The Role of Millenial Teacher in Conserving and Promoting Local Folklore Through Student Centered Learning

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2nd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263

Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 2, 2018) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549



Dwi Ario Fajar

Universitas Pekalongan

The objective of this study is to explain the role and strategy of the teachers in teaching and
learning of folklore in industrial revolution 4.0 era. Folklore as the part of local wisdom needs to
be conserved and promoted. Millennial generation is the key of the success in conserving and
promoting local folklore. Indonesia has potential students as millennial generation must be taken
advantage in education. This research helps the teachers and educators to teach and learn the local
folklore in industrial revolution 4.0 era through millennial generation. This study tries to
maximize the Student Centered Learning approach in developing the use of e-learning and social

Keywords: millennial teachers, folklore, student centered learning

Introduction possibilities, and enter a challenging era of

Creativity is the key word that should be globalization (Mulyasa 2013, pp. 53-54).
used in this era. This era is no longer using The teacher is also a motivator no
more monotonous and traditional teaching longer as a dictator in a class who likes to
and learning. Learning of this era requires command and pressure students to learn.
synergy of teachers and students' creativity. Teachers are required to encourage not just
Teachers can no longer be entirely dominant information transfer. Motivation is needed in
because in this era all information and every learning and teaching activity. Each
technology have the same rights to have. student has their own character so that
Teachers who are lazy to update information automatically the level of students' learning
will be beaten by their students. However, motivation will be different. So the teacher's
creative and learning teachers will become job is to encourage students to grow in their
facilitators and motivators for students motivation (Sardiman, 2016, pp. 75-76).
(Susanto, 2013). This millennial era teachers are
Senjaya (2008) mentions that as a expected to have a very adequate ability for
facilitator, teachers play a role to provide the mastery of information technology.
services to facilitate students in learning Information technology must be one of the
process activities. In addition, teachers can main skills teachers must have today. Maybe
observe the character of their students more it could be called a millennial teacher or
complexly. So that can facilitate the teacher teachers who have students of the millennial
in observation of interest and talent of each generation. If teachers do not quickly master
student. Interests and talents in the end can the information technology then get ready to
be channeled and every student is not beaten be ignored by the students. Nowadays
flat in his or her interest. The excitement of students believe in more Google than
excitement, anxiety, and courage to express teachers or even parents. Another problem
an open opinion is the basic capital for with this millennial era is how these
learners to grow and develop into human ancestral cultures are not neglected. Teachers
beings who are ready to adapt, face are also one of the professions that have a
role in cultural conservation. Local culture


Dwi Ario Fajar
2nd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 2, 2018) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

may be easily overlooked by the millennial Teaching learning in this millennial

generation. This can be because millennial era is closely related to distance learning.
generations are being tampered with a Teachers and learners are not tied to space
variety of information that is so rapidly and time. So there will be differences in
obtained from around the world that local teaching trends in this era.
culture will be eroded by foreign cultures. In conventional education, teachers
It's like contestation. The millennial and learners are in the same room and time.
generation is disguised by various forms of During the learning process takes place, the
culture. They just choose what they like. management of the class is entirely by the
Folklore is an intangible cultural teacher who performs various activities such
heritage that has been inherited in a down- as explaining or holding a question and
and-down manner (Lutviansori, 2010), but answer about the learning materials that he
with the new situation and condition where discussed, providing guidance, motivating,
the industrial revolution must pass through assessing and so forth. Because the teacher
disruptive period. So there is need for action expresses it directly, the learner can respond
and efforts to preserve the inheritance of directly.
these folklore ancestors. It may be feared if Distance learners, teachers and
the children and grandchildren will not know learners are not in the same time and space
the local cultural heritage. They will lose as they are geographically separated. Being
their national and regional identity. Losing separate, there is no supervisory or teacher
identity or identity will cause a sense of control over the learner's behavior, especially
inferior to other nations and cultures that will if the teacher limits himself to interact
make this nation are not confident in the directly with the learner. Communication of
culture. teachers and learners is done through the
Cultural diversity owned by this media, because not face to face directly. As a
nation actually has a great advantage in the result the teacher will know the learning
era of globalization. Indonesia can be a progress of the learner if the learner responds
reference from various nations in terms of to the teaching, assignment, or exam given to
maintaining cultural plurality. With cultural him (Munir, 2012).
diversity and folklore Indonesia can be a
pilot country in the conservation of noble 2. Student Centered Learning and E-
cultural values. Learning
This study will explain how the role This millennial E-Learning era is
of teachers in the industry era 4.0 in necessary. E-learning is a pragmatic
promoting and conserving local folklore as information and communication technology
one of the cultural heritage through student that requires the support of teachers and
centered learning. learners. Therefore the successful use of e-
learning is influenced by teachers and
Discussion learners. E-learning will work well if done
1. Teaching Learning Style in Millennial correctly and optimally.
Era E-learning is optimal if it collaborates
In this era of education experienced with Student centered learning (SCL)
very complex problems because the approach. SCL is a learner-centered
development of information technology is approach. Learners have an active role in
growing rapidly and quickly. Problems learning. While the position of the teacher as
encountered include morality, child character a mediator.
and loss of local culture. However, these This collaboration is very effective
technological advances should be addressed because the teacher is not a subject of
and anticipated positively. learning. So that learners become more


