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14, JULY 15, 2008 2301

Solving Soliton Perturbation Problems by Introducing

Rayleigh’s Dissipation Function
Samudra Roy and Shyamal K. Bhadra

Abstract—We solve soliton perturbation problem in nonlinear approaches [1]–[10] based on a variational technique, soliton
optical system by introducing Rayleigh’s dissipation function perturbation theory, and the inverse scattering method, have
in the framework of variational approach. The adopted process shown different ideas to solve such perturbing problems. The
facilitates variational approach to be applied on dissipative system
where the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian are difficult to form. idea of an auxiliary field is introduced in [1] and [2] to solve the
Exploiting the idea, loss and filtering problems are evaluated with dissipative problem approximately. A useful analysis of radia-
convincing results. Considering other perturbing terms like two tive perturbation was developed in [3], where a perturbed field
soliton interactions, intrapulse Raman scattering, self-steepening, is introduced in order to estimate the first-order perturbation of
and two-photon absorption in extended nonlinear Schrödinger different parameters. Adopting the quantum soliton concept,
equation, Rayleigh’s dissipation function is configured intuitively
so that the generalized Euler–Lagrange equation converges to the
the evolution of different fluctuated quantum operators (namely
related governing equation of the pulse propagation. The process photon number, phase, position, and momentum) are quantified
evolves a set of differential equations exploiting the dynamics of analytically [4]. A further elaborate discussion on soliton per-
different pulse parameters under the influence of perturbations. turbation theory may be found in [5] and [6]. The perturbation
The obtained analytical results are verified with generalized theory based on the inverse scattering method is developed in
Kantorovich approach and compared with previous reported
[7] to analyze perturbations like third-order dispersion, soliton
results. Numerical simulations based on the split-step beam
propagation method are employed to calculate the pulse evolution self frequency shift, periodic modulation, etc. Finally, in [8], the
parameters and the derived results are found to be corroborated generalized Kantorovitch method has been introduced in order
well with the analytical predictions. to solve the extended nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE)
Index Terms—Filters and modulators, generalized Euler–- which describes the nonlinear loss and/or gain. Currently, the
Lagrange equation, intrapulse Raman scattering, optical soliton, concept of this technique is frequently being associated with
Rayleigh’s dissipation function, self-steepening, soliton interac- different perturbation problems [9], [10]. In all the described
tion, timing-jitter, two-photon absorption (TPA). techniques, the prime objective is to evaluate the differential
equations that predict the evolution dynamics of different pulse
parameters under various perturbations.
The perturbing effects which are associated with a nonlinear
HE characteristics of soliton propagation in a nonlinear pulse evolution have been solved mostly through variational for-
T guided medium have evoked immense interest when
subject to perturbation or to various forms of pulse degradation
malism. In an attempt, we try to evaluate the perturbing effects
on soliton pulse parameters by introducing Rayleigh’s dissipa-
evolving through nonconservative and conservative perturbing tion function (RDF) with a similarity to a mechanical system
processes. In real physical systems, two-photon absorption where the frictional dissipative problems are solved by using
(TPA), gain dispersion (GD), higher order group velocity RDF [11]–[13]. The mechanical damped harmonic oscillation
dispersion (HGVD), noise control filtering and modulation, problem, for example, can mathematically be simulated with
two-soliton interaction, higher order nonlinearity (HON), the help of RDF. However, the formalism may be extended in
intrapulse Raman scattering (IPRS), and self-steepening are nonmechanical systems like electrical circuit analysis. A brief
considered to be the prime perturbing effects on a propagating outline of the applicability of RDF in the stated systems may
optical pulse. The dissipative effects on the pulse are expected facilitate the understanding of the reader. At this point, it may
due to the influence of TPA, GD, and filtering, whereas in case be noted that the application of RDF should not be restricted
of other perturbations, the pulse energy is likely to be conserved only for the velocity-dependent dissipation problems. The most
mathematically. The presence of different higher order per- striking fact of RDF is that it may be useful to solve the elec-
turbing effects disrupts the fundamental soliton condition and trical circuit problem where the velocity is analogically replaced
generates significant disorder on pulse parameters. It is useful by current. The use of RDF is also noticed in describing the dy-
to study the nature of such perturbations in order to get an idea namics of the damped magnetization field [14]. Interestingly,
about the pulse evolution in a real application. A number of a simple mathematical procedure projects the extended NLSE
as an equation of motion of a particle in an effective potential
Manuscript received August 27, 2007; revised January 21, 2008. Published
well in presence of nonlinear frictional force which
August 29, 2008 (projected). The work of S. Roy was supported by the Council is generated due to perturbation [15]. The frictional force van-
of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). ishes in absence of any perturbation. The details are given in
The authors are with the Fiber Optics Laboratory, Central Glass and Ceramic
Research Institute, Jadavpur, Kolkata-700032, India (e-mail: samudra@cgcri.
Appendix I. This algebraic modification to project the extended;; NLSE as a frictional problem suggests the idea to introduce the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JLT.2008.922305 RDF analogically in Euler–Lagrange (EL) equation in order to
0733-8724/$25.00 © IEEE

