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sented as a staged re
National Playwright
a full production o
Italian Club's City Center
Managing Director,
American Shanley, with sets b
Long, lighting by Pe
Reconciliation and the production s

The cast, in order of

A Folktale
Aldo Scalic
Huey Maxi
Aunt May


"What thou lovest well remains,

the rest is dross
What thou lov'st well shall not be reft from thee
What thou lov'st well is thy true heritage"
—-Ezra Pound SCENE I
Canto LXXXI*
A unit set rep
York City. Th
apartment, and
Pop's Soup Ho
CHARACTERS cated by a coun
rear wall, whic
Aldo Scalicki: An intense Italian guy, about thirty years old. with a mural d
All his life he's lived in Little Italy, in New York.
Huey's apartm
In the rear wall
Huey Maximilian Bonfigliano: Aide's best friend since Janice's house i
childhood. Huey is more obviously vulnerable. see the back; t
table. The seco
Aunt May: A handsome Italian woman in her middle years. that open on t
case, is a gard
High overhead
Teresa: A big striking Italian girl in her late twenties. Something like
big way to ope
Janice: An angular, patrician Italian woman with strawberry At rise, Aldo
blond hair and austere good looks. She's inher thirties. sneaks down.
wearing a wel
elbows, a black
and black shoe
The time is the present. ence.
The place is three locations in Little Italy,represented by a unit set.
Aldo: How you d
May I shake your
was alright. I'm not
,E Z raPou n d;^a l n te0 /E Z r fl P 0 un d ,Copyri S htl948byE Z raPo Un d. Reprinted away, comes back.)
by permission of New Directions Publishing Corporation.
* See Special Note on


you get that shirt? Where? What's it made of? I only wear a very wise. In fact,
blend, fifty-fifty, cotton and polyester, best of both worlds. (To wanna think of it
another guy.) Is she with you, yes or no? Is she your girlfriend or do is, I'm gonna t
second wife or what? She's very beautiful. (To her.) You're as and what happen
beautiful as roses. (Unpins and gives her his lapel flower.) Smell this you something.
and think of me. (To man.) Watch her. Watch her like a hawk. A friend... Oh see,
word to the wise, man to man, Hey everybody! My mother's here
crotch.) Are you t
tonight! Comon, can I get a round of applause for my mother?
my name is Aldo
Comon, I swear to you, she's the greatest woman in the world! I
Huey Maximilian
don't want to point her out cause she's shy. Listen, I'm glad
from the wing. He'
you're all here tonight. Not just cause I'm a social person... sleeves, jodhpurs an
Excuse me. I just saw someone. Just one moment. There's some-
and a music box. H
thing I have to deal with here. (Goes halfway up the aisle, addresses a
the theme from "Tu
Young Woman who is seated.) What are you doing here? Don't look One day, about a
around. There's nobody here gonna help you with your personal friend Huey in so
doings. Didn't I tell you to leave me alone? You here to shake me nobody would pic
up? It's not gonna happen. Okay, let's go. See the guy in the
lobby about your money, he'll give it back. (She gets up and leaves. Aldo exits fr
Huey's door,
Aldo starts down the aisle toward the stage.) Some people don't
Huey: Who is it?
understand a man when he says a thing the first time. Remember,
that ain't the man's fault. (The Young Woman has quietly reentered Aldo comes in
the theatre and is on the point of re-taking her seat.) Hey! Hey! What, Aldo: It's Aldo!
d'you think I'm stupid? I see you there. Look, I'm trying to work, Huey: Freakin Sc
I got my mother here, you gotta go. (She doesn't retake her seat, but Aldo: What's the
she doesn't leave either.) Listen. I'll meet you. P.J. Clarkes. Eleven- Huey: Music.
fifteen. Alright? We'll have a talk. (The Young Woman nods and Huey closes th
leaves.) Can you believe that? I think of myself as an experienced Aldo: What for?
man, but women still amaze me. You know, I'm embarrassed, Huey: Cause I'm
but I have a slight erection. My own body's a mystery to me Aldo: What are y
sometimes. My mother, God bless her heart, she tried to explain Huey: I'm writin.
everything to me, but who can explain these little erections? One Aldo: Who to?
time I got buried alive at the beach by a bunch of wiseguys, they Huey: I'm not wri
abandoned me there. All I had was my head out, I'm lookin Aldo: What?
around. I see this little bird. This little bird looks at me, I look at Huey: Somethin.
this little bird. And sonofabitch if I don't get a little erection! How Aldo: A book?
do you figure that? You don't. You don't, that's my answer. Huey: No, not a b
There are things that you can figure out and there are things you Aldo: Alright.
can't figure out. Now some things I know. In fact, I happen to be Huey: Finished!


Aldo: What'd you finish? If you nail m

Huey: This.
Aldo: What is it? Then you'll complete
Huey: I won't name it. I reject that. Cause what I said wi
Aldo:, Alright. A long pause.
Huey: You wanna hear it? Aldo: May I sit do
Aldo: You wanna read it to me sure I wanna hear it. Huey: Sure.
Huey: (Reads.) Aldo: (Sits.) Refres
When I get tired a bein cool Huey: Old, Like a c
I slam this bat against the back a my skull He drifts away.
And curse the stars I see Aldo: Alright. Can
Huey: Sure.
My heritage is one a rage Aldo: You ain't bee
Like a black blindfold Huey: I've had a lot
I can sorta see through Aldo: I've been call
Huey: I unplugged
I can see my abductors Aldo: And now w
I can count my abductors clothes, and you are
But I cannot identify my abductors Huey: GET OUT, G
Aldo is unfazed.
When I attempt to relax
Close my eyes an picture somethin pleasant Aldo: Now I can't
I fail completely is just another expres
Huey: Why don't y
There is no inner scene I can fall back on Aldo: How long yo
There is no placid brain picture vacation Huey: Three years.
Only something broken, primordial, and mine Aldo: Three years.
If I thought writing this made me a poet Huey: You underst
I'd stick a fork in my eye Aldo: Alright. I'm
And check out don't you take a min
Huey: Because I do
Poets bite themselves Aldo: What's this a
I wanna bite You! Huey: Don't talk to
Aldo: Tell me about
What do I mean by Bite? Huey: Listen, don't
Don't try to nail my words this thing.
My words move Aldo: You look like


