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A Distributed Agent-Based Approach for Optimal

QoS Selection in Web of Object Choreography
Nacera Temglit, Abdelghani Chibani, Karim Djouani, and Mohamed Ahmed Nacer

Abstract—The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the domain of more than 5 million of new devices that can be connected every
physical/logical objects connected to the Internet that can be acces- day. This means that the number of the services that can be sup-
sible anywhere and anytime, giving the access policies. Web objects plied through these devices on the internet will increase more
and services can be seen as distributed and cooperative agents that
need to collaborate in order to reach advanced functionalities and and more. In this context, performing the composition and selec-
also to optimize the overall quality offered to the end users. How- tion of these services according to quality-of-service (QoS) cri-
ever, the number of the services that can be supplied through these teria will become a complex task for operators and business ap-
devices on the Internet will increase more and more. In this con- plication designers. For this reason, service composition applies
text, performing the composition and selection of the best services appropriate techniques to allow the highest QoS to be achieved
according to quality-of-service (QoS) criteria become a complex
task, especially when dealing with global service selection to sat- according to the end-user requirements and priorities [1].
isfy global constraints of users in decentralized environments. For In service-oriented computing, service composition can be
this purpose, we propose a distributed and optimal QoS selection modeled and implemented according to one of the two follow-
approach based on the multiagent paradigm and the distributed ing orchestration architectures: centralized orchestration agent
constraint optimization problem (DCOP) formalism. Hence, we or decentralized orchestration based on the cooperation (called
revisited a DCOP technique for developing an efficient algorithm:
the DPOP4QoS implemented under a real-time Web protocol for also choreography) of several orchestration agents. In the for-
IoT communication, the extensible messaging and presence proto- mer, the centralized orchestrator controls the selection and invo-
col. The proposed algorithm takes into account the specificities of cation of services participating in the composition and manages
the service composition context and the satisfaction of the global execution errors and exceptions. In the latter, we assume that a
user constraints. This paper also presents a set of experiments centralized orchestrator cannot handle the selection and invoca-
conducted under realistic distributed environment to evaluate the
performance of the proposed algorithm. tion due to several technical reasons. Therefore, the composition
is distributed between different agents that are sufficiently intel-
Index Terms—Multiagent systems, optimization, quality of ser- ligent to handle the selection and invocation of the services of
vice (QoS), service interoperability and composability, ubiquitous
computing, Web services.
all the composition in a peer-to-peer mode.
This work has been undertaken in the European project
ITEA2 WoO, which aims to propose a new architecture that
I. INTRODUCTION connects, through Web protocols and services, objects like sen-
NTERNET of Things (IoT) is emphasizing a world where sors, actuators, robots, or any physical or virtual object as well to
I small intelligent objects are able to collaborate by sharing
data and organizing themselves in groups in order to reach com-
solve the central problem of peer-to-peer services composition.
The objective is to select the most appropriate combination of
plex objectives. The rapid adoption of this technology within the operational services from those available in the ubiquitous
the service-oriented approach (SOA) increases the popularity environment to optimize the entire quality of a composite ser-
and usage of devices connected through the IoT. According to vice expected by the end users. QoS values determine whether
Gartner,1 the number of connected devices is increasing to reach a Web service is reliable, trustworthy, efficient, or features/has
other nonfunctional aspects required by end users. Some exam-
ples of common QoS properties include price, response time,
Manuscript received March 22, 2016; revised June 12, 2016 and September reliability, availability, and also energy level of IoT devices. In
24, 2016; accepted November 26, 2016. the case of robotic and automation services, the complexity of
N. Temglit is with the National High School for Computer Science (ESI),
16000 Algiers Algeria (e-mail: the service selection operation will increase as those objects are
A. Chibani is with the Laboratory of Images, Signals and Intelligent Sys- characterized by their dynamic aspect such as robots mobility,
tems, University of Paris-Est Créteil, 94000 Créteil, France (e-mail: chibani@ limited connectivity in some situations, and intensive use of
K. Djouani is with the French South African Institute of Technology (FSATI), battery to handle actuation. These objects that offer the elemen-
Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria 0183, South Africa (e-mail: tary services involved in a composition need to communicate and collaborate in order to share the levels of their QoS with
M. A. Nacer is with the LSI Laboratory, University of Science and Technol-
ogy Houari Boumediene, Bab Ezzouar 16111, Algeria (e-mail: med.anacer@ up-to-date information. In this paper, a distributed optimization approach is proposed
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSYST.2016.2647281 to solve the problem of service selection in the context of service
1 Gartner Special Reports. [Online]. Available: //
technology/research/ choreography architecture. In the literature, various techniques

