Tanaka - 2013 - EIM - 1st - Nanodielectric Materials

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Advances in Nanodielectric Materials

Over the Past 50 Years
Key words: nanodielectrics, nanocomposite, interface, colloid science, filler, agglomeration,
molecular tailoring

Introduction Toshikatsu Tanaka

DEIS was born in 1963. Nobody knew anything about nano-
dielectric materials at that time. Today “nano” is a buzz word!
Waseda University, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka,
Polymer composite research began in the early 1900s [1], and 803-0135, Japan
clay-reinforced elastomers were patented in the 1950s. Only two
papers on nanodielectric materials were published in 2002, but Takahiro Imai
approximately 500 papers appeared in the following 10 years, as Toshiba Corporation, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo,
many researchers became involved in the field. Much informa-
tion has been accumulated, and the applications of nanomateri- 183-8511, Japan
als and nanotechnology are increasing rapidly.

Before Nanocomposites
Advances in polymer nanodielec-
The Good Old Times trics over the past 50 years, using
DEIS was born two years before Moore’s law in microelec-
tronics was stated. People working in dielectrics were comfort- colloid science, polymer composite
able; progress was slow and steady. However, their scientific technology, and nanotechnology,
lives became much less comfortable with the advent of nano-
are reviewed. Despite rapid progress
The concepts of nanotechnology and nanodielectric materi- during the past 10 years, interdis-
als did not exist in the 1960s. Nanodielectric materials are now ciplinary investigation is needed to
included in what are generally called nanocomposites. Only 15
years have passed since the development of the first polyamide/ yield additional benefit to society.
layered silicate nanocomposite in Japan, and it has been only
10 years since polymer nanocomposites or nanodielectrics were
first developed as dielectrics. Nevertheless, these developments
did not emerge suddenly but after an incubation period, perhaps science and technology was expected. Norio Taniguchi used the
like an electrical tree before it starts growing! The incubation word “nanotechnology” in 1974 for the first time, in the context
period was approximately 50 years. of developments in microelectronics. During the period 1950 to
1970, much effort was directed toward miniaturization of mi-
The Influence of Nanotechnology croelectronics devices via micromachining technology. New
on Nanocomposites microminiaturized LSI devices were introduced almost every
“There’s plenty of room at the bottom” said the famous Novel day. According to Moore’s law (1965) the number of compo-
laureate physicist Richard Feynman in 1959 [2]. A new world of nents per unit area in integrated circuits would double every
year. Then a nanometer world emerged in which quantum me-
chanics rather than Newtonian mechanics applied. Drexler used
The first of a series of invited reviews Feynman’s phrase to promote molecular nanotechnology in his
to be published during 2013 to mark book Engines of Creation [3], which was based on a bottom-up
the 50th anniversary of DEIS. approach. Thereafter nanotechnology expanded rapidly. The in-
vention of the atomic force microscope in 1986 and the discov-

10 0883-7554/12/$31/©2013/IEEE IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

