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Energy Policy 96 (2016) 758–769

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Renewable and nuclear electricity: Comparison of environmental

Charles McCombie a,n, Michael Jefferson b
MCM Consulting, Täfernstrasse 11, CH 5405 Baden, Switzerland
ESCP Europe Business School, London Campus, 527 Finchley Road, London NW3 7BG, UK


! Given the acknowledged hazards of fossil fuels, it is important to compare the impacts of low-carbon alternatives.
! This report reviews published data to compare nuclear with hydro, wind, solar and biomass electricity production.
! Environmental impacts and risks to humans are compared.
! Specific impacts of wind turbines on bird populations are examined.
! Conclusions and recommendations for future energy choices are presented.

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Given the widely acknowledged negative impacts of fossil fuels, both on human health and on potential
Received 25 November 2015 climate change, it is of interest to compare the impacts of low carbon alternative energy sources such as

Received in revised form nuclear energy, hydropower, solar, wind and biomass. In this paper, we review the literature in order to
7 March 2016
summarise the impacts of the different technologies in terms of their materials and energy requirements,
Accepted 16 March 2016
Available online 28 March 2016
their emissions during operation, their health effects during operation, the accident risks, and the as-
sociated waste streams. We follow up these comparisons with some more anecdotal evidence on se-
Keywords: lected impacts that are either particularly topical or are important but less commonly addressed. These
Environmental impacts include impacts of wind turbines on persons and on bird life, the underestimated problems with bio-
mass, and concerns about biodiversity reduction. Finally we address the public attitudes towards both
renewable energy technologies and to nuclear power. The← conclusion is drawn that energy policies of
Solar many countries are perhaps more strongly influenced by public and political perceptions of available
Wind +
technologies than they are by rational assessment of the actual benefits and drawbacks. Policy re-
Biomass commendations follow from this conclusion.
conclusion → & 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
energy policies

1. Introduction renewables such as in wind farms or solar power plants also
requires an EIA.
There have been many studies on the environmental aspects of 2) Nuclear energy production ,
is a controversial subject in most
nuclear power generation and of renewable energy sources, for countries, resulting in an active debate on the associated en-
two particular reasons: vironmental issues, and on their impacts relative to alternative
means of producing electricity. Increasing controversy also
1) Nuclear energy production involves a series of processes from surrounds the environmental impacts of renewables as ag-
uranium mining through to final waste disposal, all of which are gressive programmes to increase their market penetration have
major engineering activities. These commonly require the pro- led to growing local opposition in some countries.
duction and assessment
of an official Environmental Impact

Assessment (EIA) before they can be licensed. Large scale use of Most often in the current energy debate, the comparisons that
have been made are between nuclear and fossil fuels or between

Corresponding author.
i renewables and fossil fuels. Given the widely acknowledged ne-
E-mail addresses:,
gative impacts of fossil fuels, both on human health and on po- (C. McCombie),, tential climate change (Lynas, 2014), the more interesting com- (M. Jefferson). parison is between nuclear energy production and the use of other
0301-4215/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. McCombie, M. Jefferson / Energy Policy 96 (2016) 758–769 759

low carbon alternative energy sources such as hydropower, solar, per unit volume and can be used to compare fuels. Fuels based on
wind and biomass. nuclear reactions are vastly more concentrated than chemically
Prior to examining the direct impacts, we briefly consider in based fuels. For example, typical energy densities in kWh/kg of
Section 2 two fundamental concepts in energy economics which coal, lead- acid batteries and uranium 235 are respectively 8, 40
have direct implications on the exploitation of any energy source: and 24,000,000 million. The difference is impressive, but the
power densities and Energy Return on Energy Invested (EROI). technology and the energy input needed to extract the energy is,
This is followed by sections examining the environmental impacts of course, also very different, as is pointed out below.
of nuclear and renewables in terms of a wide range of actual and Power density is a more complex measure that is extensively
potential impacts. There is a very extensive literature on these used in the work of Vaclav Smil who uses the definition of W/m2
issues. The EU supported major studies in the NEEDS project of horizontal area of land or water surface. Renewable forms of
which ended in 2009 but still has an online database (NEEDS, energy have lower power densities than nuclear (or the fossil
2009). Scientists at the Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis at fuels) (Smil, 2015; Cruz and Taylor, 2012; Jefferson, 2013). This
the Paul Scherrer Institute have been a source of information and places renewable energy at a disadvantage in principle, although
analyses for many years; a recent summary of their work is in- in practice much depends on locational factors – local mean wind
cluded in Hirschberg and Burgherr (2015). In the present paper, speeds for wind power; levels of direct and indirect insolation for
we reproduce from the available literature data to support the solar PV and solar "farms", for instance. Some examples of power
conclusions that we subsequently draw, fully recognizing that an density are given below (Smil, 2010):
in-depth comparison requires more extensive specification of the

basic assumptions used in characterising the technologies to be ! Nuclear up to 4000 W/m2
compared. We begin by using the literature data to illustrate the ! Solar photovoltaic 4–10 W/m2
impacts of the different technologies in terms of their materials ! Wind 0.5–1.5 W/m2
and energy requirements, their emissions during operation, their ! Biomass 0.5–0.6 W/m2
health effects during operation, the accident risks, and the asso-
ciated waste streams. The studies referenced provide important For comparing electricity generating systems which require en-
information for such comparisons, although challenges remain in ergy input for construction and operation of facilities, it is also in-
gathering reliable data and in appropriate normalization of the structive to calculate the energy balance. The EROI (energy return on
impacts. We follow up these sections with some more anecdotal investment) is the ratio of energy generated over the facility lifetime
evidence on selected impacts that are either particularly topical or relative to the embodied energy. The concept of EROI has had re-
are important but less commonly addressed. These include im- levance ever since the earliest humanoid hunters and gatherers ex-
pacts of wind turbines on persons and on bird life, the under- isted, and has been evident throughout the Industrial Age and since
estimated problems with biomass, and concerns about biodi- (Jefferson, 2015). Renewable energy forms – with the possible ex-
versity reduction. Finally we address the public attitudes towards
ception of hydro – in general have lower EROIs than nuclear power

both renewable energy technologies and to nuclear power, before
(and the fossil fuels – although these are in general decline) (Hall
concluding with comments on the policy implications of the in-
et al., 2014; Jefferson, 2013, 2015). Fig. 1 below, produced by Conca
formation presented.
(2015) based on earlier data, gives one example of a comparison of
The most transparent approach to comparing all such en-
EROI for a variety of energy technologies. Although there are un-
vironmental impacts from various electricity production methods
certainties about the precise EROIs to be attached to each of the
is within a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) in which all impacts, including
energy forms, the underlying picture is clear.
costs, are assessed and summed throughout all stages. These types
of analyses were extensively studied within the ExternE Project of
the EU which ran through to 2005. The website established for this
project remains updated to include references and results for 3. Resource requirements
subsequent work up to the present. (ExternE, 2015). This includes
links to the above-mentioned NEEDS project which extends the 3.1. Materials
nuclear power plant studies to include estimates for newer reactor

technologies that may be implemented up to 2050. The principal materials concerns with wind and solar energy
Many of the figures given in the texts below for nuclear power technologies relate to the use of “rare earth” materials.
and for renewable technologies are based on LCA analyses, often
making use of the Ecoinvent database produced in Switzerland
(Ecoinvent, 2014). A large database was also assembled for the
recent IPCC report on climate change (IPCC, 2014) and results from
this comprehensive document are also included below.

