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NAVA and co-equal.

If the intention of the framers of

theConstitution was that the suspension of the
v. privilege of the writ of habeas corpus carriesor
GATMAITAN implies the suspension of the right to bail, they
would have very easily provided thatall persons
G.R. No. L-4855|11 October 1951 shall before conviction be bailable by sufficient
sureties, except those chargedwith capital
offenses when evidence of guilt is strong and
On 22 October 1950, the suspension of the except when the privilege ofthe writ of habeas
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus was corpus  is suspended.The right to bail; along
decreed by virtue of the following Proclamation with the right of an accused to be heard by
No. 210 issued by President ElpidioQuirino. The himself and counsel;to be informed of the
immediate cause for the issuance of nature and cause of the accusation against him;
Proclamation No. 210, was theapprehension to have a speedyand public trial; to meet the
and detention of lawless elements in whose witnesses face to face; and to have compulsory
possession strong andconvincing evidence was process tosecure the attendance of witnesses in
allegedly found showing that they are engaged his behalf, tends to aid the accused to prove
in rebellious,seditious and otherwise subversive hisinnocence and obtain acquittal. If it be
acts. contended that the suspension of the privilege
of the writ of habeas corpus  includes the
ISSUE: suspension of the distinct right to bail or to
beprovisionally at liberty, it would a fortiori
Whether or not, a person covered by
imply the suspension of all his other rights(even
Proclamation No. 210 which has beenformally
the rights to be tried by a court) that may win
charged with rebellion with multiple murder,
for him ultimate acquittal and, hence,absolute
arson and robberies, may beentitled to bail.
freedom. The latter result is not insisted upon
RULING: for being patently untenable.

Yes.  Deutsche Bank AG Manila Branch v.

Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Under paragraph 16, Section 1, Areticle II of the
1935 Constitution,“all persons shall before GR Number 188550
conviction be bailable by sufficient sureties,
except those charged with capital offenses
when evidence of guilt is strong.” Petition: Petition for Review
Petitioner: Deutsche Bank AG Manila Branch
The crime of rebellion or insurrection is Respondent: Commissioner of Internal Revenue
certainlynot a capital offense, because it is Ponente: Sereno, C. J.
penalized only by prision mayor  and a fine Date: August 28, 2013
not to exceedPhp20,000.00. The privilege of the
writ of habeas corpus  and the right to bail
guaranteedunder the Bill of Rights are separate
Facts: Issue:

Pursuant to the National Internal Revenue Code Whether or not the failure to strictly comply
of 1997, on October 21, 2003, the petitioner with the provisions of RMO No. 1-2000 will
remitted to the respondent the amount of Php deprive persons or corporations the benefit of a
67,688,553.51, representing fifteen (15) percent tax treaty.
of the branch profit remittance tax (BPRT) on its
regular banking unit (RBU) net income remitted Ruling:
to the Deutsche Bank of Germany (DB No. The constitution provides for the adherence
Germany) for 2002 and prior taxable years. to the general principles of international law as
Believing that they made an overpayment of the part of the law of the land (Article II, Section
BPRT, on October 4, 2005, the petitioner filed 2).Every treaty is binding upon the parties, and
with the BIR Large Taxpayers Assessment and obligations must be performed (Article 26,
Investigation Division an administrative claim Vienna Convention on the Law on Treaties).
for refund or a tax credit certificate representing There is nothing in RMO 1-2000 indicating a
the alleged excess BPRT paid (amount of Php deprivation of entitlement to a tax treaty for
22,562,851.17). The petitioners also requested failure to comply with the fifteen-day period.
from the International Tax Affairs Division The denial of availment of tax relief for the
(ITAD) for a confirmation of its entitlement to a failure to apply within the prescribed period
preferential tax rate of 10% under the RP- (under the administrative issuance) would
Germany Tax Treaty. impair the value of the tax treaty. Also, the
obligation to comply with the tax treaty must
Because of the alleged inaction of the BIR on take precedence over the objective of RMO 1-
the administrative claim, on October 18, 2005, 2000 because the non-compliance with tax
the petitioner filed a petition for review with the treaties would have negative implications on
Court of Tax Appeals (CTA), reiterating its international affairs and would discourage
claim for refund or tax credit certificate foreign investments.
representing the alleged excess BPRT paid. The
claim was denied on the ground that application Dispositive:
for tax treaty relief was not filed with ITAD The petition was granted, the CTA en banc
prior to the payment of BPRT, thereby violating decision was set aside and reversed.The
the fifteen-day period mandated under Section respondent was ordered to refund or issue a tax
III, paragraph 2 of the Revenue Memorandum credit certificate (the amount of Php
Order No. 1-2000. Also, the CTA Second 22,562,851.17) in favor of the petitioner.
Division relied on an en banc decision of the
CTA that before the benefits of a tax treaty may BROWN.v.BOARDOFEDUCATIONOFTOPEKA
be extended to a foreign corporation, the latter 347U.S.483| 17 May 1954.
should first invoke the provisions of the tax
treaty and prove that they indeed apply to the FACTS:Several black children, through their
corporation (Mirant Operations Corporation v legal representatives, sought admission to
Commissioner of Internal Revenue). public schools that required or permitted
segregation based on race. They alleged that
Hence this petition. segregation was unconstitutional under the
Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth
Amendment. Petitioners contended that
segregated schools were not and could not be
made equal and that they were therefore
deprived of equal protection of the laws.

