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³It¶s better to have a live-in relationship rather then having a divorced life!´ This is common and quite rational line

favoring live-in relations in the world. Live in relationship are not new for western countries but these days the

concept is adjusting its roots in east also. The word live in is controversial in many terms in eastern countries. But the

the 2K generation is so much influenced with this concept, in the whole world. The legal definition of live in

relationship is ³an arrangement of living under which the couples which are unmarried live together to conduct a long-

going relationship similarly as in marriage.´

The basic idea of cohabitation or conducting a live in relationship is that the interested couple wanted to test their

compatibility for each other before going for some commitment; the other reasons are some financial concerns or

homosexuality. In some parts of world these types of relationships are valid but some countries are highly strict for

accepting the concept. It has been found that Younger generation is wider to accept the live in relationships.


This is a general question which can strike at anybody mind that when

arrangement of marriage is for two persons in love then why couples are leaning towards the live-in relationships.

This question can have multiple answers, but this have been found that almost all the couples perusing a live-in

relation are willing to get married someday. But before that they want to spend some time with one another, for

understanding each other and to figure out their compatibility. Because they believe that if they found themselves

incompatible after marriage then they will have no choice other then compromising their life-styles.

Some couples believe that going for a weeding is just a waste of money, because they think their love doesn¶t need

any paper certification or social drama. The reasons can be numerous depending upon different mental set-ups.


Today many traditional communities are heading up in the world who opposes live-in relationships; they found it

against their religious concerns and social foundations. But it has to be understood that the emotional bindings and
relationships can never be pressed by power. Live-in concept is not a problem, it is just a thinking. And it has to be

entertained rationally. If youth is getting more influenced with the concept, then ethical and legal communities of world

must take some necessary steps to keep the concept original and rational. In spite of threatening people about live-in

relationships, the need says to support and help the couples who are living together, so that one day they go for

some healthier and more social relationship.


There are some couples (excluding gay and lesbian) who are living together from years but they still don¶t want to get

married. For avoiding unsuccessful live-in relationships and for all couples who are confused about getting married

before and during live-in relations, here are some recommended steps which will help them to take some healthier

decision -

‡ Take decision to live with each other seriously and with great care.

‡ Couples should be very clear about their expectations from each other before they go for living with each other. Why

are you going for live-in relation? You should be very clear about this.

‡ Remember living with each other doesn¶t make a guarantee that after this a guy will turn from somebody who says ³I

will never get married´ to somebody who make purpose on his knees. Expectations should be limited and never try to

improve your relation, just live-in because you have a smooth going relation.

‡ Don¶t think that after living-in or after marriage your partner will change.

‡ Fix a time for living with each other. You should not waste too much of your time in trying to establish compatibility.

If it is, it is and if it does not exist, accept that.

‡ Sign some agreement for live-in to handle finances and to set limits of physical relationships.

‡ Be clear with the fact that what is acceptable to you and what is not. It will help to have a rational decision about

your partner.

‡ Avoid pregnancy, because in cohabitation relations the birth of children is found to be unwanted by both of the

parents. Under these circumstances, it will be detrimental for future of child as well as for healthy relationship

between the couple.

‡ Finally if you are deciding to go for marriage discus with each other that what will change and what will not.

‡ Listen to your heart and go for a decision for which you don¶t need to blame anybody in future. Learn where to be

emotional and where to be rational.


Media misprinted the report that couples who go for live-in relationships are more likely to divorce each other. But that

is not true. Reports have been shown that the couples who go for live-in relationships are more opposite to divorce
then the ones who marry without living with each other because of their social or religious concerns. It¶s quite rational

also because most of couples go for live-in relations because they hate to be divorced, so why they will do the same

after marriage?

Well still the opposing communities are on the rock, and it is uncertain that the live-in concept is acceptable or not?

But it is rooting up day by day and it needs ethical and legal concerns.
NEW DELHI: In an observation that will cheer votaries of pre-marital sex and
live-in-partners, the Supreme Court on Tuesday opined that a man and
woman living together without marriage cannot be construed as an offence.

"When two adult people want to live together what is the offence. Does it
amount to an offence? Living together is not an offence. It cannot be an
offence," a three judge bench of Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan, Deepak
Verma and B S Chauhan observed.

The court said even Lord Krishna and Radha lived together according to

The apex court said there was no law which prohibits live-in relationship or
pre-marital sex.

The apex court made the observation while reserving its judgement on a
special leave petiton filed by noted south Indian actress Khusboo seeking to
quash 22 criminal cases filed against her after she allegedly endorsed pre-
maritial sex in interviews to various magazines in 2005.

The judges grilled the counsel for some of the complainants in the case and
repeatedly stressed that the perceived immoral activities cannot be branded
as offence.

The argument of the counsel was that her comments allegedly endorsing pre-
marital sex would adversely affect the minds of young people leading to decay
in moral values and country's ethos.

"Please tell us what is the offence and under which section. Living together is
a right to life," the apex court said apparently referring to Article 21 which
granted right to life and liberty as a Fundamental Right.

The apex court further said the views expressed by Khusboo were personal.

"How does it concern you? We are not bothered. At the most it is a personal
view. How is it an offence? Under which provision of the law?" the bench
asked the counsel.

The apex court further asked the complainants to produce evidence to show if
any girls eloped from their homes after the said interview.

"How many homes have been affected can you tell us," the bench asked while
enquiring whether the complainants had daughters. When the response was
in the negative, they shot back, "Then, how are you adversely affected?"

Khusboo had approached the apex court after the Madrash High Court in
2008 dismissed her plea for quashing the criminal cases filed against her
throughout Tamil Nadu.

Read more: Live-in relationship, pre-marital sex not an offence: SC - The

Times of India

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