1937-9234 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


such as linear programming (LP), constraint optimization prob- II. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK
lem (CSP) formalism, and heuristic-based methods have been
In the following, the Web service composition and selec-
proposed for optimal or near-optimal Web service selection tion problem is discussed, before reviewing main existing
problems in the context of centralized and static environments
approaches, to the best of our knowledge, proposed in the
[2]–[5]. Applying these algorithms in a distributed setting would
literature for QoS Web service selection as well as some
be difficult and entail large communication overheads. Very few existing DCOP algorithms.
approaches have been proposed to solve the problem of opti-
mal service selection in distributed environments [6]–[8], while
most of them focused on a local service selection at each service A. Web Service Composition and Selection
component of the distributed environment aiming to find near- The true potential of Web services can only be realized
optimal compositions by avoiding communication between ob- through assembling multiple services into more powerful ap-
jects. However, the optimality is never achieved especially when plications with more sophisticated functionalities; this is called
the constraints of end users are global. In the present work, we Web service composition. We perceive solving a Web service
aim to tackle this problem by taking advantage of the multiagent composition in two main processes: Vertical and Horizontal
paradigm for implementing an approach to select and orches- composition [12], [13]. The Vertical composition is aimed at
trate the execution of services. In other words, the architecture finding a combination of the abstract Web services (abstract
is composed of core agents that are in charge of optimizing composite service), for fulfilling functional requirement of the
the global quality of the composed services and to satisfy the end users. An abstract Web service describes a service from the
QoS user’s constraints by selecting the best candidate services. functional point of view without referring to any existing service
This can be formalized as a distributed constraint optimization and is represented by only functional attributes as the required
problem (DCOP) [9], [10] seeking to maximize or minimize inputs for a given service as well as the expected outputs. In the
the QoS attributes, such as minimizing response time and max- abstract composite service, the component services are arranged
imizing availability at the same time. To address the tradeoff according to different workflow patterns or structures that con-
between different objectives of service quality, we take advan- figure them into a new composite service with value-added func-
tage of the simple additive weighting (SAW) technique and use tionality. The main forms of workflow structures are sequence,
the utility function method, which allows a unified measurement choice, parallel, split, and loop. The Horizontal composition is
of multiple objectives. aimed at finding the best concrete Web service, from among a
Moreover, in the context of dynamic service environments, set of available functionally equivalent Web services according
the execution time of the distributed service selection algorithms to QoS attributes. This is known also as Web service selection
is heavily constrained, as the service availability is not guaran- or QoS-aware service composition. The QoS attributes encom-
teed and the variation in QoS parameter values is very frequent. pass a number of nonfunctional properties such as the service
For that, in our architecture of service composition, we suggest price, reliability, response time, reputation, availability, etc. [1]
to reiterate the selection process during the execution of the The overall quality of the composite service is calculated aggre-
composite service to take into account the changes that may gately from the quality of its constituent services.
occur in the environment. This is why the scalability of the se- The two straightforward solutions for the service selection
lection algorithm is highly required. To be able to address this problem are global and local selection. The selection is done
issue, we propose in this paper a DCOP-based algorithm, the locally when the selection of concrete services for each abstract
DPOP4QoS, which allows a QoS selection with very low vol- service is done independently from the others using local cost
ume of messages exchanged between agents. The DPOP4QoS function. It is applied when the user constraints are local. How-
algorithm revisits the basic dynamic programming optimization ever, the users specify, usually, their expectations at global level,
protocol (DPOP) [11] and takes also into account: 1) the sat- which implies that the selection must satisfy global constraints.
isfaction of global user’s constraints that cannot be achieved This approach aims to solve the problem at the composite ser-
by local selection methods and 2) the composition structures vice level by evaluating all possible combinations of concrete
(sequence, parallel, and loop patterns) are considered as local services to choose the best combination in terms of QoS, while
constraints between agents that decide about how to calculate satisfying the global constraints. The problem of global selec-
the utility values. tion is considered as a multicriteria and NP complexity problem;
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II, it is, therefore, difficult to find an optimal solution in a reason-
we give some basic concepts on service composition and selec- able time when the number of abstract component services and
tion as well as a review of some related work of the domain. concrete candidate services become important. This problem
A global IoT architecture for services composition is discussed will be the focus of this paper.
in Section III. A DCOP formalization of the service selection For modeling and executing service compositions, two main
problem is given in Section IV. The algorithm proposed to approaches can be used: the centralized approach that is called
solve the distributed service selection problem is discussed in service orchestration and the decentralized approach that is
detail in Section V. Evaluation and experimental results for called choreography. In orchestration mode, a single execu-
the proposed algorithm “DPOP4QoS” are presented in Sec- tion engine is responsible for the invocation of the elementary
tion VI, and then, we conclude and give some perspectives in services that are part of the composite services, including the
Section VII. enforcement of control flows and message exchanges among
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


component services. This differs from service choreography, each level have a higher possibility to meet QoS constraints;
which is peer-to-peer collaborative execution that is handled by therefore, the global optimality is still not guaranteed.
services or agents that monitor their execution [14]. There has been very few works in the area of distributed QoS
selection. In [26], the authors address the problem of satisfying
B. QoS Web Service Selection Approaches end-to-end user constraints in a distributed environment by
In [15], the authors discuss some works on service selec- proposing a hybrid approach. The global constraints are decom-
tion based on trust and reputation systems that permit QoS posed into local constraints using mixed integer programming
requirements to be negotiable with users. Therefore, the major such that the satisfaction of local constraints at each domain
inconvenience of these approaches is the involvement of users guarantees the satisfaction of global constraints. However, the
to ensure the voting system, which requires cooperation based method of extracting QoS levels from the QoS information of
on trust between users. Other techniques are based on graph service candidates is greedy (does not deal with dependencies
theory, LP, genetic algorithms (GAs), Pareto search, CSP between QoS dimensions); this leads to very restrictive de-
formalism, and decision-making techniques. We review below composition of the global constraints to local constraints. The
some of the main contribution and limitations of the works that authors of [27] and [28] base their approaches on a decompo-
fall into these categories. sition of the global objective on the local domains on the Cloud
The work of Zeng and Benatallah [2] focuses on dynamic and and use a GA to find the best composition. Zheng et al.’s work
quality-driven selection of services. The authors use mixed LP [29] adopted a greedy strategy-based solutions by using the
techniques to find the optimal selection of component services. CloudRank algorithm for QoS ranking on the cloud; however,
But, these methods assume linearity of the constraints and the this can only produce locally approximate solutions. In [8], two
objective function and suffer from poor scalability due to the versions of a Web service selection algorithm are proposed: a
exponential time complexity of the applied search algorithms. centralized version and a decentralized one; so that it can be ex-
In [16]–[22], the proposed methods are based on GAs to solve ecuted on top of centralized and decentralized infrastructures. In
the selection problem in a reasonable time. However, as users the two versions, the authors combine local and global selection
have often to fix a priori a constant number of iterations or techniques. The local selection aims at selecting services with
a time deadline to stop the GA, this does not give any guar- the highest QoS for each activity in the user task using service
antee about the quality of the generated solution. Therefore, clustering techniques, notably the K-means algorithm. The
the GA offers a better scalability but deemed nonuseful for se- global selection aims at selecting near-optimal compositions of
lecting the optimal composition plan. In [5], Lécué proposes services resulting from the local selection by means of a GA.
a CSP-based formalism to solve the QoS selection problem.
The composition-driven CSP is solved by adapting a stochas-
tic search method, which sacrifices completeness for speed and C. DCOP Algorithms
scalability. The author uses for this purpose the hill climbing The DCOP has been viewed as a powerful paradigm for
algorithm. Another service composition approach based on the solving combinatorial problems arising in distributed multia-
Pareto set model is recently proposed in [23]. This work focuses gent environments for the purpose of optimization [9]. DCOP
on finding the Pareto set of optimal solutions (compositions) by techniques build upon the class of distributed constraint satis-
pruning candidate services and workflows that are not promis- faction problem by finding a complete assignment to the deci-
ing ones for optimal compositions. The authors use a QoS-based sion variables that not only satisfies the problem constraints but
dominance relationships for this purpose and propose a parallel also optimizes the relevant objective(s) [30]. Well-known algo-
algorithm to improve efficiency on the composition space size rithms used to solve DCOP-like problems include SynchB&B
and operation time. However, the approach aims to find a set of [31], ADOPT [10], DPOP [11], OptAPO [32], and distributed
feasible solutions instead of a unique solution for the problem. In stochastic search algorithms [33]. As for a complete algorithm,
[24], the authors propose a real-time QoS-aware selection using an optimum solution is guaranteed, despite the extended com-
a multicriteria decision-making technique (analysis hierarchy puting time. The existing algorithms were evaluated for differ-
process—AHP). The AHP is used to weigh user preferences ent application use cases or domain areas, as, for instance, the
and then uses a cost-benefit ratio to rank service choices of two graph coloring, the meeting scheduling, or the sensor network
general cloud services: storage and compute cloud services. problems. In [34], the authors provide a good evaluation of
However, it is difficult to generalize this idea for more than two ADOPT, OptAPO, and DPOP in terms of the number of cycles,
services especially with various composition patterns. In [25], the size/quantity of messages, and the running time for the prob-
the authors propose an optimal Cross-Cloud service composi- lem of traffic light synchronization. DPOP is linear in terms of
tion by performing a multilevel iteration process to mine the the number of agents. Thus, the DPOP algorithm performed bet-
optimal or most optimal (trusted) subcompositions at different ter in terms of the number of exchanged messages, the execution
optimization levels. The nth level includes disjoint groups of time, and the number of cycles. However, the same cannot be
two composition subgroups of the (n − 1)th level (starting by said about the size of the messages. ADOPT needs much more
groups of two composition tasks). A threshold is calculated to time than the others due to the exponential number of messages.
sift out useless subcompositions at each iteration level (the sub- OptAPO is a good compromise in terms of execution time and
compositions violating the user constraints). The general idea size of messages under partially distributed systems. Therefore,
is interesting, but this work considers only the sequential com- DPOP seems to be more suited for real-world applications re-
position pattern and supposes that the top subcompositions at quiring strong limitation in communications.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 1. Architecture of UbiSCo.

