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Tfo 10 vsio-33004/99 REGD. NO. D. L.


21Na' 41---
The Gct%ette of Zfinclia
9-117 3—Z1T-4..gu5 (i)
PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i)

"ciaTWIT uch4lti

T. 798] -1,44-s“ 9, 2018/etAch 18, 1940

No. 798] NEW DELHI, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2018/KARTIKA 18, 1940

Lug 1.4 tut , wff *T‘4,1 fki 4-41,1 i


r, 9 2018

TIT.Tr.f4. 1095(31).— 444 , r 74-4- 414.-t 4-111'1 4 4 411.! (-1 97-f-F 31.14-47-4.1- a1 TT 11 111 '41

(4 ,9-tro fir, 1966*P-74 5 t -3-7-P-71T (3)* 977ZP21T 31-,-)1 - 'A a '.414.F‘v fir 11H91-: 14'411 (#7-.17 #9f1-9,11-9.

R14-1, 2018, 3 d 3y-N--ip-9-1- zr 11,-1 .1,1 11 ,1 ';1-q-14-1- 34P1 .41'111 it ft d I # R13 f ft 31—A- 4 -s4i'v

74TTq-a- 7:.1* 11,;1 ".41;1,1-1. T •31T IT Tr:4 1.-,-111 311 -i1ci 3500 ,•
ft9i-f: 17 •31-11 .1,

2018, TM- %1.-i i." 7-*-6471-4-m, TT

-9-9-r 4
31-N-1 7ft-4-f311-4 A.-1,
11*y 17 3i.-1 ,01, 2018*-Y

3.0. 31-1 44797T \-1.-)717N, 4 4-4fr • ,"41 311'. fea-9-114.1-, 1 r 311-7:

314-1 Tr

31Yr, 3r 4.41 ,71 4 1,1' 41)1 (#7.VTIT) fir, 1986 * P-719- 5 * (3) * M-51- '4 oci (4-4- 9. 7
-44fk-4-4, 1986 (1986 r 29) fr 4-r-47 6 3117 ti-p-r 25 911 ,if r 3,44),1 T-J7k ,-1 ,41-4 (72p--r -r)
1986 4 311-7- * i,-ki,,,aNt ft4v9-rt- t„ 31%-4 -

1. *T ATTTR- (1 ) T,9* f*-41=1- * TT FITT '4'411 q, '41 (#7-3-13T) -11111 7.t9N1-9. ice, 2018 ti

(2) 31- I A 1-11 ..31:t 7-#79T9 Tf-M. 4

2. 1-1 '4 I (T.MTUT) fir, 1986, ci ,11744-1.-1 79111 31----41

-*-1, fir r TRT,-

(i) r #. 2 47 .3071;:1 TWka- *Tr T. 3i1--47:1 V.Pd-T-5-41 '41 0 .1MAI , 3P11-9;:-

65g4 G112018 (I)


writ \iv:Ali RT-447 zri-IT

1 2 3 4
Trr9- - o tq.iti 41 * i'47 1144 q tuilm Tri9--+

"2. gr97-Pgi 'w qRsiict Triffw

4 elui qt.' arilrf q't (pH atrK tiff tic4d At

1 - : ser sil-sIrc mg/I it)

atff: Tratzr f4-41 * qv, tiis

wifi Uff Vir ttitui

pH 6.0-8.5 6.0-8.5 6.0-8.5

Ho-isi2,-...5' .1,
i(1.J,.4v+i) 100 100 100
,-.1 3iti4t79' ftl:riT (BOD-
,4144-itP1 30 100 100

270 C 77 ri - i f)o-I )

' .4, 5 5 15
P.Lort : n4.--ii,i 4cm- ,,-,11,,i, 611-7:1--aci.,),,, R,,..iii-i-J. ,414 51-45,11. 4 4 .7.141-

fl,;':11,1. ft .s-a-: mi4 60% 4 74 -i?,5 i)411

W. qfZmict 4iNct,
44,%ut .1
(Thil I /MO)
i-ffrigI5,,1 4::1411-Ht .-417.- 11 ,1 ,-1-11.11,,1 Trit7 ip-49fr7 50
,t,t4P1-. 711litli ( A,' 1.,,:t.F.1.4, ii-,i ,.N. -0)15.•11 4 ariT)
f:!‘-,-1 uri :
(T) tI ,S licit -1111 49- 5 i ..,•,•9,-.,-1-,Is s' (CS2)
1 if 7-1-

