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STATE OF LOUISIANA FILED Nurnber: 381006 SECTION 2 FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT 7 SEP.19.2011 4 ww LINAN TIAN a CADDO PARISH, LOUISIANA DEPUTY CLERK OF COURT ‘CADDO HEAD OR DISCOVERY BY THE STATE NOW INTO COURT. tough the undersigned Assistant Dist Artorey, comes the State of Louisiana, and respect shows L ‘Amotion for escovery has ben fled bythe éfendan as provided by LAC.CrP. Ans. 716-723. 2 In accordance with the provision of La CrP. As, 724-725. the State of Louisiana equess tha he Cour order be defendant to disclose othe Site, and io permit an authorize he State ore expert working with he State trough the Dist Adorney to inspect. copy. examine, est selemiielly holograph, or ether reprodace Books, pes decumens, photographs, agile bjs, bling, pass oF copes of prions thereof which are within the possession custody or coool ofthe defendant, and which she defendant intends © use in evidence other ineluding any resus of pots or copies thereof of physi! and mental examinations and of sini tess o experiment, ‘made in conection wit the pricula eas, tha ain possession, custody, conto or knowlege ofthe defendant and that he defendant intends (or use atte wc, Ifthe witness preparing the repom willbe aed san expert, he report shall contin the witness we of enpetse is qusifcations, sis of materials upon which his conctsion x based and his opinion and he reasons hte. Che expert witness has not reduced his results or report 10 rita. o i the expert wines writen report does no comin he information required of wa exper es provided for in L.C-CxP An. 725, the defendon must prodie for the Sie # writen surmary conning he information reaured tobe Produced pursuant this Article but absent from a writen ep, fan, cing he mame of be ener wines, hs quits, ist of ‘materials upon which his conchaon is based, an his opinion and the eason therefore 3 In accordance with LasC-CrP Ar. 725.1 the Stat of Louisiana requsis tha the Cour order he defendant io disiose to the Disc, ‘Auomey, prior to ose witnesses being sor, the me and date of bin ofthe witnesses 0 be called by the defendant in his case chet Furthermore, end ls pusuan wo LaC Cr:P.AP.7251 the Ste of Lovisan request tat the Cour order ihe defeadant a scos othe dst sttome, and permit or authorize the strict somey to inspect and copy, any writen or recorded statements of any wits he defendant intends ‘ocala wal nelude sry’ autio o audio-video recoding of ay nl satements or itervew ofa witness, ard any sateen 2 witness wes orsigs 4 “The State of Lovisina requests tha the Cour eeder the defendant give he Disrit Avtorey notice inthe manner rovided by LAC CxP-An.726 fay defense based upon mental condition ofthe defend. 5 “The Stat of Louisiana has respond to defendants Motion for Discovery, sume alleing th dt and time oxime andthe State of Louisiane equsts tha he Cour order the defendant give the Disrit Auorey writen notice inthe manner proved by La CrP. An 727 of efendan’simenion to oer defense of ii WHEREFORE, the Sta of Louisiana though the undersigned Assist Dist Attorney, rays atthe defendant be req to comply withthe eqs fo discovery mad by the State erin, Respecily submited JAMES E STEWART, SR DISTRICT ATTORNEY FOR CADDO PARISI! 501 Tens Steet Shreyepon, Lousiana 71101-5400 By. iey Berger Senet ‘Aerial Disriet Atomey cate R | HEREBY CERTIFY that «copy ofthe foregoing response has tis date been forwarded i Counsel of Record, atomey for the efendant on te dat stamped, 7 sae 17008356 o76a rey OEGGAAAAONYISZTA FILED vs SEP 19 2MMs% sins spiciaLvistRicr couRT RESPONSE TO DEFENDANT'S MOTION FOR DISCOVERY, BILL OF PARTICULARS AND NOTICE. UNDER CODE OF CRIMI NOW INTO COURT, through the undersigned Assistant Distit Attorney, comes the State of Louisiana, who respectfully shows: ‘Auached hersto and made part hereof are copies ofall police reports and warrants (ifany exist) known tothe State wich were made in connection with the charged offensc(s), The Stat intends to introduce at tril any sttements made by the defendant andor coconspirators, including res geste stamens, which are refered io in the attached repors. IPany exist, the State has enclosed copes of any writen or recorded statements made bythe defendant, cadefendan, and any witnes the State iouends to callin its case in chieF al the il, Wany exists, a copy af the defendan’s criminal record a well asthe ermal record of any codefendant and any witness the State intends call at rial willbe tendered prior to trial asset forth in 1aCCeP.An. 717, IFany inducement hasbeen offered io any witness by the Disret Attomey. or by any law enforcement officers on behalf ofthe Distriet Aomey. the State will disclose the inducement prior to wil a set forth in La.C.CrP. An. 717C and subject othe limitations set forth in La.C.Cr, Ax.729.7. Te State intends to introduce a ial all items of evidence which are refered ton he atached repos. AI items of evidence may be examined by defense counsel or an expert working withthe defendant upon appointment with the undersigned Assistant Distt Auorney Aitached is @ copy ofthe confiod lab report in his mater, if any. which the State intends t offer nto evidence as La RS. 15:499-501 proof by cenifieate in conformity wi WHEREFORE, the State of Louisiana, through the undersigned Assistant Disirict Atlorney, prays that this esponse be ‘deemed good and sulficien and that it be relieved from answering further. 3 ‘On October 26, 2015, and pursuant to LSA-R.S. 40:2264 (B), the Caddo Parish District Attorney's Office gave $520,000.00 tothe North Louisiana Criminalisies Laboratory to help alleviate a budget shor fall within that ageney. The Caddo Parish District Auomey's Office made this donation without conditions or reservations Respectfully submitted. JAMES E, STEWART, SR. DISTRICT ATTORNEY FOR CADDO PARISH 501 Texas Street Shreveport, Louisiana 71101-5400 BY: Nl Berger-Schneider Assistant District Auorney CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy of the foregoing response has this date been forwarded wo Counsel of Record, atiomey forthe defendant on the date stamped. €-17004356 Te 38é Teeono000ny Juvenile Court a CADD! ARISH SHERIFF'S OFFICE ARREST i es arb} cout Fp First Middle | Race [ Sex | Age] Dt Place of Birth % beth le Nidal oom 2d ‘Aliases right | Weight | Hair |B Phone, ‘CSP No. ¢ 3 Beta Lioreery [so oslealgeal ” [Paaval i Address: City, ‘State Social Security Driver's Lic. No. State i -31-9il MO ‘Father's Name Address ‘Mother's Name. ‘Address Employer Ties Phone Poston { - Toth St-Suste fl stlevgoct owneg, Oftase TRS. Tato | Ofense Warant No Acts Offense ‘Offense Toealon of Offease Date “W/20]t 7 Time | Location of Arrest Dae 27 Time ie rainthSaleh She BS [BE £ 7h AMAA Sheesh bs} Officer's Name Rank Badge | Unit ‘Oar Type maine ° Yea “PD. S [Heather Oureos |MiT] 8A3lHeHoa AR | Eee 5 Tah apg Aid S ye no yet vo = Cobelendant’s Name, “redress Co-Defendant’s Name Redress 2 inan Tew = Velicl Formation Year Wake Wodet "Towed By Sion At 2 Deng Paced aS : Parents Noted | Relewedvo Pawns | S= Yes Nol -Bossiép YesQ Nope | YesQ NoM | S35 ‘In Custody Reese ‘Bond oun a5 Company iving Jailer / Badge No. Date ‘Tune wo a iia Lt ae isin dus [9-204 |a209| Probable Cause See Le ‘CSO Fingerprint Clssication for Arrest tos ~ AAT 5 2018 03053 i 7 919 Be22BES Por : | 7 j Sworn io and subseyyed to before ne Wie ZO) Ppa “i er ‘coosidered the foregoing, itis heieby adjudged and deCreed jual has been lawfully arrested upon probable cause. ine ot ay 20. at Hours (7-435u es - S10. 6778 Arrest Affidavit - Case#: 17004356 - LI, BING BING ~ Crime ¢ rat.: SEX ‘ ied Reference: Unknown fa Neg 'id oO 8 0270721224383, Ene gy, iequester: User ORT, Source: LEMS Control Summary ? CCHC Response ‘TxTs MSG 40F6OOSEOA SOSHRE13 OOBSCS CCHC 6BBBF3 20170721 22:43:53 LAggsooz6. aAINy ©5.1A0090015. .40FGO0SE0R, 07/21/2017 22:43:53 REQUESTED BY? JUDGE OCALLAGHAN’ STATE OF LoursraNA 2 *FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED CRIMINAL SUSTICE AGENCIES ONLY’ ts (FINGERPRINTS ARE NECESSARY FOR A BOStTI Vi 3S INVESTIGATIVE REPORT CONFIDENTIAL RECORDS 2 2 CRIMINAL RECORD OF: LT, = SEAEE 1D: 0003022385 BINRConte: 11/29/1986 puace: YY RACE: WerGer: 300" AATR: “BRO ~ Bare 85 EYES: BRO a 388; obizzsies SLS7éLN: 48 Bz02043002 Barus: RTR oO eae = ALIASES 338 05 /01N ID THEET z Lr, SINgarNe 981319266 08202043002 0 S Li; BINGBING 051319166 Nv1604486782 NO, a ° 22 53/28/2015. Lr9; 02508309 i ROESGy?°L88/ERLirwAL, TOENTEPTCATION AND INFORMATION AFIS ATN: w 180151508309 - LL apr: : Ripr1ON: ‘ATS ARREST ORTE: 07/21 2037 : : AGENCY: CADGO, LAS0. {LA0030000 rN eSbgri05088 ! feat LL, BINGSING CHARGE 1, | (agewcY: LSP TROOP G) | ~ counts 2 RUS. 14:46.2 HOMAN TRAPPYCKING TAS RESPONSE 70 YOUR REQUEST FOR CRIMINAL ig GroRP BASED ON A REVIEW OF TH BecORD cece 18 STATE Or ROU TSTANA § DAABASE ONLY. THES 0068 HOT ERECLODE THe EXISTENCE OF A'RECORDTN RS USCAL AGENCY, “ANOTHER State, GR THE EDI CoTS DIVISTON. ++ END OF o TRACKING: 07/21/2017, 22:43:53 ore neneerE = Sere: = 8 Sax208Gus SCANNED Criminal History - Casef: 17004356 - CC: SEX - LI, BING BING Unknove 9-450 Source. ? NLETS Generel Sbanery i NLETS Response Taggeb8f!2000e76 Sosmeceoneerowuers sess sex70e8 oon 4 SER7ov0GE OcALLAGHAN 189000 83: 3 07/22/2017 01147 $581 81/82/2817 8148 uacos00n1 StsRboba nbs #5R/c,xPw/guDGE OCALLAGHAN.$10/003022402 07/22/2017 08:07:33 RBQOESRED BY? STATE LOULSiaNA von use af Bulent Carlital dulsicd Aebucres. eur (FINGERPRINTS ARE. NECESSARY FOR A. BOSEEIVE Far: 198973183 a BNA'ON FILE: wo ‘HO B191013005, TI: sso ¢ HEY Bare: oxsigyagR3, PLACE: Yy shan BLE LIAges ssw ous/oun 10 tHeer Ker Dia Eostrce He rext 7780/2017 ERBS6! uA so ARRESTED, rw: 090012703055, REST OTE: 07/20/2017 ENcT eapi0, ASO {1A0090000) BERS arn: eSuert 05058 0: AME: TIAN, LINAW CHARGE 1, , (ageNC BS. 14148, cout Shinn TRAPPECRinG ‘ ues nS FOR CRIMINAL ATSTORY RECORD CHECK T ihe i i 5 BASED OWA REVTEN OS MAG STATE Gr°tGUTStANATS Catutine “BrSteRs BEcoRos DATABASE ONLY. THT Does NOT PRECLUDE TsTENCESOE AR % TSCAL AGENCY, “ANOTHER State, OR SHE Fat EyfS Sluvsion™ * RECORD IN ++ ENO OF RAPSHEET ++ TRACKING: 07/22/2017, 05:07:38 ce MEE: ee a = Ee SenSeGhian 2a SCANNED Criminal History ~ Case#: 17004356 - CC: SEX ~ TIAN, LINAN FR 2017072050734 4 6 FEGCAOOCRBOONVISZ Tez7O7E GENRES SEARCH WARRANT a FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF CADDO, STATE OF LOUISIANA ‘TO LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS in and for the Parish aforesaid: WHEREAS an affidavit bas been made before me upon the oath of Louisiana State Police Master Trooper Heather Owens, alleging that the commercial business located at 1950 F. 70" St, Suite A, Shreveport, LA 71105, within Caddo Parish, and further described as: ‘ locatedlat'¥950'E:'70"'St, Suite A, Shreveport, LA. Itis within a one (1) story shopping center called Rivergate Shopping Center. The building is a tan staceo building with stucco and brick pillars in front, The shingles are light brown, Suite “A” isthe suite furthest tothe east. 1950 E. 70® St, Suite A, Shreveport, LA, is approximately .4 miles west of the intersection of E. 70 and Bert Kouns Industrial Dr. in Shreveport, LA. Thename “Palm Massage” is affixed to the front ofthe business above the door. Aa electric sign indicating, “open” is to the right of the front door that faces the roadway. This search is to include a black 2014 Jeep Compass bearing Missouri license plate PM8H2J (VIN: 1C4NJDEBXEDS99963), registered to Linan Tian, which is parked in the business ‘parking lot. Any search shall include the said dwelling, outbuildings, occupants, vehicles and any associated storage facility. The above listed address and vehicle is a place where there is a high probability that evidence of the crime of Racketeering as defined in Louisiana Revised Statute 15:1352, Money Laundering as defined in Louisiana Revised Statute 14:230, Prostitution ws defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:82, and Pandering as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:84, Soliciting for Prostitutes as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:83, and Inciting Prostitution as defined in Louistana Revised Statutes 14:83.1, Letting Premises for Prostitution, as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:85, Operation of places of prostitution; prohibited; penalty as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:28 and ‘massage; sexual conduct prohibited as defined in Louisiana Revised Stanutes 14:83.4 will in fact be found, to-wit: ‘Asused in this Chapter, "racketeering activity" means committing, attempting to commit, conspiring to comrait, or soliciting, coercing, or intimidating another person to commit aay crime that is punishable under the following provisions of Title {4 of the Louisiane Revised Statutes of 1950, the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law, or the Louisiana Securities Law: Enterprise" means any individual, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation or other legal entity, or any unchartered association, or group of individuals associated in fact and includes ‘unlawful as well as law ful enterprises and governmental as well as other entities. "Pattern of racketeering activity" means engaging in at least two incidents of racketeering activity that have the same or similar intents, results, principals, victims, or methods of commission or otherwise are interrelated by distinguishing characteristics and are not isolated incidents, provided atleast one of such incidents occurs after August 21, 1992, and thatthe last of such incidents ‘occurs within five years after a prior incident of racketeering activity, Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 JGGONVISZTATOTEO seoog For the purpose of seizing the following described property. There is good reason to believe that on or in the premises located at: 211950 E. 70" St, Suite A, Shreveport, LA and on or in the 2014 Jeep ‘Compass bearing Missouri license plate PM8H2J (VIN: IC4NJDEBXED599963), registered to Linan Tian, within the parish of Caddo, State of Louisiana more fully described in the application for this warrant, Any and all items including but not limited to: Books, receipts, ledgers, and other records tending to identify customers and other records that are consistent with prostitution of individual women employed at the businesses at 1950 East 70 St, Suite A, Shreveport, LA and/or 2103 Old Minden Rd., Suite B, Bossier City, LA. 1. Records, receipts, notes, ledgers, and other pepers relating tothe transportation, ordering, advertising of persons for the purposes of unlicensed massage therapy, prostitution and human trafficking. 2. Employment applications, employervemployee contracts, tire cards or other recordings tending to identify employees located at this business, Personal and business checks, monies and other evidence of debts owed pertaining to business transactions located at this business and/or financial records; 3. Books, records, receipts, bank statements and records, moncy order and cashier’s checks, ppassbooks, bank checks, safe deposit keys, pre-peid credit cards and other items ‘evidencing the oblaining, secreting, transfer and / or concealment of assets and the obtaining, secreting, transfer, concealment and J or expenditure of money, 4, Address and /or telephone books, rolodex indices, papers reflecting names, address and/ ‘or telephone mumbers of co-conspirators, and business information from entities that ‘employ people who could be recruited to be trafficked, ic, modeling agencies, escort agencies, unlicensed massage therapy businesses. 5. United States currency, jewelry and erotic clothing to include but not limited to lingerie, heels, provocatively revealing clothing, Personal effects, including purses, wallets, handbags and other like articles. 6. Indicia of occupancy, residency, rental and / or ownership of the premises described herein, including but not limited to utility and telephone bills, canceled envelopes, rental purchase or lease agreements and keys. Articles of personal property tending to establish the identity of persons in control of the said premises, storageareas or containers where the above items are found consisting of rent receipls, cancelled checks, ‘charge card receipts, cancelled mail, and warranties. 7. Sex toys and Sex toy paraphernalia to include but not limited to lubrications, condoms (used/unused), vibrators, massagers, prosthetic penis, whips, bondage material, and ‘masturbation toys. 8. Computers, PDA’s, notebook computers and related hardware and software capable of storing data related to but not liaited to the reomuitment, communication and advertising for the purposes of ao unlicensed massage or prostitution business; Any and all electronic recording devices including visual and audio recordings and equipment; 9. Cellular phones and other electronic communication devices reflecting text messeges, addresses, telephone numbers and pictures of co-conspirators, and business information fom entities that employ people who could be recruited 10 trafficked, i.e. modeling agencies, escorl agencies, unlicensed massage therapy businesses. 10. Any coraputers, comoputer systems and cellular telephones located at the below listed location, including any magnetic, electronic or optical storage device capable of storing data, such as floppy disks, hard disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, CD-R, CD-RWs, DVDs, optical disks, printer or memory buffers, smart cards, PC cards, memory calculators, electronic dialers, which may be a component of the computer system. Any applications, utility programs, compilers, interpreters, and other software used to facilitate direct or indirect communication with the computer hardware, storage devices or data to be searched. Any physical keys, encryption devices, dongles and similar physical items that re necessary to gain access to the computer equipment, storage devices or data; and; any passwords, password files, test keys, encryption codes or other information necessary to access the computer equipment, storage devices or data. 11. Articles of personal property teading to establish the identity of persons in control of the premises being searched, such as utility company receipts, rent receipts, charge card ‘receipts, tax receipts, checks, deposit slips, savings account passbooks, passports, driver's eenses, vehicle registration/ttles, legal documents, social security cards, cancelled mail, addressed envelopes, photographs, keys and safes. Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17904356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 oO S£TOZGT 9EeQg0ORHGNWI a 12. Cameras and Photographs (including digital memory cards, video tapes, film, exposed and unexposed, and slides of co-conspisstors ané assets) As described in this affidavit, computer hardware, software, and data are instrumentalities and evidence in the commission of this crime, Based on training and experience, affant knows thal, searching and seizing information from computers requires all electronic storage devices (slong, with related peripherals) to be searched later by a qualified computer forensic expert in 2 controlled environment, A search of computer records will need to be conducted off-site. An off- site search is necessary because computer storage devices (eg, hard disks, diskettes, tapes, laser disks) can store the equivalent of thousands of pages of| information. In regards to cellular deices; the executing law enforcement officer(s) iiare authorized to view photograph, record, copy forensic image and conduct forensic analysis of any and all data, programs and applications on the above described cellular device(s), as well as on any data storage devices and or mediums attached to those cellular communication deviee(s). Additionally, the executing law enforcement officer(s) may enlist the aid ofa law enforcement computer forensic laboratory in the searching, viewing, photographing, recording, copying, forensic imagining and analysis of any and all items described above. It should also be known that, depending on the amount of information stored within a seized ‘computer(s) or devices, such examinations typically require more than tea (10) days to complete. ‘Additionally, a suspect might try to conceal criminal evidence by storing it in random order with deceptive file names. That might require searching authorities to examine all the stored data to determine which particular files is evidence or instramentalities ofa crime, That sorting process ‘can take weeks or months, depending upon the volume of data stored, and it would be impractical to atteaapt that kind of data search on site. Further, searching computer systems for criminal evidence is a highly technical process requiring expert skill and a properly controlled environment, The vast array of computer hardware and software available requires even computer experts to specialize in some systems and applications, so it is difficult to know before a search ‘which expert is qualified to analyze the system and its data. Data search procedures are exacting scientific procedures designed to protect the integrity of the evidence and to recover even “hidden,” erased, compressed, password protected, or encrypted files. Since computer evidenceis extremely vulnerable to inadvertent or intentional modification or destruction (both from extersal sources or from destructive code imbedded in the system as a “booby trap”), a controlled environment is essential to its complete and accurate analysis. Based on her training, experience, and consultation with technical computer experts, affiant knows that searching computerized informantion for evidence, or instrumentalities of crime, commonly requires the seizure of all of a computer system's inpuvoutput peripheral devices (including related documeatation, passwords, and security devices) so that a qualified computer expert can accurately retrieve the system's data in a controlled environment. Peripheral devices which allow users to enter and retrieve data from storage devices vary widely in their compatibility with other hardware and software. Many system storage devices require particular inpuvoutput devices in order to read the data on the system. It is important that the analyst be able to properly retrieve the aforementioned evidence. In addition, the analyst needs the relevant system software (operating systems, interfaces, and hardware drivers) and any application software which might have been used to create the data (whether stored on hard drives or on extemal media), as well as all related instruction manuals or other documentation and dats security devices. Additionally, based on affant's training and experience, it mast be noted that the type cf evidence stored on computers and electronic media is extremely volatile and casily destroyed, in some cases ‘ith a single keystroke on the computer. Because of the ease with which this type of electronic ‘evidence can be destroyed, itis imperative that the warrant issued to search the location storing such evidence be given with a “ino knock” provision. By announcing their presence prior to the search, the law enforcement agents executing the search warrant will alert the suspect to their presence and give him an opportunity to destroy any electronic evidence residing on his computer equipment. Accordingly, your Affiaat requests that the Court issue said search warrant with a‘'no knock” provision allowing the officers executing said warrant to enter and secure the premises ‘without announcing their presence and intention prior to the execution of the warrant. For the same reasons, your Affiant requests that this search warrant issued be expressly authorized for ‘execution at any time of the day or NIGHT and also on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and on all legal Holidays. Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offensef: REC'D 8/29/17 © £eoogugoany Affiant desires to search the requested location along with any and all persons and vehicles registered or controlled by said persons located at the business at the time of the execution of the warrant, are secreted or concealed, and whereas the affidavit submitted in support of the request for this search warrant indicates that the affiant has shown probable cause for its issuance, YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED to search the aforeseid property at 1950 E.70” St., Suite A, Shreveport, LA, in CADDO Parish, where there will be evidence of the crime described within affidavit and when the thing to be searched is e dwelling or other structure, this writ includes all other structures, vebicles and places on the premises where the things might be found, and if the things specified be fotind there, (o seize and bring them before this Court, ° YOU ARE FURTHER ORDERED to seize any and all of the above specified computer and/or ee electronic equipment and deliver same to the Louisiana State Police Technical Support Office or any a law enforcement support location, for further search of the conteats of said computers and/or a electronic equipment tinder the conditions and protocols established by that agency for such computer oa forensic examinations, and if the things specified be found during said computer forensic & examination, to bring them before this Court, As described in said affidavit, computer hardware, = software, and data are instrumentalites and evidence in the commission of this crime. Based on es training and experience, affiant knows that searching and seizing information from computers ° requires all electronic storage devices (along with rcleted peripherals) to be searched later by a 2 qualified computer forensic expert in a controlled environment. A search of computer records will e need to be conducted off-site. An off-site search is necessary because computer storage devices (¢.g.. is hard disks, diskettes, tapes, laser disks) can store the equivalent of thousands of pages of information. a It should also be known that, depending on the amount of information stored within a seized & computer or computers, such examinations typically require more than ten (10) days to complet. YOU ARE FURTHER ORDERED for reasons of officer safety and due to the volatility of the electronic evidence sought under this warrant and the ease with which such evidence can be destroyed, to search at any time of the day or NIGHT and also on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and on all legal Holidays. cappo paris, Lousiana, Tats [Vp ay oF ruvy 2017 Time: AiO8 on JUDGE, IST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17904356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 CRIMINAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF CADDO, STATE OF LOUISIANA, APPLICATION FOR SEARCH WARRANT Affiant, Master Trooper Heather Owens, a Detective with Louisiana State Police, Special Investigations Division, Special Victioas Unit, now appears before the undersigned Judge authorized to issue warrants in crichinal cases, and make this affidavit, under oath, in support ofthe issuance ofa search warrant, to search the following described place: Above'location is located! at 1950 E. 70” St, Suite A, Shreveport, LA. It is within a one (1) story shopping center called Rivergate Shopping Center. The building is a tan stucco building with stucco and brick pillars in front, The shingles are light brown. Suite is “A” is the suite furthest to the east. 1950 E. 70" St,, Suite A, Shreveport, LA, is approximately .4 miles west ofthe intersection of E. 70” and Bert Kouns Industrial Dr. in Shreveport, LA. The name “Palm Massage”is affixed to the front of the business above the door. An electric sign indicating, “opea” isto the right of the front door as you are approaching it from the roadway. This search is to include a black 2014 Jeep Compass bearing Missouri license plate PM8H2J (VIN: 1C4NJDEBXED599963), registered to Linan ‘Tian, which is parked in the businesses parking lot. Any search shall include the said dwelling, outbuildiogs, occupants, vehicles and any associated storage facility. ‘The above listed address and vehicle which isa place where there is # high probability that evidence of the crime of Racketeering as defined in Louisiana Revised Statute 15:1352, Money Laundering as defined in Louisiana Revised Statute 14:230, Prostitution as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:82, and Pandering as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:84, Soliciting for Prostitutes as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:83, and Inciting Prostitution as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:83.1, Letting Premises for Prostitution, as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:85, Operation of places of prostitution; prohibited; penalty as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:282 and massage; sexual conduct prohibited as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:83.4 will in fact be found, to-wit: ‘Asused in this Chapter, “racketeering activity" means committing, atterapting to comrnit, conspiring to commit, or soliciting, coescing, or intimidating another person to commit any crime that is punishable under the following provisions of Tite 14 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law, or the Louisiana Securities Law: Enterprise” means any individual, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation or other legal entity, or ‘any unchartered association, or group of individuals associated in fact and includes unlawful as well as laveful enterprises and governmental as well as other entities. "Pattern of racketeering activity” means engaging in atleast two incidents of racketeering activity that have the same or similar intents, results, principals, victims, or metbods of commission or otherwise are interrelated by distinguishing characteristics and are not isolated incidents, provided at lesst one of such incidents occurs after August 21, 1992, and that the last of such incidents occurs within five yeurs after 2 prior incident of racketeering activity. For the purpose of seizing the following described property. There is good reason to believe that on or in the premises located at: ati950 E. 70" St, Suite A, Shreveport, LA and on or in the 2014 Jeep ‘Compass bearing Missouri license plate P MBH25 (VIN: {C4NJDEBXEDS99963), registered to Linan. Tian, within the parish of Caddo, State of Louisiana more fully described in the application for this ‘warrant, Any and all items including but not limited to: Books, receipts, ledgers, and other records tending to identify custormers and other records that are consistent with prostinition of individual ‘women employed at the businesses at 1950 East 70" St, Suite A, Shreveport, LA andor 2103 Old Minden Ré., Suite B, Bossier City, LA. Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17904356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offensed: REC'D 8/29/17 6 EOGGODOGNVISZ TazTazZEa ra ig 2 in o 1. Records, receipts, notes, ledgers, and other papers relating to the transportation, ordering, advertising of persons for the purposes of unlicensed massage therapy, prostitution and human trafficking, 2. Employment epplications, employer/employee contracts, time cards or other recordings tending to identify employees located at this business, Personal and business checks, monies and other evidence of debts owed pertaining to business transactions located at this business and/or financial records; 3. Books, records, receipts, bank statements and records, moaey order and cashier's checks, passbooks, bank checks, safe deposit keys, pre-paid credit cards and other items evidencing the ‘obtaining, secreting, transfer and / or concealment of assets and the obtaining, secreting, transfer, concealment and / ot expenditure of money. 4. Address and / or telephoue books, rolodex indices, papers reflecting names, address and / or telephone numbers of co-conspirators, and business information from entities that employ pegple who ‘could be recruited to be trafficked, i. modeling agencies, escort agencies, unlicensed massage ‘therapy businesses. 5. United States currency, jewelry and erotic clothing to include but not limited to lingerie, beels, provocatively revealing clothing, Personal effects, including purses, wallets, handbags and other like articles. 6. Indicia of occupancy, residency, rental and / or ownership of the premises. described herein, including but not limited to utility and telephone bills, canceled envelopes, rental purchase or lease agreements and keys. Articles of personal property tending to establish the identity of persons in control of the said premises, storage areas or containers where the above items are found consisting of rent receipts, cancelled checks, charge card receipts, cancelled mail, and warranties. 7. Sex toys and Sex toy paraphemalia to include but not limited to lubrications, condoms (used/unused), vibrators, massagers, prosthetic penis, whips, bondage raaterial, and masturbation toys. 8. Computers, PDA's, notebook computers and related hardware and software capable of storing data related to but not limited o the recruitment, comumunication and advertising forthe purposes of an unlicensed massage or prostitution business; Any and all electronic recording devices including visual and audio recordings and equipment, 9. Cellular phones and other electronic communication devices reflecting text messages, addresses, telephone numbers and pictures of co-conspirators, and business information from entities that employ people who could be recruited to trafficked, i.e. modeling agencies, escort agencies, unlicensed massage therapy businesses. 10. Any computers, computer systems and cellular telephones located at the below listed location, including any magnetic, electronic or optical storage device capable of storing data, such as floppy disks, hatd disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, CD-R, CD-RWs, DVDs, optical disks, printer or memory buffers, smart cards, PC cards, memory calculators, electronic dialers, which may be a component of the computer system. Any applications, utility programs, compilers, interpreters, and other software used to facilitate direct or indirect communication with the computer hardware, storage devices or data to bbe searched. Any physical keys, encryption devices, dongles and similar physical items thet are ‘necessary to gain access to the computer equipment, storage devices or data; and; any passwords, password files, test keys, encryption codes or other information nevessary to access the computer ‘equipment, storage devices or data. IL, __Antcles of personal property tending to establish the identity of persons in control of the premises being searched, such as utility company receipts, rent receipts, charge card receipts, tax receipts, checks, deposit siips, savings account passbooks, passports, driver's licenses, vehicle registration/ides, legal documents, social security cards, cancelled mail, addressed envelopes, photographs, keys and safes. 12. Cameras and Photographs (including digital memory cards, video tapes, film, exposed and ‘unexposed, and slides of co-conspirators and assets) AfBiant desires to search the requested location along with any and all persons located at the business at the time of the execution of the warrant Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 60 Tate é FOOCOGGONYIAS a ‘Which ssid property constitutes evidence of the commission of a crime or offense againstthe Laws of the State of Louisiana set forth in the Louisiana Revised Statutes, and as I am satisfied from the affidavit(s) propery is being concealed on the premises above described and that the aforesaid ‘grounds for the issuance of this search warrant exists. ‘The reasons and facts for the request of chis search warrant are: COMPLAINT On July7, 2017, 1, M/T Heather Owens, a Detective with Louisiana State Police Special Victims Unit was contacted by Sgt. Daniel Nash, a Detective with Missouri State Highway Patrol, in relation toa criminal investigation they were working. Sgt. Nash advised me that be had been conducting a long, term investigation on a three (3) individuals: Linan Tian, WenJuan Li and BingBing Li. Sgt. Nash advised that Linan Tinan travels to different areas seting up Asian Massage parlors. Tian then brings down WenJuan Li, whois believed to be his mother, along with BingBing Li, who is suspected tobe ‘Tian's wife. These women assistin getting the businesses operational. They then recruit other Asian females to work for them. These Asian females must live with Tian, and are under bis control at all times. These women are not fiee to come and go. The females owe a “debt” to Tian that they are “working” to pay off; however, everything they do or don’t do adds to their debt, This leaves these ‘women forever indebted to Tian. Sgt. Nash said according to his recent investigation, Linan Tian, WenJuan Li and BingBing Li were in the Shreveport, Louisiana area, Sgt. Nash provided me, via ceanail,¢ comprehensive report on Linan Tian, WenJuan Li and BingBing Li. Additionally, Sgt. Nesb provided me with the below details of his case: STATEMENT FROM MISSOURI On September 17, 2014, the Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) initiated an investigation regarding prostitution that was reportedly occurring at Palm Spa, located at 1722 South Glenstone 4GG, Springfield, Greene County, Missouri (hereinafter “Palm Spa"). During interviews with other local businesses next to the Palm Spa, officers discovered that only males visited the business, andthe ‘business only advertised on The business had no presence on social media or a website. The advertiseraent on advertised their services from 1000 hours to 2200 hours with walk in patron’s welcome. They also advertised plenty of room for tuck parking, provided images of young attractive Asian females and provided a cost of $60.00 per hour for 2 sensual massage. A dentist office next door to Palm Spa advised they bad been documenting license plate information from the patrons, and provided this information o law enforcement as they believed that prostitution was taking place atthe location. These employees further stated that the workers at the location spoke no or very litle English and that many of the patrons would park their vehicles some distance away and walk through the parking lot, or around through the alley to get to Palm Spa, as it appeared they did not want to be seen frequenting the business. Officers then began conducting surveillance on the Palm Spa. During the surveillance operations, officers witnessed numerous males entering the business, but never witnessed any females frequenting the business. Officers elso witnessed many of these males park their vehicles some distance away, near other local businesses or at nearby apartment buildings and walk to the business. In October 2014, officers were able to identify the business owners and or operators of Pali Spa as Lioan Tian, Wenfuan Li and BingBing Li. WenJuan Li has convictions in 2008 from Nevada for Engaging in Prostitution, Obscene of opposite Sex Massage and in 2011 from Ikinois for Keeping a Place of Prostitution, ‘Tian appears to be married to BingBing Li and Wenjuan Li may be Tian's nother. Prior to relocating to Springfield, Missouri, Tian, BingBing and Wenjuan Li were involved in umerous Asian massage businesses in Nebraska and lowa. Once these businesses were established, Tian relocated to Springfield, Missouri where he began establishing massage businesses ia Southwest Missouri. The businesses In lowa and Nebraska are part of human trafficking and prostitution investigation by local law enforcement and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Several federal search warrants bave been executed on these businesses and this investigation is ongoing. Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LT, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 m > ° =f 2 ° oS b As MSHP officers continued the investigation, Tian, BingBing and Wenjuan Li were linked to several other Asian massage businesses in Southwest Missouri through surveillance, a vehicle tracking device, utility records and business records. These other Asian massage businesses included, but not limited to the following: Shui Massage, $20 West University, Springfield, Missouri Rainbow Spa, 2005 East Kearney, Springfield, Missouri Diamond Spa, 3029 East Sunshive, Springfield, Missouri Health Massage Therapy, 3131 South Wisconsin, Joplin, Missouri Phoenix Massage, 1261 East Republic Road, Springfield, Missouri MSHP investigators then checked for these businesses on, and discovered that they tlso advertised their services on this website and recognized that some of the imaages being utilized in the advertisements were the same. These businesses did not bave a website, or a social media presence. Investigators also began to realize that it was becoming very difficult to keep up with the ‘number and locations of these Asian massages businesses as they were springing up very quickly in Springfield, Joplin and Branson, Missouri. ‘When investigators checked om the license requirements of these businesses they discovered that most of these businesses had obtained a local business license, but many did not have a license to operate a ‘massage business by the State of Missouri. Furthermore, the State of Missouri requires an inspection of the business to obtain the said license and each massage provider working at the business must have an individual massage license. lavestigators found that most ofthese businesses did not have a State Massage License and that many of these employees did not have an individual massage license. MSHP investigators then began conducting surveillance on the various locations to stop patrons that were uiilizing the massage services to determine if illegal activity was taking place. During these vebicle stops, most of the suspects Would be deceptive about where they were coming ftom. After several minutes, most of the suspects admitted that they hed just received a massage from one of the various Asian massage businesses and that they discovered the business via Some of the suspects advised that they traveled to the individual Asian massage business with intention of paying for a massage that included sexual gratification. A few of these individuals advised that they ‘were disappointed whea they did not receive sexual ‘gratification as part of the massage. Others admitted that they did receive sexual gratification in the form of a “Hend Job” during the massage. One of these individuals, who agreed to cooperate and provided e proffer interview, admitted that he had visited as many as 5-7 different Asian massage businesses in Springfield, Missouri for a total of 20-30 visits, This subject admitted that he had paid for a massage at the cost of $60.00 per hour at these businesses and that he had received sexual gratification during maay of these massages in the form of “Hand Job.” ‘Another suspect who was stopped as he was leaving Palm Spa advised that he had become familiar with the Asian massage businesses in Springfield, Missouri via a website known as ‘Rubmaps is a website that reports ou massage businesses from around the United States and provides ‘adatabase where one can become a member and search and read reviews about massage businesses in your ares. The reviews outlinc the business location, how much the business will charge, what you ‘will be able to receive during the massage, provides a rating and codes for various services. For example, one review frou the Lotus Spa located at 220 West Sunshine, advised that during the ‘massage be was allowed to “play with her ass” during the massage and “masturbate” at the end ofthe massage while she continued the massage. The reviewer also advised that he tried to “Touch her kitty." but she would not allow thet. In another post on Rubmaps the client spoke about receiving a massage at Palm Spa where the masseuse, provided a sensual massage and then provided him oil for his hand so tbat he could ‘masturbate while she rubbed his “balls.” Rubmaps also provides letters for the various things that you can be expected to receive at the individual massage business. Some of these things include the following: DAP-digital anal probe (finger in anvs) DSL-Dick sucking lips FIV-Finger in vagina HE-Happy Endiog Kityy-Vagina Hardwood Floors-Clean shaven vagina Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 wee rPGOOOOOONVISZTATAZ i GSNNT OS PIV-Penis in vagina MP-Massage Parlor Raincoat-Condom Self Service-You masturbate ATM-Ass to Mouth ‘Mamasan-Female manages of massage parlor Investigators also discovered from interviews with patrons and reviews that many of the Asian massage locations will not allow any sex acts during the first and perbaps the second visit to the business. This isa strategy to avoid law enforcement officers who are undercover and ellows the business an opportunity to avoid being arrested. Investigators then began doing surveillance on the residence of Tian, BingBing and WenJuan During these surveillance operations, officess witnessed BingBing and WenJuan Li transporting Asian “I females ftom their residence to Asian massage businesses. On one of these occasioss, uniformed “a ‘Troopers stopped BingBing who was transporting Asian females to one ofthe businesses. During the o stop, the Trooper advised that there were two other Asian females in the vehicle with BingBing and these Asian females were not United States citizens and they could not speak English. During the stop BingBing advised the Trooper they were traveling to Wal-Mart to get some service done on their vehicle. BingBing further advised that the other Asian ferales were visiting from California. The other Asian females did not have any photo identification on their person. At the end of the vehicle slop, the surveillance team followed BingBing to an Asian massage business where she dropped off the other Asian females who entered the business and tumed on the “OPEN” sign, €reooaooeNY ‘WenJuan Li was also stopped by a uniformed Trooper for a traffic violation after leaving her residence with two Asian females, During this vebicle stop Li advised that they were going to Wal- Mart and that the other Asian females were here on vacation. Li advised the Trooper that she and the other females did not work. The other Asian females spoke very Kittle English and had no photo ‘identification on their person. As the vehicle stop was concluded, the surveillance team did not follow Li’s vehicle to Wal-Mart, but rather to an Asian massage business where they entered the business and turned on the “OPEN” sign. During surveillance being conducted on WenJuan Li, officers witnessed Li travel to Sam's Club in Springfield, Missouri and purchase large amounts of bottled water and paper towels. The surveillance team then witnessed Li drive to numerous Asian massage businesses in Springfield, Missouri and deliver paper towels and bottled water. As the investigation continued, officers discovered that while BingBing and Wenuan Li continued managing the numerous businesses in Springfield and Joplin, Missouri, Tian would leave for days end sometimes weeks ata time to establish and open more businesses in other States. Mostreceatly, Tian has established and opened several Asian massage businesses in Louisiana. ‘The investigation discovered that Fuying Li, who worked with Tian and BingBing at Health Massage ‘Therapy, 3131 South Wisconsin, Joplin, Missouri and at Palm Massage, 1722 Sout Glenstone, Springfield, Missouri, purchased a 2010 Infiniti from Metro Motors in Springfield, Missouri. During the transaction, Fuying Li put $9,800.00 cash down on the vehicle and told the salesman that she ‘would finance the remaining amount. The salesman advised that he remembered the transaction as being “Sketchy” since it was clear that Li wanted to stay under providing $10,000.00 cash since this would iavolve required paperwork to be filed with the Internal Revenue Service. The salesman also stated that LI had no credit history, address history, or associated bank account, but did list het employment as Palm Massage, Li is now running the Chi Asian Message business io Springfield, Missouti (On March 25, 2017, I conducted an interview with an Asian female who had left Relax Massage, 2022 South Stewart, Springfield, Missouri and went to another local business and asked for help. During the interview, the victim advised that she traveled to Springfield, Missouri as she was promised a job working as a masseuse at Relax massage, The victim advised that upon her arrival, she was told that she would have to live in the business and that she would not be allowed to Leave, ‘The victim stated that she and one other Asian female worked at the business and that the owner’s, son, would make sure that they did not leave. The victim identified the son as Xiao Chen and stated that sometimes he would also stay overnight at the business to make sure they would not leave and that if he did leave there was @ camera in the front of the business where he could monitor the activities at the business. The victim stated thet when Chen was not atthe business, she just decided Supplemental Reports ~ Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 : ° toleave and try and get away. When I asked the victim if she was forced to perform sex acts during the massages, she would not answer. ‘On April 18, 2017, I conducted an interview with an Asian female who had been witnessed leaving, Relax Massage located at 2022 South Stewart, Springfield, Missouri. Witnesses advised thet the Asian female was walking down the street crying and pulling her suitcase. During the interview, the victim stated that she traveled to Springfield, Missouri for a massage job. The victim stated that upon arrival she was forced to live in the business and stated that the owner's son made sure that she could not leave. The victim stated after being at the location for one (1) week, she waited for the owner's son to leave and then decided to Jeave. When I asked the victim if sbe was made to perform sex acts while working at the business, she refused to answer, INVESTIGATION On July 7, 2017, I submitted the information I received from Sgt. Nash to the Louisiana State Police Fusion Center. Additionally, I requested for them to identify any businesses associated with Linen. Tian, WeaJuen Li and BingBing Li. ‘On July 10, 2017, the LSP Fusion Center responded to my request. Within the documentation was & document from the Louisiana Secretary of State which identified Linan Tian as being the Registered Agent of a business called Palm Service, LLC located at 1950 B. 70th St. Suite A, Shreveport, LA. ‘The document shows the status is active since June 20, 2016 and is “Not In Good Standing for failure to file Annual Report.” Additionally, the businesses Principal Business address indicated 2412 S. Fort Ave., Springfield, MO. Within the comprehensive reports [received there were two recent residences in Louisiana associated with Linan Tian, Wenduan Li and BingBing Li: 1105 Island Park Blvd, Api 1110, Shreveport, LA and 3105 Champion Lake Apt 1612, Shreveport, LA. Additionally, there was a recent address in Alabama listed as 403 Breckenridge Dr. SW, Huntsville, AL. On July 7, 2017, I searched on Backpage for “massages.” I located a listing for a massage parlor using the same address as listed on the Secretary of State’s documentation for the Palm Service, LLC registered to Linan Tian, ‘On July 10, 2017, I met with DY Heath Balkom, who works for Bossier Parish Sherif?s Office, but assigned to the FBI Task Force, DY Balkom is very knowledgeable about the Massage Patlots within Bossier Parish. I informed DY Balkom about the nature of my investigation and showed him picture of the three individuals I was investigating. DY Balkom immediately identified Wenjuan Li 1s being a woman he was trying to identify for a recent case he was Working. As Lbegen describing their vehicles and residence to DY Balkora, he seid he was familiar with these individuals. DY Balkom referred to his phone and then showed me an email where be ran the license plate of one of the vehicles, MO/LP#PM8H24J, 2014 black Jeep Compass. DY Balkom advised that his office had received a complaint about a massage parlor located at 2301 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. On June 27, 2017, DY Balkor, along with other members of the Bossier Parish Sheriff's Office Conducted an undercover operation st 2103 Old Minden Rd., Suite B, Bossier City, LA. Asaresult of the undercover operation, DY Balkora advised he had charges pending identification for LRS 14:83.4, Massage; Sexual conduct prohibited. DY Balkom advised that during the message, Wenjuan exposed his penis and anus. Additionally, she continuously touched and rubbed across his anus and repeatedly bumped across his penis in efforts to sexually arouse him. WeaJuan Li has convictions in 2008 from Nevada for Engaging in Prostitution, Obscene of opposite Sex Massage and in 2011 from Dlinois for Keeping a Place of Prostitution, On June 28, 2017 and on the days following, DY Balkom advised they conducted surveillance on 2103 Old Minden Rd., Suite B, Bossier City, LA. DY Balkom observed up to five Asian women being transported in cither a white Toyota SUV with CASLP#7GRWE57 or a black Jeep Compass SUV with MO/LP# PMBH2J, When DY Balkom followed the vehicles, he advised they waveled from 2103 Old Minden RA, Suite B, Bossier City, LA to the Ulris Island Park Apartments in Shreveport, LA. Additionally, DY Balkom advised that during the undercover operation he utilized an undercover credit card and charged the services to the account; therefore documenting the transaction between him and the massage parlor. DY Balkom provided me with a copy of the receipt. The receipt indicated the business narne was Best Massage. Best Massage was one of the business names listed on Tian's comprebeasive report. On July 10, 2017, LSP Agents began to conduct surveillance at 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA and 1950 E. 70th St. Suite A, Shreveport, LA. Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LT, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 6/29/17 brOGOOODONYIS/ZTOZOCEO ‘On July 10, 2017, LSP agents conducted surveillance at 1950 E, 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA. Upon arriving at this locatioo, LSP agents observed the black Jeep Compass with MO/LP# PMBH2J parked behind the massage parlor. Agents also observed the backdoor was left slightly ajar. During surveillance operations, agents observed multiple individuals enter the massage parlor. The average client was white middle aged male. The individuals stayed an average of one(1) hour. Several ofthe individuals parked away from the business and appeared to be discreetly approaching the business. This location is on a main roadway and is close to the road; therefore is easily visible from the roadway. Agents did not observe any food being brought in for lunchtime or any employees coming outside during the 12 hours. At approximately 2200 hours, Agents observed an Asian male; along with two Asian females enter the black Jeep Compass bearing MO/LP# PMBH2J. Ageats then followed the vehicle. The vehicle traveled to the Ultris Island Park apartunents located at 1105 Island Park Blvd, Streveport, LA. The individuals parked and were observed walking up to building | On July 10, 2017 LSP agents conducted surveillance at 2103 Old Minden Rd. Suite B, Bossier City, LA from approximately 1330-2300 hours. Upon arriving at this location, LSP agents observed & white Toyota Rav 4 SUV with CA/LP#7GRW657 parked to the left of the front catrance of the massage parlor. The location is on a dead end street away froma the main road and traffic, but visible from the interstate. During surveillance operations, LSP agents observes eight (8) individuals enter 2103 Old Minden Ra, Suite B, Bossier City, LA and stay for a period of 30 mimutes to 2 hrs. All the individuals were white males, who were middle aged to older. At no point did the two (2) Asian females come outside or leave to get food during the 12 hours. At approximately 2220 hours, LSP agents observed the black Jeep Compass with MO/LP# PM8H2J enter into the parking lot of 2103 Old Minden Ra, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. The Asian male driver picked up one (1) Asian female from 2103 Old Minden RG, Suite B, Bossier City, LA and drove back to 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bldg, Ll, Shreveport, LA. At approximately 2300 hours, one (1) Asien female exited the massage parlor located st 2301 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA and entered the white Toyota Rav4 SUV bearing CA/LP#7GRW657. The Asian female traveled to 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bldg. 11, ‘Shreveport, LA. On July 11, 2017, Sgt. Nash advised me that they have an IRS Agent assisting with their investigation. These are his findings: + 03/06/17: Linan Tian went to J.P. Morgan Bank located at 1673 E. 70th, Shreveport, La with '$16,000 cash. Tian deposited $6,000 into an account there and exchanged $10,000 in smaall bills for $10,000 in large bills + 03/30/17: Tian went to J.P. Morgan Bank located at 1935 Airline, Bossier City, La with $12,000 cash, deposited $6,000 and exchanged $6,000 in small bills for $6,000 in large bills. ‘We found this to be common with this group up here in Missouri. Once they get enough bulk ‘currency in large bills, they then move the carrency via vehicle. They store the eurency in their residence usvally, but on one occasion we found $70,000 in a wall at abusiaess. One oftheir vehicles, got interdicted on T-70 with over $600,000 in the trunk. ‘Tian used the Shreveport address as his residence on these transactions and Palm Service LLC ashis ewployorent. Onthemoming of July 11, 2017, LSP Agents began surveillance at the residence of 1 L0S Island Park. Bivd, Bldg. 11, Shreveport, LA. The apartment listed in the comprehensive report is 1110. At0932 hours, LSP Agents observed one (1) Asian male and two (2) Asian females exited Ultrs Island Park Apartment Building #1 land entered the black Jeep Compass bearing MO/LP# PM8H2J. At 0933 hours, two (2) Asian females exited Ultris Island Park Apartment Building #11, Sareveport, LA and ‘entered the white Toyota Rav 4 SUV bearing CA/LP#7GRW657. LSP Agents followed the vehicles, The black Jeep Compass traveled back to 1950 E. 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA and the white Toyota Rav 4 SUV traveled back to 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. On July 11, 2017 at 0931 hours, @ search was conducted, via the internet, on www and ‘numerous ads were located in the body rub section under adult services. In my past experience, ‘www hes yielded ads, which bave been confinmed to solicit for prostitution. Lobserved ‘new posting appear for the massage parlor located at 1950 E. 70th St., Shreveport, LA. The ad says they are open 7 days a week from 0930-2200 hrs. The prices are listed for their time. The ed also says everyone at the massage parlor is fluent in English. The ads show several young looking. beautiful Asian women that are posed in a seductive manor. Throughout the day, they reposted several times on Backpage, Supplemental Reports ~ Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 SpQaagoggogaNV On July 11, 2017 at 0941 hours, T observed another ad post on Backpage for 1950 E, 70th Suite A, ‘Shreveport, LA, The advertisement said they are also open seven (7) days a week from 1000 hours- 2200 bouss. The ad also has several misspelled words. The ad claims to have license “massagist.” The ad says the have “all young” and a “new masseuse.” The ads show several young looking, beautiful Asian women that are posed in a seductive manor. Throughout the day, they reposted several times on Backpage. On July 11,2017, LSP agents conducted surveillance at 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. During surveillance operations, LSP agents observed multiple individuals enter 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA and stay for a period of | hour to 2 hours. All the individuals ‘were white males, who were middle aged to older. The Asin females neverleft during their 12 hours at the massage parlor. At 2200 hours, one (1) Asian female wearing all White took a bag of trash to the duropster in the parking lot. She returned to the building and both Asian females entered the white Toyota Rav 4 SUV CA/LP#7GRW657 and traveled back to Ultis Island Park Apartment Building #11, Shreveport, LA. [ stayed with the trash that was disposed of until Sgt. Chad Fian retuned, The white garbage bag was removed from the dumpster and taken back to the LSP Field Office located at 4185 Viking Dr., Bossier City, LA. Sgt. Chad Finn and I inspected the discarded ‘rash, Within the rash we located fumiae hygiene wipes, food such as oatmeal, eggs, vegetables, etc, slong with water bottles, and large amounts of wet used paper towels. On July 12,2017, LSP Agents began surveillance at the residence of 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bldg. 11, Shreveport, LA. At 0930 hours, one (1) Asian mele and two (2) Asien females exited Ultris Island Park Apartment Building #11, Apartment 1110, Shreveport, LA. Sgt. Chad Finn observed the individuals leave their apartment. They walked over to a maroon Hoada SUV bearing CA/LP#t ‘7TGW282 that was parked in front ofthe apartment. Initially, it appeared they were going to eater the vehicle, but then just looked into the vehicle and returned to the black Jeep Compass bearing. MO/LP# PM8H2J. At 0930 hours, two (2) Asian females exited Ulwis Island Park Apartment ‘Building #11, Shreveport, LA and entered the white Toyota Rav 4 SUV bearing CA/LP#7GRW657. LSP Agents followed the vehicles, The black Jeep Compass traveled back to 1950 E. 70th Suite A, ‘Shreveport, LA and the white Toyota Rav 4 SUV traveled back to 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. After they lefi, Sgt. Finn walked up to the apartment and verified the apartment number and photographed the door he observed them walking out of. The apartment number was 1110 and it was located on the third floor in the northwest comer of the building. ‘On July 12,2017, Iran the registration oa the maroon Honda bearing CA/LP#7TGW282. The vebicle was registered to Aibua Teng, (On July 12, 2017 at 0955 hours, | observed a new posting appear for the massage parlor located at E 1950 70th St, Shreveport, LA. The phone number listed with this account is 318-453-7104, ‘Throughout the day, there were several updated posts. At 1028 hours, ] observed a posting appear for the massage parlor located at 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. The phone number listed with this account is 318-588-0642. Throughout the day, there were several updated posts, conducted a search on the intemet for the phone numbers associated with the Backpage ads; 318- 453-7104 and 318-588-0642. [also located ads on Craigslist, Rubmaps and Escort sites. (On July 12, 2017, while LSP agents conducted surveillance of 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA they observed an Air Conditioning company comeo this location and appear to work on the air conditioner. The surveillance units observed minimal traffic. However, all the individuals were white males, who were middle aged to, older and stayed an average of one hour. Al approximately 1700 hours, an individual entered the building and minutes later exited. The two (2) Asian females left shortly afterwards and closed the business. It is unknown where the two (2) Asian females traveled to at this time. Approximately one (1) hour later, the white Toyota SUV bearing CA/LP#IGRW657 arrived at the Island Park apartments. There was only one (1) Asian fernale inside, x July 12,2017, LSP agents conducted surveillance at 1950 E. 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA. LSP agents observed seven (7) individuals, All the individuals were white males, who were middle aged to older. The average stay time was one hour. At no time did anyone leave or come out of the business. At 2204 hours, one (1) Asian male and two (2) Asian females exited the massage parlor and traveled back to 1105 Island Park Blvd, Shreveport, LA and were seen walking up to building 11, a a in o Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 ONVISZTecTaTEa oo greene : a On July 12,2017, I served two (2) administrative subpoenas to Backpage. [listed the numbers listed in the advertisements, along with the email addresses Sgt. Nash provided me with that Missouri State Highway Parrol located. [also included recent posting ID numbers, On July 12, 2017, I served two (2) adovinistrative subpoenas to Verizon. [requested subscriber ‘information on the two (2) phone aumbers that were listed on the Backpage advertisements, On July 13,2017, LSP A gents began surveillance atthe residence of 1 105 Island Park Blvd, Building Li, Shreveport, LA. At 0933 hours, two (2) Asian females exited Ultris Island Park Apartment Building#1 1, Shreveport, LA and entered the white Toyota Rav4 SUV bearing CA/LPA7GRW657. ‘At 0934 hours, one (1) Asian male and two (2) Asian females exited Ultris Island Park Apartment Building #11, Apartment 1110, Shreveport, LA and entered the black Jeep Coinpass bearing MO/LP# PMSH2J, LSP Agents followed the vehicles. The black Jeep Compass then began traveling south on Clyde Fant. After committing a traffic violation, the Jeep Compass was stopped by a marked State Police Unit. The Asian male driver was idemtified as Linan Tian, The Asian femsle passengers were identified es: Aihua Tang, DOB: 8/3/1977, with CA/DL# Y3641973 and YanQing Yin, DOB: 4 5/10/1990, L recalled Aihua Tang was also the name of the registered owner of the maroon Honda a CR-V SUV bearing CA/LPH7TGW282 that was parked in front of 1105 Island Park Blvd. Bidg. 11, i Shreveport, LA. The work Visa for Yin showed it just became valid 1/5/2017. After the trafic stop 5 ® ® aud Tian was given a warning, Tian traveled back to 1950. 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA. The white Toyota Rav 4 SUV traveled back to 2103 Old Minden Rad, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. On July 13, 2017, I checked Backpage for postings associated with the massage parlor. I noticed that ie 2103 Old Minden Ra, Suite B, Bossier City, LA, posted on Backpage at 0436 hours, which would be Qe Outside the hours of the listed hours for the business. The business hours are listed es 1000 hours to & 2200 ts, At 1002 hours, 1950 B. 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA again posted on Backpage. NI On July 13, 2017, Backpage responded to my administrative subpoena. 1 observed bundreds of postings in multiple states dating back to 2014. Here is a sample of one of the postings from Missouri: “Welcome To Your Source of Healing and Time of Bliss, We Have a Rotational Staffof ‘Thoughtful Professional Therapists Waiting to Enchant You With Her Magic Touch. Our All Of The Healers Help You Find Relief. We Have Young Friendly Staff for Your Enjoyment. All Friendly Nice Licensed. She Treats You Right From Tension Filled Start to Smiling Finish.” This ad appears tobave not written by the individuals doing the massage. It discusses a rotational staff which is quite relevant to buman trafficking. Then it mentions start to finish and smiling, Another advertisement says, “Three young girls give youall good massage.” This advertisement was from Des Moines, IA., “New girl from Vegas [||| || wm * Young Girls*Lotus Asian Massage.” I then noticed new advertisement dated July 11, 2017 and July 12, 2017 for Huntoville, AL. The ad says, “Best Asian massage, Grand Opening Tel: 256-541-2395.” The address listed for this massage parlor is 7901 Memorial Parkway SW #H Huatsville, AL. All of the advertisements, dated back to 2014 were created by a user using the email address On July 13, 2017, I contacted Sgt. Nash and updated him on our case, I also informed him of the information I received from Backpage. I asked Sgt. Nash if Linan Tian had ever been known to use the name “Tony.” Lwas attempting to put an association between the email used for the Backpage posts, “Tonytony1983” and Tian. Iwas aware that Tiao’s date of birth was 1983, but wasn'taware of alias used, ‘On July 13,2017 at approximately 2037 hours, while agents were conducting surveillance of 1950E. ‘70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA, they observed the Asian male and one (1) Asian female leave that location in the Jeep Compass. Surveillance units followed the vehicle to 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA.” At 2045 hours, the Asian male dropped off the Asian female and lef. He retumed to 1950 E. 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA approximately 40 minutes. On July 13, 2017, at approximately 2135 hours, while agents were conducting surveillance of 1950 E. 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA, they observed the Asian male and two (2) Asian fernales behind the ‘Dusiness as they were preparing to close. Agents observed one (1) Asian female place a garage bagin the trash dumpster and the Asian male place a garbage bag in the rear hatch of the Jeep Compass. The Asian male and two (2) Asian females departed in the Jeep Compass and were followed back to 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bldg. 11, Shreveport, LA, Shortly afterwards, surveillance units observed the Jeep ‘Compass leave. They followed the Jeep Compass to 2103 Old Mindea Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. As the Jeep Compass arrived, surveillance units observed the Asian male driving. An older Asian female exited the 2103 Old Minden Rd. Suite B, Bossier City, LA location. She took one (1) trash Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offensef: REC'D 8/29/17 bbag to the dumpster and then walked over to the Jeep Compass. The Asian male took the trash bag from the Asian female and placed itin the hatch of the Jeep Compass and left. Surveillance units then followed the Jeep Compass to 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bldg. 11, Shreveport, LA. Surveillance units stayed for a period of time in the event the garbage bags were going to be discarded in the apartment ‘complex’s dumpster, According to Sgt. Nash, during their investigation they learned that the items/rash from their businesses that they felt would incriminate them they would take home and throw away. Surveillance units never observed the bags being discarded. (On July 14,2017, LSP Agents began surveillance atthe residence of 1105 Istand Park Blvd, Bldg. 11, Shreveport, LA. At 0931 hours, two (2) Asian females exited Ultris Island Park Apartment Building, #11, Shreveport, LA. The walked to the bottom ofthe steps and waited. Shortly afterwards, an older Asian female walked down the steps, walked passed them and began walking towards the white Toyota SUV. ‘The Asian male then walked down. The two (2) Asien females appeared to be taking directions from the older Asian femaleand the Asian male, Surveillance units then observed two (2) Asian females enter the white Toyota Rav 4 SUV bearing CA/LP#7GRW657, along with one (1) Asian male and two (2) Asian females enter the black Jeep Compass bearing MO/LP# PM8H2I. The vehicles left and did not stop at the dumpster on the way out. The white Toyota Rav 4 SUV bearing CA/LPHTIGR W657 traveled to 2103 Old Minden Ra. Suite B, Bossier City, LA and the Jeep Compass traveled to 1950 E. 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA. ‘On July 14, 2017, Sgt. Nash called to inform me that he was able to find reports where associates, referred to Linan Tian as “Tony.” Additionally, the IRS agent that is working with Sgt. Nash was able to confirm with him that the email address “Tonytony1983,” was used to open the JP Morgan bank accounts in Shreveport. ‘On July 14, 2017, I contacted the Louisiana Board of Massage Therapy. I compared the list ofnames ‘we had compiled from ou investigation to the states list of board certified massage therapists. Only one name was amaich and that was for BingBing Li, BingBing Li is Linan Tian’s suspected wife and business partner, Itis believed sheis currently in Huntsville, Alabama setting up the newest massage parlor. In summery, the Missouri State Highway Patrol contacted the Louisiana State Police and requested assistance after their suspects in their Human Trafficking/Money Laundering investigation were believed to be in Louisiana. Affiant and other Detectives with Louisiana State Police were able to confirm the suspects; Linan Tian acd Wenjuan Li were in Louisiana. WenJuan Li bas prior ‘convictions in 2008 from Nevada for Engaging ia Prostitution, Obscene of opposite Sex Massage and in 2011 from Mlinois for Keeping a Place of Prostitution. Affiant has located two (2) massage parlors in Louisiana run by Tian; one located at 1950 B. 70th St. Suite A, Shreveport, LA- Pala Asian Massage and one located at 2103 Old Minden Rd. Suite B, Bossier City, LA-The Spa. Additionally, Detectives located a residence at 1105 Island Park Blvd.Ap!1 110, Shreveport, LA, Detectives then began conducting surveillance on the two massage parlors. During the surveillance operations, Detectives witnessed numerous males entering the two businesses, staying for time periods of 30 ‘minutes to two hours. During the times when it was busy it was easy to determine the males were there by appointment time, As one car would leave another would arrive. Sometimes the males ‘would pass one another When entering and exiting. During the entire operation, surveillance units did ‘ot see any females frequenting 2103 Old Minden Ra. Suite B, Bossier City, LA and oaly saw two (2) at 1950 B. 70th St, Suite A, Shreveport, LA; however Detectives believed they were just visiting, In two prior situations investigated by Missouri State Highway Patrol, the Asian fenaale employees were being forced to stay with their employer and not allowed to come and go as they pleased. During our investigatioa, it was obvious that Linan Tian and the older Asian female believed to be Wenjuan Li were in charge. The two (2) Asian females never left the apartment building or massage parlors ‘without Tian or Li. They appeared to wait for instructions, They never drove or just stepped outside during their 12 hour shift to get some air. Only Tian and Li camo outside and/or left. The businesses. are posting on Backpage, which has been confirmed to solicit for prostitution. The businesses are posting oulside “business hours,” such as at 0436 hours, Additionally, after checking with the Louisiana Board of Massage Therapy the only person from our investigation who bas been confirmed to havea massage licenses is BingBing Li. Sheis currently suspected to be in Huntsville, AL setting. up their newest location at 7901 Memorial Parkway SW #H Huntsville, AL. Supplemental Reports ~ Case#: 17004356 - Neme: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 2rIOGROO0ONY ‘WHEREFORE, for the reasons set forth above and elsewhere in this writing, your affiant respectfully shows that probable cause does exist for issuance ofa search warrant forthe property described berein at 1950 E 70* St. Suite A, Sbreveport, LA in Caddo Parish and respectfully requests that a SEARCH WARRANT be issued from this Honorable Court, and when the object to be searched isa dwelling or other structure, thatthe wrt to search include al other structures, occupants, computers, cell phones, vehicles, curtilage, and places of conceslment on the premises where evidence or the commission ofa crime may be found YT Mu lt 4h art ©... nae AFA 183 SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, THIS, “hy DAY OF JULY 2017 AT. Sh ewegt LOUISIANA. E, IST JUDICIAL DISTRICT 0 ° > ° ° ° 2 © 2 © & © Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 SEARCH WARRANT ‘TWENTY-SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT. PARISH OF BOSSIER, STATE OF LOUISIANA, ‘TO LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS in and for the Parish aforesaid: WHEREAS an affidavit has been made before me upon the oath of Louisiana State Police Master ‘Trooper Heather Owens, alleging that the commercial business located at 2103 Old Minden Rd., Suite B, Bossier City, LA in Bossier Parish and further described as: Hie sbovetbcaion'socoted at 2103 Old Minden Ra, Suite B, Bossier City, LA in Bossier Parish . Itis within a one (1) story office buildiag with three total suites. The buildiag is a light ‘brown brick and viayl structure with brick pillars in front, The center suite, is suite “B.” The sbingles are dark brown. 2103 Old Mindea Rd., Suite B, Bossier City, LA is approximately .6 miles west of the intersection of Old Minden Rd and Airline Drive in Bossier City, LA. An electric sign indicating, “open” is to the left of the front door which faces the parking lot. This search is to include a white 2015 Toyota Rav 4 bearing California license plate # 7GRWO657 (VIN: ‘2TIWFREVOFW 134903), registered to WANG XUEME], which is parked in the businesses parking tot. Any search shall inchude the said dwelling, outbuildings, occupants, vehicles and any associated storage facility. ‘The above listed address and vehicle which is a place where there isa high probability that evidence of the crime of Racketeering as defined in Louisiana Revised Statute 15:1352, Money Laundering as defived in Louisiana Revised Statute !4:230, Prostitution as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:82, and Pandering as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:84, Soliciting for Prostitutes as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:83, and Inciting Prostitution as defined in Louisiana Revised Starutes 14:83.1, Letting Premises for Prostitution, as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:85, Operation of places of prostitution; prohibited; penalty as defined in Louisiana Revised ‘Sratutes 14:282 and massage; sexual conduct prohibited as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:83.4 will in fact be found, to-wit: ‘Asuused in this Chapter, "racketeering activity" means coxuniting, attempting to commit, conspiring to commit, or soliciting, coercing, or intimidating another person to commit any crime that is punishable under the following provisions of Title 14 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law, or the Louisiane Securities Law: Enterprise" means any individual, sole proprietorship, partoership, corporation or other legal ‘entity, or any unchertered association, or group of individuals associated in fact and includes Unlawful as well as lawful enterprises and governmental as well as other entities. "Patter of racketeering activity” means engaging in a least two incidents of racketeering activity that have the same or similar intents, results principals, victims, or methods of comunission or otherwise are interrelated by distinguishing characteristics and are not isolated incidents, provided at least one of such incidents occurs after: August 21, 1992, and that the last of such incidents occurs within five years after a prior incident of racketeering activity. For the purpose of seizing the following described property. There is good reason to believe that on or in the premises located at 2103 Old Minden Rd., Suite B, Bossier City, LA, and on or in the 2015 Toyota Rav 4 SUV besring California license plate #7GRWO57 (VIN: 213 WFREVOFW134903), registered to XUEME1 WANG within the parish of Bossier, State of Lovisiana more fully described in the application for this warrant, Any and all items including but not limited to: Books, reccipts, ledgers, and other records tending to identify customers and other records that are consistent with prostitution of individual women employed at the businesses 2103 Old Minden Ré., Suite B, Bossier a o 3B o Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense: REC'D 8/29/17 HSOOGGGB0NVIAS/ IA City, LA, at and/or 1950 East 70th St, Suite A, Shreveport, LA. 6. 10. 12, Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 Revords, receipts, notes, ledgers, and other papers eating to the transportation, ordering, advertising of persons for the purposes of unlicensed massage therapy, prostitution and human trafficking. Employment applications, employer/employee contracts, time cards or other recordings tending to identify employees located at this business; Personal and business checks, ‘monies and other evidence of debts owed pertaining to business transactions located at this business and/or financial reconds; Books, records, receipts, bank statements and records, money order and cashier's checks, passbooks, bank checks, safe deposit keys, pre-paid credit cards and other items evideacing the obtaining, secreting, transfer and / or concealment of assets and the obtaining, secreting, transfer, concealment and / or expenditure of money. Address and / or telephone books, rolodex indices, papers reflecting names, address and/ ot telephone cumbers of co-conspirators, and business information from entities that employ people who could be recruited to be trafficked, i.e. modeling agencies, escort agencies, unlicensed massage therapy businesses. United States currency, jewelry and erotic clothing to include but not limited to Lingerie, heels, provocatively revealing clothing, Personal effects, including purses, wallels, handbags and other like articles. Indicia of occupancy, residency, rental and / or ownership of the premises described herein, including but not limited to utility and telephone bills, canceled envelopes, rentel purchase or lease agreements and keys. Articles of personal property tending to establish the identity of persons in control of the said premises, storage areas, of conlainers where the above items are found consisting of rent receipts, cancelled checks, charge card receipts, cancelled mail, and warranties. Sex toys and Sex tay paraphernalia to include but not limited to lubrications, condoms (used/unused), vibrators, massagers, prosthetic penis, whips, bondage material, and esturbation toys. ‘Computers, PDA's, notebook computers and related hardware and software capable of storing data related to but not limited to the recrvitment, communication and advertising for the purposes ofan unlicensed massege or prostitution business; Any and all electronic recording devices including visual and audio recordings and equipment; Cellular phones and other electronic communication devices reflecting text messages, addresses, telephone numbers and pictures of co-conspirators, and business information from entities that eraploy people who could be recruited ta trafficked, ic. modeling, agencies, escort egencies, unliceased massage therapy businesses. ‘Any coroputers, computer systems and cellular telephones located at the below listed location, including any magnetic, electronic or optical storage device capable of storing data, such as Doppy disks, hazd disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, CD-R, CD-RWs, DVDs, optical 3, printer or memory buffers, smart cards, PC cards, memory calculators, electronic ialers, which may be a componeat of the computer system. Any applications, utlity programs, compilers, interpreters, and other software used to facilitate direct or indirect communication with tbe computer hardware, storage devices or data to be searched. Any physical keys, encryption devices, dongles and similar physical items thet are necessary {o gain access to the computer equipment, storage devices or data; and; any passwords, password files, test keys, encryption codes or other information necessary to access the computer equipment, storage devices or data. Articles of personal property tending to establish the identity of persons in control ofthe premises being searched, such as utility company receipts, rent receipts, charge card receipts, tax receipts, checks, deposit slips, savings account passbooks, passports, driver's licenses, vebicle zegistratiomtitles, legal documeats, social security cards, cancelled mail, addressed envelopes, photographs, keys and safes. ‘Cameras and Photographs (including digital memory cards, video tapes, film, exposed and unexposed, and slides of co-conspirators and assets) z6o Z1aza IHV99GGONY Tso Affiant desires to search the requested location along with any and all persons located at the business at the time of the execution of the warrant. are secreted or concealed, and whercas the affidavit submitted in support of the request for this search warrant indicates that the affiant bas shown probable cause for its issuance, YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED to search the aforesaid property at2103 Old Minden Ré, Suite B, Bossier City, LA, in BOSSIER Parish, where there will be evidence of the crime described within affidavit and when the thing to be searched is a dwelling or other structure, this writ includes all other structures, vehicles and places on the premises where the things might be found, and if the things specified be found there, to seize and bring them before this Court, YOU ARE FURTHER ORDERED to seize any and all of the above specified computer and/or electronic equipment and deliver same to the Lousiana State Police Technical Support Office or any law enforcement support location, for further search of the contents of said computers and/or electronic’ equipment under the conditions and protocols established by that agency for such ‘computer forensic examinations, and if the things specified be found during said computer forensic examination, to bring them before this Court, As described in said affidavit, computer hardware, software, and data are instrumentalities and evidence in the commission of this crime, Based on taining and experience, affiant knows that searching and seizing information from computers requires al) electronic storage devices (along with related peripherals) to be searched later by a qualified computer forensic expert in a controlled environment. A search of computer records Will need to be conducted off-site. An off-site search is necessary because computer storage devices (e.g., hard disks, diskettes, tapes, laser disks) can store the equivalent of thousands of pages of information. It should also be known that, depending on the amount of information stored within a seized computer or computers, such examinations typically require more than ten (10) days to complete. YOU ARE FURTHER ORDERED for reasons of officer safety and due to the volatility of the electronic evidence sought under this warrant and the ease with which such evidence can be destroyed, to search at any time of the day or NIGHT and also on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and on all legal Holidays. BOSSIER PARISH, LOUISIANA, THIS _/7 (Day OF JULY 2017 time_1:4\ 24 JUDGE, 26TH JUDICIAL ICT w ray 2 z m Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 TSAGOGODONVISZTAZOTEA Supplemental Reports - Cased: CRIMINAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF BOSSIER, STATE OF LOUISIANA APPLICATION FOR SEARCH WARRANT Affiant, Master Trooper Heather Owens, a Detective with Louisiana State Police, Special Investigations Division, Special Victims Unit, now eppears before the undersigned Judge authorized to issue warrants in criminal cases, and make this affidavit, under oath, in support of the issuance of a search warrant, to search the following described place: ‘Tue above location is located at 2103 Old Minden Rd., Suite B, Bossier City, LA in Bossier Parish . tis within a one (1) story office building with three total suites. The building is alight brown brick and vinyl structure with brick pillars in front. The ceoter suite, is suite “B.” The shingles are dark brown. 