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Very good morning to all.

Today I would like to tell you about the greatness, discipline

and decisiveness of Steve Jobs.

(Steve Paul Jobs; San Francisco, 1955 - Palo Alto, California, 2011) He was adopted
by Paul and Clara Jobs, who moved to Mountain View, California. He is an American
computer scientist and businessman. Father of the first personal computer and
founder of Apple Computer, probably the most innovative company in the sector, this
computer magician was one of the most influential in the vertiginous technological
escalation in which the current world still lives, decisively contributing to the
popularization of computing. Mountain View, a city of Silicon Valley, the 'paradise of
electronics and computing', is where the world's leading technology companies are
based today.
His visionary ideas in the field of personal computers, digital music, or mobile phones
revolutionized the markets and habits of millions of people for more than three
Jobs only lasted a semester in college (at Red College, Oregon), disenchanted with
the educational system, although he continued to attend calligraphy classes. His first
job was at Atari, one of the first video game companies. He saved some money and
left work to go to India "in search of enlightenment". In 1975, together with Steve
Wozniak, he founded Apple Computer Inc., which was born in Jobs' room. They
started building computers by hand in their parents' garage. In a few years the jump
that company took was gigantic, and in 1983 Apple had already entered like the
fastest rise of a company in business history.
Jobs left Apple in 1985 after being fired, but soon became CEO of another great
company that grew out of technological advancements, Pixar. With Jobs in the lead,
Pixar produced the animated films 'Toy Story' (the first full-length computer-
generated feature film) and 'Bugs'. "People no longer read Herodotus or Homer to
their children, but they all watch movies," Jobs said in a statement to Time magazine.
He was always one step ahead of everyone else.

The company was in a mess. They really need someone who can take charge and
sort this out. When he returned to Apple in 1997, he reorganized the company and
went to work on new computers, creating the iMac, then the iBook laptops, and finally
the iPod player. In 2007 he revolutionized the market again with his iPhone phone,
and in 2010 he left the world speechless with the iPad tablet. Steve Jobs was an
excellent leader and he had a very good track record for leading companies
One of the most visionary characters of our time, also one of the most controversial
in terms of his style of leadership and business management. Despite this, his
collaborators adored and trusted him, because he conveyed the purpose of what
they were doing, based on his passion and disciplined character, the importance of
his role.

That’s it! This is our list of references. Thank you very much for your time.

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