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Answers ZNO Practice Test

1. B 16. A 31. E 46. C

2. A 17. A 32. G 47. C
3. B 18. E 33. B 48. B
4. B 19. H 34. F 49. C
5. B 20. D 35. H 50. A
6. A 21. B 36. D 51. D
7. F 22. C 37. A 52. B
8. T 23. D 38. G 53. A
9. F 24. C 39. A 54. B
10. F 25. D 40. A 55. C
11. T 26. B 41. B 56. A
12. B 27. A 42. C 57. A
13. C 28. D 43. B 58. B
14. B 29. H 44. A
15. B 30. B 45. B

Model answer:

Hello James,

It’s really good to hear from you. I’m sorry to hear that you’re having some problems right now with your project.
I understand how difficult it can be to work with people like this.
It’s really important for you to try to figure out what’s going on with him. It might be that he isn’t really sure what to do, or he
might have some personal problems at the moment and can’t really focus on the project. Of course, he might just not care at
all, but I think that usually people have a good reason when they act like this.
If I were you, I would try to explain to him how he is hurting the group. It’s very possible that he might not realise the effect
his actions are having. If this is what’s happening, then just talking to him should be enough.
On the other hand, if he doesn’t care about the project, you might want to talk to your teacher about it and explain the
situation. Even if he or she doesn’t change your group, the teacher may be a bit less strict when marking your work.
This is all I can suggest for now. I hope this helps you, and good luck on your project! Let me know how it goes.

Kind regards,

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