III. ARCHITECTURE OF IOT SERVICE COMPOSITION tous environment, such as variation in the QoS parameters and
In order to be able to fully exploit the new opportunities service unavailability.
of the IoT vision, a scalable and flexible architecture is needed. All the agents communicate in an adhoc and asynchronous
Nevertheless, the ever-increasing number of the proposed archi- way by using point-to-point and publish subscribe messaging
tectures has not yet converged to a reference model [35]–[37]. middleware. The point-to-point is used to communicate message
From the pool of the proposed models, the basic IoT model is to specific agent, whereas publish subscribe is to feed agents
a three-layer architecture [38], [39], consisting of the applica- with up-to-date notifications. The proposed architecture is also
tion, network, and object layers. Ubiquitous service composi- cloud compatible in the sense that some available services could
tion (UbiSCo) architecture (depicted in Fig. 1) is based on the be hosted on the cloud, so as to have a set of clouds with the
basic IoT model, to which we add some abstractions in order access grant policies for each cloud.
to integrate IoT into the Web by making them accessible in a
SOA way. Indeed, the service abstraction layer and the service IV. DISTRIBUTED SERVICE SELECTION APPROACH
composition and management layer are added between the top In our architecture, the agents need to collaborate and negoti-
layer (application) and the two bottom layers (object/network ate their quality level in order to select the best concrete services
layers). In the service abstraction layer, all functionalities of- among several similar services according to QoS end-user re-
fered by networked devices are abstracted by services using en- quirements. The DCOP is an appropriate formalism to manage
abled technologies such as REST [40] and extensible messaging this interaction. In this section, we will see how the distributed
and presence protocol (XMPP) [41]. The service composition Web service selection can be formalized as a DCOP and what
and management layer is the most critical layer in our work that are the specificities to be considered.
is responsible for critical functions such as service discovery,
composition, execution, and monitoring of services. The ser-
vice composition and execution are conducted in decentralized A. DCOP Formalism Review
mode, where several distributed agents communicate and col- Within the DCOP framework, several agents have to commu-
laborate in order to handle the selection and invocation of the nicate in order to converge to an optimal solution, i.e., the best
services in a peer-to-peer fashion [14]. This differs from the value of their respective variables leading to the minimal (opti-
centralized orchestration, where a single execution engine is re- mal) value of the global cost. Formally, the DCOP is defined by
sponsible for the selection and invocation of the elementary ser- the 6-uplet (X, D, C, A, ψ, φ) with:
vices. For service composition and execution, we denote three 1) X the set of distributed variables {x1 , x2 , . . . , xn };
kinds of agents: choreography agents, local orchestration agents, 2) A the agents set {A1 , A2 , . . . , Ak };
and selection agents. The local orchestration agents ensure the 3) ψ : X → A the mapping function that maps each variable
execution of a localized area of services. The choreography of X to an agent of A;
agents collaborate to ensure the decentralized execution of the 4) D = {D1 , D2 , . . . , Dn } a set of finite sets, where Di is
composite service under the specified constraints and optimize the domain of the variable xi ;
the solution. The service selection agents interact using a dis- 5) C = {cij : Di × Dj → R+ , where i, j = 1, . . . , n and
tributed optimal selection algorithm in order to select the best i = j} a set of constraints, corresponding to the local
concrete services among the available ones in their respective cost function for each couple of variables xi and xj .
domain. The selected service descriptions are sent back to the Only the agent owner of a variable knows the variable domain
orchestration agents for execution. The selection process can be and has the control on its value. φ(Af ) is the objective function
reiterated during the execution of the composite service in order to optimize (maximize or minimize) and Af is the assignment
to take into account any changes that could occur in the ubiqui- function, which associate to each variable xi a value di ∈ Di .
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



