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The family is very important because it is the home is where each person feels loved, protected
and can be as one is. They are the people who will never judge you for what you are. My family is
made up of 6 people my mom my father my brother my three pets and I they are very important
people in my life. family is essential in a person's life the reason is because in the family you learn
to love, to love, to be noble etc. even if the family is made up of one or more people. Each family is
unique has something different the family will always support you in everything like my family
whenever you need to go to someone the best is your family your family always want the best for
always always give you the best advice and opinions you should always support your family as they
should you in the family everyone should learn good things from everyone to have a good


the school place where children go to study is the place where there are people of legal age called
teachers who, with their learning and knowledge, share it with us so that later in our life we use it
and we will need it for our life as for work family friends etc. It is also the place where we meet our
friends where you socialize with all kinds of people there are you make best friends, companions,
friends and acquaintances with your friends. For example, my school is called Robert F. Kennedy. It
is made up of the principal, the coordinator, the secretary, the counselor, teacher, students, etc.
My school is large. It has rooms, bathrooms, patio, cafeteria, secretary, coordination, a multiple
room, teachers' room, etc. My school is very good because the coexistence is very good and the
teachers are improving every day, they provide very good information and guide us very well for
the future of us and the careers we want to choose.

La casa

the house is also known as the home the house is the place where you live with your family it is
the place where you live your best moments with your family friends and acquaintances the house
is made up of several parts for example the room the bathrooms the rooms the kitchen the
balcony the star room For example, my house has everything I said earlier, it is large, it has a
wooden floor on the balcony. It has plants, it has a lively park, and I take my pet to pass. all the
houses are different they have another style another color other furniture others are small others
are large other people live in houses or in apartments like me

los deports

Sports are physical activities that some people do sports are varied there are skating soccer ballet
swimming basketball tennis among many more people do them for pleasure to do physical activity
or to become professional in that physical activity it is important to do some sport "physical
activity" because your body burns toxins and that is good for the body sport is a way to distract
yourself from lowering stress for example at school we do physical activity Sport is a regulated
activity, usually of a competitive nature and that can improve the physical condition of those who
practice it, and also has properties that differentiate it from the gam
It is a physical activity that is exercised as a game or competition, the practice of which involves
training and subjection to previously established rules. Within the world of sports there are many
different discipline

Los animals

Animals are living beings there are many animals such as dogs, cats, lions, tigers, zebras, fish, birds,
among many others, there are domestic animals and wild animals, domestic animals are those
that can be educated, are pets, for example, dogs. cats’ fish many more while wild animals are
those that live outdoors that cannot be domesticated for example zebras’ hummingbirds rhinos
reindeer among many more animals are important to the world because they provide love they
are living beings that feel like us for example I have three pets a dog named kills a cat named
Cheldon and a pesera they are very affectionate and lower stress with their tenderness

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