Table 1: Categories of Learning Styles Preferences To General Approach To Learning

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Table 1: Categories of Learning Styles Preferences to General Approach to Learning

Name: Sebastian Tamayo Pacheco

Sensory/perceptual learning style

Part 1 Guided question: A. Visual​ (40) 33 30 items

How I Use My Physical B. Tactile/Kinesthetic
Senses (40)29
C. Auditory (40)23

Psychological type (personality)

Part 2 Guided question: A. Extroverted (24)16 12 items

How I Open Myself to B Introverted (24)20
Learning Situations

Part 3 Guided question: A. Random-Intuitive 12 items

How I Handle (24)19
B. Concrete-Sequential

Part 4 Guided question: A. Closure-Oriented 8 items

How I Deal With (16)12
Ambiguity and B. Open-Oriented (16)11

Cognitive Learning Style

Part 5 Guided question A. Global​ (20) 15 10 items

How I Receive
Information B. Particular​ (20) 13 3,333333333

Part 6 Guided question A. Synthesizing​ (20)16 10 items

How I Further Process
Information B. Analytic​ (20) 10 3,166666667

Part 7 Guided question A. Sharpeners​ (12) 9 6 items

How I Commit Material B. Levelers​ (12) 6
to Memory 2,666666667
Part 8 Guided question A. Deductive​ (12)2 6 items
How I Deal With
Language Rules B. Inductive​ (12)7 3

Part 9 Guided question Field-Dependent​ (12)8 6 items

How I Deal With A.
Multiple Inputs 2,75
B. Field-Independent

Part 10 Guided question Impulsive​ (12)8 6 items

How I Deal With A.
Response Time
B. Reflective​ (12)7

Part 11 Guided question A. Metaphoric​ (8)7 4 items

How Literally I Take B. Literal​ (8)4

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