Immediately whe
Huey: I do not! some kind of men
Aldo: You look like a frog in a pajamma top.
my job. WAKE UP
Huey: I have a plan. Huey: I gotta go
Aldo: For what? Aldo: You know
Huey: To get her back.
Huey: But I nee
Aldo: Who? Aldo: You want
Huey: Janice. Huey: Yes.
Aldo: You want her back?
Aldo: Janice hat
Huey: Yeah. Huey: I know th
Aldo: It's like you get the Hong Kong Flu, you get rid of it, now
Aldo: Once whe
you want it back?
Huey: I want her to take me back. al with her. She
Aldo: She killed your dog. arms on nay chest
Huey: I don't care anymore. hat and blew a p
Aldo: The woman shot your dog with a zip gun and you want she'd show up at
Huey: You're rig
her back? Aldo: She hates
Huey: Yes. Huey: But she l
Aldo: Huey. Huey. Why?
what's been goin
Huey: Love? ing to forget Janic
Aldo: I'm listening.
I got a nice girlfri
Huey: That's all. Aldo: Teresa is a
Aldo: What are you telling me? Are you telling me you love Jan-
Huey: I know sh
ice? Aldo: Half the
Huey: My life don't mean anything without her.
Aldo: I'm not gonna argue with you there. I don't know over Teresa.
whether your life means anything or not. Maybe it doesn't mean Huey: I know. I
anything. Who cares? I mean, why should your life mean any- good. I know that
thing? My life doesn't mean anything. Maybe that's the good Aldo: And she c
news. Why you want your life to mean something? Okay, with mother. (To his mo
you, your life meant something when you were with Janice. It That was just a rh
meant heartache, screaming, bad food, and finally, a dead dog. Is Huey.) And, on to
this something to miss? Listen, Huey, a lotta people have an Huey: I know.
expression of this problem. They had something horrible for a Aldo: That's no
long time, and then they get away from it, and then they miss it. Huey: I know.
They want the horrible thing back. But only in the very very blin- Aldo: If I could f
dest stupidest way. This is where friends come in. Friends are Huey: You? You
those people appointed in your life to blow the whistle when Aldo: That's tru
you're insane, I didn't see you for awhile. I call you, no answer. with me. That's b


the girls. Aldo: Hey, you

Huey: Aldo, I'm gonna break it off with Teresa and I'm gonna Huey: No.
go after Janice. Aldo: Hey.
Aldo: You're doomed. You're like Oedipus. I'm talking to Huey: I know I'
Oedipus. I've screwed up
Huey: I'm doin what a man should do. I've spent a lot of time makes me weak.
thinking. Years. Weighing this and this and this. I haven't wanted the divorce. I'm
to be rash. To tell you the truth, the thing that's scared me the things right. I tri
most in this whole time in my life is that I would be rash. I work for me. All
haven't been. Nobody could think more about anything than I've when I stop an b
thought about this. A man's heart is difficult to know. His own regretful. I'm a y
heart. I've spent a lot of time listening to my heart. I've taken out me unless I go ba
my pictures of Janice and looked at them, and I've put them Janice before I sta
away again. When I wake up in the morning, I write my dreams Aldo: Hey, hey.
down on a piece of paper. I read them over and over and try to your friend what
understand what they mean. I save them. I have all my dreams in Huey: Aldo, lo
a drawer. I've spent time with Teresa. I love her, I eat with her, I man. I never wor
talk to her about what she thinks life is. In my secret mind, I com- The furniture just
pare her to Janice. In many ways, she's better than Janice. I mean, tried to claim Ter
like, if you were to put them both on television, I think Teresa ed me to. But I
would get much better ratings than Janice. You know what hap- woman. That stre
pened to me one time when I was a kid? I got a crush on this girl. my power to sta
I thought she was great. I followed her all over the place, trying think Janice has it
to work myself up to talk to her. I was gonna ask her to this party. tin with her. Som
Then I told one of the guys from the block what I was thinking. woman who cut
And he laughed at me. He told me I was a fool. Because she strength of being
wasn't good-lookin. And you know what I did? I dropped my Aldo: It don't s
interest in that girl. I never asked her to that party. She was outta Huey: I don't k
my life picture. I dropped her because her ratings were too low. love her or not.
And that was okay. Cause I was a boy. Which means that was the strength and free
time to be stupid. I'm a man now. I can't worry what my life lot more than lo
looks like to other people. You know that guy who told me that gonna be able to
girl wasn't good-lookin? I can't even remember his name. I'm Aldo: Alright th
gonna break it off with Teresa, and I'm gonna go after Janice. my friend, Huey.
Aldo: You think Janice is gonna like you better dressed that You're gonna ha
way than in normal clothes? through and yet i
Huey: I'm trying to give myself some confidence. I got no confi- ahead. You need
dence that I can straighten out my life. and we'll be her


friend a minute, he starts to fly away from you a hundred miles comes back. I really
an hour. It's a miracle you ever see him again. I'll hold on to you. don't wanna go, yo
Huey: So you'll help me? before this? I was too
Aldo: Whatever you need. It's too big. I think if
Huey: I have a good plan. would be smaller hap
Aldo: Tell it to me. Divorce. Death. Babie
Huey: These things gotta be done in a certain order. not to be scared. But
Aldo: I'm listenin. Things ain't right. I g
Huey: I gotta break up with Teresa before I can reconcile with well get on with tryin
Janice. Aldo: I gotta tell yo
Aldo: That seems right. Huey: What?
Huey: Teresa should be working the Soup House this afternoon Aldo: I feel this is th
and I must go there and tell her it's over between us. Huey: What about?
Aldo: You want me to go with you? Aldo: You should k
Huey: No. Teresa doesn't like you very much. I'm doing either. I'm
Aldo: Why do all the women you like hate me? say. I get scared cau
Huey: Maybe cause they know you're my friend and they're didn't know him cau
jealous. with the tragic side of
Aldo: I think if s cause they know I won't marry. to me, Huey. Can yo
Huey: I think women only like the friends you make after happened to me. My
you're with them because then they know those friends accept made me feel like hi
the situation. Old friends wanna take you back to the old days. him do that with me.
Aldo: I think it's cause they know I won't marry. They hate my happen. The moment
sanity. back an change that. I
Huey: Anyway, I'm pretty scared to tell Teresa that I don't have a father. And n
wanna see her anymore. Just yesterday I told her that I loved her wish. This is what I'
and that I had really gotten over all my mental problems, truth to another man
Aldo: You told her that yesterday? times I think I ache fo
Huey: Yeah. reasons, too. But I thi
Aldo: How'd you have such a quick change of heart? show the truth to a
Huey: I don't know. Maybe I was lying? I don't know what I them. And then that'
was doing. I can't remember yesterday. It really seems like a long them to the point whe
time ago. Huey: Then why d
Aldo: Huey. Maybe you should just hold tight for a few days Aldo: Cause it's a s
and wait and see how you're feeling then? way. It's the sicknes
Huey: No. Even though I don't always feel the same way, the father. I got things in
way I'm feeling now is the biggest thing. It comes back and back. even get to the wome
I never solve it. I think I just get tired of it, and then when I rest it Or at least I wish an