Parameters class Designation & purpose S (Sequential) P (Parallel) L (Loop N )

Dynamic Parameters Energy level (EL) Actual Battery’s energy level of the Price Price(a)+Price(b) Price(a)+Price(b) N *Price(a)
Object hosting the service Secur min(Secur(a),Secur(b)) min(Secur(a),Secur(b)) Secur(a)
Availability (AV) Represents the accessibility of the EL (EL(a)+EL(b))/2 min(EL(a),EL(b)) ELi
service. It is the number of successful  Ni = 0
RE RE(a)*RE(b) RE(a)*RE(b)/2 REi
invocations over the total number of N i = 0
RT RT(a)+RT(b) max(RT(a),RT(b)) RTi
invocations  Ni = 0
Response Time (RT) Represents the time needed by a given AV AV(a)*AV(b) AV(a)*AV(b) i = 0 AVi
service to respond to the request
Reliability (RE) represents the services capacity at
ensuring reliable message delivery.
Static Parameters Price (Price) the amount of money to pay for each the higher the value, the better the quality like Availability
service request
Security (Secur) Represents the security level ensured and Reliability. Therefore, the QoS of a concrete service csi
by a service (authentication, is denoted by a vector of the six QoS attributes that can be
encryption, etc.)
represented as follows: QoWS(csi ) = (Price(csi ), Secur(csi ),
AV(csi ), EL(csi ), RT(csi ), RE(csi )).
The QoS of the composite service is calculated based on the
φ(A) is the summation of local costs for each couple of aggregation of all the QoS vectors representing the QoS of the
variables sharing one constraint concrete services involved in the composition. This aggrega-
 tion depends on the structure of the plan (composition patterns)
φ(Af ) = cij (Af (xi ), Af (xj )). (1)
and the type of parameter. In next section, we will see how to
x i ,x j ∈X
calculate QoS values of a composite Web service according to
DCOPs are commonly visualized as constraint graphs, whose the candidate QoS values and how we can sort the best combi-
vertices are the agents and whose edges are the constraints. The nation of concrete services ensuring the optimal global quality
majority of the DCOP/DisCSP algorithms transform this graph according to the DCOP formalism.
into a depth first search (DFS) tree in order to allow a local
communication between agents: each agent communicates only C. Problem Formulation
with its neighbors (children, parent).
An abstract composite service consists of a set of n services
denoted as AS = {as1 , as2 , ..., asn }. For each service asi ∈ AS,
B. QoS Modeling there are m candidate services proper to implement it, which
A QoS model must capture the descriptions of the important are represented by CSi = {csasi 1 , cs2 , ..., csm }. The problem
asi asi

aspects of an ubiquitous service and take into account the is to select distributively one concrete service csasi j for each asi
specificities of each QoS parameter. Hence, we propose a of AS that optimize the global quality of the whole composite
model that allows for specifying generic QoS attributes like service. This is formulated as a DCOP as follows.
Response time, availability, reliability, and price of the service 1) Each abstract service asi of the abstract composite plan
as well as domain-specific QoS attributes, e.g., the Energy is associated to a variable xi controlled (owned) by one
Level that indicates the actual Battery’s energy level of the agent Ai in the DCOP context.
ubiquitous object hosting the service. We add to our model 2) The domain of values of each abstract service asi is the
the Security Level, which represents the ability of the service set of concrete services of its class: D(asi ) = {csasij /1 
to provide appropriate security mechanisms like encryption j  m} = CSi .
and authentication. These QoS attributes are classified into two 3) The value of a concrete service csi is the vector of its
categories (see Table I) [42]. QoS attributes values. Therefore, the agents will exchange
1) Static parameters (SQP for static quality parameters): SQP vectors of real values and not single values.
values are generally known at the deployment or adver- 4) The graph of constraints is the composition plan that de-
tisement time and are usually not updated during the exe- scribes the dependence between the different services in-
cution, for example, the Price and the Security Level of a volved in the composition according to the three basic
service. composition patterns considered in our work: sequential,
2) Dynamic parameters (DQP for dynamic quality parame- parallel, and loop patterns (see Table II).
ters): DQP parameters represent the variable characteris- 5) The local cost cij between two given services is computed
tics of a given service such as the Response time, Energy based on the type of QoS attributes and on the pattern
level, Availability, and Reliability. DQP attributes are de- of composition connecting the considered services (see
termined at the invocation time and their values are pro- Table II).
vided by a monitoring process. Table II shows the aggregate function of QoS values according
The QoS attributes are also qualified as negative or positive to three basic composition patterns: sequential, parallel, and
attributes. In negative attributes, the lower the value, the better loop. For QoS computation, the parallel composition pattern
the quality like Response time and Cost. In positive attributes, is the AND Join workflow pattern because the quality of two
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


parallel services is calculated at the synchronized point. The

sequence pattern includes the SEQUENCE and AND/OR split
workflow patterns, all the services being in split with a common
service (S) are considered to be in sequence with this service
(the branches of a split pattern may or may not be synchronized).
The local cost ca,b between two concrete services a and b
is computed using the weighted sum of the aggregate function
values on all QoS attributes according to the SAW technique
used for multiobjective problems Fig. 2. Example of a DFS tree [43]. (a) Simple graph. (b) Depth-first traversal
from X 0 .

