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2. About AGROLOT 8
2.1. What AGROLOT Does? 8
2.2. AGROLOT Tools 7
2.3. AGROLOT Guarantee 10
2.4. AGROLOT Co. Structure 11
2.5. Financial indicators 11
2.6. OUR TEAM 14
3. ICO 15
3.1. Technology 15
3.2. ICO structure 15
3.3. Main investments: road map draft 16
3.4. Profits 19
3.5. Cryptobank project 19
3.6. Registration and Airdrop (Bounty) 20
3.7. Land Bank 21
3.8. After presale conditions 23
3.9. OFIR coin 23

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Scientists from the UN and the University of Washington claim that the
population of the Earth by 2100 will be 11 billion people.
Nowadays, medicine development level allows to decrease the tendency
of population growth, especially in developing countries:

The latest achievements in the sphere of agro industrial complex of XX

century allowed to achieve the tendency of decrease in food prices:

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However, the total number of hungry and undernourished people is
impressive: about 900 million people.
And these are only those that are starving, and if we add to them about
2.5 billion people who do not receive all the necessary diet of vitamins
and nutrients and about 1.5 billion without access to clean water, the
picture turns out to be terrifying.

The question is: why there are rather sufficient amount of food, but
there are still a lot of hungry people?
There are different obstacles:
Unfair distribution of food;
Poverty in developing states;
UN food aid theft and lack of desire to solve food problems by local
Tough internal situation in states;
Inability to buy food overseas because of economic restrictions etc.

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Farmers and international trade

As is known, the process of globalization, which is increasingly gaining

momentum in the world, affects absolutely all types of activities,
including the agro-industrial complex.
The increasing openness of markets around the world allows even small
and medium-sized enterprises to independently outsource customers
from other countries and conclude contracts with them for the delivery
of their products.

The structure of world agricultural market is next:

The End Customer receives the same food product by different prices,
depending of the number of mediators, so the End Customer cut off
from Producer.

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But, giving the possibility to trade directly with foreign contractors, there
are a lot of barriers on that way for small and medium entrepreneurs:
Internal legislation – taxes, procedures, restrictions etc.;
International rules – Incoterms, international private law etc.;
Need for high-qualified specialists: lawyers, international economists;
Presence of mediators with low purchase prices.

There are also a lot of objective difficulties:

Power limitation
Time limitation
Physical limitation
All of that factors form a situation of “narrow neck”, which was described
in works of famous researcher Elijah Goldratt.

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All of that factors form a situation of “narrow neck”, which was described
in works of famous researcher Elijah Goldratt.

The question arises - how to make the farmer able to independently find
customers from other countries, without resorting to the often
unprofitable services and conditions of mediators, or not creating a
whole international trade department in their enterprise?

The solution can be the use of the system and crypto currency Agrolot,
which allows to minimize the costs of mediation and the risks of default
by the parties, which is provided by the presence of a system of smart

Using Agrolot, the buyer can purchase products in the quantity and
quality that he needs, rather than adjust to the conditions of large

The seller receives obvious benefits in the form of the possibility of

withdrawing funds in any convenient way, and at any convenient time.

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AGROLOT - special platform for food deals using modern technologies.
The basic currency of the system is cryptocurrency Agrocoin, which is
easily converted to each another currency. The cryptocurrency is
guaranteed by food inventory.
The main task of our Team is to connect the Producer and the End
Customer directly, rejecting mediators.

Using our platform, each Ukrainian farmer can sell corn to another
farmer, who engaged in stock raising in United Arab Emirates using
smartphone at the best time, at the best price, not taking care how to
deliver, insure goods etc.

AGROLOT - logistic and financial

warrantor of this deal!

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What AGROLOT Does?
We give possibility to sell farmer’s goods as advantageously as
possible, in the right place, at the right time
We give the opportunity to buy goods as fast as possible, in the
necessary amount and quality.
We are warrantors of the deal between the Sides using technology of
smart contracts.
We provide all necessary tracking and logistic services, expanding the
volumes of our possibilities in service field.

