aay amaze st ow the eat mae so tun changes and never go out ye, BB Read the article again. Then corret these sentences. cp 1, Madonna stared ut as sesemtrssinger, 2. Inthe cghtes, many alder women copied Madonna style. 3. In 1987, Madonna started wearing rubber bracelets and changed he ir color, Madonna dyed her hai forher role in Brita She adopted a mother image after he second child was born "hese days, fame and money ate more importanthan her family. _2 What's “in”? oneinthe bax. a 11 Apenances ‘A. Read the article, Replace each underlined adjective and expression with a similar . fashionable “a” sive _“out™ outa style poplar_the "a" hing end ‘Youre ready to buy new clothes, But wait! Go shopping in your own closet fst Find colors ‘that are Sis season, and see if they match ‘ih clothes you already have, Look athe ‘colori clotes people ate wearing, lack wil ways be fashionable, but i's no longer the ‘only cole. Add some tops in song clos, since they are hein” thing his yar ‘Casal dress is slot pong ut of ste — ‘sportswear snot a popular a it was some time ago. Your est bet to buy asics that are gong to be intl or longer time. As for Jean, look forthe indy tes arng in tres ‘soon, Tight jeans wil soon be “au” so think caeflly before buying Remember, you need to ty on a lot of ferent styles to get look thats ght for you. Dont forget to have fun! B Wilte a shor article about new fashion tends using the expressions in part. ‘Mark the boxes below to rate your progress. Gf = Venom bow Unit 11 Progress chart (a= Led eve tow a se ave and hav oto desctbe people b+ ig aed rapsitons to ienty people | 111 Taro, gobask to hase paws in the Sunt’ Book 118 an 108 [Tong ation seein and epegvas i each pone EE. | 10d tt show at yg enero a wor Vigan 13 ‘Seu mean oh seine nee soeg 113 ‘se resins io dscroe wens We ld | Complete the phrases with the words inthe box. ababy busy Toranew o> fomcolege some tine off abroad foramaster’s degree fora promotion ch and famaus to another ety travel event grate Diao eek, ‘become soe ake ety Sikeep task __2.We might move! ___ fj Read Rachel's e-mail How sure i she that these things will happent Cirle the best future expressions to compete the sentences, wisarant Tomorrow my dG GORE wil ask fora promation at work, 50 our fai going to / wld probaly move to Peru next summer we do, we (are going of wil be abet) vst Machu Picchu and got Lake Tiicaca anytime swe want ma itl cared though. fm sure wont / wort be able a) be 25720 move to another county where the language is deren. can speak Spanish, s0 | probably (might not / won't) make new friends quickly. Also, my brother won't / might no come with us Hes studying for his masters degre, and | don't think he (s going to / wil ake time off from school. think | {il / am going to) be lonely at fies. | hope all of ue learn Spanizh before we leave! Call me soont Rachel i 12 Latin ate "Gi Unscramble the questions. Then look at the pictures, and answer the questions. ony 1 she ning loo eae ater graduation 1 2 es What going / next summers 140/108 leat ‘23. 3. California they think 10! you / move / will Do? 4 1s /What goa a year from now / her? Jobs _—1 What do they do? _ (Wisi) Write the names of the jobs under the pictures. 0 12 oti tnt plans? _ ‘Complete the conversations with the correct form ofthe verbs 1. Bly How's your ob gong? ‘Both Allright guess. 1s just not very interesting That's why ight classes. After fora promotion, ‘anty Wien you a promotion, willy earn more money? ‘Beth Sure.But]___"__any definite plans before1_my degree Go eT Bly Night school sounds Ike hard work ‘Both You ts, guess, But next year at this time, hope 1_—__a man Ringer at 1 ag a can ea. 2: Adam Wat te you goingto do after we —___ allege! . Noi mot sure. goto graduate school. How about yout ide lore aa deans thnk |_—___ 0 mprents and ask em for aie they ep me, Neil Sounds good. When yourbusiness.____ succesful, will you give me ajab my own business. ater! ea a) ‘Adem Sure yo ely. " Gaae} Complete the sentences with true Information using afer before, fo when seam mse my tamiywitbe rey happy Pigetamastersdegee 6. Ilprobablyearna ot of money. 7 Ibe disappointed = Ml drive. {ei A Complete the conversations with the responses inthe box. 71 make te saad. you want, cl and remind you | won't forget 1 wake up on my ou, Iwor'tbe late, IH callyout $30, jst in case “wort averslgp, et you boraw ene of ham, 1. Liam Hey, Elaine! Were having clas dinner this Saturday. Can you bring something? inne Sere Mlamake Hoe salad iam Great! Bu dn’ frget the dressing Ike last ime, Blaine atleast, 1hope nt. laine Yea, dat might be good. Thanks. 