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P & CM (Lab)

Project & Contract Management (Lab)

Marks: 100

Attendance Register Viva Quiz (I) Quiz (II)

20 20 20 20 20

A project is a sequence of unique, complex and interconnected activities/tasks that are directed
towards a single goal and must be completed on time with in the budget and according to specifications.

To design and maintain an environment in which individual work together and groups accomplish
the selected aim efficiently.

Project Management is a method and a set of techniques based on the accepted principles of
management used for planning, executing and controlling work activities to reach a desired end result on
time with in the budget and according to specifications.

For all engineering works it is required to know beforehand the probable cost of construction
known as estimated cost. If the estimated cost is greater than the money available then attempts are made
to reduce the cost by reducing the work or by changing the specifications. In preparing the estimate, the
quantities of different items are calculated by simple maturation method and from these quantities the cost
is calculated. (Knowledge of drawing is necessary for this). In preparing the estimate one has to go into
detail of each item big or small, nothing can be left or missed. Accuracy in estimate is very important, if
estimate is exceeded it become very difficult problem for engineers to explain, to account for and arrange
for the additional money. Inaccuracy in preparing estimate, omission of items, changes in designs,
improper rates, etc. are the reasons for exceeding the estimate, though exceed in the rates is the main
reason. The rates in the estimate provided for the whole work, which consist of the cost of the materials,
cost of transport, cost of labor, cost of scaffolding, cost of tools and plants, cost of water, taxes,
establishment and supervision cost, reasonable profit of contractor, etc.

An estimate is a computation or calculation of the quantities required and

expenditure likely to be incurred in the construction of a work. The estimate is
the probable cost of the work and is determined theoretically by mathematical
calculations based on the plans and drawing and the current rates.

The primary object of estimate is to enable one to know beforehand, the cost of the work.

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)

Generally there are two different types of cost estimates


These types of estimates are the first step in project preparation. They provide with a cost range,
so one can get an idea of the size and scope of the project. ROM estimates are usually comparative and
are based on the estimator’s experience as well as historical data on similar projects. A department may
use this kind of estimate for funding requests and budget planning, and will need to get detailed cost
estimates before construction or renovations begin. This is usually used for administrative approval.


A detailed cost estimate is made once funding has been approved or identified for a project. The
detailed estimate will give the specific breakdown of project costs, and one will need to have a
preliminary design to get this type of estimate. Then fully investigate existing building conditions and
evaluate all remodeling projects for heating and air conditioning capacity, electrical service, plumbing,
potential hazardous materials, and interior elements such as paint and carpet. It will also provide estimates
of completion dates and work on coordinating critical deadlines at the same time. This is used for
technical approval.

After detailed estimation there will come an expecting cost for the project that is called estimated


The actual cost of a work is known at the completion of the work. Accounts of all
expenditure are maintained day to day during the execution of work in the account section and at the
end of the completion of the work when the account is completed, the actu al cost is known. The
actual cost should not differ much from the estimated cost worked out at the beginning.


Earth work in excavation and earth work in filling are usually taken out separately
under different items, and quantities are calculated in cu m. Foundation trenches (Trenches are
generally defined by being deeper than they are wide and by being narrow compared to their
length) are usually dug to exact width of foundation with vertical sides. Earth work in excavation
in foundation is calculated by taking the dimension of each trench length × breath × depth. (Breath:
distance from side to side). Filling in trenches after construction of foundations masonry is ordinary
neglected. If the trench filling is accounted, this may be calculated by deducing the masonry from
the excavation.
Extra earth if required for filling is brought from outside. If there is surplus earth after
trench and plinth filling, this may be utilized in leveling and dressing of suite or carted away and

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)


The concrete is taken out in cu m by length × breath × thickness. The length and breath of
foundation concrete are usually the same as for excavation, only the depth and thickness differ.
The thickness of concrete varies from 20cm to 45cm, usually 30cm (9” to 18” usually 12”).
Foundation concrete consists of lime concrete or weak cement concrete. The proportion of
cement concrete in foundation may be 1: 4: 8 or 1: 5: 10.

When the soil is soft or bad, one layer of dry brick or stone is applied below the foundation
concrete. The soling layer is computed in sq m (length × breath) specifying the thickness.


D.P.C is usually 205cm (1”) thick rich cement concrete 1: 1 1/2 : 3 or 2cm,( ¾”) thick rich
cement mortar 1 : 2, mixed with slandered waterproofing material, is provided at the plinth
level to full width of plinth wall, and the quantities are computed in sq m, (length × breath).
Usually D.P.C is not provided at the sill of the doors and veranda opening, for which
deductions are made, (One kg of Cem- seal or Impermo or the other standard waterproofing
compound per bag of cement is generally used).
Masonry is computed in cu m (length × breath × Height). Foundation and plinth
masonry are taken under one item, and masonry in superstructure is taken under a separate
item. In storeyed building the masonry in each storey as ground floor above plinth level, first
floor, etc is computed separately. in taking out quantities wall are measured as solid and then
deduction are made for openings as doors , windows, etc. masonry with different types and
classes, masonry with different mortars etc. are taken out under separate items. Splayed or
rounded sides of wall are considered as rectangular and extreme dimensions are taken to find
out the quantities. Thin partition wall is measured in sq m. honey comb brick wall is taken under
separate item in sq m; no deduction is made for holes. Stone masonry is calculated in the same
manner as for the brick masonry.

Deduction for opening, bearings etc. in masonry

No deduction is made for the following
a) Opening each up to 1000 sq cm or 0.1 sq m (1 sq ft)
b) Ends of beams, posts, rafters, purlines, etc. up to 500 sq cm or 0.05 sq m (72
sq in) in section.
c) Bed plate, wall plate, bearings of chajjas and the like up to 10 cm (4”) depth.
d) Bearing of floor and roof slabs are not deducted from the wall masonry.
For other opening the deduction is made in the following way
 Rectangular openings:-
Full deduction is made
Deduct ion --------- l × h × thickness of the wall.
 Doors and windows with small Segmental Arches:-
Deduction is made only for rectangular portion.
Deduct ion --------- l × h × thickness of the wall.

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)

 Segmental Arch opening:-

Deduction is made for the whole opening the rectangular opening as well as the
segmental opening.
Deduct ion --------- [(l × h) + ( /3 ×l × r)] × thickness of the wall.

 Semi circular Arch opening:-

The total D Deduct ion --------- [(l × h) + ( /4 ×l × r)] × thickness of the wall.

 Arch masonry work:-

Masonry work in arches is calculated in cu m separately by multiplying the men
length of the arch by the thickness of the arch and by the breath of the wall.
Deduct ion--------- lm × h × thickness of the wall.

 Lintel over opening:-

Lintel are either of R.C.C or of R.B, quantities are calculated in cu m. Length of the
lintel is equal to the clear span plus two bearings. If dimension of bearing is not given
may be taken as same as thickness of the lintel with a minimum of 12cm (41/2”). Thus
the length of the lintel is equal to l = S + 2t
Deduct ion--------- l × h × thickness of the wall.


R.C.C and R.B work may be in roof or floor slab, in beams, lintel, columns,
foundations, etc. and the quantities are calculated in cu m exclusive of the steel
reinforcement and its bending but inclusive of centering and shuttering and fixing and
binding reinforcement on position. 0.6% to 1 %( usually 1%) of R.C.C or R.B work by
volume may be taken for steel.
Centering and shuttering (form work) are usually considered as R.C.C and
R.B work, but may also be taken as separately in sq m of surface in content with concrete.


I. Ground Floor:-

The base lime concrete and floor finishing of C.C or stone or marble or
mosaic, etc are usually taken as one job or one item and quantities are taken in sq m
multiply the length by the breath. The length and breadth are taken as inside
dimensions from wall to wall of superstructure.
st nd
II. 1 floor, 2 floor, etc:-

Supporting structure is taken separately in cu m as R.C.C or R.B, etc. and

floor finishing is taken as separately in sq m as 2.5cm or 4cm(1” or 1 1/2”) C.C or
marble or mosaic, etc.

III. Roof:-
Supporting structure is taken separately in cu m and the lime concrete
terracing is computed in sq m with thickness specified, under a separate item
including surface rendering smooth.

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)


Plastering usually 12mm( 1/2”) thick is calculated in sq m. for wall the measurements
are taken for the whole face of the wall for the both sides as solid, and deduction for
opening are made as following manners:-

 No deduction is made for ends of beam, posts, rafters, etc.

