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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

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Transactions on Smart Grid

A Minimal Incentive-based Demand Response

Program With Self Reported Baseline Mechanism
Deepan Muthirayana , Enrique Baeyensb , Pratyush Chakrabortyc ,
Kameshwar Poollad and Pramod P. Khargonekara

Abstract—In this paper, we propose a novel incentive based supply resource rather than a bid to reduce demand so that
Demand Response (DR) program with a self reported baseline the market operates fairly.
mechanism. The System Operator (SO) managing the DR pro- Dynamic pricing based DR programs [4], [5] can ideally
gram recruits consumers or aggregators of DR resources. The
recruited consumers are required to only report their baseline, achieve market efficiency, but they require more complex
which is the minimal information necessary for any DR program. metering and communication infrastructure to achieve this
During a DR event, a set of consumers, from this pool of recruited which raises their implementation costs [6], [7]. Furthermore,
consumers, are randomly selected. The consumers are selected consumers may not be responsive to dynamic pricing [8].
such that the required load reduction is delivered. The selected Alternatively, consumers could be signaled to reduce con-
consumers, who reduce their load, are rewarded for their services
and other recruited consumers, who deviate from their reported sumption and paid for their load reductions. Such schemes
baseline, are penalized. The randomization in selection and are referred to as Incentive-based DR programs or Demand
penalty ensure that the baseline inflation is controlled. We also Reduction programs. There are three key components of any
justify that the selection probability can be simultaneously used incentive-based DR program: (a) a baseline against which
to control SO’s cost. This allows the SO to design the mechanism demand reduction is measured, (b) a payment scheme for
such that its cost is almost optimal when there are no recruitment
costs or at least significantly reduced otherwise. Finally, we agents who reduce their consumption from the baseline, and
also show that the proposed method of self-reported baseline (c) various contractual clauses such as limits on the frequency
outperforms other baseline estimation methods commonly used of DR events or penalties for nonconforming agents.
in practice. Thus, incentive-based DR programs require an established
Index Terms—Demand Response, Baseline Estimation, Base- baseline against which consumer’s load reduction is measured.
line Inflation. The baseline is an estimate of the consumption when the
consumer is not participating in the DR program. For example,
the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) uses the
I. I NTRODUCTION average of the consumption on the ten most recent non-event
days as the baseline estimate [9]. The CAISO method also uses
Demand Response (DR) programs [2] are potentially pow-
a morning adjustment factor to account for any variability in
erful tools to modulate the demand for electricity in a wide
consumption pattern during the day of the DR event from the
variety of situations. For example, at certain times such as
past. Current methods to establish the baseline raise several
mid-afternoons on hot summer days, the supply of additional
concerns. One major concern is that the consumers have
electric power is scarce and expensive. At these times, it is
an incentive to artificially inflate their baseline to increase
more cost-effective to reduce demand than to increase supply
their profits [10]–[13]. Cases have been reported where the
to maintain power balance. Another scenario is a grid with
participants artificially inflated their baseline for increasing
high renewable penetration. Here, DR promises to be a better
payments [14]. Fairness can also be a concern. Consider, for
alternative compared to other expensive and polluting reserves
instance, an agent who happens to be on vacation during a
to balance the variability in renewable generation. Realizing
DR event and receives a payment for load reduction without
its potential, the 2005 Energy Policy Act provided the Con-
suffering any hardship. This can be perceived as unfair by
gressional mandate to promote DR in organized wholesale
other agents who deliberately curtail their consumption and
electricity markets. The FERC order 745 [3] met this mandate
suffer some disutility.
by prescribing that demand response resource owners should
be allowed to offer their demand reduction as if it were a
A. Our Contribution
This research is supported by the National Science Foundation under grants
EAGER-1549945, CPS-1646612, CNS-1723856 and by the National Research The modern grid is undergoing changes due to the emer-
Foundation of Singapore under a grant to the Berkeley Alliance for Research gence of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) like rooftop
in Singapore
a Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University solar, micro wind turbines, battery energy storage systems,
of California, Irvine, CA, USA plug-in electric vehicles and smart home appliances. Accom-
b Instituto de las Tecnologı́as Avanzadas de la Producción, Universidad de
panying these developments is the need for evolution of the
Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain role of distribution system operators (DSO). In the recently
c Department of Physics and Astronomy, Northwestern University, IL, USA
d Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University published report by IRENA [1], one of the new roles that
of California, Berkeley, CA, USA were identified for DSOs was peak load management through

1949-3053 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2019.2949263, IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid

DERs. Taking up this new role also makes financial sense for agement system to manage the load consumption pattern of
the DSO because, by managing or leveraging DERs the DSO a consumer in the future. Given the consumer’s preferences,
can avoid or delay the financial investments it has to make to this energy management system should have the capability
upgrade the distribution system to cope with the modernization to estimate the baseline and report it to the operator or the
requirements. In this paper, we propose a DR mechanism for load serving entity. In addition to all of the above aspects, the
the SO for this scenario. self-reported baseline DR mechanism can also avoid bias and
In the setting we propose, the System Operator (SO) recruits inflation in its estimate of the baseline.
DR providers as an alternate resource to balance supply and
demand during high price periods. The providers could be
B. Related Work
either individual consumers or aggregators of DR services.
We also assume that the SO has access to market outcomes, There exists substantial literature on baseline estimation
which is a reasonable assumption. The objective of the SO is methods [15]–[19], [19]–[24]. These can be broadly classified
to minimize cost when energy purchase from the wholesale into three classes: (a) averaging, (b) regression, and (c) control
energy market is expensive. This usually happens during peak group methods.
load scenarios, when the market price exceeds a threshold Averaging methods determine baselines by averaging the
market clearing (TMC) price. The TMC price is the price consumption on past days that are similar (e.g., in weather
above which it is profitable for the SO to call the recruited conditions) to the event day. A detailed comparison of different
DR providers or consumers to provide load reduction. averaging methods is offered in [15], [16], [18]. Averaging
The main aspects of the DR mechanism we propose are: methods are simple but they suffer from estimation biases
(i) self-reported baseline (ii) randomized selection of con- [18]–[20], and require a significant amount of data, especially
sumers, and (iii) penalty for uninstructed deviations. In this for residential DR programs [19].
mechanism, the consumers are required to self-report their Regression methods estimate a load prediction model based
baselines and are paid at a pre-determined reward for every on historical data which is then used to predict the baseline
unit of reduction they provide. A large group of consumers [17], [22]. They can potentially overcome biases incurred
is recruited so that the necessary load reduction is delivered by averaging methods [19], [25]. But they often require
reliably. When a DR event occurs, consumers are selected considerable historical data for acceptable accuracy, and the
randomly from this pool of recruited consumers to provide models may not capture the complex behavior of individual
the required service. The load reduction is measured by the consumers.
difference between the self-reported baseline and the measured Control group methods have been suggested to have bet-
consumption. The consumers signaled to reduce are paid ter accuracy than averaging or regression methods and do
in proportion to the measured reduction and the prescribed not require large amounts of historical data [23]. However
reward. The consumers who are not called are penalized for these methods require the SO to recruit an additional set of
uninstructed deviation from the baseline. This penalty and consumers and also install additional metering infrastructure
randomized selection controls baseline inflation. The proposed for these consumers. In addition, prior data based analysis, to
DR program requires only baseline information from the identify the most appropriate control group, might be required
individual consumers, which makes it minimal in terms of depending on the control group method deployed. This raises
the information it elicits from the consumers. their costs of implementation [23]. We also show later that
In this paper, we characterize baseline inflation for a the adverse incentives to inflate still persists in this method.
quadratic utility function with uncertain consumption and Compared to all the above methods, the proposed self-reported
a quadratic penalty function with and without a deadband. baseline avoids all of these issues, i.e. (i) bias and inflation,
The deadband in the penalty function is required to achieve (ii) need for historical data, and (iii) high implementation cost.
individual rationality. Using this characterization, we show In order to avoid baseline estimation, in a previous
that the proposed mechanism controls baseline inflation. We work [26], we addressed the DR problem as a mechanism de-
also justify that by choosing an appropriate calling probability, sign problem. The setting considered in [23] has an aggregator
which depends on the recruitment cost, the SO can signficantly and an Utility or SO. The Utility determines the required load
reduce its costs. Finally, we show that the self-reported base- reduction D kWh that is to be delivered by the aggregator
line establishes a better estimate of the mean baseline when based on the system requirements. The aggregator recruits
compared to conventional methods such as the CAISO’s m/m consumers to deliver the required reduction. The mechanism
method [9]. Since the excess payments made to the consumers that we proposed for the aggregator requires the consumers to
are proportional to the baseline used in a DR program, this report both their marginal utility and their baseline consump-
establishes that the self-reported baseline approach is more tion. The aggregator uses the marginal utility reports to select
cost effective than the CAISO approach. consumers such that its overall cost is minimized while the
Two concerns can arise with the self-reported baseline idea. load reduction target D is met. A drawback of this mechanism
One is the fatigue in reporting a baseline and the other is the in terms of implementation is that the consumers need not have
lack of knowledge of one’s own baseline. Notwithstanding, knowledge of their true marginal utilities.
self-reported baseline is still a viable method. This is because, The new approach proposed here also avoids baseline es-
firstly, the proposed mechanism is for peak load scenarios timation by requiring the consumers to report their baseline
which are rare events. Secondly, we expect a energy man- consumption, but the individual marginal utility need not