2. Power densities and energy returns

mHYYf¥f cost 7

In addition to comparing the detailed environmental impacts

or the costs of alternative energy supply systems, it is instructive
to consider some of their more intrinsic attributes that can directly
influence impacts and costs. These attributes are related to the
specific energy content of the different sources. Interesting mea-
sures that can be used to aid comparisons between energy sources
are the energy density, the power density and the energy return

on energy invested; these provide additional insight into the ad-
vantages and disadvantages of various energy sources. Energy -

density is simplest; it is the amount of energy per unit weight or

Fig. 1. Energy return on investment (from Conca, 2015).
Er anorak
760 C. McCombie, M. Jefferson / Energy Policy 96 (2016) 758–769

Neodymium, dysprosium, terbium, europium, and yttrium are become economically feasible. More practically at present, if ur-
among the substances on which wind turbines and solar panels anium were used in breeder reactors in a closed fuel cycle the

are currently dependent (Abraham, 2015). Table 1 gives some available resources could last 50 times longer. There is also the
further details. Shortages in the short to medium term have been availability of thorium as a fuel for nuclear plants. Nuclear power
identified; these are likely to impact on the availability and cost of plants also require large quantities of steel and concrete, which
these materials. Particular concerns have arisen about the role of together comprise over 95% of the material inputs (Peterson et al.,
China which controls a large proportion of rare earth supplies). 2005). The data of these authors imply that construction of older
The proportion has been estimated at over 90% of the world nuclear power plants with a 1000 MWe capacity required around

45,000 t of steel and 100,000 m3 of concrete. However, they show

total production of rare earth metals (REM). Recently, China has
cut its exports for the second time due, it is claimed, to environ- that the evolutionary Generation III plants–EPR and ABWR–use
mental concerns (Rudarakanchana, 2015). This has stimulated approximately 25% more steel and 70% more concrete than older
those economies with the greatest demand for critical materials – LWRs. Other sources quote differing figures for a 1000 MWe plant,
the EU, the USA and Japan – to seek the implementation of a with estimates for steel ranging from 35,000 to 70,000 t and for
strategy which would encourage new mining activity, focussed concrete up to 350,000 m3 (White and Kulcinski, 1999). Specific
R&D, and other actions (including efforts to offer EU experience in figures for a Swiss PWR given by Dones et al. (2007) are 40,000 t
the field of environmental protection as part of trade agreement for steel and 170,000 m3 for concrete. It is apparent that the

arrangements with China) to help offset reliance on China (Baldi concrete needed per MW capacity is higher for wind power than
et al., 2014). =
for nuclear. If the normalization is to GWe years rather than
A top capacity wind turbine may use 2000 kg of neodymium- maximum power, then the comparison looks even less flattering
based permanent magnet material. Not all wind turbines use for wind power, given its lower average availability.

permanent induction generators (that currently require neody-
mium); some use Tesla induction generators that do not require 3.2. Water use
rare earth magnets, but the latter require variable pitch control
and, if HVDC transmission becomes a widespread reality, perma- Water usage by power plants is second only to that required by
nent induction generators are likely to be given preference. agriculture, but the major part of the water used for cooling a plant
Thin film solar cells, while still a small segment of the solar is returned to the river or sea from which it is taken. The figures
market, draw on three other “critical” (but not rare earth) materials given by the US Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI, 2013) for water use

– gallium, indium, and tellurium. Indium and tellurium are already by a nuclear plant normalise to 1500 l/MWh (e) for once through
exceptionally scarce. Issues related to the materials employed in cooling and 2700 l/MWh (e) for a plant with wet cooling towers.
the various power generation technologies relate, not just to the For a specific example (the 1000 MWe Leibstadt plant in Swit-
zerland), the required cooling water throughput is 32 m3/s and the
quantities of different elements but= also to their toxicities, espe-
cially if toxic elements eventually land up in waste streams. This losses from evaporation amount to 1 m3/s. The nuclear plant re-
aspect is dealt with in Section 4.2. quirements are stated to be 2–4 times lower than for geothermal
There have been considerable efforts to portray the scope for de- or solar-thermal power plants. The highest water usage is by hy-
ploying advanced materials for "sustainable energy" (Dusastre, 2011), dropower plants which can lose 17,000 l/MWh(e) due to eva-
and there has been great interest in the use of=
graphene for solar cells. poration from reservoirs. The IPCC WG III report on renewables
Renewable power sources also require significant quantities of (IPCC, 2014) gives a comprehensive overview of water usage,
conventional materials such as concrete. In the case of wind tur- showing that nuclear power is better than coal or biogas in terms
bines, a 300 MW installation using 152 wind turbines of 2 MW of its operational water consumption, but wind and solar use al-
each required 930,000 m3 of concrete (Lafarge, 2012). For a most none.
1000 MW plant, this implies that 310,000 m3 of concrete would be
required. = 3.3. Land use
In nuclear power plants, the only material for which the
availability of resources has been discussed is the uranium fuel An early paper by Hirschberg and Dones (2003) estimates that,
itself. The world's present measured resources of uranium at prices for operation of nuclear power plants, the necessary land re-
around 1.5 times present prices, if used only in conventional re- quirements correspond to only 0.6 m2/GWh(e). The Swiss figures,
actors, are estimated to last for about 90 years (WNA, 2015), but given for hydro power and large solar, are respectively 49 and
uranium is ubiquitous and recovery even from sea water may
1275 m2/GWh(e). They point out, as does Smil (2015), that solar
panels on existing buildings need no additional land areas.
. MacKay (2009) states that wind farms need around 500 times as
Table 1
much land as a nuclear plant. This figure is in broad agreement
Critical Raw Materials content of renewable resources technologies (adapted from
Edenhofer et al., 2011). with that of the NEI (2013) which estimates that wind farms need
300 times the area to produce the same output as a nuclear plant.
Application Component Critical raw material The SBC Energy Institute (SBC, 2014) gives land use figures for the
plant itself and also for all indirect land use. In normalised units
Wind and hydro- Permanent magnets Neodymium, Dysprosium,
power plants Praseodymium Terbium,
m2/GWe, these are for nuclear power 50/120; for photovoltaic 329/
Corrosion resistant Chromium, Nickel, Molybde- 463 and for wind 1500–3200.
components num, Manganese A further contentious point, however, is the potential for long-
Photovoltaics Transparent electrode Indium term loss of land use. This can be large for a major nuclear acci-
Thin film Cadmium Indium, Gallium,
dent, as evidenced by Chernobyl and Fukushima. It can also be
semiconductor Selenium, Germanium,
Tellurium large for a dam; the extreme case is the Three Gorges dam in China
Dye-sensitized solar Ruthenium, Platinum, Silver which will eventually have a 660 km long reservoir with an area of
cell 630 km2 and a capacity of 18 GW. Altogether, in 2010 renewable
Electric contacts Silver forms of energy (including hydro) already had a land claim five
Concentrated solar Mirror Silver
times that of all the fossil fuels and over 800 times that of nuclear
(Smil, 2015). With world population projected to exceed 11 billion
C. McCombie, M. Jefferson / Energy Policy 96 (2016) 758–769 761