solve soliton perturbation problems. Interestingly, in a report their relative phase relationship. The process evolves some dis-
Kozlov et al. [16] just mentioned the possibility of application of order in pulse evolution and restricts the bit rate of the com-
RDF in dissipative or filtered system. However, the foundation munication system [5], [6]. Among the various higher order ef-
of RDF was not discussed. The application of classical mechan- fects, intrapulse Raman scattering (IPRS) is most significant on
ical concept in pulse propagation is restricted by reformulating the evolution of an ultrashort pulse where it experiences a con-
it as a variational problem for conservative systems only [17]. It stant downshifting of the central frequency [20], [21]. Again, the
would be an interesting approach if the nonconservative pertur- intensity dependence of group velocity results in another phe-
bation is suitably incorporated in the same mathematical frame- nomenon called self-steepening [21], [22]. In this paper, we in-
work. In the course of our study, by solving different dissipa- clude all these perturbations in extended NLSE separately and
tive problems in the domain of variational calculus, we observed solve it by adopting RDF formalism. We examine that a gener-
that the use of generalized Euler–Lagrange (EL) equation [11] alized projection operator technique [23] would also evolve the
would be a useful approach. It is interesting to note that the intro- same mathematical expressions of pulse parameters perturbed
duction of RDF to solve the perturbing problems has the ability by IPRS and self-steepening. We do not include the detailed
to generate the equivalent results that could be obtained by using calculations of the projection operator technique in the present
perturbation theory, Kantorovitch approach, and projection op- discussion. However, a brief mathematical description is given
erator scheme. Exploiting RDF, the evolution of a propagating in Appendix IV to compare it with RDF. Some of the analyt-
pulse under the combined effect of TPA and gain dispersion has ically predicted results related to filtering, soliton interaction,
already been studied [18]. The successful adaptation of RDF IPRS, self-steepening, and TPA problems are verified with de-
in that dissipative problem inspires us to use it in more general rived numerical data using split-step beam propagation method
cases. In the present report, we try to introduce the perturbations [21]. In the present report, our main emphasis is to visualize the
like loss, filtering, two-soliton interaction, IPRS, and self-steep- perturbing problems in the framework of variational technique
ening individually in NLSE. The collective influence of TPA and to elaborate the Lagrangian formalism in more general wave
with IPRS and self-steepening on propagating pulse is studied propagation problems governed by extended NLSE.
too. To make the study more general, we include input chirp Before going to the detailed study and use of RDF in optical
in the propagating optical pulse and elaborately discuss its ef- pulse propagation problems, it may be relevant to discuss the ap-
fect on propagation characteristic. The striking features of using plicability of RDF in mechanical damping and electrical circuit
RDF in perturbing system are discussed with detailed deriva- problems. Apparently, the two problems looked to be different,
tions where most of the physical phenomena related to loss, fil- but in principle they are similar in nature.
tering, soliton interaction, IPRS, self-steepening, and TPA are The Lagrangian ( ) and RDF ( ) of a mechanical one-di-
possible to explain quantitatively by adopting some simple an- mensional oscillator are represented as
alytical procedures. The generalized EL equation in classical
form [11]–[13] is written as follows: and (3a)

where is a positive constant (3b)
where , , , and are the Lagrangian, Rayleigh’s dissi-
pation function (RDF), th generalized coordinate, and its time Using (1) and (3), a damped oscillatory equation can be obtained
derivative, respectively. For different dissipative systems related as follows:
to optical pulse propagation, we construct the RDF intuitively
like configuring the Lagrangian density. RDF should be an ex- (4)
plicit function of which is the derivative of slowly varying
pulse envelope ( ) with respect to propagation distance ( ) and where and .
its complex conjugate ( ), this quantity is analogically equiv- The system of an electrical circuit containing inductor and
alent to velocity. Then, following the standard procedure, we capacitor may be defined with the following Lagrangian:
optimize them by integrating over time domain inserting a suit-
able ansatz. The construction of RDF should perform in such
a manner that the generalized Euler–Lagrange (EL) equation
must give the extended NLSE and its complex conjugate. The
prescription that we have adopted is stated as follows:
where , , and are charge, self inductance, and capacitance,
(2) respectively.
The system becomes nonconservative with the inclusion of
the dissipative effect of resistance. The corresponding RDF is
where Lagrangian density is the explicit function of , ,
and their complex conjugate.
Loss and filtering effects mainly influence the amplitude of
the propagating pulse. However, the frequency may directly be (5b)
perturbed by filtering process [19]. The overlap of two adjacent
solitons may introduce an attractive interaction depending on where is the resistance of the electrical circuit.

Generalized EL equation as given in (1) may obtain a similar

type of dynamics that we derived in solving damped mechanical


where and .
The rate of energy dissipation can be quantified by using fol-
Fig. 1. (a) The evolution of pulse energy is demonstrated with numerical ver-
lowing relation: ification. The dots depict numerical values obtained by the split-step algorithm
where the solid line represents the analytical expression. (b) The corresponding
numerical solution is represented.
where is the energy the (7)

Equation (7) states that in an electrical system the energy is dis-

Exploiting the generalized EL (1) and a simple algebra may
sipated by well-known Joule heating.
end up with the following standard expression:


We adopt the methodology to solve the pulse propagation (14)
problem in most simple lossy medium considering the standard
exponential decay law of pulse energy by applying RDF. The when represents the energy of the
dynamics of an optical pulse in the lossy system can be ex- pulse.
plained in the following dimensionless form: The exponential decay of the energy may be viewed in Fig. 1,
and additionally it is verified with numerical simulation.


In a nonlinear transmission system, the ideal soliton commu-
where and are the complex field distribution and loss co- nication becomes restricted due to several physical mechanisms.
efficient, respectively. The nonlinear term is excluded for sim- Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE)-induced timing jitter is
plicity. However, the process holds good even in the presence one of the dominating factors among them. In practice, it is
of nonlinear term. For the given system (8), a Lagrangian and necessary to introduce an amplification mechanism to compen-
RDF may be obtained with the following forms: sate for loss for long-distance transmission. However, coherent
amplification is always accompanied by the generation of ASE
and (9) noise. The generated noise added with soliton field results in
a random shift of soliton carrier frequency with corresponding
change in its velocity. Such random speed change produces a
shift in the temporal pulse position leading to Gordon–Haus
where the suffixes represent corresponding derivatives and the
timing jitter [24]. Several techniques were developed during the
asterisks are for complex conjugate.
last decade for controlling the timing jitter [25]–[31]. The con-
A simple ansatz function having the Gaussian distribution is
trolling method may be classified into frequency and time do-
considered as
main. In frequency domain control, optical filters are used to
block the ASE noise, where as periodic amplitude and/or phase
(11) modulation is applied in time domain control having the period
which is same as the bit period to the soliton pulse train. During
where , , and are complex amplitude, temporal pulse the filtering process, some soliton energy is always lost [32].
width, and chirp, respectively. All the parameters are allowed Apart from the energy, other different parameters like ampli-
to vary with distance. tude, temporal position, frequency, and phase are also affected.
Inserting the ansatz in the expression of Lagrangian and RDF,
the corresponding reduced form may be obtain by integrating A. Frequency Domain Filter System
over time as follows: In this section, we are aiming to evaluate the perturbation
created due to the use of a filter exploiting the proposed RDF
and (12) technique.
The NLSE including the effect of filters may be expressed by
(13) the following dynamics:

