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Volume 30

November 19, 2010 Number 43

INSIDE Support of key bills ramped

F Guest column:
‘Improving exports while
competing with the rest
up as Congress reconvenes
of the world’s pricing.’ WASHINGTON — With Con- the legislation in July 2009. The Senate bill in its cur- family-scale producers from new
For details, see page 4. gress returning this week for the As of late Thursday, the rent form is estimated to cost requirements to maintain more
lame duck session, lawmakers Senate had not yet come to an $1.4 billion over four years and thorough records documenting
F South Dakota State wins and industry groups are pushing agreement on the bill, but Sen. would give the Senate the power the monitoring of preventive con-
top spot in collegiate for passage of legislation affect- Harry Reid, D-Nev. — who was to mandate food recalls as well trols and testing results, as well
dairy products judging. ing key issues such as food safety, re-elected as Senate Majority as keep a closer eye on commod- as other preventive measures.
For details, see page 7. child nutrition and taxes. Leader this week — says the ity shipments so contamination The amendment would
The Senate on Wednesday Senate plans to work on the can be found more quickly. apply to small producers with
F Retail WATCH Exclusive: voted 74-25 to limit debate on bill following a weeklong recess “The food industry wants less than $500,000 in annual
As demand increases, the pending FDA Food Safety for Thanksgiving next week. to raise the bar for our entire sales who sell most of their food
Guggisberg Cheese Modernization Act — clearing it The Senate will have only four sector,” says Scott Faber, vice directly to consumers, local
focuses on steady growth. for a final vote — which passed weeks between the Thanksgiving president of the Grocery Manu- restaurants and retailers.
For details, see page 9. the Senate’s Health, Education, weekend and Christmas Eve to facturers Association (GMA). “Food production in America
Labor and Pensions (HELP) pass unfinished legislation. “Recent outbreaks have really is already too centralized, so
F More cheese recalled.
Committee on Nov. 18, 2009. The If the bill is passed by the reinforced the need to build we’ve got to fix this bill so it
For details, see page 15.
House passed their version of Senate, it will then go back to a stronger partner at FDA for doesn’t put the nail in the cof-
the House, where supporters our sector.” fin of family-scale producers,”
say they are hopeful the House • Discrepancies Tester says. “(These producers)
How to prepare your company will pass the Senate version and
send it to President Obama for
Stakeholders note that one
key difference between the
shouldn’t be forced to deal with
expensive new regulations