ca,b = Agg(qk (a), qk (b)) ∗ wk (2) 2) The global quality of CS on each QoS attribute (Vr ) must
(k =1) satisfy the user’s constraints (boundr )

where Li=1 wi = 1, L is the number of QoS attributes, and Agg Constraint(Vr , boundr , Opr ) = true. (4)
denotes the used aggregation operator, as described in Table II . r =1
The global cost function φ(Af ) is always the sum of the local
To resolve our problem, we have revisited the DPOP algo-
costs ca,b for each couple of related variables in the composition
rithm, in which only a linear number of messages are exchanged
between agents. This is important in distributed settings because
We also need to extend the DCOP algorithm to support satis-
sending a large number of small messages (like SynchB&B and
faction of global constraints on attributes specified by the user;
ADOPT algorithms do) typically entails large communication
these are bounds on the QoS attributes: upper bounds for the
overheads especially if the algorithm has to be reiterated sev-
negative attributes and lower bounds for the positive attributes.
eral times. We defined new aggregation operators to take into
For example, the user may expect that the entire service avail-
account the composition patterns (when calculating the overall
ability shall never be under 60% and the price should not exceed
cost) and also the satisfaction of end-user constraints. This will
80 dollars.
be detailed in the two next sections.
Generally, let Vr denote the rth QoS attribute value obtained
for a concrete composite service (a feasible solution); the QoS
Constraint vector of L QoS attributes (L  L) is expressed V. DPOP-BASED ALGORITHM FOR DISTRIBUTED AND
as V = (V1 , . . . , VL  ). boundr denotes the rth QoS bound on OPTIMAL WEB SERVICE SELECTION
attribute r. The QoS bound vector on L QoS attributes is ex- The DPOP is a DCOP algorithm having the important advan-
pressed as bound = (bound1 , . . . , boundL  ). A Boolean func- tage that it generates only a linear number of messages. To use
tion Constraint (Vr , boundr , Opr ) is defined to verify whether the DPOP, the graph of constraints must be transformed into a
the rth constraint specified by the user (boundr ) is satisfied DFS tree. The DFS structure is potentially better than traditional
by Vr (according to Opr relation); the operator opr can be search on linear variable orderings. The reason is that when per-
>, <, , , or =. If the constraint is satisfied, the value of the formed on a DFS structure, search can be done in parallel on
Boolean function Constraint is true, otherwise false. Vr is ob- distinct branches of the tree.
tained as
 A. DFS Concepts
Vr = Agg(qr (a), qr (b)) (3) A DFS arrangement of a graph G is a rooted tree with the
a,b∈CS same nodes and edges as G and the property that adjacent nodes
from the original graph fall in the same branch of the tree [43].
with qr (a) and qr (b) denote the given rth QoS attribute values In DFS structures, only neighboring agents can communicate
of the concrete services a and b, respectively. directly by sending and receiving messages (local communica-
The user may have also preferences on the QoS attribute by tion). In DPOP, two types of messages are exchanged: UTIL
specifying weight for each QoS attribute according to its impor- messages sent by agents to their parent (bottom-up messages)
tance (from the user point of view). Therefore, the user prefer- and VALUE messages sent by agents to their children (top-down
ences are denoted by a vector W = (w1 , w2 , . . . , wL ) such that messages).
i=1 wi = 1. Preferences are taken into account when com- For each node Xi in a given DFS Tree T of a graph G, we
puting local and global cost. have the following.
Therefore, solving the problem of service selection is to find 1) The children Ci /parent Pi of node Xi are the descen-
a set of concrete services CS = {cs1 , cs2 , . . . , csn } where csi is dants/ancestor of Xi , which are connected to Xi in T
the concrete service selected for the abstract service asi such as (e.g., from Fig. 2(b), P4 = {X1 }, C1 = {X3 , X4 }).
the following. 2) The pseudo-parents PPi of node Xi are Xi ’s ancestors that
1) The global cost CostG of CS, defined by the function φ in are connected to Xi through back-edges (PP8 = {X1 }).
formula (1), is minimized. Notice that PPi = Pi .
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


3) The pseudo-children PCi of node Xi are Xi ’s descendants

directly connected to Xi through back-edges (e.g., PC0 =
{X4 , X5 , X1 }).
4) Sepi is the separator set of a node Xi : all ancestors of
Xi that are connected with Xi or with descendants of Xi
(e.g. ,Sep3 = {X1 }, Sep5 = {X0 , X2 }). Otherwise stated,
given a DFS tree, Sepi is the minimal set of ancestors of
Xi whose removal completely disconnects the subtree
rooted at Xi from the rest of the problem. Each node Xi
can easily determine its separator Sepi as the union of
separators received from its children, and its parent and
pseudo-parents, minus itself.
5) The induced width of a graph G along a given DFS ar-
rangement is equal to the size of the largest separator in
the DFS arrangement [43].
Generating DFS trees in a distributed manner is a task that
has received a lot of attention, and there are many algorithms
available, for example, [43], [44].

B. Principle Operations on DPOP Messages Fig. 3. Examples of composition plans and their corresponding DFS trees
required in the DPOP4QoS algorithm.
Two types of messages are exchanged between agents in the
DPOP algorithm through the DFS tree.
1) The UTIL message (UTILji ) sent from Xi to Xj is a C. DPOP4QoS Algorithm
multidimensional matrix (hypercube) with one dimen- We revisit the DPOP algorithm for developing our distributed
sion for each variable of Separator set of Xi ; note that and optimal Web service selection: the DPOP4QoS. At first, we
Xj ∈ (UTILji ) and Xi ∈ / (UTILji ). The UTIL message is have to scale QoS values of each service candidate in order to
a bottom-up process, which starts from the leaves and combine and compare correctly the utility values independently
propagates upwards only through tree edges of the DFS from the original scales used by their providers. Therefore, the
Tree. The agents send UTIL messages to their parents. scaled QoS value qscaled (k, j) of the kth QoS parameter of a
These messages summarize the influence of the sending service j is a value between 0 and 1 and is calculated as follows:
agent and its whole subtree on the rest of the problem.
2) The VALUE message is a top-down process, initiated by qscaled (k, j)

the root, when UTIL propagation has finished. Each agent ⎪
⎪ qm ax (k, j) − qk
determines its optimal value based on the VALUE mes- ⎪
⎨ qm ax (k, j) − qm in (k, j) , if qk is to be maximized
sage it has received from its parent. Then, it dispatches =