father never could be. This is the moment that's gonna tell the take the heat better
tale. I can feel it. We always been close, but we stomp around Who else could I ask
each other like all the other hotshots. But just now, just now you Aldo: What if she
told me how you felt for real about something, in a way that I Huey: She ain't go
thought you only coulda told a woman, an that touches me. That Aldo: She shot yo
moves me. Maron, I sound like a faggot. No! I just sound like my Huey: That was a
father never did. And that's how I wanna sound. Aldo: But does she
Huey: What are you sayin, Aldo? Huey: She doesn't
Aldo: That I love you. And I'm petrified to say that. You're my that.
best friend, and all I ever do is mock and march around and try to Aldo: After that?
look good. Just like my stupid father. And that's dead. I love you, Huey: It was just a
man to man, and I'm here for you. Alright? Aldo: When was
Huey: Alright. at?
Aldo: Tell me what you need from me in this plan. Huey: Me.
Huey: I feel like I should say now that I love you, too. Aldo: She tried to
Aldo: You don't haveta say nothin. Huey: That was ba
Huey: Would you mind if I didn't? I just don't feel up to that. Aldo: She shot y
Aldo: No, I don't mind. Forget it. Tell me the plan and let's get you're sending me
goin. huh? Son of a bitch.
Huey: Alright. I go to the Soup House and tell Teresa it's over. Huey: Aldo.
Aldo: Right. Aldo: You know
Huey: And then once that's done, or undone... nitely tell me that yo
Aldo: Whatever, it, you should carve
Huey: You go, and you pave the way for me with Janice. Huey: I love you.
Aldo: I have several questions. Aldo: Don't lie to
Huey: Okay. Huey: I do love yo
Aldo: Why do I get Janice? Aldo: I don't kno
Huey: Because if I go without having her prepared, I think rific girl. I'm gonna
she'll just flip out an start yellin, and we'll never really have the your life. All a this i
conversation. If you talk to her first.,. Huey: You know
Aldo: She can tear my head off. Aldo: What?
Huey: Right. I mean, exactly. I need my head for this one, Aldo, Huey: Like music
and you don't. If she screams at me too hard, I think I'll get too play under rest of sce
nervous to talk as good as I could. stroll and talk.) Like
Aldo: But why me? music in a long time
Huey: Because she respects you. She don't like you, but she Aldo: Like music,
respects you. And you're a good talker, a good arguer. You're Alright, I'm game.
better than me at talkin. And you're not afraid of her. You can you. At some point,


This is your show. May: Why are yo

Huey: I know that. Teresa: What are
Aldo: Just so long as you know that. May: Alright, d
Huey: Janice should be home by nine o'clock tonight. She don't with my life if the
work the dinner on Saturday. And I should be all broken up with lem and I'll get by.
Teresa by then, so it won't be wrong that way. After you talk Jan- Teresa: Sure.
ice to a place where you think I can talk to her, tell her I'll be there May: Got that mi
at midnight. Teresa: Every day
Aldo: Ain't that kinda late? Teresa sets abo
Huey: She'll be tired and maybe it won't be as bad. May: I like that m
Aldo: Right. She'll be tired from takin the pot shots at me. Teresa: I used to l
Huey: The gun blew up. rain. I used to like l
Aldo: As if that were the only gun to be had. moron.
Huey: If you don't wanna do it, Aldo, just say the word. May: You're not a
Aldo: No, I'll do it. eyes red?
Huey: Thanks. Teresa: I've mad
Aldo: That's alright. Huey.
Huey: We should get goin. I'll go to the Soup House and talk to May: So. That's it.
Teresa. Teresa: He's very
Aldo: You don't want me to come with you? thing with him whe
Huey: No, I gotta do this. May: Thaf s no go
Aldo: Alright. Huey? Teresa: Yesterday
Huey: Yeah? put all his mental pr
Aldo: Go easy on Teresa. She's a nice girl and don't deserve May: But you did
your grief. Teresa: I could see
Huey: I know. I'm scared to tell her. May: What's the m
Aldo: You should be. But don't worry about it. Teresa: He can't g
They exit. Crossfade to Scene 2. May: Uh-huh. Tha
Teresa: I have be
SCENE 2 don't know the diffe
May: Janice.
Lights up on Pop's Soup House. Teresa, dressed in a faded wait- Teresa: Yeah, Janic
ress outfit, is discovered on one of the stools. She looks glum. at all women like the
She's a big, striking Italian girl Enter Aunt May, an Italian him good.
woman of middle years. May: I heard she ki
May: Hi, Teresa. Teresa: She did tha
Teresa: Hi, Aunt May. May: Takes a wo
real Bloody Mary.


Teresa: Janice is very terrible. She scares the livin shit outta me. May: You're only
She's like a scourge. She should live on a black mountain and wanna.
drink out of a skull. The one thing I could never understand was Teres a: I wanna br
how Huey came to marry her. May: When you d
May: Maybe she wasn't that way back then. Not that people Teresa: I've lost m
change. But sometimes somethin small can get emphasized May: You're torme
through a bad experience. Teresa: I am.
Teresa: Like what? May: You wanna
May: I don't know. Maybe like marrying Huey. Who knows? break up with him.
Maybe if you'd married Huey, you woulda gotten to be like Janice. Teres a: No. I wann
Teresa: Huh. No way. May: You do?
May: I don't know. Teresa: Yeah.
Teresa: I'm tellin you. No way. May: You're sure?
May: And I'm tellin you, I don't know. Teresa: Yeah.
Teresa: Well, we're never gonna find out who's right cause I'm May: Why?
gonna break up with him. Teresa: I don't like
May: How you gonna do it? May: You feel bad?
Teresa: What do you mean? Teresa: Yes.
May: This is important. You gonna point in his face, or are you May: It used to be
gonna take the whole blame on yourself? Teresa: Much bette
Teresa: I ain't thought about it. May: Then I guess
May: Think about it. You should. movin.
Teresa: What's the difference? Teresa: In the begi
May: If you point the finger at him while he's in front of you, and he had no past
you may not be pointin the finger at him in your sleep. out to live. Then th
Teresa: Point the finger in my sleep? him. The man was ki
May: That's right. come by.
Teresa: You mean, if I'm not careful, I could get obsessed. May: Where?
May: That's right. You could get that bug-eyed look. Teresa: Here. He s
Teresa: I don't want that. So I'll point in his face and I'll May: Then I'd best
put the whole thing on him. Then he can remember my finger Teresa: No! I want
pointing like a knife, and I'll go and sleep good. May: No, you don't
May: Yeah. You'll still feel pain. Teresa: I want your
A pause. May: I don't have
Teresa: I want you
Teresa: Aunt May?
says, and tell me afte
May: Yeah?
May: I make a bad
Teresa: I feel too weak to break up with Huey. I don't feel I got
Teresa: Just stay,
the strength to just push him away.


alone. Huey: I know that.

May: Alright. I'll stay. God, you're pretty. I'll never understand Teresa: You treat m
why pretty girls always seem to get treated so bad. Or ugly girls gave you abuse.
either. Huey: I do not treat
Huey appears at the. door. Teresa: I have been
Teresa: Here he comes. like you have the ri
May: Remember. Point the finger. Save your peace of mind. treatin my affection l
Enter Huey. up with. Like we was
Huey: Hi. Huey: I have not.
Teresa: Hi. have been going thro
Huey: Hi, May. Teresa: I understan
May: You look like the Count of Monte Cristo. I've got X-ray unders
Huey: Thanks. you is? You're spoiled
Teresa: So, how are you today, Huey? comin to you outta y
Huey: Good. How are you today? You ain't earned noth
Teresa: Good. you, Huey...
May: I'm gonna wash my bowl. She starts to poi
Teresa: You look awful. Huey: Listen, Teres
Huey: You look beautiful. Teresa: What?
Teresa: Thank you. (A pause.) Huey ... May: Oh boy..
Huey: (Simultaneously.) Janice. Huey: I've realized
Teresa: What did you call me? ly grateful for everyt
Huey: Ja ,.. Teresa? to see it's Janice I nee
Teresa: You called me Janice. May: Point the fing
May: Oh, boy. Teres a: You're brea
Huey: No, I didn't. Huey: I've come to
Teresa: You called me Janice. You piece of shit. Teresa: Don't talk t
Huey: I didn't say that. me?
Teresa: I knew this was the way your mind was working. I am Huey: I was hoping
not your old wife. Teresa: I feel all swi
Huey: I know that. Huey: I never shoul
Teresa: I feel sick. a way to work it out
Huey: I know who you are. You're Teresa. Teresa: I can feel m
Teresa: Oh, very good. Aunt May, ain't that great? He knows May: Forget your br
my name. Huey: Are you oka
May: I shoulda left when I had the chance. Teresa: I... . I... Wh
Teresa: Janice was one person and I'm another person. May: Point! J'accuse
Teresa: Huey, don't


