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God in His and grace brought me in contact with this great: towering
personality, religious leader, visionary leader and a hero to many men and
women around the world in August 1987 at the NYSC Orientation camp,
Odeaye, Okitipapa, Ondo state. By God’s providence and divine plan he
became the OCCF president and I became the General Secretary of the
OCCF of the former Ondo state (which included Ekiti state). Since then, a
lot of graceful and blessed moments have prospered in our lives and
ministries together till now.

Arch Bishop John Praise Daniel, as we in DCIC popularly call him

“PAPA,” is a force to be reckoned with around the world particularly in the
area of His passion for the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is
a loving and caring leader. He loves to see others succeed in whatever God
has called them to do in life and ministry. He has a large heart that
accommodates the good, bad and the ugly. He is not a sectarian or a
denominational Christian leader, but He believes in unity and oneness of
the body of Christ. So he is great respected Christian leader in Nigeria,
Africa and the World at large.

If Arch Bishop John Praise is seen having leadership aspiration, check

it, it is not always about him on selfish ambition, but for the success and
progress of the body of Christ. He expresses his mind freely without
grudge, bitterness, malice or offence. He is a peace maker and a bridge
builder. He is detribalized and has no “favorites” as some leaders do
among their followers .He believes in the progress of everybody and will do
anything at his disposal to make sure everybody around him succeeds. As
a man of a great leadership influence, he uses his influence for the good of
others, and sometimes to the detriment 0f his own well deserved pleasure.

What more, he is a lover of God’s word and he preaches and teaches it

undilutedly. Wherever he goes, he stirs a dead atmosphere into a bubbling
life with hope. He will always recognize the value in other people and
continually invest in them. He has no room for deception and mostly serves
others and expecting nothing in return. He believes in accountability and
leads others to discover their purpose and identity in God. He identifies
with other people’s failure, pains, progress and troubles by praying and
encouraging them. He is assertive and firm once he is convinced and sure
of what he is doing after waiting on God. He is always a man of his word.
He is always seeking God’s direction. He is modest not arrogant, fair and
just, trustworthy, a good learner, humble, sensible and kind. He could be
angry but it doesn’t last long. Yes, as a human being he may have his
weaknesses as any other man on earth but he believes everyday God gives
one opportunity to keep growing “until the perfect day”.

I know him also to have great love for the oneness and unity of Nigeria
and that is why he sacrifices a lot of his time, pleasure and resources on
interfaith meetings and programs around Nigeria and the world over.

He is a man of one wife, and great lover of his children and family. My
prayers for him daily is: GOOD HEALTH and LONG LIFE until he
comprehensively fulfills his God’s ordained mandate, purpose and vision in
life and destiny.

Let’s have these thoughts in mind as we reflect on our own lives on earth:

“Life is not measured by the number of breath we take but by the

moments that take our breath away” - Maya Angelon.

“Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be” “Grandma”

Bishop S.J Wakili Power

Vice President, Dominion Chapel International Churches,
National Headquarters, Kubwa, Abuja, FCT.
March 2020

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