2103 Old Minden Rd., Suite B, Bossier City, LA is approximately .6 miles west of the intersection of Old Minden Rd and Airline Drive in Bossier City, LA. An electric sign indicating, “open” isto the let ofthe front door as you are approaching it from the parking lot. This search isto include a white 2015 Toyota Rav 4 bearing California license plate # 7GRW657 (VIN: 2T3WFREVOFW134903), registered to WANG XUEMEI, which is parked in the businesses parking Jot, Any search shall include the said dwelling, outbuildings, occupants, vehicles and any associated storage facility. ‘The above listed address and vehicle which is place where there is a high probability that evidence of the crime of Racketecring as defined in Louisiana Revised Statute 15:1352, Money Laundering as defined in Louisiana Revised Statute 14:230, Prostitution as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes. 14:82, and Pandering as defined in Louisiane Revised Statutes 14:84, Soliciting for Prostitutes 2s defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:83, and lociting Prostitution as defined in Louisiane Revised Statutes 14:83.1, Letting Premises for Prostitution, as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:85, Operation of places of prostitution; prohibited; penalty as defined in Louisiana Revised Starutes 14:282 and massage; sexual conduct prohibited as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 4 will in fact be found, to-wit: 04356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense¥: REC'D 8/29/17 S2tatucea 2 OGOO000NVI €s ‘Asused in this Chapter, “racketeering activity” means committing, attempting to commit, conspiring to commit, or soliciting, coercing, or intimidating another person to commit any crime that is punishable under the following provisions of Title [4 ofthe Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law, or the Louisiana Securities Law: Enterprise" means any individual, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation or other legal entity, or any unchartered association, or group of individuals associated in fact and includes unlawful as well as lawful enterprises and governmental as well as other entities. “Pattern of racketeering activity" means engaging in at least two incidents of racketeering activity that have the same or sinnilar intents, results, principals, victims, or methods of commission or otherwise ae interrelated by distinguishing characteristies and are not isolated incidents, provided at least one of such incidents occurs after August 21, 1992, and that the last of such incidents occurs within five years aflera prior incident of racketeeting activity. For the purpose of seizing the following described property. There is good reason to believe that on or inthe premises located at 2103 Old Minden Rd., Suite B, Bossier City, LA and on or in the 2015 Toyota Rav 4 SUV bearing California license plate #7GRW657 (VIN: 2T3WFREVOFW134903), registered to XUEMEI WANG within the parish of Bossier, State of Louisiana more fully described in the application for this warrant, Any and el! items including but not limited to: Books, receipts, ledgers, and other records tending to identify customers and other records that are consistent with prostitution of individual women eroployed at the businesses 2103 Old Minden Rd., Suite B, Bossier City, LA. at and/or 1950 East 70th St, Suite A, Shreveport, LA. 1, Records, receipts, notes, ledgers, and other papers relating to the transportation, ordering, advertising of persons for the purposes of unlicensed massage therapy, prostitution and human trafficking, 2, Employment applications, employer/employee contracts, time cards or other recordiags tending to identify employees located at this business; Personal and business checks, monies end other evidence of debts owed pertaining to business transactions located at this business and/or financial records, 3. Books, records, receipts, bank statements and records, money order and cashier's checks, passbooks, bank checks, safe deposit keys, pre-paid credit cards and other items evidencing the obtaining, secreting, transfer and / or concealment of assets and the obtaining, secreting, transfer, concealment and / or expenditure of money. 4, Address and / or telephone books, rolodex indices, papers reflecting names, address and/or telephone numbers of co-conspirators, and business information from entities thet employ people ‘who could be recruited to be trafficked, i.e, modeling agencies, escort agencies, unlicensed massage therapy businesses. 5. United States currency, jewelry and erotic clothing to include but not limited to lingecie, heels, provocatively revealing clothing, Personal effecs, including purses, wallets, handbags and other like articles. 6. _Indicia of occupancy, residency, rental and/or ownership of the premises described herein, including but cot limited to utility and (elephone bills, canceled envelopes, xeatal purchase or lease agreements and keys. Articles of personal property tending to establish the identity of persons in control ofthe said premises, storage areas or containers where the above items are found consisting of rent receipts, cancelled checks, charge card receipts, cancelled mail, and warranties 7. Sex toys and Sex toy paraphernalis to include but not limited to lubrications, condoms (used/unused), vibrators, massagers, prosthetic peais, whips, bondage material, and masturbation toys. 8. Computers, PDAs, notebook computers and related hardware and software capable of storing data related to but not limited to the recruitment, communication and advertising for the wurposes of an unlicensed massage ot prostitution business; Any and all electronic recording devices including visual and sudio recordings and equipment; w ia > z z in Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offensef: REC'D 8/29/17 Z£tazecsa OONYD FSO0908 Supplemental Reports - Casel: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense¥ 9. Cellular phones and other electronic communication devices reflecting text messages, addresses, telephone numbers and pictures of co-conspirators, and business information from entities that employ people who could be recruited to trafficked, ie. modeling agencies, escort agencies, unlicensed massage therapy businesses. 10. Any computers, computer systems and cellular telephones located at the below listed location, including any magnetic, electronic or optical storage device capable of storing data, such as floppy disks, hard disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, CD-R, CD-RWs, DVDs, optical disks, printer or memory buffers, smart cards, PC cards, memory calculators, electronic dialers, which may be a ‘component of the computer system. Any applications, utility programs, compilers, interpreters, and other software used to facilitate direct or indirect commaunication with the computer bardware, storage devices or data to be searched. Any physical keys, encryption devices, dongles and similar physical items thet are necessary to gain access lo the computer equipment, storage devices or data; and; any passwords, password files, test keys, encryption codes or other information necessary 10 access the computer equipment, storage devices or data. 11, Articles of personal property tending to establish the identity of persons in control of the premises being searched, such as utility company receipts, reat receipts, charge card receipts, tax receipts, checks, deposit slips, savings account passbooks, passports, driver's licenses, vehicle registrationlitles, legal documents, social security cards, cancelled mail, addressed envelopes, photographs, keys and safes. 12, Cameras and Photographs (including digital memory cards, video tapes, film, exposed and ‘unexposed, and slides of co-conspirators and assets) As described in this affidavit, computer hardware, software, and data are instrumentalities and evidence in the commission of this crime, Based on training and experience, affiant knows that searching and seizing information from computers requires all electronic storage devices (along with related peripherals) to be searched later by 2 qualified computer forensic expert in a controlled enviroumeat. A search of computer records will need to be conducted off-site. An off-site search is necessary because computer storage devices (Gg, hard disks, diskettes, tapes, laser disks) can store the equivalent of thousands of pages of information. In regards to cellular deices; the executing law enforcement officer(s) is/are authorized to view photograph, record, copy forensic image and conduct forensic analysis of any and all data, programas and applications on the above described cellular device(s), as well as on any data storage devices and or mediums attached to those cellular communicatioa device(s). Additionally, the executing law enforcement officer(s) may enlist the aid of a law enforcement computer forensic laboratory in the searching, viewing, photographing, recording, copying, forensic imagining and analysis of any and all items described above. It should also be known that, depending on the amount of information stored within a seized computer(s) or devices, such examinations typically require more thaa ten (10) days to complete. Additionally, « suspect might try to conceal criminal evidence by storing it in random order with deceptive file names. That might require searching authorities to examine all the stored data to determine which particulas files is evidence or instrumentalities ofa crime. That sorting process can take weeks or months, depending upon the volume of data stored, and it would be impractical to attempt that kind of data search on site. Further, searching computer systems for criminel evidence is ahighly techaical process requiring expert skill and a properly conolled environment. Tbe vast ary of computer hardware and software available requires even computer experts to specialize in some systems and applications, so itis difficult to know before a search which expert is qualified to analyze the system and its data. Data search procedures are exacting scicaific procedures designed to protect the integrity of the evidence and to recover even “hidden,” erased, compressed, password protected, or encrypted files. Since computer evidence is extremely vulnerable to inadvertent or intentional modification or destruction (both from extemal sources or from destructive code imbedded in the system as e “booby trap"), a controlled environment is essential to its complete and accurate analysis. i b 2 z th a REC'D 8/29/17 az7eT6O SSOOGGOOONVIS/T ‘Based on her training, experience, and consultation with technical computer experts, affiant mows that searching computerized information for evidence, or instrumentalities of crime, commonly requires the seizure ofall ofa computer system's inpuvoutput peripheral devices (including related documentation, passwords, and security devices) so that a qualified computer expert can accurately retvieve the system's data ina controlled environment. Peripheral devices which allow users to enter and retrieve data from storage devices vary widely in their compatibility with other hardware and software. Many system storage devices require particular input/output devices in order to reed the ata on the system. It is important that the analyst be able o properly retrieve the aforementioned evidence. in addition, the analyst needs the relevant system software (operating systems, interfaces, and hardware drivers) and any application software which might have been used to create the data (whether stored on hard drives or on external media), as well a all related instruction manuals or other documentation and data security devices. Additionally, based on affiant’s training and experience, it must be noted that the type of evidence stored on computers and electronic media is extremely volatile and easily destroyed, in some cases with a single keystroke on the computer. Because of the ease with which this type of electronic evidence can be destroyed, it is imperative that the warrant issued to search the location storing such evidence be given with a “no knock” provision. By announcing their presence prior to the search, the law enforcement agents executing the search warrant will alert the suspect to their presence and give him an opportunity to destroy any electronic evidence residing on his computer equipment. ‘Accordingly, your Affiant requests that the Court issue said search warrant with a “no knock” provision allowing the officers executing said warrant to enter and secure the premises without ancouncing their presence and intention prior tothe execution of the warrant, For the same reasons, ‘your Affiant requests that this search warrant issued be expressly authorized for execution at any time of the day or NIGHT and also on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and on all legal Holidays, Sétatazea wo gseooeona A fBiant desires to search the requested location along with any and all persons located at the business atthe time of the execution of the warrant. Which said property constitutes evidence of the commission of a crime or offense against the Laws of the State of Louisiana set forth in the Louisiana Revised Statutes, and as | am satisfied from the afBdavit(s) property is being concealed on the premises above described and that the aforesaid ‘grounds for the issuance of this search warrant exists. ‘The reasons and facts for the request ofthis search warrant are: COMPLAINT On July 7, 2017, I, M/T Heather Owens, a Detective with Louisiana State Police Special Victims ‘Unit was contacted by Sgt. Daniel Nash, « Detective with Missouri State Highway Patrol, inrelation toa criminal investigation they were working. Sgt. Nash advised me that he had been conducting a Jong term investigation on a three (3) individuals: Linan Tian, WenJuan Li and BingBiag Li. Set. ‘Nash advised that Linan Tinan travels to different areas setting up Asian Massage parlors. Tian then brings down Wenluan Li, wino is believed to be his mother, along with BingBing Li, who is suspected to be Tian’s wife. These women assist in getting the businesses operational. They then recruit other Asian females to work for them. These Asian females must live with Tian, and are ‘under his cortrol at all times. These women are not free to come and go. The females owe “debt” to Tian that they are “working” to pay off; however, everything they do or don’t do adds to their debt. This leaves these women forever indebted to Tian. Sgt. Nash said according to his recent investigation, Linan Tian, WeaJuan Li and BingBing Li were in the Shreveport, Louisiana area. ‘Sgt. Nash provided me, via email, a comprehensive report on Linan Tian, WenJuan Li and BingBing Li Additionally, Sgt. Nash provided me with the below details of his case: STATEMENT FROM MISSOURI On September 17, 2014, the Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) initiated an investigation ‘regarding prostitution that was reportedly occurring at Palm Spa, located at 1722 South Glenstone GG, Springfield, Greene County, Missouri (hereinafter"Palm Spa”). During intecviews with other local businesses next to the Palm Spa, officers discovered that only males visited the business, and the business oly advertised on The business had no presence on social media ora website. The advertisement oni advertised their services from 1000 hours to 2200 hhours with walk in patron's welcome, ‘They also advertised plenty of room for truck parking, provided images of young attractive Asian females and provided a cost of $60.00 per hour for a sensual massage. A dentist office next door to Palm Spa advised they had been documenting licease Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offensef: REC'D 8/29/17 plate information from the patrons, and provided this information to law enforcement as they believed that prostitution was taking place at the location, ‘These employees further stated that the workers at the location spoke no or very little English and that many of the patrons would perk their vehicles some distance away and walk through the parking Jot, or round through the alley to get to Palm Spa, as it appeared they did not want to be seen frequenting the business. Officers then began conducting surveillance on the Palm Spa. During the surveillance operations, officers witnessed numerous males entering the business, but never witnessed any females Hequenting the business. Officers also witnessed many of these males park their vehicles some distance away, near other local businesses or at nearby apartment buildings and walk to the business. Tn October 2014, officers were able to identify the business owners and or operators of Pelm Spa as ‘Linan Tian, WenJuan Li and BingBing Li. WenJuan Li has convictions in 2008 from Nevada for Engaging in Prostitution, Obscene of opposite Sex Massage and in 2011 from Ilinois for Keeping a Place of Prostitution. Tian appears to be married to BingBing Li and Wenjuan Li may be Tian’s mother. Prior to relocating to Springfield, Missouri, Tian, BingBing and Wenjuan Li were involved in sumerous Asian massage businesses in Nebraska and Iowa. Once these businesses were established, Tian relocated to SpringGeld, Missouri where he begen establishing massage businesses in Southwest Missouri. ‘The businesses In lowa and Nebraske are part of human trafficking and prostitution investigation by local law enforcement and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Several federal search warrants have been exectited on these businesses and this investigation is ongoing, As MSHP officers continued the investigation, Tian, BingBing and Wenjuan Li were linked to several other Asian massage businesses in Southwest Missouri through surveillance, a vehicle tracking device, utility records and business records. These other Asian massage businesses included, but not limited to the following: Shui Massage, 520 West University, Springfield, Missouri Rainbow Spa, 2005 East Kearney, Springfield, Missouri Diamond Spa, 3029 East Sunshine, Springfield, Missouri Health Massage Therapy, 3131 South Wisconsin, Joplin, Missouri Phoenix Massage, 1261 East Republic Road, Springfield, Missouri MSHP investigators then checked for these businesses on, and discovered that they also advertised their services on this website and recognized that some of the images being utilized ian the advertisements were the same, These businesses did not have a website, or a social media presence. Investigators also began to realize that it was becoming very difficult to Keep up with the ‘number and locations of these Asian massages businesses as they were springing up very quickly in Springfield, Joplin and Branson, Missouri ‘When investigators checked on the license requirements of these businesses they discovered that most of these businesses had obtained 2 local business license, but many did not bave a license to operate a massage business by the State of Missouri. Furthermore, the State of Missouri requires an inspection of the business to obtain the seid license and each massage provider working at the business must have an individual message license. Investigators found thal most of these businesses id not have a State Massage License and that many of these employees did not have an individual massage license MSHP investigators then began conducting surveillance on the verious locations to stop patrons that ‘were utilizing the massage services to determine if illegal activity was taking place. During these vebicle stops, most of the suspects would be deceptive about where they were coming fiom. After several minutes, most of the suspects admitted that they bad just received a massage from one ofthe various Asian massage businesses and that they discovered the business via Backpage.cora. Someof the suspects advised that they traveled (o the individual Asian massage business with intention of paying for a massage that included sexual gratificetion. A few of these individuals edvised that they were disappointed when they did not receive sexual gratification as part of the massage. Others ‘admitted that they did receive sexual gratification in the form of a “Hand Job” during the massage. Ove of these individuals, who agreed to cooperate and provided a proffer interview, admitted that be had visited as many as 5-7 different Asian massage businesses in Springfield, Missouri fora total of 20-30 visits. This subject admitted that he had paid for a massage at the oost of $60.00 per hour at ‘these businesses and that he had received sexual gratification during many of these massages in the form of a “Hand Job." Supplemental Reports - Case: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense: REC'D 8/29/17 Tazacea OGOHLGONVISZ pete ‘Another suspect who was stopped as he was leaving Palm Spa advised that he had become familiar with the Asian massage businesses in Springfield, Missouri via a website known as, Rubmaps is a website that reports on massage businesses from around the United States and provides 1 database where one can become @ member and search and read reviews about massage businesses in your area. The reviews outline the business location, how much the business will charge, what ‘you will beable to receive during the massage, provides a rating and codes for various services. For example, one review from the Lotus Spa located at 220 West Sunshine, advised that during the massage he was allowed to “play with her ass” during the massage and “masturbate” at the end of the ‘massage while she continued the massage. The reviewer also advised that he tried to “Touch her kitty,” but she would not allow that, In another post on Rubmaps the client spoke about receiving a massage at Palm Spa where the masseuse, provided a sensual massage and then provided bim oil for bis hand so that he could masturbate while she rubbed his “balls.” Rubmaps also provides letters forthe various things that you can be expected to receive atthe individual massage business. Sorve ofthese things include the following: DAP-digital ana! probe (finger in anus) DSL-Diek sueking lips FIV-Finger in vagine HE-Happy Ending Kitty-Vagina Hardwood Floors-Clean shaven vagina PIV-Peois in vagina MP-Massage Parlor Raincoal-Condom Self Service-Y ou masturbate ATM-Ass to Mouth ‘Mamasan-Female manager of massage parlor Investigators also discovered from interviews with patrons and reviews that many of the Asian ‘massege locations will not allow any sex acts during the first and perhaps the second visit to the business. This is a strategy to avoid law enforcement officers who are undercover and allows the business an opportunity to avoid being arrested Investigators then began doing surveillance on the resideace of Tian, BingBing and WeaJuaa Li, During these surveillance operations, officers witnessed BingBing and WenJuan Li transporting Asian females from their residence to Asian massage businesses. On one of these occasions, ‘uniformed Troopers stopped BingBing who was transporting Asian females to one of the businesses. During the stop, the Trooper advised that there were two other Asian females in the vehicle with BingBing and these Asian females were not United States citizens and they could not speak English. During the stop BingBing advised the Trooper they were traveling to Wal-Mart to gel some service done on their vehicle. BingBing further advised that the other Asian females were visiting from California. The other Asian females did not have any photo identification on their person. At the end of the vehicle stop, the surveillance team followed BingBing to an Asian massage business where she dropped off the other Asian females who entered the business and turned on the “OPEN” sign. WenJuan Li was also stopped by a uniformed Trooper for a traffic violation after leaving her residence with two Asian females. During this vebicle stop Li advised that they were going to Wal- Mart and that the other Asian females were hereon vacation. Li advised the Trooper that she and the other females did not work. The other Asian females spoke very litle English and had no photo identification on their person. AS the vehicle stop was concluded, the surveillance team did not follow Li's vehicle to Wal-Mart, but rather to an Asian massage business where they entered the business and tumed on the “OPEN” sign. ‘During surveillance being conducted on Werduan Li, officers witnessed Li travel to Sam's Club in Springfield, Missouri and purchase large amounts of bottled water and paper towels. The surveillance team then witnessed Li drive to numerous Asian massage businesses in Springfield, Missouri and deliver paper towels and bottled water. Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 IsSétatacea SOORDORONY As the investigation continued, officers discovered that while BingBing and WenJuan Li continued ‘managing the numerous businesses in Springfield and Joplin, Missouri, Tian would leave for days and sometimes weeks at atime to establish and open more businesses in other States. Most eceatly, ‘Tian bas established and opened several Asian massage businesses in Louisiana. ‘The investigation discovered that Fuying Li, who worked with Tian and BingBing at Health Massage ‘Therapy, 3131 South Wisconsin, Joplin, Missouri and at Palm Massage, 1722 South Glenstone, Springfield, Missouri, purchased 2 2010 Infinit from Mezo Motors in SpringSelé, Missouri. During ‘the transaction, Fuying Li put $9,800.00 cash down on the vehicle and told the salesman thet she ‘would finance the remaining amount. The salesman advised that he remembered the transaction as being “Sketchy” since it was clear that Li wanted to stay under providing $10,000.00 cssh since this ‘would involve required paperwork to be filed withthe Intemal Revenue Service. The salesraan also stated that LI had no credit history, address history, or associated bank account, but did list her ‘employment as Palin Massage. Li is now running the Chi Asian Massage business in Springfield, ‘Missouri. On March 25, 2017, 1 conducted aa interview with an Asian female who bad left Relax Massege, 2022 South Stewart, Springfield, Missouri and went to another local business and asked for help. During the interview, the victim advised that she traveled to Springfield, Missouri as she was promised a job working as « masseuse at Relax massage. The victim advised that upon her arrival, she was told that she would have to live in the business and that she would not be allowed to leave. ‘The viotim stated that she and one other Asian female worked at the business and that the owner's son, would make sure that they did not leave. The victim identified the son as Xiao Chen and stated that sometimes he would also stay overnight at the business to make sure they would not leave and that if he did leave there was a camera in the front of the business where he could monitor the activities at the business. The victim stated that when Chen was not atthe business, she just decided toleave and try and get away. When | asked the victim if she was forced to perfora sex acts during, the massages, she would not answer, 1 On April 18, 2017, I conducted an interview with an Asian female who had been witnessed leaving Relax Massage located at 2022 South Stewart, Springfield, Missouri. Witnesses advised that the Asian female was walking dowa the street crying and pulling ber suitcase. During the interview, the victim stated that she traveled to Springfield, Missouri for a massage job. The victim stated that upon arrival she was forced to live in the business and stated that the owner's son made sure that she could not leave, The victim stated after being at the location for one (1) week, she waited for the ‘owner's son to leave and then decided to leave, When [asked the victim if she was made to perform sex acts wile working at the business, she refused to answer. INVESTIGATION On July 7, 2017, I submitted the information Lreceived from Sgt. Nash to the Louisiane State Police Fusion Center. Additionally, I requested for them to identify any businesses associated with Linan Tian, WenJuan Li and BingBing Li. Ox July 10, 2017, the LSP Fusion Ceater responded to my request. Within the documentation was a document from the Louisiana Secretary of State which identified Linan Tian as being the Registered ‘Agent of a business called Palm Service, LLC located at 1950 E. 70th St. Suite A, Shreveport, LA. ‘The document shows the status is active since June 20, 2016 and is “Not In Good Standing for failure to fle Annual Report.” Additionally, the businesses Principal Business address indicated 2412S. Fort Ave, Springfield, MO. in the comprehensive reports I received there were two recent residences in Louisiana associated with Linan Tian, WenJuan Li and BingBing Li: 1105 Island Park Blvd, Apt 1110, Shreveport, LA and 3105 Champioa Lake Apt 1612, Shreveport, LA. Additionally, there was a recent address in Alabama listed as 403 Breckenridge Dr. SW, Huntsville, AL. On July 7, 2017, I searched on Backpage for “massages.” | located a listing for a massage parlor using the same address as listed on the Secrctary of State’s documentation for the Palm Service, LLC registered to Linan Tian. Supplemental Reports - Case¥: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 6SoOOK0GONYS Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense# On July 10, 2017, I met with DY Heath Belkom, who works for Bossier Parish Sheriff's Office, but assigned to the FBI Task Force. DY Balkom is very knowledgeable about the Massage Parlors within Bossier Parish, | informed DY Balkom about the nature of my investigation and showed him a picture of the three individuals T was investigating. DY Balkom immediately identified Wenjuan Li as being a woman be was trying to identify for a recent case be was working. As I began describing their vehicles and residence to DY Balkom, he said he was familiar with these individuals. DY Balkom referred to his phone and then showed me an email where he ran the license plate of one of the vebicles, MO/LP#PM8H2J, 2014 black Jeep Compass. DY Balkom advised that his office had received a complaint about a message parlor located at 2301 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. On June 27, 2017, DY Balkom, along with other members of the Bossier Parish Sheriff's Office conducted an undercover operation at 2103 Old Minden Rd., Suite B, Bossier City, LA. As a result of the undercover operation, DY Balkora advised he had charges pending identification for LRS 14:83.4, Massage; Sexual conduct prohibited. DY Balkom advised that during the massage, Wenjuan exposed his peis and anus. Additionally, she contimuously touched and rubbed across his anus and repeatedly bumped across his penis in effort to sexually arouse him, WenJuan Li has convictions in 2008 from Nevada for Engaging in Prostitution, ‘Obscene of opposite Sex Massage and in 2011 from Ilinois for Keeping a Place of Prostitution. On June 28, 2017 and on the days following, DY Balkom advised they conducted surveillance on 2103 Old Minden Rd,, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. DY Balkom observed up to five Asian worsen being \ansported in either a white Toyota SUV with CA/LP#7GRW6S7 or a black Jeep Compass SUV with MO/LP# PM8H23. When DY Balkom followed the vehicles, he advised they traveled from 2103 Old Minden Rd. Suite B, Bossier City, LA to the Ultrs Island Park Apartments in Shreveport, LA. Additionally, DY Balkom advised that during the undercover operation he utilized an undercover credit card and charged the services to the account; therefore documenting the transaction between him and the massage parlor. DY Balkom provided me with a copy of the receipt. The receipt indicated the business name was Best Massage. Best Massage was one of the business names listed ov Tian’s comprehensive report. On July 10, 2017, LSP Agents began to conduct surveillance at 2103 Old Minden Ra, Suite B, Bossier City, LA and 1950 E. 70tb St. Suite A, Shreveport, LA. On July 10, 2017, LSP agects conducted surveillance at 1950 E. 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA. Upon arriving at this location, LSP agents observed the black Jeep Compass with MO/LP# PMBH2) pasked behind the massage parlor. Agents also observed the backdoor was left slightly ajar. During, surveillance operations, agents observed multiple individuals enter the massage parlor. The average client was white middle aged male. The individuals stayed an average of one (1) hour. Several of the individuals parked away from the business and appeared to be discreetly approaching the business. This location is on a main roadway and is close to the road; therefore is easily visible from the roadway. Agents did not observe any food being brought in for lunchtime or any employees coming outside during the 12 hours. Atapproximately 2200 hours, Agents observed an Asian male, along with two Asian ferales enter the black Jeep Compass bearing MO/LP PMBH2J. Agents taen followed the vebicle. The vehicle traveled (o the Ulrs Isiand Park apartments located at 1105 Island Park Blvd, Shreveport, LA. The individuals parked and were observed walking up to building 11 (On July 10,2017 LSP agents conducted surveillance at 2103 Old Mindea Ra. Suite B, Bossier City, LA from approximately 1330-2300 hours. Upoo arriving at this location, LSP agents observed 3 white Toyola Rav 4 SUV with CA/LPH7GRW657 parked to the left of the front entrance of the ‘massage parlor. The location is on a dead end street away from the main road and traffic, but visible ‘rom the interstate. During surveillance operations, LSP agents observed eight (8) individuals enter 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite 8, Bossier City, LA and stay fora period of 30 minutes to brs. All the individuals were white rales, who were middle aged to older. At no point did the two (2) Asien fernales come outside or leave to get food during the 12 hours. At approximately 2220 hours, LSP agents observed the black Jeep Compass with MO/LP# PM8H2J enter into the parking lot of 2103 Old Mindeo Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. The Asian male driver picked up one (1) Asian female from 2103 Old Mindea Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA and drove back to 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bldg. 11, Shreveport, LA. At approximately 2300 hours, one (1) Asian female exited tbe massege parlor located at 2301 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA and entered the white Toyota Rav4 ‘SUV bearing CA/LP#7GRW657. The Asian feroale traveled to 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bldg. 11, ‘Shreveport, LA. ts o 2 az in io REC'D 8/29/17 OIBGORNGONVISZTA On July 11, 2017, Sgt. Nash advised me thet they have an IRS Agent assisting with their investigation, These are his findings: + 03/06/17: Lisan Tian went to IP. Morgan Bank located at 1673 E. 70th, Shrevepor, La with. $16,000 cash. Tian deposited $6,000 into an account there and exchanged $10,000 in small bils for $10,000 in large bills. + 03/30/17; ‘Tian went to J.P. Morgan Bank located at 1935 Airline, Bossier City, La with $12,000 cash, deposited $6,000 and exchanged $6,000 in small bills for $6,000 in large bis. We found this to be common with this group up here in Missouri. Once they get enough bulk currency in large bills, they then move the currency via vehicle, They store the currency in their residence usually, but on one occasion we found $70,000 in a wal] at a business. One of their vehicles got interdicted on I-70 with over $600,000 in the trunk, ‘Tian used the Shreveport address as his residence on these transactions and Palm Service LLCashis, employment. On the moming of July 11, 2017, LSP Agents began surveillance at the residence of 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bldg. 11, Shreveport, LA. The apartment listed in the comprehensive report is 1110. At (0932 hours, LSP Agents observed one (1) Asian male and two (2) Asian females exited Ultis Island Park Apartment Building #1 land entered the black Jeep Compass bearing MO/LP# PMBH2J. At (0933 hours, two (2) Asian females exited Ultis Island Park Apartment Building #11, Shreveport, LA and catered the white Toyota Rav 4 SUV bearing CA/LP#7GRW657. LSP Agents followed the vehicles. The black Jeep Compass traveled back to 1950 E. 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA and the white Toyota Rav 4 SUV traveled back to 2103 Old Mindea Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. Oa July 11, 2017 at 0931 hours, a search was conducted, viathe internet, on worw and numerous ads were located in the body rub section under adult services. la my past experience, ‘wow bas yieided ads, which have been confirmed to solicit for prostitution. I observed a new posting appear for the massage parlor located at 1950 E. 70th St., Shreveport, LA. ‘The ad says they are open 7 days a week from 0930-2200 hrs. The prices arc listed for their time. ‘The ad also says everyone at the massage parlor is fluent in English. ‘The ads show several young, looking beautiful Asian women that arc posed in a seductive manor. Throughout the day, they reposted several times on Backpage. ‘On July 11, 2017 at 0941 hours, Lobsesved another ad post on Backpage for 1950 E. 70th Suite A, ‘Shreveport, LA. The advertiscmacpt said they are also open seven (7) days a week from 1000 hours 2200 bours. The ad also has several misspelled words. The ad claims to have license “massagisl.” ‘The ad says the have “all young” and a “new masseuse.” The ads show several young looking beautiful Asian womien that are posed in a seductive manor. Throughout the day, they reposted several fimes on Backpage. On July 11, 2017, LSP agents conducted surveillance at 2103 Olé Minden Ra, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. During surveillance operations, LSP agents observed multiple individuals enter 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA and stay for a period of | hour fo 2 hours. All the individuals were white males, who were middle aged to older. The Asian fernales never left during their 12 hhours at the massage parlor. At2200 hours, one (1) Asian female wearing all white took a bag of ‘rash to the dumpster in the parking lot, She returned to the building and both Asian femeles entered the white Toyota Rav 4 SUV CA/LP#7GRW657 and traveled back to Ultrs Island Park Apartment Building #11, Shreveport, LA. I stayed with the trash that was disposed of until Sgt. Chad Finn retumed. The white garbage bag was removed from the dumpster and taken back to the LSP Field Office located at 4185 Viking Dr,, Bossier City, LA. Sgt. Chad Finn and l inspected the discarded lash. Within the trash we located famine hygiene wipes, food such as oatmeal, eggs, vegetables, etc, along with water bottles, and large amounts of wet used paper towels. (On July 12, 2017, LSP Agents began surveillance at the residence of 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bldg. 11, Shreveport, LA. At 0930 hours, one (1) Asian male and two (2) Asian females exited Ultris Island Park Apartment Building #11, Apartment 1110, Shreveport, LA. Sgt. Chad Finn observed the individuals leave their apartment. They walked over to @ maroon Honda SUV bearing CA/LP# ‘TTGW282 that was parked in front of the apartment. Initially, it appeared they were going to coter the vehicle, but then just looked into the vehicle and returned lo the black Jeep Compass bearing, MO/LP# PMSH2}. At 0930 hours, two (2) Asian females exited Ultris Island Park Apartment Building #11, Shreveport, LA and entered the white Toyota Rav4 SUV bearing CA/LPATORWES7, Supplemental Reports ~ Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 Tsaonon000Ny LSP Agents followed the vehicles. The black Jeep Compass traveled back to 1950 E. 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA and the white Toyota Rav 4 SUV traveled back to 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. After they left, Spt. Finn walked up to the apartment and verified the apartment smmber and photographed the door be observed them walking oul of. The apartment aumber was 1110 and it was located on the third floor inthe northwest comer of the building, On July 12, 2017, I ran the registration on the maroon Honda bearing CA/LP#7TGW282. The vehicle was registered to Aihua Tang. a ‘On July 12, 2017 at 0955 hours, I observed a new posting appear for the massage parlor located at E 2 1950 70th St, Shreveport, LA. The phone number listed with this account is 318-453-7104. x ‘Throughout the day, there were several updated posts. At 1028 hours, | observed a posting appear S for the massage parlor located at 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. The phone o number listed with this account is 318-588-0642, Throughout the day, there were several updated 6 posts. si a Teonducted a search on the internet for the phone numbers associated with the Backpage ads; 318- Be 453-7104 and 318-588-0642. Talso located ads on Craigslist, Rubmaps and Escort sites. eS On July 12, 2017, while LSP agents conducted surveillance of 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, eo Bossier City, LA they observed an Air Conditioning company come to this location and appear to = ‘work on the air conditioner. The surveillance units observed minimal traffic. However, all the = individuals were white males, who were middle aged to, older and stayed an average of one hour, At io approxismately 1700 hours, an individual entered the building and minutes later exited. The two (2) S Asian females left shorty afterwards and closed the business. Itis unknown where the two (2) Asian o> females traveled to at this time. Approximately one (1) hour later, the white Toyota SUV bearing CA/LP#7GRW657 arrived at the Island Park apartments, There was only one (1) Asian female inside. On July 12, 2017, LSP agents conducted surveillance at 1950 E. 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA. LSP agents observed seven (7) individuals, AU the individuals were white males, who were middleaged to older. The average stay time was one hour. At no time did anyone leave or come out of the business. At 2204 hours, one (1) Asian male and two (2) Asian females exited the massage parlor and traveled back to 1105 Island Park Blvd, Shreveport, LA and were seen walking up to building 1. On July 12, 2017, Iserved two (2) administrative subpoenas to Backpage. Tlisted the numbers listed in the advertisements, along with the email addresses Sgt, Nash provided me with that Missouri State Highway Patrol located. 1 also included recent posting ID numbers, (On July 12, 2017, I served two (2) administrative subpoenas to Verizon: I requested subscriber {information on the two (2) poone aumnbers that were listed on the Backpage advertisements. On July 13, 2017, LSP Agents began surveillance at the residence of 1105 Island Park Blvd, Building 11, Shreveport, LA. At 0933 hours, two (2) Asian females exited Ultris Island Park Apartment Building #11, Shreveport, LA and entered the white Toyota Rav 4 SUV bearing CAILPHTGRWES7. At 0934 hours, one (1) Asian male and two (2) Asian females exited Ulais Island Park Apartment Building #11, Apartment 1110, Shreveport, LA and entered the black Jeep Compass bearing MO/LP# PMBH2J. LSP Agents followed the vehicles. The black Jeep Compass then began traveling south on Clyde Fant. ARer comraitting a traffic violation, the Jeep Compass ‘was stopped by a marked State Police Unit. The Asian male driver was identified as Linan Tian. The Asian female passengers were identified as: Aihua Tang, DOB: 8/3/1977, with CA/DLA ‘Y3641973 and YanQing Yin, DOB: 5/10/1990. I recalled Aihua Tang was also the name of the registered owner of the marooa Honda CR-V SUV bearing CA/LP#7TGW282 that was parked in front of 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bldg, 11, Shreveport, LA. The work Visa for Yia showed it just became valid 1/5/2017. Aer the traffic stop and Tian was given a warning, Tian traveled back to 1950 E. 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA. The white Toyote Rav 4 SUV traveled back to 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. ‘On July 13, 2017, I checked Backpage for postings associated with the massage parlor. Inoticed that 2103 Old Minden Ra, Suite B, Bossier City, LA, posted on Backpage at 0436 hours, which would be ‘outside the hours ofthe listed hours for the business. The business hours are listed as 1000 hours to 2200 hrs. At 1002 hours, 1950 E. 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA again posted on Backpage. Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 On July 13, 2017, Backpage responded to my administrative subpoena. 1 observed hundreds of postings in multiple states dating back to 2014. Here is a sample of one of the postings from Missouri: “Welcome To Your Source of Healing and Time of Bliss. We Have a Rotational Staffof ‘Thoughtful Professional Therapists Waiting to Enchant You With Her Magic Touch. Our All Of ‘The Healers Help You Find Relief. We Have Young Friendly Staff for Your Enjoyment. All Friendly Nice Licensed. She Treats You Right From Tension Filled Start to Smiling Finish.” This ad appears to have not written by the individuals doing the massage. It discusses a rotational staff which is quite relevant to buman trafficking. Then it mentions start to finish and smiling, Another advertisement says, “Three young girls give you all good messege.” This advertisement was from Des Moines, [A., “New gitl from Vegas |j || || |] = Young Girls Lotus Asian Massage.” Jthen noticed new advertisement dated Tuly 11, 2017 and July 12, 2017 for Huntsville, AL. The ad says, “Best Asian massage, Grand Opening Tel: 256-$41-2395." The address listed for this massage patlor is 7901 Memorial Parkway SW #H Huntsville, AL. All of the advertisements, dated back to 2014 were created by a user using the email address On July 13, 2017, L contacted Sgt. Nash and updated him oi our case. [also informed hies of the information Ireceived from Backpage. | esked Sgt, Nash if Linaa Tian bad ever been known to use the name “Tony.” was attempting to put an association between the email used for the Backpage posts, “Tonytony1983” and Tian. I was aware that Tian’s date of birth was 1983, but wasn't aware of alias used. On July 13, 2017 at approximately 2037 hours, while agents were conducting surveillance of 1950 B. ‘70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA, they observed the Asian male and one (1) Asian female leave that location in the Jeep Compass. Surveillance units followed the vehicle to 2103 Olé Minden Ra, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. At 2045 hours, the Asian male dropped off the Asian female and left. He returned to 1950 E, 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA approximately 40 minutes. On July 13,2017, at approximately 2135 hours, while agents were conducting surveillance of 1950 E, 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA, they observed the Asian male and two (2) Asiaa females bebind the ‘business as they were preparing to close. Agents observed one (1) Asian female place a garage bag in the trash dumpster and the Asian male place a garbage bag in the rear haich of the Jeep Corapass. ‘The Asian male and two (2) Asian females depasted in the Feep Compass and were followed back to 1105 island Park Blvd, Bldg. 11, Shreveport, LA. Shortly afterwards, surveillance units observed the Jeep Compass leave. They followed the Jeep Compass to 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. As the Jeep Compass arrived, surveillance units observed the Asian mele driving. An older Asian female exited the 2103 Old Minden Ra. Suite B, Bossier City, LA location. She took ‘one (L) trash bag to the dumpster and then walked over to the Jeep Compass. The Asian raale took the trash bag from the Asian female and placed it in the hatch of the Jeep Compass and left. Surveillance units then followed the Jeep Compass to 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bldg. 11, Shreveport, LA. Surveillance units stayed for a period of time in the event the garbage bags were going to be discarded in the apartmeat cormplex's dumpster. According to Sgt. Nash, during their investigation they learned that the items/trash from their businesses that they felt would incriminate them they ‘would take home and throw away, Surveillance units never observed the bags being discarded. On July 14, 2017, LSP Agents began surveillance at the residence of 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bldg. 11, Shreveport, LA. At 0931 hours, two (2) Asian females exited Ultris island Park Apartment Building #11, Shreveport, LA. The walked to the bottom of the steps and waited. Shortly afterwards, an older Asian female walked down the steps, walked passed them and began walking, towards the white Toyota SUV. The Asian male then walked down. The two (2) Asian females appeared to be taking directions frora the older Asian female and the Asian male. Surveillance units thea observed two (2) Asian females enter the white ToyotaRav4 SUV bearing CA/LP#7GRW657, along with one (2) Asian male and two (2) Asian females enter the black Jeep Comapass bearing MO/LPH PM8H23. The vehictes left and did not stop at the dumpster on the way out. The white Toyota Rav 4 SUV bearing CA/LP#7GRW657 traveled to 2103 Old Minden Rd. Suite B, Bossier City, LA and the Jeep Compass traveled to 1950 E. 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA. ‘On July 14, 2017, Set. Nash called to inform me that be was able to find reports where associates referred to Linan Tian as “Tony.” Additionally, the IRS agent that is working with Sgt. Nash was ‘ble to confirm with him that the email address “Tonytony1983," was used to open the JP Morgan ‘bank accounts in Shreveport. Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 SZtotozea ° Oo0000NY £9 ‘On July 14,2017, I contacted the Louisiana Board of Massage Therapy. Icompared the list of names ‘we had compiled from our investigation tothe sates lst of board certified massage therapists, Only ‘one name was @ match and that was for BingBing Li. BingBing Lis Linan Tian's suspected wife and business partner. Itis believed she is currently in Huntsville, Alabama setting up the newest massage parlor. In summary, the Missouri State Highway Patol contacted the Louisiana State Police and requested assistance afer their suspects in theic Human Trafficking/Money Laundering investigation were believed to be in Louisiana. Affiant and other Detectives with Louisiana State Police were able to confirm the suspects; Linan Tian and Wenjuan Li were in Louisiana. WenJuan Li bas prior convictions in 2008 from Nevada for Engaging in Prostitution, Obscene of opposite, Sex Massage and in 2011 from Diinois for Keeping a Place of Prostitution. Affiant bas located two (2) massage parlors in Louisiana run by Tian; one located at 1950 E. 70th St. Suite A, Shreveport, LA- Palm ‘Asian Massage and one located at 2103 Old Minden Rd. Suite B, Bossier City, LA- The Spa Additionally, Detectives located a residence at 1105 Island Park Blvd.Apt1110, Shreveport, LA. Detectives then began conducting surveillance on the two massage parlors, During the surveillance operations, Detectives witnessed numerous males entering the two businesses, staying for time periods of 30 minutes to two hours. During the times when it was busy it was easy to determine the ‘males were there by appointment time. As one car would leave another would arrive. Sometimes the males would pass one another when entering and exiting, During the entire operation, surveillance uaits did aot see any fernales frequenting 2103 Old Minden Rd. Suite B, Bossier City, LA and only saw two (2) at 1950 E, 70th St. Suite A, Shreveport, LA; however Detectives believed they were just visiting. In two prior situations investigated by Missouri State Highway Patrol, the Asian female employees were being forced to stay with their employer and not allowed to come and g0 28 they pleased, During our investigation, it was obvious that Linan Tian and the older Asian female believed to be Wenjuan Li were in charge. The two (2) Asian females never left the apartment building or massage parlors without Tian ot Li, They appeared to wait for instructions. They never drove or just stepped outside during their 12 hour shift to get some air. Only Tien and Li came outside and/or left. The businesses are posting on Backpage, which bas been confirmed to solicit for prostitution. The businesses are posting outside “business hours,” such as at 0436 hours. Adcitionelly, ater checking with the Louisiana Board of Massage Therapy the only person from our investigation who has been confirmed to have a massage licenses is BingBing Li. She is currently suspected to be in Huntsville, AL setting up their newest location at 7901 Memorial Parkway SW #71 Huntsville, AL. WHEREFORE, for the reasons set forth above and elsewhere inthis writing, your ffiant respectfully shows that probable cause does exist for issuance of a search warrant for the property described herein at2103 Old Minden Rad, Suite B, Bossier City, LA in Bossier Parish and respectfully requests that a SEARCH WARRANT be issued ftom this Honorable Court, and when the object to be searched is a dwelling or other structure, that the wait to search include all other structures, ‘occupants, computers, cell phones, vehicles, curtilage, and places of concealment on the premises ‘where evidence or the commission of a crirae may be found. i (eg SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, THIS ie DAY OF JULY nvr ar Boden Cuts” LoUsiaNA. Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 VIDOVOOOONVISZ TE ls ni P in o Department of Public Safety & Corrections Office of State Police Statement of Rights TREE aR Bas Te aor | alta) Los ae -19-' BY | IZ 141 11-20-19 | YU Ie z 5 J Before we ask you any questions, you must understand your rights: “Sa You have the right to remain silent <2. Anything you say can be used against you in court or other proceedings. 4,3. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before questioning, and you have the right to have a lawyer preseat 7 uring questioning. 254. You have the right to a lawyer's advice and the presence ofa lawyer even if you cannot afford to hire ove. In such a ‘case, a lawyer can be appointed to represeat you. Zz 2 2 2 ° Department of Public Safety & Corrections Office of State Police : Statement of Rights ‘a SET aN oa Tae] B Li, Bow b dheootsoot}0) Lefortes [ap eae : Tie jo = 13s 2heh7 | 2102 Old Winden Suse B, Bessie try we | os Before we ask you any questions, you must understand your rights: 1. You have the right to remain silent. 2. Anything you say can be used against you in court or other proceedings. ‘You have the sight to talk to a lawyer for advice before questioning, and you have the right to have a lawyer preseat uring questioning 4, You have the right to a lawyer's advice and the presence ofa lawyer even if you cannot afford to hire one. In such a case, a layer can be appointed to represeat you. 5. Ifyou decide to answer questions without a lawyer preseut, yon still have the right to stop answering questions at any time. e 6. Do-you understand your rights? Yee NoC] Fl 7. Are you willing to answer questions at this time? Yedief No 8. Have any threat or promises beeo made to you or has any pressure of eay kind besa used to get you to answer guestias oro give up axyof your rights? Yes 1) Rome bw Lj Person's Name: Bing bing i Signature: Oftea's None: _ S$ WDeoailan Sigunwe: Siguanue of Wi Mddawl wnled_—_, neers Commits: [DPSME 1309 303) Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offensef: REC'D 9/29/17 SEARCH WARRANT ge FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT. PARISH OF CADDO, STATE OF LOUISIANA, TO LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS in and for the Parish aforesaid: WHEREAS an effidavit has been made before me upon the oath of Louisiana State Police Master Trooper Heather Owens, alleging thatthe single family residence in the Ultris Apartment Complex located at 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bldg 11, Apt 1110, Shreveport, LA 71105, within Caddo Parish, and farther described as: ‘Fae dbovellocation is located at 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bldg 11, Apt. 1110, Shreveport, LA, in Caddo Parish. The apartment is located on the third floor of the three floor building. Apartment 1110 is on the third floor on the northwest comer of the building, The building is a dark brown brick and blue and tan vinyl structure. The shingles are dark gray. 1105 Island Park Bivd, Bldg 11, Apt 1110, Shreveport, LA, is approximately .1 miles northwest from the intersection of Ultris Island Park's main entrance at Celebration Cove. This search is to include a maroon 2016 Honda BTM bearing California license plate #7TGW282 (VIN: 2HKRM3H49GHS37760), registered to Aihua Tang, which is parked in front of the apartment. Any search shall include the said oielling, outbuildings, occupants, vehicles and any associated storage facility. ‘The above listed address and vehicle which is a place where there is a high probability that evidence ofthe crime of Racketeering as defined in Louisiana Revised Statute 15:1352, Money Laundering as defined in Louisiana Revised Statute 14:230, Prostitution as defined in Louisiana Revised Statules 14:82, and Pandering as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:84, Soliciting for Prostitutes as defined in Louisiane Revised Statutes 14:83, and Inciting Prostitution as defived in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:83.1, Letting Premises for Prostitution, as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:85, Operation of places of prostitution; probibited; penalty as defined in Louisiana Revised ‘Statutes 14:282 and massage; sexual conduct prohibited as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:83.4 will in fect be found, to-wit: As used in this Chapter, “racketeering activity" means committing, attempting to commit, conspiring, to commit, or soliciting, coercing, or intimidating another person to commit any crime that is punishable vader the following provisions of Title 14 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, the ‘Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law, or the Louisiana Securities Law: Enterprise" means any individual, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation or other legal entity, ‘or any uncbartered association, or group of individuals associated in fact and includes unlawful as well as lawful caterprises and governmental as well as other entities. "Pattern of racketeering activity" means engaging in at least two incidents of racketeering activity ‘that have the same or simailar intents, results, principals, victims, or methods of commission oF otherwise are interrelated by distinguishing characteristics and are not isolated incidents, provided at ‘east one of such incidents occurs after August 21, 1992, and that the last of such incidents occurs within five years after a prior incident of racketeering activity For the purpose of seizing the following described property. There is good reason to believe that on ‘or in the premises located at 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bldg 1, Apt 1110, Shreveport, LA and on or in the 2016 Honda BTM SUV bearing California license ‘plate #7TGW282 (VIN: 2HKRM3H49GHS37760), registered to Aihua Tang, within the parish of Caddo, State of Louisiana more fully deseribed in the application for this warrant, Any and all items including but not limited to: Books, receipts, ledgers, and other records tending to identify customers and otber records that a > i 0 Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 az6ee FOOOCROONVISZ THT are consistent with prostitution of individual women eruployed at the businesses at 1950 East 70th St, Suite A, Shreveport, LA. and/or 2103 Old Minden Rd., Suite B, Bossier City, LA. 1 10, 12, Supplemental Reports - Case: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING ~ Offenset: Records, receipts, notes, ledgers, and other papers relating to the transportation, ordering, advertising of persons forthe purposes of unlicensed massage therapy, prostitution and buroan trafficking. Employment applications, employer/employee contracts, time cards or other recordings tending to identify employees located at this business; Personal and business checks, ‘monies and other evidence of debts owed pertaining to business transactions located at this business and/or financial records, Books, records, receipts, bank statements and records, money order and cashier’s checks, passbooks, bank checks, safe deposit keys, pre-paid credit cards and other items evidencing the obtaining, secreting, transfer and / or concealment of assets and the obtaining, secreting, transfer, concealment and / or expeaditure of money. ‘Address and or telephone books, rolodex indices, papers reflecting names, address and/ or telephone mumbers of co-conspirators, and business information fiom entities that ‘employ people who could be recnuited to be trafficked, ie. modeling agencies, escort agencies, unlicensed massage therapy businesses. United States currency, jewelry and erotic clothing to include but not Limited to lingerie, heels, provocatively revealing clothing, Personal effects, including purses, wallets, ‘handbags and other like articles. Indicia of occupancy, residency, rental and / ot ownership of the premises Gescribed herein, including but not limited to utility and telephone bills, canceled envelopes, rental purchase or Jease agreements and keys. Articles of personal property tending to establish the identity of persons in control of the said premises, storage areas cor containers where the above items are found consisting of rent receipts, cancelled checks, charge card receipts, cancelled mail, and warranties, Sex toys and Sex toy paraphernalia to include but not limited to lubrications, condoms (used/mmused), vibrators, massagers, prosthetic penis, whips, bondage material, and masturbation toys. Computers, PDA's, notebook computers and related hardware and software capable of storing data related to but not limited to the recruitrment, communication and advertising for the purposes of an unlicensed massage or prostitution business; Any and all electronic recording devices including visual and audio recordings and equipment, Cellular phones and other electronic communication devices reflecting text messages, addresses, telephone nunabers and pictures of co-conspirators, and business information from entities that employ people who could be recruited to trafficked, i.e. modeling agencies, escort agencies, unlicensed massage therapy businesses. Any computers, computer systecas and cellular telephones located at the below listed location, including any magnetic, electronic or optical storage device capable of storing data, such as floppy disks, hard disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, CD-R, CD-RWs, DVDs, optical disks, printer or memory buffers, smart cards, PC cards, memory calculators, electronic 8/29/17 NNGOS 3 ‘Affiant desizes to search the requested location along with any and all persons located at the business at the time of the execution of the warrant. are secreted or concealed, and whereas the affidavit submitted in support of the request for this search warrant indicates that the affiant has shown probable cause for its issuance, YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED to search the aforesaid property at 1105 Island Perk Bivd,, Bldg. 11, Apt. 1110, Shreveport, LA, in CADDO Parish, where there will be evidence of the erime described within affidavit and when the thing tobe searched isa dwelling or other structure, this writ includes all other structures, vehicles and places on the premises where the things might be found, and if the things specified be found there, to seize and bring them before this Court, a © YOU ARE FURTHER ORDERED to seize any and all of the above specified computer and/or nN lectronie equipment and deliver same to the Louisiana State Police Technical Support Office orany © law enforcement support {ocition, for further search of the contents of said computers and/or za electronic equipment under the conditions and protocols established by that agency for such i coaigiuter forensic examinations, and ifthe things specified be found during said computer forensic a examination, fo bring them before this Court, As described in ssid affidavit, computer hardware, > software, and data are instrumentalities and evidence in the commission of this crime. Based on Zz a training and experience, affiant knows that searching and seizing information from computers requires all electronic storege devices (along with related peripherals) to be searched later by a ‘qualified computer forensic expert in a controlled environment. A search of computer recofds will need to be conducted off-site. An off-site search is necessary because computer storage devices (¢.g, hhard disks, diskettes, tapes, laser disks) can store the equivelent of thousands of pages of information. It should also be known that, depending on the amount of information stored within a seized computer or computers, such examinations typically require more then ten (10) days to complete 3 YOU ARE FURTHER ORDERED for reasons of officer safety and due to the volatility of the electronic evidence sought under this warrant and the ease with which such evidence can be destroyed, to search at any time of the day or NIGHT and also on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and on all legal Holidays. CADDO PARISH, LOUISIANA, THIS_{ Tay OF JULY 2017, Tine 10 fim JUDGE, 1ST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 ~ Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D €/29/17 CRIMINAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF CADDO, STATE OF LOUISIANA. APPLICATION FOR SEARCH WARRANT Affiant, Master Trooper Heather Owens, a Detective with Louisiana State Police, Special Investigations Division, Special Victims Unit, now appears before the undersigned Judge authorized to issue warrants in criminal cases, and make this affidavit, under oath, in support ofthe issuance of ‘a search warrant, to search the following described place: ‘Caddo Parish . The apartment is located on the third hoor of the three floor building, Aparment 1110is on the third floor on the northwest commer ofthe building. The building isa dark brown brick and blue and tan viny! structure. The shingles are dark gray. 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bldg 11, Apt 3110, Shreveport, LA, is approximately .1 miles norhwest from the intersection of Uitrs Island Park's main entrance at Celebration Cove. This search is to include a maroon 2016 Honda BTM bearing California license plate #7TGW282 (VIN: 2HKRM3H49GH537760), registered to Aihua Tang, which is parked in front of the apartment. Any search shall include the ssid dwelling, ‘outbuildings, occupants, vehicles and any associated storage facility ‘The above listed address and vehicle which is a place where there is a high probability that evidence of the crime of Racketeering as defined in Louisiana Revised Statute 15:1352, Money Laundering as efined in Louisiana Revised Statute 14:230, Prostitution as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:82, and Pandering as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:84, Soliciting for Prostitutes as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:83, and Inciting Prostitution as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:83. 1, Letting Premises for Prostitution, as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:85, Operation of places of prostitution; prohibited; penalty as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:282 and massage; sexual conduct prohibited as defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:83.4 will in fact be found, to-wit ‘Asused in this Chapter, “racketeering activity" means commiting, attempting to commit, covspiring ‘0 commit, or soliciting, coercing, or intimidating another person to commnit any crime that is punishable under the following provisions of Title 14 ofthe Louisiana Revised Statutes of1950, the ‘Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law, or the Louisiana Securities Law: Enterprise” means any individual, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation or other legal entity, or any unchartered association, or group of individuals associated in fact and includes unlawful as well as lawful enterprises and governmental as well as other entities. "Patter of racketeering activity" means engaging in at least two incidents of racketeering activity that have the same or similar intents, results, principals, victims, or methods of commission or otherwise are interrelated by distinguishing characteristics and are not isolated incidents, provided at least one of such incidents occurs after August 21, 1992, and that the last of such incidents occurs ‘within five years efter a prior incident of racketeering activity. For the purpose of seizing the following described property. There is good reason to believe that on or in the premises located at 1105 Island Pack Blvd, Bldg I, Apt 1110, Shreveport, LA and on or in the 2016 Honda BTM SUV bearing California license plate #7TGW282 (VIN 2HKRM3H49GH537760), registered to Aihua Tang, within the parish of Caddo, State of Louisiana ‘more fully described in the application for this warrant, Any and all items including but not limited tn a 2 z fe o Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 60 ta Teta ~ a o G£G000004NY eas ue rs 7 2 0 to: Books, receipts, ledgers, and other records tending ‘o identify customers and other records that are consistent with prostitution of individual women employed at the businesses at 1950 East 70th. St, Suite A, Shreveport, LA. and/or 2103 Old Minden Ra,, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. For the purpose of seizing the following described property. There is good reason to believe that on or i the premises located at: 1105 Island Park Blvé., Bldg 1, Apt 1110, Shreveport, LA., within the parish of Caddo, State of Louisiana more fully described in the application for this warrant, Any and all ems including but not limited to: Books, receipts, ledgers, and other records tending to identify ‘customers and other records that are consistent with prostitution of individual women employed at the business at 1950 East 70" St, Suite A, Shreveport, LA, and 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. 2 1. Records, receipts, notes, ledgers, and other papers relating to the transportation, ordering, ne advertising of persons for the purposes of unlicensed massage therapy, prostitution and human 2 wafficking. 2. Employment applications, employer/employee contracts, time cards or other recordings tending to identify employees located at this business; Personal and business ebecks, monies and other evidence of debts owed pertaining to business transactions located at this business and/or financial records; 3. Books, records, receipts, bank statements and records, money order and cashier’s checks, pessbooks, bank checks, safe deposit Keys, pre-paid credit cards and other items evidencing the obtaining, secreting, transfer and / or concealment of assets and the obtaining, secreting, transfer, concealment and / or expenditure of money. 4. Address and / or telephone books, rolodex indices, papers reflecting names, address and / or telephone numbers of co-conspirators, and business information from entities that employ people ‘who could be recruited to be trafficked, i. modeling agencies, escort agencies, unlicensed massage therapy businesses. a a = z 3 o ° eo oS “I 5. United States currency, jewelry and erotic clothing to include but not limited to lingerie, heels, provocatively revealing clothing, Personal effects, including purses, wallets, handbags and other like articles. 6. _ Indicia of occupancy, residency, rental and / or ownership of the premises described herein, inchuding but not limited to utility and telephone bills, canceled envelopes, rental purchase or lease agreements and keys. Articles of personel property tending to establish the identity of persons in control of the said premises, storage areas or containers where the above items are found consisting ‘of rent receipts, cancelled checks, charge card receipts, cancelled mail, and warranties. 7. Sex toys and Sex toy peraphemalia to include but not limited to lubrications, condoms (used/unused), vibrators, massagers, prosthetic penis, whips, bondage material, and masturbation toys. 8. Computers, PDA's, notebook computers and related hardware and software capable of storing data related to but not limited to the recruitment, communication and advertising for the purposes of an unlicensed massage or prostitution business; Any and all electronic recording devices including visual and audio recordings and equipment, 9. Cellular’phones and other electronic communication devices reflecting text messages, addresses, telephone numbers and pictures of co-conspirators, and business information from entities ‘tbat employ people who could be recruited to trafficked, ic. modeling agencies, escort agencies, unlicensed massage therapy businesses. 10. Any computers, computer systetos and cellular telephones located at the below listed location, including any magnetic, electronic or optical storage device capable of storing data, such as floppy disks, bard disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, CD-R, CD-RWs, DVDs, optical disks, printer or memory buffers, smart cards, PC cards, memory calculators, electronic dialers, which may be & component of the computer system. Any applications, utility programs, compilers, interpreters, and other software used to facilitate direct ot indirect communication with the computer hardware, storage devices or data to be searched. Any physical keys, encryption devices, dongles and similar playsical items that are necessary 10 gain access to the computer equipment, storage devices or data; and; any passwords, password files, test keys, encryption codes or other information necessary to access the computer equipment, storage devices or data. U1. _ Articles of personal property tending to establish the identity of persons in control of the premises being searched, such as utility company receipts, rent receipts, charge card receipis, tax eoeipts, checks, deposit slips, savings account pessbooks, passports, driver's licenses, vehicle registrationlitics, legal documents, social security cards, cancelled mail, addressed envelopes, photographs, keys and safes. Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 o a ia 12, Cameras and Photographs (including digital memory cards, video tapes, film, exposed and ‘unexposed, and slides of co-conspirators and assets) As described in this affidavit, computer hardware, software, and data are instrumentalities and evidence in the commission of this crime. Based on training and experience, affiant knows that searching and seizing information from computers requires all electronic storage devices (along with related peripherals) to be searched later by a qualified computer foreasic expert in a controlled enviconment, A search of computer records will need to be conducted off-site. An off-site search is necessary because computer storage devices (eg., hard disks, diskettes, tapes, laser disks) can store the equivalent of thousands of pages of ‘information. In regards to cellular deices; the executing law enforcement officer(s) is/are authorized 10 view photograph, record, copy forensic image and conduct forensic analysis of eny and all data, programs and applications on the above described cellular device(s), as well as on any data storage devices and or mediums attached to those cellular communication device(s). Additionally, the executing law enforcement officer(s) may enlist the aid of a law enforcement computer forensic nm laboratory in the searching, viewing, photographing, recording, copying, forensic imagining and 2 analysis of any and all iteras described above. It should also be known that, depending on the amount ie of information stored within a seized computer(s) or devices, such examinations typically require more than ten (10) days to complete. Additionally, @ suspect tight try to conceal criminal evidence by storing it in random order with deceptive file names. That might require searching authorities to examine all the stored data to determine which particular files is evidence or instrumentalities ofa crime. That sorting process can take weeks or months, depending upoo the volume of data stored, and it would be impractical to attempt that kind of data search on site. Further, searching computer systenas for criminal evidence is a highly technical process requiring expert skill and a properly controlled environment, The vast. asray of computer hardware and software available requires even computer experts to specialize in some systems and applications, so it is difficult to know before a search which expert is qualified to analyze the system and its data. Data search procedures are exacting scientific procedures designed to protect the integrity of the evidence and to recover even “hidden,” erased, compressed, password protected, or encrypted files, Since computer evidence is extremely vulnerable to inadvertent or intentional modification or destruction (both from extemal sources or from destructive code imbedded in the system as a “booby trap”), a controlled environment is essential to its complete and accurate analysis. TLOONACOONVIS ‘Based on her training, experience, and consultation with technical computer experts, affiant knows that searching computerized information for evidence, or instrumeatalities of orime, commonly requires the seizure of all of a computer system's inpuvioutput peripheral devices (including related documentation, passwords, and security devices) so that a qualified computer expert can accurately retrieve the system's data in a controlled environment. Peripheral devices which allow users fo enter and retrieve data from storage devices vary widely in their compatibility with other hardware and software. Many system storage devices require particular inpuoutput devices in order to read the ‘data on the system. It is important that the analyst be able to properly retrieve the aforementioned ‘evidence. In addition, the analyst needs the relevant system software (operating systems, interfaces, and hardware drivers) and any application software which might have been used to create the data (whether stored on hard drives or on external roedia), as well as all related instruction manuals or other documentation and data security devices. Additionally, based on affiant’s training and experience, it must be noted that the type of evidence stored on computers and electronic media is extremely volatile and easily destroyed, in some cases with a single keystroke oa the computer. Because of the ease with which this type of electronic evidence can be destroyed, its imperative that the warrant issued to search the location storing such evidence be given with a “no knock” provision. By announcing their presence prior to the search, ‘the law enforcement agents executing the search warrant will alert the suspect to their presence and give bim an opportunity to destroy any electronic evidence residing on his computer equipment. Accordingly, your Affiant requests that the Court issue said search warrant with a “no knock” provision allowing the officers executing said warrant to enter and secure the premises without ‘announcing their presence and intention prior to the execution of the warrant. For the same reasons, your Affiant requests that this search warrant issued be expressly authorized for execution at any time of the day or NIGHT and also on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and on all legel Holidays. ‘Affiant desires to search the requested location along with any and all persons located at the business at the time of the execution of the warrant, Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offenset: REC'D 8/29/17 “Which seid property constinutes evidence of the commission ofa crime or offense against the Laws of the State of Lovisiana set forth in the Louisiana Revised Statutes, and as {am satisfied from the affidavil(s) property is being concealed on the premises ebove described and that the aforesaid ‘grounds for the issuance of this search warrant exists. ‘The reasons and facts for the request of this search warrant are: COMPLAINT On July 7, 2017, 1, M/T Heather Owens, a Detective with Louisiana State Police