It may be noted that the reduced Lagrangian and RDF are now
functions of different pulse parameters. (15)

where , , and represents complex field distribution of the (23b)

soliton, normalized excess gain coefficient, and curvature of the
transmission peak of the filter per unit length, respectively.
Having the dynamics of the pulse envelope, the corre-
sponding Lagrangian and RDF may be constructed as
and (16)
Examining the set of expressions (23), it can be seen that not
(17) only the amplitude but the frequency is also controlled by a
filter. However, the filter does not influence the temporal posi-
Here, the suffixes represent corresponding derivatives. tion directly. It may be noted that the soliton perturbation theory
The generalized EL equation can be written in the explicit [5], [6] predicts the same set of expressions in a different way.
form as In Section IX, we will discuss elaborately about the numerical
solution of the given set of coupled equations.
B. Time Domain Modulator System
Now we concentrate on the problem related to time domain
where the subscript index runs from 1–2 representing control. Soliton propagation under the effect of synchronous
and respectively. amplitude modulators is normally modeled by
The construction of and are performed in such a way
that the governing equation (15) may be regenerated by using a
generalized EL equation. (24)
Now we introduce the following ansatz [21] which is basi-
cally the solution of unperturbed NLSE when represents modulation strength per unit distance.
The reduced Lagrangian of this system will have the same
mathematical form as represented in (20). However, RDF
(19) should have a modified form and may be stated as follows:
where , , , and represent amplitude, temporal
position, phase, and frequency, respectively, and all are allowed (25)
to vary with propagation distance. Inserting the given ansatz in
the expression of and , we reduce them according to expres- Inserting the given ansatz (19) and reducing it accordingly, we
sion (12) and (13) and finally get get

and (20)


(21) Exploiting the reduced EL equation as above we generate a set

of four coupled differential equations revealing the dynamics of
the different pulse parameters influenced by modulation:
The reduced Lagrangian and RDF are now explicit functions of
different pulse parameters and their derivatives. Next, exploiting
the reduced EL equation, one can construct the four equations of
motion corresponding to the four pulse parameters as follows:

(22) (27c)

where and (27d)

In time domain modulation, the frequency remains unaffected,

but the other three parameters, amplitude, position, and phase
are influenced directly. In contrast with frequency domain con-
trol, the temporal position is explicitly influenced in time do-
Using (22), the dynamics of four parameters may be developed
main modulation. Adopting the soliton perturbation theory, a
similar expression may be obtained that we have in (23) and
(27). A detail numerical solution is discussed in Section IX to
unfold the physical aspects of these equations.

of reduced Lagrangian and RDF, we assume the amplitudes of
The inverse of the time interval between two neighboring
the two neighboring solitons are the same.
pulse determines the bit rate of the communication system. The
Next exploiting the generalized EL equation as given in (22)
presence of the neighboring pulse disturbs the soliton which
one can have the following dynamics of soliton 1:
changes its temporal position and ultimately restricts the bit
rate [33]–[37]. The disturbance of the neighboring soliton is
caused due to the interaction forces between them which decays
exponentially with their distance of separation and vary peri-
odically with their relative phase. If the neighbor solitons are (35b)
in phase, the interaction is attractive and solitons move closer;
however, they repel each other when they are out of phase. The (35c)
coherent interaction is generated due to the overlap of soliton
tails. Hence, the interaction becomes insignificantly small if
the temporal separation between two solitons is comparatively
large. In this section, we try to visualize the perturbation on dif- (35d)
ferent pulse parameters caused due to the interaction. To deal The perturbation equations of second soliton may also be eval-
with the problem, we introduce RDF in similar fashion as we uated as
have discussed in the earlier cases.
Under the soliton interaction, the guiding equation of soliton (36a)
1 is described as
Here, and represent the fields of two neighboring solitons
1 and 2, respectively. We neglect the higher order terms of
considering small overlapping.
The related Lagrangian and RDF of this system may be rep- (36d)
resented as
The set of expressions (35) and (36) are consistent with [33] and
and (29) [36]. The coupled equations given in (35) and (36) are compli-
cated to solve analytically. However, to visualize the physical
(30) aspects of interaction, we solve the equations numerically. A
detailed numerical discussion is presented in Section IX, where
The form of the Lagrangian will remain unaltered where the we try to evaluate the individual parameters of the propagating
formation of RDF is changed according to the perturbation. soliton. The set of equations (35) and (36) suggest certain impor-
The soliton 1 can be represented as tant results. Under the interactive process, the sum of amplitudes
and frequencies of the two adjacent solitons remain conserved
with propagation distance. The dynamics of soliton center may
(31) also be deduced as

We assume that only the tails of soliton 2 interact with 1, hence

we approximate as (37)

where .
Equation (37) suggests that the relative separation between
(32) the solitons depends only on their mutual phase relationship.

Following (12) and (13), we can reduce the Lagrangian and RDF V. EFFECT OF INTRAPULSE RAMAN SCATTERING
in the following form: Soliton self frequency shift caused due to IPRS of an ultra-
short optical pulse has been studied widely in order to explain
(33) the physical significance [38]–[44] of frequency shifting. In
IPRS process, low-frequency spectral components of the pulse
are amplified by the high-frequency components of the same
pulse acting as a pump. The process continues along the guided
medium transferring energy from blue component to red part
of the spectrum. The frequency shift increases linearly with
(34) distance and enhances rapidly for short pulses. A shift in the

carrier frequency of the soliton changes its group velocity where the additional parameters energy and chirp
which is frequency dependent. The temporal position of the are taken into consideration.
propagating pulse is also affected by IPRS. In the following Using the ansatz (44), the reduced Lagrangian and RDF are
steps, we try to explain these physical phenomena analytically obtained as
by adopting the proposed method.
Involving the IPRS term, the governing equation in the di-
mensionless form may be written as

(38) respectively (46)

where is a slowly varying envelope and corresponds the Using (22) with , we get a set of six dif-
IPRS term. ferential equations which are
The corresponding Lagrangian density and Rayleigh dissi-
pation function for IPRS term can be constructed as (47a)