substantial subsidies. Thus many modern biofuel and biomass

schemes have had negative, though often unintended, con-
sequences; while wind energy developments in areas of relatively
low mean wind speeds, and solar PV and solar farm schemes in
areas of relatively poor direct and indirect solar insolation, have
also appeared technically unsound.

4.2. Toxic emissions

All energy technologies also produce air pollutants at some points

in their life cycle. These include particulates, nitrous oxides, sulphur
dioxide and volatile organic compounds. Nuclear and fossil fuels also
result in some radioactive releases. At the local and regional levels,
air quality can be severely affected by carbon monoxide, and sulphur
and nitrogen oxides. Per GWh(e) generated, solar thermal emits
Fig. 2. CO2 emissions.
larger volumes of carbon monoxide (285 kg) than natural gas
(190 kg) or oil (110 kg). Solar PV has been estimated to release 263 kg
people by 2100, with their likely demands on food and water, this of nitrogen oxides and 731 kg of sulphur oxides per GWh
is a huge challenge. (e) electricity generated, and wind energy 71 kg and 137 kg respec-
tively (Hirschberg, 2003). The data gathered from numerous sources
by the IPCC, show clearly that the SO2 and NO2 emissions per GWh
4. Emissions (e) generated by fossil fuels and biomass far outweigh those from
nuclear power and all other renewables. Nuclear power plants re-
4.1. CO2 emissions lease radioactive gases such as Kr-85 and Xe-133 and I-131. These can
result in very small doses to persons.
MacKay (2009) estimates that building a 1 GWe nuclear power
plant results in CO2 emissions of 300,000 t CO2. For a 40 year plant
lifetime, this corresponds to around 1 g CO2/kWh(e). This is much 5. Health effects
lower than the figures that he gives for fossil fuels (400 g CO2/kWh
(e)). For the total CO2 emissions for all stages of the fuel cycle Systematic studies of health effects were begun at Brookhaven
MacKay quotes an IPCC estimate of 40 g CO2/kWh(e). The Austrian National Laboratory in the early 1970s and at Lawrence Berkeley
study by Wallner et al. (2011) points out that below a certain ore Laboratory soon thereafter. More recently, Canada's Atomic Energy
concentration the life cycle emissions become dominated by the Control Board studied the overall risks of 11 energy sources and
ore preparation; for a low concentration of 0.013%, the value given found that total risk per unit of energy output of wind came third
is 288 g CO2/kWh(e)). (after coal and oil), and was then followed by solar PV in fourth
In general, however, nuclear power and all of the renewables place, solar thermal in fifth, solar space heating in sixth, and hydro
considered result in much lower greenhouse gas emission than do seventh. Nuclear and finally natural gas offered the lowest risks in
fossil fuels.1 This is illustrated clearly by Fig. 2 which is based on this survey. Man-days lost per unit of energy output, though lower
IAEA data. (Markandya and Wilkinson, 2007). than for coal and oil, were not inconsiderable – with wind and
More recent and more differentiated data by Bauer et al. (2015) solar PV taking the next highest slots. A 1991 IAEA study found
are presented in Fig. 3 -
somewhat similar rankings, with fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas)
The IPCC 5th Assessment Report (IPCC, 2014) also quotes CO2 posing the highest mortality risks, followed by renewables and

emission data confirming that nuclear energy is among the lowest finally nuclear (Haddad and Dones, 1991). Based on ExternE data,
carbon forms of generation similar to wind turbines at 12 g CO/ Starfelt and Wikdahl (2011) produced Fig. 4 comparing deaths per
kWh(e). Hydro and solar have emissions of 24 g CO2/kWh(e) and KWh from various sources.
28 g CO2/kWh(e) respectively. Biomass has much higher total An alternative measure of the health risks for technologies is
emissions of 220 gCO2/kWh(e). For comparison, coal is at the Years of Life Lost. Fig. 5 from Hirschberg et al. (2014) illustrates
920 gCO2/kWh(e), gas at 490 gCO2/kWh(e) and fossil fuels with this for a range of electricity production methods and includes also
CCS at 160–220 gCO2/kWh(e). specific information demonstrating the extremely high health
The issue of climatic change arising from anthropogenic causes impacts of coal power stations in China.
– especially near surface warming – is highly complex and un- The main cause of human fatalities in the solar PV sector arises
certain. We note that of the 114 climate models regarded by the from falls incurred by solar rooftop installers, and there have been
IPCC's 5th Assessment Report, 111 were considered by the IPCC as estimates of these up to 150 per year worldwide. In the wind
having overstated warming in recent years, and there has been energy sector, human fatalities have been rising as the number of
considerable adverse criticism of the failure in successive Assess- turbines installed has risen. In the USA 99 fatalities were reported
ments to examine solar variation more closely. Given the poten- as having occurred in the recent past. A UK source reported that
tially large negative impacts, the complexity and the uncertainties, there were between 157 and 166 wind energy-related accidents
precautionary measures are called for, provided that the resultant annually between 2011 and 2014, at least 1660 since the 1980s,
decisions and investments are sound. Regrettably, many decisions and 151 fatalities, of which over 60 were not engaged in the in-
and investments have not been sound, yet have attracted dustry (CWIF, 2014). These figures are considered to be only "the
tip of the iceberg". For example, in December 2011, the UK's main
wind energy industry association, RenewableUK, reported that
The figures for wind and solar are somewhat dependent upon whether alu- there had been 1500 accidents over the previous five years, al-
minium is used in the construction of wind towers or solar plants. The association
of sulphur hexafluoride with aluminium, a so-called greenhouse gas having a
though claiming these had resulted in only four fatalities and
Global Warming Potential in excess of 3000 times an equivalent volume of carbon about 300 injuries. The industry association's then Director of
dioxide, makes this a potentially important consideration. Health and Safety further claimed: “No members of the public
762 C. McCombie, M. Jefferson / Energy Policy 96 (2016) 758–769