ery of fullerenes in 1985 and carbon nanotubes in 1991 were two sively the physical and chemical characteristics of polymer/filler
gigantic milestones along the way. The National Nanotechnol- interfaces [6]. Following the Toyota work and Lewis’s sugges-
ogy Initiative on nanoscale science, engineering, and technology tion, two papers on fabrication and evaluation of nanodielectrics
was adopted by the United States in 2000, calling for integration appeared independently in 2002 [7], [8]. Since then much work
and advancement of nano-related science and technology from has been done on preparation, evaluation, and characterization
microelectronics to biomaterials. This has proved enormously of novel nanodielectric materials. The first reviews of the field
influential in accelerating the development of nanotechnology. appeared in 2004 [9], [10], followed by several others between
Nanotechnology has influenced specific academic-discipline 2006 and 2011 [11]–[14]. It was recognized that interfaces
fields such as physics, chemistry, life science, and electrical played a dominant role in determining dielectric performance
engineering, as well as the technical field of microelectronics. and that self-assembly is a crucial process in the formulation of
The word now refers to a wide range of technologies dealing nanocomposites [15].
with nanometer scale substances including nanodevices, nano-
composites, and nanomaterials. Nanodevices include integrated Interfacial Forces in Colloids
microelectronics circuits and micro- and nano-electromechani- Interface and colloid science dealt with nanometer-size sub-
cal systems (MEMS and NEMS). Nanocomposites loaded with stances long before nanotechnology emerged. Gold sols and
nanosized fillers include colloids, cosmetics, paints, battery other nanomaterials with sizes down to 10 nm were studied in
electrodes, food packaging, engineering plastics, and biomateri- the 1920s and Langmuir-Blodgett thin films with one or more
als. The new nanomaterials include fullerenes and carbon nano- monolayers of organic material in the early 1950s. The first mea-
tubes. surement of surface forces was made in the early 1950s. The
We are interested in polymer nanocomposites, which are part characteristics of interfaces between mutually immiscible sub-
of the polymer/filler composites class. They were certainly influ- stances in colloids were also clarified. Colloid science reached
enced by nanotechnology but were initially developed from mi- a significant level of maturity during the second half of the 20th
crocomposites and filled resins. Nanocomposites have internal century. It is important to note that in colloid science, the forces
interfaces between two kinds of substances, and those interfaces acting between particles and solvent are well understood for
are the dominant influence on their bulk properties. The natural both dilute and condensed phases. Various forces act between
starting point in seeking to understand the interfaces is colloid colloidal particles, e.g., excluded volume repulsion, electrostatic
science, which has a long research history. forces, van der Waals’ force, entropic forces, and steric forces.
Excluded volume repulsion, sometimes called Born repulsion,
is caused by the impossibility of overlap between hard particles.
The Influence of Microcomposites
Electrostatic forces surrounding a colloidal particle were ana-
on Nanocomposites lyzed in detail and clarified by Derjaguin, Landau, Verwey, and
Composites with superior and unique properties may be Overbeek, resulting in the DLVO theory. There is a deep mini-
formed when two or more different materials are combined. mum in the potential (attractive force) near the particle surface
The concept of composite materials is very old, e.g., mud and and a shallow minimum (attractive force) far from the particle
straw for walls and buildings, and wood, bone, and animal glue surface, with a high maximum (repulsive force) in between. En-
for bows. Modern composite technology was greatly advanced tropic forces act between particles, increasing the entropy until
by the discovery of plastics in the early 1900s. Plastics were thermal equilibrium is reached. Steric forces arise between poly-
mechanically strengthened by other materials, but reinforce- mer-covered surfaces, or in solutions containing nonadsorbing
ment was needed to provide the strength and rigidity required polymer, producing an additional steric repulsive force (which
for structural applications. Fiberglass-reinforced plastics were is predominantly entropic in origin) or an attractive force due
invented in 1935, and the fiberglass-reinforced plastics industry to depletion of counter ions. There are other more important
expanded into military and consumer markets. Epoxy resin was interfacial phenomena associated with the interaction between
commercialized in 1946 as glue and was later mixed with inor- particles and their environment. Physical and chemical adsorp-
ganic filler to create a structural composite substance. tion is one of them. The former is related to hydrogen, hydro-
The clay-reinforced elastomer was patented in 1950. The phobic or van der Waals bonding. The latter is caused by chemi-
composites industry began to mature in the 1970s and later de- cal bonding between adsorbate and adsorbent. Surface tension
veloped strengthening materials such as aramid fibers (Kevlar). appears on a soft surface, generated by the difference between
The development of carbon fibers further stimulated composite the free energies of surface and bulk. Wetting is the contact of
technology innovation. a solid surface by a liquid, and includes adhesion, spreading,
Polymer nanocomposites, or simply nanocomposites, are an and immersion wetting. Knowledge of interfacial phenomena
offspring of microcomposites and have been strongly influenced in colloids has proved extremely useful in developing polymer
by nanotechnology. In the 1990s the Toyota research group de- nanocomposites.
veloped the first polymer nanocomposites, namely clay/nylon-6
nanocomposites with improved thermal and mechanical perfor- Bound Polymers: Suggested Interaction Zones
mances, for timing belt covers [4]. Lewis introduced the concept A bound polymer was discovered in the 1960s [16]–[18]. The
of nanodielectrics in 1994, based on molecular tailoring and concept of a bound layer was suggested in 1969 to explain im-
molecular nanotechnology, and stressed the importance of inter- provement of mechanical strength and increase of glass transi-
faces [5]. In 2001 an attempt was made to describe comprehen- tion temperatures. The bound layer is immobile so that matrix

January/February — Vol. 29, No. 1 11

ferred had already been done [20].) Smectic clay minerals, such
as montmorillonite, saponite, hectorite, stevensite, vermiculite,
and haloysite, were known to act as hosts of intercalated com-
pounds and to function as catalysts for various organic reactions.
Smectics were chosen because their properties depended upon
interlayer cations that were easily exchanged for inorganic or
organic cations.
After much investigation since then, a new type of polymer
nanocomposite named Nylon 6-Clay Hybrid (NCH) was devel-
oped for commercial use in the 1990s, in which clay mineral was
dispersed in a nylon 6 matrix at a molecular level. The dispersed
state of the clay in NCH was observed by transmission elec-
tron microscopy (TEM), and the molecular structure and crystal
structure of nylon 6 were analyzed by mass spectroscopy and
X-ray diffraction. The NCH showed good mechanical properties
and a high heat-distortion temperature, in spite of its low clay
mineral content. In addition, the NCH film had low gas perme-
ability. Comparing four NCH composites, one with montmoril-
lonite and three others with different clays, the montmorillonite
composite was superior in mechanical properties to the other
three. This was considered to be due to the strong ionic interac-
tion between montmorillonite and nylon 6, as revealed by 15N-
NMR results. The method of NCH synthesis was modified. The
diamine added to NCH controlled the laminated state of the clay,
and the one-pot synthesis shortened the synthesis process. The
NCH has been applied to automotive timing belt covers, the first
example of the use of a polymer nanocomposite as an engine
Figure 1. Model of a bound polymer layer. component. A comprehensive review on preparation and charac-
terization of polymer/layered silicate nanocomposites was pub-
molecules can be bound to surrounding inorganic fillers to form lished in 2003 [21].
the interface, and it becomes thicker as the interaction becomes
stronger, as shown in Figure 1. Its thickness was estimated as New World of Nanocomposite Engineering Plastics
several to several hundred nanometers in polyvinyl chloride Engineering plastics are generally defined as plastics that
(PVC)/xonotlite and PVC/mica composites and several nano- show thermal and mechanical properties superior to those of
meters in rubber/carbon black composites; the thickness was too commodity thermoplastic materials. The latter include polyeth-
small to measure in PVC/calcium carbonate composites. The ylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, and PVC. Engineering plas-
thickness depended on the type of matrix and filler, the method tics include polyoxymethylene, polyamides, polycarbonates,
of surface treatment, and the measurement technique, e.g., indi- polybutylene terephthalate, polyethylene terephthalate, poly-
rect estimation from the glass transition temperature change, or etheretherketone, and polyphenylene sulfide. It has been demon-
from the dissipation of vibrational energy through dynamic vis- strated that nanocomposite technology can elevate commodity
coelasticity, or direct measurement on bound polymer adsorbed plastics to engineering plastics. Nanocomposite technology has
on the surface of the filler. produced commodity and engineering plastics with excellent
Initial Development of Nanocomposites The term “nanocomposite engineering plastics” may be used
in the 1990s to indicate a group of plastics that have multifunctional char-
acteristics and properties superior to conventional (original)
Challenging Work by Toyota Group plastics, thanks to nanofiller dispersion within them. This field
Reference [19] seems to be the first paper published by the is burgeoning. After clay/nylon-6 nanocomposites were invent-
Toyota research group. They recognized that clay/inorganic ed for automotive applications, other nanocomposites such as
complexes had various applications such as absorbents, addi- clay/polyolefin nanocomposites were developed with potential
tives for controlling rheological properties of organic solvents, applications outside the automotive industry. One of the most
separators for optically active metal complexes, antioxidants for promising is drink packaging, using the superior barrier proper-
rubber materials, and curing agents for synthetic resins. They ties of polymer clay nanocomposites. Other potential applica-
preferred a clay/polyamide composite, because they thought that tions include the use of polypropylene nanocomposites for fur-
the mechanical properties of a polyamide were strongly affect- niture, home appliances, and interior bulletin board substrates,
ed by inorganic additives and that clay/polyamide interactions magnetic media, bone cement, filter membranes, aerogels, and
had not been studied extensively. (Some work to which they re- dye-sensitized solar cells. Polyether-ether-ketone/carbon nano-