1949-3053 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2019.2949263, IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid


q Energy consumption of consumer π∗

θ Exogenous random variable
u Utility of consumer expressed in monetary units
π0 Retail price of energy Q0 Q
π2 Reward/kWh awarded to consumer k
f Baseline report of consumer Fig. 1. Inverse Supply Curve and Threshold Market Clearing (TMC) Price
π∗ Threshold Market Clearing Price (TMC) π∗
p Probability of consumer being signaled
R Reward function for load reduction
Φ Penalty function for deviation from baseline as a function of the net energy transacted in the wholesale
Π Inverse supply function market, see Fig. 1. The market inverse supply function is
Q0 Peak load
assumed to be convex with respect to Q and monotone in-
creasing, i.e. with positive derivative Π0 (Q) > 0. The threshold
market clearing price π ∗ (TMC price), as defined earlier, is the
be disclosed. The mechanism is minimal in terms of the market price above which it is profitable for the SO to call the
information it elicits from the consumers because it does not consumers. Given the inverse supply curve of the market, this
require either historical data or any additional infrastructure. price can be computed a priori. In scenarios where the inverse
The authors in [27] use a similar problem formulation to ours supply function is not available a priori, the SO can estimate
and propose an incentive based DR mechanism, but do not it using data from past twelve months. This is typical of many
address how the reward price is set, how the consumers are system operators such as the CAISO which publishes threshold
selected so that the DR service is delivered reliably and the market clearing prices for the next target month using data
cost aspect of the mechanism. In addition they also ignore from past twelve months. The assumption we make is that
any randomness in the consumption of the consumers. Here, this estimate is reflective of the true TMC price.
we consider all of the above aspects and the randomness in Here, we assumed a single-node model to ilustrate the
consumption. We also provide comparison with other baseline TMC price calculation from the inverse supply function. In
estimation methods. a network model, the calculation may not be straightforward
While some parallels can be drawn with dynamic pricing and it would require a detailed analysis of how the congestion
based DR mechanisms [28]–[30], the setting we consider constraints influence the Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs) of
here is different. These mechanisms essentially influence con- the nodes, which is model specific [31], [32]. The main results
sumers by using time varying prices to alter their energy con- of this paper will still hold provided π ∗ , i.e. the threshold
sumption so that system objectives are met. On the contrary, market clearing price for a node in the network, is determined
the central problem we consider is to recruit DR resources via the network model.
that can deliver a certain amount of load reduction at certain
times of a month which coincides with peak load conditions.
This requires the estimation of consumer baseline because
B. Consumer Model
measuring load reduction requires a baseline. Hence baseline
estimation becomes a primary concern in our setting whereas Consider a residential consumer whose consumption is
such a requirement does not arise in the dynamic pricing DR denoted by q. Let θ be a random variable that is drawn
setting. from a continuous distribution. The utility of consumption
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In of a consumer depends on this random variable. We assume
Section II, we introduce the consumer model and the incentive- that the distribution of θ includes every possible source of
based self-reported DR program. In Section III, we solve uncertainty. For example, θ could represent the consumer’s
for the optimal consumer forecast and characterize baseline state where the consumer could either be at home or not.
inflation for a quadratic utility function and a quadratic penalty It could also model the randomness induced due to external
with and without deadband. In section IV we discuss SO’s weather conditions like temperature. Let the private utility
cost. In Section V, we compare self-reported baseline with function which is expressed in monetary units be u(q, θ),
other conventional baseline estimation methods. Finally, we which is assumed to be a strictly concave monotone increasing
conclude in Section VI. in q. We also assume that the random variable θ is realized
at the time when consumption is accomplished. Define the
II. P ROBLEM S ETUP marginal utility µ(q, θ) as follows:
In this section, we describe the market model, the consumer
∂u(q, θ)
model and the incentive-based DR program. A summary of the µ(q, θ) = . (1)
notations is given in Table I. ∂q
Note that since u(q, θ) is monotone increasing and strictly
A. Market Model concave in q, we have:
The market model is represented by the wholesale market’s ∂µ(q, θ)
inverse supply function Π(Q) which provides the energy price ∀q : µ(q, θ) > 0, < 0.

