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Jacob Mueller

502 Needs Analysis Assignment


Based upon your readings and using the case scenario from Module 3, provided below, assume
you are the consultant/training company and develop a needs analysis based upon the 8 steps
provided in your readings. Please use additional resources you find online. If you use additional
resources, please give credit.

1. Using the bulleted list of the 8 steps provided below conduct a needs analysis for Fred as if
you have been hired as a training consultant.

2. Complete the 8 steps below as if you are the consultant for Fred's company and you are going
to conduct the training. Complete the entire needs analysis. Be detailed and make this fun. 

Case Scenario

<Fred recently became a manager at a local hardware store that employs six managers and 55
non-management employees. As new, larger chains such as Home Depot come to the area, the
owner is concerned about losing many of his customers because he cannot compete on the basis
of price. The management team met and discussed its strategic response. The team determined
that the hardware store would focus on particular items and make personalized service the
cornerstone of its effort. Fred's responsibility was to train all nonmanagement employees in good
customer relations skills; for that he was given a budget of $70,000. Over the past six months,
Fred has received a number of training brochures from outside organizations.

One of the brochures boasted, "Three-day workshop, $35,000. We will come in and train all your
employees (maximum of 50 per session) so that any customer who comes to your store once will
come again.”
Another said, "One-day seminar on customer service skills. The best in the country. Only $8,000
(maximum participants 70).”
A third said, "Customer satisfaction guaranteed on our customer satisfaction training for sales
clerks. Three-day workshop, $25,000. Maximum participants 25 to allow for individual help.”
Fred liked the third one because it provided personalized training. He called the company to talk
about its offering. The consultant said that by keeping the number small, he would be able to
provide actual work simulations for each of the trainees. He also indicated that he would tailor
the simulations to reflect the hardware store. Fred noted that they would need two sessions and
asked the consultant if he could take a few more per session to accommodate the 55 employees.
The consultant agreed. The training went ahead, and the cost was under budget by $20,000.>

Submit this entire document after you complete the steps below.
Jacob Mueller
502 Needs Analysis Assignment

Company Information

Pretty Good Training Company

Johnson City, Tennessee

Consultant Name

Jacob Mueller

Step 1: Determine Desired Outcomes

Organizational Analysis and Desired Outcomes

 The hardware store will shift their focus from being a general supplies store to a
hardware store with more personalized services and offerings.
o The hardware store recognizes that it cannot compete with the prices of larger
chain stores so targeting and improving customer experience is their objective.
o The hardware store recognizes that it cannot grow without direct assistance and
knowledge from the employees who work directly with customers.
o The hardware store determines that customer service training is the desired
solution and has allocated $70,000 for this.
o Management has determined that the desired outcomes are:
Ü Improved Customer Relations Skills
Ü Improved Employee Market Knowledge
Ü Improved Communication Between Sales Associates and

 Pretty Good Training Company Training Objectives

o Upon completion of training, the hardware store employee:
Ü Will be able to demonstrate that their improved customer relations
skills have translated to more satisfied customers and higher
average sales per shift.
Ü Will implement active listening and make mental notes of
customers desires and potential grievances in regard to the
hardware store’s supplies.
Ü Will directly communicate with management to help better align
the store’s services and supplies with customer desires.

Step 2: Link Desired Outcomes with Employee Behavior

 Sales Associates should seek to satisfy customer needs to the best of their ability in
hopes that good service will result in continued patronage. This should be done through
active listening, positive attitude, and the desire to provide assistance.
Jacob Mueller
502 Needs Analysis Assignment

 Sales Associates should be knowledgeable about any product that they are responsible
for selling. Management should proactively provide Sales Associates with appropriate
training and information to prevent any potential knowledge gaps.
 Sales Associates should aide the hardware store in the selection of new products and
services to help keep these aligned with customer demand. Management should provide
a clear line of communication to help aide Sales Associates with this.

Person Analysis – Management was interviewed, and all Sales Associate sales data and
prior evaluations were reviewed. Discussion of potential solutions were discussed with
management following the interview process.

Ü Management conducts biannual employee evaluations and quarterly sales reviews.

Ü Management and Sales Associates interact regularly, and good communication is a
core company value.
Ü Sales Associates who are both positive and have good communication skills also
have higher average sales per shift according to sales data and evaluation correlation.
Ü Evaluated Management’s training procedures for new hires. New hires are currently
subjected to video training rather than personal training. Management agreed to
promote positively evaluated Sales Associates to Training Leaders to guide new
Ü Evaluated Management’s training procedures for current Sales Associates. Currently
no training methods are present for current employees. Management agreed to have
all employees attend a minimum of one training workshop biannually. Training
workshops should target predicted or existing performance gaps as determined by

Step 3: Identify Trainable Competencies

Task Analysis – Interviewed Management and shadowed 18 randomly selected Sales

Associates to identify job duties as well as measure communication skills, attitude, and product