Fig. 3. Greenhouse gas emissions from nuclear and renewable electricity generation per kWh of electricity at the power plant. From Bauer et al. (2015). ev3, NREL and EGS
refer to different data sources.
Death 1kWh
have ever been injured or harmed in the reports we have re-
ceived.” Nevertheless, there have been numerous near misses due
to blades falling off, small turbines collapsing (one in a school
playground), and ice shear (TDT, 2011). In Germany there were 880
ice shearing events alone between 1990 and 2003; 94 in 2005; and
27 in 2006. Many of the operational accidents have been trans-
port-related. Further evidence of the adverse health effects of
wind turbines are touched upon below.
Of course, public interest focuses primarily not on impacts of
normal operation, but rather on potential consequences and
probabilities of accidents. These are treated in the following sec-
tion. But in the long run, given pressures of world population in-
crease and land and water stresses, it is arguably modern biomass
Fig. 4. Fatalities in operation of various power sources (from Starfelt and Wikdahl, and biofuel developments which pose the greatest threat to sus-
tainable development among the new renewables.

Fig. 5. (from Hirschberg et al., 2014) Mortality in terms of Years of Life Lost (YOLL) per kWh electricity produced for different systems and different locations.
(CH ¼Switzerland, FR¼ France, IT ¼Italy, DE ¼ Germany, DK¼ Denmark, CC ¼Combined Cycle, CHP ¼combined heat and power, SOFC ¼ solid oxide fuel cell, PV¼ photovoltaic,
FGD¼ flue gas desulfurization).
C. McCombie, M. Jefferson / Energy Policy 96 (2016) 758–769 763

µw¥fr ewm
Fig. 6. Fatalities from accidents per GWa(e) (extract from IPCC, 2011).

is 6. Accidents wind power or biomass/biofuels, these facilities are not risk-free or

able to withstand all possible natural disasters. Stefan Hirschberg
§ In this section, we have in mind the potential impacts of earth-
quakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, land slips, flooding and hurri-
has reported that in the period 1969–2000, hydropower was re-
sponsible for the highest number of fatalities among all forms of
of canes. These potential impacts can have a bearing on some forms of
new renewable energy operations as well as on nuclear. In particular
energy in non-OECD countries if the very high number of deaths
following the Banqiao/Shimantan dam accident is included. Even
I geothermal, hydro and wind energy operations can be severely af- when this accident is excluded fatalities rank equal second, with
fected. Note, however, that fossil plants and systems are not without non-OECD including China for coal, to those in the LPG sector
e- the propensity for accidents as well. Coal mine accidents and natural ranked highest.
gas pipeline explosions claim many lives, and major earth events The IPCC (2011) report again presents relevant data. Results are
affect fossil systems as well as nuclear and renewables. presented for severe accidents with 5 or more fatalities since these
There has been much discussion in the recent past as to whe- tend to attract most public attention and to influence political
ther geothermal activities, like fracking for shale gas, can trigger
actions most strongly. The authors give fatality rates normalised to
earthquakes – or less severe earth tremors. The subject is hotly
the electricity generation in GW-years, and they estimate max-

debated between those who consider such activities can trigger imum consequences for a single accident of a specific energy
F -

earth tremors, and those who dispute the contention – usually on technology. Coal has by far the highest fatality rate (especially in
two grounds, that earthquakes measured on the Richter scale have China) and hydropower and nuclear have the lowest of the large

¥s a far greater magnitude than any human activity is likely to cause,

and because although drilling does not cause earthquakes, using
technologies. Hydropower can, however, have large numbers of
fatalities due to= dam failures. All other renewable energy tech-
¥ cool liquids against hot rocks can sometimes cause minor tremors.
The geothermal industry, which world-wide has over 10,000 MW
nologies have low fatality rates and low maximum consequences,
the latter because of their distributed nature. The authors point

installed capacity, would claim their operations do not pose a

out, however, that other types of risks should also be considered
significant threat to humans or the environment. Earthquakes and and give as examples induced seismicity from enhanced geother-


flooding could, of course, adversely affect their operations. mal systems and the risk of ship collisions with offshore wind
Dam failures of those built for irrigation purposes have a long turbines. The extract in Fig. 6 from the IPCC report illustrates the
history. Those built for hydropower have a somewhat shorter one. fatality rates for nuclear and renewables.
About half the failures that have occurred in recent decades were
the result of heavy rainfall and resultant flooding – such as Ban-
qiao- Shimantan, China, in 1975; Machuchu- 2 in India, in 1979;
Shakidor, Pakistan, in 2005; and Kopru, in Turkey (where the
7. Wastes

dam's diversion tunnel seal also failed), in 2012. Some 30% of Because of the enormously higher energy density in nuclear
failures are due to structural issues – the hydropower dam at
Gleno, Italy, in 1923; Teton, Idaho, USA, in 1976; and Campos
Novos, in Brazil, in 2006. No estimates of human fatalities match
fuels, nuclear power plants produce much smaller quantities of
wastes than do fossil plants. But the more relevant comparison
here is with renewable energy systems which are often thought to
those at Banqiao-Shimantan, in Henan province, in which 171,000
produce little or no wastes. Again the most objective comparison
people died. In excess of 1800 people died as a result of the failure
normalizes the wastes produced to the electricity generated.
of Machchu-2 in 1979, since then, there have been only three cases A 1000 MWe light water reactor generates around 200–350 m3
where fatalities exceeded 100. ✓ low- and intermediate- level waste and about 25 t of used fuel per
Hurricanes and strong winds more generally can cause wind year, or about 1500 t of used fuel over an assumed 60-year plant
turbine towers to collapse, blades to be spun off, turbines to catch lifetime. (A coal fired plant of the same size produces about
fire, and ice shear to spread wider – potentially to areas where 400,000 t of ash). While the total volume and mass of nuclear
human life and property may be threatened. However, engineering wastes produced per year is relatively small, it is the radiotoxicity
solutions including providing the ability of wind towers to yaw can and heat of nuclear waste that determines the relative burden in
significantly reduce the risk of wind tower damage. The US Na- managing it. Nuclear waste requires isolation from the biosphere
tional Academy of Sciences has looked into the potential for tower and sufficient spacing and cooling, so is per-tonne more expensive
buckling, and found it high relative to other locations in Galveston to manage than wastes from renewables. Rhodes and Beller (2000)
County, Texas, and in Dare County, North Carolina. state that a 1000 MWe solar electric plant generates 6850 t of
Most energy sources and facilities are, of course, liable to be hazardous waste from metals processing over a 30y lifetime, and a
affected by earthquakes, strong winds, tidal waves, and other 1000 MWe solar thermal plant would generate 435,000 t of
causes of flooding. From offshore oil and gas rigs to inadequately manufacturing waste of which 16,300 t would be contaminated by
protected nuclear plants, and even coal mines let alone solar or heavy metals.