1949-3053 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2019.2949263, IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid

C. Incentive-Based Demand Response Program then the SO can call more consumers till the price falls to
The SO signals a DR event when the market price exceeds the desired level. Note that this does require the SO to recruit
the TMC price. The novel DR program that we propose some set of consumers who can respond on short notice. Such
comprises a self-reported baseline mechanism. The mechanism type of consumers can be recruited under the flexible resource
has two stages which are as follows. category.
Stage 1 (Reporting): In this stage, the consumer self Here, we provide a very simple example to illustrate how the
reports its baseline f and the SO announces the following consumers are grouped and selected. Consider the case where
quantities: the consumers are identical and have a capacity to deliver 0.5
kWh of reduction when paid at π ∗ = $0.05/kWh. Let the
1) the probability p of calling a consumer, probability of calling a consumer be p = 0.1 and the optimal
2) the reward function R(π2 , f, q) for reducing consump- load reduction ∆Q∗ = 10 kWh. Then the SO would recruit
tion (f − q), n = 1/p = 10 groups each with a capacity to deliver 10 kWh
3) reward per unit reduction π2 which is equal to the TMC of reduction when paid at π ∗ = $0.05/kWh. This implies
price π ∗ , that each of these groups would contain 20 such consumers
4) the penalty function Φ(f, q) for consumers who deviate and each of these groups will be called or selected by the
from their reported baseline when they are not called for probability p = 0.1 when a DR event occurs.
DR service.
This penalty function Φ is critical to ensure that the consumers Remark 1. As stated earlier, for an incentive-based demand
do not inflate their baseline report. At the same time, the response program, determining the right baseline is very
penalty should not discourage participation by preventing lack important as baseline can not be measured. In our mechanism,
of profitability for the participants. Based on the reward per consumers self-report their baseline. No other information
unit reduction π2 and the penalty Φ(f, q), each consumer from consumers is needed other than baseline report. Hence,
submits the baseline report f . our mechanism is minimal in the information it elicits from
Stage 2 (DR Event): In the second stage, a DR event the consumers.
is triggered when the SO expects the market price to shoot 2) Reward and Penalty Function: The reward function in
above the TMC price. The SO then selects randomly from the mechanism is set as
the pool of recruited consumers and the selected consumers 
π2 (f − q), if consumer is called,
are signaled to reduce consumption. The SO observes the R(π2 , f, q) = (2)
0, otherwise.
aggregated consumption Q of those selected consumers. By
the mechanism, the consumers who are signaled and reduce Thus, the SO pays the consumers according to the measured
consumption are paid π2 per unit of reduction. However, those reduction f − q, where f is the consumer’s baseline report
recruited consumers that are not signaled are penalized for and q is the measured consumption during the DR event.
deviating from their reported baseline as prescribed by the The reward per unit reduction is π2 . The consumer’s penalty
penalty function. function is specified as follows,
1) Consumer Recruitment and Selection: The objective of 
0, if consumer is called,
SO is to minimize its cost during DR events. During a DR Φ(f, q) = (3)
φ(f − q), otherwise.
event, the load is at its peak Q0 , and is desirable to achieve
a load reduction of ∆Q∗ , which is the optimal load reduction where the penalty function φ in (3) is chosen to be convex,
(Refer Fig. 1). The SO recruits n sets of consumers. The symmetric, and nonnegative with minimum value zero at the
recruitment is such that each set of consumers reduces load origin, i.e. it satisfies the following conditions:
by ∆Q∗ for the specified reward/kWh π ∗ . The consumers are φ(0) = φ0 (0) = 0, ∀x : φ(x) = φ(−x), φ00 (x) > 0, (4)
tested before they are recruited. Here, the assumption is that
the aggregate load reduction can be more reliably established where φ0 and φ00 denote the first and second derivative of the
than the individual load reduction which requires a reliable penalty function φ.
baseline estimate. Since the probability of selection or calling
of each individual consumer is restricted to probability p, the
number n of such sets of consumers recruited satisfies np = 1. D. Consumer’s Optimization Problem
When a DR event occurs, one set is randomly chosen and its The minimum expected cost incurred by a consumer is a
members are signaled to reduce consumption. This recruitment function of the baseline report f and is given by
and selection process ensures that one set is always chosen.  
Hence, the required level of reduction ∆Q∗ is delivered during H(f ) = Eθ min {π0 q − u(q, θ) + Φ(f, q) − R(π2 , f, q)} .
all DR events while satisfying the calling probability of each
recruited consumer.
The consumer’s problem is formulated as follows:
It is inconceivable that each set of consumers will exactly
deliver ∆Q∗ amount of reduction at the prescribed reward. CP: min H(f ). (6)
Hence, in the proposed mechanism, the SO is allowed to adjust
the selected consumers within the DR event window. If the Hence, the consumer’s problem is a two stage stochastic
price remains higher than the TMC price within the DR event decision problem. In the first stage the consumer decides the

1949-3053 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2019.2949263, IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid

optimal baseline report f , and in the second stage decides the b) Consumer is participating in the program but is not
optimal consumption q. signaled to reduce consumption: The reward and penalty
functions are given by (2) and (3). Let J b (f, q) denote the
Definition 1. Let f ∗ be defined as the baseline report that
realized cost function which is given by
minimizes the cost that is incurred by the consumer, i.e. f ∗ =
arg min H(f ). J b (f, q, θ) = π0 q − u(q, θ) + φ(f − q). (10)
As before, the value of θ is realized when the consumption
III. O PTIMAL BASELINE REPORT AND INFLATION decision is made. In this scenario the realized cost is also a
In this section, we derive an optimality condition for the function of the baseline report f in addition to the consumption
consumer baseline report that minimizes the expected cost of decision and the value of θ. The optimal consumption is given
the consumer. The optimality condition has a nice economic by
interpretation because it establishes that the baseline report that q b (f, θ) = arg min J b (f, q, θ),
minimizes the expected cost is such that the marginal utility
and so it satisfies the first order optimality condition,
of the consumers equals the retail price of the electricity.
The consumer’s optimization problem CP given by (6) is ∂u(q, θ)
π0 − − φ0 (f − q) = 0. (11)
a two-step stochastic decision problem. We characterize con- ∂q
sumers’s consumption decisions corresponding to the second Hence, the optimal consumption satisfies the following im-
stage problem and then obtain the optimality condition for the plicit equation,
consumer’s baseline report by solving the first stage problem.
q b (f, θ) = µ−1 (π0 − φ0 (f − q b (f, θ)), θ), (12)

A. The Consumer’s Second Stage Problem and q b (f, θ) is also a function of f because the deviation from
f incurs a penalty.
The consumer has several choices. It can decide to partici-
pate or not to participate in the DR program. If it decides to c) Consumer is participating in the program and is sig-
participate, then it can be signaled to reduce its consumption naled to reduce consumption: Again, the reward and penalty
or not signaled. This gives rise to three possible scenarios for functions are given by equations (2) and (3), respectively. Let
the second stage: a) consumer is not participating in the DR J c (q, θ) denote the realized cost function which is given by
program, b) consumer is participating in the program but is not J c (q, f, θ) = π0 q − u(q, θ) − π2 (f − q). (13)
signaled to reduce consumption, c) consumer is participating
in the program and is signaled to reduce consumption. We The optimal consumption is given by
obtain the optimal consumption for each of the three cases q c (f, θ) = arg min J c (f, q, θ).
assuming that the baseline report f is given. The consumption q