ISSUE:Is the race-based segregation of children

into “separate but equal” public schools

RULING: No. The race-based segregation of

children into “separate but equal” public
schools violates the Equal Protection Clause of
the Fourteenth Amendment and is

Segregation of children in the public schools

solely on the basis of race denies to black
children the equal protection of the laws
guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment,
even though the physical facilities and other
may be equal. Education in public schools is a
right which must be made available to all on
equal terms.

Separating black children from others solely

because of their race generates a feeling of
inferiority as to their status in the community
that may affect their hearts and minds in a way
unlikely ever to be undone. The impact of
segregation is greater when it has the sanction
of law. A sense of inferiority affects the
motivation of a child to learn. Segregation with
the sanction of law tends to impede the
educational and mental development of black
children and deprives them of some of the
benefits they would receive in an integrated
school system.
JANE ROE v. HENRY WADE sexual conduct, but this argument has been
410 U.S. 113|22 January 1973 taken seriously by neither courts nor
commentators. The second reason is that the
FACTS:Petitioner Jane Roe sought a declaratory abortion procedure is hazardous, therefore the
judgment that the statutes were State’s concern is to protect pregnant women.
unconstitutional on their face and an injunction However, modern medical techniques have
to prevent defendant District Attorney Henry altered the situation, with abortions being
Wade from enforcing the statutes. Petitioner relatively safe particularly in the first trimester.
alleged that she was unmarried and pregnant, The third reason is the State’s interest is in
and that she was unable to receive a legal protecting the prenatal life. However, this is
abortion by a licensed physician because her life somewhat negated by the fact that the
was not threatened by the continuation of her pregnant woman cannot be prosecuted for the
pregnancy and that she was unable to afford to act of abortion.
travel to another jurisdiction to obtain a legal
abortion. Petitioner sued on behalf of herself For the stage prior to the approximate end of
and all other women similarly situated, claiming the first trimester, the abortion decision must
that the statutes were unconstitutionally vague be left to the medical judgment of the pregnant
and abridged her right of personal privacy. woman’s attending physician and may not be
criminalized by statute. For the stage
ISSUE: Do the Texas statutes improperly invade subsequent to the approximate end of the first
a right possessed by the appellant to terminate trimester, the State may regulate abortion in
her pregnancy embodied in the concept of ways reasonably related to maternal health
personal liberty contained in the Fourteenth based upon the State’s interest in promoting
Amendment’s Due Process Clause, in the the health of the mother. For the stage
personal marital, familial, and sexual privacy subsequent to viability, the State may regulate
protected by the Bill of Rights or its penumbras, and even proscribe abortion, except where
or among the rights reserved to the people by necessary for the preservation of the mother’s
the Ninth Amendment? life, based upon the State’s interest in the
potential of the potential life of the unborn
RULING:The Court finds that an abortion child.
statute that forbids all abortions except in the
case of a lifesaving procedure on behalf of the
mother is unconstitutional based upon the right
to privacy. However, it does allow for regulation
and proscription of abortion when the statute is
narrowly tailored to uphold a compelling state
interest, such as the health of the mother or the
viable fetus. The right to personal privacy
includes the abortion decision, but the right is
not unqualified and must be considered against
important state interests in regulation.The
Court, however, declined to address the
question of when life begins.