for the event of a product recall his signature before the close of
the session in early December.
House and Senate food safety
bills is a yearly fee to help pay
aimed at big industry-scale
At a forum on foodborne ill- for increased FDA oversight. The amendment has re-
By Tom Johnson ness litigation held in Chicago While the Senate version does ceived praise from several
Special to Cheese Market News this week, David Acheson, FDA not include this fee, the House grassroots organizations but
associate commissioner of version would require processing also has received criticism from
FORT COLLINS, Colo. — If you’re a cheesemaker, chances are good foods, praised the bill as a good plants to pay $500 per year, which industry groups who say that an
you’ve lost sleep over the recent wave of cheese-related recalls. baseline for action. FDA would use for food safety operation’s size, growing prac-
Chances also are good that you may not know what a recall actually Acheson notes that Presi- measures including increased tices or proximity to customers
involves and have done little to prepare your company should one be dent Obama’s fiscal year 2011 inspections and enforcement. does not determine whether the
necessary. budget allots about $1.37 billion This aspect of the House bill food offered is safe.
In today’s food safety climate, cheesemakers should assume that a for food safety programs at FDA, has been an area of concern • Child nutrition
recall is around the corner and take steps to prepare for it in advance, but he says the agency requires for some dairy groups including Over the past week, U.S.
says food lawyer Richard S. Silverman. If FDA shows up at the door about five times that to keep the the International Dairy Foods Agriculture Secretary Tom
with evidence in hand, company managers should have a plan in place nation’s food supply safe. Association (IDFA). Vilsack has been urging pas-
to protect themselves, their company and their customers. “I firmly believe that FDA In addition, Sen. Jon Tester, sage of a child nutrition bill
“Crossing your fingers is not an effective strategy,” Silverman says. probably needs about $5 billion to D-Mont., is pushing to include before the conclusion of the
“There are steps a cheesemaker can take in advance of a recall that do its job well,” Acheson says. an amendment that exempts Turn to CONGRESS, page 16 a
might help the company survive the process. Most importantly, com-
pany managers should acknowledge the possibility and prepare as if
a future recall is inevitable.”
Silverman, a partner at Hogan Lovells in Washington, D.C., has
represented scores of clients in his food law practice. He says he sees Milk production in major Groups urge timely
resolution of FTA
the same mistakes repeated by food manufacturers, big and small.
“If I were to sum it up with one word, it would be ‘preparation,’” states up from last year with South Korea
Silverman says. “So often, the focus is on perfecting the product, selling
the goods, and growing the business. Rarely is there any preparation WASHINGTON — Milk production in the 23 major states during
October totaled 14.78 billion pounds, up 3.3 percent from October WASHINGTON — Despite
for a recall. And especially with small companies, no one knows what hope of a resolution last
to do when one happens.” 2009, according to preliminary data released Thursday by USDA’s
National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). (All figures are week, negotiations will con-
Of course, the best preparation is to avoid a recall in the first tinue over the South Korea-
place. Cheesemakers can decrease their risk by adhering to good rounded. Please see CMN’s Milk Production chart on page 16.)
September revised production, at 14.47 billion pounds, was up U.S. Free Trade Agreement
manufacturing practices and implementing strong HACCP plans. But (KORUS FTA).
even with the best intentions and most concerted efforts, bad things 3.7 percent from September 2009, NASS reports. The September
revision represented an increase of 6 million pounds or less than Members of the dairy and
sometimes happen. other industries as well as
Silverman recommends that companies acknowledge this openly 0.1 percent from last month’s preliminary production estimate.
For the entire United States, October milk production is lawmakers have expressed
and act as if a recall could happen the very next day. Preparations disappointment about the
should include designating a recall coordinator and recall team, draft- estimated at 15.87 billion pounds, up 2.9 percent from October
2009. NASS reports there were 9.1 million cows on U.S. farms in lack of an agreement. Presi-
ing press releases, updating customer contact lists, and implementing dent Obama and South Kore-
highly specific batch coding and tracking systems. Companies should October, up 22,000 head from October 2009 but unchanged from
September. Production per cow in the United States averaged an an President Lee Myung-bak
Turn to RECALL, page 14 a Turn to FTA, page 20 a
Turn to NASS, page 16 a

Reprinted with permission from the Nov. 19, 2010, edition of CHEESE MARKET NEWS® © Copyright 2010 Quarne Publishing LLC; PH: (509) 962-4026;
14 CHEESE MARKET NEWS® — November 19, 2010