12 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

fiber nanocomposites show promise for applications in the aero- acceptor ions. In neutral form any asymmetric distribution of
space and automotive industries. Polyether-ether-ketone is an electrons and nuclei in a molecule or atom will give rise to mul-
engineering polymer with superior mechanical properties such tipole forces, of which the dipole component will be dominant.
as high melting temperature (380°C) and excellent resistance Several interactions are possible. Between ions the forces are
to chemical corrosion. Carbon nanofibers function as three- strongly Coulombic and long range. When permanent dipoles
dimensional reinforcements. The nanocomposites are expected are present there will be weaker ion-dipole and dipole-dipole
to show improved mechanical properties, and electrical and forces and a range of ion- and dipole-induced forces. Debye and
thermal conductivity, while conserving high melting point and Keesom forces are in this category. All dipole-related polarizing
chemical resistance. forces are of moderate range and generally attractive in nature
Thermosetting materials containing nanofillers are also and are known collectively as van der Waals' forces. A particular
evolving rapidly. Epoxy-based and polyimide-based nanocom- short-range electrostatic force, highly directional and therefore
posites are typical. Epoxy/clay nanocomposites show thermal, of special structural importance, is the hydrogen bond between a
mechanical, and electrical insulation properties superior to those donor (a hydrogen atom covalently bonded to an electronegative
of the base epoxy resin. Epoxy resin is a versatile material in atom) and an acceptor electronegative atom. A flat interface is
widespread use in products such as adhesives, coating materi- assumed for simplicity (Figure 2), but for more rigorous analy-
als, insulation materials for industrial equipment, encapsulation sis a curved interface should be considered, since complicated
materials for LSI, and impregnation materials for the fiber-re- chemistry is involved in inducing polymer morphology forma-
inforced plastics. Epoxy-based nanocomposites are therefore tion in polymer-filler interfaces.
expected to be increasingly used as nanocomposite engineering Why are interfaces important? Lewis [23] gives some rea-
plastics. sons. Interface properties become increasingly prominent if
phase A (see Figure 2) is a particle of finite size, surrounded by
From Colloids to Solid Composite phase B with an AB interface between them. The influence of
the interface can become very significant as the particle diameter
Dielectrics in the 1990s is reduced. If the interfaces are governed only by short-range
Pioneering Work of T. J. Lewis forces and are, say, about 0.5 nm thick, their volume exceeds
In 1994 T. J. Lewis [5] first suggested the concept of nano- 50% of the total volume when the particle size is below 5 nm.
dielectric materials, as stated in the section titled The Influence If the interfaces are more than 10 nm thick, as they might be
of Nanotechnology on Nanocomposites. The term nanometric when the interfaces are charged, they will be dominant when the
dielectrics, introduced later [22]–[24], had a broader meaning interparticle distance is less than 100 nm. Clearly the proper-
than did nanodielectric materials [25]. The former includes the ties of the interface can strongly influence the overall dielectric
latter and molecular devices such as those associated with elec- properties of the composite. This is a situation quite unlike that
tromechanical coupling (piezoelectric effect), electromechani- assumed in traditional Maxwell-Wagner treatment of these sys-
cal/chemical coupling (polymer gels), and force coupling in bi- tems.
ology. The importance of interfaces was emphasized in all cases. Turning to the contribution from colloid science, the charge
An interface between a metal electrode and a polymer dielectric distribution around a particle in a colloid is treated by the DLVO
substance consists of a Helmholtz layer and a Gouy-Chapman
layer, with dimensions in the nanometer range. The former can
be highly structured, while the latter is diffuse and often space
charged to form an electric double layer. Thus interfaces consist
of at least two layers and invariably have different properties
than do bulk materials. These properties can be analyzed us-
ing the Poisson and Boltzmann equations, and since they have
nanometric dimensions, quantum mechanics will also apply.
Computer simulation will be of great assistance in modeling the
dynamic behavior of molecular interfaces.
The concept of nanodielectric interfaces was developed by
Lewis in a follow-up paper in 2004 [22]. He used Figure 2 to
illustrate a nanointerface consisting of a Stern layer and a dif-
fuse layer.
There are several interfacial forces. They include hard-core
forces that are extremely short range, quantum mechanical, and
repulsive in nature. They arise from overlap interactions between
the electron clouds of individual atoms. All the other forces are
essentially attractive/repulsive electrostatic interactions involv- Figure 2. A nanointerface: (a) diffuse electric double layer pro-
ing negative electrons and positive nuclei in the system. Their duced by charged particle phase A in matrix phase B containing
form depends on whether the individual atoms or molecules mobile ions; (b) resulting electrical potential distribution Ψ(r)
are neutral or have a net charge, so that they become donor or [22].