May: I'm going to the bathroom, love you, when I alre

May exits. Teresa: Okay.
Huey: There's no point in making this harder than it has to be. Huey: I've got to g
Teresa: You're numb. this trap I'm in.
Huey: What do you mean? Teresa: You're not i
Teresa: You can't feel your own face. That woman made you Huey: Yes, I am.
numb. You're like somebody's thumb that got cut off. You're like Teresa: You're gonn
a cut-off thumb inna glass a water. Huey: I don't know.
Huey: I am not. Teresa: You're just
Teresa: Huey. Are you talkin about going back to Janice? Huey: I hope so.
Huey: Yeah. Teresa: Sure. But be
Teresa: Huey. That woman hates you. Why would you break me, okay? I need you
up with a woman who loves you to go to a woman who hates right mind and I love
you? It just don't make any sense. to leave me.
Huey: She doesn't really hate me. Huey: Don't.
Teresa: Yes/ she does. Teresa: I can't only
Huey: She's just mad at me. heart. I've got my o
Teresa: It's worse than that. I swear to you. you and I don't want
Huey: How could I be with a woman as long as I was with Jan- you'll be as sorry as
ice if she hated me? don't mean you good
Teresa: I don't know. Huey: I love you.
Huey: If that were true, how could I ever trust any woman Teresa: I know you
again? Huey: But I've got t
Teresa: Cause all women ain't her. Teresa: You don't, y
Huey: I can't believe Janice hated me. If that were true, then I Huey: I'm sayin I lo
don't know anything at all and there's no hope for me. I pray to with stumps that can
God you're wrong, Teresa. my hands.
Teresa: I'm not wrong. Teres a: Do you love
Huey: Cause if she really didn't love me ever then I feel so ugly Huey: I've got to ge
like I could never never be loved by anyone. If she really didn't Teresa: Then get ou
love me at all, I think I'll kill myself. Huey: Teresa.
Teresa: No. Teresa: No! Get out,
Huey: I'll have to. Who am I if I give my love to a woman who Huey goes to the
hates me? Huey: Let's see wha
Teresa: No. Comere. Teresa: I ain't gonn
Huey: No. you know.
Teresa: Why not? Huey: I know.
Huey: Cause if you hug me I may get confused and think that I Teresa: You don't k


Huey exits. Teresa cries. May reenters. you?

May: All clear? Teresa: I can't think
Teresa: Oh, shut up. May: Me neither. I
May: I know. It's bad. He is crazy. Makes me feel as usele
Teres a: He is, isn't he? Teresa: You're not us
May: He is very crazy. They spend a mo
Teresa: Why can't he see when he's bein stupid? in the door.
May: There's probably somewhere in him where he can, Aldo: Is Huey here?
Men are different than women. Men can get wrapped up in the May: He left.
past. Women are more that way about the future. Enter Aldo.
Teresa: Oh God, I feel bad! •
May: Yeah. Yes. Aldo: Has he been ta
Teresa: Do you think Janice will take him back? Teresa: Yeah?
May: I don't know. I hope not. Why didn't you break up with Aldo: Sorry to butt in
Did he break up with y
him like you were gonna?
Teresa: I started to. Teresa: Yeah, he did.
May: But you backed off. Aldo: I'm sorry. He's
Teresa: So what? Teresa: So he's insan
May: Do you really love him? May: You wanna cu
Teresa: Yeah. To the best of my knowledge. Aldo: Sure. Everybo
May: (May takes out hand cream and applies it during next.) I loved totally terrific.
a man like that once. Three years. Precious times. I'll never have May sets about so
the courage to be that stupid again. Teresa: That's great.
Teresa: What happened? Aldo: I do, too.
May: I dropped him, Teresa: Thanks. Are
Teresa: Just like that? Aldo: No!
May: I dropped him so hard he was outta sight and gone before Teresa: That's good.
I could wash my hands. Aldo: How come all t
Teresa: How'd you bring yourself to do it? Teresa: I can only sp
May: I didn't have to do nothin. The hand on my watch did it Aldo: Fair enough.
all. Time, I got older by a day. One certain day. I got one day Teresa: Cause I don't
older than him. Aldo: I think it's caus
Teresa: I feel older than Huey right now, but that don't make Teresa: Same differe
me let him go. Aldo: You're gettin
May: Well, you are not me, as I said. What happened to me is nose.
not gonna be what happens to you. But I do wonder why I've Teresa: Sorry.
been through the things I've been through. If all this stuff I Aldo: I'm here on a s
remember is wisdom or just lint. Anything you want me to do for Teresa: What?


Aldo: Huey is planning to go back to Janice. Aldo: I can't deal wi

Teresa: He told me. Teresa: You know,
Aldo: I'm supposed to go an set her up for him. with Janice, don't thin
May: What? What's that mean? and me. I have feeling
Aldo: He wants me to soften her up for him, you know, take the other stuff, too.
initial heat, so he can reason with her. Aldo: I can't deal w
May: Well, you know how to make yourself useful. I should clear. But one step at
probably take lessons from you. military objective. Jan
Aldo: What do you mean? twelve midnight to do
May: I was just saying to Teresa that I never know how to make May: Whatever hap
myself of use in these situations. real good friend. I ad
Aldo: You wanna be of use? Lemme tell you something. You gonna have to have a t
can be used. Or you can be of use. To be of use may actually Aldo: I'll tell you s
mean not allowing yourself to be used. against this. Janice is
May: I don't get you. for Huey I would ne
Aldo: Don't feel bad. I'm deep. Teresa, listen to me. drunk. This is a black r
Teresa: He wants you to talk to Janice? you keep an open min
Aldo: Yes, Huey is my best friend and he's not himself and he's Teresa: That's all I pr
in a bad way. He's planning the most disastrous thing he could Aldo: That's all I ask
do with his life, and he's got me helping him to do it. I think he ask you where I went,
should be with you, not Janice. What do you think? sake of a friend.
Teresa: I agree. Exit Aldo.
May: Me too. I think. Teresa: You know, th
Aldo: So I intend to make sure that Huey and Janice do not rec- become a nun.
oncile. May: Aw, he's sweet!
May: How you gonna do that? What I wouldn't give t
Aldo: I am gonna go to Janice tonight, and I am gonna seduce Something like "Pa
her. begins to play as the
May laughs,
May: Ah, I like you! You're crazy!
Aldo: I am crazy!
Teresa: You're gonna put the make on Janice?
Aldo: Yes! I'm gonna make her mine. I'm gonna drive any
image of Huey from her thoughts. In this way, I'm going to save
my friend.
May: And then what?
Aldo: What do you mean? *See Special Note on copy
May: I mean, if you make Janice yours, then she's yours, right?