Three reasons have been advanced for the

historical enactment of criminal abortion laws.
The first is that the laws are the product of a
Victorian social concern to discourage illicit
DEUTSCHE BANK AG v.COMMISSIONER OF the Law on Treaties). There is nothing in RMO 1-
INTERNAL REVENUE 2000 indicating a deprivation of entitlement to
G.R. No. 188550|19 August 2013 a tax treaty for failure to comply with the
fifteen-day period. The denial of availment of
FACTS: On 21 October 2003, petitioner withheld tax relief for the failure to apply within the
and remitted to respondent Php67,688,553.51, prescribed period (under the administrative
which represented the 15% branch profit issuance) would impair the value of the tax
remittance tax (BPRT) on its regular banking treaty. Also, the obligation to comply with the
unit (RBU) net income remitted to Deutsche tax treaty must take precedence over the
Bank Germany (DB Germany) for 2002 and prior objective of RMO 1-2000 because the non-
taxable years in accordance with the National compliance with tax treaties would have
Internal Revenue Code (NIRC), negative implications on international affairs
and would discourage foreign investments.
On 4 October 2005, believing that it made an
overpayment of the BPRT, petitioner filed with The petition isGRANTED, the CTA decision was
the BIR an administrative claim for refund or SET ASIDE and REVERSED. The respondent was
issuance of its tax credit certificate in the ordered to refund or issue a tax credit
amount of Php22,562,851.17. Petitioner also certificate in favor of the petitioner.
requested a confirmation of its entitlement to
the preferential tax rate of 10% under the RP-
Germany Tax Treaty.