 For small opening up to 0.5 sq m (5 sq ft) no deduction is made and at the same time
no addition is made for jambs, soffits and of sills of these openings.
 For opening exceeding from 0.5 sq m (5 sq ft) but not from 3 sq m (30 sq ft) the
deduction is made only for one face.
 For opening greater the 3 sq m (30 sq ft) deduction is made for the both faces of the
opening and the jambs, soffits and sills are taken into account and added.

Pointing in wall is calculated in sq m for whole surface and deductions similar to

plastering are made.
Pillars are taken separately in cu m for their net volume and quantities are calculated
by correct geometrical measurements by simple method. Hexagonal, octagonal, etc pillars
are dealt similarly.
Plastering in the pillars are calculated in sq m by multiplying the circumference of the
perimeter by the height.


i. Chowkhat and Frame:-
Door and window frames or chowkhats are computed in cu m. length is
obtained by adding the length of all the members of the chowkhat, top and two
verticals if there is no sill member, and adding bottom also.
ii. Door or window leaves or Shutters:-
They are computed in sq m by multi plying the breath by height of
shutters, the rebates in the chowkhat should be taken into consideration in finding
the breath and the height.
Wooden beams, burgahs, posts, wooden roof trusses, chowkhats, etc. come under this
item, and quantities are computed in cu m. The dimensions of the finished work shall be taken.

This is computed in weight in kg or quintal and quantities are calculated correctly by
multiplying weights per running meter by the length. The weight of bolts, nuts and rivets
with heads can be calculated by counting their numbers and sizes and consulting steel table.
Sometimes certain percentage is provided for the bolts, nuts and rivets, etc.

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)


The quantities are computed in sq m and are usually same as for the plastering.
Deduction is dealt in the same manners as for the plastering.


Painting or varnishing of doors and windows are computed in sq m, the dimension

should be taken for the outer dimension of chowkhat. The area is measured flat. Painting is
done in two or three coats, usually over a coat of priming. The rates cover for the number
of coats under one item.


For other items the unit of different works may be consulted. The units being know
it will not be difficult to estimate the quantities of different item of work.


Sr. No. Item Units of measurements Units of payments Units of Payment
in MKS in MKS in FPS
1 Earth Work Cu.m Per % Cu.m Per % cu.ft
2 Concrete in Cu.m Per Cu.m Per cu.ft
foundation P.C.C
3 Masonry Sq.m Per sq.m Per sq.ft
4 D.P.C Sq.m Per Sq.m
5 R.C.C & R.B Cu.m Per Cu.m Per cu.ft
6 Plastering & Sq.m Per Sq.m Per sq.ft%
7 Flooring Sq.m Per Sq.m Per sq.ft%
8 Roofing Sq.m Per Sq.m Per sq.ft
9 Columns & Cu.m Per Cu.m Per cu.ft
10 Wood Work Cu.m Per Cu.m Per cu.ft
11 Door Windows Sq.m Per Sq.m Per sq.ft
12 White Wash / Sq.m Per Sq.m Per sq.ft
Color /
13 Painting Sq.m Per Sq.m Per sq.ft
14 Soiling Sq.m Per Sq.m Per sq.ft

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)

This is the process of the assessment of companies based on their (I) Technical ability
(II) Financial ability. Any client who wishes to initiate any project is required to give a media
advertisement titled pre-qualification of design consultant preferably in newspaper.

Amount given to contractor to start the project is called mobilization advance. Usually it is
10% of the estimated cost.


An itemized list of materials, parts, and labor (with their costs) required to construct, maintain, or
repair a specific structure is called bill of quantities.

Abstract of Quantity or Bill of Quantity:-

For example BOQ may be like this:-

Item No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

1 Brick work Cft 675 --- ---
2 Plastering Sft 10 --- ---
3 Pipe Rft 200 --- ---
5 Steel kg 2000 --- ---
6 --- --- --- --- Total
--- --- --- --- --- Profits %ages
--- --- --- --- --- Final Total

During BOQ payment client will take back 10% of mobilization advance and also 2 – 5 % of total
BOQ payment as a security / Retention money. After these deductions the remaining payment will be
given to contractor.


There are two types of contract for a construction project.

1. Item Rate Contract

In this type of contract is made for all the item that will used in the project and the labor
for whole the project client will only pay (usually as per sq.ft or sq.m) and arrangement of
products and labor will be done by the contractor.
2. Labor Rate Contract
In this type of contract contractor only arrange labor and machinery while all the material
used for project is provided by the client itself.

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)

Item No. Description No. Length Width Height / Quantity
1 Brick Work 1 20’ 9” 10’ 150
1 class brick with 1:6
cement mortar
2 Long Wall 2 20’ 9” 10’ 300
3 Short Wall 3 20’ 9” 10’ 225
--- --- --- --- --- --- Total (for same
kind of work e.g.
all brick work)
--- --- --- --- --- --- ---


The total cost of a project is calculated as following

Estimated cost = -------------

2 – 3 % as a contingences charges = -------------
1.5 – 4 % as work charge establishment = -------------
10 – 20 % as a contractor profit = --------------
Total cost of project = sum of all above

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)

Building Estimate:-

There are two methods for building estimate

(I) Long wall and short wall method
(II) Center line method


(H × V × h)

Horizontal Vertical Height or depth

(W.r.t dimension writing style)

The wall in which we consider the corner part of the building or the wall is called long wall.
OR The external wall in longitudinal direction is called long wall. OR The wall running out to the
outside is called long wall.
The internal wall running in transverse direction is called short wall.
OR the wall running into inside is called short wall.


Special care should be taken during the calculation of the walls in the foundation steps the
length of long wall will increase in steps when we go down as when it meets the shorts wall while
for short wall it is opposite means length of short wall decreases.

The load distribution in case of brick wall is different and in concrete wall is different. In
concrete wall the load is distributed at an angle of 45 and in case of brick wall the load distribution
is at 600. Care should be taken for different in dimension at different height due to footing steps.

Extra Information:-
Termite mixture is a mixture
of 1: 40 used in foundation
to prevent from termite.

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

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In this method total length of same thickness wall is added. The length will remain same for
calculating excavation, P.C.C, brick work in foundation, D.P.C, etc Special attention is required at
the junction & meeting points of the wall.
Usually there are 4 types of wall junction is in a common building.

(I) Case 9” thick wall meet 9” thick (III) Case 9” thick wall meet 4 1/2”
wall:- thick wall:-
In this case the total deduction from t 1 In this case the total deduction from t 1
made in center line is made in center line is
Correction = - 1/ 2(t1) N1 Correction = - 1/ 2(t2) N3

Case 1 Case 3

1 1
(III) Case 4 /2” thick wall meet 4 /2”
(II) Case 41/2” thick wall meet 9” thick wall:-
thick wall:- In this case the total deduction from t 2
In this case the total deduction from t 2 made in center line is
made in center line is Correction = - 1/ 2(t2) N4
Correction = - 1/ 2(t1) N2

Case 2

Case 4

Note: - (N means number of joint for that particular case)

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)

Find the total center line in the following given plan?


C L 9” = 20’ + 15’ +10’ + 10’+5’ = 60’

While the exact value is = 60’ - 1/ 2(9”) 1- 1/ 2(41 /2”) 1 = 59’-5.25”

C s 41/2” = 20’ + 18’ + 5’ + 5’ = 48’

While the exact value is =48’ - 1/ 2(9”) 2- 1/ 2(41 /2”) 2= 46’-10.5”


In case of brick the minimum offset is 2.25” or 57mm while for concrete steps minimum
Offset distance is 6” or 150mm.


