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Learning activity 1

Evidence: Live longer

In a three minutes video give your tips to live longer keeping in mind topics such as
healthy habits and how to avoid diseases.
Considering the following aspects:

A short presentation about the topic.

Seven pieces of advice using should.

Seven obligations using have to.

Seven obligations using must.

Hi everyone, in this day I’m going to talk about some healthy habits and how to
avoid diseases. Also, I’m going to give you some tips that you can Implement in
your daily life and in this way maintain a better lifestyle.

First at all,
1. You should sleep seven or eight hours per day,
2. You should create healthy eating habits like cooking healthy food,
3. You should eat vegetables and fruits.
4. Also, you should drink enough water during the day.
5. You should do some exercise
6. You should visit your doctor periodically and especially if you have had
symptoms of any illness.
7. Also you shouldn’t stay more than 2 hours seated.

There are other important things that you have to stop doing and apply them into
your daily routine:

1. You have to stop eating junk food.

2. You have to make some active pauses if your work forces you to stay in the
same position for a long time
3. You have to do some walks of 1 hour per day.
4. You have to go to bed early if it is possible.
5. You have to stop eating soda.
6. You have to take your meals
7. You have to use sunscreen before leaving home to avoid skin cancer.
in addition there are always some habits that are good to take as considerations
and start implementing them even if little by little

1. You must take your meals at the right times.

2. You must stretch every time you get up to avoid minor injuries
3. You must not let much time pass between meals.
4. You must eat small ounces whenever you can
5. You must not eat sweets or packages when you feel hungry before your
6. You must go outside more, the sun is very good in the mornings
7. And and last but not least you must maintain good personal hygiene

Well, that's it, I hope these tips are helpful for you and implement them at some
point to have a healthier lifestyle. Thank you
Have a good day.

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