764 C. McCombie, M. Jefferson / Energy Policy 96 (2016) 758–769

Disposal of the wastes produced from electricity production is a the activities of environmental groups. In general, environmental
high profile issue in the case of nuclear power. Despite the fact groups have been opposed to modern biomass and biofuel de-

that geological disposal is widely recognised by the technical velopment on rational grounds. The same is not true for wind
" community as a suitable and safe approach, there is often strong energy development and operation, large hydropower schemes, or
public and political opposition to specific disposal projects, based estuarine barrages. In each of these cases, there are strong emo-
primarily on the high toxicity and long lifetimes of the most active tional issues involved in the argumentation. Support is normally

wastes. Around 5% of the 1500 t of used fuel from the lifetime of a high for solar PV at a small scale, but the acceptance of large area
large reactor contains highly radioactive fission products and solar parks has not been widely tested.
plutonium; the rest is uranium which can be recycled into fresh Performance claims for renewables have been shown to be
fuel. The energy produced over the lifetime is around 50 GWe exaggerated (Jefferson, 2012). Negative impacts of wind energy
years, giving a specific spent fuel inventory of 30 t per GWe year or developments on residential property prices, sleep patterns for
a highly toxic waste inventory of around 1.5 t per GWe year. some people, and visual outlooks are not regularly dis-
On the other hand, solar modules contain some potentially cussed. Ansar et al., 2014 have noted that for large hydropower
dangerous materials which do not- decay with time. There is little schemes: “Much of the data in existing literature are drawn from
awareness of the problems of dealing with wastes from solar surveys and interviews of dubious validity. At times, interest
power production because the panels are produced largely in groups, seeking to promote a particular kind of scale or technol-
China and not in the other countries where solar power is pro- ogy, also report distorted data.” Their first recommendation was:
moted. The potential problems in China are huge (Nath, 2010); “Create transparency on risk profiles of serious energy alternatives,
however, even in California around 20,000 t of hazardous waste from not only the perspective of financial cost and benefit, but also
were produced by solar companies between 2007 and 2011 the environmental and social impacts – hard evidence is a counter-
(Dearen, 2013). One of the most obvious examples is the use of point to experts’ and promoters’ oft-biased inside view.”.
cadmium in the manufacture of thin film solar panels. This is at- In the case of estuarine barrages for tidal power, there have
tractive because of their lower cost than silicon-based solar. been statements such as: “The most detailed work … carried out
However, elemental cadmium is very toxic; it has been recently on the Severn has suggested that birds may actually benefit in
labelled as one of the six major world's pollution problems (Pure most cases to a (sic) barrage being present.” Speakers at a tidal
Earth, 2015). In the USA, Cd containing cells are acceptable; in the power conference covering estuarine barrages in the Bay of Fundy
EU, although Cd is acknowledged as carcinogenic, it is widely managed to avoid any reference to birds (until challenged from the
forbidden – but exceptionally allowed in solar cells since pro- audience), and time has proved them incorrect in their assessment
moting renewables is judged to be more important (EU Directive of fish mortality at Annapolis (Clare, 1992).
2011/65/EU). A quantitative comparison with toxic nuclear wastes Concern at challenges which may be posed by enhanced near-
is of interest. The large Desert Sunlight Solar Farm in the Mojave surface global warming also affects attitudes and support for new
Desert in the USA has 8 million solar panels, each with around 6 g renewable energy developments in many quarters.
of Cd. This implies that the Cd inventory for the 550 MWe peak Public attitudes at the local level may also differ sharply. Many
capacity plant is around 40 t. Unless all this Cd is recycled after the may find wind turbines aesthetically pleasing, while others do not.
25y plant lifetime, the toxic waste inventory per GWe year is Some may be deeply disturbed by their visual intrusion, on his-
around 6 t, assuming 50% availability. toric assets or fine landscapes, while others may be indifferent.
Some may have residential properties at risk of price falls, or are
among those who suffer loss of sleep pattern due to aerodynamic
8. Public attitudes modulation from wind turbine blades. Some may see job oppor-
tunities arising, or other financial benefits (farmers where wind
Few robust general statements can be made about public atti- turbines are located, for example), while others are concerned
tudes to either new renewables or nuclear power. In both cases, their vacation homes will be blighted (such a polarity has emerged
there are strong proponents and the bitterly opposed. However, it in various European countries, including Finland and the UK).
is very clear from public polling that there is a fundamental dif- There are also many examples of public acceptance growing over
ference in public attitudes to renewable energy sources and to time among those living in close proximity to wind turbines, solar
nuclear power. The datain Table 2 from 2011 (Wallard et al., 2012) ‘parks’, and nuclear plants. There has even been reported an “in-
illustrate this clearly: verse NIMBY” (Not In My Back Yard) syndrome where those with
wind energy developments in their “backyard” strongly support
8.1. Attitudes to renewables the technology (Warren et al., 2005). As Charles Warren and his
colleagues point out, the media may often give disproportionate
Public attitudes towards modern biomass and biofuels have attention to vocal minorities – in this case those opposed to wind
been influenced by loss of traditional forests, reduced diversity of energy developments. But vocal minorities often demonstrate that
agricultural crops grown, concerns about impacts on wildlife, and they are more closely in touch with the local realities of costs and
subsidies, impacts on residential property values and potential
health impacts, and more sensitive to landscape impacts. Never-
Table 2
Public support for various energy sources
theless, as Matthew Cotton and Patrick Devine-Wright have
(from Wallard et al., 2012). written:
“The NIMBY label is problematic, as it is often used by propo-
Energy source Public support (%) nents of development projects as a means to discredit all forms of
project opposition, regardless of its motivation, and wrongly
Solar power 97
Wind power 93 characterizes local people as worried, irrational, ignorant of sci-
Hydroelectric power 91 entific and technical facts, and selfishly unwilling to support pro-
Natural gas 80 jects that benefit the broader society.
Coal 48 Even if one were to accept this characterization of citizens
Nuclear energy 38
(IPSOS Data from April 2011)
opposed to the siting, NIMBYism is neither irrational nor ne-
cessarily unethical” (Devine-Wright, 2011).
C. McCombie, M. Jefferson / Energy Policy 96 (2016) 758–769 765