when the consumer is not participating corresponds to the c

So q (f, θ) is the solution of
true baseline. Hence, we use this value as the baseline to
characterize inflation in the DR program. ∂u(q, θ)
π0 − + π2 = 0. (14)
a) Consumer is not participating in the DR program: In ∂q
this case, R = 0 and Φ = 0. Let J a (q, θ) denote the realized Hence, the optimal consumption q c is independent of f and
cost function for this case. It is then given by is given by
q c (θ) = µ−1 (π0 + π2 , θ). (15)
J a (q, θ) = π0 q − u(q, θ), (7)
The relation between the consumptions for the three differ-
where π0 is the retail price of electricity. The optimal con-
ent cases q a (θ), q b (θ, f ), q c (θ) and the consumer’s baseline
sumption is given by
report f are stated in the following lemma.
q a (θ) = arg min J a (q, θ),
q Lemma 1. The optimal consumptions for the three cases
which is a function of θ because its value is realized when the q a (θ), q b (θ, f ), q c (θ) satisfy the conditions (i) q c < q a and
consumption decision is made. Note that q a (θ) is the solution (ii) q a < q b < f or f < q b < q a for every θ.
of the first order optimality condition,
Proof. Refer Appendix.
∂u(q, θ)
π0 − = 0. (8)
As a result of Lemma 1, a rational consumer that is partic-
Hence, q a (θ) is given by ipating in the DR program and is signaled always provides a
load reduction with respect to its true baseline consumption
q a (θ) = µ−1 (π0 , θ), (9)
q a . However, according to this lemma, a consumer that is
where µ−1 denotes the inverse function of the marginal utility, participating and not signaled for reduction may inflate its
see (1), that always exists for every θ. Moreover, since the consumption near to its inflated baseline report to avoid the
consumer’s utility is monotone increasing and concave in q, penalty and gain from the inflated baseline when called for
the consumption q a (θ) is always nonnegative. reduction. This behaviour needs to be controlled.

1949-3053 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2019.2949263, IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid

B. The Optimal Baseline Report establish that penalty is necessary and then show that with
Let p denote the probability that the consumer is signaled a penalty, the probability of calling p provides us a lever to
to reduce when a DR event occurs. The expected cost that is control baseline inflation.
incurred by the consumer (5) can be expressed in terms of the 1) Optimal Baseline Report without Penalty: In this case,
probability p as follows: the optimality condition for the optimal baseline report f ∗ is
given by
H(f ) = pEθ J c (f, q c , θ) + (1 − p)Eθ J b (f, q b , θ), (16)
dH(f ) dJ c (f, q c , θ)
∗ = pEθ = −pπ2 . (19)
and it follows that the optimal baseline report f mini- df df
mizes this H(f ). In the following lemma, we show that the
Since the sensitivity of the consumer’s cost H(f ) is negative
consumer’s expected cost H(f ) is a convex function of its
with respect to f , it indicates that the consumer will report a
argument f .
very high baseline.
Lemma 2. The consumer’s expected cost H(f ) is a (strictly) 2) Optimal Baseline Report with Penalty: The introduction
convex function of its argument f if and only if the penalty φ of a penalty function allows us to control the inflation in the
is (strictly) convex. baseline report by adjusting the probability of calling. This
result is shown in the following lemma.
Proof. Refer Appendix.
Theorem 2. Let the penalty function φ be a quadratic function
Since the penalty function φ was chosen to be convex, the
such that ∀x : φ00 (x) = 1/λ. Then the measurable inflation in
consumer’s expected cost H(f ) is also convex.
the optimal baseline report δ f˜∗ (θ) = f ∗ − q b (f ∗ , θ) satisfies
Definition 2 (Consumer’s Expected Marginal Utility). The
lim Eθ δ f˜∗ (θ) = 0.
consumer’s expected marginal utility under the incentive- p→0
based self-reported DR program is given by ∂u2 (q,θ)
c b
And when ∂q 2 = −1/d,
∂u(q , θ) ∂u(q , θ)
M (f ) = pEθ + (1 − p)Eθ . (17) lim Eθ δf ∗ (θ) = 0.
∂q ∂q p→0
The consumer’s expected marginal utility is a function of Proof. Refer Appendix.
the baseline report f , because the consumption q is a function
of f . For example, if the consumer is participating in the For specific consumer utility and penalty functions, an ex-
DR program and is signaled, then its consumption is q b (f, θ) plicit expression for the expected baseline report inflation can
which solves the implicit equation (12) and does depend on be obtained. The following theorem provides this expression
f . The following theorem establishes the optimality condition for the case where the consumer’s utility and the penalty
for the optimal baseline report f ∗ in terms of M (f ), function are both quadratic.
Theorem 1. The optimal baseline report f ∗ satisfies π0 = Theorem 3. Let the consumer’s utility u and the penalty
M (f ∗ ) and is a global minimizer of the cost function H(f ). function φ be quadratic functions such that
Moreover, the minimizer is unique when φ is strictly convex. i) ∀(q, θ) : ∂u∂q(q,θ)
2 = −1/d,
Proof. Refer Appendix. ii) ∀x : φ00 (x) = 1/λ,
where d and λ are positive scalars, then the expected inflation
The optimality condition obtained in Theorem 1 has a of the baseline report is given by
nice interpretation from the classical consumer theory in
economics [33]. The optimal baseline report f ∗ is such that Eθ δf ∗ (p) = f ∗ − Eq a (θ) = (d + λ) . (20)
the consumer’s marginal utility equals the retail price of the 1−p
electricity. Given f ∗ , the expected reward per unit of energy Proof. Refer Appendix.
(in kWh) paid for the expected load reduction provided by a
The law of diminishing marginal utility establishes that the
consumer is given by
marginal utility declines with increase in consumption [33]. In
Theorem 3, 1/d is the rate of diminishment of the consumer’s
π ∗ (f − Eθ q c (θ)) Eθ δf (θ) marginal utility, and it is a private feature of the consumer that
= π∗ + π∗ , (18)
Eθ q a (θ) − Eθ q c (θ) Eθ q a (θ) − Eθ q c (θ) cannot be modified by the system operator. Unlike d, λ is a
where δf (θ) = f − q a (θ) is defined to be the inflation of parameter of the DR program, because it defines the quadratic
the baseline report. From the second term, we infer that the penalty function, i.e. φ(x) = x2 /(2λ). Hence, the SO can
expected inflation of the baseline report should be small to choose λ in the design of the DR program. Since λ > 0, a
avoid a large excess payment. lower bound for the expected inflation of baseline report is
obtained by setting λ = 0,
C. Control of Baseline Inflation dpπ2
Eθ δf ∗ = f ∗ − Eθ q a (θ) ≥ . (21)
Here, we show that the penalty function in combination with 1−p
randomized calling allows the SO to control the inflation of Moreover, by choosing the parameter of the penalty function
the optimal baseline report δf ∗ (θ) = f ∗ − q a (θ). First we λ to be small enough, the expected inflation of the baseline

1949-3053 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2019.2949263, IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid

