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Make Your Own Rock Candy

What You Need?


A wooden skewer A clothespin 1 cup of water

(you can also use a clean
wooden chopstick)

2 - 3 cups of sugar A tall narrow glass or jar

What to Do?
Clip the wooden skewer into the clothespin such that it hangs down
inside the glass and is about 2.5 cm from the bottom of the glass.
Remove the skewer and clothespin and put them aside for now.
Pour water into a pan and bring it to boil.
Pour about 1- cup of sugar into the boiling water, keep stirring until
it dissolves.
Keep adding more and more sugar, each time stirring it until it
dissolves, till no more will dissolve. This will take time and patience. It
will take longer for the sugar to dissolve each time.
Be sure you don’t give up too soon. Once no more sugar will dissolve,
stop heating it and allow it to cool for at least 20 minutes.
Allow the jar to fully cool and put it someplace where it will not be
Now just wait. The sugar crystals will grow over the next 3 -7 days.

Make Your Own Rock Candy

Want coloured rock candy? Add food colouring to your sugar

water and make sure that it is pretty dark in colour for the best

While it is cooling, some people like to dip half of the skewer in the sugar
solution and then roll it in some sugar to help jump-start the crystal
growth. If you do this, be sure to let the skewer cool completely so that
sugar crystals do not fall off when you place it back in the glass.
How does it Work?
When you mixed the water and sugar you made a supersaturated
solution. This means that the water could only hold the sugar if both
were very hot. As the water cools down the sugar “comes out” of the
solution back into sugar crystals on your skewer. The skewer (and
sometimes the glass itself) acts as a “seed” that the sugar crystals
start to grow on. With some luck and patience, you will have a tasty
scientific treat!
Learning Outcome: Make your own candy and give
yourself a tasty scientific treat!


1. 2
- X 4
- =?
3 9

A 8 B 6
27 12

6 8-
C 27 D

2. 2
- ÷ 4
- =?
3 9

A 18 B 1
12 3

C 2 D 3
3 2

3. The shaded shapes below represent fractions. Which fraction is the

correct solution to the problem?

÷ =

A 5 B 4
4 5

C 5 D 9
9 5


4. Choose the shaded shape that shows the solution to the fraction
problem below: 1- ÷ 3- =?
4 8



5. John bought a pizza which he wanted to share equally with 3 of his

friends. If the pizza had 12 slices, how many slice will each of them

A 3 B 4

C 5 D 6

6. Two-thirds of the 6th graders are wearing sneakers today. If there

are 240 6th graders, how many are wearing sneakers today?

A 20 B 80

C 225 D 160


7. Kavya invited 60 of her friends to her birthday party. If 3

- of
her friends are boys, the number of girls invited to the party is

A 12 B 24

C 36 D 48

Learning Outcome: Learn to simplify the fractions to its

lowest terms.

Decimal Numbers

1. Which of the following options exhibit the correct relation between

two decimals?

A 0.37 > 0.4 B 0.05 < 0.007

C 0.89 < 0.9 D 0.563 > 0.60

2. In the number line given below, which of the following option gives
the correct value of x and y?

0 X 1 Y 2 3

A X= 0.4 , Y = 1.7 B X= 0.5 , Y = 0.7

C X= 0.4 , Y = 1.6 D X= 0.5 , Y = 2.3

3. Rakesh had 3 ropes of 65 cm, 45 cm and 92 cm respectively.

Express the total length of ropes in meters.

A 20.2 m B 0.202 m

C 2.20 m D 2.02 m

Decimal Numbers

4. Reenu went to a stationary shop to buy some materials for her

Art & Craft class. On selecting all the items, the shopkeeper
provided her with the following bill-

Item Price

Butter Paper `23.50

Scissors `50.12
Glue `21.40

The shopkeeper calculated the bill incorrectly and informed her that the
total bill amount was `100. What is the difference between the actual
amount and the amount calculated by the shopkeeper?

A `4.12 B `4.98

C `5.00 D `5.50

5. Given below are some operations on decimals.

i. Sum of 2.3 and 3.3 is 5.6

ii. Difference of 7.9 and 2.2 is 5.7
iii. Sum of 25.7 and 2.23 is 27.93
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?

A Only i B Only ii

C Both i and ii D All three

Decimal Numbers

6. Sameer is starting for a road trip from his home. He travels

300 km 200m on the first day and 345 km 300m on the second
day. If his destination is 700 km from his home, how far is he
from his destination at the end of the second day?