Dimension Standard in Inches Standard in mm

Length 9” = 229mm 200mm
Width 4 /2” = 114mm 100mm
Height/Depth 3” = 76mm 50mm

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)

Q. Solve the following structure by (I) long & short wall method (II) Center line method.

Plan View


By long and short wall method:-

Long wall length:- Short wall length:-

Super Structure = 15’ – 6” Super Structure = 10’
3rd Step = 15’ – 101/2” 3rd Step = 9’ – 71/2”
2nd Step = 16’ – 3” 2nd Step = 9’ – 3”
1 Step = 16’ – 71/2” st
1 Step =8’ – 101/2”
Concrete base = 17’ – 71/2” Concrete base =7’ – 101/2”

Item Description No. L W H Quantity Remarks

Earth Work
1 Excavation in
foundation. Left is 5’ &
lead is 100’ in soft soil 2 17.625’ 2.875’ 2.75’ 279 cft
L. W
2 7.875’ 2.875’ 2.75’ 125 cft
S. W
Sub Total 404 cft
Termite Proofing W =(2h+b)
2 L.W 2 17.625’ 8.375’ --- 296 sft =2×2.75+2.875
S.W 2 7.875’ 8.375’ --- 132 sft = 8.375
Sub Total 428 sft
P.C.C in Foundation
3 L.W 2 17.625’ 2.875’ 0.75’ 76 cft
S.W 2 7.875’ 2.875’ 0.75’ 34 cft
Sub Total 110 cft

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Brick Work in sub

L.W: 1st step 2 16.625’ 1.875’ 0.5’ 31 cft
4 2nd Step 2 16.25’ 1.5’ 0.5’ 24 cft
3rd Step 2 15.875’ 1.125’ 2’ 72 cft
S.W: 1st step 2 8.875’ 1.875’ 0.5’ 17 cft
2nd Step 2 9.25’ 1.5’ 0.5’ 14 cft
3rd Step 2 9.625’ 1.125’ 2’ 43 cft
Brick Work in super
5 structure
L.W 2 15.5’ 0.75’ 11’ 256 cft
S.W 2 10’ 0.75’ 11’ 165 cft
Sub Total(Total Brick Work) 622 cft
6 L.W 2 15.875’ 1.125’ --- 36 sft
S.W 2 9.625’ 1.125’ --- 22 sft
Sub Total 58 sft
7 L.W 4 15.5’ --- 11’ 682 sft
S.W 4 10’ --- 11’ 440 sft
Sub Total 1122 sft
8 Roofing
R.C.C Slab 1 15.5’ 11.5’ 0.5’ 89 cft
Mud Filling 1 15.5’ 11.5’ 0.33’ 59 cft
Brick Tile 1 15.5’’ 11.5’ --- 179 sft
9 Flooring
Compacted Earth 1 13.625’ 9.625’ --- 132 sft
Sand Filling 1 13.625 9.625’ 0.5’ 66 cft
Brick Tile 1 14’ 10’ --- 140 sft
10 White Wash
Walls L.W 4 15.5’ --- 11’ 682 sft
S.W 4 10’ --- 11’ 440 sft
Roof 1 14’ 10’ --- 140 sft
Sub Total 1262 sft

By Center line method

Total Center line = (10’-9” + 14’-9”) ×2 = 51’
Item Description No. L W H Quantity Remarks
1 Earth Work 1 51’ 2.875’ 2.75’ 404 cft
2 Termite Proofing 1 51’ 8.375’ --- 428 sft
3 P.C.C 1 51’ 2.875’ 0.75’ 110 cft
4 Brick Work in foundation
1st Step 1 51’ 1.875’ 0.5’ 48 cft
2nd Step 1 51’ 1.5’ 0.5’ 38 cft
3rd Step up to P.L 1 51’ 1.125’ 2’ 115 cft
5 Brick Work in super 1 51’ 0.75’ 11’ 421 cft
Sub Total (Total brick work): 622 cft
6 DPC 1 51’ 1.125’ --- 58 sft

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7 Plastering 2 51’ --- 11’ 1122 sft

8 Roofing
R.C.C Slab 1 15.5’ 11.5’ 0.5’ 89 cft
Mud Filling 1 15.5’ 11.5’ 0.33’ 59 cft
Brick Tile 1 15.5’’ 11.5’ --- 179 sft
9 Flooring
Compacted Earth 1 13.625’ 9.625’ --- 132 sft
Sand Filling 1 13.625 9.625’ 0.5’ 66 cft
Brick Tile 1 14’ 10’ --- 140 sft
10 White Wash
Walls 2 51’ --- 11’ 1122 sft
Roof 1 14’ 10’ --- 140 sft
Sub Total 1262 sft

Q. Solve the following structure by (I) long & short wall method (II) Center line method.
Plan View


By long and short wall method:-

Long wall length:- Short wall length:-

Super Structure = 5.4m Super Structure = 3m
3rd Step = 5.5m 3rd Step = 2.9m
nd nd
2 Step = 5.6m 2 Step = 2.8m
1st Step = 5.7m 1st Step =2.7m
Concrete base = 6m Concrete base =2.4m

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Item Description No. L W H Quantity Remarks

No. (m) (m) (m)
Earth Work
1 Excavation in
foundation. Left is 5’
& lead is 100’ in soft
2 6 0.8 0.8 7.7cu.m
L. W
S. W 2 2.4 0.8 0.8 3.0cu.m
Sub Total 10.7cu.m
Termite Proofing W =(2h+b)
2 L.W 2 6 2.4 --- 14.5sq.m =2×0.+0.8
S.W 2 2.4 2.4 --- 5.75sq.m = 2.4
Sub Total 20.5sq.m
P.C.C in Foundation
3 L.W
S.W 2 6 0.8 0.2 2.00cu.m
2 2.4 0.8 0.2 0.75cu.m
Sub Total 2.75cu.m
Brick Work in sub
L.W: 1st step 2 5.7 0.5 0.15 0.85cu.m
4 2nd Step 2 5.6 0.4 0.15 0.67cu.m
3rd Step 2 5.5 0.3 0.60 1.98cu.m
S.W: 1st step 2 2.7 0.5 0.15 0.40cu.m
2nd Step 2 2.8 0.4 0.15 0.34cu.m
3rd Step 2 2.9 0.3 0.60 1.04cu.m
Sub Total 5.29cu.m
Brick Work in super
5 structure
S.W 2 5.4 0.2 3.5 7.56cu.m
2 3 0.2 3.5 4.20cu.m
Sub Total 11.76cu.m
6 L.W 2 5.4 0.3 --- 3.24sq.m
S.W 2 3.0 0.3 --- 1.80sq.m
Sub Total 5.04sq.m
7 L.W 4 5.4 --- 3.5 75.6sq.m
S.W 4 3.0 --- 3.5 42.0sq.m
Sub Total 117.6sq.m
8 Roofing
R.C.C Slab 1 5.4 3.4 0.15 2.75cu.m
Mud Filling 1 5.4 3.4 0.10 1.84cu.m
Brick Tile 1 5.4 3.4 --- 18.36sq.m
9 Flooring
Compacted Earth 1 4.9 2.9 --- 14.20sq.m
Brick Blast 1 4.9 2.9 0.15 2.15cu.m
Concrete P.C.C 1 5.0 3.0 0.10 1.50cu.m

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10 White Wash
Walls L.W 4 5.4 --- 3.5 75.6sq.m
S.W 4 3.0 --- 3.5 42.0sq.m
Roof 1 5.0 3m --- 15.0sq.m
Sub Total 132.6sq.m

By Center line method

Total Center line = (5.2 + 3.2) ×2 = 16.8m
Item Description No. L W H Quantity Remarks
No. (m) (m) (m)
1 Earth Work 1 16.8 0.8 0.8 10.75cu.m
2 Termite Proofing 1 16.8 2.4 --- 40.32sq.m W =(2h+b)
= 2.4
3 P.C.C 1 16.8 0.8 0.2 2.7cu.m
4 Brick Work in
1st Step 1 16.8 0.5 0.15 1.26cu.m
2nd Step 1 16.8 0.4 0.15 1.00cu.m
3 Step up to P.L 1 16.8 0.3 0.6 3.03cu.m
5 Brick Work in super 1 16.8 0.2 3.5 11.76cu.m
Sub Total (Total brick work): 17.05cu.m
6 DPC 1 16.8 0.3 --- 5.04cu.m
7 Plastering 2 16.8 --- 3.5 117.6sq.m
8 Roofing
R.C.C Slab 1 5.4 3.4 0.15 2.75cu.m
Mud Filling 1 5.4 3.4 0.10 1.84cu.m
Brick Tile 1 5.4 3.4 --- 18.36sq.m
9 Flooring
Compacted Earth 1 4.9 2.9 --- 14.21sq.m
Sand Filling 1 4.9 2.9 0.15 2.13cu.m
Brick Tile 1 5.0 3.0 0.10 1.5cu.m
10 White Wash
Walls 2 16.8 --- 3.5 117.60sq.m
Roof 1 5.0 3.0 --- 15.00sq.m
Sub Total 132.6sq.m

Q. Solve the following structure of wall by

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)

Item Description No. L W H Quantity Remarks

No. (m) (m) (m)
1 Earth Work 1 25.6 0.8 0.8 16.38cu.m
2 Termite Proofing 1 25.6 2.4 --- 61.44sq.m W =(2h+b)
= 2400
3 P.C.C 1 25.6 0.8 0.2 4.1cu.m
4 Brick Work in
sub Structure
1st step 1 25.3 0.5 0.15 1.9cu.m
2nd Step 1 25.2 0.4 0.15 1.5cu.m
3rd Step 1 25.1 0.3 0.60 4.5cu.m
Sub Total 7.9cu.m
5 DPC 1 25 0.2 --- 5sq.m
Brick Work in
6 super 1 25 0.2 3.5 17.5cu.m

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)

Q. Estimate the quantities of different items for the construction of building with following plan.

2’ – 1.5”

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)

Total Center line (9”) = 13’ + 6’ + 13’ + 11’ + 5.5’ + 10’ + 6.5’ +
10’ + 6.5’ + 5.5’ + 13’ + 11’ + 19’ + 13.33’ + 13’ + 11’ + 6’ + 6’ + For Calculating the center
( 9” + 4.5” + 9” + 9” + 9” + 9” + 9” + 9” + 9” + 9” + 9” + 9” + 9” line subtract the half of width of step
+ 4.5” ) = 189.08’ at same level where center line is
been calculated but for calculating
Total Center Line (4.5”) = 4.25’ + 6’ + 9” = 11.25’ the excavation subtract the half
Junction correction:- width of last foundation step.
9” Wall = 189.08’ – ½(thickness of 9” at same level) 9 – ½(thickness of 4.5” at same level) 2 = ……..