2. Jerry Remember to set your alarm clock tonight. Were leaving at 600. ‘ovin Uh dont have an alerm, but al igh 1 promise Jerry don know. You might overlep, vin Donte worry. Jory You know have wo alarm clocks Kevin 160K. Really Kevin Maybe | should just stay at you place ‘night That way you won't worry! BB Make an offer or promise using the words given 1. A Willyou remember to call he plumber thisafternoont 2B Yes, Law't Borgek, — (nt forget) 2. 4 Ob, no! forgot my cell phone have to call brother fora ride home, 2 Don't worry. _ (drive) 8.4 Tso hungry and Tleftmy tune at home. 2B That's OK. (money) 4.4 Tionttknow what kind f computer to buy. 2 Iryouwant (help. ‘5. A Who's going to take cate of the children while go grocery shopping? B__ do), but have to leave by 00 18 Don't worry. (ote late) i} Complete the conversation withthe responses in the bax. ‘OK. Tan take tem fo epost office on my way work, Aight. make a chocolate one. (Ok, | yuess. Bul How ca you be tie? Yu did a anyting, Um alright. pick her up on my way ome, Anything ese? “70K, no problem, | have plenty of space. Alright. now the perfect hing to buy [Nicole Can we have Lynn's surprise party at your place? Mine's too small Tara kno pronlns, [have plenty & space, [Nicole And ma terrible bake. Could you make the cake? [Nicole Cou you also mail the invitations for met [Nicole And while you've doing that, would you mind getlagiynn agit Tara ees ‘Mlcole Oh, and ean you bring Lynn othe party that night? Tara —_ nicole Yea, jst one more ting. need a nap, Can you wake me wp man houre Tara 3 A busy weekend_ fpicciadbaaic | Respond to the requests. Then make an offer using your own ideas. = mak or specie ep ors?) (Aight, Mlk a salad, md ; ——— = In the future .. . —_iTravelplanning. og} A Read the article, Then circle the best tte. sa, THEFuTUREOF Doityourser mMrravel agent! E-TICKETS fours Frequent-fer miles, bonus pots, e-tickets, flble-dnte searches ~ this your sganimothers war! agency! The uel dutty charg, and s more people Be onine ‘olmak their own reservations hare willbe les demand far adisoral travel gens ‘These trends are being encourage bythe rsorsrnes and hotel, which oer discounts and speci to people who make ther srangements on the company’ Web ste. This saves the companies lo of money because they dort have eo hire a much al, Customer loay programs, sch a requnt-tye programs, have grown remendousl in recent years People who se the same aloe every Ee they travel ae rewarded with points oF les, which they ean exchange for free ket Wustomers by e-cekes ening hy are awarded Bons pnts However mare thn 60% of eine shoppers il make chefs purchase throu a ual agent ovr the phone, Thee pple are generaly more comfortable purchasing an acral paper Geet {rom areal person. But most expert agree that 5 more people 2 ued tothe do-t-yousell method, the way we approach ‘reel coulé change a wari of way Firs, fenile-dte searches, yallbe on many ine sks, allow trvlers to choose their ates cording fo cost. This could ead to mre last-minute travel, x peopl with Nee schedules are 2ble to ave money Second people wl als wo dy cn ours and make Ce eras ‘ralable to ether travelers who might be eerested in onng "Nex, since Web tsar cheap to run, more nviuaewilbe able to tare their own speciaiaed | entn agency” aly, with al he cpionsaalbl olin there wal be beta nformed travelers and Drobaly more of tem. Although the numberof tradklonal eral agent i dcresing some people laa want 2 dn witha real person and plan dhe rips, Mary expres ele tat ut ke one banking and shopping the ure f travels in ging customers more choice, both online and of And ee banking end shoring, online carl ki he world smaler~and3 whol Io chesper! L (hi 12 Long oben “Twenty yer rom nowt thik Tok wl be he ea pace toe Tink the pub ransortaton sytem willbe the best nthe worl wil go everywhere, 40 people wont need BB Writea short article about one ofthese topics. Use ist, Second, Net, ad Finally ‘olist examples within the artile. ‘The deal city ofthe future «Everyday life inthe future ‘Health the fare ‘The environment in the future Unit 12 Progress chart ‘eke baat iow rae your omnes. SS Inenterie.. = tmedtereievtovis... | ter msi | the Sens Be COBB) use wit may, ana mig oak aout he ate 18rd 119 use me present annus and going fre ure 83rd 119 se be sigl preset in causes with whe, afr, ané etre | 124 ‘oer he tue tame at ost Bnew gression fox won, study or Helens | 118and 118 “name at est 15 tee oecupatons 120 and 121 eyed | lose wo make oters and promises tne 108 Lmao! use lit and OX ta agen ooo someting 3 (ane use Fst, Second, Net and Fay ait ieas [135 AS) CLS is roe Jase WORKBOOK 2

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