Dwi Ario Fajar
2nd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 2, 2018) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

active and can explore the learning materials the role of teachers is necessary because
independently. The collaboration also teachers have the closest role from other
enables children to optimize their ability and occupational professions. Teachers are
independence. (Munir, 2013, pp. 167-193) professions that directly relate to the younger
generation. So the role of teachers is needed
3. The Use of Social Media in Teaching in maintaining a culture.
Learning Folklore is the inherited cultural
Is social media currently playing a heritage that is now very easily lost due to
role in education? Yes of course, this can be the flow of globalization. Promotion is one
seen from the many new methods in the good way to capitalize on the current
world of education that many use of learning globalization and industrial revolution 4.0.
media taken from social media. Learning So what's worried about the loss of our
activities become easier when social media is culture will not happen.
used in education. Through the social media
students can be more creative and 5. Social Media Utilization in Teaching
independent in learning, thus the quality of Learning
students can also increase, with the Social media has an important role in
increasing quality of Students of the quality the era of industrial revolution. Social media
of education is better. spread the word quickly. Utilization of social
How to use social media in order to media in learning activities is needed in
trigger the quality of the learner is to make promotion and conservation of folklore. For
use of all the ease of communicating and example, a teacher assigns a task to his
sharing information owned by the media for students to record and document the various
educational or learning process. Some social types of folklore in their respective areas.
media that can play a role in the world of This task can be in the form of individuals or
education that can trigger the quality of groups. After they have documented their
learners, such as Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, findings, they upload the results in various
Instagram and Youtube. Student quality can social media that their teacher has
be better when utilizing social media as determined.
much as possible, by minimizing the The activity seems trivial, but it has a
negative impact. remarkable advantage because social media
The development of various gadget directly connected to the whole world.
technologies that have been changing the Unlike a website or blog, websites and blogs
internet as a form of mass media, allowing do not have features linked to other accounts
anyone to publish and communicate or web pages, even passive. The difference
anything, to anyone, from anywhere and with social media is that social media has
whenever an internet connection is available. characters that connect and spread what is
uploaded to all social media accounts. Social
4. The Role of Millennial Teachers in media is now both Twitter, Facebook and
Conserving and Promoting Local Instagram they have a hashtag in ease of
Folklore search. Hashtag is very useful in to brand a
The changing times require teachers searched word. So in this occasion hashtag
to change the teaching style. In addition, the service is good enough to promote
role of teachers is not limited to teaching and something, especially applied to learning and
learning in schools but there is more promotion of folklore. Local Folklore will be
common at this time of promotion. Probably known and can be read by outsiders by
strange, why teachers should be giving certain hashtags when uploading their
promotional? What is promoted? To results.
maintain the culture including folklore then


Dwi Ario Fajar
2nd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 2, 2018) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549


(in the teaching

upload into several

Social Media ( The Students collecting
Promoting Local their local foklore
Folklore) (Conserving Folklore)

Conclusion Susanto, Ahmad. (2013). Teori Belajar dan

The role of teachers in maintaining local Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Prenada Media
wisdom and culture especially folklore can Grup.
be realized if the combination of teaching
strategies and the role of active students take
place harmoniously. Social media has
become an excellent tool for promoting local
folklore. Social media can trigger the quality
of learning if it can be utilized maximally all
the ease of communicating and sharing
information owned by the media for the
process of education or learning.

Lutviansori, Arif. (2010). Hak Cipta dan
Perlindungan Folklor di Indonesia,
Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.
Mulyasa, E. (2013). Standar Kompetensi dan
Sertifikasi Guru. Bandung: PT
Remaja Rosdakarya.
Munir. (2012). Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh
Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan
Komunikasi. Bandung: Alfabeta.
Sardiman. (2016). Interaksi dan Motivasi
Belajar-Mengajar. Jakarta: Rajawali
Senjaya, Wina. (2008). Strategi
Pembelajaran; Berorientasi Standar
Proses Pendidikan. Jakarta: Kencana
Prenada Media Group.


Dwi Ario Fajar

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