A 51.5 km B 52.5 km

C 53.5 km D 54.5 km

7. Anshul purchased 5 kg and 100g of sugar from a vendor. On reaching

home, he realized that there was a hole in the sugar packet, due to
which the quantity of sugar had reduced in the bag. On measuring
the weight again, he found out that the remaining sugar weighed
4 kg and 200g. How much sugar did he lose on the way?

A 0.75 kg B 0.9 kg

C 1.3 kg D 1.5 kg

The Magic of Electrical Circuits

1. Identify the symbol of a fuse from the given options



2. Identify the circuit diagram in which the bulb does NOT light up.


A Only P and Q B Only Q and R

C Only R and P D P, Q and R

The Magic of Electrical Circuits

3. Look at the figure shown below. Why is the sealing wax filled in the
space between the terminals of a bulb?


Glass bulb
Supporting wire

Metal casing
Sealing wax

A To prevent the B To prevent contact

escape of air inside between the two
the bulb terminals

C To have a better D To give support to

contact of terminals the supporting wires
holding the filament

The Magic of Electrical Circuits

4. Identify the symbols of the electrical components used in the

construction of the circuit given below:



Switch Cell Bulb Battery Cell Bulb


Battery Switch Bulb Switch Cell Battery

5. Look at the circuit given below. It consists of a cell, a bulb with two
terminals X, Y and wires. P, Q, R and S are positions marked on the circuit.

What is the direction of flow of current?





The Magic of Electrical Circuits

6. Which of the following material will not allow electric current to pass
through it?

A Silver B Iron

C Wood D Copper

7. Look at the figure given below. What would you observe when the
switch is in closed position?

A The bulb lights up. B Electrical energy is

converted into sound

C The bulb does not D Light energy is

glow. converted into heat

Learning Outcome: Getting introduced to components of a

basic electrical circuit.

Sorting Substances

1. ‘X’ is a separation technique based on the difference in weights of the

solids in a solid-solid mixture. What is ’X’?

A Sieving B Handpicking

C Threshing D Winnowing

2. Which of the following methods of separation does not require air

for the process of separation?

X - Winnowing
Y - Threshing
Z - Sieving

A Only X B Only Y, Z

C Only Z, X D X, Y and Z

Sorting Substances

3. Match the entries in Column – I with those in Column – II.

Column - I Column - II

a. A chalk water mixture 1. A gaseous mixture

b. A glucose solution 2. A heterogeneous solid-liquid mixture
c. Carbonated water 3. A homogeneous solid-liquid mixture
d. Air 4. A gas-liquid mixture

A a – 2, b – 4, c – 3, d – 1 B a – 1, b – 4, c – 2, d – 3

C a – 2, b – 3, c – 4, d – 1 D a – 2, b – 4, c – 1, d – 3

4. Study the table given below:

Mixture Wanted Components Unwanted Components

Wheat Flour X
Y Grain seeds Stalks

Based on the above information, identify ‘X’ and ‘Y’.


Husk Cut paddy Wheat Husk


Wheat Sawdust Husk Sand

Sorting Substances

5. Which of the following is NOT a pure substance?

A Argon B Helium

C Distilled Water D Air

6. Which of the following materials is hard, opaque and shines?

A Rubber B Wood

C Tin D Plastic

Sorting Substances

7. Which property of clay is useful for making pots and bricks?

A Opacity B Non-magnetic

C Good conductor D Malleability

of heat

Learning Outcome: Learn how to separate two useful but

different substances.

Fibres That Make Our Fabric

1. Which of the following materials is suitable to make raincoats?

A Cotton B Plastic

C Silk D Paper

2. Which of the following grows best in black soil and warm climate?

A Cotton B Coconut

C Jute D Flax

Fibres That Make Our Fabric

3. I am a long continuous length of interlocked fibres. I am also

suitable for use in the production of textiles, sewing, crocheting,
knitting, weaving, embroidery, or ropemaking. What am I?

A Fibre B Yarn

C Looms D Weft

4. Which of the following statements are correct?

i. Cotton is obtained from plants

ii. Jute is obtained from animals
iii. Silk is obtained from silkworms

A Only (i) B (i) and (ii)

C (i) and (iii) D (ii) and (iii)

5. Which of the following process involve arranging two sets of yarns

together to make a fabric?