ACT II Aldo: How you know

Janice: I know.
SCENE I Aldo: Well, then, you
I sent the flowers.
Menacing music from "Tumndot" plays as the lights come up,* Janice: You? Why wou
The rear of Janice's house; it's night. A lone cricket chirps. A cou- Aldo: I sent them for
ple of stars twinkle high over head. Janice: Can't even man
Janice is discovered on her balcony. She is an angular, patrician Aldo: What d'you mea
Roman with strawberry blond hair and austere good looks. She's Janice: He's hapless. H
wearing a soft white nightgown which makes her look like a Aldo: He's my best fri
young girl. In her arms she cradles six fat roses. She looks at the Janice: Thaf s your pro
sky, full of emotion. Then she tosses the flowers to the ground Aldo: Anyway, it's a s
below. She looks down at the flowers, and bleakly says, "What Janice: They were dea
for?" Then she goes back inside. Aldo: Maybe they we
Aldo, in a sharp jacket and tie, appears at the garden gate. He starts to gather them.) The
tries to open it, fails, and climbs over. He sees the flowers lying the table.)
on the ground. He calls up in a loud whisper. Janice: Why are you he
Aldo: Beautiful night.
Aldo: Janice. Janice. Janice. Janice: I wish it would
Aldo: Beautiful stars.
Janice reemerges. She's tying a black velvet robe with padded
Janice: Stars make me t
shoulders. The effect is striking, but more adult and severe.
Aldo: I can smell the g
Janice: Who's that? Janice: It smells like a
Aldo: It's Aldo. Scalicki. Aldo: Huey asked me t
Janice: What are you doing in my backyard? Janice: Why?
Aldo: I rang the bell about fifty times, but nobody answered. Aldo: He wants to patc
Janice: It's broken. Janice: Patch up what?
Aldo: You should have it fixed.
Aldo: What d'you thin
Janice: Why?
What's so funny?
Aldo: So it rings. Janice: Think about it.
Janice: What do I care if it rings? I don't see anybody. Aldo: You wanna com
Aldo: Well, you still might get a delivery or something. Flowers Janice: No.
or something. Somebody send you flowers?
A pause.
Janice: Yes.
Aldo: Very nice. Aldo: Janice, Janice, Ja
Janice: They're from Huey. Janice: What?
Aldo: We've seen som
Janice: What are you t
*See special note on copyright page Aldo: Member when


vulture monster fiend

you'd stab me with the rubber knife and yell Die! Die! Janice: They do?
Janice: I remember. Aldo: Yes, they do.
Aldo: You were some nutty little girl. the most horriblest rea
Janice: You were a jerk. see like fangs fall dow
Aldo: I was very innocent. ence when you smile
Janice: You were a jerk, street cause I was afrai
Aldo: I was a little kid. I was supposed to be a jerk. Janice: Really?
Janice: You did it perfectly. Aldo: You're not ang
A pause. Janice: Why would I
Aldo: Janice, Janice, Janice. Aldo: I thought caus
Janice: Why do you keep saying that? insulting,
Aldo: We've been around the block a few times. Janice: I'm not insult
Janice: Aldo. You are still the same hammerheaded clown you Aldo: Well, good. C
always were. Are you trying to be smooth? You come here outta tell the truth. I expecte
no place. You send flowers. You say, Janice, Janice, Janice. Am I Janice: Why?
supposed to be getting the idea? How iDout just spitting it out? Aldo: You know.
Aldo: Huey wants to make it up with you. Janice: No, I don't.
Janice: Why are you saying this? Where's Huey? Aldo: You know. Ro
Aldo: He sent me first. Janice: I like the trut
Janice: Oh, I get it. He always was a coward. Aldo: So do I. You k
Aldo: Huey is not a coward. unexpected, my balls j
Janice: Huey always was a coward, and you always were a glass a ice water. (Janic
stooge. If he wasn't a coward he'd be standing here in his own Janice: Yeah. Don't y
shoes speaking his own words. If you weren't a stooge, you Aldo: Yeah, but I th
wouldn't be a standin in somebody else's love scene. Ain't you world to get the joke.
got no girl of your own? Janice: You don't kn
Aldo: I got girls comin out my ears. Aldo: I guess not.
Janice: What a picture. Janice: You always a
Aldo: I didn't come here to talk about me. bury you and treat yo
Janice: That's cause you're a stooge. Aldo: I don't know.
Aldo: Stop callin me that! You can be a very difficult woman to Janice: You oughta t
talk to, Janice. Aldo: I have thought
Janice: Really? Janice: I did all that
Aldo: Yes. I mean, if I was here on my own... I mean, if I was thought, Maybe if I ki
the specific guy who was tryin to romance you, I gotta tell you I take my shoes away.
wouldn't even know where to begin. You are so... nasty. Aldo: Take your sho
Janice: I am? Janice: To take charg
Aldo: Yeah, you're like a fiend. Your eyes look like vampire


Aldo: What are you saying? by. You must have tho
Janice: You still don't get it, do you? I was flirting with you. Janice: Never.
Aldo: That was flirting? Aldo: The thought o
Janice: Sure. time. In an unterrifyin
Aldo: No, that wasn't flirting. You may have felt flirting, but Janice: Do you?
you weren't doing flirting. You were treating me like I was the Aldo: Oh yes. I have
snake in the apple tree. time to time, you appe
Janice: You just didn't get it. Janice: Aldo, are you
Aldo: I woulda gotten it if you did it right. Aldo: Maybe I am.
Janice: You would have gotten it if you weren't so stupid. Janice: This is too del
Aldo: Alright. Anyway, thanks. Aldo: What d'you me
Janice: For what? Janice: You're suppos
Aldo: I don't know. For feeling like flirting with me, even if I Aldo: So. Maybe I'm
didn't get it. Listen, I wanna apologize for what I said before. I my own agenda of feel
don't think you're nasty. you. I've been thinking
Janice: I am, though. your figure has been ea
Aldo: No. It's like this what we were just talking about. I've just Janice: How l3out wh
misunderstood you, so I was afraid of you. Aldo: How laout I co
Janice: You've understood me well enough. I've never asked to bit?
be understood any better. Janice: Just like that.
Aldo: But you're not this monster I made you out. You don't Aldo: That's right. Im
have evil eyes. You don't have big teeth and you're not gonna Janice: Alright. What t
bite me. Aldo: Really?
Janice: I might. Janice: I'll come down
Aldo: Listen, Janice, I think you're okay. You've had your prob- Janice goes in,
lems just like the rest of us and who am I to pass judgement on Aldo: (To the audience.)
you? No matter what I said, you an I go back to the beginning Janice comes back o
and under everything I'm always gonna have a warm spot for to her.
you. The final ultimate drift is I know you're a nice person and Janice: Aldo.
I'm gonna make a real effort to remember that from now on.
Janice: Don't bother on my account. Aldo turns around a
Aldo: I am, though. I'll tell you something. I'm very titillated Aldo: Holy Moly!
that you was flirting with me, even in those ancient days. Have Janice fires. The gu
you ever... felt like that... since? She drops it. Aldo,
Janice: Never. Janice: You dunce! Y
Aldo: You must have your romantic fantasies here, livin by Look at that. I burned m
yourself. Like you're that princess trapped in that castle sur- comical boob? Am I not
rounded by thorny bushes. Waiting for Prince Valiant to happen like cellophane! Let's rip