There is a growing body of evidence that local people are fre- Germany, Austria, Italy and Australia. The safety-related argu-
quently well-informed about a technology, its likely performance ments have alternated between concerns about power plant op-
in the intended setting, and the wider implications of its usage. eration and radioactive waste disposal. Currently, in western
There is also growing recognition in the literature of the im- countries moving to expand or introduce nuclear power, an ad-
portance of a sense of place attachment, something which due to ditional major controversy related to the cost of nuclear energy
familiarity over time is more deeply entrenched in rural dwellers.
relative to the (subsidized) costs of wind or solar power.
Thus landscape values and historic assets may be more highly
In the first decade of this century, additional powerful arguments
valued by a higher proportion of rural dwellers than urban
leading to increased support for nuclear were the need for expanded
dwellers. There may be significant differences in emotional at-
base load electricity in developing countries and also the growing
tachment between individuals, wherever their location (Manzo
and Devine-Wright, 2013) There also appear to be significant dif- fear of catastrophic climate change due to CO2 emissions from fossil
ferences between countries when it comes to rural countryside fuel plants. Countries like China, India and South Korea developed
protection concerns – stronger in England, for example, than in massive expansion plans. Countries like the UK and the USA have
The Netherlands or in Germany (Devine-Wright, 2011). In The been, mainly for economic reasons, ambivalent about nuclear new
Netherlands the impact of aerodynamic modulation appears to build. Countries with ageing plants such as Switzerland and the
arouse the greatest concern (Bowdler and Leventhall, 2012). Netherlands started planning for newer generation plants. Even in
Beginning to emerge among the general public in some rela- Germany, the Government reversed plans for shutting down nuclear
tively prosperous countries, however, is an even more profound and agreed to extend plant lifetimes.
concern. This is that a “dominant faith that renewable energy al- Then in March 2011, an unprecedented large earthquake and
ternatives exist in abundance, and all we need to do is to shift resulting tsunami led to the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan
them, and then our energy and climate change problems can be
losing on-site electrical power for so long that three reactor cores
solved, and we can go on enjoying affluence and growth forever”
melted, hydrogen explosions wrecked the upper part of the re-
(Trainer, 2013). In light of the above, and given the significant
economic challenges faced by countries that have adopted high actor buildings where the spent fuel pools were, and widespread
penetrations of intermittent renewables (including Germany and radiation releases resulted.
Spain), this view deserves a long and hard look. Unlike in the Chernobyl disaster decades before, this plant was
Thus even the aspiration of those who believe that the last of the same design as western reactors, the media coverage was
remaining hope, on technical potential grounds, of meeting these intense and the nuclear consequences (which did not include ra-
challenges is solar energy has been challenged. That hope was, and diation deaths) were accompanied by massive loss of human lives
for some still is, the use of concentrating solar power, with ultra- and of buildings due to the huge wave that swept inland. Since the
high voltage direct current transmission (CSP þUHVDC). This has Fukushima accident, there have been a number of studies and
the technical potential to meet the demand for energy services not public polls aimed at assessing the public and political impacts.
just in Europe (the Desertec concept) but throughout Africa, as Questions have also been raised about the level of defences (e.g.
well as in the Americas and Asia. Proponents have had their op-
height of containing walls to prevent incursion of tsunami driven
timism undermined by political and social turmoil in North Africa,
water in an area known to be close to a tectonic plate) and quality
the differing perspectives of European countries (especially be-
of maintenance somewhat removed from reactor design issues.
tween France, Germany and Spain), and failure to press forward
The immediate impacts were naturally very negative. Rapid
determinedly with this technology (which has been around since
1912) in the USA. political decisions in Germany and Switzerland (taken before any
proper assessment of public attitudes – and shortly before up-
8.2. Attitudes to nuclear power coming elections) led the governments of these countries to an-
nounce that they would renounce nuclear power. A WIN-Gallup
It is interesting to study the fluctuations over time in public International Global Poll within a month of the accident recorded
support for or rejection of nuclear power. There have been many the views of over 24,000 persons in 42 countries. 52.7% favoured
studies over the decades since nuclear power was introduced the use of nuclear energy before the accident, and only 45.4% fa-
which have discussed the public attitude to this energy source voured it after the accident (Younghwan et al., 2013), with the
and, in particular, have analysed the reasons for the acknowledged sharpest decrease in support (28%) being, as expected, in Japan.
anxieties of the public concerning radiation. Some have asserted In some countries, however, the dip in acceptance was short-
that the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, near
lived or absent. In the USA, the 57% who favour nuclear power just
the end of WWII, has coloured public perceptions since then.
one year after the accident was identical to the percentage mea-
Others (Weart, 1988) claim that, even before then, there was an
sured just before the Fukushima incident (Newport, 2012). Equally
inbuilt fear of a hazardous agent that one “could not see, touch, taste
or smell”. It has also been claimed by von Hippel for example in GEA striking are the results from the UK (Poortinga et al., 2014). Fig. 7
(2012), that “one abiding concern has been the connection with shows that support for nuclear has remained rather constant
nuclear weapons”. However, the weapons connection today seems throughout the Fukushima phase. In fact, the proportion wanting
more of an argument for specialists than for the general public. The to phase out nuclear power (immediately or gradually) decreased
potential for high consequence accidents influences people more from 50% in 2005 to 40% in 2013. It also shows, interestingly, that
than do the arguments that probabilities of these are very low; the support for new renewables, solar and wind, although still much
risks imposed on individuals by others are less acceptable than vo- higher, has been reducing as their implementation has been
luntary risks that they take upon themselves and0 the potential for spreading. Other countries where national nuclear support con-
long-term and wide-spread contamination of land causes concern. tinues to be strong include China, Finland, India and South Korea.
Nevertheless, support for nuclear energy increased slowly in It is interesting to speculate whether government support in
many countries, with the strongest support often being in coun-
these countries is a reason for the higher levels of public support
tries with significant numbers of nuclear plants. In numerous
or whether the greater public support makes it easier for gov-
countries, however, there has long been extremely active opposi-
tion to nuclear power, the most pronounced examples being ernments to propose expansion.
766 C. McCombie, M. Jefferson / Energy Policy 96 (2016) 758–769

9.2. Hydropower and solar

On a much larger scale from time to time, especially in some

developing countries, are the impacts of large hydropower schemes
resulting in displacement of population, loss of agricultural land,
unemployment, and consequential economic and social upheaval, as
suggested by Ansar et al., (2014). To date of only limited significance
are the complaints from some aircraft pilots and passengers of the
near blinding glare of the Sun's reflection off solar mirrors placed in
the Mojave Desert on the California/Nevada border.