Φ(q) Theorem 4. Let the consumer’s utility u be a quadratic

function such that
∂u2 (q, θ)
∀(q, θ) : = −1/d.
∂q 2
f The penalty function φ is defined in (22), where d and λ are
positive scalars. Let max{qmax −Eθ q a (θ), Eθ q a (θ)−qmin } ≤
Fig. 2. Penalty function with deadband
, where q a (θ) ∈ [qmin , qmax ], then the expected inflation of
the baseline report is bounded by
report can be made arbitrarily close to its lower bound. Note pπ2
Eθ δf ∗ (p) = f ∗ − Eq a (θ) ≤ (d + λ) + , (23)
that this lower bound is a function of p and is decreasing with (1 − p)
p. Consequently, by choosing λ and p to be small the baseline and the mechanism is individually rational.
inflation can be controlled.
Here, we provide a simple numerical example to validate Proof. Refer Appendix.
the above results. In this example, u = cq − (0.5/d)q 2 , where
c = $.5/kWh and d ∈ {0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4} in ($/kWh2 )−1 . IV. SO’ S COST
The retail price π0 = $0.12/kWh and the TMC price The SO’s overall cost includes four terms: the cost to pur-
π ∗ = $0.05/kWh and are typical values (Refer [34]). These chase power from the wholesale market, the payment for DR
set of parameter values correspond to a typical price sensi- services, the retail energy payments and the recruitment cost.
tivity value of ∼ −0.3 [35], [36]. The penalty coefficient We ignore the recruitment cost for the initial analysis here.
λ = 0.1 ($/kWh2 )−1 . The probability p is chosen to be This allows us to mathematically derive an order approximate
p = 0.1. Table II summarizes the simulation results and how expression, with respect to p, for the resultant cost. Using this
it compares with the theoretical results for this example. we show that p can be used as a lever to control SO’s cost as
well. This allows the SO to achieve an almost optimal cost in
TABLE II this case by choosing a very small value for p.
BASELINE I NFLATION , δf ∗ We then discuss the case where the recruitment cost is
non-trivial. Here, we show that p is restricted as a lever for
d 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 controlling SO’s cost. This is because the recruitment costs
δf ∗ (theory) 0.0011 0.0017 0.0022 0.0028 becomes unbounded as p → 0. However, we show, for a

typical DR scenario, that the SO’s cost is decreasing with p
δf (simul.) 0.0012 0.0017 0.0023 0.0028 up to a certain threshold value. This threshold value is small
enough that the cost can be significantly reduced by choosing
this threshold as the selection probability. This suggests that
the SO can still reduce its cost to significantly lower levels for
D. Ensuring Individual Rationality with a Deadband typical DR scenarios.
The DR program is not guaranteed to be individually
rational from the point of view of a single consumer because of A. Without Recruitment Cost
the presence of uncertainty θ. When a consumer is not called,
Let Q denote the net energy purchased from wholesale
it consumes q b (f, θ) which varies with θ and is different from
market, Π(Q) the wholesale market’s price, ∆Q̃ the measured
f , as it was shown in Lemma 1. As a result the consumer
net load reduction provided by the called DR resources, and
incurs a penalty and the mechanism is not guaranteed to
π0 the retail energy price. Then, the SO’s overall cost, ignoring
be individually rational. This is not an issue in the absence
the recruitment cost, is given by
of uncertainty. Individual rationality of the program can be
ensured by introducing a deadband in the penalty as illustrated JSO = Π(Q)Q + Π(Q)∆Q̃ − π0 Q. (24)
in Figure 2. A penalty with deadband can be expressed as,
( Let Q0 denote the overall load had the DR resources not
(|f −q|−)2 been called to reduce load and ∆Q the true net reduction
φ(f − q) = 2λ , if |f − q| ≥ , (22)
0, otherwise. provided by the called DR resources, then Q0 = Q + ∆Q and
the SO’s cost can also be written as follows,
It is evident from such a design that there exists a deadband
width  such that the mechanism is individually rational. But JSO = (Π(Q0 − ∆Q) − π0 )(Q0 − ∆Q)+
a deadband worsens the inflation in baseline. In the theorem Π(Q0 − ∆Q)(∆Q + ∆Q̃ − ∆Q), (25)
below, we provide an upper bound for the inflation in baseline
when the penalty function has a deadband. The upper bound where ∆Q̃ − ∆Q corresponds to the inflation in net load
explicitly proves that the baseline inflation can worsen with reduction estimate, which arises from the inflation in baseline
the introduction of a deadband. But this trade off has to be estimates of the recruited DR providers.
made to guarantee individual rationality. From Theorem 3, it follows that the inflation ∆Q̃ − ∆Q is
O(p) where p is the probability of calling a consumer, which is

1949-3053 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2019.2949263, IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid

a design variable of the DR mechanism. Hence, in this case, Note that, in this case, the optimal cost for SO JSO 6=

min∆Q,p=0 JSO = JSO , i.e., the SO’s optimal cost can be min∆Q,p=0 JSO . The reason is that the last term grows un-
achieved by driving the probability to zero. And so the optimal boundedly as p → 0. This also suggests that, in this case, an
reduction ∆Q∗ = arg min∆Q,p=0 JSO . From the convexity of almost optimal cost cannot be achieved by choosing p to be
JSO , when p is zero, it follows that ∆Q∗ satisfies the first very small. This is illustrated in the example below.
order condition, We provide a simple example here to illustrate how the
SO’s cost varies with p when the recruited consumers provide
∆Q∗ = Q0 − Π0−1 (π0 /Q0 ). (26)
∆Q∗ reduction and when the recruitment cost is non-trivial.
The market price corresponding to Q0 − ∆Q∗ is exactly the In the example we consider here, c = 5 × 102 $/MWh,
TMC price π ∗ because Q0 − ∆Q∗ is the optimal reduction. π0 = $120/MWh, Q0 = 8000 MWh. We consider two
Consequently, ∆Q∗ satisfies different values for d, i.e., d = 0.1, d = 0.01. The values
of d are derived from demand reduction provided by typical
π ∗ = Π(Q0 − ∆Q∗ ). (27) customers assuming the payment to be $100/ MWh. The two
The SO recruits n = 1/p sets of consumers such that each d values correspond to large industrial customers and commer-
set can provide ∆Q∗ of load reduction when called for a DR cial places like retail stores etc. respectively [37]. We assume
event. Hence, the cost for the SO (25) when a particular set that the supply ranges from 5000 MWh to 8000 MWh. Using
is called during a DR event is given by the representative supply curve from [38] we approximate the
inverse supply curve for this range by Π(Q) = aQ + bQ2
JSO = (Π(Q0 − ∆Q∗ ) − π0 )(Q0 − ∆Q∗ )+ where a = −0.0415 in $/MWh and b = 8.3 × 10−6 in
Π(Q0 − ∆Q∗ )(∆Q∗ + ∆Q̃ − ∆Q∗ ). (28) $/MWh2 . For this supply curve and Q0 = 8000 MWh,

π ∗ ∼ $100/MWh and ∆Q∗ ∼ 1200 MWh. The reward
Using definition of JSO , payment of $100/MWh and the aggregate load reduction of