AGROLOT Tools platform – web-site where sellers and buyers after

registration can provide Smart-contracts, transferring exchange
Internal cryptocurrency Agrocoin OFIR (Operative Food International
Register)– barter tools. Every Agriproduct will have denomination in

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AGROLOT Guarantee
The idea of creating this project arose from our practical activities in the
international trade of agro products. Therefore, in the development of
this product, we were guided by the question, whether we worked with
Agrolot? Therefore, we carefully thought out the guarantees for our
potential users:

1. Agriproducts – all financial transactions are backed by real goods,

namely agrarian products. OFIR in this case is a domestic currency for
payments within the Agrolot platform.
2. Safety data servers – We negotiated with reliable participants of the
market for data storage in Europe (Switzerland) and concluded a
contract of intent Own resources as the Company.
3. We are responsible for the delivery of goods and plan to work only
with trusted carriers
4. Own resources – till now we have already created by own finance the
platform AGROLOT ( and start working!
5. Land bank – we want to create a land bank for the purpose of growing
the most agglomerated agricultural products in order to guarantee
the volumes and completeness of transactions.

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AGROLOT Co. Structure
While building the organizational structure, we taught financial and
PEST risks. Based on this structure, the financial structure was
constructed and all expenses associated with this structure were
calculated. We also paid special attention to the reliability of the structure
and safety of capital for investors.

Financial indicators

During the consultations, we decided for developing OFIR and create the
token, we need to hire a team of 5 people. Term of writing the project is 6
months. Another 6 months will take up testing and commissioning.

Total sum IT Investments – 216 900 $:

OPEX (12 months) is 136 900 $
Hardware – 80 00 $.

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The results of economic calculations show that 2 years we will not get the
sufficient level of income to cover OPEX. The shortage is equal 2300 th. $.
It is additional amount we need to invest every month according to
We assumed that the number of operations will increase gradually, and
commensurate with the recognizability of AGROLOT and its
opportunities (Scheme 1. Transactions). Average amount of transactions –
3-5 000 $. It was planned to get 1-1,5% AGROLOT fee from all turnover.





1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year

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When calculating the project's financial indicators, we were guided by an
organizational structure that, in our opinion, will allow us to effectively
manage customer requests and accompany transactions. The key articles
of the first three years are the salaries of IT staff and maintenance
personnel, marketing budget and communications.
According to our calculations and cautious estimates, the project will
begin to pay for itself for 3 years of its existence (Scheme 2. Return on

Scheme 2. return on investment





1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year

Profit accum. Invesments accum.

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We work on the international agro market more than 15 years. We have
attracted to our project AGROLOT experience lawyers, economists and IT

Let us introduce ourselves!!!

International trade – GFK Company is a developing group of companies

that specializes in trading of the agricultural products. Our team works in
the sphere of the food industry on the markets of CIS’ countries, Europe
and Asia for more than 15 years.
IT team – Ukraine occupies the fourth place in the world by the number
of IT Professionals.  Our team include the specialists that where involved
in the cryptocurrency projects and business systems development in the
best IT Companies in Ukraine (Ciklum, Epam and etc).
Layer – Lawyer in our team, was the chief lawyer of the NOVA POSHTA
Company, and has a successful experience in organizing delivery to more
than 200 countries around the world.
Finance - TOP KLASS Company ( was founded in
2011 for the purpose of rendering services in the sphere of business,
accounting, tax planning and business planning. We work with Ukrainian
and International companies: Atlas Copko, Veres, Promat (Etex group),
Runo, Toyota branch (BITI Ukraine), Wienerberger, Smart IT Solutions,
China National Complete Engineering Corporation (CCEC), KFC, Nokian,
Novonordisk, Petrochemical engineering, Barishevskiy meat plant and
etc. Among our business plans in agri sphere are biodiesel, honey, meat
production and etc.

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AGROLOT (AGLT) is a token based on NEO cryptocurrency. Why NEO?
Because all transactions inside of NEO Blockchain are free and very fast.
Confirmation of transaction takes few minutes only.
AGROLOT (AGLT) is a shares of our company and it will be issued
100 000 000 of them. 49 millions will be partly sold, partly will go on
regulations of the exchange rate, to cryptobank and for interest on
AGROLOT tokens will be traded on internal stock exchange to provide
control on big exchange fluctuations. After completing 2nd and 3rd
presale we will list AGROLOT on external stock exchange.

ICO structure
For the purposes of further project development, we are planning to start
crowdfunding campaign and issue AGLT (Agrolot) tokens, which will work
on the basis on NEO smart-contract technology and are actually as the
shares of the company.

