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Catarina Raul Manjate Langa

Trabalho Individual

Licenciatura em Gestão de comércio

Universidade Pedagógica

Faculdade de Economia e Gestão

Maputo, 9 de Abril, de 2020

Catarina Raul Manjate Langa

Trabalho Individual

Licenciatura em Gestão de comércio

Trabalho Individual apresentado na disciplina de

Estatística Aplicada, 2 ano.

Docente: Lemos Ngovene

Universidade Pedagógica

Faculdade de Economia e Gestão

Maputo, 09 de Abril, de 2020

1. Complete the gaps with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets (past simple/present
perfect) Hint: Eight are Present Perfect and six are Past Simple.
a) The company hasn’t upgraded (not upgrade) the computers since 2008.
b) The company relocated (relocate) last year but no one likes the new office.
c) There has been (be) a boom in office rents in the last six months.
d) The government deregulated (deregulate) the insurance industry in the middle of last
year and your company is the only one which hasn’t reformed its business because of that
e) The company downsized (downsize) the workforce six months ago and now there aren’t
enough staff to do all the work.
f) Sales of the new product have made great strides (make great strides = improve) in the
last two months, but it is still losing money.
g) The company updated its software on Monday, but it crashed (crash) seven times since
h) The sales staff were retrained in November. Since then half of the staff have left (leave)
to get better jobs with other companies.
i) The director restructured (restructure) the department in a very unpopular way at the end
of last year, then he left the company two weeks later.
j) A product was re-launched at the beginning of this month but its sales have been (be)
even worse since then.
k) Your company redeveloped (redevelop) land that it owns just five years ago, but since
then all the surrounding land has been filled with much more modern developments.
l) The CEO decided (decide) at the end of last year to slowly decentralise power to local
branches but a new CEO has joined this month and wants to bring power back to the head
m) The market share of one of your competitors expanded (expand) by more than 300% in
the last twelve months.
n) Smoking was permitted inside the office until January this year but then it was banned.
Since then, the only local café closed (close) its smoking area.

Interviewer: Do you like this country?

Interviewee: Yes

Interviewer: Do you know anything about this job?


Interviewer: Did you ever work in this area?

Interviewee: Yes

Interviewer: Do you believe you got enough skills to work in this area ?

Interviewee: Yes

2. Pretend that you are a Human Resources Manager who is going to interview candidates
for a vacancy in your company.
a) Choose from the list below, the best topics that address your vacancy to conduct your
interview by asking “Have You Ever Questions”

appear on TV / assemble something/ construct something (for example, Ikea furniture) / cook for
many people / do first aid / do hard physical work (digging, cutting, etc) / explain something
difficult / handle lots of cash / have a leadership position (e.g. captain of a football team or
president of a / club) / have a part-time job / help foreign people / publish something / repair
something (= mend something = fix something, such as a bicycle) /speak English outside class

b) Use the following tags to elaborate follow up question to check if the answers given
above are true or false. Please check the extra hand out about types of questions
to do this exercise
 (when, where, why, who, what)
 How/ How much/ How many/ How many times/ How often/ How long
 Did you/ Were you

Interviewer: Why do you like this Country?

Interviewer: What do you you know this job?
Interviewer: How long did you work on this area?

3. Free production: Present Perfect and Simple Past- Meetings Role-plays

a) Choose one of the topics below and chair a meeting on that topic, starting from greetings
and small talk and finishing with summarising the agreement, chatting at the end, etc. Be
careful to use the right grammar to organize your sketch
I. The company downsized the workforce six months ago and now there aren’t enough staff
to do all the work.

Catia: Good Morning! How is the day going?

Businessmen: Good Morning we are fine, thank you.
Catia: Great, let’s start the meeting , we have a shortage of employees and its damaging
the Company “Output”.
Businessmen: We are willing to listen to ideas...
Catia: How we have been seeing this shortage of people it’s making things harder for the
Businessmen: And.... what do you think we should do about it to improve our current
Catia: In my opinion we should employee new workers that can do their job properly.
Businessmen: How many workers do you thing we need to fix this deficit on the
Catia: I will need to make a more detailed analyze on this subject.
Businessemen: Ok, we will be leaving this matter to you don’t disapoint us.
Catia: I Won’t!

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