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The creation of products with new or different characterstics
that offer new or additional benefits to the customer.Product
development may involve modification of an existing product
or its presentation ,or formulation of an enterily newproduct
that satisfies a newely defined customer want or market niche.

1.Proper product development ensures that the end product
that is tea(fresh tea) will support all requirements while
meeting all need required of particular type of product.

2. In the middle of product development ,it was found that

one of the packet is not properly sealed so it does not get
longer sufficient quality,and much to the detriment of the
company unfortunately that packet remade.
Concept:-advertising- A briefly stated clear idea around which
an add or marketing compaign is organised.
product development:- A clear detailed description of the
attributes and benefits of a “FRESH TEA” that addresses the
needs of the targeted customers.

He though that the new concept the company had
chosen to display “FRESH TEA” for the new year was a
little over the top.
1. Provide the good the market demand in time.
2. Adjust with the variation in quality required and charge
the price which the consumer is willing the pay after
ensuring reasonable profits for the organisation.
Our business related to tea company.
What do you mean by tea?
A hot drink made by infusing the dried crushed leaves of the
tea plant in boiling water.
method :-
BY LIMITATION- Product development by imitation consists of
marketing another product similar to one in the market.
consists or modification and improvement in the existing
quality,size,form or design of the existing product so that it may
appear almost like a new product.
BY IMPROVENT OR ADAPTATION-Product development by
adaptation refers to developing an improved product for an
already existing market.

In our company “FRESH TEA” sells two type of tea:-

Natural tea:-
Tea is an ideal complement for natural flavours.The amount of
flavouring needed is minimal about a teaspoon per pound.A
large portion of that is ethyl alochol,which is used as a carrying
agent(as it evaporates,the flavour is carried through the tea via
the evaporating alochol).the flavour and the alcohol are water-
soluble,so water is used to combine the two. In all,once the
alochol and water evaporate,you are looking at minuscule
amounts of flavour.
With natural flavours in tea are typically botonical,it doesn’t
always mean that 100% of a particular botanical is used in a
tea.So as an example,a pineapple tea may include flavours,but
it might also include carrot,strawberry or whatever other
natural flavours blender decides to use.
Artifical tea:-
Then there are artifical flavours,and it is a tendency to look at
them negativitely.However,not all artifical flavours are the
same.I am sure most people think of some giant vat of toxic
chemicals that dissolve metal as the basis for anything labeled
artifical.However,in loose tea most blenders will use an artifical
flavour categorised as “natural identical”.Artifical flavours and
those that need to labled as such in EU standards are
compounds that do not exist in nature.There are regulation
regarding which chemicals can be used,but FDA labeling
requirements doesn’t differentiate between these types or
nature equivalents.

Our company produces large scale of natural tea which is liked
by customers and by the time its demand continously
increases.we are working on fulfill the demands of customer
and maintain the market value of “freshtea”.

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