It is planned to lead five presales of tokens:

1st pre-sale– 2 million of AGLT tokens for $0.6 (7 days)
2nd sale – 10 million of AGLT tokens for $1 (14 days)
3rd sale – 10 million of AGLT tokens for $2 (20 days)
4rd sale – 10 million of AGLT tokens for $3 or higher depends on the
stock (20 days). We plan to increase the price every 500 000 tokens on
10 cents.
5rd sale – 10 million of AGLT tokens for $5 (20 days). We plan to increase
the price every 200 000 tokens on 10 cents.

Three of presales have a special fixed bonus:

1st – from 5 to 15 %;
2nd – from 3 to 12%;
3rd – from 2 to 8 %

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Main investments: road map draft

1st stage – development of OFIR coin investments

2nd stage – Agrolot. com webpage, digital signs,

YouTube, Google AdWords campaign, 10 offices around
the world (Europe, North and South America, Africa)
with call-centers, internal stock exchange, cryptobank

3rd stage – company and bank account in Switzerland,

Token Fund, office costs;

3-5 months of development

4th stage – OFIR coin maintenance, staff, ad costs, rate

maintenance, Land Bank, exit to the largest stock

5th stage – Land Bank, exchange points, OFIR rate

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Investments, $ millions



12500000 10,000,000


51% of tokens will be always in the hands of developer team.

It will be an open wallet in the webpage, when each person could track
those tokens.

Agrolot Fee


Land Bank

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Stage Amount Period Purpose

1 1.2 million USD (2 million 2.04.2018 - Start of the development of

AGROLOT by 0.6 USD) 9.04.2018 the block chain platform.

2 10 million USD (10 million 9.04.2018 – Company registration at

AGROLOT by 1 USD) 23.04.2018 Switzerland. Improvements
in the platform,
development of the smart
contracts, of the crypto bank
and stock exchange.
3 20 million USD (10 million 24.04.2018 – 50% to cover OPEX and 50%
AGROLOT by 2 USD) 14.05.2018 to cover exchange rates on
internal stock exchange.

4 10 million AGROLOT at 40% to cover OPEX and 60%

current exchange rate for launch of the Land bank.
(from 3 USD per token)

5 6 million AGROLOT To create CRYPTOBANK

6 1 million AGROLOT Airdrop and advertising

7 10 million AGROLOT 70% will go to the Land bank

and 30% to fund OFIR coin
on a 100 online exchange

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Why it’s profitable to invest to the AGLT:

– The possibility to sell the token on the internal market more expensive
– The possibility to sell the token on the external stock exchange
– To participate in cryptobank, when it will be counted some percentage
for withholding

– AGLT holders will reach OFIR coin after its launch, 5-10% from 300
millions OFIR

– Investors will reach dividends from Land Bank under the % of its

Additional profits:
We will share 10 tokens for registration for first 5000 customers, then 5
AGLT for next 5000 new customers.

Cryptobank project

We also intend to found the Cryptobank

6 millions of tokens will be issued for the % payment of Cryptobank:
90 days (20% for 30 days by tokens, 3 payments 20% - 20% - 120%). Total -
125 days (20% for 25 days by tokens, 5 payments 20% - 20% - 20% - 20% -
120%). Total - 200%
180 days (20% for 20 days by tokens, 9 payments 20% - 20% - 20% - 20% -
20% - 20% - 20% - 20% - 120%). Total - 280%
After the creation of the OFIR coin, all investors will receive their accruals
on tokens in the ratio of 21 million OFIR coins (7% of 300 million OFIR
coins created) to 22 million shares sold, AGROLOT (AGLT) tokens, almost 1
to 1.

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1 coin OFIR will cost $ 10 and will be tied to the dollar. 20% of issued OFIR
coins will be ready for withdrawal to external purses or to our platform or
to the internal exchange and they can be used or sold. 80% will be
thawed step by step, every 10% - every 2 months.
51% of the tokens will always belong to the developers. On the Website
there will be an open access and everybody will check, that they are in
place and they will not be sold yet.

What do our investors will get:

the opportunity to sell coins on the domestic exchange is more
to trade on external exchanges,
to participate in a crypto bank where% will be charged for storing our
shares (tokens),
the holders of tokens will receive OFIR coin after it creation of 7% of 300
million OFIR coins created, depending on the number of stored tokens,
that is, 21 million OFIR.
they will receive dividends from the Land Bank as a percentage of their

Registration and Airdrop (Bounty)

We will allocate around 1 million tokens for registration and airdrop.