(39) (47b)

(40) (47c)

where the suffixes represent corresponding derivatives. (47d)

The Lagrangian of the unperturbed system is identical with
that of a controlling problem. However, RDF will change ac- (47e)
cording to the perturbation. The reduced form and is as
and (41)
We have retrieved some standard expressions (43) related to
the Raman scattering problem as reported in various references
(42) [45]–[48] by adopting RDF. Additionally, we have generalized
the ansatz by incorporating a chirp parameter and obtain another
Exploiting EL (22) four coupled differential equations are ob- set of six new differential equations (47) predicting the influence
tained as shown below, of the IPRS term on pulse evolution. This set of six coupled dif-
ferential equations is solved numerically using the Runge–Kutta
(43a) method. A numerical simulation is carried out to solve the equa-
tions explicitly in Section IX.
(43c) Self-steepening is a phenomenon generated due to the inten-
sity dependence group velocity of a pulse and produces tem-
(43d) poral distortion. As the pulse propagates through the medium,
it becomes asymmetric, with its peak shifting toward the trailing
The combination of (43b) and (43c) shows the influence of the edge. The asymmetry in temporal domain causes irregular spec-
Raman effect on frequency [6], [21], [45]–[47] as, tral broadening. The phenomenon is proposed to be explained
by adopting RDF in variational framework.
The pulse evolved under self-steepening is governed by the
(43e) equation

The frequency shift caused by the Raman term can be mea- (48)
sured by integrating (43e). Physically, the negative sign suggests
the reduction of carrier frequency in the lower frequency side, where represents the self-steepening coefficient.
generally called the red shift. We have extended the procedure The Lagrangian density, which deals with the conservative
taking a more generalized ansatz as follows: part, will have the same form in all the cases as represented in
(16). Only the RDF is modified as

(44) (49)

Using the given ansatz (19), the reduced RDF can be obtained a computer simulation to solve (53) and demonstrate effects of
as perturbation.


In this section, we try to derive some of the previous results
The reduced Lagrangian will remain unaltered as in (20). Ap- [6], [7] involving IPRS and self-steepening by exploiting
plying the generalized Euler–Lagrange equation given in (22), the Kantorovitch technique. Both in RDF and Kantorovitch
a set of four ordinary differential equations represent the dy- methods, based on the exact solution of NLSE, the fundamental
namics of pulse parameters can be obtained as follows: equations are derived that describe the dynamics of the pulse
parameters under the influence of various perturbations. How-
(51a) ever, in principle, the Kantorovitch approach is different from
the previous methodology to solve the nonlinear perturbing
(51b) problem based on variational calculus. In the Kantorovitch
method, the total Lagrangian of the system is constructed as a
(51c) sum of conservative and nonconservative parts. In a nonconser-
vative system, the total Lagrangian can be written as
Combining (51a) and (51d) one can have
where represents the slowly varying envelope of the
(51e) optical pulse as a function of propagation distance and time .
The subscripts of represent the corresponding derivatives, the
The obtained expressions (51) are similar to that we have in [21], and represent the “conservative” and “nonconservative”
where a perturbation theory is employed to deduce it. Equa- parts, respectively.
tion (51d) has some physical significance; position shifting of A function is constructed which takes into account all non-
the pulse now explicitly depends on the self-steepening param- conservative processes and can be represented according to the
eter which was detected earlier in [6], [21], [49], and [50]. The Hamilton’s principle as
overall phase part of the pulse also depends on self-steepening
through the position parameter, which means the spectrum of
the pulse may be affected in the presence of self-steepening. (55)
The Kantorovitch technique also clarifies the similar observa-
tion. Moreover, adopting the generalized ansatz as represented Here, the subscript runs from 1–2 represents and its complex
in (44), we obtain conjugate , respectively.
Now, the method assumes that the extremum of the varia-
tional integral of the Lagrangian function may be expressed as
(52) (56)
The reduced Lagrangian density (45) will remain unaltered. where is a guessed function, and the ’s are unknown pa-
Using (22) with , one can have the fol- rameter functions which depend on the propagation distance
lowing set of equations: . Now, through the known function , the Lagrangian of the
system would be a function of dependent variables . The re-
(53a) duced Lagrangian of the conservative part is obtained by making
an integration of that over . This reduced Lagrangian would
(53b) now explicitly depend on , where subscript running from
represents the number of equations for number of
(53c) pulse parameters. Finally, the Euler–Lagrange equation can be
written as

where is the reduced Lagrangian.

If and are treated as linearly independent
variables, then the prescription given in (57) can be modified as
The influence of self-steepening on pulse is examined through
the set of equations (53). A numerical procedure is necessary
to solve the set of equations (53) in order to get the evolution (58)
of each individual pulse parameters. In Section IX, we develop