JSO = JSO + Π(Q0 − ∆Q∗ )(∆Q̃ − ∆Q∗ ). (29) 1200 MWh are typical of DR programs spanning the region
covered by a SO [39].
Substituting for baseline inflation from Theorem 3, The first two plots of Figure 3 provides the variation of
SO’s cost with respect to p when the recruitment cost is
∗ ∗ ¯ pπ2
JSO = JSO + Π(Q0 − ∆Q ) N̄ d , (30) πrec = $2/Customer for different values of d and the bottom
row plot of Figure 3 provides the variation of SO’s cost
where N̄ is the number of consumers in the set and d¯ is the when the recruitment cost πrec = $10/Customer. The former
average rate of diminishment of the marginal utility across the recruitment cost, i.e. πrec = 2, is based on typical service
recruited consumers in the set, which is an unknown. The SO costs charged per customer on a monthly basis to recover
chooses the reward rate as π2 = π ∗ , and therefore the metering implementation and maintenance cost [40]. In
our case, we consider the worst-case scenario where the SO
+ (π ∗ )2 N̄ d¯ ∗
= JSO + O(p). (31) bears this cost instead of passing it on to the DR participants.
Note that the approximation of the SO’s cost by ignoring
Note that with the inclusion of deadband to ensure individ-
recruitment cost, as in the previous section, is a reasonable
ual rationality, the SO’s cost becomes,
  approximation of the SO’s cost up to a certain threshold
∗ ∗ 2 ¯ p probability. This threshold probability is as low as 0.1 and
JSO = JSO + (π ) N̄ d + π ∗ N̄  = JSO

+ O(p + ).
1−p 0.2 for the cases d = 0.1 and d = 0.01 respectively. These d
(32) values and other parameter values are typical values as stated
Thus, for this case, the SO’s cost is O(p) and O() optimal before. Hence we expect that, in a typical scenario such as

and the SO’s cost JSO approaches JSO when both p and  this, a SO can still reduce its cost significantly by setting the
approach zero. This result suggests that the SO can achieve calling probability equal to this threshold value.
an almost optimal cost in this case by choosing a very small
value for p.
B. With Recruitment Cost
Here, we shall use the CAISO m/m method [9] for our
Denote the recruitment cost per customer by πrec . Let NT
comparative study. We emphasize here that a similar analysis
be the total number of consumers recruited. Then NT is given
applies to other estimation methods like control group meth-
Xn ods. In CAISO’s m/m method, the SO computes the average
NT = N̄i , consumption of the most recent m similar but non-event days
i=1 and uses this average-based estimate as the baseline. Hence,
the baseline estimate is a moving average of the consumption
where n = 1/p is the number of groups and N̄i is the number
profile of the consumers. Typically this average-based estimate
of consumers in group i. Including the total recruitment cost,
from past consumption data is corrected by an adjustment
which scales with NT , SO’s overall cost is given by
factor to account for any variation in the consumption pattern
JSO = Π(Q) · Q + Π(Q) · ∆Q̃ − π0 · Q + πrec · NT . (33) from the past. This adjustment factor is common to all baseline

1949-3053 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2019.2949263, IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid

105 d = 0.1 105 d = 0.01 before. Let TE be thePset of days before the days in the set TN ,
2 2
= $2/Customer rec
= $2/Customer
and define f − = m1 −
τ ∈TE qτ as the average consumption of
SO Cost ($/hour)

SO Cost ($/hour)
1.5 = $0/Customer 1.5 = $0/Customer
Optimal SO Cost
Optimal SO Cost
the days in the set TE . The correction factor for the current
1 1 DR day is then computed as
0.5 0.5 q−
Cf = . (35)
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Typically, the consumers are signaled a day ahead of the
Probability of Calling (p) Probability of Calling (p)
d = 0.1 d = 0.01
DR event. So, the reward during the DR event on the cur-
105 105
= $10/Customer
= $10/Customer
rent day can influence the consumer to inflate its day-ahead
rec rec
consumption q − . The day-ahead consumption is obtained by
SO Cost ($/hour)

SO Cost ($/hour)
1.5 rec
= $0/Customer 1.5 rec
= $0/Customer
Optimal SO Cost Optimal SO Cost minimizing the joint cost of the current DR day and the day
1 1 before with respect to q − , as these are the only two terms in
0.5 0.5 the overall cost of the consumer that q − can influence. The
joint cost for the two days is given by J a (q − , θ) + J c (q, θ),
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6where
Probability of Calling (p) Probability of Calling (p)
J a (q − , θ) = π0 q − − u(q − , θ),
Fig. 3. SO cost vs p when load reduction is ∆Q∗ during a DR event. Top:
πrec = $2/Customer, bottom:πrec = $10/Customer. J (q, f¯c , θ) = π0 q − u(q, θ) − π2 (f¯c − q).

Here, for illustration purposes, we have assumed identical

estimation methods and is highly recommended. As we shall utility functions and retail price for both the days. The analysis
see this factor is the primary cause for the existence of adverse can be trivially extended to the general case where they are
incentives to inflate baseline. Hence, the analysis to follow not identical. The term π2 (f¯c − q) is the payment that the
equally applies to all current baseline methods that use an consumer receives for reducing consumption and the value of
adjustment factor, which includes the control group methods. θ is realized when the consumption decision is made.
As discussed before, the individual optimal consumption By definition it follows that the optimal consumption q −∗
decision depends on whether the consumer is signaled or not on the day before the current DR event day is given by
for reduction on a particular day. Also the baseline estimate q −∗ (θ, f¯c ) = arg min(J a (q − ) + J c (q, f¯c )). (36)
used for the payments depends on the consumption in the q−

days prior to the DR event. So the payments made during From the first order optimality condition it follows that q −∗
future DR events can influence the consumer to inflate their should satisfy
consumption during a non-event day. On a particular day,
∂ f¯c (q − )
the consumer’s benefit depends on whether the consumer is π0 − µ(q − , θ) − π2 = 0. (37)
signaled or not. As explained in Section III-A, if the consumer ∂q −
is participating in the DR program and is signaled to reduce, On the DR event day, f c and f − are constants. This implies,
its total cost is J c (q, f, θ) given by (13) where f is the baseline
∂ f¯c (q − ) fc
estimate obtained by the CAISO m/m method. However, if = . (38)
the consumer is not signaled, its cost is J a (q, θ) (see equation ∂q − f−
7). Unlike the incentive-based DR program with self-reported Hence, the optimal consumption on the day before the current
baseline, the CAISO program does not impose a penalty, and DR event day is
the consumer’s cost is the same as if it were not participating 

−∗ −1
in the DR program, when it is not called. q (θ) = µ π0 − π2 − , θ . (39)
Let TN denote the set of most recent m similar but non-
event days, and let f c denote the baseline calculated in Using this result, we provide a lower bound for the expected
CAISO’s m/m model. Then, value of baseline inflation in the CAISO m/m method with
adjustment factor, when the utility function is quadratic, in
1 X
fc = qτ , (34) the following lemma.
τ ∈TN
Lemma 3. Let the consumer’s utility u be a quadratic function
where {qτ : τ ∈ TN } is the set of consumption for the such that ∀(q, θ) : ∂u∂q(q,θ)
2 = −1/d where d is a positive
near past m similar non-event days. The baseline estimation scalar, then the baseline report f¯c satisfies
f c is multiplied by an adjustment factor Cf to account for
any variation in the consumption pattern. Hence, the CAISO Eθ (f¯c − qa (θ)) > dπ2 . (40)
baseline with adjustment factor is given by
Proof. Refer Appendix.
f¯c = f c Cf ,
In the proposed DR mechanism, the expected baseline infla-
where f c was defined in (34). Let q denote the consumption on tion with quadratic utility and penalty function was obtained in
the current DR event day, and q − the consumption on the day Theorem 4. From the discussion in the previous two sections,

1949-3053 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2019.2949263, IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid

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Transactions on Smart Grid

A PPENDIX The sensitivity of optimal cost J c (f, q c , θ) with respect to f

is given by
A. Proof of Lemma 1
dJ c (f, q c , θ) ∂u(q c , θ)
In order to prove the second statement, we note that = π0 β(θ) − β(θ) − π2 (1 − β(θ)),
df ∂q
J b (f, q, θ) is the sum of two convex functions U1 (q) = dq c (θ)
π0 q −u(q, θ) and U2 (f, q) = φ(f −q). The minimizer of U1 is where β(θ) = df . As before, q c (θ) satisfies (14) and we
q a (θ) and the minimizer of U2 is q = f . Then the minimizer get
of J b = U1 + U2 necessarily lies between the minimizers of dJ c (f, q c , θ) ∂u(q c , θ)
U1 and U2 which implies that q b (f, θ) lies between q a (θ) and = −π2 = π0 − . (43)
df ∂q
f . The first statement follows from (15), (9) and the properties
From equations (42) and (43), we obtain
of the consumer’s utility that is monotone increasing.
Eθ φ0 (f ∗ − q b (f ∗ , θ)) = . (44)
B. Proof of Lemma 2 The optimality condition follows from equations (11) and (14)
We start by showing that 0 ≤ α(f, θ) < 1, where α
is the cost sensitivity defined as α(f, θ) = dq df
. The ∂u(q b , θ) ∂u(q c , θ)
π0 = (1 − p)Eθ + pEθ . (45)
optimal consumption q (f, θ) satisfies (11). Holding θ fixed ∂q ∂q
and differentiating (11) further we get, The right hand side in (45) is the expected marginal utility
which implies that π0 = M (f ∗ ). Since φ was selected to
∂ 2 u(q, θ) dq b (f, θ)
φ (f − q) − − φ00 (f − q) = 0. be convex, from Lemma 2, f ∗ is a global minimizer of
∂q 2 df H(f ). Moreover, if φ is a strictly convex function, again from
Convexity of φ and strict convexity of −u implies the existence Lemma 2, f ∗ is unique.
of dq
df and is given by
∂ 2 u(q b , θ)

00 D. Proof of Theorem 2
α(f, θ) = φ (f − q ) −b
φ00 (f − q b ),
∂q 2 From equation (44), we have
and satisfies 0 ≤ α < 1. Next, we differentiate H(f ) twice to pπ2
show that H 00 (f ) > 0. Differentiating H(f ) we get Eθ φ0 (f ∗ − q b (f ∗ , θ)) = Eθ 1/λ(f ∗ − q b (f ∗ , θ)) = .
dJ b (f, q b , θ) dJ c (f, q c , θ) This implies,
H 0 (f ) = (1 − p)Eθ + pEθ
df df
lim f ∗ − Eθ q b = lim Eθ δ f˜∗ (θ) = 0.
= (1 − p)Eθ φ0 (f − q b ) − pπ2 . p→0 p→0

Differentiating once again, we get From the optimality condition for q b (f ∗ , θ) (11) and when
∂u2 (q,θ)
∂q 2 = −1/d,
H 00 (f ) = (1 − p)Eθ (1 − α(f, θ)) φ00 (f − q b ).
q b (f ∗ , θ) = q a (θ) + d/λ(f ∗ − q b (f ∗ , θ)).
Before we showed that (1 − α(f, θ)) > 0. Then, it follows that
H(f ) is (strictly) convex if and only if φ is (strictly) convex. Taking expectations on both sides we get
lim Eq b (f ∗ , θ) = Eq a (θ).
C. Proof of Theorem 1 That is,

The optimal forecast f satisfies the first order condition: lim f ∗ − Eθ q a = lim Eθ δf ∗ (θ) = 0.
b b c c p→0 p→0
0 dJ (f, q , θ) dJ (f, q , θ)
H (f ) = (1 − p)Eθ + pEθ = 0.
df df
E. Proof of Theorem 3
The sensitivity of optimal cost J b (f, q b , θ) with respect to f
is given by The consumptions q a (θ) and q c (θ) have the expressions:
dJ b (f, q b , θ) ∂u(q b , θ) q a (θ) = µ−1 (π0 , θ),
= π0 α(f, θ) − α(f, θ)
df ∂q q c (θ) = µ−1 (π0 + π2 , θ).
− φ0 (f − q b )(α(f, θ) − 1),
Also from (45), we get
where α(f, θ) = dq df (f,θ)
. Then, taking into account that ∂u(q b , θ) ∂u(q c , θ)
q (f, θ) satisfies (11), we get π0 = (1 − p)Eθ + pEθ
∂q ∂q
dJ b (f, q b , θ) ∂u(q b , θ)
= φ0 (f − q b ). (42) = (1 − p)Eθ + p(π0 + π2 ).
df ∂q

1949-3053 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2019.2949263, IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid

This implies, The derivative of φ∆ is:

p 
 0, if 0 ≤ x <  − ∆,
Eθ µ(q b (θ), θ) = π0 − π2 .
1−p φ0∆ (x) = (x + ∆ − )2 /(2λ∆), if  − ∆ ≤ x ≤ ,
∆/(2λ) + (x − )/λ, if x > .

Since the utility function u is quadratic in q, the marginal
utility µ = u0 is affine in q. Moreover, since µ0 is independent for x ≥ 0 and φ0∆ (x) = −φ0∆ (−x) for x ≤ 0, which is
of the random variable θ, it holds invertible for any x 6= 0.
Eθ µ−1 (Eθ µ(q(θ), θ), θ) = Eθ q(θ), From the fact that this penalty function is double differ-
entiable, the optimality conditions established before hold for
and substituting q b (θ) in the previous expression, we obtain this specific case as well. We do a case based analysis.
Case f ∗ ≥ Eθ q a (θ) + : From Lemma 1 we have that
b −1 p
Eθ q (θ) = Eθ µ π0 − π2 , θ . f ≥ q b (f ∗ , θ) ∀θ. Then using (44), the convexity of φ0 for

x ≥ 0, that f ∗ ≥ q b (f ∗ , θ) ∀θ and Jensen’s inequality, we get
The consumer’s utility u and the penalty φ are quadratic pπ2
functions, then their derivatives u0 and φ0 are affine and their φ0 (Ef ∗ − q b (f ∗ , θ)) ≤ Eθ φ0 (f ∗ − q b (f ∗ , θ)) = .
inverse functions are also affine. Moreover, the derivative of
the inverse functions satisfy: It is always possible to choose ∆ such that
∂ k −1

d, if k = 1, ∆ pπ2
µ (x) = 0< < .
∂xk 0, if k > 1. 2λ 1−p
k For this value of ∆, φ0∆ (x) is always restricted to x > .

d 0−1 λ, if k = 1,
φ (x) = Since φ0∆ is affine and invertible, we get
dxk 0, if k > 1.
  pπ2 pπ2 ∆
Then, the expressions of µ−1 π0 − 1−p pπ2
,θ and φ0−1
∆ =λ − + .
  1−p 1−p 2
φ0−1 1−p become
Since E(f ∗ − q b (f ∗ , θ)) ≥ 0, the fact that φ0 is increasing
for x ≥ 0 and from the previous equation it follows that
−1 pπ2 pπ2
µ π0 − , θ = µ−1 (π0 , θ) + d
1−p 1−p
a p
= q (θ) + d , ∗
f ≤ Eθ q (θ) + b
∆ π2 ,
1−p 1−p
and and substituting the value of Eθ q b (θ) given by (47), we obtain
pπ2 pπ2
φ0−1 =λ . f ∗ ≤ Eθ q a (θ) + (d + λ)