A Knitting B Weaving

C Spinning D Looming

Fibres That Make Our Fabric

6. Which material is used for making gunny bags?

A Jute B Cotton

C Silk D All of the above

7. Which one of the following is not a natural fibre?

A Cotton B Flax

C Nylon D Wool

Our Ecosystem

1. What does the figure given below represent?

Green plants absorb CO2

dioxide (CO2)
gives off CO2

respire and
gives off CO2

decomposer gives off CO2

A Interdependence B Interdependence between

within plants plants and animals

C Interdependence between D Interdependence between

plants and animals abiotic factors.

2. Which adaptations help the camel to survive in the hot and dry

3. The following is the list of some plants and the habitats in which
they live. Which option is mismatched?

A Mangroves - marshy areas B Coconut-hot and damp places

C Cactus - wet areas D Revise, Resell, Reuse

Our Ecosystem

4. When you touch something hot and quickly pull your hand away.
What compels you to pull your hand away from the hot object?

5. What is the full form of 3R’s in waste management?

A Revise, Reuse, Redeem B Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

C Reduce, Resell, Redeem D Revise, Resell, Reuse

6. Read the information about a substance ‘P’ given below.

Can be recycled
Non-toxic and useful

Which of the following substance is ‘P’?

A Paper B Glass bottle

C Metal can D Plastic bottle

7. Why should we use a jute bag for shopping instead of a plastic bag?


1. Option A
2. Option D
3. Option A
4. Option C
5. Option A
6. Option D
7. Option B

Decimal Numbers

1. Option C
2. Option A
3. Option D
4. Option B
5. Option D
6. Option D
7. Option B

The Magic of Electrical Circuits

1. Option A
2. Option B
In circuit P – The bulb glows as it is a complete circuit.
In circuit Q – There is no cell and so no current flows to light up
the bulb.
In circuit R – The filament is broken in the bulb. So, the bulb does
not light up.
3. Option B
The reason for filling the space between the terminals of the bulb
with sealing wax is to prevent contact between the two terminals.
4. Option C
The symbols of electrical components used in the construction of
the given circuit are X - Battery, Y - Switch, Z - Bulb.
5. Option A
In an electric circuit the direction of flow of current is from
the positive terminal to the negative terminal of the cell: PQRS.
6. Option C
Wood is a bad conductor of electric current while all other
options are good conductors of electricity.
7. Option A
When the switch is closed, electrical energy flows through
the wires to the bulb which lights up.

Sorting Substances

1. Option D
‘X’ is winnowing, a process which uses the difference in weights of
solids in a solid-solid mixture for separating the components.
2. Option A
Only winnowing (X) needs air for the process of separation.
While threshing (Y) and sieving (Z) do not need air.
3. Option C
A chalk water mixture is a heterogeneous solid-liquid mixture.
A glucose solution is a homogeneous solid-liquid mixture.
Carbonated water is a gas-liquid mixture.
Air is a gaseous mixture.
4. Option A
In wheat flour, flour is the wanted component while husk (X) is
the unwanted component. When cut paddy (Y) stalks are beaten
on a stone, the grain seeds separate from their stalks.
5. Option D
Air is a mixture whereas argon and helium are elements and water
is a compound.
6. Option C
Tin, being a metal is hard, opaque and has lustre.
7. Option D
Pots and bricks are of different shapes and sizes. Clay has
the property of malleability.

Fibres That Make Our Fabric

1. Option B
2. Option A
3. Option B
4. Option C
5. Option B
6. Option A
7. Option C

Our Ecosystem

1. Option B
The figure represents the interdependence between plants and
animals. Animals depend on plants for food and oxygen. Plants
depend on animals for carbon dioxide.
2. Camel is called the ‘ship of the desert’. It is used for the
transportation. It also stores the food in the form of fat in its
hump for future use.
3. Option C
Cactus does not grow in wet areas, it grows in the desert.
4. Living things respond to changes around them. When you touch a
hot object you immediately remove the hand as a response to
the stimulus or touch.
5. Option B
The 3R’s of waste conservation are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
6. Option A
Paper is made from the wood pulp of trees. It is biodegradable,
useful and can be recycled into paper once again. Hence, the paper
has all the qualities given for ‘P’.
7. Jute bags are stronger and are made up of natural product
called jute.


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