4.5” Wall = 11.25’ - ½(thickness of 9” at same level) = ………

Item Description No. L W H Quantity Remarks

1 Earth Work
9” Wall 1 176.14’ 2.875’ 2.75’ 1392.6 189.08’-½(2.875’)9=176.14’
4.5” Wall 1 9.81’ 2.125’ 1.75’ 36.48
Sub Total 1429.1cu.m
2 Termite Proofing W =(2h+b)
9” Wall 1 176.14’ 8.5’ --- 1497.19 = 2×2.875+2.75
4.5” Wall 1 9.81’ 6.0 --- 58.86
Sub Total 1556.1Sq.m
3 P.C.C 189.08’-½(2.875’)9
9” Wall 1 176.14’ 2.875’ --- 506.40 = 176.14’
4.5” Wall 1 10.5’ 2.125’ --- 22.31 = 10.5’
Sub Total 528.71Sq.m
4 Brick Work in
9” Wall 1 st Step 1 180.64’ 1.875’ 0.5’ 169.35 189.08’-½(1.875’)9-½(0)
2nd Step 1 180.21’ 1.50’ 0.5’ 135.19 189.08’-½(1.5)9-½(2.125)2
3 Step up to P.L 1 1 182.89’ 1.125’ 0.5’ 102.88
3rd Step up to P.L 2 1 183.27’ 1.125’ 1.5’ 85.99
4.5” Wall 1 st Step 1 10.69’ 1.125’ 0.5’ 6.01
2nd Step 1 10.69’ 0.750’ 1.5’ 12.03
Sub Total 511.45cu.m
5 Brick Work in
super structure
9” Wall 1 185.52’ 0.750’ 12’ 1669.68 189.08’-½(0.75)9-½(0.375)
4.5” Wall 1 10.875’ 0.375’ 12’ 48.94 11.25’-½(0.750)
Deduction D1 4 3.5’ 0.750’ 7.0’ 73.5
D2 3 3.0’ 0.75’ 7.0’ 47.25
D2 1 3.0’ 0.375’ 7.0’ 7.87
D3 1 6.0’ 0.750’ 7.0’ 31.5
W1 4 6.0’ 0.750’ 5.0’ 90
W2 1 10.0’ 0.750’ 5.0’ 37.5
CW1 2 2.5’ 0.750’ 1.5’ 5.625

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)

Deduction For Lintel

D1 4 4.5’ 0.750’ 0.5’ 6.75
D2 3 4.0’ 0.750’ 0.5’ 4.5
D2 1 4.0’ 0.375’ 0.5’ 0.75
D3 1 7.0’ 0.750’ 0.5’ 2.625
W1 4 7.0’ 0.750’ 0.5’ 10.5
W2 1 11.0’ 0.750’ 0.5’ 4.125
CW1 2 3.5’ 0.750’ 0.5’ 1.31
Sub Total 1487.9cu.m
9” Wall 1 183.64’ 1.125’ --- 206.6 189.08’-½(1.125’)9-½(0.75)
4.5” Wall 1 10.69’ 0.75’ --- 7.95 11.25’-½(1.125)
Deduction D1 4 3.5’ 1.125’ --- 15.75
D2 3 3.0’ 1.125’ --- 10.125
D2 1 3.0’ 0.75’ --- 2.25
D3 1 6.0’ 1.125’ --- 6.75
Sub Total 189.8sq.m
7 Plastering
Inside Bed 2 48’ --- 12’ 1152 (11’ + 13’)×2
Kitchen 1 33’ --- 12’ 396 (10’ + 6.5’ )×2
Bath 1 1 24’ --- 12’ 288 (5.5’ + 6.5’)×2
Bath 2 1 24’ --- 12’ 288 (6.0’ + 6.0’)×2
Laundry 1 20.5’ --- 12’ 246 (4.25’ + 6.0’)×2
Living 1 64.66’ --- 12’ 776 (13.33’ + 19’)×2
Out Side 1 127.71’ --- 12’ 1532.52
Deduction D1 4 3.5’ --- 7’ 98 > 5sq ft but < 30sq ft
D2 3 3.0’ --- 7’ 63 > 5sq ft but < 30sq ft
D2 1 3.0’ --- 7’ 21 > 5sq ft but < 30sq ft
D3 2 6.0’ --- 7’ 84 > 5sq ft but < 30sq ft
W1 8 6.0’ --- 5’ 240 >30sq ft
>30sq ft
W2 2 10.0’ --- 5’ 100
> 5sq ft but < 30sq ft
CW1 2 2.5’ --- 1.5’ 7.5
Sub Total 4065sq.m
8 Roofing Area × Thickness=
R.C.C Slab 1 …..824.62….. 0.5’ 412.31cu ft ((29.6×6)+(26.58×19)+(12.5
×6.625)) ×0.5=412.31
Mud Filling 1 ….. ….. 0.33’ 256.18 cu ft (Area of slab–area of
Brick Tile 1 ….. …... --- 776.30 sq ft perapetwall)thickness
Parapet Wall 1 127.7’ 0.375’ 2.5’ 119.72 cu ft
9 Flooring
Bed 2 11’ --- 13’ 286
Kitchen 1 10’ --- 6.5’ 65
Bath 1 1 5.5’ --- 6.5’ 35.75
Bath 2 1 6.0’ --- 6.0’ 36
Laundry 1 4.25’ --- 6.0’ 25.5
Living 1 13..33’ --- 19’ 253.27
D1 4 3.5’ --- 0.750’ 10.5
D2 3 3.0’ --- 0.750’ 6.75
D2 1 3.0’ --- 0.375’ 1.125
D3 1 6.0’ --- 0.750’ 4.5
Sub Total 724.39sq.m

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)

10 White Wash
Inside Bed 2 48’ --- 12’ 1152 11’ + 13’)×2
Kitchen 1 33’ --- 12’ 396 (10’ + 6.5’ )×2
Bath 1 1 24’ --- 12’ 288 (5.5’ + 6.5’)×2
Bath 2 1 24’ --- 12’ 288 (6.0’ + 6.0’)×2
Laundry 1 20.5’ --- 12’ 246 (4.25’ + 6.0’)×2
Living 1 64.66’ --- 12’ 776 (13.33’ + 19’)×2
Out Side 1 127.71’ --- 12’ 1532.52
Roof Bed 2 11’ --- 13’ 286
Kitchen 1 10’ --- 6.5’ 65
Bath 1 1 5.5’ --- 6.5’ 35.75
Bath 2 1 6.0’ --- 6.0’ 36
Laundry 1 4.25’ --- 6.0’ 25.5
Living 1 13..33’ --- 19’ 253.27
Deduction D1 4 3.5’ --- 7’ 98 > 5sq ft but < 30sq ft
D2 3 3.0’ --- 7’ 63 > 5sq ft but < 30sq ft
D2 1 3.0’ --- 7’ 21 > 5sq ft but < 30sq ft
D3 2 6.0’ --- 7’ 84 > 5sq ft but < 30sq ft
W1 8 6.0’ --- 5’ 240 >30sq ft
>30sq ft
W2 2 10.0’ --- 5’ 100
CW1 2 2.5’ --- 1.5’ 7.5 > 5sq ft but < 30sq ft

Sub Total 4766.5sq.m

11 Concrete R.C.C
Slab --- --- --- --- 412.31 Same as for calculated
Lintel --- --- --- --- 30.56 above
Sub Total 442.87cu.m
12 Steel For Concrete --- --- --- --- 2.65cu.m 0.6% of Concrete
= 590.23kg
=0.59 ton

Quantity of steel:-
For Steel:-
Slab 0.6% of Concrete
1cu.ft = 490lbs
Beam 1% of Concrete
1cu.m = 7850kg
Column 1 – 4 % of Concrete

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)

Structure formed by joining No. of elements to with stand/support applied loading is
termed as the frame structure. e.g. Structure formed by the beams and columns is an example of frame
Column is a structure member which bears loading mainly in compression.

