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(Common Examination Board)
(End Term Exam-Session Jan-June, 2016)

Subject: Apparel Production Planning & Control, F.Tech-VI

Hours: 03 hours Max. Marks: 100

Part A
1. Fill up the blanks
a. SAM = (Observed time X ) + Allowances
b. SAM/No. of Operations = Time
c. Operator = Operator Performance x Operator Utilisation
d. Difference between Potential capacity and capacity for a certain period of
time is called Available Capacity.
e. Inventory consists of list of the people in section, which shows their
expected performance.
f. If WIP increases in a production system then the throughput time .
g. An effective supervisor will spend more than half of his time in activity
h. Waiting for work is an example for Standard Time
i. In production planning, consists of assigning the ‘who’ to planning and
executing the what, where and when. (routing/controlling)
j. Toyota Sewing System (TSS) can be classified under production system
k. In operation breakdown layout inspection is indicated by the symbol
l. Capacity is measured in .
m. SAM includes Personal, and Delay allowances for calculations
n. is the maximum amount of work that an organization is capable of
completing in a given period of time.
1 X 14=14
2. Mark True/False
a. Lesser the deviation of allotted operation timings from pitch time, better the
b. Floaters can be allocated to any specific operation in any line plan.
c. Assembly line in mass production is basically an example of a process layout
d. Efficiency is the maximum amount of work that an organization is capable of
completing in a given period of time.
e. Bigger the bundle size , higher the throughput time .
f. When WIP is more , throughput time increases.
g. Productivity always increases if the production increases.
h. GSD stands for General Sewing Data.
i. Mass production, borne out of the assembly line concept, is flexible enough to
introduce substantial variety in to products.

3. Fill the cells (cells with ? marks) in the table , there is continuous supply to operator A
Operation Operator Output Output Cumulative Finish WIP
Start WIP
in in output in between
1st hr 2nd hr 2 hrs operations
after 2 hrs
1 A 180 ? 580
50 ?
2 B 200 360 ?
? 95
3 C 180 ? 480
20 0
4 D 220 ? ?

Part B
4. Answer the following Any Five (100 – 200 words)
a. Write a short note on Floater
b. Compare Make through and Assembly line systems (At least 5 points)
c. Differentiate between Production and Productivity
d. Differentiate between push and pull production systems
e. What are the various factors responsible for selecting the control required ?
f. Forecasting in production planning and control.
g. Write short notes on Pitch Time
6 X 5 = 30

Part C

5. Answer the following Any Two (600 words)

a. What is the role of supervisor in balancing and WIP control on production floor?
b. Explain the factors determining production control procedure
c. Name at least 3 production systems. State the advantages and disadvantages of
Progressive bundle system.

2 X 10 = 20
Part D

6. Calculate the efficiency, performance and utilization for each operator (In answer write the
name of the operator against that write performance, Utilization & Efficiency)
operator Contracted Attended operation production SMV Off Perf Utili Effici
minutes Minutes Std Time orm sati ency
in min ance on
Reka 540 540 1 1000 0.37 30
Betty 540 480 2 1120 0.30
Reena 540 0 3 0 0.26
Meenu 540 540 4 950 0.23 75
3 350 0.26
Krish 540 540 5 1070 0.45 15
Rani 540 540 6 1250 0.40 30
Beenu 540 540 7 1200 0.21
3 880 0.26
Rosy 540 540 8 600 0.85 30
Pinky 540 540 8 600 0.85 45
Mari 540 540 9 1275 0.38 30

7. A Garment manufacturing unit need to produce 8000 garments in 5 days (working minute
available per day per person are 480 min).
Absenteeism is 8% and utilisation is 85%.
Total labour content of the product is 20 standard minutes.
Predicted performance of the operators and floaters are 90% and 65% respectively.
a. Required hourly production rate.
b. Total manpower required.
c. How many floaters will be needed?
d. How many operators will be needed, under the same conditions, to execute the
2 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 10

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