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 What are the problems derived from drinking bottled water?

Mention two problems

at least.

One of the main problems is the contamination that involves the process of manufacturing
the water bottles, since most of the time these are not even recycled or involved in another
manufacturing process and also making a bottle of water requires more water than the
water that at the end will be in the container, so it's a complete waste.

Among other problems we could mention the fact that it is not usually healthier than tap
water or the fact that its price is above normal.

 What is the difference between bottled water and drinking water?

The difference is that tap water is better for reasons such as that it does not destroy the
planet little by little in its manufacture and is free of so many contaminants that bottled
water does.

 Describe the process involved in manufacturing a plastic bottle.

Normally the manufacturing process of a water bottle involves the use of the oil, it is a
fairly long process in which the oil is extracted and uses other chemical agents to finally
with techniques of Injection and blowing stretch the bottle to the desired shape.
It is a process that carries many loads to the environment due to the emission of gases
from the factory.

 What happens with the plastic bottles after we throw them away?

There are few companies or people that put themselves to the task of giving use to plastic
bottles thrown in the garbage or other, usually by means of recycling, giving a new use to
these elements.

If these tasks were done by more people, this problem would be quickly solved and we
would protect the environment.

Other times these are picked up by the garbage collection companies but they are simply
thrown in faraway places of people's residences.

 What solutions can be implemented to solve this problem?

There are solutions like drink normally water in a glass after serving it from the tap, invest
in glass or metal bottles and finally a more radical solution would be to completely reduce
the use of plastic bottles in our day to day until this becomes a habit.
If these techniques were supported by government campaigns and were given more
publicity so that we could apply them all, we would contribute to a quick solution
 Is this problem common in your community? What does the community do to deal
with it?

It is a fairly common problem in my community and I am aware that these bottles are
picked up by the garbage truck but I do not know what happens to them afterwards.

 Will you drink bottled water again? Why, why not?

I usually try not to drink bottled water, only very rarely when I forgot to pack water in my
thermos. I believe that if most people implemented this in their daily lives, they would be
contributing greatly to the sustainability of the environment.

 What will you do in the future to reduce the number of plastic bottles used in the

I would participate in cleaning campaigns, I would use a reusable water bottle, I would
install a water filter in my apartment or I would simply try to buy a large water bottle every
fifteen days.
And finally I would try to make my friends aware of this problem and if they did this kind of
thing too, the planet would be in better hands for the future.

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