The area of column is increased in the foundation for the safer transfer of load. If the
column shape is square or circular then footing shape will be square and if the column shape is
rectangular or parabolic then the footing shape will be rectangular.

If the area covered by isolated footing is greater than 50% of the plan area then it is better
to provide the footing over the whole plan OR if the ground properties are non-uniform then we also
provide footing over whole plan area it is called raft slab.

Sometimes beams are provided over the raft slab termed as raft beams

Q. Calculates the quantities of a R.C.C column size is 2’×2’ plan and cross-section are given.

Item Description No Length Width Height Quantity Remarks

No. (ft) (ft) (ft)
1 Excavation 1 5.5 5.5 2.75 83.18cu.ft
2 Termite Proofing
Base 1 5.5 5.5 --- 30.25
Sides 1 22 --- 2.75 60.5 (5.5+5.5)2
Sub Total 90.75sq.ft
3 Foundation Conc. Prism Area=
Rectangular 1 5.5 5.5 0.75 22.687 [(2×2)+(5.5×5.5)+
Prism Portion 1 8.052 1.5 12.078 (3.75×3.75)]/6=8.052
Sub Total 34.76cu.ft
4 Column Conc. 1 2 2 13.5 54c...ft
5 Plastering 1 8 --- 13 104sq.ft (2+2)2

(Plan and cross section is at next page)

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)

To each line of the column a name is given the position of the column according to the lines
meeting at that point is termed as grid of that column. E.g. as shown

2C (column Grid)

Grid 3

Q. Calculate the quantities of a frame structure of a shopping plaza plan & cross-section is given.

Item Description No Length Width Height Quantity Remarks

No. (ft) (ft) (ft)
1 Excavation 1 87.5 66 5 28875cu.ft
Termite Proofing
2 Base 1 87.5 66 --- 5775
Sides 1 307 --- 5 1535 (87.5+66)2
Sub Total 7310sq.ft
Raft Slab conc. 1 87.5 66 2 11550 Left walls
Raft Beams 2
3 FB1 – FB4 4 87.5 3 3 3150
FB5 – FB9 5 54 3 3 2430 1
Lift Wall(1) 1 10.583 0.66 3 20.95
Lift Wall(2) 1 7.416 0.66 3 14.68
Sub Total 17166cu.ft
Sand filling Half Diameter of
1-2 / A-B 1 9 17 3 459 the columns from
2-3 / A-B 1 22 17 3 1122 both sides
3-4 / A-B 1 24.5 17 3 1249.5 =1.5’+1.5’=3’
4-5 / A-B 1 17 17 3 867
1-2 / B-C 1 9 15 3 405 L = L cc – 3’
2-3 / B-C 1 22 15 3 990
4 3-4 / B-C 1 24.5 15 3 1102.5
W = W cc – 3’
4-5 / B-C 1 17 15 3 765
1-2 / C-D 1 9 22 3 594
2-3 / C-D 1 22 22 3 1452
3-4 / C-D 1 24.5 22 3 1617
4-5 / C-D 1 17 22 3 1122
Lift Base 1 10.583 8.083 3 256.6
Sub Total 11488cu.ft

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)

Column Concrete
Ground Floor
C1 5 7.07 10.167 359.40 H=11.5 – 1.833 +
C2 13 3 3 10.167 1189.54 0.5
C3 2 2 2 10.167 81.336
1st to 8th floor
5 C1 8×5 7.07 9.917 2804.40
C2 8×13 3 3 9.917 9282.31 H=11.5 – 1.833
C3 8×2 2 2 9.917 634.688 +0.25
Ground floor 1 37.66 0.66 11.167 277.56
1st to 8th floor 8×1 37.66 0.66 10.916 2170.59
Deduction L=(8’-2” + 10”-8”)2
Doors 9 3.5 0.66 7.5 155.925
Sub Total 16643cu.ft
6 Ground to 8th floor 1×9 87.5 66 0.583 30301.4
Lift 1×8 7.5 10 0.583 349.8
FB1 + FB4 9×2 72.5 1.5 1 1957.5 L = 87.5 - (5×3)
FB2 + FB3 9×2 73.5 1.5 1 1984.5 L = 87.5 – (4×3+2×1)
FB5+FB6+FB7+FB9 9×4 54 1.5 1 2916 L = 66 – (4×3)
FB8 9×1 56 1.5 1 756 L = 66 – (2×3 + 2×2)
7 Sub Total 7614cu.ft
Column Cap
C1 9×5 7.07 1 318.15
C2 9×13 3 3 1 1053
C3 9×2 2 2 1 72
Net Total 1443cu.ft
Ground to 8th floor 9×1 87.5 66 --- 51975
C1 9×5 7.07 --- 318.15
8 C2 9×13 3 3 --- 1053
C3 9×2 2 2 --- 72
Lift 9×1 11.33 10.66 --- 1087
Top floor 1 87.5 66 --- 5775
Sub Total 55220cu.ft

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)


An itemized list of materials, parts, and labor (with their costs) required to construct, maintain, or
repair a specific structure is called bill of quantities.

Abstract of Quantity or Bill of Quantity:-

For example BOQ may be like this:-

Item No. Description Quantity Unit Rate Amount

1 Brick work 675 Cft --- ---
2 Plastering 10 Sft --- ---
3 Pipe 200 Rft --- ---
4 Steel 2000 Kg/ton --- ---
Total ---

Q. Make calculations for the BOQ of the house for whom calculation of quantities are made in the
previous lectures.

Item Description Quantity Unit Rate Per Amount

1 Earth Work 1429.1 Cft 1000 /% Cft 14291
2 Termite Proofing 1556.1 Sft 4500 /% Sft 70024
3 P.C.C (1:4:8) 528.71 Cft 93 Cft 49170
4 Brick Work in
foundation 511.45 Cft 110 Cft 56259
(2nd class)
5 Brick Work in
super structure 1487.9 Cft 130 Cft 193427
6 DPC 189.8 Sft 85 / Sft 16133
7 Plastering 4065 Sft 3500 /% Sft 142275
8 Roofing 824.62 Sft 300 Sft 247386
9 Flooring 776.30 Sft 120 Sft 93156
10 White Wash 4766.5 Sft 10 Sft 47665
Grand Total 929786

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)

Q. Make calculations for the BOQ of the house for whom calculation of quantities are made in the
previous lectures.

Item No. Description Quantity Unit Rate Per Amount

1 Excavation 28875 Cft 1000 /% Cft 288750
2 Termite Proofing 7310 Sft 4500 /% Sft 328950
3 Raft Slab conc. 16994.34 Cft 120 /% Cft 20393.2
Steel(#10 bar)1% 38.2 Ton 120000 /Ton 4584000
4 Sand filling 11488 Cft 130 / Cft 1493440
5 Column Concrete 16310.14 Cft 120 /% Cft 19572.16
Steel (#8 bar)4% 148 Ton 105000 /Ton 15540000
6 Slab Concrete 29652.48 Cft 120 /% Cft 35582.9
Steel (#6bar)1% 66.07 Ton 93000 /Ton 6144510
7 Beams Concrete 7568.3 Cft 120 /% Cft 9081.96
Steel (#6bar)0.6% 10.17 Ton 93000 /Ton 945810
8 Flooring 55220 Sft 120 / Sft 6626400
Total 36036490.22

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)


Stairs are the permanent structural member which comfortably connected two levels of the
building at different elevations.
Each step of the stairs consists of one vertical and one horizontal component. The vertical
component is termed as riser and the horizontal component is termed as tread.
Usually riser is of 6” and the tread is of 12”.
The slab on which the stairs are supporting is called as waist slab it is main structural
component of the stairs. Its thickness is usually 4” – 6”.
Rail or railing is used for the safety of the user. User can get supports while using the
stairs. It consists on hand rail, newel and balusters but now day complete railings with different
specifications are also available.