Special Victims Unit was contacted by Sgt. Daniel Nash, a Detective with Missouri State Highway Patrol, in elation to. criminal investigation they were working, Sgt. Nash advised me thet he bed been conducting a Jong term investigation on a three (3) individuals: Linan Tian, WenJuan Li and BingBing Li. Sgt ‘Nash advised thet Linan Tinan travels to different areas setting up Asian Massage parlors. Tian then brings down WenJuan Li, who is believed to be his mother, along with BingBing Li, who is suspected to be Tian’s wife. These wornen assist in geting the businesses operational. They thea recruit other Asian females to work for them. These Asian females must live with Tian, and are under his control at all times. These women are not free to come and go. The females owe a “debt” to Tian that they are “working” to pay off; however, everything they do or don’t do adds to their debi. This leaves these women forever indebted to Tian. Sgt. Nash said according to his recent investigation, Linan Tien, WenJuan Li aod BingBing Li were in the Shreveport, Louisiana area Sgt. Nash provided me, via email, a comprehensive report on Linan Tian, WenJuan Li and BiogBing Li, Additionally, Sgt. Nash provided me with the below details of his case: STATEMENT FROM MISSOURI On September 17, 2014, the Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) initiated an investigation regarding prostitution that was reportedly occurring at Palm Spa, located at 1722 South Glenstone 4GG, Springfield, Greene County, Missouri (bereinafter “Palm Spa”), During interviews with other local businesses next to the Palm Spa, officers discovered that only males visited the business, and the business only advertised on The business had no preseace on social media or a website, The advertisement on advertised their services from 1000 hours to 2200 hours with walk in patron’s welcome. They also advertised plenty of room for truck parking, provided images of young attractive Asian females and provided a cost of $60.00 per hour for a sensual massage. A dentist office next door to Palm Spa advised they had been documenting license plate information from the patrons, and provided this information to law enforcement es they believed that prostitution was taking place at the location. These employees further stated that the workers at the location spoke no or very little English and that many of the patrons would park their vebicles some distance away and walk through the parking lot, or aroucid through the alley to get to Palma Spa, as it appeared they did not want to be seen frequenting the business. Officers then began conducting surveillance on the Palm Spa. During the surveillance operations, officers witnessed numerous males entering the business, bul never witnessed any females frequenting the business. Officers also witnessed many of these males park their vehicles some distance away, near other local businesses or at nearby apartment buildings ané walk to the business. In October 2014, officers were able to identify the business owners and or operators of Palm Spa as Linan Tian, WeoJuen Li and BingBing Li. WenJuan Li bas convictions in 2008 from Nevada for Engeging in Prostitution, Obscene of opposite Sex Massage and in 201 1 from Dlindis for Keeping a Place of Prostitution. Tian appears to be married to BingBing Li and Wenjuan Li may be Tian's mother, Prior to relocating to Springfield, Missouri, Tian, BingBing and Weajuan Li were involved in numerous Asian massage businesses in Nebraska and lowa, Once these businesses were established, Tian relocated to Springfield, Missouri where he began establishing massage businesses in Southwest Missouri. The businesses In Iowe and Nebraska are part of human trafficking and prostitution investigation by local law enforcement and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Several federal search warrants have been executed on these businesses und this investigation is ongoing. As MSHP officers continued the investigetion, Tian, BingBing and Wenjuan Li were linked to several other Asian massage businesses in Southwest Missouri through surveillance, a vehicle tracking device, utility records and business records. These other Asian massage businesses included, but not limited to the following: Supplemental Reports - Case: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 ‘Shui Massage, 520 West University, Springfield, Missouri Rainbow Spa, 2005 East Keamey, Springfield, Missouri Diamond Spa, 3029 East Sunshine, Springfield, Missouri Health Massage Therapy, 3131 South Wisconsin, Joplin, Missouri Phoenix Massage, 1261 East Republic Road, Springfield, Missouri “MSHP investigators then checked for these businesses on, and discovered that they also advertised their services on this website and recognized that some of the images being utilized in the advertisements were the samme. These businesses did not bave a website, of a social media presence. Investigators also began o realize that it was becoming very difficult to keep up with the ‘mumber and locations of these Asian massages businesses as they were springing up very quickly in Springfield, Joplin and Branson, Missouri. ‘When investigators checked on the license requirements of tliese businesses they discovered that ‘most of these businesses had obtained a local business license, but many did not have a licease to operate a massage business by the State of Missouri. Furthermore, the State of Missouri requires an inspection of the business to obtain the seid license and each massage provider working at the business must have an individual massage license, Lavestigators found that most of these businesses did nothave a State Massage License and that many of these employees did not have an individual massage licease. MSHP investigators then began conducting surveillance on the various locations to stop patrons that ‘were utilizing the massage services to determine if illegal activity was teking place. During these vehicle stops, most of the suspects would be deceptive about where they were coming from. After several minutes, most of the suspects admilted that they bed just received a massage from oe ofthe various Asian massage businesses and that they discovered the business via Someof the suspects advised that they traveled to the individual Asian massage business with inteation of paying for a massage that included sexual gratification. A few of these individuals advised that they ‘were disappointed when they did not receive sexual gratification as part of the massage. Others ‘admitted that they did receive sexual gratification in the form of a “Hand Job” during the massage. ‘One of these individuals, who agreed to cooperate and provided a proffer interview, admitted that he had visited as many as 5-7 differcat Asian massage businesses in Springfield, Missouri for a total of 20-30 visits, This subject admitted thet he had paid for a massage at the cost of $60.00 per hour at these businesses and that he had received sexual gratification during many of these massages in the form of @ “Hand Job.” ‘Another suspect who wes stopped as he was leaving Palm Spa advised thet he had become familiar with the Asian massage businesses in Springfield, Missouri via a website known as Rubmaps is a website that reports on massage businesses from around the United States and provides adatabase where one can become a member and search and read reviews about massage businesses ‘in your area. The reviews outline the business location, how much the business will charge, what you will be able o receive during the massage, provides arating and codes for various services. For example, one review from the Lotus Spa located at 220 West Sunshine, advised that during the massage he was allowed to “play with her ass” during the massage and “masturbate” at the end of the massage while sbe continued the massage. The reviewer also advised that he tried to “Touch her kitty.” but she would not allow that. In another post on Rubmaps the client spoke about receiving a massuge at Palm Spa where the masseuse, provided a sensual massage and then provided him oil for his hand so that he eould masturbate while she rubbed his “balls.” Rubmaps also provides letters for the various things that you can be expected to receive atthe individual massage business. Some of these things include the following: DAP-digital anal probe (finger in anus) DSL-Dick sucking lips FIV-Finger in vagina HE-Happy Ending Kitty-Vagina Hardwood Floors-Clean shaven vagina PIV-Penis in vagina ‘MP-Massage Parlor Raincoat-Condom Self Service-You masturbate ATM-Ass to Mouth we o fs z ta a Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 be rZO00000GNYISLTOTO Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense# Mamasan-Female manager of massage parlor Investigators also discovered from interviews with patrons and reviews that many of the Asian massage locations will not allow any sex acts during the frst and perhaps the second visit to the business. This is a strategy to avoid law enforcement officers who are undercover and allows the business an opportunity to avoid being arrested. Investigators then began doing surveillance on the residence of Tian, BingBing and WeaJuaa Li. During these surveillance operations, officers witnessed BingBing and WenJuan Li transporting Asian females from their residence to Asian massage businesses. On ove of these occasions, uniformed Troopers stopped BingBing who was transporting Asian females to one of the businesses, During the stop, the Trooper advised that there were two other Asian females in the vehicle BingBing and these Asian females were no1 United States citizens and they could not speak English. During the stop BingBing advised the Trooper they were traveling to Wal-Mart to get some service done on their vehicle. BingBiing further advised that the other Asian females were visiting from Califomia. The other Asian females did not have any photo idenlification on their person, At tbe end of the vehicle stop, the surveillance team followed BingBing to an Asian massage business ‘where she dropped off the other Asian females who entered the business and tumed on the “OPEN” sign. Wentuan Li was also stopped by a uniformed Trooper for a traffic violation after leaving her residence with two Asian females. During this vehicle stop Li advised that they were going to Wal- Mart and that the other Asian females were here on vacation, Li advised the Trooper that she and the other females did not work. The other Asian females spoke very little English and bad n0 photo ‘identification on their person. As the vehicle stop was concluded, the surveillance team did not follow Li’s vehicle to Wal-Mart, but rather to an Asian massage business where bey entered the business and turned on the “OPEN” sign. ‘During surveillance being conducted on WenJuan Li, officers witnessed Li travel to Sam's Club in Springfield, Missouri and purchase large amounts of botiled water and paper towels. The surveillance team then witnessed Li drive fo numerous Asian massage businesses in Springfield, Missouri and deliver paper towels and botded water. As the investigation continued, officers discovered that while BingBing and WenJuan Li continued managing the numerous businesses in Springfield and Joplin, Missouri, Tian would leave for days and sometimes weeks at a time to establish and open more businesses in other States. Mostrecently, ‘Tian has establisued and opened several Asian massage businesses in Louisiana. ‘The investigation discovered that Fuying Li, who worked with Tian arid BingBing at Health Massage ‘Therapy, 3131 South Wisconsin, Joplin, Missouri and at Palm Massage, 1722 South Glenstone, ‘Springfield, Missouri, purchased a 2010 Infiniti from Metro Motors in Springfield, Missouri. During, tbe transaction, Fuying Li put $9,800.00 cash down on the vehicle and told the salesman that she would finance the remaining amovat, The salesman advised that he remembered the transaction as being “Sketchy” since it was clear that Li wanted to stay under providing $10,000.00 cash since this ‘would involve required paperwork to be filed with the Intemal Revenue Service. The salesman also stated thet LI had no credit history, address history, or associated bank account, but did list her employment as Palm Massage. Li is now running the Chi Asian Massage business in Springficld, Missouri. (On March 25, 2017, {conducted an interview with an Asian female who had left Relax Massage, 2022 South Stewart, Springfield, Missouri and went to another local business and asked for help. During the interview, the victim advised that she traveled to Springfield, Missouri as she was promised a job working as a masseuse at Relax massage. The victim advised that upon her arrival, she wes told that she would have to live in the business and that she would not be allowed to leave. ‘The victim stated that she and one other Asian female worked at the business and that the owner's son, would make sure that they did not leave. The victim identified the son as Xiao Chen and stated ‘thal sometimes be would also stay ovemiight at the business to make sure they would not ieave and thet if he did leave there was a camera io the front of the business where he could monitor the activities atthe business. The victim stated that whea Chen was not at the business, she just decided to leave and try and get away. When {asked the victim if she was forced to perform sex acts during the massages, she would not answer. tn cl te a REC'D 8/29/17 Tate eegaonvasg sz easy w . a in On April 18, 2017, I conducted an interview with an Asian female who hed been witnessed leaving Relax Massage located at 2022 South Stewart, Springfield, Missouri. Witnesses advised that the Asian female was walking down the street crying and pulling her suitcase. During the interview, the victim stated that she traveled to Springfield, Missouri for a massage job, ‘The victim stated that ‘upon arrival she was forced to live in the business and stated that the ownen’s son made sure that she could not leave. The victim stated after being at the location for one (1) week, she waited for the ‘owner's son to leave and then decided to leave. When I asked the victim if she was made to perform sex acts while working at the business, she refused to answer, INVESTIGATION On July 7,2017, [submitted the information I received from Sgt. Nash to the Louisiana State Police Fusion Center. Additionally, I requested for them to identify any businesses associated with Linan _ Tian, WenJuan Li and BingBing Li. io On fuly 10, 2017, the LSP Fusion Center responded to my request. Within the documentation was & o document from the Louisiana Secretary of State which identified Linan Tian as being the Registered 9 Agent of a business called Palm Service, LLC located at 1950 E. 70th St. Suite A, Shreveport, LA. = ‘The document shows the status is active since June 20, 2016 and is “Not In Good Standing for failure to file Annual Report.” Additionally, the businesses Principal Business address indicated 2412 S. Fort Ave., Springfield, MO. ‘Within the comprehensive reports I received there were two teceat residences in Louisiana associated with Linan Tien, Wenfuan Li and BingBing Li: 1105 Island Park Blvd, Apt 1110, ‘Shreveport, LA and 3105 Champion Lake Apt 1612, Shreveport, LA. Additionally, there was a ‘ecent address in Alabama listed as 403 Breckenridge Dr. SW, Huntsville, AL. On July 7, 2017, I searched on Backpage for “massages.” 1 located a listing for a massage parlor “using the same address as listed on the Secretary of State’s documentation for the Palm Service, LLC. segistered to Linan Tian. On July 10, 2017, I met with DY Heath Balkom, who works for Bossier Parish Sheriff's Office, but assigned to the FBI Task Force. DY Baikom is very knowledgeable about the Massage Parlors ‘within Bossier Parish, | informed DY Balkom about the nature of my investigation and showed him ‘picture of the three individuals I was investigating. DY Balkom immediately identified Wenjuan Li as being a woman he was trying (o identify for a recent case he was working. As | began describing their vehicles and residence to DY Balkom, he seid he was familiar with these individuals. DY Balkom referred to his phone and then showed me an email where he ran ie license plate of one of the vebicles, MO/LP#PM8H2J, 2014 black Jeep Compass. DY Balkom advised that his office had received a complaint about a massage parlor located at 2301 Old Minden Rad., Suite B, Bossier City, LA. On June 27, 2017, DY Balkom, along with other ruembers of the Bossier Parish Sherif? s Office conducted an undercover operation at 2103 Old Minden Rd., Suite B, Bossier City, LA. As a result of the undercover operation, DY Belkom advised he had charges pending identification for LRS 14:83.4, Massage; Sexual conduct probibited. DY Balkom advised that during the massage, Wenjuan exposed his penis and anus. Additionally, she coatinuously touched and rubbed across his anus and repeatedly bumped across his penis in efforts to sexually arouse him. WenJuan Li bas convictions in 2008 from Nevada for Engaging in Prostitution, Obscene of opposite Sex Massage and in 2011 from Ilinois for Keeping e Place of Prostitution. On June 28, 2017 and on the days following, DY Balkom advised they conducted surveillance on 2103 Old Minden Rd., Suite B, Bossier City, LA. DY Balkom observed up to five Asian women being transported in either a white Toyota SUV with CA/LP#7GRW657 or a black Jeep Compass SUV ‘with MO/LP# PM8H2J. When DY Balkom followed the vehicles, he advised they traveled fom 2103 Old Minden Rd. Suite B, Bossier City, LA to the Ultris Island Park Apartments in Shreveport, LA. Additionally, DY Belkom advised that during the undercover operation he utilized an undercover credit card and charged the services tothe account; therefore documenting the transaction between him and the massage parlor. DY Balkom provided me with a copy of the receipt. The receipt indicated the business name was Best Massage, Best Massage was one of the business names listed on Tian’s comprehensive report. On July 10, 2017, LSP Agents began to conduct surveillance at 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA and 1950 E. 70th St. Suite A, Shreveport, LA. Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING ~ Offense¥: REC'D 8/29/17 On July 10, 2017, LSP agents conducted surveillance at 1950 E. 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA. Upon arriving at this location, LSP agents observed the black Jeep Compass with MO/LP#PMSH25 ‘parked behind the massage parlor. Agents also observed the backdoor was left slightly ajar. During surveillance operations, agents observed multiple individuals enter the massage parlor. The average client was white middle aged male. The individuals stayed an average of one (1) hour. Several of the individuals parked away from the business and appeared to be discreetly approsching the business. This location is on a main roadway and is close to the road; therefore is easily visible from the roadway. Agents did not observe any food being brought in for lunchtime or any employees coming outside during the 12 kours. At approximately 2200 hours, Agents observed an Asian ruale; along with two Asian females enter the black Jeep Compass bearing MO/LP# PMSH2J. Agents then followed the vehicle. The vehicle traveled to the Ultris Island Park apartments located at 1105 Island Park Blvd, Shreveport, LA. The individuals parked and were observed walking up to building 11. On July 10, 2017 LSP agents conducted surveillance at 2103 Old Minden Rd. Suite B, Bossier City, LA from approximately 1330-2300 hours. Upon arriving at this location, LSP agents observed a white Toyota Rav 4 SUV with CA/LP#7GRW657 parked to the left of the front entrance of the massage parlor. The location is on a dead end street away from the maia road and traffic, but visible fom the interstate. During surveillance operations, LSP agents observed eight (8) individuels enter 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA and stay for a period of 30 mioutes to 2 bs. All the individuals were white males, who were middle aged to older. At no point did the two (2) Asian females come outside or leave to get food during the 12 hours. At approximately 2220 hours, LSP agents observed the black Jeep Compass with MO/LP# PM8H2J enter into the parking lot of 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. The Asian male driver picked up one (1) Asian female from 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA and drove back to 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bidg. 11, Shreveport, LA. At approximately 2300 hours, one (1) Asian female exited the massage parlor located at 2301 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA and entered the white Toyota Rav 4 SUV bearing CA/LP#7GRW6S7. The Asian female traveled to 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bldg. 11, Shreveport, LA. On July 11, 2017, Sgt. Nash advised me that they have an IRS Agent assisting with their investigation. These are his findings: : + 03/06/17: Linan Tian went to J.P. Morgan Bank located at 1673 E. 70th, Shreveport, La with ‘$16,000 cash. Tien deposited $6,000 into an account there and exchanged $10,000 in small bills for {$10,000 in large bills. + 03/30/17: ‘Tian went to J.P. Morgan Bank located at 1935 Airline, Bossier City, La with $12,000 cash, deposited $6,000 and exchanged $6,000 in small bills for $6,000 in large bills ‘We found this to be common with this group up here in Missouri. Once they get enough bulk ‘currency in large bills, they then move the currency via vehicle. They store the currency in theit residence usually, but on one occasion we found $70,000 in a wall at a business. Ove of their vehicles got interdicted on I-70 with over $600,000 in the trnk. ‘Tian used the Shreveport address as his residence on these transactions and Pali Service LLC as his employment. ‘On the morning of July 11, 2017, LSP Agents began surveillance at the residence of 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bldg. 11, Shreveport, LA, The apartment listed in the comprehensive report is 1110. At 0932 hours, LSP Agents observed onc (1) Asian male and two (2) Asian females exited Ultis Island Park Apartment Building #1 Land entered the black Jeep Compass bearing MO/LP# PM8H2J, At (0933 hours, two (2) Asian females exited Ultrs Island Park Apartment Building #11, Shreveport, LA and entered the white Toyota Rav 4 SUV bearing CA/LP¥7GRW657. LSP Agents followed the vehicles. The black Jeep Compass traveled back to 1950 B. 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA and the ‘white Toyota Rav 4 SUV traveled back to 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. On july 11, 2017 at 0931 hours, a search was conducted, via the intemet, on and ‘numerous ads were located in the body rub section under adult services. In my past experience, wow has yielded ads, which have been confirmed to solicit for prostitution. 1 observed a new posting appear for the massage parlor located at 1950 E. 70th St,, Shreveport, LA. ‘The ad says they are open 7 days a week from 0930-2200 hrs. The prices are listed for their time. ‘The ad also says everyone at the massage parlor is fuent in English. The ads show several young, looking beautiful Asian women that are posed in a seductive manor. Throughout the day, they reposted several times on Backpage. GSHNGG Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 z69 Tazo a82 Ny é2oqggaage ry a : 2 : z : 2 in oO On July 11, 2017 at 0941 hours, l observed another ad post on Backpage for 1950.E, 70th Suite A, ‘Shreveport, LA. The advertisement said they are also open seven (7) days a week from 1000 hours- 2200 hours. The ad also has several raisspelled words. The ad claims to have license “massagist.” ‘The ad says the bave “all young” and a “new masseuse.” The ads show several young looking, beautiful Asian women that are posed in a seductive manor. Throughout the day, they reposted several times oo Backpage. ‘On July 11, 2017, LSP agents conducted surveillance at 2103 Old Minden Ra, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. During surveillance operations, LSP agents observed multiple individuals enter 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA and stay for period of 1 hour to 2hours, All the individuals Were white males, who were middle aged to older. ‘The Asian females never left during their 12 hours at the massage parlor. At 2200 hours, one (1) Asian feruale wearing all white took a bag of trash to the dumpster in the parking lot, She returned to the building and both Asian females entered the white Toyota Rav 4 SUV CA/LP#7GRW657 and traveled back to Ultris Island Park Apartment Building #11, Shreveport, LA. I stayed with the trash that was disposed of until Sgt. Chad Finn returned, The white garbage bag was removed from the dumpster and taken back to the LSP Field Office located at 4185 Viking Dr., Bossier City, LA. Sgt. Chad Finn and | inspected the discarded trash, Within the trash we located famine hygiene wipes, food such as oatmeal, eggs, vegetables, etc, along with water bottles, and large amounts of wet used paper towels. On July 12, 2017, LSP Agents began surveillance at the residence of 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bldg. U1, Shreveport, LA. At 0930 bours, one (1) Asian male and two (2) Asian females exited Ultris Island Park Apartment Building #11, Apartment |110, Shreveport, LA. Sgt. Chad Finn observed the individuals leave their aparument. They walked over to a maroon Honda SUV bearing CA/LP# ‘TTGW282 that was parked in froat ofthe apartment. Initially, it appeared they were going to enter the vehicle, but then just looked into the vehicle and returned to the black Jeep Compass bearing MO/LP# PMSH2J. At 0930 hours, two (2) Asian females exited Ultris Island Park Apartmeat Building #11, Shreveport, LA and entered the white Toyota Rav4 SUV bearing CA/LP#7GRW657. LSP Agents followed the vehicles. The black Jeep Compass traveled back to 1950 E. 70th Suite A, ‘Shreveport, LA and the white Toyota Rav 4 SUV traveled back to 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. After they !eft, Sgt. Finn walked up to the apartment and verified the apartment number and photographed the door he observed them walking out of. The apartment number was 1110 and it was located on the third floor in the northwest comer of the building. ~ a ° a ° 2 e . © © “4 e On July 12, 2017, I ran the registration on the maroon Honda bearing CA/LP#7TGW282. The vehicle was registered to Aibua Tang. (On July 12, 2017 at 0955 hours, I observed a new posting appear for the massage parlor located at E 1950 70th St., Shreveport, LA. ‘The phone number listed with this account is 318-453-7104. ‘Throughout the day, there were several updated posts. At 1028 hours, | observed a posting appear for the massage parlor located at 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. The phone ‘number listed with this account is 318-588-0642. Throughout the day, there were several updated posts ‘conducted a search ou the internet for the phone numbers associated with the Backpage ads; 318- 453-7104 and 318-588-0642. 1 also located ads on Craigslist, Rubmaps and Escort sites. ‘On July 12, 2017, while LSP agents conducted surveillance of 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA they observed an Air Conditioning company come to this location and appear to work on the air conditioner, The surveillance units observed minimal traffic. However, all the individuals were white males, who were middle aged to, older and stayed an average of one hour. At approximmately 3700 hours, an individual entered the building and minutes later exited. The two (2) Asian feruales left shorlly afterwards and closed the business. Itis unknown where the two (2) Asian females traveled to st this time, Approximately one (1) hour later, the white Toyota SUV bearing CA/LP#TGRW657 arrived at the Island Park apartments. There was only one (1) Asian female inside, Ou July 12,2017, LSP agents conducted surveillance at (950 E. 