January/February — Vol. 29, No. 1 13

theory of colloids, as explained in the section titled Interfacial peratures, dielectric properties, and space charge were evaluat-
Forces in Colloids. This treatment was applied to the charge dis- ed, leading to the conclusion that nanometric fillers mitigate the
tribution around a nanoparticle in a polymer matrix/nanoparticle interfacial polarization characteristics of conventional materials,
system. Preparation of a nanodielectric composite frequently reducing interfacial field strengths.
involves the mixing of nanoparticles in a liquid phase of the
matrix. This is equivalent to a colloid. Two forces, namely an Synthesis and Analysis of Interaction Zones
attractive interparticle van der Waals' force and a screening dou- Interfaces between polymer matrices and nanofillers are con-
ble layer force, act to stabilize the composite at a nanoparticle/ sidered to play a dominant role in determining the properties of
matrix spacing corresponding to the second energy minimum nanodielectrics. A series of papers on interfaces [5], [22]–[24]
of the DLVO theory. This situation is probable when the Debye were published, leading to a deeper understanding of their prop-
shielding length is large. Subsequent solidification of the matrix erties (section titled Pioneering Work of T. J. Lewis). A multi-
is then likely to produce a homogeneous composite in which core model was proposed in 2005 [26], using modification of
the charges remain on the nanofiller and the surrounding double polymer morphology and charge transfer across interfaces to
layers and continue to stabilize the system. It is important to explain the dielectric properties of polymer nanocomposites.
realize that they also influence the dielectric properties of the It is evident now that many factors should be included in
composite. The balancing of attractive polarization and repul- models of interfaces or interaction zones. These include silane
sive double-layer forces to give a stabilizing energy minimum is couplings, wettability and affinity, and hydrogen and covalent
the essence of the DLVO theory of colloids. bonding of polymers.
To understand interfacial phenomena in nanocomposites in Silane couplings join organic polymers with inorganic sub-
greater depth, we need to apply conformational and morphologi- stances (nanofillers in this case), as shown in Figure 3. In effect
cal polymer chemistry, chemical reaction kinetics and dynamics, two immiscible substances, e.g., organic and inorganic, are hy-
solid-state physics, thermodynamics, and quantum mechanics. drogen bonded. Ionic and van der Waals forces also act between
two different substances. It is important to specify which kind of
force is exerted on the interface, in any specific case. The affinity
Early Study of Nanodielectrics between two dissimilar materials in contact is a measure of the
Eight years after Lewis’s 1994 paper, two papers on fabri- ease with which they combine chemically and is important for
cation and evaluation of nanodielectrics appeared [7], [8]. Re- the wetting of interfaces. The force between the two materials,
search on nanodielectrics was motivated by the development of exerted because of their affinity, may lead to the formation of a
nanotechnology and engineering nanocomposite plastics. First, bound polymer layer. It is suggested in [27], [28] that an inter-
study of epoxy/organically modified layered silicate nanocom- facial hydrogen bonding layer can be enlarged when surface hy-
posites [7] was inspired by the Toyota research group’s creative droxyl groups are generated by heating alumina nanoparticles,
work [19], [21] as stated in the section titled Challenging Work and that the nanoparticle surfaces can be functionalized with
by Toyota Group, and by other related results on epoxy/clay 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxy-silane to form Al-O-Si bonds.
nanocomposites intended for noninsulation applications in the Wettability is an important factor in achieving homoge-
late 1990s. Second, investigation of epoxy/titania nanocompos- neous mixing of two materials. To disperse inorganic nanofillers
ite [8] was encouraged by the concepts of nanometric dielectrics through organic polymer matrices, the affinity between their sur-
[5] and nanodielectrics [22]–[25]. Previous work on these com-
posites had been directed mainly toward optical and mechanical
The term nanodielectrics appeared in 2001 [25]; [7] and [8]
were published in 2002. It was suggested in [25] that progress
in nanodielectrics would take place in three major fields, namely
imaging and measuring methods at the nanoscale level, molec-
ular machines, and molecularly tailored materials. It was also
suggested that polymer nanocomposites should be studied as
part of molecular tailoring.
Reference [7] dealt with epoxy/organically modified lay-
ered silicate nanocomposites, specifically their preparation;
their thermal, mechanical, and dielectric properties; and the
filler dispersion state. The layered silicate nanofillers were well
dispersed within intercalated and exfoliated structures and had
good affinity to epoxy resins. It was confirmed that nanocom-
posites exhibited enhanced thermal, mechanical, insulating, and
dielectric properties, compared with pure epoxy resin. Epoxy/
TiO2 nanocomposites were investigated [8], it being understood
that nanoparticles were the fundamental building blocks in the
creation of nanograined larger-scale structures with excellent
compositional and interfacial flexibility. Glass transition tem- Figure 3. Chemical structure of silane couplings.