9.3. Impacts on bird life

The concern that modern biomass and biofuel developments

will compromise biodiversity has led to increased interest in the
study of bird life. This is because birds are an interesting indicator
of biodiversity, being high in the food chain, sensitive to mono-
culture expansion, more mobile than most other groups, and
therefore likely to respond to and reflect environmental quality on
a broader scale than mammals or terrestrial insects. Hence they
are often considered to be good indicators of wider ecosystem
health (Gregory, 2005; Bateman, 2013).
There is a vast literature on the impacts of loss of biodiversity
Fig. 7. Changing attitudes to popular support for various technologies (from
Poortinga et al., 2014). and of human-erected structures on bird species and mortality.
Although bird mortality is strongly linked to windows and other
parts of buildings, passing traffic, and domestic cats, there is also
9. Additional issues strong evidence that wind turbines have been the cause of large
numbers of bird fatalities. Fatalities appear to be increasing with
9.1. Wind power the growing height of towers and to blade tip.
In the USA and elsewhere bird fatalities are higher around
For some people the incidence of aerodynamic (or amplitude) migration routes, especially down the western and eastern sides of
modulation of wind turbines can cause sleep disturbance, and the continent. Counter-intuitively, these sides tend to have lower
hence health problems, at distances up to 1.5 km from their mean wind speeds and have most of the wind developments by
nearest turbine (Bowdler, 2008; Stigwood, 2009; Pedersen and contrast to the Interior Belt (Wiser and Bolinger, 2015) In Canada
Persson, 2007; Hanning, 2012). This is not turbine noise as such, also, the placing of wind energy developments along bird migra-
but air disturbance (the swish-swish noise of blades turning) tion routes has been strongly condemned – such as on the pe-
(Hanning, 2009). Hanning's paper reports on acoustics experts and ninsula in Prince Edward County, on the eastern shore of Lake
doctors' case histories. Hanning has since reported that in various Ontario. In Australia a wind energy development in North-West
locations and countries 16% to 20% of respondents surveyed re- Tasmania has been responsible for the deaths of endangered
ported sleep disturbance (Hanning, 2012). At the March 2014, In- wedge-tailed eagles.
stitute of Acoustics meeting held in Newport, U.K., examples of There has been strong criticism of poorly conducted site sur-
amplitude modulation and its impacts were provided from the veys – even when, for example, the UK's Royal Society for the
USA, Sweden and Australia, as well as the UK. Concerns and Protection of Birds (RSPB) has had an involvement (for example,
complaints have continued to be reported, and it was therefore the Moorsyde Environmental Statement near Chillingham,
somewhat surprising that an MIT study funded by the European Northumberland). Fewer site visits have been made in such in-
Wind Energy Association and its Canadian counterpart found stances than a proper survey would have required, there has been
there were "no clear or consistent associations between noise from notable under-recording of bird fatalities, and faulty claims that
wind turbines and any reported harm to human health". (De- the site was not on a bird “flyway” (Windbyte, 2014). This is de-
cember 4, 2014). spite the RSPB claiming: "We insist that wind farm proposals are
One consequence of the above phenomenon may be loss of subject to rigorous environmental assessment before development
residential property values. Wind energy developments can re- is permitted", and acknowledging that: "Some poorly sited wind
duce residential property values by over 10% where located within farms have caused major bird casualties, particularly in Tarifa and
2 km of the nearest turbine – in some cases resulting in properties Navarra in Spain, and the Altamont Pass in California". (RSPB,
becoming unsaleable (Gibbons, 2015). Often linked to these effects "Wind Farms", December 3, 2014). With the increase in the
are the occasional impacts of aerodynamic modulation mentioned number of offshore wind energy developments has come growing
above, and visual impacts (on picturesque landscapes and in re- concern both for migratory birds passing in close proximity to
lation to historic assets). A number of cases have been reported turbines and also for specific species of locally residential and
where wind development has caused severe problems such as in breeding birds. An example of the latter is the Gannet, a species
Lincolnshire, UK (Gibbons, 2015). Whether such problems are re- where the UK and Ireland hold 65% of the world's breeding po-
presentative of typical wind energy developments is not well pulation of Gannets and 85% of Europe's. A major study has con-
known. For example, some studies have found a relatively weak cluded that developments off the east coast of Scotland approved
statistical relationship between wind developments and changes by the Scottish Government in October 2014, could cause the ad-
in property values (Hoen, et al. 2013; Laposa and Mueller, 2010; ditional mortality of at least 2000 Gannets per year (Cleasby et al.,
Hinman, 2010; Heintzelman and Tuttle, 2012). More research 2015). The RSPB (Scotland) has challenged the Government's de-
about the impact of wind farm development on property values is cision arguing the turbines "would be among the most deadly for
needed. birds anywhere in the world".
C. McCombie, M. Jefferson / Energy Policy 96 (2016) 758–769 767