⎪ qm ax (k, j) − qk
this value to its children through VALUE messages. ⎪1 −
⎩ , otherwise
Three principle operations used in the DPOP algorithm are qm ax (k, j) − qm in (k, j)
the following. qm in (k, j) and qm ax (k, j) are, respectively, the minimum and
1) Projection(⊥): UTILji ⊥ Xk , the projection of UTILji hy- the maximum values of corresponding attributes k in the class
percube along Xk , is the optimal instantiation of Xk of service candidate j and qk is the original attribute value. We
for each instantiation of variables Xi other than Xk set qm in = 0 to avoid division by zero.
(Xi ∈ dim(UTILji )). In the next step, we have to consider some revisions to the
2) Join (⊕): Combine two UTIL hypercubes and produce original DPOP algorithm regarding the DFS tree, the join, pro-
another UTIL hypercube; the aggregation operator in the jection, slice operations, and also how to combine at each agent
original DPOP is the sum, but in our case, it can be either node hypercubes of children and parent/pseudo-parents (the
the sum, maximum, minimum, product, etc. with respect P /PP
Ri i i and UTILC i hypercubes) in order to compute the hy-

to composition patterns between the two variables. percube to send to the parent.
UTIL(X1 , X2 , X3 ) ⊕ UTIL (X1 , X2 , X4 ) → UTIL 1) In the DFS tree, we have to sort for each node Xi all its
(X1 , X2 , X3 , X4 ). Each agent Xi has to join hypercubes neighbors Pi , PPi , Ci , PCi , Sepi coupled with their pat-
received from its children (UTILC i ) with hypercubes of
terns with Xi according to the global composition plan
its parents and pseudo-parents calculated by Xi (Ri i i ) representing the constraint graph. We give below two ex-
in order to compute the hypercube to send to its parent Pi amples of composition plan with their corresponding DFS
(JOINPi i ). tree (see Fig. 3).
3) Slice: used in the value propagation where each variable a) The first one includes one parallel pattern [see
should choose a value that maximize (optimize) its UTIL Fig. 3(a)]. In the DFS tree of this example, the local
hypercube and send it to its children. view of each node (agent) is as follows:
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


X1 → P X1 : (X2 : Seq), CX1 : (X3 : Seq) 4) Slice operation: In the slice operation, each variable
X2 → CX2 : (X1 : Seq), P CX2 : (X4 : Seq) should also choose a value that maximizes (optimizes)
X3 → P X3 : (X1 : Seq), CX3 : (X4 : Seq) its UTIL hypercube and does not violate any constraints
X4 → P X4 : (X3 : Join), P P X4 : (X2 : Join), (like in projection step) then send it to its children.
CX4 : (X5 : Seq) In overall, the DPOP4QoS calculates for each node Xi the
X5 → P X5 : (X4 : Seq). hypercube JOINPi i to send to Pi (Xi parent), as in Algorithm 1:
The induced width of the DFS tree is 2.
b) The second example includes two parallel patterns
j )⊕
JOINPi i = [(⊕Parallel UTILC (⊕Parallel RiPPi )
i Parallel
which increases the induced width of the DFS tree
[see Fig. 3(b)]. The DFS local view of each node ⊕Parallel RiP i (ifpattern(Xj , Pi ) = parallel)]⊕seq
Xi is as follows:
j )⊕
[(⊕seq UTILC (⊕seq RiPPi ) ⊕seq RiP i
X1 → P X1 : (X3 : Seq), CX1 : (X2 : Seq) i

X2 → CX2 : (X4 : Seq, X6 : Seq), P X2 : (X1 :

(ifpattern(Xj , Pi ) = seq)] ⊕seq [LoopN
i ].
X3 → CX3 : (X4 : Seq), P CX3 : (X4 :
Seq, X5 : Seq) 1) Cumulate using parallel join (⊕Parallel ) all received UTIL
X4 → P X4 : (X2 : Join), P P X4 : (X3 : messages from Ci , where pattern (Ci , Xi ) = parallel (lines
Join), CX4 : (X5 : Seq) 10, 11, and 15) and then cumulate (with ⊕Parallel ) the
X5 → P X5 : (X4 : Join), P P X5 : (X3 : Join) computed RiPPi and RiP i , where pattern (Xi , P Pi ) = par-
X6 → P X6 : (X2 : Seq). allel and pattern (Xi , Pi ) = parallel (line 18).
The induced width of the DFS tree is 3. 2) Cumulate with sequence join (⊕seq ) all received UTIL
2) JOIN operations in the context of Web service com- messages from Ci , where pattern (Ci , Xi ) = sequence
position (⊕): The local utility value UTILji is cal- (lines 10, 11, 12, 13) and then cumulate (with ⊕seq ) the
culated according to a) the original DPOP algorithm computed RiPPi and RiP i , where pattern (Xi , P Pi ) = se-
and b) aggregation formulas for QoS values depending quence and pattern (Xi , Pi ) = sequence (line 19).
on composition patterns: sequential, parallel, and loop. 3) Cumulate using sequence join (⊕seq ) all computed paral-
For this purpose, the JOIN (⊕) operation will be ex- lel join, sequence join, and loop join (lines 6 and 22).
ploded into three sub-JOIN operations: ⊕seq , ⊕Parallel , 4) Project on Xi according to project operation definition
and ⊕loop . and then send it to Pi (lines 23 and 24).
Definition: If U = UTILji ⊕op UTILjk , (op = seq, par- The DPOP4QoS realizes a complete search by calculating all
allel, or loop), U is also a hypercube with dimension possible UTIL hypercubes representing all possible combina-
dim(U ) = dim(UTILji ) ∪ dim(UTILjk ). For each possible tions of values corresponding to each agent with their neighbors,
instantiation s of the variables in dim(U ), the correspond- propagates, and joins all partial solutions through the DFS tree
ing value of U [s] is the sum, maximum, minimum, or the from the leaves to the root. Therefore, the optimality of the
product of the two source hypercubes according to the algorithm is guaranteed.
type of pattern (sequence, parallel, and loop) and the type The DPOP4QoS algorithm delivers at worst 2*(number of
of QoS (see Table III). node − 1) messages: one UTIL message by node-1 (the root)
Other composition patterns like the choice (OR Join work- and one VALUE message by node-number of leaves. Then, it is
flow pattern) can be added to the QoS model by specifying linear in the number of variables (nodes), thus producing small
the aggregation function and the JOIN operation would be communication overheads. However, the size of exchanged mes-
extended to an additional Join operator. sages are hypercubes of dimension = 1 + number of separators
3) Project operation(⊥): In the classic DPOP algorithm, the of the given sending node, i.e., the size of the hypercube at node
projection of UTILji matrix along Xk is the optimal in- Xi = |Xi | ∗ |Xi+1 | ∗ · · · ∗ |Xnumber of separators |, where |Xi | is the
stantiation of Xk for each possible instantiation of vari- number of Xi values (the number of concrete services). Thus,
ables Xi other than Xk . In the case of optimization with the maximum message size is exponential in the induced width
satisfaction of constraints, we maintain on each node Xi of the constraint graph, leading to memory restrictions for prob-
two hypercubes of utility values: one for saving the global lems with large width (nested parallel patterns); in this case,
utility values on all QoS attributes UTILji like in classi- reducing the number of candidate values (concrete services) at
cal version and the second for saving a vector of utility each node would alleviate the problem.
values of each QoS attribute (UTILji )r (r = 1...L ) cal-
culated individually. The second hypercube is useful to VI. IMPLEMENTATION AND EXPERIMENT RESULTS
check QoS constraints; this is done by choosing the op-
The implementation of the service selection system was
timal values of Xk along Xi axis whose utility values
based on service composition and orchestration middleware the
on each attribute r(r = 1...L ) satisfy the global attribute
Ubistruct.2 The platform components are modular, scalable, and
constraints Boundr [according to formulas (4)]; hence,
two filtering steps are performed on UTILji before send-
2 [Online].
ing it to the parent. Available:
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