+ .
1−p 1−p 1−p 2
Using (44), we get Hence, the result for the penalty function with deadband φ
defined in (22) is obtained by taking limit when ∆ approaches
f ∗ = Eθ q b (θ) + φ0−1 π2 . (46) zero,
By taking expectations, f ∗ ≤ Eθ q a (θ) + (d + λ) + .
Eθ q b (θ) = Eθ q a (θ) + d . (47) Case f ∗ < Eθ q a (θ) + : By this case it follows that
and by substitution in (46), we obtain f ∗ ≤ Eθ q a (θ) + (d + λ) + .
f ∗ = Eθ q a (θ) + (d + λ) . Individual Rationality: For an  such that max{qmax −
Eθ q a (θ), Eθ q a (θ) − qmin } ≤ , the report f = Eθ q a (θ)
is individually rational. Thus the optimal baseline report f ∗
F. Proof of Theorem 4 should be individually rational. Hence proved.
Define a family of penalty functions with deadband as
follows: G. Proof of Lemma 3

0, if |x| <  − ∆,

 We start by showing that f c > f − . Recall that f − is the
(|x| + ∆ − )3 /(6λ∆), if  − ∆ ≤ |x| ≤ ,

φ∆ (x) = average of consumption on the days prior to the previous m
∆2 /(6λ) + (|x| − )∆/(2λ)

 non-event days. The consumption on these days only appear in
+(|x| − )2 /(2λ), if |x| > ,

the denominator of the CAISO’s baseline estimate for future
for 0 ≤ ∆ < . Note that φ∆ is continuous with continuous DR events. Hence, the incentive for the consumer is to reduce
derivatives up to second order for 0 < ∆ < , and it ap- the consumption on these days so as to inflate the baseline. On
proaches the penalty function φ given by (22) as ∆ approaches the other hand, f c is the average of the consumption on the
zero, i.e. φ = lim∆→0+ φ∆ . previous m non-event days. And the consumption on these

1949-3053 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2019.2949263, IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid

days only appear in the numerator of the baseline estimate Pratyush Chakraborty received the B.E. degree
for any future DR events, through the term f c . Hence, the in electrical engineering from Jadavpur University,
India, in 2006. From 2006 to 2009, he worked as a
incentive for the consumer is to increase the consumption on senior marketing executive in the Industrial Solution
these days. Since everything else is the same for the day prior and Services Division in Siemens Limited, Kolkata,
to the non-event day and the non-event day except for this India. He received the M.Tech. degree in electrical
engineering from Indian Institute of Technology,
incentive to reduce and increase, respectively, we conclude Bombay, India in 2011, the M.S. and PhD. Degrees
that f c > f − . This implies: in electrical and computer engineering from the
University of Florida in 2013 and 2016 respectively.
q −∗ (θ) > µ−1 (π0 − π2 , θ). From January 2017 to May 2018, he was a Post-
doctoral Scholar in the Berkeley Center for Control and Identification at the
Hence, University of California, Berkeley. From June 2018 to May 2019, he was
a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Motter Group- Dynamics of Control systems
f¯c − qa (θ) > µ−1 (π0 − π2 , θ) − µ−1 (π0 , θ) and Networks at Northwestern University. He is currently a Postdoctoral
Research Associate in Utah Smart Energy Laboratory at the University of
= dπ2 . Utah. His research interests include game theory, optimization, control, and
their applications to cyber-physical systems.
Taking expectation with respect to θ we obtain
Eθ (f¯c − qa (θ)) > dπ2 ,
and this completes the proof.

Kameshwar Poolla is the Cadence Distinguished

Professor at UC Berkeley in EECS and ME. His cur-
rent research interests include many aspects of future
energy systems including economics, security, and
Deepan Muthirayan is currently a Post-doctoral commercialization. He was the Founding Director of
Researcher in the department of Electrical Engi- the IMPACT Center for Integrated Circuit manufac-
neering and Computer Science at University of turing. Dr. Poolla co-founded OnWafer Technologies
California at Irvine. He obtained his Phd from the which was acquired by KLA-Tencor in 2007. Dr.
University of California at Berkeley (2016) and Poolla has been awarded a 1988 NSF Presidential
B.Tech/ degree from the Indian Institute of Young Investigator Award, the 1993 Hugo Schuck
Technology Madras (2010). His doctoral thesis work Best Paper Prize, the 1994 Donald P. Eckman Award,
focussed on market mechanisms for integrating de- the 1998 Distinguished Teaching Award of the University of California, the
mand flexibility in energy systems. Before his term 2005 and 2007 IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing Best
at UC Irvine he was a post-doctoral associate at Cor- Paper Prizes, and the 2009 IEEE CSS Transition to Practice Award.
nell University where his work focussed on online
scheduling algorithms for managing demand flexibility. His current research
interests include control theory, machine learning, learning for control, online
learning, online algorithms, game theory, and their application to smart

Pramod P. Khargonekar received B. Tech. Degree

in electrical engineering in 1977 from the Indian
Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, and M.S.
degree in mathematics in 1980 and Ph.D. degree in
Enrique Baeyens (SM19) received the Industrial electrical engineering in 1981 from the University
Engineering and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Florida, respectively. He was Chairman of the
of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain, in 1989 and 1994, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
respectively. He joined the University of Valladolid Science from 1997 to 2001 and also held the position
in 1997, where he is currently a Professor with of Claude E. Shannon Professor of Engineering
the Department of Systems Engineering. From 1999 Science at The University of Michigan. From 2001
to 2002, he served as the Associate Dean for Re- to 2009, he was Dean of the College of Engineering
search with the College of Engineering, University and Eckis Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University
of Valladolid. In 2007, he became the Director of of Florida till 2016. After serving briefly as Deputy Director of Technology
Research of CARTIF, a Spanish application-oriented at ARPA-E in 2012-13, he was appointed by the National Science Foundation
research organization which develops technological (NSF) to serve as Assistant Director for the Directorate of Engineering (ENG)
innovations and novel systems solutions for industrial customers and specially in March 2013, a position he held till June 2016. Currently, he is Vice
for SMEs. He also served as the Director of the Instituto de las Tecnologas Chancellor for Research and Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering
Avanzadas de la Produccin from 2011 to 2015. Currently, he is CEO of and Computer Science at the University of California, Irvine. His research
the Science Park of the University of Valladolid, an institution devoted to and teaching interests are centered on theory and applications of systems
dynamisation of the regional R& D system by transforming the scientific and control. He has received numerous honors and awards including IEEE
knowledge into sustainable progress for the benefit of society. His research Control Systems Award, IEEE Baker Prize, IEEE CSS Axelby Award, NSF
interests include optimal control theory, modeling and system identification, Presidential Young Investigator Award, AACC Eckman Award, and is a Fellow
distributed control systems and its applications to industrial and power of IEEE, IFAC, and AAAS.

1949-3053 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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