RECALL Silverman, who served six years as
associate chief counsel for enforce-
the products they make, the potential
conditions that could support coloni-
them to contact customers directly,”
says Brendan Flaherty, an attorney
Continued from page 1
ment at FDA, says that the attention zation of Listeria or other pathogens. with Pritzker Olsen in Minneapolis.
cheese is receiving from FDA probably But it’s not aimed at the size of the His firm represents injured people
then test their plans by conducting is a function of momentum. Once FDA company.” in claims involving foodborne ill-
mock recalls. starts looking into a product category Challis says FDA recently has ness. Pritzker Olsen represents some
“Even with large companies,” Silver- that is suspected of having adverse visited a number of cheese plants plaintiffs in the Bravo Farms recall,
man says, “when they enter a recall and public health consequences, there is unannounced, not only to do regular including an 85-year-old Arizona
it’s the first time they’ve gone through a tendency to take a closer look at the inspections, but also to do environmen- woman whose condition developed
the exercise, it is very difficult. entire industry. tal testing. into life-threatening hemolytic-uremic
“You can’t have your first recall But is FDA actually targeting raw “We’re testing for various pathogens, syndrome (HUS).
be a live fire exercise. You need to milk cheeses? and we’re encouraging companies to do “Because Costco is a club, if you
continually go through the process, “I would not be surprised,” Silverman their own testing to confirm that their purchased a recalled product at Costco,
identify weaknesses, and improve the says. “They’re targeting the shellfish process is working,” Challis says. you’ll receive a message from the store
plan. Mock recalls familiarize company industry. They targeted peanut butter FDA sometimes learns of contami- explaining that you have a recalled
managers with the process, which and juices. Now they’re looking at raw nation problems from the company product that shouldn’t be consumed,”
makes it easier to survive an actual milk cheeses.” itself, if it is subject to doing so under says Flaherty. “The exception is sam-
recall,” he adds. FDA does admit to actively probing the Reportable Food Registry require- ples, because there’s no record of who
FDA provides resources on its web- segments of the cheese industry. ments. The company might have its own sampled a product.”
site intended to assist industry members “With soft cheeses, especially those testing program, or it might have a third That was the case with the Bravo
in handling all aspects of a product that are unpasteurized, we have had party test for them. Farms recall. The company was par-
recall. Cheesemakers interested in problems with Listeria,” says FDA Silverman urges cheesemakers ticipating in a Costco Road Show, in
learning how to prepare for a recall can spokesperson Sue Challis. “We have to take note of the increased atten- which a sampling program accompanied
use this information as a template for something called an inspection assign- tion cheese is receiving and know retail sales.
designing their own plans. ment, under which we do more aggres- that they’re likely to get a visit from After CDC identified the outbreak,
With five high-profile cheese re- sive testing than we normally would do. either FDA or their state health de- FDA was able to test unopened Bravo
calls making headlines over the last There’s currently an assignment with partment. Farms products that Costco had pulled
several weeks, the need for a recall soft cheeses.” “I would suggest that cheesemakers from its shelves as well as opened pack-
plan has never been greater. Many However, Challis says there is no be ready,” says Silverman. “They should ages from infected people’s refrigera-
feel the industry is being singled out official program targeting artisan have a whole team in their back pocket. tors. All contained a rare strain of E. coli
by FDA. Rumors are circulating among cheeses. That team should include a lawyer, a that was then matched to an identical
cheesemakers that the organization “There are different factors that food scientist familiar with HACCP, an strain found in environmental samples
is targeting artisan and raw milk lead us to inspect a plant,” Challis says. expert in the field of microbiology and at the company’s plant.
cheesemakers. “There’s a wide list of them, including a public affairs person.” With or without illnesses, cheeses
The rise in recalls also is a function contaminated with certain organisms,
CHEESE MARKET NEWS ® of advancements in detection technol-
ogy. FDA and the Centers for Disease
particularly E. coli 0157:H7, Listeria
monocytogenes, or Salmonella, usually

2010 Key Players

Control now use sophisticated systems trigger a recall request.
for establishing causal links between “You’re not likely to receive a call,”
products and illnesses. Silverman says. “Usually the FDA, and
Order Your Our Exclusive Annual Profile of “We do have better detection,” FDA’s often a representative of CDC, will show
2010 Copy Today! Who’s Who in the Cheese Business Challis says. “We do have increased up at your door unannounced. They
(released June 2010) surveillance. We’re linking cases up present the evidence they have and
If you’re looking for an in-depth
compilation of the movers and shakers more efficiently through better data- ask or strongly advise that you issue a
in the cheese and dairy industry, look bases. All this probably leads to more recall. Then they stay with you and wait
no further. CHEESE MARKET NEWS’ recalls. This is in the best interest of for an answer.”
Key Players, our exclusive annual profile all of us, because we all want a safer If you refuse, and if federal or state
of who’s who in the cheese business,
gives you comprehensive information food system.” government representatives believe
on companies leading the cheese Often, by the time FDA gets involved, the threat to public health is great
industry. Key Players features informa- the CDC already has received reports enough, they might invoke the powers
tion on plant locations, sales figures,
acquisitions and mergers, expansions,
of foodborne illness in some part of the of the courts to force you to comply.
new products and production data. country. CDC analyzes clusters of illness This was the case with the Estrella
Key Players is included annually in the
to identify patterns and establish com- Family Creamery and Morningland
June issue of CHEESE MARKET NEWS® mon links. With the recent Bravo Farms Dairy recalls. Both refused to follow
but can be yours in a separate, easy- outbreak, that link was Costco. government agency recommendations,
reference reprint for only $30 per copy. “When you started getting E. coli and both had their inventories detained
Order your complete snapshot of the 0157:H7 clustering in those five states, by the courts.
cheese industry’s Key Players today and all of the sick people shopped at “Typically you’re given very little
Costco, and all of the Costcos were time to react,” Silverman says. “You’ll
P.O. Box 628254 • Middleton, WI 53562 recently running a specialty food pro- have a window of opportunity to dis-
Phone: (608) 831-6002 • Fax: (608) 831-1004 motion, and at each of them, the sick cuss the data and the evidence, but
Website: people all sampled this one particular that window will be very narrow. If you
cheese, a link could be established,” don’t react quickly, they will react for
CHEESE MARKET NEWS® KEY PLAYERS REPRINT ORDER FORM: Challis says. “At that point, CDC says you. FDA or CDC will issue bulletins
NAME: ____________________________ METHOD OF PAYMENT (U.S. Funds Only): ‘this is an outbreak.’ Then FDA became that result in bad publicity. They’ll be
TITLE: ______________________________ � PAYMENT ENCLOSED
involved, because cheese is an FDA- quite confident in their data — the only
COMPANY: __________________________ � PAYMENT BY $30 regulated product.” real question in their mind will be the
ADDRESS: __________________________ CREDIT CARD FDA’s role is then to protect the identification of the affected product
CITY: ______________________________ � VISA � MasterCard � American Express public. They do this by ensuring proper and the company’s ability to retrieve
STATE: ________ZIP: _________________ CARD NUMBER: ____________________ flow of information to those at risk and it properly.”
PHONE: (_______) __________________ EXPIRATION DATE: __________________ stopping the flow of product. That’s where good batch coding and
EMAIL: _____________________________ SECURITY CODE: __________________ Sometimes, retailers are in a better record-keeping practices come into
DATE: ______________________________ SIGNATURE: ________________________ position to communicate with poten- play. Without being able to pinpoint the
tially affected consumers. affected batches, their times and dates
For immediate service, call (608) 831-6002 or fax your order to (608) 831-1004. “Companies like Costco are very of production and the exact customers
SUBSCRIBER SERVICES • P.O. Box 628254 • Middleton, Wisconsin 53562
good because they have retail records who received them, the scope of the
For more information circle 10 on the FAST FAX form on page 20. with customer numbers that enable Turn to CONTAMINATION, page 15 a