op=Seq (⊕s e q ) op=Parallel (⊕P a r a l l e l ) op=Loop (⊕loop )

U [s].price UTILji [s].Price + UTILjk [s].Price UTILji [s].Price + UTILjk [s].Price N ∗ UTILji [s].Price
U [s].secur Min(UTILji [s].secur, UTILjk [s].secur) Min(UTILji [s].secur, UTILjk [s].secur) UTILji [s].secur
U [s].EL UTILji [s].EL + UTILjk [s].EL/2 Min(UTILji [s].EL, UTILjk [s].EL UTILii [s].EL
 Ni = 0
U [s].RE UTILji [s].RE * UTILjk [s].RE (UTILji [s].RE * UTILjk [s].RE)/2 UTILii [s].RE
Ni = 0
U [s].RT UTILji [s].RT + UTILjk [s].RT Max(UTILji [s].RT, UTILjk [s].RT) UTILii [s].RT
 Ni = 0
U [s].AV UTILji [s].AV * UTILjk [s].AV UTILji [s].AV * UTILjk [s].AV i
i = 0 UTILi [s].AV

Algorithm 1: DPOP4QoS Algorithm. Algorithm 2: Procedure Calculate.

Require: Ai values, Ai Neighbors Pi , PPi , Ci , PCi 38: procedure CALCULATE ParallelRi , SeqRi ,
including their corresponding composition patterns. LoopRi (N ))
1: procedure UTIL Propagation (for all Xi ) a 39: RiP i is Parent relation of Xi
Bottom-up UTIL message propagation 40: RiPPi [k] are PseudoParent relations of Xi ,
2: if Xi is the root then
3: skip this k = 1...nb PseudoParents.
4: else 41: SeqRiPPi = ⊕seq RiPPi [k]
5: Calculate (ParallelRi , SeqRi , LoopRi (N ) ) 42: ParallelRiPPi = ⊕Parallel RiPPi [k]
6: SeqRiPPi =SeqRiPPi ⊕seq N ∗ LoopRi 43: if Pi .pattern = seq then
7: ParallelJOINPi i = null 44: SeqRi = SeqRiPPi ⊕seq RiP i
8: SeqJOINPi i =null 45: else
9: ∗ ∗ calculate UTILPi i the hypercube to send to 46: ParallelRi = ParallelRiPPi ⊕seq RiP i
Pi ∗ ∗ 47: end if
10: for all Xj ∈ Ci do  if Xi is a leaf skip this 48: if Xi .pattern = Loop (is a pattern of Xi )then
11: wait for UTILij message to arrive from Xj 49: LoopN i = Ri

12: if (Xj .pattern = seq)then 50: for i ← 1, N − 1 do

13: SeqJOINPi i = SeqJOINPi i ⊕seq UTILij 51: LoopRi (N ) = Loopi (N ) ⊕seq Rii
14: else 52: end for
15: ParallelJOINPi i = ParallelJOINPi i 53: end if
⊕Parallel UTILij 54: end procedure
16: end if
17: if (Xj is the last Children)then
18: ParallelJOINPi i = ParallelJOINPi i secure. Moreover, the platform supports multiple communica-
⊕Parallel ParallelRi tion protocols for IoT such as REST API and XMPP; this en-
19: SeqJOINPi i = SeqJOINPi i ⊕seq SeqRi ables the integration of a huge number of devices running on
20: end if different operating systems or in the Cloud. Indeed, REST is
21: end for a commonly adopted architectural style for the implementation
22: JOINPi i = SeqJOINPi i ⊕seq ParallelJOINPi i and the communication of the Web services, managing con-
23: UTILPi i = JOINPi i ⊥ Xi  optimizing on Xi nected objects on the Web. It is based on a simple point-to-point
24: Send UTILPi i message to Pi HTTP communication protocol, using format such as JSON or
25: end if XML. In addition, REST API is widely used by cloud platforms
26: end procedure and enables a simple integration with data collection monitor-
27: procedure Value Propagation (for all Xi )  a
Top-down Value message propagation ing systems. The XMPP [41] is an open standardized protocol
28: wait for ValuePi i message from Pi  Value that allows applications to communicate through instantaneous
includes all optimal values of Sepi message exchanges on the Web without the need for a middle-
29: Vi∗ = slice JOINPi i on ValuePi i  find the best vi ware or protocol gateways. Another advantage of using XMPP
of Xi satisfying constraints according to formula 4 was to integrate the people and devices in the same collabora-
tive ecosystem. The orchestration platform is also based on a
30: for all Xj of Ci do
31: if Xi is a leafthen distributed database management system over the domains of-
32: skip fering the concrete services. For integrating the service selection
33: else system into Ubistruct platform, we implemented and assessed
34: Send message Value to (Sepi ∪ Vi ) to Xj through experiments the “DPOP4QoS” Algorithm.
35: end if The experiments has been done on a Windows PC, with a
36: end for Core i3 Processor clocked at 2.1 GHz and 4 GB of RAM. For
37: end procedure
better system interoperability, our application was implemented
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 6. Execution time (in seconds) in DPOP4QoS versus SynchB&B for five
abstract services.
Fig. 4. DPOP4QoS execution time (in seconds).