Waist slab = L × W × t (R.C.C)
Steps = ½ (T × R × W) × N (Mostly of R.C.C but may be of Bricks)
Rail = L (Depend upon quality)

Where L = Length of flight

W = Width of the stairs
t = thickness of slab
T = Tread length
R = Riser height
N = Number of the steps

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)


For the calculation of earthwork in roads longitudinal section and cross-section of the ground are
taken and the formation line is fixed. The formation line is fixed in consideration of floods, gradient,
height of bank, depth of cutting, etc. in plain countries road is usually in banking, but if the road is cutting
for some length and in banking for some other length, the excavated earth from the cutting portion should
be utilized for the banking portion with in economical limits, during the execution of work. Earthwork is
general term used for both cutting and banking (filling).

As the surface of earth covered in road construction is usually not of same reduced levels
therefore a layer of earthwork is done over it is termed as sub-grade.


Varying reduce levels


Usually banks of roads are of trapezoidal shape and calculations for its volume are made for
some specific unit length usually 30ft (normal tape length).

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)

There are three approaches to calculate the volume


Area = A = Bdm + Sd2m

Volume = A × L


A1 = Bd1 + Sd21
A2 = Bd2 + Sd22
Am =
V = Am × L


V= B( )+S ]

Q.1 Calculate the quantity of earthwork for two hundred meters of length for portion of road
in a uniform ground. The height of bank at two ends being 1m & 1.6m. Formation width is
10m & side slope are 2:1 (H:V).



1st Approach
A = Bdm + Sd2m
dm = = 1.3
A = (10)(1.3) + 2(1.3) 2 = 16.38
V = AL =16.38 × 200 = 3276m3

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)

2nd Approach
A1 = Bd1 + Sd21 = (10)(1) + (2)(1) 2 = 12
A2 = Bd2 + Sd22 + (10)(1.6) + (2)(1.6) 2 = 21.12
Am = = = 16.56
V = Am × L = 16.56 × 200 = 3312m3
3rd Approach
V= B( )+S ]
( )( )
V = [ 10 ( )+2 ] = 3288m 3

Q.2 Calculate the quantity of earthwork for the given data.

R.Dm 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 540 570 600
R.L of NSL 105 105.6 105.44 105.9 105.42 104.3 105 104.1 104.62 104 103.3
R.L of F.L 107 Fall 1 in 150 Fall 1 in 100
Reduce levels of the ground along the center line of a purposed road at 30m interval
are given above, the formation level at running distance of 300m is 107m. The road is
downward gradient of 1 in 150 up to running distance of 420, after this it become 1 in 100.
Formation width is 10m and side slopes are 2:1 (H:V).

R.Dm 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 540 570 600
R.L of NSL 105 105.6 105.44 105.9 105.42 104.3 105 104.1 104.62 104 103.3
R.L of F.L 107 106.8 106.6 106.4 106.2 105.9 105.6 105.3 105 104.7 104.4

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)


Area = A = Bdm + Sd2m
Volume = A × L

Length F.L NSL Height Mean Central Triangular Total Earthwork

R.D (m) (m) (m) (m) depth Area(Bd) area(Sd2) area
Filling Cutting
300 --- 107 105 2 --- --- --- --- --- ---
330 30 106.8 105.6 1.2 1.6 16 5.12 21.12 633.6 ---
360 30 106.6 105.44 1.16 1.18 11.8 2.7848 14.5848 437.544 ---
390 30 106.4 105.9 0.5 0.83 8.3 1.3778 9.6778 290.334 ---
420 30 106.2 105.42 0.78 0.64 6.4 0.8192 7.2192 216.576 ---
450 30 105.9 104.3 1.6 1.19 11.9 2.8322 14.7322 441.966 ---
480 30 105.6 105 0.6 1.1 11 2.42 13.42 402.6 ---
510 30 105.3 104.1 1.2 0.9 9 1.62 10.62 318.6 ---
540 30 105 104.62 0.38 0.79 7.9 1.2482 9.1482 274.446 ---
570 30 104.7 104 0.7 0.54 5.4 0.5832 5.9832 179.496 ---
600 30 104.4 103.3 1.1 0.9 9 1.62 10.62 318.6 ---
Total Earthwork 3513.762 ---


A1 = Bd1 + Sd21
A2 = Bd2 + Sd22
Am =
V = Am × L

Length F.L NSL Height Central Triangular Total Mean Earthwork

R.D (m) (m) (m) (m) Area(Bd) area(Sd2) area Area
Filling Cutting
300 --- 107 105 2 20 8 28 --- ---- ---
330 30 106.8 105.6 1.2 12 2.88 14.88 21.44 643.2 ---
360 30 106.6 105.44 1.16 11.6 2.6912 14.2912 14.5856 437.568 ---
390 30 106.4 105.9 0.5 5 0.5 5.5 9.8956 296.868 ---
420 30 106.2 105.42 0.78 7.8 1.2168 9.0168 7.2584 217.752 ---
450 30 105.9 104.3 1.6 16 5.12 21.12 15.0684 452.052 ---
480 30 105.6 105 0.6 6 0.72 6.72 13.92 417.6 ---
510 30 105.3 104.1 1.2 12 2.88 14.88 10.8 324 ---
540 30 105 104.62 0.38 3.8 0.2888 4.0888 9.4844 284.532 ---
570 30 104.7 104 0.7 7 0.98 7.98 6.0344 181.032 ---
600 30 104.4 103.3 1.1 11 2.42 13.42 10.7 321 ---
Total Earthwork 3575.604 ---


V= B( )+S ]

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)


Mean depth
Length (m)

Height (m)

Total Area
NSL (m)
F.L (m)



300 --- 107 105 2 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
330 30 106.8 105.6 1.2 1.6 16 4 1.44 2.4 5.23 21.23 636.8 ---
360 30 106.6 105.44 1.16 1.18 11.8 1.44 1.35 1.392 2.79 14.59 437.6 ---
390 30 106.4 105.9 0.5 0.83 8.3 1.35 0.25 0.58 1.45 9.75 292.5 ---
420 30 106.2 105.42 0.78 0.64 6.4 0.25 0.61 0.39 0.83 7.23 216.9 ---
450 30 105.9 104.3 1.6 1.19 11.9 0.61 2.56 1.248 2.94 14.84 445.3 ---
480 30 105.6 105 0.6 1.1 11 2.56 0.36 0.96 2.59 13.59 407.6 ---
510 30 105.3 104.1 1.2 0.9 9 0.36 1.44 0.72 1.68 10.68 320.4 ---
540 30 105 104.62 0.38 0.79 7.9 1.44 0.14 0.456 1.36 9.26 277.9 ---
570 30 104.7 104 0.7 0.54 5.4 0.14 0.49 0.266 0.60 6.00 180.0 ---
600 30 104.4 103.3 1.1 0.9 9 0.49 1.21 0.77 1.65 10.65 319.4 ---
Total Earthwork 3534 ---

Q.3 Calculate the quantity of earthwork for the given data of 400m road. Side slope are 2:1 in
filling and 1.5:1 in cutting (H:V).
Station 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
R.Dm 1000 1040 1080 1120 1160 1200 1240 1280 1320 1360 1400
R.L of NSL 51.0 50.9 50.5 50.8 50.6 50.7 51.2 51.4 51.3 51.0 50.6
R.L of F.L 52.0 Fall 1 in 200

Station 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
R.Dm 1000 1040 1080 1120 1160 1200 1240 1280 1320 1360 1400
R.L of NSL 51.0 50.9 50.5 50.8 50.6 50.7 51.2 51.4 51.3 51.0 50.6
R.L of F.L 52.0 51.8 51.6 51.4 51.2 51.0 50.8 50.6 50.4 50.2 50.0

L-section of road

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)


Area = A = Bdm + Sd2m
Volume = A × L

Length F.L NSL Height Mean Central Triangular Total Earthwork

R.D (m) (m) (m) (m) depth Area(Bd) area(Sd2) area
Filling Cutting
1000 --- 52.0 51.0 1 --- --- --- --- --- ---
1040 40 51.8 50.9 0.9 0.95 9.5 1.805 11.305 452.2 ---
1080 40 51.6 50.5 1.1 1 10 2 12 480 ---
1120 40 51.4 50.8 0.6 0.85 8.5 1.445 9.945 397.8 ---
1160 40 51.2 50.6 0.6 0.6 6 0.72 6.72 268.8 ---
1200 40 51 50.7 0.3 0.45 4.5 0.405 4.905 196.2 ---
1217.4 17.4 50.9 50.9 0 0.15 1.5 0.045 1.545 26.883 ---
1240 22.86 50.8 51.2 -0.4 -0.2 2 0.0632 2.0632 --- 47.16475
1280 40 50.6 51.4 -0.8 -0.6 6 0.5688 6.5688 --- 262.752
1320 40 50.4 51.3 -0.9 -0.85 8.5 1.14155 9.64155 --- 385.662
1360 40 50.2 51.0 -0.8 -0.85 8.5 1.14155 9.64155 --- 385.662
1400 40 50.0 50.6 -0.6 -0.7 7 0.7742 7.7742 --- 310.968
Total Earthwork 1821.8 1392.20