Airdrop is an advertisement system of our project. We will give tokens to
persons, who will subscribe to our social networks, channels in YouTube
and for feedbacks, for ads in their channels.
First 5000 who will register will get 10 tokens each, next 5000 wll get 5
tokens each. In addition to that we will do Airdrop after opening internal
exchange for promotion of our coin.

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Step one: subscription on social networks and services (Telegram, Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube);
Step two: subscription on three YouTube channels from our partners;
Step three: three feedback posts on forums related to our industry.
For these steps Airdrop will be 25 AGROLOT tokens per subscription per step.
For review of our project on YouTube channels with 5000+ subscriptions we
will give 200 AGROLOT tokens.

Land Bank
Land bank will be created to reinforce the volume for the market, also it allows
to get an additional income for the company and investors.
The land that we will buy will be planted with the most popular crops,
sunflower, corn, wheat, etc.
The planned area of 50 thousand hectares is situated in the South of Ukraine
(Zaporozhye, Kirovograd, Odessa, Kherson, Nikolayev regions) of $1500 per
hectare (rent for long term periods).
This price includes equipment for the processing of land, personnel wages and
harvesting equipment.
The amount of money for this project needs $75 million. The first part will go
from the fourth presale and the final stage will be from the last fifth presale.
The profit of our Land Bank will be divided into all holders of tokens in
percentage terms.

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Why Ukraine?
Agriculture is one of the main fields in the economy of Ukraine due to its
climate and demographic reasons (the density of population in the rural
areas in Ukraine is quite high).  Ukraine occupies the third place in the
world in the corn export, fifth place in the wheat export.
Agricultural land in Ukraine is owned by individuals, and leased to
agricultural companies on a three- or five-year basis.
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine prolonged the moratorium till the end of
2017 on the land sale that has agricultural function. It is impossible to sell
agricultural land that is owned by the government now.     The citizenry of
Ukraine will be allowed to sell the agricultural land only in the beginning
of 2019. Now it is possible only rent the agricultural land for 50 years.
42 million hectares are used for agricultural activities. About 80 percent
of the agricultural area is arable land, two-thirds of it the agriculturally
rich black soil (chernozem).The average price by regions is about
Cost of investment in Ukraine’s farmlands is the lowest in Europe while it
provides the highest return potential given the high soil fertility and
unrealized agro-ecological potential of Ukraine’s soils. The cost of
investment is composed of the lease rights acquisition cost, annual lease
fees and annual cultivation (actual farming operation) costs.
Optimal investment cost in Ukraine’s agricultural land  is one of the
lowest at USD 600-800 per hectare compared to Americas’ (USA and
Argentina) USD 4,000+, and Western European level of USD 12,000+.

Fast fact: Ukraine has 1/4 of all stocks of black soil (or chernozem) on the planet.
Black soil with proper handling gives the greatest number of crops and
considers as the best land for agriculture.

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After presale conditions
After the 5th presale (10 million tokens, will be sold from 5 dollars with a
rise from the sale of every 200 thousand by 10 cents), 70% of the collected
funds will go to the Land Bank, 30% to the OFIR coin fund, to ensure its
value to USD, to connect at least 100 online exchange points around the
world, we ourselves can buy them from customers for $ 10, naturally with
the commission, about 1-2%. Plus, for the exchangers, a guaranteed fund
will be created in the public domain so that they can see that the coin is
tied and secured with assets.

OFIR coin
OFIR (Operative Food International Register) is a coin on based on a
smart contract, with its algorithm, we need for the trading site
It will be calculated by our customers among themselves, each seller or
buyer will have their own digital signature, they will sign a smart contract
between the seller and the buyer. The OFIR coin will be pegged to the
currency of USD, EUR, it will be worth $10.
We are planning to issue 300 million of coins, with an option of extra
This coin will be sold exclusively on the domestic exchange or on a lot of
exchangers around the world, it can be bought for any currency, cash, or
for various payment systems, or for cryptocurrency.
OFIR will not be traded on external exchanges in order to avoid
manipulation with the price, we will introduce it into other projects, and,
possible, we’ll propose it to other projects, as the unit of account.
OFIR will be backed up using the funds of 3th presale, and also by the
smart contracts of customers.

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