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MGM PUBLIC SCHOOL, KANDANAD ANNUAL EXAMINATION 2019-20 Timme:2% wes ENGLISH, ‘Marks:60 Section A Reading. 1 Read the passage given below and answer the following question * One day, on their voyage the sailors came toa beautiful island, Tt was overgrown with lovely green tees. The seilors landed and decided to rest a while inthis enchanting spot. ‘Some of them made fire and began preparing meal ‘Suddenly the sailors heard their captain, shouting: ‘Run! Be quick and get aboard! You are not on an island but on the back of an enormous fish!” ‘And, indeed, it was not an island! It was really the back of a huge fish. Sand had been deposited on it, ‘Seeds had been brought there and planted by the wind, and these had grown into trees. This had come about because the fish had fallen asleep more than « hundred years previously. It has now aroused by the fire thatthe sailors had made on its back; taxs=5] Answer the following: 1. What was the sland overgrown with? 2, Was it really a beautiful island? 3, How had the trees grown there? 4, What it was that aroused the fish? 5, What isan sland’? write true or false: 1. The soldiers decided to res. 2. The sailors are on the back of an enormous fish. 3. Some ofthe sallors made a huge boat. 4. The fish had been asleep for more than hundred years. 5, The sound of sailors aroused the fish, Section B - Writing and Grammar You have fever. You cannot goto school. The doctor has advised you rest for 2 days. \rite an application to the Principal of your schoo! to grant you leave for two days. [5] dS) IIL Write a short summary of any film you have seen or any story you have "WV Flin the blanks with past tense form ofthe verbs gv in brackets: 4. The peon the bel. ring) (marks) 2. ROSE wnnnin Our garden. (grow) 3. The shepherd «nn. (629) that his goats were safe. 4. She wns (teach) me French V_ Rearrange the following to make meaningful sentences: (8 marks) 1. flowers / the / garden / they / from / plucked | 2. children / noise / di the /in the / make / class? 3. owlet / happy / my bed / the little / was quite / under k the words wrongly used inthe following sentences and write the coirect form: Incorrect correct (4 marks) 41. have pane in my right leg. 2. Iprey to God daily 3. This room is ate feet long, 4. She is combing her heir VII Fillin the blanks with present per eos (a marks) BL. She ensnsensnne("ead) all the stores 2. DORS enunnnnnnn@at}the bones kept inthe kennel. 31 w(tellhim about it. 4. TREY on {arrange) to meet the Minister atthe airport. LVN Rewrite these sentences in repo speech: « (2 marks) 1. John said, “1am living in London.” 2. They said, “we have finished the work." Section C- Literature 1X Read the extract and answer the following: (amarks) 1. Doctor won't et you out, poor fellow! So see! Your face is pale and there are dark rings round your eyes. Your veins stick out from your poor thin hands. Who sald this ? ‘What was the condition of the boy? What did the doctor say? [Name the lesson from which the extract is taken, . 2. Away down the ver, ‘hundred Other little children Shall bring my boats ashore \What does the speaker in the poem do? How long does the boat travel? \Who wil bring the boats ashore? Who wrote the poem “Where Go the Boats? X_ Write the meanings of: "OL Solitude — 2. Collapsed — 3. Adorned — 4. Ragged ~ XI_ Give one word forthe following: 4. Breathing out slowly and noisly 2. Complete happiness 3. Move into or through something 4 That which laeted very long XII Complete the sentences: 1. After writing, Swaminathan had looked atthe. 2, Nowonder the postmaster cals her. XIl|_ Answer the following in 30-40 words: Why did Moyna have to work? \What made Heidi start reading? ‘What food was given to Gulliver bythe litle men? ‘Why would the childlike to cmb a higher tree? XIV_Answer the following In 50 words: 1. What of troubles dd the different men have? (a maris) (marks) (2marks) (marks) (2xa-8) (a3)

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