Reprinted with permission from the Nov. 19, 2010, edition of CHEESE MARKET NEWS® © Copyright 2010 Quarne Publishing LLC; PH: (509) 962-4026;
November 19, 2010 — CHEESE MARKET NEWS® 15

CONTAMINATION which date codes are added to the recall
each day. The result is that the company
“What you’re eventually going to
see is much more stringent enforce-
Tom Johnson is a writer and
consultant to the Dairy Business
Continued from page 14
is in the headlines for weeks. ment and increased inspections,” Innovation Center. He is cur-
Another mistake is that people draft Silverman says. “FDA will have more rently working on Hard Pressed,
recall and the volume of product pulled their own press releases rather than us- money, more resources, and a significant a memoir about the rise and
back can be enormous. ing the models from the FDA web site. portion of the food industry is sup- fall of Bingham Hill Cheese
After contamination has been estab- Self-drafted press releases sometimes portive of that, because then FDA will Co. Johnson can be reached at
lished, FDA brings in “swat teams” of up look more like promotional pieces than be better able to do its job.” CMN
to 20 investigators at a time. These in- recall notices, Silverman says. If FDA
vestigators take samples of product and
swabs of floor drains, product contact
feels the recall notice is inadequate or
misleading, it will issue its own follow- Del Bueno recalls cheeses sold in two states
surfaces and even air ducts, searching up release. GRANDVIEW, Wash. — Del Bueno is to and including Jan. 10, 2011; and
for evidence of the organism. “Use the template,” Silverman ad- recalling all size packages of Queso Fresco • Queso Enchilado Dry Cheese, no
Silverman estimates that in 90 vises, “and run your press release by the Fresh Cheese, Queso Panela Fresh Cheese, UPC, date codes up to and including
percent of cases, FDA ultimately finds FDA before you distribute it.” Requeson Mexican Style Ricotta Cheese March 15, 2011.
the organism in the product or plant. Lawyers can help manage the details and Queso Enchilado Dry Cheese because The date code is stamped on the back of
When it’s not found, FDA finds other of a recall. They can ensure that what they have the potential to be contaminated the packages to signify the expiration date.
conditions in the facility that warrant is being requested of the company is with Listeria monocytogenes. The cheese is packaged either in 1-pound
the issuance of a recall, he says. They’re legally justified. They can advise the The Grandview, Wash.-based company or 3-pound plastic vacuum bags.
looking for anything that would support company as to their rights and provide distributed the cheese to retail markets No illnesses have been reported to
a finding the food is adulterated. Food recommendations related to document in Washington and Oregon, and to the date.
can be adulterated because of what’s production requests. They can help flea market in Pasco, Wash. Details of the The recall is the result of environ-
in it, but also because of the conditions interpret liability insurance policies recalled products include: mental samples and finished product
under which it is made. FDA likes to and determine whether they will cover • Queso Fresco Fresh Cheese, UPC samples examined by FDA and the result
have both, but if they can’t, they’ll use the company’s liabilities. 75318225028 for 16-ounce packages and of finished product samples examined
conditions or processes in the facility Many companies aren’t even aware UPC 753182814063 for 3-pound packages, by Washington State Department of Ag-
to justify the need for a recall. that they have liability insurance or date codes up to and including Feb. 10, riculture. Test results revealed that the
If illnesses are associated with the what limitations are imposed on the 2011; cheeses are contaminated with Listeria
recall, the company is likely to face company, Silverman says. Some policies • Queso Panela Fresh cheese, UPC monocytogenes.
legal action from infected customers. require that you notify the carrier in 753182814056, date codes up to and in- Del Bueno has notified its custom-
Flaherty says there are two facets to advance of a recall, or the policy will cluding Feb. 10, 2011; ers and pulled the products from retail
a plaintiff’s case. First, there’s the be void. • Requeson Mexican Style Ricotta stores. The company is working with
microbiological and epidemiological Distributors and retail chains often Cheese, UPC 753182814070, date codes up FDA to conduct the recall. CMN
investigation, which links product to require producers to carry liability in-
illness. surance, but cheesemakers might have
“With the technology available today, elected the lowest amount of coverage
this evidence is usually rock solid and allowable, often $2-$3 million. In the