FEtsik-ii .71,..44-,1.- :, (H2S) TT ,.-i 7t-It J1 '-'4D..+Ict

- --cr- 4 10 ppm # -,TR-T. at z:0 4ill
(75) --*fi. .;,-ii -; 47 'ill-•<1.1 71. 11114, F-11 ,Tillyll

H=11 Q0-41-3VSDU,

-.7i- Q-7749- .1,.4-1,--.4-,1, TT ,4f?,:qA 1 1-2,7- kg/hr

VS- 41" .1R. 4-1.-1 +In, mll#WF
A- -ft .,-;

D- --4. TT ,
A-1141, m;

U- t ,,, 4 .1 .1177; rfr. T1FIT 3i11:1r ,11,-1 ,IR


(Tr) 31 Po1-14-.1i., 1998 t. 79-111, Rffra. 944- .:111).

fk(T, Irl \c.,.-1.,1,-1 TT 1,-I14-1 80% t'; 4 4 .1-4-.4mi

aitT ,-IN atT ?All,P1 ;1111 30 lir. 4 TNT ti.

' ..T 30 4-ild,. fr ,1f4T7917 ;,--Ta TT kAligTF R-21T
- if i?--f; # arf)-
.1-1Ilyi1 ET ,..1-R,witi- R- T -;-- i,44-11.1
i-4T 14--11. r, 91-4-1-71-trrq,-f4,11 ,Illyil :-
(i) mft -s.t fr --Wt149-
, t--4rt 'iii 4 4
. Wr

4 34-R91 14-1 .3,7,4 ,A.-1 fr _Tr 7T: 7AT'3,117

'TT ,ii.ii -stqt9: CS2 3,4+31'1 #:. .2i '4 I 7.-
r.cT 4.-14-11.-1 -;)-11i, -t 'F,T) (-31-fii I'M 4 1'7.1 •1
7,7", t- : 34T9IF TT);
[ITT 3(i)] 1-1R-dT J'141 : 3ITITURITT 3

(ii) .Ti ft 47iisii 31 R4.-ishi., 1998 -ft 1iti 01 k.24-4 I A-

3i-N7 .10 11§, Alkyl), 9-11R1
-1-',1 ;3-Tr -41 ft
ei1'--.1d1 ' 7T 31441 *;
(iii) tr P---xi
TIT 4 1,4-1 41,1 •Til 1 iFP:4
- it ,e'Y.-11
, --riti:7-,, AT 1Pk i:t

-3-7749 t Pt,i174-3 ,4)-1* 'r4- it 4-11.11 --411!,4 11 417

7 . fi- :-})111. 77; 4-11,11-, q, :III t i. ,-1 ft Wr7ft f*
, 41.1.1 Tr:T 9t 4 t- ?t. t;
.3 :

(iv) .3S1141 4-i --i ft 1TF-47) 4..igl 'V ( 1 1-11 4AI

11,-1 11'-I, T11-11 P1,1?.1.-11 4,,,,1 ,AR r-oi 1 ,0,411
it 3fri-72 3117 79-27r
1 11;1-, tifT4911- 11,i,
0 P 41 i 141 ft wr*:--'f ab- T9- 4,-;:71 fr .- 3n-f40 wr
P•Liiii, ,i1.-E * Trrq
tFrit9ft.,.4. 1 -.1I .3-11,,,fli; -ft-4r wr 1-11k it 417-41-2
3i17. 79-217 * .--;- (24 ,.f tft Al:m.) T-fifl.
100 pg/m3 -30 150 pg/m3 # 3rf r rie 7).--r4

