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Bills of Quantity for Road Works

Item Item Description Units Quantity Rate Amount

No. (RM) (RM)

Road and Parking Area

A Excavate oversite for road formation average m2 4200 3.54 14, 868.00
depth 350 mm deep, commencing from platform
level, get out, part return, fill in and ram and
deposit and spread in making up level where
directed and remainder, load and cart away from

Grade to road formation level to gradient and

B m2 4200 1.48 6,216.00
cross falls and roll with 8 ton roller.

300 mm thick granular sub-base of hard clean

sand spread and leveled and well rolled and m2
C 4200 2.95 12,390.00
compacted to fall and chamber with 8 ton roller.

200 mm thick (consolidated) crusher run base

D course laid in two layers of 150 mm thick per layer m2 4200 17.70 74,340.00
with all interstices filled with graded granite
including well consolidating, watering and
blinding surface and rolling with 8 ton roller.

Approved bituminous tack coat as specified to

road and carparks spread at rate of 8 yard super
per gallon.
E m2 4200 1.48 6,216.00
60 mm thick asphaltic premix binder course
(ACBC 28) as specified spread on finished

F surfaces to receive premix surfacing (measured m2 4200 14.75 61,950.00


Approved bituminous prime coat as specified to

road and carparks spread at rate of 8 yard super
per gallon.
G m2 4200 1.48 6,216.00

40 mm (consolidated) thick premix wearing

course (ACWC 14) as specified rolled with 8 ton m2 4200 24.59 103,278.00
H roller.

Labour and material for making good at existing

m - 118.02
road to a minimum width of 2500 mm.

TOTAL 285,474.00

Item Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

No. (RM) (RM)

1 150mm x 300mm high (extreme size) precast
concrete kerb Grade 20 (1:2:4-20mm aggregate) as
specified cast in 610mm length as required and
including 300mm x 150mm (extreme) high
2 opening at 6000mm centres including 2 Nos.
12mm diameter mild steel rod reinforcement as
3 spacer with and including 610mm x 150mm x
75mm thick precast concrete channel slab and
4 jointed in cement and sand mortar (1:3) and setting
on and including 450mm x 325mm high (extreme) m 24.59 6,813.89
thick concrete Grade 15 (1:3:6-38mm aggregate)
as specified haunch and bed and including all
necessary excavation.
No. 34.42 860.50
EXTRA FOR 610mm x 330mm high drainage 25
slots through 150mm thick kerb for outlet to
230mm diameter earthenware pipe drain
(measured separately).

TOTAL 7,674.39

Bills of Quantity Road Signage

Item Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

No. (RM) (RM)

Road Line Marking

Prepare and apply 2mm thick of thermoplastic
road point on premise road or pavement to form:

825 mm wide (extreme) straight directional arrow No. 2 60.00 120.00

sign for straight traffic overall length 3000 mm
No. 6 50.16 300.96
1140 mm Ditto corner directional arrow sign
overall length 1780 mm
No. 2 132.78 265.56
1800 mm Ditto single branch and straight
directional arrow sign overall length 3000 mm
No. 1 205.56 205.56
2775 mm Ditto double branches and straight
directional arrow sign overall length 3000 mm

Road sign and furniture

Supply and install road signboard made of

reflectorized sticker high intensity in accordance to
Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) standard including all
excavations, footing and painting works for post
complete with other associated accessories. Rate only

Parking sign (G14) No. 1 295.06 295.06

Speed Limit (RP7) No. 1 295.06 295.06

Stop at intersection (RP1) No. 1 295.06 295.06

No-entry No. 1 295.06 295.06

Pedestrian crossing (WD14) No. 1 295.06 295.06

TOTAL 2,367.38

Bills of Quantity Labour Cost

Item Item Description Days Quantity Rate Amount

No. (RM) (RM)

Labour Cost
1 Provide workers for maintenance of temporary
warning sign and others equipment related to the 3 200.00 600.00
safety to road user for 24 hours (shift 8 hours)
during construction works.
2 21 3 80.00 5,040.00
Skilled workers
3 21 3 55.00 3,465.00
Unskilled workers

1 Machineries Cost 21 1 400.00 8,400.00

Paver 1
2 21 350.00 7,350.00

TOTAL 24,855.00

Item Item Description Days Quantity Rate Amount

No. (RM) (RM)

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TOTAL 320,370.77

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