We do more.
bullet-proof,” says Flaherty. “There’s a event of illness or death, this amount of
genetic fingerprint that links illness coverage can quickly be exhausted.
to a specific food. In the case of Bravo “E. coli is a very serious bug,” Fla-
Farms, there was a very rare genetic herty says. A single E. coli case could
fingerprint found in the cheese and in result in millions of dollars in damages.
the victims.” If it develops into HUS, there could be
In the course of litigation, attorneys a million dollars in medical expenses
also look for ordinary negligence. That alone. It happens all time.”
negligence could take the form of un- Flaherty isn’t willing to venture a We need to increase
safe manufacturing processes or poor guess on the amount of insurance cover- our output without
sanitation. age a cheesemaker should carry. He says
Companies undergoing a recall are there are too many variables, from the expanding our plant.
forced to manage all of this activity type and volume of cheese produced to
simultaneously. Often the company the range of distribution and outlets for
simply doesn’t have the bodies or en- consumption. He does say that produc-
ergy to deal with all that is coming ers should consider the specific dangers
its way, and this can have disastrous inherent to their product.
consequences. “Raw milk is a ticking time bomb,”
“The worst thing you can do is not Silverman says. “That product seems so
be able to manage this in a timely man- vulnerable to being contaminated. Any Have you heard about Millerbernd’s
ner,” Silverman says. “FDA will then product that you don’t have a kill step
characterize you as ‘out of control.’ If is problematic. If you’re going to be in Universal Cheese Tower?
they determine that you can’t handle that business, you have to minimize
the situation in ways that they believe to the extent possible the opportunity
are warranted, they will effectively take for things to go wrong. You need good
over to the extent that they’re legally sanitation, effective GMPs, a foolproof
allowed to do so. They will live in your HACCP plan, and rigid adherence to
facility and look over your shoulder at all of those things. Everything has to
everything you do. They will be your be done perfectly.” Call Brad
new best friend, and your life will be With legislation pending that would
miserable.” increase funding and powers at FDA,
Silverman says that the companies recall rates aren’t likely to subside.
he sees often make the same mistakes The FDA Food Safety Modernization
in response to a recall request. Among Act (Food Safety Bill S510) would autho-
the most common mistakes involves how rize FDA to increase inspections of food
companies communicate with the press. production facilities and tax businesses
The company’s goal is to restrict the to fund the activity. And, fulfilling a
scope of the recall, Silverman says, but
long-standing dream of agency officials,
sometimes they do so without justifica- the bill would grant FDA unilateral
tion. This can lead to a serial recall, in authority to order recalls. For more information circle 11 on the FAST FAX form on page 20.

Reprinted with permission from the Nov. 19, 2010, edition of CHEESE MARKET NEWS® © Copyright 2010 Quarne Publishing LLC; PH: (509) 962-4026;

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