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Law Undergraduate Resits 19/20 Level 5

NB - Visiting & Exchange Students please contact the module convenor

Module Module Convenor Credits Resit Mode Resit Essay Title(s)
Law of Tort M3002 Mark Davies 30 Essay, 2000 ‘The body of case law addressing breach of duty in negligence consists of
advanced words (25%) little more than a series of decisions focused on the facts of each case. As
a result, there is little substantive legal precedent associated with the
breach stage of negligence.’ Critically discuss this statement.
Law of Contract M3003 Sirko Harder 30 Essay, 1500 Catherin Macmillan has said that a result of the House of Lords decision
advanced words (20%) in Shogun Finance Ltd v Hudson [2003] UKHL 62, , ‘…is that the law of
mistake as to identity has a new clarity…Unfortunately, however, such
clarity may not be as precise as it appears. There is, with respect, no
principled rationalisation of why the distinction in the form of contracting
should result in such differences in the enforceability of the agreement.’
‘Mistake as to Identity Clarified?’ [2004] 120 LQR 369, 372.
With reference to the quote above, and using relevant case law and
commentary to illustrate your answer, critically discuss the law on
mistake as to identity.
Public Law I M3006 Lindsay Stirton 15 Project, 1000 Critically discuss this statement.
advanced words (50%)
Criminal Law M3007 Mark Walters 30 Essay, 2000 You should write a 2000 word essay on one of the following titles:
words (35%) EITHER:
1. Critically consider whether the circumstances in which acts of a victim
will constitute a novus actus interveniens are sufficiently clearly defined.


1. Critically evaluate the current legal position on intoxicated consent to

Land Law M3026 Helena Howe & 30 Essay, 2000 Do the formality requirements for a contract for the sale of land set out
Teresa Sutton words (30%) in s 2 of the Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions Act) 1989 require
Equity & Trusts M3027 Mary Lee 30 Essay, 2000 Claire, a retired writer and keen sailor, has just died. Her validly created
words (30%) will contains the following provisions:
(a) £240,000 to my trustees Tina and Tracy to be distributed equally
between my six children.
(b) £50,000 to my trustees Tina and Tracy who shall at their absolute
discretion, distribute this money to any British sailors who prove
themselves to be a ‘world-class’ yachtsperson.
(c) £60,000 to my trustees Tina and Tracy, with the authority to
distribute this money amongst any of my fellow writers who are
members of the Writers Guild. After five years, any funds remaining are
to be given to my niece Rebecca.
(d) My collection of Dresden fine china figurines to be shared equally
between my sisters Bernadette, Bertha and Belinda.
(e) My yacht ‘Aphrodite’ to my dear friend Penelope, in full confidence
that she will use it to benefit the young members of the Brighton
Yachting Club.
Advise the executors regarding the validity of these bequests. The
executors tell you that they have attempted to contact Susan’s sisters but
the youngest, Belinda, disappeared last year while on a walking tour of
the Andes.
Professional M3140 Kieran Durcan 120 Project, Ask module convenor
Placement Year (10%)
Report, 5000 Ask module convenor
words (90%)
Law & Policy of the M3431 Nuno Ferreira & 30 Essay, 2000 1. 'The EU decision-making process has undoubtedly improved over time,
EU Ioannis words (50%) and has thereby weakened the argument that the EU suffers from a
Katsaroumpas democratic deficit.' Critically discuss this statement, providing examples
to support or contest the statement.

2. ‘The jurisprudence introduced by the Kohll and Decker cases is very

subtle. It extends the material scope of the Treaty to healthcare, while
providing an opportunity for States to justify their own care policy in the
light of overriding reasons of general interest.’ Discuss this statement by
critically appraising the CJEU’s jurisprudence on cross-border healthcare
and evaluating the extent to which the Patients’ Rights Directive
(Directive 2011/24/EU) perpetuates the balance of interests upheld in
the case law.

3. Critically analyse how one can determine whether the principle of

subsidiarity has been violated by the Institutions of the EU. How
commonly do such violations occur and how have such violations been
Crime & Criminal M4003 Stavros 15 Essay, 1000 Students should attempt one of the following questions:
Justice Demetriou words (50%) 1. Critically discuss how the criminal law deals with individuals who
1st complete the actus reus of an offence whilst intoxicated.
assignment 2. Critically evaluate the concept of constructive liability by making
reference to the offences of murder and unlawful act manslaughter.
Essay, 1000 Students should attempt the following problem question:
words (50%)
2nd On Friday night, Matt and Neil decide to go for drinks to their local pub
assignment where Stacey works. Matt is extremely frustrated with Stacey because
she refused to help him with his criminal law assignment. In fact, Matt is
so frustrated with Stacey that he decided to stab her with a Swiss army
knife he is always carrying with him. Despite his anger, Matt decides to
have a few drinks in order to find the courage to stab Stacey. After a few
drinks, Matt stabs Stacey in the neck. Stacey falls on the floor and she is
bleeding quite badly.
Neil, who has also been drinking throughout the night, sees Stacey on the
floor and he is convinced that she was stabbed by her ex, Paige. Neil
punches Paige in the face who falls backwards and hits her head on the
edge of a nearby table. Although both Paige and Stacey are in a really bad
condition, it took the ambulance almost 2 hours to arrive at the scene.
Both Paige and Stacey died on their way to the hospital.

Discuss Matt and Neil’s potential liability for the deaths of Stacey and
Contemporary M4004 Andres 15 Essay, 2000 Please choose your own essay title with the agreement of the module
Issues in Law Guadamuz words convenor, Andres Guadamuz

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