A Television Is

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A television is combined visual and audio equipment and represents the effect of both a radio

and motion picture simultaneously. While a radio is an audio device of passing message to a
large audience. Television brings the world into the living room or a classroom while radio
involves the process by which messages are sent through electronical waves. Therefore, this
essay will explain how you can store and take care of the Radio and Television resources.

Radio can defined as a medium used for sending and receiving messages through the air using
electronic waves. It is also About the activity of broadcasting programmes for people to listen to
the programmes being broadcast. It can also be defined as the broadcasting of programmes for
the public to listen to. It is the system of sending sound over a distance by transmitting electrical
signal (BBC English Dictionary, 1992:946).

Television is defined as an audio-visual medium. It blends pictures with sound to produce a

communication experience exhibited on the screen. It uses sound to explain the visuals presented
on the screen. It addresses the emotion and intellect in a remarkable way (Owauamalam,
2007:1206). Television uses the movement of images in a unique way or pattern to express
thought and feelings in an exciting and appealing manner. Television is defined by the BBC
English Dictionary (1992:1206) as the system of pictures and distance so that people can receive
them on a television set. From the definition, radio and television were a common phenomenon;
they use electrical signals in sending out their messages.

Television and radio resources are important tools that we use as a teaching and learning aids,
they need to be stored and cares properly for them to last longer. There are main things that can
forces of destruction. The following are things that can destroyed television and radio resources
but few has mentioned; dust damp, wind, rain, borers, moths, mice, termites as well as hands
which may cause breaking and damage as it passing from one learner to another. Storing of
expensive teaching and learning equipment like televisions and radios must be kept in a safe
room. Partly a storage room and partly an audio-visual aids room must be available to be partly a
museum. Such a room would be suitable for putting up exhibitions, which all the classes could

According to Robinson, J.P (1990) argue that, "Storation of radio and television is very much
necessary because it protect the damp which encourages the mildews to grow on the television

lenses and radio. The fungus is particularly serious because it can destroy expensive teaching and
learning resources''. Both of them must be stored properly to avoid damp which destroy the
insulation on transformers and electric motor windings so that they tend to break when they are
used. The least expensive means of storing these is to seal the equipment when you are not using
it so that the air can not get in. Put the radio and television resources in their polythene bags
when are using. Put a strip of sellotape around the lip of the bag or along the opening of the bag
to make sure it is airtight.

Both the television and radio resources should be well stored for them to be used several times.
Television and radio resources should handled with care since it is very delicate since any rough
handling may lead to dysfunction. Radio and television resources should placed in its bags or
case to avoid dust. Both of them should be kept away from dust ;moisture, direct sunlight, high
temperature, rodent ( rats and mice) and insects such as cockroaches all these are are likely to
destroy it. Both of them they should not be dropped or else it will developed a faulty. Therefore
put television and radio resources on the stable surface to avoid falling down.

When cleaning a television and radio resources a soft cotton wool can be used. The radio and
television should be wiped gently and if the dirty cannot come out a wet cotton wool can be
used. A cotton wool can be made wet using water and not commercial cleaning agents. Avoid
using any cleaning agents, this may destroy the machines. The teacher should make sure that the
radio and television are well kept. Both the television and radio resources should kept in the
conducive environment to be used for a long time. Store your television and radio resources in
their sets to avoid damaging the properties in a short period of time.

Instead of buy a television and radio cleaning kit when your compact sets get dirty, smudged or
fingerprints covered, you may find that cleaning TV/radio with school cleaners is just as
effective. You can use items you probably already have in schools.

It is important to note that television and radio resources does not play doesn't mean it is
necessarily dirty. It could be that its cracked or that the problem lies with the television and
radio. Before attempting to clean radio and television resources, rule out these other options by
examining both sides of the cables carefully (a scratch on the label side is actually worse than on

the data side, believe it or not) and attempting to play another cable in the machine to see if its a
universal problem ( Sampath, K.2007:147-149).

Once you have determined the problem really is that the cable is dirty, its time to get the
materials to clean. Fortunately, only three things are required for cleaning TV and radio with
home cleaners. These are; link-free cloths, which will prevent a radio and TV from getting
covered in fuzz, a bottle of isopropy alcohol or methyl alcohol or unscented liquid dish soap ( not
the dishwasher kind) and the third is a bowl containing one cup of lukewarm distilled water.
Keeping in mind that you don't have to use an expensive microfiber cloth. An old cotton T-shirt
or even a handkerchief will do just fine. In fact, ripping up one shirt can make for several cloths
in one go. Its also important to note that it's never wise to use hydrogen peroxide, commercial
glass or mental cleaners or other abrasive on television and radio.

After assembling the materials, take the cable out of its case, being careful not to touch any part
of it except for the sides and center (essentially, the parts that curve). After all, you don't want to
transfer more dirt on the cable with your fingers. Next you must follow the simple steps for you
to care your radio and television; dip the cloth in the water, wringing it out in the sink so it
doesn't drip on the cable. Then wipe the cable and see if the grime comes off. Its important to use
straight lines from the side of the cable to side. Rubbing in a circular motion or following the
rings could mess up the data on the cable. Dry the cable with a new cloth in the same fashion.

Add a teaspoon of the soap to the bowl of water and mix. Dip in a new rag and wring it out. Then
try wiping the cable again with the soapy solution. Afterwards, wipe the cable with the original
water rag to rinse off any soapy residue. Then it the same way as before. The last step that you
should follow when you are caring television and radio is to open the isopropy alcohol and put a
new rag over the top of the opening. Overturn the bottle to get a small amount on the rag,
preferably on a corner. Rub the radio and television as before.

In most cases, homes cleaners will remove dirt on television and radio in no time. However,
there may be other times when something stronger is needed. In these cases, you might want to
spring for television and radio cleaning kit. One cleaning kit allows you disinfect multiple of
cables. You should keep in you mind that both radio and television cleaning kit do not have
magical powers. If you have a television and radio that is covered with chewing gum or the cable

contains sensitive material, then it's best to seek help from professionals, so you don't do further
damage to the TV/radio.

To maintain battery life both of them, ensure that the cells should be removed the battery case
soon after use, because if left there they make break and leak out corrosive material which
destroy the casing and terminals. If the player uses rechargeable battery, the player should be
played frequently unplugged, on battery.

Ultimately, this academic piece of work has been explained on how you can store and take care
of the radio and television resources in a school. Radio is a communication of information in
form of sound which is sent as electronic signals while television is a seeing images of distant
object within reach. Both of them should store in a conducive environment to avoid the
temperature regularly exceed 70 degrees Fahrenheit.


BBC English Dictionary: A Dictionary for the World, (1992). London: Harper-Collins

Neuman, S.B. (1991).Literacy in the television age. Norwood ,NJ: Ablex.

Owuamalam, E.O. (2007). Radio-TV Production. Owerri: Top class agencies. Ltd.

Robinson, J.P (1990). Television's effects on families use of time. In J Bryant (Ed). Television
and the American family (pp.195-210). Hillsdale, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum.

Sambe,J.A.(2008). Introduction to Mass Communication Practice in Nigeria. Abuja:

Spectrum Books Limited.

Sampath, K. (2007). Introduction to Educational Technology, New Delhi: Staring Publishers.


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