Next, an ansatz is proposed as based on the feature that it For the ansatz given in (44), the reduced RDF can be constructed
should be the solution of the governing equation in the absence along with Lagrangian. Then applying the usual process, we
of any perturbing effects. With the help of the equation given conclude a set of slightly modified six equations as follows:
in (58), it is possible to determine the evolution of different pa-
rameters, with different representing the different perturbing (63a)
Involving the Raman time constant , may be defined in (63b)
the following way:
For the input ansatz, given in (19), a considerable amount of
algebra leads to the same set of four equations (43) with the
choice of and , respectively. The
elaborate calculations are given in Appendix II. (63f)
For the self-steepening problem, is again defined as
The set of equations (47) and (63) are identical except in the
(60) evolution of energy and pulse amplitude. It may be noted that
the pulse energy is no more a conserved quantity due to the
Utilizing the same recipe given by (58), the set of (51) is re- incorporation of TPA, and the negative sign in the right-hand
generated for the four parameters. The detailed calculations are side of (63a) confirms the fact that energy will gradually decay.
given in Appendix III. Here, it should be remembered that apart The pulse width is also effected due to TPA.
from IPRS and the self-steepening problem, the other perturba- The effect of TPA on self steepening will produce another set
tions may also be solved by the Kantorovitch approach. of coupled differential equations given as
In the Kantorovitch technique, RDF is not needed to be
formed, and a completely different recipe is followed to extract (64a)
the dynamics of different pulse parameters. However, it is
expected that both the processes may yield a similar set of (64b)
equations for the choice of same ansatz function.
In this section, TPA is introduced collectively along with
IPRS and self-steepening for the pulse propagation problem.
The higher order effects like IPRS and self-steepening become
significant with high-power pulses and for a high value of a
nonlinear refractive index. A large nonlinear index of refraction (64f)
usually accompanies the significant amount of TPA coefficient.
Hence, along with IPRS and self-steepening, it is important To construct the set of equations (64), we modify the RDF given
to consider the effect of TPA on soliton propagation. In this in (49) as
section, we examine how the dissipative nature of TPA influ-
ences different pulse parameters under Raman perturbation and
The extended NLSE involving TPA and IPRS is given as (65)
The total energy and the amplitude are influenced by TPA in the
(61) similar fashion like in the previous case and perhaps to the best
of our knowledge, these results are reported for the first time. In
where TPA coefficient. is the free space the next section, all the obtained analytical results are resolved
wave vector, and and are the usual intensity-dependent numerically to verify the derived dynamics of different pulse
absorption and refractive index coefficient, respectively. parameters.
The Lagrangian remains the same as given in (16). However,
the inclusion of the dissipative TPA part demands the modifica- IX. NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS
tion in the formation of RDF. The new can be obtained in the In this section, different numerical processes are adopted
following form: to examine the pulse dynamics by solving the related coupled
equations. Mainly split-step Fourier [SSF] algorithm [21] is
exploited to evaluate the direct solutions of the extended NLSE
(62) used in different sections. The Runge–Kutta algorithm is used

Fig. 2. Evolution of different pulse parameters are shown for filter control system with  = 0:05 and = 0:05. The initial values of the parameters are taken in
the simulation as  = 1 = 05 =05
,q : , : , and  =0.

Fig. 3. The evolution of a sech pulse regarding the solution of (23) is shown in (a). (b) The related temporal position shift is depicted.

in some cases to solve the coupled differential equations under temporal position, and phase are influenced by the controlling
suitable boundary conditions. mechanism. However, it is difficult to understand the individual
dynamics of the parameters until (23) and (27) are solved ex-
A. Noise Controlling Problem plicitly. Using the Runge–Kutta algorithm, we solve the set of
The ASE-induced noise restricts the soliton performance in equations (23) and (27) numerically, and the results are depicted
optical communication. Filters and modulators are frequently in Figs. 2 and 4, respectively.
used to mitigate the problem. The perturbations developed due The simulation in Fig. 2 shows that the amplitude is in-
to the use of filters and modulators are derived in the set of equa- creasing with distance along with the temporal position shift.
tions (23) and (27) which are consistent with the reported re- The phase and frequency are also affected; frequency is grad-
sults. The analytical expressions suggest that, along with am- ually decreasing with distance where the phase component is
plitude, the other parameters of the pulse such as, frequency, increasing. The increment of amplitude caused due to the gain

Fig. 4. Evolution of different pulse parameters are shown for modulator control system with  = 0:05 and  = 0:05. The initial values of the parameters are
taken in the simulation as  =1 =0 =01
,q , : , and  =0.

Fig. 5. The evolution of a sech pulse regarding the solution of equation (24) is shown in (a). In (b), the related temporal position shift is depicted.

term ( ) is present in the expression (23a); on the other hand, strict the temporal shifting of soliton center. The restoring force
the finite value of restricts the monotonous increment of the on timing eventually pushes the soliton back to its original posi-
amplitude. In Fig. 3, see the gradual increment of amplitude tion. In the given contour plot [Fig. 5(b)]), we may visualize the
and the position shifting of the propagating pulse. effect of restoring force on soliton position which is one of the
The numerical solutions of (27) are represented in Fig. 4. main features of amplitude modulation. The evolution of prop-
Apart from frequency, all the other parameters are influenced by agating pulse is shown in Fig. 5(a), the gradual increment of the
the amplitude modulation control mechanism. The increasing amplitude is observed in this representation.
amplitude is controlled in the presence of modulation. The ex-
plicit influence of modulation control on temporal position has B. Soliton Interaction Problem
already been seen in the expression (27a). The modulators add a The attractive and repulsive interactions between the two
restoring force directly on the timing fluctuations in order to re- neighboring solitons are generated due to their overlap condi-

Fig. 6. The evolution of different pulse parameters are shown for two neighboring solitons under attractive interaction. It is intersecting to note that the positions
of two adjacent solitons are gradually shifted towards each other and meet at a point.

Fig. 7. The three-dimensional evolution of two adjacent solitons under attractive interaction is shown in (a). The input amplitudes of the two solitons are assumed
to be unity. The related contour plot is presented in (b).

tions and relative phase relationship. The derived results given certain input conditions. In view of this, numerical solutions
in (35) and (36) suggest that the interaction influences different are presented to get idea about the evolution dynamics.
pulse parameters quite significantly. Depending on the mutual Fig. 6 unfolds some interesting facts regarding attractive in-
phase relationship between the adjacent solitons, the attractive teraction. The simulation suggests that the sum of amplitude and
and repulsive interaction is generated. Under the attractive frequency of the adjacent soliton remain conserved under inter-
interaction, soliton collision may be expected maintaining action. However, the phase evolves identically for both the soli-
certain conserved conditions. Analytical expressions predict tons. The symmetric position shift between the solitons is also
all these physical aspects qualitatively. However, a clear idea observed (Fig. 6). Fig. 7(a) shows the collision of two adjacent
can only be possible by solving those analytical equations with solitons under the in-phase condition. Fig. 7(b) clearly demon-

Fig. 8. The evolution of different pulse parameters are shown for two neighboring solitons under repulsive interaction. Due to the out of phase condition between
two solitons, they repeal each other.