A1 = Bd1 + Sd21
A2 = Bd2 + Sd22
Am =
V = Am × L

Length F.L NSL Height Central Triangular Total Mean Earthwork

R.D (m) (m) (m) (m) Area(Bd) area(Sd2) area Area
Filling Cutting
1000 --- 52.0 51.0 1 10 2 12 --- --- ---
1040 40 51.8 50.9 0.9 9 1.62 10.62 11.31 452.4 ---
1080 40 51.6 50.5 1.1 11 2.42 13.42 12.02 480.8 ---
1120 40 51.4 50.8 0.6 6 0.72 6.72 10.07 402.8 ---
1160 40 51.2 50.6 0.6 6 0.72 6.72 6.72 268.8 ---
1200 40 51 50.7 0.3 3 0.18 3.18 4.95 198 ---
1217.4 17.4 50.9 50.9 0 0 0 0 1.59 27.67 ---
1240 22.86 50.8 51.2 -0.4 4 0.24 4.24 2.12 --- 48.46
1280 40 50.6 51.4 -0.8 8 0.96 8.96 6.6 --- 264
1320 40 50.4 51.3 -0.9 9 1.215 10.215 9.5875 --- 383.5
1360 40 50.2 51.0 -0.8 8 0.96 8.96 9.5875 --- 383.5
1400 40 50.0 50.6 -0.6 6 0.54 6.54 7.75 --- 31
Total Earthwork 1830.47 1389.46

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)

Stones laid along the motorways to support the soil for coming out & to stop errection of road are
termed as turfing. It is measured in units of area.

Turfing area = 2L (dm )2 + (Sd2m)2

Q. Calculate the area of turfing for the road data given in question No.2.

Length F.L NSL (m) Height Mean Turfing

R.D (m) (m) (m) depth (Sd2) Area
300 --- 107 105 2 --- --- ---
330 30 106.8 105.6 1.2 1.6 5.12 321.8506
360 30 106.6 105.44 1.16 1.18 2.7848 181.4691
390 30 106.4 105.9 0.5 0.83 1.3778 96.50926
420 30 106.2 105.42 0.78 0.64 0.8192 62.37371
450 30 105.9 104.3 1.6 1.19 2.8322 184.3227
480 30 105.6 105 0.6 1.1 2.42 159.4962
510 30 105.3 104.1 1.2 0.9 1.62 111.1928
540 30 105 104.62 0.38 0.79 1.2482 88.63166
570 30 104.7 104 0.7 0.54 0.5832 47.68857
600 30 104.4 103.3 1.1 0.9 1.62 111.1928
Total Turfing Area 1364.727

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P & CM (Lab)

Mainly there are three types of pavements.

1. Typical Flexible Pavement

2. RCC-pavement
3. TSP (Triple surface Treatment)

Typical Flexible Pavement:-

This is very common and general type of pavements. Mostly it is used for normal
purposes such as less important roads, roads inside the city etc. Its cross section is shown below.

RCC-Slab Pavement:-

Usually RCC-Slab is used as pavement at places where there is load is very high or track of heavy
traffic. i.e. Important motorways.

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It is necessary to provide joints in RCC-Slab pavement to avoid cracks. At the same time to avoid
vertical movement steel bars are provided b/w two slabs in such a way that steel bars are fix in one slab
and free in other.

Triple surface Treatment:-

It is low quality pavement generally provided at the left side of lanes of motorways and usually
used in villages or small cities. At motorways its purpose is only to park the vehicles for some reason. Its
cross section is given below.

Note: - Usually earthwork and other items of road construction (Sub base, base etc.) are calculated
separately. As total thickness of different types of pavements are different therefore place where more
than one types of pavements are used thickness factor is covered by sub grade to make the treatment
economical but the thickness of other layers remains constant throughout the pavement

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P & CM (Lab)

Plan of the road:-

Plan of road give information about the No. of lanes fence, road sign’s positions, positions of
light poles, median etc. Plan of a three lane road is shown in fig.

Lane Lane shoulder

Fence Kerb stone Median light poles

Plan of road

Example: - A flexible pavement is proposed

b/w Lahore sahiwal GT Road. The length of
section is 150Km. The road is 3 lane each side.
If all the components of flexible pavement are
provided except the subgrade. Calculate quantity
of work while width of shoulder is 4m & lane
width is 4.5m. Marks are @ 5m. Kerb stones
and fence are at the both sides of the road and
the light poles are at every 10m distance and on
both sides of the road. As shown in fig.

Plan of the 3Lane road Lhr-Sahiwal Section

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P & CM (Lab)

Sr. No. Description No. Length Width Height Quantity Units Remarks
(m) (m) (m)
1 Main Road
I AWC 2 150,000 15 0.07 315,000 m3

= (3*4.5)+1.5=15

(3 * No. Of lane)
+ extension after
II Track Coat 2 150,000 15 --- 450,000 m2

solid line
III ABC 2 150,000 15 0.12 540,000 m3
IV Prime Coat 2 150,000 15 --- 450,000 m2
V WBM 2 150,000 15 0.30 135,000 m3
VI Base Course 2 150,000 15 0.20 90,000 m3
VII Sub-Base Course 2 150,000 15 0.30 135,000 m3
2 Shoulder
I TST 2 150,000 4 --- 1,200,000 m2
II Prime Coat 2 150,000 4 --- 1,200,000 m2
III Base Course 2 150,000 4 0.20 240,000 m3
IV Sub Base Course 2 150,000 4 0.30 360,000 m3
3 Miscellaneous
I Road Marking 6 150,000 --- --- 900,000 Rm
II Median 1 150,000 --- --- 150,000 Rm At Center
III Kerb Stone 2 150,000 --- --- 300,000 Rm Both Sides
IV Fence 2 150,000 --- --- 300,000 Rm Both Sides
V Light Poles --- --- --- --- 30,000 No. Both Sides
@ 10m

Compaction Factor for Base &

Sub-Base is ½ of thickness of

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

P & CM (Lab)


Rate analysis is an art to calculate the price or total cost of a thing or material including
its all expenses and profits. In Civil engg. Work it is necessary to be very carefull for the rate analysis
because a little mistake can cause a huge difference in the total cost of the project as rate is analised only
for unit quantity and then it is multiplied with total quantities. Some terms regarding rate analysis in civil
work are given below.

Overhead cost includes general office expenses, rents, taxes, supervision and other costs which
are indirect expenses and not productive, i.e. expenses on the job.

Expenses for office & staff, stationary, printing, postage, travelling expenses, telephone, rent are
calculated in this regard.

Supervision, handling of materials, repairs insurance and interest on investment are calculated in
this portion.

Normally water charges are calculated on bases of 1.5% of the total cost. These may increase in
different conditions.

Scaffolding cost for a single story building is 1.5%. it will vary with the No. of story’s.

The most important thing for a company and also for a project is %age of contractor profit. This
may vary between 10 to 30% depending upon the cost and nature of project. As rates of other elements
cannot be changed from market rates therefore real competition for contract totally depends upon tis

The capacity of doing some job by the labor is also of much importance in rate analysis. As labor
has to work throughout the project therefore this factor cannot be ignored. The list of work capacity for
doing some job is given below.
Particulars of item Quantity Quantity Per -----
(metric) (US customary)
Brickwork in foundation and plinth 1.25 cum 45 cft Per mason
Brickwork in super structure 1.00 cum 35 cft Per mason
Cement concrete 1:2:4 5 cum 175 cft Per mason
R.B. work 1 cum 35 cft Per mason
RCC work 3 cum 125 cft Per mason

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White washing or colour washing 3 coats 70 sqm 700 sft Per white washer
White washing or colour washing 1 coats 200 sqm 2000 sft Per white washer
Painting or varnishing door or windows. 1 coat 25 sqm 250 sft Per painter
Distempering 1 coat 35 sqm 350 sft Per painter
2.5cm (1”) cement concrete floor 7.5 sqm 75 sft Per mason
Breaking of brick ballast 40mm(1.5”) gauge 0.75 cum 30 cft Per labour
Breaking of brick ballast 25mm(1”) gauge 0.55 cum 20 cft Per Labour
Earthwork in excavation ordinary soil 3 cum 100 cft Per mazdoor
Earthwork in excavation in hard soil 2 cum 75 cft Per mazdoor
Mortar mixing 3 cum 100 cft Per mazdoor
Deliver Bricks 4000 No. to 15’ Same Per mazdoor
Deliver Mortar 5.5 cum 200 cft Per mazdoor

 Earthwork per 28.3 cum or 1000cft: in foundation with lead 100t(30m), lift 5ft(1.5m)
requires 5 beldars, 4 mazdoor per day.