Aldo: No, I was not. I

Aldo: Don't shoot me! know a thing an meant
Janice: I can't. My gun broke. already stabbing with a
Aldo: (Comes out from under the table,) You shot a gun at me. Janice is this: You ha
Janice: Don't be obvious. thoughts, and you hav
Aldo: You tried to kill me! and that is not the men
Janice: I burned my finger. That's what I get for usin zip guns. the mens' fault. That is
Next time if s Smith and Wesson. we had nothin to do, I
Aldo: Janice. Do you understand what you did? You commit- play dead. I did not wa
ted attempted murder on me. believe I was dead so
Janice: I was aiming at your kneecaps. happy. But you know
Aldo: I should come up there an give you a spankin! with you? I played it wi
Janice: Oh yeah? Try it. I'll cut your heart out. sure. That's right. Now
Aldo: Never mind. Janice, I gotta ask you an honest question. stooge or a fool, and I d
Why have you always shown this desire to want me to be dead? is. I was being a human
Janice: Because you have never taken me seriously. about you, an I showed
Aldo: I take you dead serious. Janice: You never care
Janice: No. Why are you here tonight? You came here to talk to Aldo: I cared about yo
me about my marriage? You don't wanna talk to me. Even when you, whether you thin
you come to me about my marriage, even then you don't wanna hatred or violence to m
talk to me. You just want me to do what you want. You have from that day to this.
always been this way. It has always been this way. You want lives. Can you blame m
what you want. Lie down. Pull up your dress. Go to sleep. Love by you, that I stand back
me. Don't love me. Marry me. Divorce me. TAKE ME BACK? I try to get what I want an
have no patience with this stupid arrogant man pride. You come I am not gonna be affe
here. When you want something from me. You make your faces into thinkin that I owe
and noises and you think I am what? A fool with a heart of soap? should be some other w
Aldo: Listen, Janice. I don't understand you. I don't understand Janice? Comon, we bot
what you're talking about. Now I'm gonna make you understand the man, but it was you
why I don't understand you. When I was a little boy, you was your uncle. Was it your
always playing at murdering me and watching me be dead. Is Janice: Yes.
that right or not? Aldo: Well, I can sy
Janice: Yes. What did he do to you?
Aldo: Now, at that time, Janice, I had not started to do anything Janice: Nothing.
to you. We're talking very young here. At that time, no matter Aldo: What did he do
what happened later, no matter how I mighta screwed up Janice: He didn't love
tonight, at that time, I was perfectly willing to talk with you. I Aldo: I'm sorry. Hone
was not a man yet. I was a little boy. GET OVER IT! I got tro
Janice: You were always a man.


had love either. He's dead now... not me you want but so
He thinks. Aldo: I'm ashamed to
Janice: Mine too. So you wouldn't take H
Aldo: So our fathers are dead. We can't go on tryin ta make our Janice: I see,
fathers love us or fightin our fathers or tryin ta kill our fathers. Aldo: I'm sorry.
What's the point in killin a dead man cause he won't love you? A Janice: I like the truth.
dead man don't need killin and a dead man can't love you at all. I don't matter anyway. I
know you're crazy an just me talkin ain't gonna make you sane. my castle of thorns.
But comon! We're all crazy, that ain't no excuse. You been treatin Aldo: Hey, come dow
me bad all my life and enough already. I been nuts, too. I'm tryin Janice: No. If I get clos
to be well, too. Let's drop this shitload, this weight a sorrow, Aldo: Listen, Janice. I'
these sandbags on our necks from a million years ago, and try to just talkin to get you to
talk to each other-about now. You-can't kill me, Janice. You been Janice: Forget it.
tryin your whole life, an I just won't die. Even when you fire a Aldo: Why?
gun at me, it explodes in your hand. Even if I die, I'll still be Janice: I got no attach
jumpin around inside your head. You know, this distance you Aldo: Look, Huey wan
are from me, this distance now, if we talk to each other, this could Janice: No, he doesn't.
be the least distance there ever has been between us. Aldo: Maybe.
Janice: You seem very far away to me. Janice: I should never
Aldo: There's somethin I've wanted to say to you for a Aldo: Why'd you do it
long time, but I never did. I'm sorry your marriage broke up. Janice: I don't rememb
Janice: Thanks. I'm sorry I tried to shoot you. Aldo: Comon, don't gi
Aldo: Forget it. Janice: Ain't that weir
Janice: I think I'm losin my mind in this house. walkin up the aisle. I re
Aldo: Maybe you should move? and thinkin that he look
Janice: No. Aldo: Very romantic.
Aldo: I can feel this sadness between us. Almost like a rope. Janice: I remember goi
Janice: Man, I don't know if I can dog this out. in the Catskills, and hi
Aldo: What d'you mean? didn't know why he kep
Janice: Nothin nothin nothin. an knowin he wasn't see
Aldo: Say it. What's the difference? would he go on?
Janice: Do you suffer from being single? Aldo: You're a good-lo
Aldo: Sometimes. Yeah. It makes me feel like I'm dyin. Janice: That was the bi
Janice: Go on! Get outta here! I don't need this! What for? while. It started to make
Flowers! Sending me flowers, flowers! I threw them down.They to do things to make him
hurt. Do you think they didn't feel like flames in myarms? God! I them up. I yelled at him.
feel like I'm tied hand and foot. Why you bein nice and openin face. Sometimes I locke
the door just for your own intention? Why did you hit on me? It's wouldn't open his eyes.


It drove me crazy. You can't understand. So. I shot his dog. He Huey: I'm glad you s
loved his dog and I knew that and I killed the dog. Huey came Aldo: Huey, Huey.
home. He saw what I had done. He looked at me. And there it Huey opens the ga
was. His eyes. He saw me. He saw me. It was a bad time, but I Huey: I tried the bell
was relieved that at last this lie had been taken away. He looked Aldo & Janice: It's br
at me like this for three days. It was a bad time, not like before Huey: Well, this is ok
what other people would've called happy, but a truthful time Janice: Hello.
and I like the truth. But it didn't last. On the fourth day, he began Huey: You and Aldo
to look at me in the old way again. That was the day I shot the Janice: Yeah. We had
gun at him. So I shot at him with the gun, but it blew up. He left Aldo: (Whispers,) S
me, though. That at least made him wake up enough to leave me. everything's okay now
Aldo: He's gonna be here soon. Huey: (Whispers.) She
Janice: You mean, tonight? Janice: What are you
Aldo: He's coming to reconcile with you. Huey: I was thanking
Janice: I don't wanna see him tonight. Aldo: You sure?
Aldo: Well. He's comin. Huey: Yeah. It's like
Janice: Stop him. Tell him to come tomorrow. Right?
Aldo: He's comin tonight. That's the story. Do you want him Aldo: Right. I hadda
back? go, but it's turnin out t
Janice: No. Janice: _ You can stay i
Aldo: Why not? Aldo: No, this is bet
Janice: We never shoulda been together. gotta do what you thin
Aldo: I wouldn't know about that. I only saw things from the say one thing to you,
outside. thing, an I say it outta a
Janice: I only married him. because he asked me. pist. And fa Chrissake
Aldo: Why'd he ask you? Huey, be careful. (Aldo
Janice: I don't know, I think he just said some things to me, and This place is like a lott
then he couldn't think of anything else to say, so he asked me to was to get in.
marry him. Aldo is gone.
Aldo: I don't know. Maybe I'm livin in a fool's paradise, but if Huey: Well, here we
there's nothin left to say, this don't strike me as the perfect Janice: Yeah.
moment to pop the question. Huey: Remember this
Janice: We were young. Opens music box.
Aldo: Yeah. It's amazing how much that covers. But if there
was nothin, if there was never nothin between you that made Janice: No.
sense, how could you a stayed together so long? Huey: You gave me t
Janice: I didn't say there was nothin. Janice: I don't remem
Huey has appeared at the gate. Huey: O.K. (Closes m