14 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

faces in contact must be considered. Surface tension is a direct
measure of the affinity between two substances. It is necessary
to reduce the difference between the surface tensions of the two
materials to obtain homogeneous mixing. Common practice is
to use compatibilizers for polymer alloys and coupling agents
for polymer/inorganic composites. Surface tension is a force but
also involves free energy. The solubility parameter (SP) is often
used as a semi-quantitative measure of the affinity (degree of
miscibility) of polymers with organic modifiers and compatibil-
izers. It corresponds to the square root of the cohesive energy
density for the material in question, where the cohesive ener-
gy density is the energy needed to remove a molecule from its
nearest neighbors divided by the total volume of the removed
molecule. SP = (ΔE/V)1/2, where ΔE and V are, respectively, the
evaporation energy per mole required to form a gas at zero pres-
Figure 4. Classification of composites based on the size of the
sure (infinite separation of the molecules), and the molar volume
disperse phase.
[29], [30]. It can be calculated approximately, if the chemical
structure is known.
Several interfacial models have been proposed. Wilkes’s ture improves electrical insulation properties and maintains low
model dates back to 1989 [31]. In it silica is partially distrib- thermal expansion. However, addition of nanoscale layered sili-
uted in the outer polymer region of the covalent bonding sys- cates tends to increase resin viscosity and cost. It is necessary to
tem produced by the end cap method, and silica and polymer optimize the contents of layered silicates to improve their elec-
combine to form a network structure in the hydrogen bonding trical insulation properties. Nanostructured polymer microcom-
system produced by the direct mixing method. A comparative posites, using the same composites as in [34], were investigated
study of silica-filled polystyrene and thin polystyrene films was [35]. They were evaluated using thermal and stability analysis,
made using a two-layer model [32], each layer having a different infrared spectroscopy, dielectric spectroscopy, breakdown char-
glass transition temperature. Tanaka et al. [26] have proposed a acteristics, partial-discharge (PD) resistance, space charge, and
generalized multicore model, in reality a three-layer model. The conduction current. The results strongly support nanostructured
core consists of a bonded layer (the first layer), a bound layer microcomposites using nanoclays as a viable technological op-
(the second layer), and a loose layer (the third layer). In addi- tion for electrotechnical applications. Composites with high
tion, an electric double layer, responsible for charge transfer and thermal conductivity and sufficient dielectric breakdown volt-
triboelectricity, is present. The first layer is a region of chemical age have been synthesized. High thermal conductivity can be
bonding between inorganic fillers and organic polymer matri- achieved by loading polymers with microfillers such as boron
ces. The second layer is a region with special morphology, e.g., nitride. Nanofiller addition will improve dielectric breakdown
spherulites formed because of the influence of the first layer, or performance [36], [37].
a stoichiometrically cross-linked region. The third layer is a re- Supercomposites with two or more functions are now a re-
gion with different morphology from the host polymer matrices search target. High-permittivity and low-loss composites, and
and is thought to be formed under the influence of the process low-permittivity and high-breakdown-strength composites, are
that forms the second layer. This is a region of incomplete stoi- awaited [38].
chiometrical cross-linking. A new model focusing on polymer Classification of composites based on disperse phase size is
chain alignment was proposed in [33], specifically to explain the shown in Figure 4. A disperse phase such as an inorganic filler
effects of surface modification. with a diameter of several tens of micrometers is usually inserted
Various models have been proposed, but very little quanti- in the resins of microcomposites (filled resins). Before the advent
tative matching has yet been demonstrated between any model of nanocomposites, much work on polymer alloy materials was
and experimental results. Computer simulation is awaited to done in the early 1990s. Polymer alloy materials are made by
promote more quantitative investigation. blending two or more polymers. The size of the disperse phase is
generally in the submicron range. One of the biggest successes
Difference Between Nanocomposites is the development of materials composed of base polymer and
and Nanomicrocomposites elastomer. These materials have a fracture toughness superior
To this point combination of pure polymers with filler sub- to that of the base polymer, because of the submicron-scale
stances has been discussed. In practice few pure polymers are dispersed elastomer. Nanocomposites with a disperse phase on
used, especially where mechanical strength is required. Instead, the nanoscale represent an extension of polymer alloy materi-
microfilled polymers, usually called filled resins, are produced als. Nanofiller development and ready availability of nanofillers
for many applications. They are loaded with nanofiller to pro- seem to have promoted nanocomposite research.
duce nanomicrocomposites or nanostructured microcomposites. In nanomicrocomposites or nanostructured microcomposites,
Layered silica and microsilica mixture composites have been the size of the disperse phase ranges from nanometers to mi-
evaluated [34]. It was shown that a nano- and micro-filler mix- crometers. Nanomicrocomposites have the properties attributed

January/February — Vol. 29, No. 1 15

to the nanometer disperse phase (nanofiller) and to the microme- tightly bound to the surrounding polymer. It is recognized that
ter disperse phase (microfiller). They are therefore materials that surface treatment will bring about more homogeneous disper-
originated in filled resins and were advanced by polymer-alloy sion. Carefully chosen glue is necessary to bind organic poly-
and nanocomposite technology. Composites are either super- mers and inorganic fillers that are totally immiscible. Tight bind-
composites or multifunctional composites. ing has not yet been achieved consistently.
Nanofiller agglomeration tends to occur in the process of fab-
Fabrication Methods ricating a composite, and it is necessary to reduce or eliminate
Nanofillers should be homogeneously dispersed, microscopi- it. Techniques have been borrowed from chemistry, including
cally and macroscopically, in a polymer matrix and should be intercalation methods, sol-gel methods, hydrothermal methods,

Figure 5. Three main nanocomposite fabrication methods.