Fig. 9. The three-dimensional evolution of two adjacent solitons under repulsive interaction is shown in (a). The input amplitudes of the two solitons are assumed
to be unity. The related contour plot is presented in (b).

strates the pulse trajectory under the attractive interaction. Next, due to the approximate choice of input (32). Fig. 9(a) shows
we depict the pulse evolution under repulsive condition. how the two adjacent solitons repel each other throughout the
Under the repulsive condition, the evolution of pulse pa- propagation due to their out-of-phase relationship; in a contour
rameters dramatically changes. Interestingly, from Fig. 8, we plot [Fig. 9(b)], we show the trajectory of the two repelling
can visualize one important fact that the sum of amplitudes solitons in the time domain.
and frequencies of two adjacent solitons are still conserved
which were predicted earlier. In contrast with attractive in- C. IPRS Problem
teraction, the adjacent pulses move away from each other The linear frequency shift is examined numerically under the
with increasing distance. The asymmetric repulsion may arise influence of IPRS. The frequency shift can be quantified by

Fig. 10. In plot (a), the gradual shifting (in the steps of  =2 ) of frequency of a fundamental soliton is shown for  = 01 : . The dashed curve represents
input (=0 ). In plot (b), the shifting of frequencies (in arbitrary units) with distances are presented through dots which are numerically evaluated. The analytical
prediction is given by a straight line.

D. IPRS and TPA Problem

Fig. 12 represents the numerical solution of (63). Evolution
of different parameters is shown for and (dotted
curves). The energy of the system remains unperturbed in the
presence of IPRS, where as temporal position and frequency are
affected significantly due to TPA.
The dissipative nature of TPA can readily be observed
through the dotted lines in the curve. The gradual decaying of
energy is observed through nonvanishing TPA coefficient. The
effect of decreasing frequency reflects the red shifting phenom-
enon of the propagating pulse. Interestingly, the downshifting
of the frequency is restricted in presence of TPA. Physically,
TPA decries the pulse energy through its dissipative nature
which may weaken the dominating part of IPRS in the system.
A three-dimensional plot along with a contour map of pulse
propagation is represented as in Fig. 13 to visualize the pulse
Fig. 11. Evolution of the temporal position is shown by a contour plot for  = dynamics.
: . The initial pulse is assumed to be a fundamental soliton.
E. Self-Steepening Problem
An interesting result is obtained in Section VI through (51d)
which gives an idea about the dependence of self-steepening on
integrating (43e). A numerical simulation based on the split-
temporal position shifting. The equation suggests that for a fun-
step beam propagation method is employed to calculate the fre-
damental soliton with and , the soliton peak shifts
quency shift. The value of the IPRS coefficient is taken rela- linearly [Fig. 14(b)] with propagation distance as
tively high so that a significant frequency shift could be ob- [21], [49], [50]. The strength of self-steepening can be quanti-
served. However, even for this large perturbation, the analytical fied from the slope of the line [Fig. 14(b)]. The beam propaga-
prediction fits quite well. For a fundamental soliton ( ), the tion split-step algorithm is used to solve (48) numerically, and
gradual shift of central frequency appears to be quite significant the value of position shifting is calculated.
and depicted in Fig. 10(a). As shown in Fig. 14(b), for fundamental soliton, the resem-
The split-step beam propagation algorithm is used to solve blance between the numerical data with analytical prediction is
(38) numerically and accordingly the value of frequency shift quite satisfactory. However, for higher order soliton, the effect
is calculated. It is evident from Fig. 10(b) that numerical sim- of self-steepening on pulse propagation characteristics is dra-
ulation has a close resemblance with analytically derived data. matic. It removes the degeneracy caused due to the splitting of
In Fig. 11, we represent a contour plot showing the appreciable the soliton. As a result, the generated solitons propagate at dif-
temporal position shift of an optical soliton under the influence ferent speeds. Therefore, it is quite complicated to determine the
of IPRS [48], [51]. time delay in such a system. In Fig. 15, the contour plot depicts

Fig. 12. Evolution of all the pulse parameters under IPRS for  = 0:1 and K = 0:2 (dotted lines). The initial pulse is assumed to have E = 1,  = 1 with
other parameters having 0 values.

Fig. 13. In (a), the pulse evolution under TPA and IPRS is shown. Unit amplitude “sech” type pulse is considered as input. In (b), the corresponding contour plot
is represented.

the temporal position shift of a fundamental soliton under the The equations in (64) are numerically solved, and the re-
effect of the self-steepening phenomenon. lated parameters are plotted in Fig. 16. The results suggest that
without TPA, the influence of self-steepening does not make the
F. Self-Steepening and TPA Problem system nonconservative because the energy remains conserved
The collective influence of self-steepening and TPA has been (solid line). However, the position of the pulse changes almost
shown an interesting effect through the expressions (64) derived linearly with distance. Therefore, it is evident from the results
by the RDF technique. It is evident from the calculations that the that the derived analytical method involving RDF can well ex-
process is complicated to solve analytically. plain the evolution parameters of the perturbed optical soliton.

Fig. 14. In plot (a), the gradual shifting (in step of  ) of a fundamental soliton in temporal domain is shown for the self-steepening effect with s =02 : . The
dashed curve represents input ( =0 ). In plot (b), the corresponding shifting of the soliton peak positions (in arbitrary unit) are depicted through dots which are
numerically evaluated where the analytical prediction is given by the straight line.

ening; however, both the pulses experience a decay of equal

amount of amplitude for the nonvanishing TPA coefficient. In
Fig. 18(b), we demonstrate the evolution of normalized energy
for the finite value of the TPA coefficient; the energy is decaying
due to the dissipative nature of TPA.