Huey: I wanna get r

Janice: You're dressed funny. Janice: You don't kn
Huey: Yeah, what are these clothes? These are like a failed Huey: I made mista
thing I did. To buck myself up. I got all these items about myself We could get new fur
like these clothes. Ideas I had that never came to nothing, lyin in could love you more
my head like balls a dust. A lotta ways I started to go that I never could cook the meals.
went cause I didn't have enough of a base. It's like you haveta even more than I did,
have a certain amount a power worked up to go all the way turn it on like bright b
down one road, and I have never gotten together that much even when you're an
power. I mean lately. I mean, since we got divorced. I've been me. You gotta listen to
f eelin real bad since the divorce. Have you felt bad? the time we spent tog
Janice: Yes. thousand different wa
Huey: I'm sorry. It's amazing to me how weak I am since the understand. We broke
divorce. me. I'm offerin you
Janice: You always were weak. feel like even now yo
Huey: Was I? I don't even remember. How was I weak? Finally. Janice, I could
Janice: You let me abuse you. Janice: No!
Huey: You couldn't help yourself. Huey: Yes!
Janice: So what? Janice: I don't want i
^ j. Maybe you're right. But my feelin about that is I loved
Huey: Huey: What?
you and so I put up with stuff, Janice: I don't want
Janice: You didn't love me, Huey: You still don'
Huey: Oh, now wait a minute. Now I'm on firm ground. Yes, I Janice: I believe you.
did too love you. Huey: What?
Janice: You were deluded. Janice: You've never
Huey: I loved you. Huey: Then tell me!
Janice: You needed me. There's a difference. Janice: You're so wr
Huey: I loved you. I didn't need the abuse, I swear to God, I should be, you've nev
didn't need your lousy meals, I didn't need your cold looks, I Huey: I have too!
didn't need your screaming fits, I didn't need sleep in on the Janice: - Go home.
couch, I didn't need any of that on my mother's grave! I loved Huey: No. Shut up!
you and I felt for you, so I put up with that. And I want you back. Janice: What?
I don't want all that nonsense back. I want you back. Huey: You heard me
Janice: What for? (A long -pause. Huey can't speak.) What for? you! I reject that! I mea
Huey: I only wanna say the truth, and I can't think a nothin. I'm
you, Janice? You have
a little upset. it is a virtue. I just said
Janice: What do you want? That's not me. I've lo
Huey: I want you back. you really are. And I'
Janice: No,


loves the earth, the whole earth. Now you may not like to hear that I loved you, that I
that. You may have your own ideas about things. But I've got a with you was the pleas
point of view, too. You're not so smart that your life's like it is. beginning, right or wr
You're alone and people don't like you. When a man comes to again, and love you dee
you because he does like you, you treat him like a stupid bum. is stolen an mine and tr
Janice: We have nothing to talk about. down here.
Huey: I reject that! We do too have things to talk about Miss Janice: If I come down
High and Mighty. You shot my dog! Huey: Maybe.
Janice: I'm not sorry. Janice: I don't want y
Huey: It was a rotten thing to do. Huey: If you don't co
Janice: It was a warning. dead. You come down
Huey: You killed a stupid loveable animal. All he wanted was there, and come down h
love. To be patted on the head. Taken for a walk. Sit next to you Janice leaves the b
and do nothing. What did he know? When he looked up at you music from "Turan
with those eyes, how, how could you hurt him? ground, the axis on
Janice: I tried to kill you. Why ain't you mad about that? den through the gar
Huey: That's a good question. I don't know. Cause I was flat- Janice: Huey. Why di
tered. Huey: I don't know e
Janice: You took it as a compliment? He kisses her. The
Huey: At least you made a fuss over me. I was pretty starved each other. He pick
for anything by that time. Blackout. The musi
Janice: Thaf s pathetic.
Huey: Yeah, it is. It was. It was pathetic. I was pathetic. But
what you need to hear, baby, is that you were pathetic, too.
Janice: I know about me. SCENE 2
Huey: You don't know the first thing about it. Every time I've
ever tried to tell you somethin about yourself, you snap shut like Pop's Soup House.
a clam. You are beautiful! Do you hear me? You are intelligent. behind the counter
Capisce? You are a classy sensitive sexy woman, and I loved you Frank Sinatra sin
and I married you cause I was smart. NOT CAUSE I WAS May puts a tablecl
STUPID! Get it? shirt open at the col
Janice: No. and black shoes. Ov
Huey: I did not marry a nasty bitch who hated me.
Janice: Oh yes you did! Aldo: Hi.
Huey: Oh no I didn't. Come down here. May: Hi.
Janice: No. Aldo: Where's Teresa
Huey: Whatever things mighta become, however things mighta May: Gone.
gone wrong or not worked out, please don't take away from me


Aldo: Gone? Where's she gone? May: You make Jan

May: Canada. Aldo: No. Things w
Aldo: What are you talkin about? May: Uh-huh.
May: She had a bad night and she got up and went to Canada. Aldo: Janice is this
Aldo: She promised me she'd keep an open mind. predict in advance.
May: She has an open mind, and she took her open mind to May: But Teresa yo
Canada. She's got a cousin there she's gonna stay with. Aldo: I thought s
Aldo: How long? wearin the apron?
May: She didn't say. May: I'm fillin in. N
Aldo: Did she leave any word? strone I can eat.
May: You mean like a note or somethin? Aldo: I should eat
Aldo: Yeah. May: You wanna bo
May: No. Aldo: No. I should
Aldo: Astonishing. I feel like I jump through hoops a fire and should wear a straw
for what? Nobody has any sense a place but me. another English word
May: You think Teresa shoulda done somethin different? May: What are you
Aldo: Yeah, I think she shoulda done somethin different! Don't Aldo: I am sick from
she have any sense of timing? Don't she have any hunger of May: You seem ups
curiosity about how last night went? Aldo: I seem upset
May: How did it go? night. What a case!
Aldo: I don't know. That is, I know my part of it, but I had to don't think so. I tried
leave before the end. Then what you're tellin me is Teresa left her reaction was she t
Huey. May: She did not.
May: Teresa didn't leave Huey. Huey left Teresa. Aldo: You see, this
Aldo: Thaf s it! Stick together! Yon women always stick together. next, Aldo vaguely ind
There was a time in our society when the woman stuck by the there, wild troubled
man till the ship went down and there was no more bubbles. age the shit out of me
May: But this man wouldn't let her stick. like you talks with the
Aldo: She should've ignored him. because they are im
May: He made her listen. She begged him not to go. But he tellin you it's the Wild
went. May: I know.
Aldo: And he explained to her that he was in mental trouble Aldo: You gotta be
and had to go, and that was her signal to hold tight. there!
May: Hold tight for what? Huey? He left. May: I know.
Aldo: For today! For the clear light a day. For the conclusion to Aldo: I know. You k
a drama that Huey needed to act out for his sanity. She shoulda May: I didn't say th
held out for the punchline, and then made her move, good or Aldo: Jesus. You kn
bad. May: What's the mat