16 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

sonicator methods, mechanical mixing methods, and high-pres-
sure-orifice methods. Masterbatches of uncured resins loaded
with nanofillers are now available.
There are three main nanocomposite preparation methods, as
shown in Figure 5. Preparation of clay nanocomposites uses the
intercalation method. The first nanocomposite (Nylon-6 Clay
Hybrid) produced by the Toyota group was prepared using this
method and polymerization. Polymerization requires a chemi-
cal plant to polymerize the monomer dispersed with organically
modified clays, while melt blending has the advantage that clay
nanocomposites can be made relatively easily using thermo-
plastic resins. A low-cost manufacturing method in which un-
modified clays are dispersed in polyamide (Nylon) using a wa- Figure 6. Number of papers on nanocomposite dielectrics pub-
ter slurry technique has been developed [39]. The intercalation lished in IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical In-
method for producing clay nanocomposites has been improved sulation (TDEI) and number of insulation-related conferences
for industrial materials. including CEIDP, ISEI, ICSD, ICPADM, and ISH.
In the sol-gel method, the reactions forming the base poly-
mer and the nanofillers occur simultaneously. The latter are
formed by the hydrolysis and condensation reactions of alkox-
Electrical Insulation journal papers were published in the first
ides. Nanocomposite preparation using the sol-gel method was
half of 2012. It is important to strive for a better understanding
originally unsuitable for industrial manufacture. However it has
of the fundamentals and to find more industrial applications.
been improved recently and is now widely accepted in industry.
The direct dispersion method is the simplest of the three. As Characterization of Nanocomposites
mentioned above, it is difficult to disperse nanofillers homoge- Polymer nanocomposite materials prepared for research are
neously. However, recent improvement of mixing devices and characterized by conventional advanced analytical methods
surface treatment techniques has helped [40], [41]. such as

The Last 10 Years of Research (1) wide-angle X-ray diffraction,

on Nanodielectric Materials (2) small-angle X-ray scattering,
(3) energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy,
General Trend (4) scanning electron microscopy,
During the period 2000 to 2005 many kinds of polymer nano- (5) field-emission scanning electron microscopy,
composites were prepared, and their properties were encourag- (6) TEM,
ing further research. Polymer matrices such as epoxy, polyethyl- (7) atomic force microscopy,
ene, polypropylene, and ethylene vinyl acetate have been favored (8) electron spin resonance, and
because they are conventional insulating materials. Nanofillers (9) positron annihilation spectroscopy.
such as layered silicate, SiO2 (silica), TiO2 (titania), Al2O3 (alu-
mina), and MgO (magnesia) have been favored because some Scanning electron microscopy and TEM micrographs are fre-
of them have been used as conventional filled resins in industry. quently used to evaluate the dispersion of nanofillers in polymer
Recently, in the early 2010s, combinations of silicone elasto- matrices, as shown in Figure 7. Unfortunately such micrographs
mers with silica have attracted attention. These elastomer com- provide limited information. An image analyzer can also help
posites are nanomicrocomposites by nature. to quantify particle dispersion. Trials were carried out using the
Figure 6 shows the number of papers on nanocomposite public-domain software ImageJ (National Institutes of Health,
dielectrics published in the IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics Bethesda, MD, USA) [44] and the commercial software ImageA
and Electrical Insulation and the number of insulation-related (A-zokun, Asahi Kasei Engineering, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan)
conferences each year since 1994. As stated above, one paper [45]. The former was applied to TEM images of 12.5 wt% nano-
predicting the future appeared in 1994, but no papers presenting silica/cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) nanocomposites, with
experimental data were published until 2002, when two confer- and without vinyl treatment, while the latter was applied to scan-
ence papers appeared. A special issue of IEEE Transactions on ning electron microscopy images of epoxy/silica nanocompos-
Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation on nanocomposites was ites with different nanosilica loadings.
published in 2008. In addition, 26 papers (written in English) Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy may be used to ana-
were published in a special issue of IEEJ Transactions on Fun- lyze distributions of atoms within composites. Silica SiO2 was
damentals and Materials in 2006. These papers are not included detected in epoxy resins filled with layered silicate (0.45 wt%)
in Figure 6. and microsilica (60 wt%) [35], while several different atoms
It might be claimed that Figure 6 shows that the nanocompos- such as Fe and Mg, in addition to C, O, and Si, were found
ite bubble burst in 2010. Has interest in nanocomposites waned? in polyamide/layered silicate nanocomposites [46] and epoxy/
It probably has not; 18 IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and layered silicate nanocomposites [47]. Atomic force microscopy

January/February — Vol. 29, No. 1 17

Figure 7. Transmission electron microscopy micrographs of layered silicates and nanosilica dis-
persed in polymer matrices [42], [43].