Alleging the inaction of the BIR, petitioner filed ARTICLES 4 AND 5

a Petition for Review with the CTA on 18
October 2005.
211465 DECEMBER 3, 2014)
After trial on the merits, the CTA denied the
claim of petitioner for a refund on the ground People of the Philippines vs Casio
that the application for a tax treaty relief was G.R. No. 211465 December 3, 2014
not filed with the BIR prior to the payment of
the BPRT and actual remittance of its branch Facts: On May 2, 2008, International Justice Mission
(IJM), a nongovernmental organization, coordinated
profits to DB Germany, or prior to its availment
with the police in order to entrap persons engaged in
of the preferential rate of 10% under the RP- human trafficking in Cebu City. Chief PSI George
Germany Tax Treaty. The CTA also held that Ylanan, SPO1 Felomino Mendaros, SPO1 Fe
petitioner violated the 15 day period mandated Altubar, PO1 Albert Luardo, and PO1 Roy Carlo
under Section III paragraph (2) of Revenue Veloso composed the team of police operatives,
Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 1-2000. Luardo and Veloso were designated as decoys,
pretending to be tour guides looking for girls to
entertain their guests. IJM provided them with
ISSUES: Whether the failure to strictly comply marked money, which was recorded in the police
with RMO No. 1-2000 will deprive persons or blotter. The team went to Queensland Motel and
corporations of the benefit of a tax treaty. rented adjacent Rooms 24 and 25. Room 24 was
designated for the transaction while Room 25 was for
RULING: No. The constitution provides for the the rest of the police team. PO1 Luardo and PO1
Veloso proceeded to D. Jakosalem Street in Barangay
adherence to the general principles of
Kamagayan, Cebu City’s red light district where the
international law as part of the law of the land accused noticed them and called their attention.
(Article II, Section 2). Every treaty is binding Negotiation occured and upon the signal, the accused
upon the parties, and obligations must be was arrested and the two minors were taken into
performed (Article 26, Vienna Convention on custody by the DSWD officials.
Issue: Whether or not accused is liable for trafficking 2. When the adoption is effected through
of persons. Republic Act No. 8043, otherwise known as
the “Inter-Country Adoption Act of 1995”
Held: Yes. Under Republic Act No. 10364, the and said adoption is for the purpose of
elements of trafficking in persons have been prostitution, pornography, sexual
expanded to include the following acts:  exploitation,forced labor, slavery,
involuntary servitude or debt bondage; 
(1) The act of “recruitment, obtaining, hiring, 3. When the crime is committed by a
providing, offering, transportation, transfer, syndicate, or in large scale. Trafficking is
maintaining, harboring, or receipt of persons with or deemed committed by a syndicate if carried
without the victim’s consent or knowledge, within or out by a group of three (3) or more persons
across national borders;”  conspiring or confederating with one
another. It is deemed committed in large
scale if committed against three (3) or more
(2) The means used include “by means of threat, or persons, individually or as a group; 
use of force, or other forms of coercion, abduction, 4. When the offender is an ascendant, parent,
fraud, deception, abuse of power or of position, sibling, guardian or a person who exercise
taking advantage of the vulnerability of the person, authority over the trafficked person or when
or, the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to the offense is committed by a public officer
achieve the consent of a person having control over or employee; 
another person”  5. When the trafficked person is recruited to
engage in prostitution with any member of
(3) The purpose of trafficking includes “the the military or law enforcement agencies; 
exploitation or the prostitution of others or other 6. When the offender is a member of the
forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, military or law enforcement agencies; and 
slavery, servitude or the removal or sale of organs” 7. When by reason or on occasion of the act of
trafficking in persons, the offended party
The Court of Appeals found that AAA and BBB were dies, becomes insane, suffers mutilation or is
recruited by accused when their services were afflicted with Human Immunod eficiency
peddled to the police who acted as decoys. AAA was Virus (HIV) or the Acquired Immune
a child at the time that accused peddled Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
her services.66 to work as a prostitute because she
needed money. AAA also stated that she agreed
Accused took advantage of AAA’s vulnerability as a People V. Dionisio
child and as one who need money, as proven by the 22 SCRA 1299
testimonies of the witnesses. FACTS: On or about the 19th day of
August, 1962, in Manila City, Rosauro
Knowledge or consent of the minor is not a defense Dionisio, a person who is not duly
under Republic Act No. 9208. authorized in any capacity by the Games
and Amusement Board to conduct a
horse race, did then and there willfully
“The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring,
adoption or receipt of a child for the purpose of and unlawfully offer, arrange and collect
exploitation or when the adoption is induced by any bets for the Special Daily Double Race
form of consideration for exploitative purposes shall being then conducted at the Sta. Ana
also be considered as ‘trafficking in persons’ even if Racing Club at Makati and for that
it does not involve any of the means set forth in the purpose has in possession the cash
preceding paragraph.”
amount of P8.50, one Nueva Era Racing
Program, dated August 19, 1962, one list
Accused is further guilty of qualified
trafficking. SEC. 6. Qualified Trafficking in Persons. of bets, one ballpen and one booklet of
— The following are considered as qualified Daily Double receipt. He was thereby
trafficking:  charged in violation of Republic Act No.
1. When the trafficked person is a child; 
ISSUE: Whether or not the penalty The daughter of the owner, the petitioner,
applied to his offense infringes the alleged that his work was unsatisfactory and so
Constitutional provision that “Excessive dismissed private respondent. Private
fines shall not be imposed nor cruel and respondent filed a complaint of illegal dismissal
unusual punishment inflicted.” (Art III
to the labor arbiter, who in turn ruled in favor
Sec. 1 clause 19, of the Constitution of
the Phils) of private respondent for separation pay and
RULING: Neither fines nor attorneys fees. Petitioner appealed before the
imprisonment constitute in themselves NLRC which affirmed the decision of labor
cruel and unusual punishment, for the arbiter, but lowered the separation pay and
Constitutional structure has been deleted the attorney’s fees. Petitioners thus
interpreted as referring to penalties filed petition for certiorari implicating NLRC
that are inhumane and barbarous, or with grave abuse of discretion for four reasons.
shocking to the conscience and fines or
imprisonment are definitely not in this Issue(s)
category. Nor does mere severity
constitute cruel and unusual (1). Whether private respondent is an
punishment. employee petitioner?
“The Social Scourge of Gambling must
be stamped out. The laws against (2). Whether private respondent has been
gambling must be enforced to the illegally dismissed?
limit.” (Peo v. Gorostiza, 77 Phil 88)