Fig. 7. Exchanged messages in DPOP4QoS versus SynchB&B for five ab-

stract services.
Fig. 5. DPOP4QoS exchanging messages.

in Java under Eclipse. All the selection agents communicate

via the XMPP server “The Google Talk.” To create an XMPP
client for each agent, we used the Smack Java API. Hence, each
agent has its own login for the Google Talk Server, its own local
orchestration plan, as well as the list of the concrete services.
Each concrete service corresponds to specific discrete values
of its QoS parameters (a vector of real values). Each agent
knows its neighbors in the DFS tree (parent, pseudo-parents, Fig. 8. Execution time (in seconds) in DPOP4QoS versus SynchB&B for ten
abstract services.
children, pseudo-children) with a specification of the link type
with each neighbor (sequential, loop, and parallel). The agents
have also access to the user’s requirements (global constraints
and preferences). We fixed the number of abstract services m to
5, 7, 10, and 15 respectively, and varied the number of concrete
services n from 3 to 20. The values of the six QoS parameters
have been generated randomly for the n concrete services. The
initial scenario of composition used in our experiments is the one
explained in the precedent example of Fig. 3(a) with five nodes.
For more than five nodes, the structures of the composition are Fig. 9. Exchanged messages in DPOP4QoS versus SynchB&B for ten abstract
built incrementally by adding one agent each time from the last services.
agents (from the leaves in the DFS tree).
Figs. 4 and 5 depict variations in the number of exchanged
messages and execution time of DPOP4QoS (transmission time A. Comparative Results
of a message was between 450 and 460 ms). The obtained In this experiment, we aimed to compare the performance
measurements show that the algorithm is executed in a very of our proposed algorithm to another DCOP algorithm named
reasonable amount of time (i.e., less than 180 s for 15 abstract the synchronous branch & bound (SynchB&B) [31] that we
services and 20 concrete services per abstract service) and the developed for the purpose of these experiments. Like DPOP, the
number of exchanged messages are completely independent of SynchB&B is based on global and complete search. We revisited
the number of concrete services; one UTIL message by node-1 some aspects of the SynchB&B in order to appropriate it to our
(the root) and one VALUE message by node-number of leaves problem of Web service selection.
(for 15 agents, the number of messages is 15-1(the node) + Figs. 6–9 compare the performance of DPOP4QoS and
15-1(one leave) = 28, as shown in Fig. 5). The variations in the SynchB&B algorithms in terms of the execution time and the
execution time depicted in Fig. 4 is explained by the fact that number of messages for two problem instances (with five and
increasing the number of concrete services involves increasing ten agents) by varying the number of concrete services from 2
the size of hypercubes per agent, which slows the processing to 20. The average transmission delay was 400 ms. It can be
time (JOIN operations). observed from Figs. 6–9 and Table IV that the DPOP4QoS far
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


TABLE IV generates only a linear number of messages. The algorithm is

based on a complete utility propagation method, and hence, op-
timality is guaranteed. The results of experiments show a very
DPOP4QoS versus SynchB&B: Number of Messages satisfying performance of the DPOP4QoS in terms of timeli-
Number of CSs 3 5 7 8 10 15 20 ness and the number of exchanged messages, which makes it
an appropriate solution for real-time distributed service selec-
DPOP4QoS (five agents) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
tion problems. However, the size of hypercubes generated at
SynchB&B (five agents) 150 430 978 1622 2812 3667 6321
DPOP4QoS (ten agents) 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 each node must be reduced; this seems very feasible by prun-
SynchB&B (ten agents) 1520 4786 5351 5896 6419 10 023 15 277 ing candidate services using Pareto-dominance techniques or by
DPOP4QoS Improvement 96.7% 98.8% 99.3% 99.6% 99.7% 99.8% 99.8%
compacting UTIL messages.
DPOP4QoS versus SynchB&B : Execution time (seconds) Furthermore, in the context of dynamic service composition
Number of CSs 3 5 7 8 10 15 20 and execution, different changes can occur during the execution
DPOP4QoS (five agents) 3.1 5.2 7.3 14.1 19 55.2 138.2
of a composite service as it may take a long time: QoS values
SynchB&B (five agents) 15 45 100 273 382 683 923 and service availability differ from design-time assumptions. In
DPOP4QoS (ten agents) 7 9.6 12 25 29.7 70 160.5 our ongoing work, we are investigating possible optimization to
SynchB&B (ten agents) 168 465 587 737 814 1486 2208
DPOP4QoS Improvement 87.5% 93.1% 95.2% 95.7% 95.9% 93.5% 88.8%
DPOP4QoS, which makes it more responsive to changes by in-
creasing the reusability of previous computation and by limiting
the propagation of new messages upon perturbations. In addi-
tion, we plan to extend the solution to manage multiple related
outperforms the SynchB&B in terms of the number of messages service compositions, where each agent has to resolve locally
and the execution time: the reduction in the number of messages a subproblem of Web service selection while optimizing the
reached 99.8% and did not decrease with the number of agents; global solution. Finally, a comparison with other newer DCOP
the reduction in time was between 87.5% and 95.9%, which re- algorithms is envisaged as future work; for instance, concurrent
mains a highly significant result. Hence, unlike SynchB&B, the forward bounding for DCOPs [45].
DPOP4QoS scales perfectly for problems with a large number
of abstract/concrete services.
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