can give information of nanoscale roughness on surfaces; it was polyester, polyimide, polyimide-amide, polyester-imide, and
used to study nanocomposite surfaces roughened by PDs [48]. silicone elastomers. Nanofillers of interest include layered sili-
Wide-angle X-ray diffraction and small-angle X-ray scattering cate (natural and synthetic clays, montmorillonite), silica (SiO2,
are often used for material characterization but rarely in dielec- fume fused, precipitated types), titania (TiO2), silicon carbide
trics. One example has been published [46] that analyzed deg- (SiC), alumina (Al2O3), boehmite (AlOOH), magnesia (MgO),
radation of a nanocomposite by PDs. Electron spin resonance zinc oxide (ZnO), zirconia (ZrO2), barium titanate (BaTiO3),
was used in an attempt to identify lone pairs of electrons, i.e., and polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS). Nanofillers
trapped electrons or holes in XLPE and in 12.5 wt% of vinylsi- are often surface treated with silane coupling agents. Silicone
lane-treated SiO2 nanoparticles in XLPE [49]. Positron annihi- nanocomposite is a late comer that has been intensively investi-
lation spectroscopy will yield the free volume size in nanocom- gated recently.
posites, e.g., in styrene-butadiene rubber/montmorillonite clay Nanofillers may be homogeneously dispersed in polymer
nanocomposites [50]. In [51] various physical and chemical matrices as described in the section titled Fabrication Methods.
methods are critically reviewed as possible tools for character- Various dielectric properties of the resulting nanocomposites
izing nanocomposites. are of interest. How can they be improved? There is no doubt
that PD resistance, treeing lifetime, and space charge can be
Verified Dielectric Properties of Nanocomposites significantly improved by loading the matrices with appropriate
Dielectric properties include PD resistance, treeing lifetime, nanofillers (Table 1). Surprisingly, permittivity decreases when
dielectric breakdown strength, space-charge density, tracking a high-permittivity filler such as titania is incorporated, even
resistance, permittivity, and dc conductivity. Approximately at low filler content. Breakdown strength is also an important
500 journal and conference papers have been published on engineering characteristic, and it seems to be sensitive to fac-
nanocomposites (nanodielectric materials) in the past 10 years. tors such as filler dispersion, complex interfaces, and polymer
Much valuable knowledge has been accumulated. Some brief morphological characteristics associated with ions, dipoles, and
comments follow. traps. The tracking properties of polymer insulators intended for
Polymer matrices or hosts of interest include epoxy resins, outdoor use are important. Improvement of these properties is
polyethylene, XLPE, polypropylene, ethylene vinyl acetate, expected. At present, silicone rubber containing nanosilica filler

Table 1. Qualitative Improvement of Some Characteristics of Polymer Nanocomposites.

Property Improvement Remarks

Partial-discharge resistance Enhancement Nanosegmentation of base polymers

Treeing lifetime Prolongation Especially under moderate field

Space charge Reduction Elevated threshold for charge injection

Tracking resistance Enhancement Similar to partial-discharge resistance

Breakdown strength Increase/No change Coupling and impurity effects

Permittivity Increase/Decrease Increase under limited conditions

Dielectric loss Complicated Complicated interface structures

dc conductivity Increase/Decrease Roles of ion traps and impurities

18 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

is of considerable research interest; the filler particle size may (polypropylene) [66], ac and dc cable insulation (polyethylene
vary from several nanometers to several micrometers. Recently, and XLPE) [67]–[69], silicone elastomers for outdoor use [70],
great progress has been made in increasing tracking resistance [71], and microelectronics PWB (printed wiring board) and
of silicone rubbers by nanosilica loading. packaging (epoxy) [72].
CIGRE activities have led to three interesting papers [51]– Plausible applications of nanocomposites in the electric pow-
[53]. The first is a comprehensive review of contemporary er field are summarized in Figure 8 [73]. They seem to offer
knowledge on nanodielectric materials. The other two are based advantages of higher efficiency, longer service life, and reduced
on work done on the same samples by many investigators. The size of equipment. At present, energy consumption is increasing
XLPE and XLPE/fumed silica nanocomposite samples were around the world, and global warming is becoming more serious
supplied from one source [52], and epoxy, epoxy/silica nano- every year. Energy saving and environmental friendliness are in-
composite, and epoxy/silica nanomicrocomposite samples were ternational concerns. Nanocomposites have the potential to help
supplied from another [53]. solve these problems.
When the use of nanotechnology and nanocomposites is
Computer Simulation widespread, one might reasonably be concerned about potential
Computer simulation of the mechanical properties of com- nanohazards in work places and in homes [74]–[76]. Important
posites is popular [54], [55]. It includes molecular dynamics as it is, that topic is beyond the scope of this article.
simulation, Monte Carlo simulation, and ab initio computation.
It would also be useful for clarifying dynamic behavior such
as the formation of interfaces and dispersion of nanoparticles The Next 50 Years
We have looked back on 50 years of nanodielectric material
in polymer matrices. Some phenomena and performances have
history. We see that polymer nanocomposites or nanodielectric
been qualitatively explained [56]–[61], but the technique is still
materials are promising as near-future high-performance materi-
maturing in the context of nanocomposites.
als, but unfortunately the materials themselves have not yet been
Molecular dynamics simulation of thermosetting resins in-
fully developed. In which directions should research proceed?
corporating nanofillers [58], [60] has demonstrated several char-
We should address areas such as optimization of material
acteristics. First, the distribution of created bonds is changed by
fabrication methods, basic understanding of interfaces, clarifica-
the asymmetrical interaction between monomer and surface, and
tion of dielectric characteristics, computer simulation, and in-
the affinity of the hardener brings about an increase in the number
dustrial applications. In the foreseeable future, multifunctional
of near-surface bonds. Second, the segmental motion of reacted
supercomposites, essentially extensions of nanocomposites, will
resins is not affected by the surface affinity in regions far from
demand attention. As a current example, fiberglass-reinforced
the surface, but it changes drastically near the surface. It was
suggested that the state of interfaces is correlated with the mul- plastics are multifunctional materials, lightweight, strong, and
ticore interfacial model, as stated in the section titled Synthesis transparent at radio frequencies. Thus they are used to shield ra-
and Analysis of Interaction Zones. In an ab initio computational dar equipment. Nanocomposites show considerable promise as
study [59] the theory of local dielectric permittivity was applied multifunctional and high-performance materials. We need new
to understand variations of static and optical dielectric constant nanocomposites that can withstand high voltage and which offer
across idealized Si-SiO2, Si-HfO2, and SiO2-polymer interfaces other properties such as low thermal expansion coefficient, high
thermal conductivity, high or low permittivity, varied perme-
over interatomic distances. These variations have been corre-
abilities, and high-temperature endurance. The search for such
lated with the chemistry of the interfaces, e.g., dangling bonds
materials is already underway.
and multiple oxidation states. The layer decomposed density of
There are two ways to see our future, first through advanc-
states approach has been used to compute the electronic struc-
es in science and technology and second through concerns for
ture variation across Si-HfO2 and SiO2-polymer interfaces and
a sustainable society. The first is driven essentially by human
to elucidate band bending, band offsets, and the creation of trap
curiosity. Molecular tailoring will probably be the key. In rela-
states at interfaces. Filler dispersion in a polyamide-imide/silica
tion to the second, we are now facing crucial global issues such
nanocomposite system has been studied by molecular dynamics
as population growth and an increase of energy consumption,
simulation [61]; adhesive fracture energy at the interfaces be-
as shown in Figure 9. These will give rise to difficult problems
tween silica and solvents was calculated, and Brownian motion
such as increase in petroleum demand, lack of metal resources,
of the silica particles was simulated to clarify their dispersion. It
and global warming. These will demand extensive innovation in
was found that the colloidal state of silica is maintained by cov-
materials science to create sustainable materials. In that context
ering the silica surface with a new low-hygroscopicity solvent,
nanocomposites can be expected to serve our society well, be-
and the chemical structure of the polymer influences the disper-
cause they will have high mechanical and electrical performance
sion of the silica. It was claimed that the method is useful when
and the ability to function as metal substitutes, bio-mimetic sys-
attempting to determine the optimum conditions for good filler
tems, reusable systems, and carbon-neutral systems, all in an
dispersion in nanocomposite systems.
environmentally friendly way.
Plausible Applications Interdisciplinary investigations are necessary. Electrical engi-
Some of the possible applications of nanocomposites lie in neers, physicists, chemists, biologists, computer scientists, and
motor windings (synthetic enamel) [62], [63], generator wind- people working in industry need to cooperate. There is plenty of
ings (epoxy) [64], switchgear spacers (epoxy) [65], capacitors room for nanodielectric materials!