Aldo: I wonder if I'm ever gonna get married? Aldo: That's what it
May: Aw, sure you are. May: I'm not tryin t
Aldo: I don't know. The state of the women in this country! Aldo: No.
They're like bombs. May: Does your mot
May: The men are like bombs, too. Aldo: No. My moth
Aldo: You're right. The men are like bombs and the women are greatest woman in the
like bombs and everybody's negotiating like it was the atomic sayin that cause you're
talks. Little kids look like lawyers to me. I feel like we're all doin May: So I don't wan
some kinda politics here, an love ain't politics an shouldn't be. kill you, and Teresa di
Politics is make-believe an lies and love shouldn't be. I'm trauma- Aldo: No.
tized! These women have got me traumatized! There's no honor May: It was Janice
between the men an women anymore, no trust of the words they marry Janice?
say, no courage and strength of vows. The vows! You make a Aldo: WHAT?
pact with a woman these days, you're promising yourself into a May: I'm just askin.
country without a constitution! Aldo: No!
May: Aldo, you are talkin too much. May: Then you don'
Aldo: Maybe you're right. hates you and wants to
May: You're shook up by gettin involved of this problem Aldo: It could happe
with Huey. recognize. Huey made t
Aldo: That's true. May: But Huey got
May: This whole thing has reminded you that you wanna get son under the sun why
married and that you're afraid to get married. Aldo: Oedipus didn't
Aldo: How did you know that? May: That's true. Bu
May: I'm a witch. bad luck.
Aldo: I am afraid. Can you blame me? Aldo: What's all this tr
May: No. May: What d'you mea
Aldo: These women are crazy. They've gone crazy. Aldo: Life. Don't it se
May: Well, the men have gone crazy, too. can't I just like get marri
Aldo: I ain't gone crazy. I'm nervous, but I haven't gone crazy. and look out the windo
May: Sit down a minute, let me talk with you. It's time to talk. May: Because marriag
Aldo: My hands are sweating. thing. I married the ma
May: You poor thing. You mean well. And when things got be
Aldo: I do. I'm alone. What d'you
May: Listen. Women ain't tryin to kill you. was the most exciteme
Aldo: Janice took a gun an pointed at me and pulled the trigger. eyes when I say it! For t
It's only stupid luck I wasn't killed. Dollars! What are you af
May: Then Janice tried to kill you. It wasn't the race of women old and things are gonn
that tried to kill you. then you're gonna keel o


the meanwhile is gonna be expensive in some way. There ain't no May: Sure. (She gives hi
bargains in people, You get what you pay for and the currency is it.) Stomach botherin you?
Trouble. You ain't no bargain. Any woman ends up with you's Huey: No. (Offers glass t
gotta man who's gonna compare her to his mother. And that's ble.
always a bitch. Aldo: Thanks. (Drinks.)
Aldo: But don't you believe people just are a certain way? with Janice?
May: Yes, and you do your best to choose somebody who ain't Huey: Yeah.
gonna bring you to a dead end. But what I'm sayin is wrong and Aldo: You did?
not my advice. My advice is give up your fear of women as a Huey: Yeah.
race. If some women has done bad to you, see it is them, that did May: You an Janice getti
it. Write their names down in a book if you want. Glue their pic- Huey: No, no. We just, y
tures next to their names, and cross X's on their faces, and don't Aldo: I thought you wan
mistake them for all the other girls. But even then I don't think Huey: I got her back. Ki
that's my advice. I think you're gonna have to forgive those spe- May: What'd you get?
cific women and throw away your book of fear, You're gonna Huey: I guess it was ... t
haveta open your heart an leave it open. Like it's your apartment gave me back ,.. what was
and you just don't lock the door no matter how many times you May: Good.
get robbed. You're gonna haveta open your heart and forget your Huey: Thanks for helpin
fear, and then what will happen is you'll fall in love. And marry. Aldo: That's okay. It was
And your mama will become your second best girl. And it will Huey: I do love you, you
become whatever it will become because of the trouble you take Aldo: Don't lie to me.
between you. But this minute, you are upset because you are in a Huey: I'm not lying. Wh
situation. You wanna get married, but you are not ready to get May: She's gone.
married. Huey: Where'd she go?
Aldo: I can't find the right girl. May: Canada.
May: The right girl? There ain't no right girl! Or every fifth girl Huey: How long?
is the right girl. That ain't the issue. It's you. You ain't ready to May: Indefinitely.
get married cause you ain't ready to fall in love. Huey: She wouldn't wait,
Aldo: So what do I do? May: Nope.
May: You don't haveta do nothing. The clock'ill take care of it. Aldo: I think she shoulda
Time. But stop this scaredness of women. It's silly. You can hold Huey: I don't know. She t
your own. I'm gonna go home.
Aldo: I'll try. Aldo: Ain't you upset Te
Huey enters in an old blue buttondown dress shirt and black Huey: She's not gone. Sh
jeans. He looks more relaxed. Aldo: But ain't you upset
May: There he is. Huey: No. I guess it ain't
Aldo: Huey, how you doin? May: It will.
Huey: Pretty good. Can I get a glass of water? Aldo: I meant, I mean, I t


might be Teresa. beginning you are

Huey: It is Teresa. And I'll get her, wherever she is, whatever with his ex-wife, h
she's doin. I'll get her and I'll make her mine. goes to love becaus
May: Maybe you will. taken care of beca
Huey: I will. You see,1 got back my strength as a man to take. man. If he succeed
See you later. again. And this is th
Aldo: You goin to Canada? success, is to be abl
Huey: Not yet. I'm gonna go home an be quiet for a few days. table he was at the
I've been in a nervous state for a long time. I deserve a rest. like to believe, no, I
Exit Huey. The concertina music begins to play. So. I got this girl w
Aldo: Well, what do you make a that? He seemed so relaxed. certain history. Ver
May: Yeah. worry that she mig
Aldo: Do you think he's right? Do you think he'll get Teresa the Prince, never the
back? of his pocket and sticks
May: I don't know. member.) Wish me lu
Aldo: Maybe he's still crazy and he's gonna change his mind Then he turns a
again? brighter. Huey
May: I don't know. Huey: Janice Janic
Aldo: He seemed better. Janice comes D.
May: Yes, he did. He seemed like a man who'd gotten his life chief in her eye,
back in the proper order. Janice: Huey.
The lights fade on May. The music ends. Aldo comes down to talk
Huey closes the
to the audience. He puts on his jacket.
Huey: God, I'm goi
Aldo: So Huey went home. Come on out, Huey. (Huey enters
from the wings. He has the music box. He sits at the table.) He's sitting He makes the sli
there now. I guess like collecting himself. When he's through col- Back To Sorrent
lecting himself, he's gonna go and claim Teresa. Now whether or lights go down a
not Teresa is gonna go along with being claimed like a package
from the post office, I don't know. Stranger things have hap-
pened, but... That'll probably be another whole big thing, and
not the story I set out to tell. The story I set out to tell was about
Huey Maximilian Bonfigliano an me, and what happened to him.
And I've told it. And I'll probably tell it again and again, other
nights, other places. Till it's done with being told. Till I'm done
with tellin it. Which may never be. But I also said I told it to you
with the purpose of teaching you something, so here's the lesson.
In the end, you are dead. In the middle, you can love. In the
*See Special Note on co


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