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 We use the Simple Present to talk about things which happen: always, often,
generally, usually, normally, every week, etc.
 We use the Present Continuous to talk about things which are happening at this
moment, now, right now, etc.

For example:
John is a professional footballer. That is his job.
Simple Present: John plays football.

At this moment, he is at home in front of his computer.

Present Continuous: John is using his computer.

 We use the Simple Present to talk about things which are unchanging for a long
time. They are permanent
I live in Britain He works for the government.
 We use the Present Continuous to talk about things which may change. They
are temporary.
Luigi is living in Britain for a few months.
I am working for the government during the summer.

For example:
Luigi is at school in London. He plans to go back to Italy next year.
We say: Luigi is studying English in London.

Luigi has English classes all year in Italy. He plans to continue

studying English for a long time.
We say: Luigi studies English.
C. There are some verbs which we do not use in the Continuous form:
For example:
hate like love know need
want smell hear understand have (=possess)

We say: I want an ice-cream. (Not: I am wanting…)

He knows the Queen. (Not: He is knowing…)

 We call these verbs “State verbs” – they describe emotional and mental states
(e.g. like, hate, know), use of the senses (e.g. hear, smell) or possession (e.g.
own, belong).

Lic. Johana Hernández Fernández

1. Look at this radio conversation between a policeman and police headquearters.
As you read it, choose the correct forms of the verbs.

Bob Clark is a policeman. He works / is working very hard but he enjoys / is

enjoying his job. Today he watches / is watching the bank. He talks / is talking
on the radio to Police Headquarters.

Bob: A man and a woman wait / are waiting outside the bank. The man goes / is
going into the bank. The woman waits / is waiting in the car. The man has got a
scar on his left cheek.

Headquarters: Be careful, Bob. That’s Harry Baker. He usually robs / is robbing

banks in London. The woman is probably Michelle Harris. They always work / are
working together. Harry gets / is getting the money and Michelle drives / is
driving the car.

Bob: He comes / is coming out of the bank. He holds / is holding a bag in one
hand and a gun in the other. He shoots / is shooting! Now, they drive / are
driving away. I follow / am following them in my car.

Headquarters: Keep in contact, Bob. Harry and Michelle are killers. They kill / are
killing anyone who tries / is trying to stop them

Bob: Don’t worry. I always catch / am catching my man.

2. Circle the correct form of the verb in each sentence.

a. I know / am knowing a lot of people in this school.

b. He studies / is studying in the library at the moment.
c. This wallet belongs / is belonging to the teacher.
d. Do you want / Are you wanting to leave now?
e. She’s Italian but now she speaks / is speaking French.
f. They like / are liking the food in this restaurant.
g. Do you understand / Are you understanding the teacher?
h. Look! That man steals / is stealing your bag!.
i. It’s very expensive. It costs / is costing £ 1,000!
j. They own / are owning a Ferrari, a Maserati and a BMW.
k. It rains / is raining. Open the umbrella.
l. Do you know / Are you knowing the writer of this book?

Lic. Johana Hernández Fernández


1. Look at this radio conversation between a policeman and police

headquearters. As you read it, choose the correct forms of the verbs.

1. works
2. enjoys
3. is watching
4. is talking
5. are waiting
6. is going
7. is waiting
8. robs
9. work
10. gets
11. drives
12. is coming
13. is holding
14. is shooting
15. are driving
16. am following
17. kill
18. tries
19. catch

2. Circle the correct form of the verb in each sentence.

1. know
2. is studying
3. belongs
4. Do you want
5. Is speaking
6. like
7. Do you understand
8. is stealing
9. costs
10. own
11. is raining
12. Do you know

Lic. Johana Hernández Fernández

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