January/February — Vol. 29, No. 1 19

Figure 8. Plausible applications of nanocomposites in the electric power field [73].

Figure 9. Nanocomposites as sustainable materials.

20 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

Acknowledgments [23] T. J. Lewis, “Interfaces and nanodielectrics are synonymous,” Proc.
IEEE-ICSD, no. 7O5, p. 4, 2004.
The authors are much indebted to Dr. R. J. Fleming, Co- [24] T. J. Lewis, “Nano-composite dielectrics: The dielectric nature of the
Editor-in-Chief EIM, for his help in improving the English ex- nano-particle environment,” IEEJ Trans. Fund. Mater., vol. 126, no. 1,
pression and quality of the manuscript, and to Dr. C. W. Reed for pp. 1020–1030, 2006.
his kind encouragement and valuable suggestions. [25] M. F. Fréchette, M. Trudeau, H. D. Alamdari, and S. Boily, “Introductory
remarks on nanodielectrics,” Ann. Rep. IEEE-CEIDP, no. 2A-12, pp.
92–99, 2001.
[26] T. Tanaka, M. Kozako, N. Fuse, and Y. Ohki, “Proposal of a multi-core
References model for polymer nanocomposite dielectrics,” IEEE Trans. Dielectr.
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22 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

Toshikatsu Tanaka (SM ’95, F ’00) was Takahiro Imai (M ’12) was born in Gifu
born in Tokyo, Japan, in 1939. He is pres- Prefecture, Japan, in 1972. He received the
ently Research Fellow at IPS Research BEng and MEng degrees in applied chemi-
Center of Waseda University. He received cal engineering from Waseda University in
the PhD degree from Osaka University in 1996 and 1998, respectively, and DEng in
1968. He worked at CRIEPI for 38 years, materials science in 2006. He joined the
the last six as vice president, and then at Toshiba Corporation in 1998. Presently he
IPS Graduate School, Waseda University, is engaged in developing electrical insula-
until March 2009. He was visiting lecturer tion materials and systems for switchgear
at Salford University in the UK (1970–1972), visiting associate in the Power and Industrial Systems R&D Center of Toshiba
professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and General Elec- Corporation. He received the IEE of Japan (IEEJ) Distinguished
tric in the United States (1975–1976), and visiting professor at Paper Award in 2006. He is a member of the IEEJ and the Soci-
Kyushu University in Japan (1993–1997). He was a recipient of ety of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ).
the Ministry of Science and Technology Prize (Japan) in 2000,
IEEJ Technology Progress Award in 1988, IEEE Whitehead Me-
morial Lecture Award in 2001, and IEEE Dakin Award in 2002.
He is active in IEEJ, IEEE, and CIGRE. He is an IEEE Fellow
and an IEEJ Life Fellow.

January/February — Vol. 29, No. 1 23

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