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA. LSP agents observed seven (7) individuals. All the individuals were white males, who were middieaged to older. The average stay time was one hour. At no time did anyone leave or come out of the ‘business. At 2204 hours, one (1) Asian male and two (2) Asian females exited the massage parlor and traveled back to 1105 Island Park Blvd, Shreveport, LA and were seen walking up to building u. Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: AEC'D 8/29/17 n % z a On July 12, 2017, I served two (2) administrative subpoenas to Backpage. Ulisted the nurabers listed inthe advertisements, along with the email addresses Sgt Nash provided me with that Missouri State Highway Patrol located. 1 also included recent posting ID numbers. On July 12, 2017, I served two (2) administrative subpoenas to Verizon. I requested subscriber information on the two (2) phone numbers thet were listed on the Backpage advertisements, Os July 13, 2017, LSP Agents began surveillance at the residence of 1105 Island Park Blvd, Building 11, Shreveport, LA. At 0933 hours, two (2) Asian females exited Uttris Island Park Apartment Building #11, Shreveport, LA and entered the white Toyota Rav 4 SUV bearing CA/LP#7GRW657. At 0934 hours, one (1) Asian male and two (2) Asian females exited Ultris e Island Park Apartment Building #11, Apartment 1110, Shreveport, LA and entered the black Jeep w Compass bearing MO/LP# PM8H2J. LSP Agents followed the vehicles. The black Jeep Compass 2 then began traveling south on Clyde Fant. After committing a traffic violation, the Jeep Compass N was stopped by a marked State Police Unit. The Asian male driver was identified as Linan Tian. @ The Asian female passengers were identified as: Aibua Tang, DOB: 8/3/1977, with CA/DLE a 3641973 and YanQing Yin, DOB: 5/10/1990. I recalled Aihua Tang was also the name of the oy registered owner of the maroon Honda CR-V SUV bearing CA/LP#TTGW282 that was parked in ° front of 1105 Island Park Blvd. Bldg. 11, Shreveport, LA. The work Visa for Yin showed it just Y became valid 1/5/2017. After the traffic stop and Tien was given a warning, Tian traveled back to z 1950 E. 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA. The white Toyota Rav 4 SUV traveled back to 2103 Old Minden Ra, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. On July 13, 2017, I checked Backpage for postings associated with the massage parlor. I noticed that 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA, posted on Backpage at 0436 bours, which would be outside the hours of the listed hours for the business. The business hours are listed as 1000 bours to 2200 brs. At 1002 hours, 1950 E. 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA again posted on Backpage, 6200800 ‘On July 13, 2017, Backpage responded to my administrative subpoena. { observed bundreds of postings in multiple states dating back io 2014, Here is a saraple of one of the postings from Missouri: “Welcome To Your Source of Healing and Time of Bliss. We Have a Rotational Staff of ‘Thoughtful Professional Therapists Waiting to Enchant You With Her Magic Touch. Our Al Of ‘The Healers Help You Find Relief. We Have Young Friendly Staff for Your Enjoyment. All Friendly Nice Licensed. She Treats You Right From Tension Filled Start to Smiling Finish.” This ad appears to have not written by the individuals doing the massage. It discusses a rotational staff’ which is quite relevant to human trafficking. Then it mentions start to Gish and smiling. Another advertisement says, “Three young gitls give you all good massage.” This advertisement was from ‘Des Moines, 1A., “New girl from Vegas | ||| l » Young GirlsLotus Asian Massage.” [then noticed new advertisement dated July 11, 2017 and July 12, 2017 for Huntsville, AL. The ad says, “Best Asian massage, Grand Opening Tel: 256-541-2395.” The address listed for this massage parlor is 7901 Memorial Parkway SW #H Huntsville, AL. All of the advertisements, dated back to 2014 were created by a user using the email address On July 13, 2017, I contacted Sgt. Nash and updated him on our case. I also informed him of the information | received from Backpage. I asked Sgt. Nash if Linan Tian had ever been known to use the came “Tony.” | was attempting to put an association between the email used for the Beekpage posts, “Tonytony1983” and Tian. J was aware that Tian’s date of birth was 1983, but wasn't aware of alias used. (On July 13,2017 at approximately 2037 hours, while agents were conducting surveillance of 1950 E. 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA, they observed the Asian male and one (1) Asian female leave that location in the Jeep Compass. Surveitlance units followed the vehicle to 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. At 2045 hours, the Asian male dropped off the Asian female and left. He retumed to 1950 E. 70ch Suite A, Shreveport, LA approximately 40 minutes. (On July 13,2017, at approximately 2135 hours, while agents were conducting surveillance of 1950 E, 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA, they observed the Asian male and two (2) Asian females behind the business as they were preparing to close. Agents observed one (1) Asian female place a garage bag in the trashi dumpster and the Asian male place a garbage bag in the rear hatch of the Jecp Compass. ‘The Asian male and two (2) Asian fernales departed in the Jeep Compass and were followed beck to 1105 Island Park Blvd, Bldg. 11, Shreveport, LA. Shortly afterwards, surveillance units observed the Jeep Compass leave. ‘They followed the Jeep Compass to 2103 Old Minden Rd, Suite B, Bossier City, LA. As the Jeep Compass arrived, surveillance units observed the Asian male driving. An older Asian female exited the 2103 Old Minden Ra. Suite B, Bossier City, LA location. She took Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Neme: LT, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 b in ° ‘one (|) trash bag to the dumpster and then walked over to the Jeep Compass. The Asian male took ‘the trash bag from the Asian female and placed it in the hatch of the Jeep Compass and left. ‘Surveillance units then followed the Jeep Compass to 1105 Istand Park Blvd, Bldg, 11, Shreveport, LA. Surveillance units stayed for a period of time in the event the garbage bags were going to be Giscarded inthe apartment complex’s dumpster, According to Sgt. Nash, during thei investigation they learned thar the items/iresh from their businesses thet they felt would incriminate them they ‘would take home and throw away. Surveillance units never observed the bags being discarded. ‘On July 14, 2017, LSP Agents began surveillance atthe residence of 1105 Island Park Blvd, Blag. 1, Shreveport, LA. At 0931 hours, two (2) Asian females exited Ultris Island Park Apartment Building #11, Shreveport, LA. The walked to the bottom of the steps and waited. Shortly afterwards, an older Asian female walked down the steps, walked passed them and began walking + towards the white Toyota SUV. The Asian male then walked down. The two (2) Asian females appeared (o be taking directions from the older Asian female and the Asian male, Surveillance units ‘hen observed two (2) Asian females enter the white Toyota Rav 4 SUV bearing CA/LPE7GRW657, along with one (1) Asian male and two (2) Asian females enter the black Jeep Compass bearing: MO/LP# PM8H2J. The vehicles left and did not stop at the dumpster on the way out, The white Toyota Rav 4 SUV bearing CA/LP#7GRW657 traveled to 2103 Old Minden Rad. Suite B, Bossier City, LA and the Jeep Compass traveled to 1950 E, 70th Suite A, Shreveport, LA. (On July 14, 2017, Sgt. Nash called to inform me that he was able to find reports where associates referred to Linan Tian as “Tony.” Additionally, the IRS agent that is working with Sgt. Nash was able to confirm with him that the email address “Tonytony1983,” was used to open the JP Morgan bank accounts in Shreveport. o a Zz © a 2 e ‘On July 14,2017, I contacted the Louisiana Board of Massage Therapy. [corapared the listof names ‘wehad compiled from our investigation tothe states ist of board certified massage therapists. Only one name was amatch and that was for BingBing Li, BingBing Li is Linan Tian’s suspected wife and business partner, Itis believed she is currently in Huntsville, Alabama setting up the newest massage parlor. 8 In summary, the Missouri State Highway Patrol contacted the Louisiana State Police and requested assistance after their suspects in their Human Trafficking/Money Laundering investigation were believed to be in Louisiana, Affiant and other Detectives with Louisiana State Police were able to ‘confirm the suspects; Linan Tian and Wenjuan Li were in Louisiana, Wenfuan Li has prior convictions in 2008 from Nevada for Engaging in Prostitution, Obscene of opposite Sex Massage and in 2011 from Minois for Keeping a Place of Prostitution. Affiant has located two (2) massage parlors in Louisiana run by Tian; one located at 1950 E. 70th St Suite A, Shreveport, LA- Palm ‘Asian Massage and one located et 2103 Old Minden Rd. Suite B, Bossier City, LA- The Spa. Additionally, Detectives located a residence at 1105 Island Park Bivd.Aptl 110, Shreveport, LA. Detectives then began conducting surveillance on the two massage parlors. During the surveillance operations, Detectives witnessed numerous males entering the two businesses, staying for time periods of 30 minutes to two hows. During the times when it was busy it was easy to determine the males were there by appointment time. As one car would leave another would arrive. Sometimes the males would pass one another when entering and exiting. Daring the entire operation, surveillance units did not see any females frequenting 2103 Old Minden Rd. Suite B, Bossier City, LA and only saw two (2) at 1950 E. 70th St. Suite A, Shreveport, LA; however Detectives believed they were just visiting. In two prior situations investigated by Missouri Stete Highway Patrol, the Asian female employees were being forced to stay with their employer and not allowed to come and 0 as they pleased, During our investigation, it was obvious that Linan Tian and the older Asian female believed to be Wenjuan Li were in charge. ‘The two (2) Asian females never lef the apartment building or massage parlors without Tian or Li. They appeared to wait for instructions, They never drove or just stepped outside during their 12 hour shift to get some air. Only Tian and Li ‘came outside and/or left. The businesses are posting on Backpage, which has been confirmed to solicit for prostitution, The businesses are posting outside “business hours,” sucb as at 0436 hours. Additionally, ater checking with the Louisiana Board of Massage Therapy the only person fram our investigation who has been confirmed to have a massage licenses is BingBing Li. She is currently suspected to be in Huntsville, AL setting up their newest location at 7901 Memorial Parkway SW #H Huntsville, AL. Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 WHEREFORE, for the reasons set forth above and elsewhere in this writing, your affant respectfully shows that probable cause does exist for issuance of a search warrant for the property described herein at 1105 Island Park, Bldg 11, Apt 1110, Shreveport, LA in Caddo Parish and respectfully requests that a SEARCH WARRANT be issued from this Honorable Court, and when the object to. be searched is a dwelling or other structure, that the writ to search include all other structures, ‘occupants, computers, cell phones, vehicles, curtilage, and places of concealment on the premises ‘where evidence or the commission of a crime may be found. aw ne” AFF (8&3 SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE Me, THIS | 4h pay oF JULY 2017 AT. Shvurtpad—tous TODGE, 1ST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 HeOt6O asét T2OGR0000NY i o 2 it a eee re “iwi Couto GADDO PARISH District Court = Tae oF ina (* China. — Sone TaN, Secal Seay 7 [Dips Lic Ne. Se Futhe's Name Kaas ress eer aia, Poss Paleo Massine 19 Set owher | ‘Offease ST CRS deo "Warrant No. [Pusan Ten fF ces. : Ofease : ‘Cites Location of Offense Dae “7/26/17 Time | Location of Arrest Date Time H&SOE.TAth Sitch Shrevepact 131g Officer's Name ‘Rank ) Badge Unit, Type "Waspuat Check : - : Yel WoO [Heathoe Ourens mit] ieesiiaual AR. | spp Se ed vest Nod CoDeteadanrs Name ‘aati Co Dekcatant's Name Tess Ten "ili alors Yar Wake ae Teed By Sante : 3 Degg Paced Teas Parts Nowied | Ralewado Fara vetef No) tsp ~ = : eG Nom | Yea Negi | 3 Ta fore | ae ‘Bond | Amount of Bood ‘Bonding Company | Receiving Jailer / Badge No. ‘Date ‘Time Probable Cause] foc Arrest (C30 Fingerprint Classification Judge's Siguatare \ Hiaviog considered the foregoing, itis beicby erdet@t. adjudged and decreed that the above named individual has beeo awfully arested upon probable caus, day of, 20, “Anrestee’s Right Supplemental Reports - Cased: 17004356 - Name LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 oz760 IONVISZTA in oO CADDO PARISH'SHERIFF'S OFFICE ARREST REPORT . Jwenlecona Wane: Last Fine Micdle | Race | Sex | Age Place of Birth __ TxKeh Laan Alm |3q “Aliases, Height | Weigh] Hair [ Eyes Case No. Ton ad SFAliso | BUC} Re! ° ‘Radess sr City ‘Stale Diver’sLic. No. Sate] oo Nos Tseanis Pane Guy gio: SHeeihar 2A. 0 [Faters Nace Adress Haber ane Hass 2 Eaployer Kaas, : a [Boe Pasion 2 7 2 : (fates Massage I950 6. lom St. Siacitga Gudeee WEE. waded oO Offense ‘Offense onan of Oa Dae Tine |Locnbon of Bes Dae Tine W480 €. Toth Sr Peon 1300, Office's Name Baek ] Beige | “Oar la[y . usents alr | 1B BG CorDeteear Nae Ress Co Ditcitats Nae Ties 7 ‘ac avommaon er Mae Wet Towed By Tondht 5 Deane Pa Tae ee: YBN LSP mir owess Crammer Bossec: Pypssn)| Yat Now | Ya C) Nogh aa ‘Released on Bond | Amount of Bond ‘Bonding Company | Receiving’ a Date Time SEAtiad | C50 Finger Chsntrace ‘Sworn to and subse day of, sierra Supplemental Reports - Ca: to before me anil Sigoature 1 Having considered tbe foregoing, itis hereby ordered, individual bes been lawfully arested upon probable cause. doy of Soy ly oary gnarare judged and decreed thatthe above named eo: cs Mours Judge's Sipanse Anrestee's Right sef: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense¥: REC'D 8/29/17 o D z : 2 in STATE OF LOUISIANA PARISH OF BOSSIER 26TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT ITEM # 17.6845, AFFIDAVIT FOR ARREST WARRANT STATE OF LOUISIANA ‘VERSUS LINAN TIAN, Asian or Pacific Islander Mate 110S Island Park Blvd Apt 1110, shreveport, La, 71105 DOB: 01/18/1983, SSN: 07494-4450 Height: , Welght:, Bye Color: Brown, Hair Color: Black DIM: INVISLTOTATED 1, Master Trooper Heather Owens with the Louisiana State Police, certify under ‘oath based on the informatica outlined below, that there is probable cause to believe LINAN TIAN on or about 07/20/2017 and 13:15 did commit: 2 Counts of 14:46.2-Humun Trafcking-2 Counte- (FELONY) reaggadag within this State and Parish at 2108 O14 Minden Rd Suite B, Bossier City, LA + and the jurisdiction of the 26TH Judicial District Court, contrary to the form of he statutes of the Stare of Louisiana in such case made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the same, in thatthe following did occur. On aly 7,2017, 1, MT Heather Owens, x Deseive with Louisiana Slate Potice (LSP) Speci iets Unit (SVU) was contacted by Sgt. Daniel Neb, a Detective with Missouri Sate ighwoy Patol. Spt. Nash advised me that he bad been conducting «long tem investgnion ox ‘tree @) individu: Cinan Tina, Wenduan Li end BingBing Li. Sgt Nash advised tat Livan Tinaa Wavels odiflereot ares sertng op Asin Massegepalers. Tian then ings Wenuaa Li, wo is believed tobe is mother, along with BixBing Li, who it suspected tobe Tina's wife, the ptr locations. These wormea assim in gering the busineses operational They then recut other Asima females to work for tem, These Aslan females wus live with Tan, and ace under bis cease! at all mes, These women ae not ie to come and go. The females owe Aéebt” to ‘Tian Unt they ace “working” to pay of however, evrything they do ot don't do acreases their abt, Thi leaves these wonen forever indebied i Tua. Sg Nach said bis recent vestigation ‘evened tht, Linen Tien, Wenfuan Li and BingBiag LI were in the Strevepoy, louisiana ea, LSP Detectives located Tin and Li. LSP Detecves alzo Mentfed two businesses and one residence assoctted with them. The businesses were located at 2103 Od Minden RA. Suite B, Bossier City, LA and 1950 E. 70 St, Sut A, Stevepor, LA. The residence was located ot 1208 ishand Pack Blvd, Bldg. 11, Ape 1110, Strevepory LA. ‘Asa elt of our surveillance aod investigation, LSP Detectives obtained a search satan om all ‘tree locations. On July 20,2017, LSP Detectives in conjunction with Mistou,Arkanses aod ‘Alabams, simutaneously served search warrans on all the busineies and residences involved ia is investigation, (Op Jly 20,2017, pio to serving the search warrant «12103 Old Mindea Ra, Suite B, Bossier Cry, LA, USP Detectives seot to undercover agents into the massage piston. Toe 140 ‘undercover agents asked fr « 30 minste raseage. Dung tbe muscage, both Asan Gmales cxpored tbe 29us and genitals of the undercover agent The fecales slo taoched both egeat genials. This was a violation of LRS 14:834; Masiage exas] conduct probbited Aer ibe Page of ‘Monday, uly 24,2017 152230 Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 mn STATE OF LOUISIANA PARISH OF BOSSIER 26TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TEM # 17-6845, 60 ‘wo violations, LSP Detective, eloog with Besser Parish Sheriffs Office, Bosier City Police Department, and Louisiane State Fie Marcas Office, served the search warank ter eerviog the search warrant et 2103 Old Mindea Ré, Suite B, Bossier City, LA, Set Jay Donaldsoa, LSP Lavestigator Melissa Welch ad lnterpeter Kelly Adans interviewed the two workers, Xuemel ‘Wang and Lavying Wel. During the interview, Wang rbotatly adie tothe voltions they were cited for. Wang was confoated by the undercover police officer. After the undercover flier explained the violation, withthe elp of te interpreter, Wang admited tote violation ‘Altiough Xuemei Wang bad her own vehicle, she sated she didnot feel as thoogh she could leave if she wanted to. Xuemei Wang tol he interviewers she dda’ want o Work tthe ‘ssage parler. She fet ice she bad to work there because se lived with Tian and Li. Wang ‘8d she doesnot Like to work there or being there, Wang was asked, iFsbe could ga back to Lot ‘Angeies olive wit hr kids, would tbe wat to go. Wang sd, "yer” Xoemei Wang sid she ‘sas reerted from & Massage schoot in Los Angeles by Tian, Tian then tok ber to Missouri 19 work She was then brought 19 Louisiana. Liuyig Wei, slong with the cwo employees fom ‘Shreveport, Vanquing Vin and Aihus Tang indicated tha Wey responded town ad oa WeChat, ‘whieh i the Chinese version of Facebook. They were promised t make «lot of money. All (nomad at ytd ig Tn nd hey a py em buf ofthe wooney they were pad forthe masages they performed slang with $300.00/mont® forreak. Additionally, some of tbe workers were purchasing this own food. The workers were Allowed to keep hei tips, This efBunt ows through onning ead expereace tt the Gps ae ‘generated forthe “entra that ae given using an ippropriateranssage. During the ‘undercover operation coodcted prior to the seach warrant, the undercover was charged $40.00 {fr the 30 minute massage, The customary pis 20% which would have been $8.00; however, ‘Wang was ipped $2000. ‘This int mows ha business owaers will often sllow their: ‘employees 0 keep the tps, only to distance themselves (fom the illegal and inappropriste seal aowtes tein place in eis exablishens. ‘As result ofthe Shrevepon iavestigation, Linan Tia and BigBing Li were exesed oo July 29,2017, Tian admived hat be and Li recnited te gt rom Califoraia. Tien sited be tod bis wife transporte the Asian females fom California to Missouri and then Lousiana. Tian coatiavously Tied blaming bis wife, although he said tht be and his wife were both the "bots." ‘Tian adeaited to posting the eds on Backpage, Craigslist and other socal nei sites. Tian claimed le and bis wife didnot bave knowledge of seal cond taking place in cir bousineses; bowever, curing the freasc exam of L's cellphone a picure wat located of « basins review discussing he serual experience an individual had when vinfing on ofthe smaseoge prlor in Louisiana. OHHONFISZ TACO 2 wv hereby certify under oath the information contained herein to be rue and correct, {othe best of ray knowledge, under penalties of perjury, so help me God. “ar ta Oey ‘Master Trooper Heather Owens Affiant Page 2 0f4 Monday, July 24,2017 1sz2330 Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offensed: REC'D 8/29/17 - w STATE OF LOUISIANA PARISH OF BOSSIER 26TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT THEM # 17-6845, © ‘THUS DONE AND PASSED on the 26 day of July.2017. = “I . Judge, 26 Judicial Ds > Suate of Lovisiens = ° Page 30f4 ‘Moody, uly 24,2017 1350 Supplemental Reports - Case: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING. ~ Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 we n i 2 it o STATE OF LOUISIANA PARISH OF BOSSIER 26TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TEM 17-6845 2 ARREST WARRANT — © State of Loui me Versus LINAN TIAN, Asian or Pacific Islander Male Ga 1105 Island Park Blvd Apt 1110, shreveport, LA, 71105 oS DOB: 01/18/1983, SSN: 074-94-4450 a e Height: , Weight: , Eye Color: Brown, Hair Color: Black DM: ‘TO ANY COMMISSIONED PEACE OFFICER: WHEREAS, complaint bas been made to me, upon the sworn affidavit of Master ‘Trooper Heather Owens , with the Louisiana State Police, charging one LIVAN TIAN with 2 Coups of 14:462-Hlomen Traffcking-2 Counts~ (FELONY) Committed on or about 07/20/2017. Now, therefore, you are hereby commanded, in he name of the State to apprehend. and arrest and book the said accused to answer the said complaint. You are funkber ‘commanded to keep the said accused in safe custody util released according to Jaw, and this shall be your warrant, Given under my official signature, thisza day of ly 2017 Miskaei eee de, 26 Judicial Disoict. Judge, 26TH Judicial District State of Louisiane Page dof Monday, July 24,2017 ng 152230 Supplemental Reports - Case#: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 STATE OF LOUISIANA, PARISH OF BOSSIER 26TH SUDICIAL DISTRICT ‘TEM # 17.6945 AFFIDAVIT FOR ARREST WARRANT STATE OF LOUISIANA ‘VERSUS BINGBING LI, Asin Feraale 1105 Island Park Blvd Apt 1110, Shreveport, LA, 71105 DOB: 11/29/1986, SSN: 051-31-9166 Height: , Weight:120, Eye Color: Browa, Hair Color: Black DM: or Pacific Islander I, Master Trooper Heather Owens withthe Louisiana State Police, certify under ‘oath based on the information outlined below, tha there is probable cause 19 believe BINGBING LI on or about 07/20/2017 and 13:15 did commic: 2 Couns of 14:462-Hivman TrBcking-Labor 2 counts~ (FELONY) within this State and Parish at 2103 Old Minden RA, Suite B, Bosie City, LA » and the jurisdiction of the 26TH Judicial Distriet Coun, contrary to the form of the stares of the State of Louisiana in such case roade and provided, and against the peace and dignity ofthe same, in thet the following did oceur: (Oa Jay 7, 2017.1, MIT Heather Owens, a Detective with Loutias State Police (LSP) Special ‘Viens Unt (SVU) was contacted by Si, Daniel Nash, a Detective with Missouri Sate Wighoway Pawel. Sg. Nec advised ie that he bad been condueng a long temo investigation on 1 Uhee (0) individuals: Linan Tian, WenJuan Li and BingBing Li, St. Nash advised tha Linan ‘Tian wavels to differen areas sering up Asian Massage plas Tian the brings WenSuan Ci, ‘ois believed tobe hit mother, long witb Bioeng Li who it suspected tobe Taa’s wile, (he pastor locations. These women ests in geng the businesses opeaticnal. They then rect ‘other Asita ferales to work for tem. These Asian females tus live wi Tin, and are user bis conzot ot all times. These worm are nol fie to come and go. The fecales owe 8 "ett" to ‘Tian ha they aze "working" to payoff bowever, everything taey de or don do increases their eb. This eaves thse woraen forever iedebted i Tiaa, Sgt. Nach ead bis reat lovesigaion ‘revealed tha, Linan Tian, Wenluao [3 and BingBing Li were i the Shreveport, Lousiana arex SP Detectives located Tian and Li. LSP Detectives als dented ewo businesses aad one ‘residence associated with them, The busioeses were located a2103 Olé Minden Ra. Suite B, Bossier City, LA and 1950 E708 St, Suite A, Shreveport, LA. The residence was located at 105 Inland Pack Blvd, Bldg. 1, Apt 1110, Shreveport, CA. ‘As aresult of ou surveillance and icvestignion, LSP Deterives obtained «cea wares 09a three locations, Oo July 20,2017, LSP Detectives in conjunction with Misrour,Arkansat and ‘Abtbum, senulancously served seweh warrants opal he businenes aad residences lavolved in this invesigntion. (Qo uly 20,2017, prior co serving the search warrant 212103 Old Mindex Ra, Suite B, Hosier City, LA, LSP Detectives seat two undercover agets ato the massage pulor."The two undercover ages asked re 30 miaute eassoge. During te macage, both Asian ferales Page of ‘Monday, July 24,2017 is: Supplemental Reports ~ Casef: 17004356 - Name: LI, BING BING - Offense#: REC'D 8/29/17 SPOGOBOOONY BR in o STATE OF LOUISIANA PARISH OF BOSSIER 26TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT ITEM a 17.6845, a ‘exposed the anus and gests ofthe vadercover agets. The females sso touched both ageat* genitals, This was violation of LRS 14:83.4; Massage; sexual conduct robbited, Afr the ‘vo violations, LSP Detectives, along with Boosie Parish SherifPs Ofcs, Boner Cir Potice Department, md Lovisema State Fire Marshals Office, served te search warren, Aft serving the search Warrant at 2109 Old Minden Ra, Suite B, Bossier City, LA, Sut. Jsy Donaldsor, LSP lavesigator Metisse Welch and Laterpreer Kelly Adams interviewed the two workers, Xuemel ‘Wang and Linying Wet. During the interview, Wang eclucuatly admicet tothe wolons they ‘were cited for. Wang was confionte bythe undercover polis officer. After the undercover officer explsined ibe violation, witb the belp ofthe interpreter, Wang admined tothe violadon. Alibough Xueaei Wang bed ber ove vebicl, se stated she didnot feel as hough she could leave ifshe wanted to. Xuemei Wang tld the incerviewers ae dida’t wan co wock atthe smastage perlr. Sbe fet ike she ba to work tere because se ved with Tian and Li, Wang. said se docs not lite co work tere or beng tere, Wang was asked, isbe could go back to Los Angeles olive widk her lids, would she waar 0 go. Wang sid, "yes." Xoemel Wang sid she a5 recruited from a Massage Schoo] in Los Angele by Tan. Tis thea 10k her t Missouri ‘work: She was the brought i Louisiana. Linying Wel slag with the two employers fom ‘Soseveport; Yaoquing Yin and Aihua Tang indioated tat hey responded roan a on WeChat, which isthe Chinese version of Facebook. They were promised 0 make sl! of money. All four Asian feroales stated that once they began wotking for Tia and Li, ey Re to ay thems balfof the aoncy they were pid forthe massages they performed, along with $300 00/m0%0 focrent Addivonaly, some ofthe workers were purchasing their ov food. The workers were allowed to keep thet tips. This afbartkoows tough waining aad experience thatthe tps are eeneraed fos we “exras" tare given during an ngppropriat mascage. During the undercover operation coxducied prio ote search waren, the undercover was charged $60.00 forthe 30 nite message. Tae customary tip is 20% which would bave boc $8.00; however, ‘Wang was tipped $20.00, This alt knows tht business owners wil often allow heir ‘employees to keep the tps, only to dstntetheraselves fom tbe illegal and inappropriate sexual sctvtes aig pce in their esablisneats. 6 zt TOt QOONVISZ oo ‘Asa cesult ofthe Strevepo investigation, Linan Tian and BingBing Li were arrested on July 20,2017. Tian admived tha be and Li recited the gis rom Califorain. Tian sémited be and bis fe transporte the Asien females frm Califoraia to Missouri and then Louitiana, Tia

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