Job Duties:
 Being present in assigned department throughout the entirety of the shift.
 Greeting and assisting customers who are shopping in the hardware store.
 Maintaining a positive attitude throughout the shift.
 Using individual knowledge to aide customers in making the correct purchases for their
 Answering questions regarding products sold in the hardware store.
 Staying busy throughout the shift by stocking and cleaning when assistance is not needed.
 Completing transactions and returns correctly by using the computer register.
 Assisting customers in ordering out of stock products and setting up appropriate delivery
dates and times.
 Answering the phone.
 Assisting other employees who may need help at times that you can provide it.
Jacob Mueller
502 Needs Analysis Assignment

Sales Associate Measurements

The customers who were assisted by the 18 randomly selected Sales Associates were asked to
complete a quick questionnaire before leaving the store. This questionnaire measured the
customer’s thoughts regarding the Sales Associates communication, attitude, and knowledge.

 Customers biggest concern was communication. Responses noted that some Sales
Associates did not approach customers in a timely manner and some customers were
greeted but not assisted.
 Customers noted that attitudes were positive.
 Customers noted that Sale Associate knowledge was not exceptional about
niche/particular products.
 The overall assessment of the Sales Associates was that they are positive and willing to
help but not always present or knowledgeable.

Step 4: Evaluate Competencies and Determine Performance Gaps

Competency Assessment – All Sales Associates were asked to complete a questionnaire similar
to the one the customers completed. This questionnaire measured the perceived communication,
attitude, and knowledge of all Sales Associates as a whole. It also contained a declarative
knowledge test that contained one multiple choice question about the top selling product from
each department.

 Questionnaire results showed that the majority of Sales Associates are positive about
their job. Results aligned with the customer responses in regard to timeliness and
tendency to greet but not fully assist.
 Sales Associates main reasons for these short comings stem from gaps in product
knowledge. Sales Associates are hesitant to help at times due to lack of
understanding of the product.
 Sales Associates feel that they have not been properly trained or informed about
many of the products in the hardware store.
 The multiple-choice questions tested individual knowledge of the use and function of
 Results showed that Sales Associates declarative knowledge is quite low as many
answered the multiple-choice questions incorrectly.

The results of the assessment showed that attitudes are not likely to be a problem within the
hardware store. The biggest PG is lack of product knowledge. Sales Associates are expected to
assist customers using their individual knowledge of the products but are unable to due to lack of
proper training. It is also unlikely that Sales Associates can assist Management in the selection
of new product if there are gaps in knowledge of product that is already carried by the hardware
Jacob Mueller
502 Needs Analysis Assignment

Step 5: Prioritize Training Needs

The current gaps in Sales Associate knowledge as well as Management’s lack of proper training
methods for new hires have created a difficult working environment. Training for the hardware
store will be personalized to target these areas as well as improve general customer service skills
within the Sales Associates. Timeliness and presence shall be prioritized over attitude as all
Sales Associates seem to have positive attitudes. Solutions discussed with Management
following their interviews should help aide in filling these gaps as well. It is unreasonable to
expect the Sales Associates to be experts in all products at the end of the 3-day training. To
accommodate for lack of time, all Sales Associates will be provided with a resource created by
Management that contains product information.

Step 6: Determine How to Conduct Training

Management will create a detailed product resource guide, similar to a product catalog, that
includes extra information about each product in every department. Sales Associates will be
required to read this guide during the free time that they have during their shift. Management
will also provide Sales Associates with an online resource that can be used to learn more about
products the hardware store does not carry but that customers are interested in.

Sales Associates will be split into small groups for roleplaying activities that target customer
service skills. Activities will focus specifically on active listening and the utilization of product
knowledge to secure sales. Sales Associates will be encouraged to use their product resource
guide in these activities to gain better understanding of products. Sales Associates will be taught
the importance of customer satisfaction and learn how positive interactions can translate to
continued patronage.

Sales Associates will be shown how to best communicate desired changes and inventory updates
with Management. Sales Associates will participate in roleplaying situations revolving around
products that are not listed in their product resource guide but can be found using their online

Step 7: Conduct a Cost Benefit Analysis

Management will be staying $20,000 under budget by doing business with Pretty Good
Training. Competition in the area will increase but by shifting company focus and prioritizing
customer satisfaction, the hardware store should be able to retain existing and potentially gain
new customers. Staffing during training should be simple as group totals should not exceed 28
Sales Associates. The cost of the potential loss to competition is far greater than the cost of
training that is satisfaction guaranteed to improve the targeted performance gaps of the
hardware store. Unfortunately, when competing with a bigger business, doing nothing is not a
potential solution. By shifting focus and investing in training, the hardware store will still be
competitive in the new market.
Jacob Mueller
502 Needs Analysis Assignment

Step 8: Planning for Training Evaluation

Training should be evaluated immediately after completion and then periodically following the
return to work. Management will be evaluating Sales Associates bi-monthly following training
to determine changes in performance and sales data. Customers will be randomly selected to
complete the same questionnaire as before and the results from both will be compared. Sales
Associates will evaluate the training as well as its impact on their performance immediately
following completion of the training, as well as during evaluations.

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