In Denmark the authorities are accused of having bulldozed site of the Severn Bridge). The most widely known example in
plans through to place seven 250-m high wind turbines between existence is near St. Malo, in North West France, where an es-
the Thy National Park and the Veljerne RAMSAR site, which some tuarine barrage runs across the La Rance River. M. Rodier, of the
estimate is Europe's largest breeding ground for migratory birds. developer Electricite de France, has stated that “The total closure of
There are also instances, however, where concerns about bird the estuary between 1963 and 1966 during the construction of the
species have caused the planned expansion of wind energy de- plant caused the almost complete disappearance of the original
velopments to be abandoned – as in the case of the offshore species.” (Rodier and Clare, 1992) Subsequently, Canada has closed
London Array, where the proximity of a significant red-throated its Annapolis barrage in the Bay of Fundy due to concerns about
diver colony was a major factor in 2014. bird and fish mortality, and not proceeded with earlier plans for
Efforts to reduce casualties have arrived at the following con-
the Minas and Cumberland Basins, and Shepody Bay, for the same
clusions. A prior environmental assessment should be carried out
reason (Jefferson, 2008). In 1999 the Cardiff Bay Barrage, in the
to ensure wind energy developments are not placed on or close to
Severn Estuary between Wales and England, was completed. The
bird migration routes. Start-up wind speeds should be increased.
loss of inter-tidal mudflats (access to which is essential if wading
– from 4 m per second to 5.5 m per second (this has been found
and some other bird species are to survive, as they need to access
to result in little loss of overall wind turbine performance – in
the invertebrates there) led to almost all the Common Shelduck
load/capacity factor terms). A radar look-out for the approach of
large numbers of birds has also been recommended, although and shorebirds that used the Bay to be greatly reduced. Some in-
research findings suggest a poor link between number of birds in itially used nearby sites, but this proved unsustainable. Only two
the vicinity of turbines and fatalities (Manuela, 2008). Stopping major studies have been published, both with the same lead au-
wind turbines within three minutes of the sighting of the ap- thor, Niall Burton, of the British Trust for Ornithology (Burton,
proach of birds has been estimated to reduce fatality rates of 2000; Burton et al., 2006), and focused mainly on the Redshank
griffon vultures by up to 50%. (Tringa tetanus). Although this species has relatively high site-fi-
It is not just bird fatalities that have given cause for concern. In delity, there are numerous other species which exhibit site-fidelity
2010 420 wind turbines in Pennsylvania killed more than 10,000 but which have not been studied. It is known that weight loss and
bats according to the State Game Commission. At Tug Hill Plateau lower survival rates have resulted at nearby settlement areas. This
in New York State there are 195 wind turbines, with bat fatalities all raises the issue of whether objective assessments have been
estimated at close to 60 per turbine per year. At Canada's Ontario carried out and, if not, why not. There have also been ongoing
Wolf Island Eco- Power Centre there were nearly 2000 bird and concerns of anglers about the impacts of the barrage on fish. On
bat deaths in the first eight months of the wind development's March 18, 2015, in his Budget Speech, the UK's Chancellor of the
operation, with 33 bird species involved and five bat species – bat Exchequer announced that negotiations were opening for a tidal
fatalities accounted for 1270 of that total number. Then in De- lagoon at Swansea Bay. The would-be developers are seeking d168
cember 2013, a study from the University of Colorado at Denver per MWh (nearly US$ 248) for 35 years, supported by a (electricity
appeared which concluded that: “well over 600,000 bats may have consumer) subsidy of around d92 MWh ($136) per year. The
been killed at wind energy facilities in 2012.” (Hayes, 2013). Bat
proposed site includes the Blackpill Site of Special Scientific In-
fatalities due to wind turbines have been reported in many Eur-
terest; the Burry Inlet Special Protection Area; and would threaten
opean countries.
one bird species (the sanderling) where it occurs in nationally
To date little action has been taken against wind energy de-
important numbers; and several other species currently present in
velopers and operators to discourage placing turbines where bird
regionally important numbers (e.g. the ringed plover, the dunlin,
and bat fatalities arise. In the USA, however, there are environ-
the great crested grebe, and the oystercatcher).
mental laws which can be applied to discourage this under the
Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Duke Energy was fined $1 million in
November 2013, when eagles died at Top of the World and 9.4. Impacts on ecosystems
Campbell Hill wind energy developments outside Casper, Wyom-
ing. Since then Exxon Mobil have been fined under this Act for bird This paper has provided details on the land claims of renewable
fatalities at US oil production fields; and PacificCorp for electro- forms of energy, and on the impacts of some forms of renewable
cuting 232 Golden Eagles and other migratory birds on power energy on bird, bat, and some other species. But the greatest threat
lines in Wyoming, so the problem is not confined to wind turbines. to ecosystems comes from the monocultures, and diversion of
Two other forms of new renewable energy have attracted ad- agricultural land and forests, implied by the expansion of 'modern'
verse criticism on grounds of their impact on birds. On February biomass and biofuels. A UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to
12, 2014, The Wall Street Journal published an article headed: “The
Food has expressed the view that this is "a crime against
$2.2 Billion Bird-Scorching Solar Project”. This related to the large
humanity". It has already been blamed for food price riots in up to
solar thermal (CSP or concentrating solar power) project in the
47 countries in 2008, and as one of the causes of 'the Arab Spring'.
Mojave desert on the Nevada/California border. Thousands of birds
Astonishment has been expressed that the burning of palm oil in
have died there in recent months apparently because of the heat
proposed electricity generating plants can be justified by some
emitted from the tower-based structures (as opposed to the more
governmental authorities as use of "a renewable source of energy"
traditional, though still grossly under-exploited, parabolic mir-
rors). US Federal wildlife investigators visiting the BrightSource apparently regardless of associated carbon dioxide emissions,
plant at Ivanpah Dry Lake, California, reported an average of one tropical deforestation, and habitat and rare species loss (Jefferson,
bird igniting in midair due to the solar plant every two minutes. 2013). There is also evidence that, on average, water usage by CSP
These dead, or dying, birds, are called "streamers" and whereas plants is higher than that for conventional and non-conventional
BrightSource estimate the fatalities at 1000 per year, the Centre for gas plants and nuclear ones (SBC Energy Institute, 2014).

Biological Diversity estimates the figure at 28,000 (, More generally, it has been pointed out that "the Earth simply
August 18, 2014). has too little or no biomass to spare in the long run"; and "despite
The other form is estuarine barrages. These have been under all the claims and research from the early 1970s to date, none of
discussion since Thomas Fulljames proposed a barrage across the the projected algae and oil yields have been achieved" (Pimentel,
Severn Estuary, between England and Wales, in 1849 (it is now the 2008).
768 C. McCombie, M. Jefferson / Energy Policy 96 (2016) 758–769

10. Conclusions and energy policy implications community in general, and the nuclear industry in particular,
have not been very successful at responding to emotionally
In setting preferences for the choice of electricity generation based public fears with rationally based science data. The
systems, many aspects have to be considered and, as Hirschberg greatest public concern about nuclear power is the potential for
and Dones (2003) point out in their comprehensive evaluation of high consequence accidents, even if their estimated frequency is
systems, no single system performs best under all criteria. For the very low. The ultimate disposal of long-lived wastes also con-
health and safety, and some of the environmental, aspects dis- tinues to be a concern for the public in most countries.
cussed in this Chapter, renewables and nuclear energy both out- ! The environmental impacts of some renewable electricity
perform by far fossil fuel sources. The relative advantages and sources may be underestimated by the public. Examples
drawbacks of renewables and nuclear are perceived or weighted include:
differently by different technical, public or political stakeholders. ○ The hazards of large dams
Large hydropower is in many aspects superior, but opportunities ○ The requirements for rare and toxic materials
for its use are often limited by topography and land use conflicts. ○ Failure to consider their efficacy in terms of power density,
The new renewables, solar and wind, can supply plentiful but di- EROI, and sound location (in relation to wind, solar, land and
lute energy; they use large amounts of special materials and can water availability).
require substantial tracts of land. Biomass can contribute, but the
impacts on food production and on biodiversity need to be taken Limitations on sustainability posed by the environmental and
much more into account. For nuclear power, the major hurdles are human impacts of energy technologies should be factored in to
the fear of low-probability, high-consequence accidents and con- policies that support certain technologies over others.
cerns about radioactive waste disposal. All these feed into the
further hurdle that costs are high and uncertain. In practice, the
dogmatic positions taken by extreme supporters on renewables or References

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primary energy use, while oil products currently account for
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