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Basic I/O in Java

The package contains all the classes required for input and output
operations. package provides for system input and output through

 Data streams
- It first focuses on I/O Streams, a powerful concept that greatly simplifies
I/O operations
 Serialization and
- Then it also looks at serialization, which lets a program write whole
objects out to streams and read them back again
 The file system
- It also looks at file I/O and file system operations, including random
access files

Java I/O (Input and Output) is used to process the input and produce the output.
We can perform file handling in java by Java I/O API. Java uses the concept of the
stream to make I/O operations fast. A stream is a sequence of data. In Java, a
stream is composed of bytes. It's called a stream because it is like a stream of
water that continues to flow.

I/O Streams: An I/O Stream represents an input source or an output destination.

A stream can represent many different kinds of sources and destinations, including
disk files, devices, other programs, and memory arrays.

Streams support many different kinds of data, including

 Simple bytes
 Primitive data types
 Localized characters and
 Objects

Some streams simply pass on data; others manipulate and transform the data in
useful ways.

No matter how they work internally, all streams present the same simple model to
programs that use them: A stream is a sequence of data. A program uses an input
stream to read data from a source, one item at a time:
A program uses an output stream to write data to a destination, one item at time:

1) Byte Streams: Programs use byte streams to perform input and output of
8-bit bytes. All byte stream classes are descended from InputStream and
OutputStream. There are many byte stream classes. We'll focus on the file
I/O byte streams, FileInputStream and FileOutputStream.

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