G. Effects of Chirping on Propagation Characteristics

In some of the previous reports [52]–[54], the chirped soli-
tary pulse had been studied in order to get the analytical solu-
tion of pulse propagation in an amplified nonlinear dissipative
system. Later on, a few works were reported [55]–[57] devel-
oping the idea of chirped solitary pulse under certain perturba-
tions. In this section, we mainly try to discuss the effect of input
chirp on overall pulse dynamics. Illustrative examples with nu-
merical verifications are presented to clarify the analytical pre-
dictions. Considering the most general ansatz as given in equa-
tion (44), we derive a set of six coupled differential equations
Fig. 15. Evolution of the temporal position is shown by a contour plot for s = (63) and (64) involving IPRS and self-steepening perturbation,
: . The initial pulse is assumed to be a fundamental soliton. respectively. It is possible to solve the coupled differential equa-
tion numerically, and in Figs. 12 and 16, we represent the cor-
responding dynamics for chirp-free input pulses. However, the
Moreover, the influence of TPA is examined in the same plot general expressions given in (63) and (64) suggest that in pres-
through the dotted curves. The prime influence of TPA is ob- ence of input chirp, the intensity of the propagating pulse would
served on the pulse energy as expected. The gradual decay in be influenced significantly. We use those derived expressions to
pulse energy makes the system dissipative. However, from the evaluate the nature of the propagating pulse, and in Fig. 19 we
numerical solution, the effect of TPA on other pulse parame- compare our analytical results with the numerical solution ob-
ters are observed either. The three-dimensional evolution of the tained by the SSF algorithm considering the input pulse having
pulse is shown in Fig. 17(a). The related contour plot repre- a chirp parameter of .
sented in Fig. 17(b) suggests the position shifting of the input It may be noted that numerical and analytical predictions of
soliton. The magnitude of the temporal position shifting explic- pulse evolution are almost identical in nature. Under chirped
itly depends on the self-steepening coefficient, and it is observed conditions, the pulse intensity gradually increases up to a certain
that the shifting increases with increasing value of the self-steep- distance and then falls sharply. We define the distance as critical
ening coefficient. distance , at which the peak intensity reaches to its maxima.
Fig. 18(a) unfolds an important fact that the temporal shifting The maxima of peak intensity and the critical distance are
of the pulse becomes stronger under the influence of self-steep- likely to be the function of input chirp. We made an extensive

Fig. 16. Evolution of all the pulse parameters under self-steepening for s = 0:2 and K = 0:2 (dotted lines). The initial pulse is assumed to have E = 1,  = 1
with other parameters having 0 values.

Fig. 17. In figure (a), the pulse evolution under combined effect of TPA and self-steepening is shown. In (b), the corresponding contour plot is represented.

study to unfold the actual effect of chirp and TPA coefficient on chirp parameter may influence the intensity dynamics. We do
peak intensity of a propagating pulse, and the obtained results not get any modification in the evolution of the peak intensity
are shown in Fig. 20. with the changing IPRS term for a fixed owing to the absence
The gradual decay of normalized peak intensity [Fig. 20(b)] of any IPRS term in the dynamic expression of intensity. How-
is accelerated with increasing TPA coefficient. A good fit of ana- ever, in Fig. 21(a), we show the significant deviation in intensity
lytical and numerical results justifies the validity of the obtained dynamics with different set of chirp and self-steepening terms.
expressions. Additionally the SSF simulated results are given in the same
According to (64f), it may be predicted that the explicit pres- plot. We extend our simulation for negative chirp and compare
ence of the self-steepening term in the evolution equation of it with the numerical results generated by the SSF algorithm. In

Fig. 18. In figure (a), the input–output plot is shown. The pulses labeled by “a” and “b” represent the output of a sech-type pulse under IPRS and self-steepening,
respectively. In both the cases, the TPA parameter K = 0:2 . In figure (b), normalized energy evolution is depicted. The dots represent the values simulated directly
from the pulse evolution when the solid line is generated on the basis of the solution of coupled equation using the Runge–Kutta method.

Fig. 19. Comparison between the split-step algorithm [plot (a)] and the analytical prediction [plot (b)] are shown by representing a three-dimensional chirped
pulse evolution. The input pulse is considered as sech type having unit amplitude and width with the initial chirp value =2

Fig. 20. Evolution of intensity of the pulses having initial chirp = 1; 2 3

and . The analytically predicted expressions are shown by solid curves and the squares,
the open circles and the stars represent the results obtained by the split-step algorithm. Evolution of the intensity of the pulse under TPA is shown in plot (b). The
solid lines represents the analytical results for different TPA coefficients, whereas the open circles depict the numerical results which are obtained exploiting the
split-step algorithm.

Fig. 21(b), we represent the related comparison by taking posi- It may be observed in Fig. 20(a) that, with increasing chirp
tive and negative input chirp values. values, the maxima of the peak intensity increases, and the cor-

Fig. 21. Evolution of intensity for different set of chirp and the self-steepening parameter is shown in plot (a). Open circles represent the numerical results for
the s =0 condition. In plot (b), the peak intensity evolution is shown for positive and negative chirp. The solid circles represent the numerical values obtained by
using the SSF algorithm.

absorption coefficient influences the evolution characteristic. In

Fig. 23(a) and (b), we try to represent such observations.

We have presented a simple technique by introducing RDF in
the framework of variational calculus that appears to be conve-
nient to solve nonlinear pulse dynamics in a perturbing optical
system. With classical analogy, Rayleigh’s dissipation function
is configured along with Lagrangian density to solve perturbing
problems. We have chosen the generalized Euler–Lagrange
equation involving Rayleigh’s dissipation function in order
to describe a wide range of perturbing problems. Using the
methodology, we obtained different dynamic equations of
associated pulse parameters which are influenced by perturba-
tions originated due to filtering, soliton interaction, intrapulse
Raman scattering, and self-steepening phenomena. Some of
Fig. 22. Variation of peak intensity (solid line) and critical distance (dashed
line) with respect to increasing positive chirp parameter. The input intensity of
the results are regenerated through another method known as
the pulse is considered to be unity. the Kantorovitch approach which deals with such perturbing
problems analytically. All the derived expressions converge
to some of the well-known reported results with certain mod-
responding critical distance ( ) decreases. We precisely ex- ifications related to soliton pulse dynamics. In addition, we
amine those effects, and to visualize the process, we demon- have extended our formalism in a more complicated system
strate the variation of peak intensity and with the variation involving TPA along with IPRS and self-steepening which
of input chirp parameters as shown in Fig. 22 which indicates provides some new physical insight not reported earlier. In-
that the peak value of the pulse intensity during the propaga- serting an input chirp parameter in the propagating pulse, some
tion increases linearly with increasing input chirp, whereas the interesting effects are observed, and they are suitably explained
critical distance decreases. As investigated, the variation of using analytical derivations. A set of numerical verifications
input intensity does not influence the critical distance; however, have been presented to show the compatibility of the analytical
the peak intensity is increased with increasing input intensity. It results with real problems. The applicability of a generalized
is shown [Fig. 21(b)] that under negative chirp, the peak ampli- Euler–Lagrange equation in a perturbing system for soliton
tude of the pulse monotonically decreases from the beginning. propagation is quite astonishing, and the resemblance of the ob-
The derived coupled equations (63) and (64) in the present tained expressions with the numerically derived results justifies
report lead to explore the nature of evolution of the chirp the effectiveness of the method. It is expected that using this
parameter with respect to propagation distance. It is observed process, most of the perturbing problems can be solved with
that with different input chirp values the evolution nature certain approximation by configuring suitable RDF. Perhaps,
changes significantly. It is also examined that the nonlinear we report for the first time that RDF may be applied in order