(ii) T.#. 60, 62 AT 87 NT #*ffa. 11ii i1i ft- ityFui

3. T-Ft P-milt ft 39--1
4r-vi —
) 1-Fr ? ".31-9-R-cF. 4-11.11-)", T.-4. 6 611-J: '374 fiI t. 3frf.
17f" Ain, 3P-1
6 (-T) ni,-4-;14-1 4-141 4-4.14, (Thy-1".) ,441 75 7,3T3P,1 ,-1,1.,1 1411 S,c1
(ii) n,71--;),-, N.,,,i i ii,-.. . 114 (1 I J1.114T-.-s, ) 4:11 i 150 7(3/9 pd.-,
(=i) Fil,„iiri .41 ,- 1 .-,t. . 9-)1 14
i 0 17-3/7ft.79-
(91 411)1, - (I) .1141 (Id) 7ftzir
A' -hi r,1 4
25 TI-53/7P47-
OD 9FT u-P*7Tr
10 7-it3r;rft- ,4-,,i ,14 I

(ii) 'TT W III "4117/3-11-ii 1-11.14," frr 1 414-4:4 u1 41-47. 4-1 -5)-9- w.#. 10(w) *7 64-1
Th4f9)-- 11i P-111 P.-11;)1)71. 31)7 JAPP11 si,1141 ,1 4t •/1114, 3r1 :-

W.Tt. \it; 41 4iiii4 1T9

"1 1 . ,-11.-11F4f-4 ,7iq 'T 3 cii 1 4-11,14.

(T) R4-1-::i .9 4 -1 r.4 4,1,,,,v. t•H,-1 1-t-411,,. 95 ,4.11./:1 ,,...1

,11,Tiri, ‘-i,A-ill... 30 Ri.11./vn•tri 'illy-iv:4-,
(-) i 4-T1,-1 R-iii-it 11 tt.14,1 7.17--, 4-It-A.-FAS ::.-: 200
(41u:4111 -i4-4 _.
ii'i ' '9 ''''''' ":1- '-' 30 1.4,4,11./V1 ,!..1 41 1.,,b1 1
(TO ,' 44.1 ti) < '44-.14 3117 ,111,11,1 (7:1-'''' "5

14-1 (,1,1 . .::i'l ,1 11,41 71:07-1" 314Pit 0.3 ftvr./kAnd.i f?,,--5 ff==--f"
iii 1)
[wr. T. 1-1 15017/40/2011-471
tf. iff49- ,

Perim : ITT t I si '4 , 7$14-11S11 4. 1J1, '4117 It, 7j7 3,TT-4g .'
,- (i) it 77.31T. It. 84404), ifl 19 1986 qN.i
v-*71-49. R-Tr, Tr7 3i-Pd-rr 28 i , 2018 ii 9ri9T.r.ft 593(3t) Trii-rN-
,, F-4,1)


New Delhi, the 9th November, 2018
G.S.R. 1095(E).—Whereas, certain draft rules. namely the Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules, 2018
were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment
(Protection) Rules,1986, vide notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment. Forest and Climate
Change vide number G.S.R. 35(E), dated the 17th January, 2018, inviting objections and suggestions from all persons
likely to be affected thereby within a period of sixty days from the dated on which copies of the Gazette containing the
said notification were made available to the public;
And Whereas, copies of the Gazette containing the aforesaid notification were made available to the public on
the 17th January. 2018;
And Whereas, objections and suggestions received from all persons and stakeholders in response to the aforesaid
notification have been duly considered by the Central Government;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 6 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act.
1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, the Central Government
hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Environment (Protection) Rules. 1986, namely:-
I. Short title and commencement.—(1) These rules may be called the Environment (Protection) Fifth Amendment
Rules, 2018.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986. therein after referred to as the sad rules, in Schedule-l.-

ii) for serial number 2 and the entries relating thereto. the following serial number and entries shall be substituted.

S. No. Industry Parameter Standards

(1) (2) (3) (4)
Environmental Standards for Man-Made Fibre Industry
"2. Man-Made A. Effluent Standards
Fibre Concentration not to exceed, (in mg/1 except for
pH and recovery of
Sodium Sulphate)
Inland Land for Marine
Surface Irrigation Discharge
pH 6.0-8.5 6.0-8.5 6.0-8.5
Suspended Solids (SS) 100 100 100
Biochemical Oxygen 30 100 100
Demand (BOD - 3 days at
27 C)
Zinc 5 5 15
Note: The recovery of Sodium Sulphate shall not be less than
60% in Viscose Staple Fibre and Viscose Filament Yarn units.