 Refilling excavated earth per 28.3cum (1000cft) in foundation, including compaction in

15cm(6”) layers requires 3 beldars, 2 mazdoor, ½ water man.

 Disposal of surplus soil within lead of 30m(100ft) 1 mazdoor can do 2.83cum(100cft) per

Requirements of materials of different item of work

Total Required Total Required

Particulars of items Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity
US customary System Metric System
Bricks of R.B work 100 cft 1200 No. 1 cum 420 Mo.
Dry mortar for R.B work 45% 100 cft 45 cft 100 cum 45 cum
Dry distemper for 1st coat 100 sft 0.65 kg 100 sqm 6.5 kg
Dry distemper for 2nd coat 100 sft 0.5 kg 100 sqm 5 kg
Paint ready mixed for painting one coat 100 sft 1/3 gallon 100 sqm 10 lit
Brick on floor or soiling on flat (9” × 4.5”) 100 sft 350 No. 100 sqm 3500 No.
Brick on floor or soiling on edge (9” × 3”) 100 sft 525 No. 100 sqm 5250 No.
Dry mortar for bricks flat floor 100 sft 8 cft 100 sqm 2.25 cum
Bitumen for painting on DPC or on roof 1st coat 100 sft 15 kg 100 sqm 150 kg
Bitumen for painting on DPC or on roof 2nd coat 100 sft 10 kg 100 sqm 100 kg
Lime for whit washing for each coat 100 sft 1 kg 100 sqm 10 kg

 Cem-seal or impermo = 1kg per bag of cement (in DPC).

 Grey cement Bag = 50Kg = 1.25 cft = 0.035
 White cement Bag = 40kg = 1 cft = 0.028 cum
 Bricks 100 cft = 1350 No.
 Bricks 1 cum = 500 No.
 Brick Ballast = 100 cft = 2.83 cum = 1050 No.
 RBC No. of Bricks = 3 per 1cft.

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P & CM (Lab)

Example: - Prepare rate analysis of RCC work 1:1.5:3 with 1% steel & larancepur sand & margla crush.

Unit Quantity = 1 cum (wet volume) Sum of Ratios = 1+1.5+3 = 5.5

Dry volume = 1 × 1.54 = 1.54 cum
Cement = × 1 = 0.28 cum = Bag = 8 Bags

Sand = × 1.5 = 0.42 cum

Aggregate = × 3 = 0.84cum
Steel = 1 cum × = 0.01 cum = 0.01 × 7850 = 78.5 kg
Sr No. Description quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Cement 8 Bags 430 3440
2 Sand 0.42 Cum 350 147
3 Aggregate 0.84 Cum 1872 1572.48
4 Steel 78.5 Kg 90 7065
5 Mason 0.17 Day 700 119
6 Labour 2.12 Day 400 848
7 Water man 0.47 Day 350 164.5
8 Steel Fixer 0.785 Day 500 392.5
9 Steel Binder 0.785 Day 400 314
10 Concrete Mixer operator 0.11 Day 600 66
11 Concrete Lift operator 0.11 Day 600 66
12 Concrete Mixer 0.11 Day 2400 264
13 Concrete Lift 0.11 Day 2400 264
14 Concrete vibrator 0.11 Day 1220 134.2
Sub Total 14856.68
15 Water Charges 1.5% of sub total 222.85
16 Scaffolding 15% of sub total 334.27
17 Sundries 7.5% of sub total 1114.25
Sub Total 16528.05
18 Contractor Profit 10% of sub total 1652.805
Total 18180.86

Q. Prepare Rate analysis of RCC 1:2:4 with 3% steel & lawrancepur sand & Sergoda crush. Unit
quantity will be 100cft.

Wet Volume= 100 cft

Sum of Ratios = 1+2+4 = 7
Dry volume = 100 × 1.54 = 154 cft
Cement = × 1 = 22 cft = Bag = 17.6 Bags

Sand = ×2= 44 cft

Aggregate = × 4 = 88cft

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Steel = 100cft × = 3cft= = 644.7 kg

Sr No. Description quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Cement 17.6 Bags 430 7568
2 Sand 44 Cft 18 792
3 Aggregate 88 Cft 100 8800
4 Steel 644.7 Kg 90 58023
5 Mason 0.471 Day 700 329.7
6 Labour 5.99 Day 400 2396
7 Water man 1.33 Day 350 465.5
8 Steel Fixer 2.221 Day 500 1110.5
9 Steel Binder 0.133 Day 400 53.2
10 Conc. Mixer operator 0.133 Day 600 79.8
11 Conc. Lift operator 0.133 Day 600 79.8
12 Conc. Mixer 0.133 Day 2400 319.2
13 Conc. Lift 0.133 Day 2400 319.2
14 Conc. vibrator 0.133 Day 1220 162.26
Sub Total72930.16
15 Water Charges 1.5% of sub total 1093.95
16 Scaffolding 15% of sub total 10939.52
17 Sundries 7.5% of sub total 5469.762
Sub Total 90433.4
18 Contractor Profit 10% of sub total 9043.34
Total 99476.74

Q. Prepare rate analysis of PCC 1:4:8. Unit quantity will be 1cft.

Wet Volume= 1 cft

Sum of Ratios = 1+4+8 = 13
Dry volume = 1 × 1.54 = 1.54 cft
Cement = × 1 = 0.118 cft = Bag = 0.0944 Bags

Sand = ×4= 0.473 cft Aggregate = × 8 = 0.947cft

Sr No. Description quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Cement 0.0944 Bags 430 40.592
2 Sand 0.473 Cft 18 8.514
3 Aggregate 0.947 Cft 100 94.7
4 Mason 0.0057 Day 700 3.99
5 Labour 0.0599 Day 400 23.96
6 Water man 0.0133 Day 350 4.655
Sub Total176.411
7 Water Charges 1.5% of sub total 1093.95
8 Scaffolding 15% of sub total 10939.52
9 Sundries 7.5% of sub total 5469.76
Sub Total 218.74
10 Contractor Profit 10% of sub total 21.87
Total 240.62

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P & CM (Lab)

Q. Prepare the rate analysis of marble floor 6mm thick, using white cement & marble powder in
1:4. Thickness of mortar is 10mm.

Unit area = 100sqm

Marble = 80% = 80sqm
Mortar = 20% = 20 sqm
Wet volume = 20× = 0.2 cum
Dry volume 0.2 × 1.42 = 0.284 cum
Cement = ×1= =1.785Bags

Marble powder = ×4 = 0.2 cum

Sr No. Description quantity Unit Rate Amount

1 Cement 1.785 Bags 700 1249.5
2 Marble powder 0.2 Cum 300 60
3 Marble 80 Sqm 650 52000
4 Mason 2.2 Day 700 1540
5 Labour 2.2 Day 400 880
6 Water man 1.1 Day 350 385
7 Grinder 5 Day 200 1000
8 Grinder operator 5 Day 350 1750
Sub Total58864.5
9 Contractor Profit 10% of sub total 5886.45
Total 64750.95

Q. Prepare rate analysis of DPC 1.5” thick, with 1:2:4 cement concrete with impermo & 2 coat of hot
bitumen. Unit area will be 100 sft.

Wet Volume= =12.5 cft

Dry volume = 12.5 × 1.54 = 19.25 cft
Sum of Ratios = 1+2+4 = 7
Cement = × 1 = 2.75 cft = Bag = 2.2 Bags

Sand = ×2= 5.5 cft

Aggregate = × 4 = 11cft
Impermo for 2.2 cement bags = 2.2kg

Sr No. Description quantity Unit Rate Amount

1 Cement 2.2 Bags 450 990
2 Sand 5.5 Cft 18 99
3 Crush 11.0 Sft 100 1100
4 Impermo 2.2 Kg 250 550

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5 Bitumen 25 kg 100 2500

6 Mason 0.05797 Day 700 40.579
7 Labour 0.1597 Day 400 63.88
8 Water man 0.256 Day 350 89.6
Sub Total 5433.059
9 Water Charges 1.5% of sub total 81.49589
10 Scaffolding 15% of sub total 814.9589
11 Sundries 7.5% of sub total 407.4794
Sub Total 6736.993
12 Contractor Profit 10% of sub total 673.6993
Total 7410.692

Adnan Jamil 2010-civ-245 Section - D

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