Fig. 23. In plot (a), evolution nature of the chirp parameter with propagation distance is shown for input values of ranging 2 to V with the condition of zero
TPA and the IPRS coefficient. The influence of the TPA coefficient on the evolution of the chirp parameter is depicted in plot (b). In both cases, the initial pulse is
considered to be unit amplitude and width.

to explain propagation characteristics of a soliton-like pulse nonlinear frictional force which is proportional to ( ,
under a wide range of perturbing effects such as, loss, filtering, for self-steepening). For filtering and interaction problems, fric-
soliton interaction, intrapulse Raman scattering, two-photon tional force directly depends on the perturbations. Hence, a fric-
absorption, and self-steepening or combination of them. tional force is originated due to the perturbing effects and van-
ishes if the perturbations are removed.
Involving the perturbation due to IPRS, the extended NLSE
is The governing equation in presence of IPRS

The solution is assumed in the following form:
The input ansatz

Substituting (A2) into (A1), the function satisfies the

(A3) The prescription adopted in Kantorovitch method is

and it can rewritten in the following compact form: (B3)

(A4) For the given input ansatz

where and .
For the self-steepening problem, .
For the filter controlling problem, (B4)
For the amplitude modulation controlling problem, 1) For
For the two-soliton interaction problem, (B5)
Equation (A4) is equivalent to the dynamics of a particle Now applying the recipe given in (B3), (43a) can be
moving in an effective potential well in presence of a regenerated:

2) For 3) For ,

(B6) (C5)

The combination of (C5) and (B3), gives (51c).

From (B6) and (B3), (43b) can be generated.
4) For
3) For


From (B7) and (B3), (43c) can be derived. (C6)

4) For
Equation (51d) can be derived using (C6) and (B3).
Now the combination of (B8) and (B3) will give (43d).
In the generalized projection operator scheme, the projec-
tion operator may be defined as , where is the
APPENDIX III given ansatz, are different pulse parameters, and is the arbi-
The governing equation under self-steepening can be de- trary phase constant. The suffix represents the corresponding
picted as derivatives. For the choice of or , the projection oper-
ator scheme is equivalent with variational proposition. Inserting
the projection operator formalism in (38), we may have

The input ansatz (B2) and the recipe (B3) will remain same, only
the will change:

1) For For the ansatz given in (19) and . Hence, it is
obvious that (D1) actually represents four different equations
according to . The related expressions are given in the closed
form as follows:

(C3) (D2c)
Equation (51a) can be obtained from (B3) and (C3).
2) For


A considerable amount of algebra can lead to the set of equa-
Inserting (C4) into the recipe (B3), (51b) can be generated. tions (43), with and exploiting (D1) and (D2).

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“Self-steepening of optical pulses in dispersive medium,” J. Opt. Soc.
Amer. B, vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 2025–2027, Nov. 1992.
[51] V. A. Vysloukh and E. Martí-Panameño, “Resonant Raman perturba-
tions of the femtosecond soliton parameters,” Opt. Commun., vol. 198,
no. 1–3, pp. 171–176, Oct. 2001. Shyamal K. Bhadra received the B.Sc. degree (with
[52] N. R. Pereira and L. Stenflo, “Nonlinear Schrödinger equation in- honors) in 1974 and the M.Sc. degree in 1977, respec-
cluding growth and damping,” Phys. Fluids, vol. 20, no. 10, pp. tively, and the Ph.D. degree in science from Jadavpur
1733–1734, Mar. 1977. University, Kolkata, India, in 1998.
[53] P. A. Bélanger, L. Gagnon, and C. Paré, “Solitary pulse in an amplified He is a Senior Scientist with the Central Glass
nonlinear dissipative medium,” Opt. Lett., vol. 14, no. 17, pp. 943–945, and Ceramic Research Institute (CGCRI), Kolkata,
Sep. 1989. India, and is currently working in the advanced areas
[54] L. F. Mollenauer, J. P. Gordon, and S. G. Evangelides, “The sliding- of fibre optics and coordinating various national
frequency guiding filter: An improved form of soliton jitter control,” and international research projects. He participated
Opt. Lett., vol. 17, no. 22, pp. 1575–1575, Nov. 1992. in an international course on vacuum science and
[55] F. K. Abdullaev, A. A. Abdumalikov, and B. B. Baizakov, “Propagation technology, jointly organized by the Bhabha Atomic
of chirped optical solitons in fibers with randomly varying parameters,” Research Centre and the University of Bombay, under the sponsorship from
Opt. Commun., vol. 138, no. 1–3, pp. 49–54, May 1997. UNESCO in 1979. After serving for a brief period in the analytical and
[56] M. Desaix, L. Helezynski, D. Anderson, and M. Lisak, “Propagation planetary optics division of Carl Zeiss Instruments, he joined CGCRI in 1984
properties of chirped soliton pulses in optical nonlinear Kerr media,” in the fibre optics program of the Institute. He has published a number of papers
Phy. Rev. E, vol. 65, Apr. 2002, 056602. in national and international journals and has four national and international
[57] M. Manousakis, S. Droulias, P. Papagiannis, and K. Hizanidis, “Propa-
patents in the last couple of years.
gation of chirped solitary pulses in optical transmission lines: Perturbed
Dr. Bhadra became a Member of the Executive Council of the Optical Society
variational approach,” Opt. Commun., vol. 213, no. 4–6, pp. 293–299,
of India in 2006.
Dec. 2002.

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