B. Emission Standards
Concentration not to exceed,
(in mg/Nm3)
Volatile Organic Compounds 50
including Dimethyl
Formamide and Acrylonitrile
(applicable for Acrylic fibre
units only)
['RFT II—tgu8 3(i)] `qT7 : 5

(a) The concentration of Carbon Disulphide (CS') and
Hydrogen Sulphide (H-,S) in work environment shall not
exceed 10 ppm, individually.
(b) The stack height shall be calculated
H = 11 Q 0m-3 VsDU,
where Q - Emission rate of Carbon Disulphide, kg/hr:
Vs - stack exit velocity, m/sec;
D - diameter of stack, m;
U - Annual average wind speed at top of stack, m/sec.
(c) For new plants built after 31' December, 1998, a minimum
of 80% of total emission shall pass through stacks and if the
calculated stack height is less than 30 metres, a minimum
height of 30 metres shall be provided, and in case there are
more than one stack existing in the plant, following
conditions may be met :-
(i) the required height of all stacks shall be based on the
maximum emission rate in any of the stacks i.e. the
stacks emitting CS-, emission shall be of same heights
(based on the maximum emission rate);
(ii) number of stacks shall not be increased as existing on
31' December, 1998, however, the number of stacks may
be reduced by the industry;
(iii) the distance between two nearest stacks should be at least
three times of height of taller stack, in metres and if
distance between two stacks is less, emission being
emitted through such two stacks shall be considered as a
single point source and height of the stacks shall be
calculated considering emissions are being emitted
through one stack;
(iv) the industry shall install three air quality monitoring
stations on the periphery (within boundary limits) of
plant so as to monitor concentration of CS, and FI,S in
ambient air and the location of these stations shall be
decided in consultation with concerned State Pollution
Control Board, however in any case levels of CS, and
1-12 S (24 hours daily average) shall not exceed 100 ug/ms
and 150ug/nr' respectively.";

(ii) serial numbers 60, 62 and 87 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.
3. In the said rules, in Schedule VI, -
Ii) in Part B "Wastewater Generation Standards". for serial number 6 and the entries relating thereto, the following
serial number and entries shall be substituted, namely:-

S. No. Industry Quantum

"6 (a) Viscose Staple Fibre (VSF) Plant 75 m'/tonne of fibre
(b) Viscose Filament Yarn (VFY) Plant . 150 m3/tonne of fibre
(0 Nylon Polyester 10 m-:/tonne of fibre
(d) Acrylic- (i) Wet Process 25 m'/tonne of fibre
Iii ) Dry Process 10 m3/tonne of fibre.-;

(ii) in Part D.III. "Load/Mass based Standards", after serial number 10A relating to 'Cement Plant without
co-processing' and the entries relating thereto, the following serial number and entries shall be inserted, namely:-

S. No. Industry Parameter Standards

"1 1. Manmade Fibre A. Emission Standards
(a) Viscose Staple Fibre (VSF) Carbon Disulphide 95 kg/ tonne of VSF
Plant Hydrogen Sulphide 30 kg/ tonne of VSF
(b) Viscose Filament Yarn (VFY) Carbon Disulphide 200 kg/ tonne of VFY
Hydrogen Sulphide 30 kg/ tonne of VFY
(c) Rayon, Polyester and Nylon
fabric (Dipping process Plant Ammonia 0.3 kg /tonne of dipped
only) Fabric.".

[F. No. Q-15017/40/2011-CPW]

Dr. A. SENTHIL VEL, Scientist 'G'
Note : The principal rules were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3. Sub-section (i) vide
number S.O. 844(E), dated the 19th November, 1986 and last amended vide notification number G.S.R. 593(E),
dated the 28th June, 2018.

Uploaded by Dtc. of Printing at Government of India Press. Ring Road. Mayapuri. New Delhi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications. Delhi-110054. Digitally signed by
Date: 2018.11.13
KUMAR 16:40:08 +05'30'

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