Articles 6-7 (1). Yes. In fact, private respondent is a regular

Aurora Land Project Corp vs. NLRC and Dagui
The Court, consistent with the labor arbiter
GR No 114733, 02.01.1997 and NLRC’s ruling, is not convinced that
By Richard Troy A. Colmenares private respondent is only a contractual
employee. To qualify as a contractual one
USA College of Law employee, one must have substantial capital
investment (Sec.8, Rule VIII, Book III of the IRR
6/17/14 10:24:23 AM
of the Labor Code). Petitioners showed no proof
Nature of the Case that private respondent was a contractual
employee. The same ruling based on fact is
A petition for certiorari seeking reversal of NLRC within the jurisdiction of the labor arbiter and
decision which modified petitioner’s liability for NLRC.
separation pay and attorneys fees as ruled by
the labor arbiter. All the elements of the four-fold test in
identifying employer-employee relationship
Facts (E2e; power to hire, payment of wages, power
to fire, and power of control over conduct of
Private respondent worked as maintenance and
employee) are present in the instant case. The
repairs man for almost 40 years in the
fact the private respondent was paid on a daily
apartments and buildings owned by petitioner.
basis admits that he is an employee process. The mandatory notice of hearing and
compensated by way of wages and not by notice of dismissal was absent in the instant
profit. The petitioner had indeed the power of case, making private respondent an illegally
dismissal over private respondent. dismissed employee.

The mere existence of the power of control is To correct is the plain error committed by
enough to show its compliance with the four- the labor arbiter and NLRC by not awarding
fold test. This is the case with petitioner and the backwages. The Court relaxes strict
same is not negated by the fact the petitioner construction of procedural requirements
does not directly supervise the performance of (private respondent’s failure to appeal for
the private respondent. He works between 7AM backwages) in pursuit of justice. Thus, the
to 4PM within the premises of the petitioner, decision of the labor arbiter and NLRC are
and thus, naturally has to receive supervision modified to include backwages reckoning from
over his work from the petitioner. There are the time private was re-employed until the day
two ways to determine a regular employee, and he was illegally dismissed, as well as other
whichever is applied does not negate the fact benefits entitled to him by law.
that private respondent is a regular employee
by definition - “an employment shall be
deemed to be regular where the employee
has been engaged to perform activities which
are usually necessary or desirable in the usual
business or trade of the employer” and that
“any employee who has rendered at least
one year of service, whether such service is
continuous or broken, shall be considered a
regular employee” (Art. 280, Labor Code).

The petitioners contest that private respondent

is not a regular employee by reason that he
performs a specific job function and only while
the same exists, falling as an exception 1 to Art.
280. The same argument is disproved by
petitioners act of not submitting a mandatory
“report of termination” for their alleged project
employee, private respondent.

(2). Yes.

Due process requires the right to be heard and

to defend himself with the option of counsel,
noted as procedural and substantive due

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